Translations update (#4996)

* Update (#4991)

* Update (#4989)

* Update

* Update

* Update

Mostly corrected mistakes of the previous translator and translated some of the new strings

* Update (#4988)

* Update (#4979)

* Update German translation (#4974)

* Update German translation

* Update German translation

* Update German translation

* Update German translation

* Update (#4957)

* Update

* Update

* Update

Co-authored-by: CrispyXYZ <>
Co-authored-by: sockybob <>
Co-authored-by: SimonCeder <>
Co-authored-by: Giuseppe D'Addio <>
Co-authored-by: MartinP <>
Co-authored-by: batatasmor <>
This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2021-08-26 17:10:18 +03:00 committed by GitHub
parent 86d1f143d9
commit e442c4dcf1
No known key found for this signature in database
6 changed files with 205 additions and 329 deletions

View File

@ -730,14 +730,11 @@ Hurry Research = Forschung beschleunigen
Conduct Trade Mission = Handelsmission durchführen
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = Deine Handelsmission zu [civName] hat dir [goldAmount] Gold und [influenceAmount] Einfluss eingebracht!
Hurry Wonder = Wunder beschleunigen
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction =
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) =
Hurry Construction = Produktion beschleunigen
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) = Produktion beschleunigen (+[productionAmount])
Spread Religion = Religion verbreiten
Spread [religionName] = [religionName] verbreiten
# Requires translation!
Remove Heresy =
Remove Heresy = Ketzerei entfernen
Found a Religion = Eine Religion gründen
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = Deine Bürger sind so zufrieden mit deiner Herrschaft, dass dein Reich in ein Goldenes Zeitalter eintritt!
You have entered the [newEra]! = Zeitalter [newEra] ist eingeläutet!
@ -4066,8 +4063,7 @@ All healing effects doubled = Alle Heilungseffekte verdoppelt
Slinger Withdraw = Schleuderer-Rückzug
# Requires translation!
Ignore terrain cost =
Ignore terrain cost = Ignoriert Geländekosten
Ignores terrain cost = Ignoriert Geländekosten
@ -4356,14 +4352,11 @@ Great Merchant = Großer Händler
Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = Kann eine Handelsmission mit dem Stadtstaat durchführen, die eine große Summe Gold und [amount] Einfluss gibt.
Great Engineer = Großer Ingenieur
# Requires translation!
Can speed up construction of a building =
Can speed up construction of a building = Kann den Bau eines Gebäudes beschleunigen
Great Prophet = Großer Prophet
# Requires translation!
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet =
# Requires translation!
Can [param] [amount] times =
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet = Kann [tileImprovement] erbauen, solange noch keine anderen Aktionen genutzt wurden
Can [param] [amount] times = Kann [param] [amount] Mal
May found a religion = Darf eine Religion gründen
May enter foreign tiles without open borders = Kann fremde Felder auch ohne offene Grenzen betreten
Religious Unit = Religiöse Einheit
@ -4378,10 +4371,8 @@ Missionary = Missionar
May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there = Kann fremde Felder auch ohne offene Grenzen betreten, aber verliert [amount] religiöse Stärke mit jeder Runde, die er dort steht
Can be purchased with [stat] [cityFilter] = Kann mittels [stat] [cityFilter] gekauft werden
# Requires translation!
Inquisitor =
# Requires translation!
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to =
Inquisitor = Inquisitor
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to = Verhindert die Verbreitung der Religion in der benachbarten Stadt
#################### Lines from Tutorials ####################
@ -4409,14 +4400,12 @@ Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 ti
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population youll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Sobald Städte und deren Einfluss größer werden, musst du mit der Zufriedenheitsmechanik umgehen, welche nicht mehr alle Städte einzeln betrachtet.\nStattdessen ist das Level der Zufriedenheit überall in deiner Zivilation gleich.\nWenn die Städte wachsen, wird es immer schwieriger alle glücklich zu machen.
In addition, you cant even build any city improvements that increase happiness until youve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empires happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass die Technologien erst erforscht werden müssen, die den den Bau von Gebäuden erlauben, welche die Zufriedenheit erhöhen. Sollte das Niveau der Zufriedenheit unter Null sinken, gibt es immer mehr Nachteile.\nSo sinkt die Wachstumsrate der Bevölkerung und Deine Armeen bekommen ein ordentlichen Abzug auf ihre Kampfstärke aufgebrummt. Also achte auf den gelben oder roten Smiley ganz oben auf dem Bildschirm!
