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synced 2025-03-13 11:30:31 +07:00
All nations up till Mongols - almost done!
This commit is contained in:
@ -486,6 +486,8 @@
"outerColor": [225,105,0],
"innerColor": [255,255,78],
"unique": "WAYFINDING",
"uniqueName": "Wayfinding",
"uniques": ["Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately", "+1 Sight when embarked", "+[10]% Strength if within 2 tiles of a [Moai]"],
"cities": ["Honolulu","Samoa","Tonga","Nuku Hiva","Raiatea","Aotearoa","Tahiti","Hilo","Te Wai Pounamu","Rapa Nui",
"Tuamotu","Rarotonga","Tuvalu","Tubuai","Mangareva","Oahu","Kiritimati","Ontong Java","Niue","Rekohu",
"Rakahanga","Bora Bora","Kailua","Uvea","Futuna","Rotuma","Tokelau","Lahaina","Bellona","Mungava","Tikopia",
@ -510,6 +512,8 @@
"outerColor": [228,208,43],
"innerColor": [193,21,17],
"uniqueName": "Father Governs Children",
"uniques": ["Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50%"]
"cities": ["Sukhothai","Si Satchanalai","Muang Saluang","Lampang","Phitsanulok","Kamphaeng Pet","Nakhom Chum","Vientiane",
"Nakhon Si Thammarat","Martaban","Nakhon Sawan","Chainat","Luang Prabang","Uttaradit","Chiang Thong","Phrae",
"Nan","Tak","Suphanburi","Hongsawadee","Thawaii","Ayutthuya","Taphan Hin","Uthai Thani","Lap Buri","Ratchasima",
@ -534,6 +538,9 @@
"outerColor": [102,0,0],
"innerColor": [255,102,102],
"uniqueName": "Seven Cities of Gold",
"uniques": ["100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it)",
"Double Happiness from Natural Wonders", "Tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled"]
"cities": ["Madrid","Barcelona","Seville","Cordoba","Toledo","Santiago","Salamanca","Murcia","Valencia","Zaragoza","Pamplona",
"Lugo","Alicante","Càdiz","Eiche","Alcorcon","Burgos","Vigo","Badajoz","La Coruña","Guadalquivir","Bilbao",
@ -558,6 +565,8 @@
"outerColor": [214,145,19],
"innerColor": [90,0,10],
"unique": "RIVER_WARLORD",
"uniqueName": "River Warlord",
"uniques": ["Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities", "Embarked units can defend themselves"]
"cities": ["Gao","Tombouctu","Jenne","Taghaza","Tondibi","Kumbi Saleh","Kukia","Walata","Tegdaoust","Argungu","Gwandu",
@ -581,6 +590,7 @@
"outerColor": [81,0,9],
"innerColor": [255,120,0],
"unique": "MONGOL_TERROR",
"uniques": ["+30% Strength when fighting City-State units and cities", "+[] Movement for all [] units"]
"cities": ["Karakorum","Beshbalik","Turfan","Hsia","Old Sarai","New Sarai","Tabriz","Tiflis","Otrar","Sanchu","Kazan",
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ enum class UniqueAbility(val description: String, val displayName: String) {
FATHER_GOVERNS_CHILDREN("Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50%", "Father Governs Children"),
SEVEN_CITIES_OF_GOLD("100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled.", "Seven Cities of Gold"),
RIVER_WARLORD("Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities. Embarked units can defend themselves.", "River Warlord"),
MONGOL_TERROR("Combat Strength +30% when fighting City-State units or attacking a City-State itself. All mounted units have +1 Movement.", "Mongol Terror"),
MONGOL_TERROR("Strength +30% when fighting City-State units or attacking a City-State itself. All mounted units have +1 Movement.", "Mongol Terror"),
SACRIFICIAL_CAPTIVES("Gain Culture for the empire from each enemy unit killed.", "Sacrificial Captives"),
GREAT_ANDEAN_ROAD("Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills. No maintenance costs for improvements in Hills; half cost elsewhere.", "Great Andean Road"),
VIKING_FURY("+1 Movement to all embarked units, units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark. Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage.", "Viking Fury"),
@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ object BattleDamage {
if(civInfo.goldenAges.isGoldenAge() && civInfo.hasUnique("+10% Strength for all units during Golden Age"))
modifiers["Golden Age"] = 0.1f
if (civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.MONGOL_TERROR && enemy.getCivInfo().isCityState())
