Hopefully fixed a recurring bug in tryHeadTowardsEnemyCity

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Yair Morgenstern 2019-05-28 23:13:08 +03:00
parent b6512535fb
commit d0cb10abbe

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@ -233,15 +233,14 @@ class UnitAutomation{
.filter { unit.civInfo.isAtWarWith(it) }
.flatMap { it.cities }.asSequence()
.filter { it.location in unit.civInfo.exploredTiles }
.map { it.getCenterTile() }.toList()
if(unit.type.isRanged()) // ranged units don't harm capturable cities, waste of a turn
enemyCities = enemyCities.filterNot { it.getCity()!!.health==1 }
enemyCities = enemyCities.filterNot { it.health==1 }
val closestReachableEnemyCity = enemyCities
.sortedBy { city -> // sort enemy cities by closeness to our cities, and only then choose the first reachable - checking canReach is comparatively very time-intensive!
unit.civInfo.cities.asSequence().map { city.arialDistanceTo(it.getCenterTile()) }.min()!!
.asSequence().map { it.getCenterTile() }
.sortedBy { cityCenterTile -> // sort enemy cities by closeness to our cities, and only then choose the first reachable - checking canReach is comparatively very time-intensive!
unit.civInfo.cities.asSequence().map { cityCenterTile.arialDistanceTo(it.getCenterTile()) }.min()!!
.firstOrNull { unit.movementAlgs().canReach(it) }