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Das bedeutet, dass es sehr schwierig ist, in Unciv schnell zu expandieren.\nEs ist nicht unmöglich, aber als neuer Spieler solltest du es wahrscheinlich nicht tun.\nWas solltest du also tun? Dich entspannen, spähen und das Land, das du hast, durch den Bau von Arbeitern verbessern.\nBaue erst dann neue Städte, wenn du einen Platz gefunden hast, den du für geeignet hältst.
Unhappiness = Unzufriedenheit
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Es scheint, als ob deine Bürger unzufrieden sind!\nUnglückliche Städte wachsen nur ein Viertel so schnell und Einheiten kämpfen je Unzufriedenheit 2% schwächer.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities.\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Unzufriedenhait hat zwei Hauptursachen: Bevölkerung und viele Städte.\nPro Stadt sind 3 Minuspunkte auszugleichen, pro Einwohner einer.
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. =
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. = Es gibt 2 Möglichkeiten, die Unzufriedenheit zu bekämpfen:\n durch den Bau von Gebäuden, die der Bevölkerung Zufriedenheit bringen\n oder durch verbesserte Luxusressourcen innerhalb der eigenen Grenzen.
You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Ein goldenes Zeitalter hat für dich begonnen!\nPunkte für das Goldene Zeitalter werden jede Runde durch die Gesamtzufriedenheit deiner Zivilisation gesammelt.\nIn einem Goldenen Zeitalter steigt die Produktions- und Zufriedenheitsproduktion um +20% und jedes Feld, welches mindestens ein Gold bereit stellt, stellt ein extra Gold zur Verfügung.
@ -4496,8 +4485,7 @@ Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be cr
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = Große Verbesserungen liefern zudem die strategische Ressource unter ihnen. Es gibt also keinen Grund zur Sorge, wenn Ressourcen von ihnen 'verdeckt' sind.
Removing Terrain Features = Geländemerkmale entfernen
# Requires translation!
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. =
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. = Bestimmte Felder haben Geländemerkmale - wie Flussauen oder Wälder. Einige davon, wie Dschungel, Sumpf und Wald, können von Arbeitern entfernt werden.\nDas Entfernen des Geländemerkmals entfernt keine Ressourcen auf dem Feld und ist normalerweise erforderlich, um Verbesserungen hinzuzufügen, die diese Ressourcen erschließen.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Naturwunder wie der Mount Fuji, der Felsen von Gibraltar oder das Great Barrier Reef sind einzigartige Geländeformen, Meisterwerke der Mutter Natur, die außergewöhnliche Qualitäten besitzen, die sich komplett von gewöhnlichem Gelände unterscheiden.\n\nEinheiten können sie nicht betreten, aber Städte können sie bewirtschaften und besondere Erträge erlangen - was vielleicht Grund genug ist, sie bald unter Kontrolle Deines Reichs zu bringen.\n\nAllein ihre Entdeckung erhöht bereits die Zufriedenheit der Bevölkerung.
@ -4523,8 +4511,7 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
: Remaining/per turn movement points, strength and experience / XP needed for promotion. For cities, you get its combat strength. = ⑪: Verbleibende/pro Runde Bewegungspunkte, Stärke und Erfahrung / EP, die für die Beförderung benötigt werden. Für Städte erhältst du ihre Kampfstärke.
: This button closes the selected unit/city info pane. = ⑫: Diese Schaltfläche schließt den ausgewählten Einheit/Stadt-Info-Bereich
: This pane appears when you order a unit to attack an enemy. On top are attacker and defender with their respective base strengths. = ⑬: Dieses Fenster erscheint, wenn du einer Einheit befiehlst, einen Feind anzugreifen. Oben stehen Angreifer und Verteidiger mit ihren jeweiligen Basisstärken.
# Requires translation!
: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. =
: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. = ⑭: Darunter befinden sich Stärkeboni oder -abzüge und Gesundheitsbalken, die vor/nach dem Angriff erscheinen.
: The Attack Button - let blood flow! = ⑮: Die Schaltfläche "Angriff" - Lass das Blut fließen!
: The minimap shows an overview over the world, with known cities, terrain and fog of war. Clicking will position the main map. = ⑯: Die Minimap zeigt eine Übersicht die Welt, mit bekannten Städten, Gelände und Kriegsnebel. Durch Anklicken wird die Hauptkarte verschoben.
: To the side of the minimap are display feature toggling buttons - tile yield, worked indicator, show/hide resources. These mirror setting on the options screen and are hidden if you deactivate the minimap. = ⑰: An der Seite der Minimap befinden sich Schaltflächen zum Umschalten der Anzeigefunktionen - Felderträge, Arbeitersymbole, Ressourcen anzeigen/ausblenden. Diese spiegeln die Einstellung auf dem Optionsbildschirm wieder und werden ausgeblendet, wenn du die Minimap deaktivierst.