modifiers[UniqueAbility.MONGOL_TERROR.displayName] = 0.3f
if (enemy.getCivInfo().isCityState() && civInfo.hasUnique("+30% Strength when fighting City-State units and cities"))
modifiers["vs [City-States]"] = 0.3f
if (civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.GREAT_EXPANSE && civInfo.cities.map { it.getTiles() }.any { it.contains(combatant.getTile()) })
modifiers[UniqueAbility.GREAT_EXPANSE.displayName] = 0.15f
@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ object BattleDamage {
if (defender.unit.isEmbarked()) {
// embarked units get no defensive modifiers apart from this unique
if (defender.unit.hasUnique("Defense bonus when embarked") ||
defender.getCivInfo().nation.unique == UniqueAbility.RIVER_WARLORD)
modifiers[UniqueAbility.RIVER_WARLORD.displayName] = 1f
defender.getCivInfo().hasUnique("Embarked units can defend themselves"))
modifiers["Embarked"] = 1f
return modifiers
@ -220,9 +220,10 @@ object BattleDamage {
|| tile.terrainFeature != Constants.jungle))
modifiers[tile.baseTerrain] = 0.25f
if(unit.getCivInfo().nation.unique == UniqueAbility.WAYFINDING
&& tile.getTilesInDistance(2).any { it.improvement=="Moai" })
modifiers["Moai"] = 0.1f
for(unique in unit.getCivInfo().getMatchingUniques("+[]% Strength if within [] tiles of a []")) {
if (tile.getTilesInDistance(unique.params[1].toInt()).any { it.improvement == unique.params[2] })
modifiers[unique.params[2]] = unique.params[0].toFloat() / 100
if(tile.neighbors.flatMap { it.getUnits() }
.any { it.hasUnique("-10% combat strength for adjacent enemy units") && it.civInfo.isAtWarWith(unit.getCivInfo()) })
@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ class CityInfo {
val baseGold = 20 + 10 * population.population + Random().nextInt(40)
val turnModifier = max(0, min(50, civInfo.gameInfo.turns - turnAcquired)) / 50f
val cityModifier = if (containsBuildingUnique("Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured")) 2f else 1f
val conqueringCivModifier = if (conqueringCiv.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.RIVER_WARLORD) 3f else 1f
val conqueringCivModifier = if (conqueringCiv.hasUnique("Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities")) 3f else 1f
val goldPlundered = baseGold * turnModifier * cityModifier * conqueringCivModifier
return goldPlundered.toInt()
@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class CityStats {
if (cityInfo.isCapital()) stats.food += 3
else stats.food += 1
if (cityInfo.civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.FATHER_GOVERNS_CHILDREN)
if (cityInfo.civInfo.hasUnique("Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50%"))
stats.food *= 1.5f
@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ class CivInfoStats(val civInfo: CivilizationInfo){
if (otherCiv.isCityState() && otherCiv.getCityStateType() == CityStateType.Cultured
&& otherCiv.getDiplomacyManager(civInfo.civName).relationshipLevel() >= RelationshipLevel.Friend) {
val cultureBonus = Stats()
var culture = 3f * (civInfo.getEraNumber()+1)
if(civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.FATHER_GOVERNS_CHILDREN)
var culture = 3f * (civInfo.getEraNumber() + 1)
if (civInfo.hasUnique("Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50%"))
culture *= 1.5f
cultureBonus.add(Stat.Culture, culture)
statMap.add("City-States", cultureBonus)
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ class CivInfoStats(val civInfo: CivilizationInfo){
var happinessPerNaturalWonder = 1f
if (civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.SEVEN_CITIES_OF_GOLD)
if (civInfo.hasUnique("Double Happiness from Natural Wonders"))
happinessPerNaturalWonder *= 2
statMap["Natural Wonders"] = happinessPerNaturalWonder * civInfo.naturalWonders.size
@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ class CivInfoTransientUpdater(val civInfo: CivilizationInfo) {
goldGained += 500
if (civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.SEVEN_CITIES_OF_GOLD) {
if (civInfo.hasUnique("100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it)")) {
if (!discoveredNaturalWonders.contains(tile.naturalWonder!!))
goldGained += 500
else goldGained += 100
@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ class GoldenAgeManager{
var turnsToGoldenAge = 10.0
for(unique in civInfo.getMatchingUniques("Golden Age length increases +50%"))
turnsToGoldenAge *= 1.5
if(civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.ACHAEMENID_LEGACY )
turnsToGoldenAge *= civInfo.gameInfo.gameParameters.gameSpeed.modifier
turnsLeftForCurrentGoldenAge += turnsToGoldenAge.toInt()
civInfo.addNotification("You have entered a Golden Age!", null, Color.GOLD)
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ package com.unciv.logic.civilization
import com.badlogic.gdx.graphics.Color
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.UniqueAbility
import com.unciv.logic.map.MapSize
import com.unciv.logic.map.RoadStatus
import com.unciv.models.ruleset.tech.Technology
@ -22,6 +21,7 @@ class TechManager {
@Transient private var researchedTechUniques = ArrayList<String>()
// MapUnit.canPassThrough is the most called function in the game, and having these extremey specific booleans is or way of improving the time cost
@Transient var wayfinding = false
@Transient var unitsCanEmbark = false
@Transient var embarkedUnitsCanEnterOcean = false
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ class TechManager {
while (!checkPrerequisites.isEmpty()) {
val techToCheck = checkPrerequisites.pop()!!
val techToCheck = checkPrerequisites.pop()
// future tech can have been researched even when we're researching it,
// so...if we skip it we'll end up with 0 techs in the "required techs", which will mean that we don't have anything to research. Yeah.
if (techToCheck.name != Constants.futureTech &&
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class TechManager {
val oldQueue = city.cityConstructions.constructionQueue.toList() // copy, since we're changing the queue
for (constructionName in oldQueue) {
var newConstructionName = constructionName
val newConstructionName = constructionName
if (constructionName in obsoleteUnits) {
val text = "[$constructionName] has been obsolete and will be removed from construction queue in [${city.name}]!"
civInfo.addNotification(text, city.location, Color.BROWN)
@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ class TechManager {
fun updateTransientBooleans() {
val wayfinding = civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.WAYFINDING
wayfinding = civInfo.hasUnique("Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately")
if (researchedTechUniques.contains("Enables embarkation for land units") || wayfinding)
unitsCanEmbark = true
@ -109,9 +109,9 @@ class MapUnit {
if (type.isWaterUnit() && civInfo.hasUnique("+2 movement for all naval units"))
movement += 2
if (type == UnitType.Mounted &&
civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.MONGOL_TERROR)
movement += 1
for (unique in civInfo.getMatchingUniques("+[] Movement for all [] units"))
if (unique.params[1] == type.name)
movement += unique.params[0].toInt()
if (civInfo.goldenAges.isGoldenAge() &&
civInfo.hasUnique("+1 Movement for all units during Golden Age"))
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ class MapUnit {
if (type.isWaterUnit() && !type.isCivilian()
&& civInfo.hasUnique("All military naval units receive +1 movement and +1 sight"))
visibilityRange += 1
if (isEmbarked() && civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.WAYFINDING)
if (isEmbarked() && civInfo.hasUnique("+1 Sight when embarked"))
visibilityRange += 1
val tile = getTile()
if (tile.baseTerrain == Constants.hill && type.isLandUnit()) visibilityRange += 1
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ class MapUnit {
tile.improvement = null
var goldGained = civInfo.getDifficulty().clearBarbarianCampReward * civInfo.gameInfo.gameParameters.gameSpeed.modifier
if (civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.RIVER_WARLORD)
if (civInfo.hasUnique("Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities"))
goldGained *= 3f
civInfo.gold += goldGained.toInt()
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ open class TileInfo {
// Spain doubles tile yield
if (city != null && city.civInfo.nation.unique == UniqueAbility.SEVEN_CITIES_OF_GOLD) {
if (city != null && city.civInfo.hasUnique("Tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled")) {
@ -345,7 +345,7 @@ class UnitMovementAlgorithms(val unit:MapUnit) {
if (tile.isOcean && !unit.civInfo.tech.embarkedUnitsCanEnterOcean)
return false
if (tile.isOcean && unit.civInfo.nation.unique != UniqueAbility.WAYFINDING) {
if (tile.isOcean && unit.civInfo.tech.wayfinding) { // Apparently all Polynesian naval unit can enter oceans
if (unit.cannotEnterOceanTiles) return false
if (unit.cannotEnterOceanTilesUntilAstronomy
&& !unit.civInfo.tech.isResearched("Astronomy"))
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