View File

@ -730,14 +730,11 @@ Hurry Research = Accelera ricerca
Conduct Trade Mission = Conduci missione commerciale
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = La tua missione commerciale con [civName] ti ha fruttato [goldAmount] Oro e [influenceAmount] Influenza!
Hurry Wonder = Accellera Meraviglia
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction =
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction = Accelera costruzione
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) =
Spread Religion = Diffondi religione
Spread [religionName] = Diffondi [religionName]
# Requires translation!
Remove Heresy =
Remove Heresy = Rimuovi eresia
Found a Religion = Fonda religione
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = I tuoi cittadini sono da tempo contenti del tuo governo! Il tuo impero è entrato in un'Età dell'Oro!
You have entered the [newEra]! = Benvenuto nell'Era [newEra]!
@ -1000,10 +997,8 @@ Found Pantheon = Fonda pantheon
Follow [belief] = Segui [belief]
Religions and Beliefs = Religioni e credenze
Majority Religion: [name] = Religione di prevalenza: [name]
# Requires translation!
+ [amount] pressure =
# Requires translation!
Pressure =
+ [amount] pressure = + [amount] pressione
Pressure = Pressione
# Religion overview screen
Religion Name: = Nome religione
@ -1220,17 +1215,14 @@ Sacred Waters = Acque sacre
Stone Circles = Cerchi di pietra
# Requires translation!
Asceticism =
Asceticism = Asceticismo
Follower = Seguace
# Requires translation!
[stats] from every [building] in cities where this religion has at least [amount] followers =
[stats] from every [building] in cities where this religion has at least [amount] followers = [stats] per ogni [building] nelle città dove questa religione ha almeno [amount]
Cathedrals = Cattedrali
May buy [building] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Puoi acquistare [building] per [amount] [stat] [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
Choral Music =
Choral Music = Cori musicali
Divine inspiration = Ispirazione divina
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] per ogni Meraviglia
@ -1240,8 +1232,7 @@ Feed the World = Nutrire il mondo
Guruship = Guru
[stats] if this city has at least [amount] specialists = [stats] se questa città possiede almeno [amount] Specialisti
# Requires translation!
Liturgical Drama =
Liturgical Drama = Drammaturgia liturgica
Monasteries = Monasteri
@ -1253,13 +1244,10 @@ Peace Gardens = Giardini della pace
Religious Art = Arte religiosa
# Requires translation!
Religious Center =
Religious Center = Centro religioso
# Requires translation!
Religious Community =
# Requires translation!
[amount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [amount2]% =
Religious Community = Comunità religiosa
[amount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [amount2]% = [amount]% [stat] per ogni seguace, fino a [amount2]%
Swords into Ploughshares = Le spade diventano aratri
[amount]% growth [cityFilter] when not at war = [amount]% crescita [cityFilter] quando non sei in guerra
@ -1273,26 +1261,21 @@ Church Property = Proprietà della Chiesa
Initiation Rites = Riti d'iniziazione
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time (modified by game speed) = [stats] quando una città segue questa religione per la prima volta (a seconda della velocità di gioco)
# Requires translation!
Interfaith Dialogue =
# Requires translation!
Interfaith Dialogue = Dialogo interreligioso
When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] =
Quando diffondi una religione a una città, ottieni [stat] pari a [amount] volte la quantità di seguaci di altre religioni
Papal Primacy = Primato papale
Resting point for influence with City-States following this religion [amount] = [amount] Influenza minima per le Città-Stato che seguono questa religione
# Requires translation!
Peace Loving =
# Requires translation!
[stats] for every [amount] global followers [param] =
Peace Loving = Amanti della pace
[stats] for every [amount] global followers [param] = [stats] ogni [amount] seguaci globali [param]
Pilgrimage = Pelligrinaggio
# Requires translation!
Tithe =
Tithe = Decime
# Requires translation!
World Church =
World Church = Chiesa mondiale
#################### Lines from Buildings from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3405,50 +3388,36 @@ Zoroastrianism = Zoroastrismo
#################### Lines from Ruins from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
discover cultural artifacts = artefatti di una civiltà dimenticata che concedono Cultura
# Requires translation!
We have discovered cultural artifacts in the ruins! (+20 culture) =
We have discovered cultural artifacts in the ruins! (+20 culture) = Abbiamo scoperto artefattu di una civiltà dimenticata! (+20 cultura)
# Requires translation!
squatters willing to work for you =
squatters willing to work for you = sopravvissuti che desiderano lavorare per te
# Requires translation!
squatters wishing to settle under your rule =
squatters wishing to settle under your rule = sopravvissuti in cerca di un luogo dove vivere
your exploring unit receives training = punti esperienza per l'unità esploratrice
# Requires translation!
An ancient tribe trained us in their ways of combat! =
An ancient tribe trained us in their ways of combat! = Un'antica tribù ci ha addestrati nelle arti della guerra!
survivors (adds population to a city) = superstiti che si aggiungono alla popolazione di una città
# Requires translation!
We have found survivors in the ruins! Population added to [param]. =
We have found survivors in the ruins! Population added to [param]. = Abbiamo trovato dei superstiti, che si sono aggiunti a [param]!
a stash of gold = una manciata d'oro
# Requires translation!
We have found a stash of [param] Gold in the ruins! =
We have found a stash of [param] Gold in the ruins! = Abbiamo trovato un tesoro di [param] Oro!
discover a lost technology = i segreti di una tecnologia perduta
# Requires translation!
advanced weaponry for your explorer =
# Requires translation!
Our unit finds advanced weaponry hidden in the ruins! =
advanced weaponry for your explorer = armi avanzate per il tuo esploratore
Our unit finds advanced weaponry hidden in the ruins! = Abbiamo trovato delle potenti armi, che ci hanno resi più forti!
# Requires translation!
reveal nearby Barbarian camps =
# Requires translation!
You find evidence of Barbarian activity. Nearby Barbarian camps are revealed! =
reveal nearby Barbarian camps = la posizione di almeno un accampamento barbarico
You find evidence of Barbarian activity. Nearby Barbarian camps are revealed! = Abbiamo scoperto alcuni accampamento dei barbari nelle vicinanze!
find a crudely-drawn map = una mappa rozzamente intagliata
# Requires translation!
discover holy symbols =
# Requires translation!
We have found holy symbols in the ruins, giving us a deeper understanding of religion! (+[param] Faith) =
discover holy symbols = dei simboli sacri
We have found holy symbols in the ruins, giving us a deeper understanding of religion! (+[param] Faith) = Abbiamo trovato dei simboli sacri, che ci hanno donato una miglior conoscenza della religione! (+[param] Fede)
# Requires translation!
an ancient prophecy =
# Requires translation!
We have found an ancient prophecy in the ruins, greatly increasing our spiritual connection! (+[param] Faith) =
an ancient prophecy = un'antica profezia
We have found an ancient prophecy in the ruins, greatly increasing our spiritual connection! (+[param] Faith) = Un'antica profezia ha enormemente incrementato la nostra connessione spirituale! (+[param] Fede)
#################### Lines from Specialists from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -4095,8 +4064,7 @@ All healing effects doubled = Raddoppia gli effetti curativi
Slinger Withdraw = Ritirata Fromboliere
# Requires translation!
Ignore terrain cost =
Ignore terrain cost = Ignora i costi di movimento su terreno
Ignores terrain cost = Ignora i costi di movimento su terreno
@ -4168,8 +4136,7 @@ Slinger = Fromboliere
Work Boats = Chiatta
Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Può entrare nell'oceano solo dopo aver scoperto l'Astronomia
May create improvements on water resources = Può costruire miglioramenti sulle risorse acquatiche
# Requires translation!
Uncapturable =
Uncapturable = Non catturabile
Trireme = Trireme
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Non può entrare nelle caselle oceaniche
@ -4386,14 +4353,11 @@ Great Merchant = Grande Mercante
Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = Può intraprendere una missione commerciale con una Città-Stato, ricavando una gran quantità d'oro e [amount] Influenza
Great Engineer = Grande Ingegnere
# Requires translation!
Can speed up construction of a building =
Can speed up construction of a building = Può accelerare la costruzione di un edificio
Great Prophet = Grande Profeta
# Requires translation!
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet =
# Requires translation!
Can [param] [amount] times =
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet = Può costruire [tileImprovement] se non ha ancora usato un'altra azione
Can [param] [amount] times = Può usare [param] [amount] volte
May found a religion = Può fondare una religione
May enter foreign tiles without open borders = Può entrare nelle caselle straniere senza diritti di passaggio
Religious Unit = Unità religiosa
@ -4408,10 +4372,8 @@ Missionary = Missionario
May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there = Può entrare nelle caselle degli altri senza diritti di passaggio, ma perde [amount] forza religiosa ad ogni turno che finisce lì
Can be purchased with [stat] [cityFilter] = Acquistabile con [stat] [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
Inquisitor =
# Requires translation!
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to =
Inquisitor = Inquisitore
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to = Previene la diffusione della religione alla città nelle sue vicinanze
#################### Lines from Tutorials ####################
@ -4439,14 +4401,12 @@ Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 ti
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population youll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Col crescere delle Città in grandezza e influenza, crescerà anche il territorio a disposizione.\nDovrai però avere a che fare con una meccanica legata all'impero e non alle Città singole. Il tuo intero impero, infatti, condivide lo stesso livello di soddisfazione.\nAll'aumentare della popolazione troverai sempre più difficile mantenerne la felicità.
In addition, you cant even build any city improvements that increase happiness until youve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empires happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Inoltre, per costruire degli edifici che incrementano la Felicità, dovrai ricercarne l'apposita tecnologia.\nControlla la tua Felicità (indicata da un sorriso nella barra superiore dell'interfaccia): se scende sotto lo zero, non solo la tua economia ne avrà da soffrire, ma i tuoi eserciti avranno una spiacevole penalità che li renderà meno efficaci in combattimento.
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Questo rende molto difficile espandersi in fretta in Unciv. Non è impossibile, ma è sconsigliato ai nuovi giocatori.\nÈ dunque meglio calmarsi, esplorare e migliorare la terra in proprio possesso grazie ai Lavoratori, e costruire nuove città solo quando trovi un punto che credi sia adatto.
Unhappiness = Infelicità
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Sembra che i tuoi cittadini siano insoddisfatti dal tuo governo.\nSe il tuo impero è infelice, le città cresceranno a 1/4 della loro velocità, e la Forza delle tue unità verrà penalizzata del 2% ad ogni punto Infelicità.
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities.\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = L'Infelicità è un effetto di due fattori: abitanti e Città.\nOgni città dona 3 punti infelicità, e ogni abitante ne dona 1.
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. =
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. = Due sono i modi per contrastare l'Infelicità: o costruisci edifici che incrementano la felicità locale, o migliori le risorse di lusso nei tuoi confini.
You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Sei entrato in un'Età dell'Oro! Che fortuna!\nI punti Età dell'Oro si accumulano ad ogni turno dalla felicità totale della tua civiltà.\nDurante l'Età dell'Oro, generi il 20% in più di Cultura e Produzione, e ogni casella che frutta minimo un punto Oro ne frutta uno aggiuntivo.
@ -4526,8 +4486,7 @@ Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be cr
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = I Grandi Miglioramenti migliorano anche le risorse strategiche che si trovano sotto di loro, quindi non serve preoccuparti se una risorsa che scoprirai più tardi nel gioco sbucherà nello stesso punto del Grande Miglioramento.
Removing Terrain Features = Rimozione caratteristiche terrene
# Requires translation!
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. =
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. = Alcune caselle possiedono delle caratteristiche di terreno, come Foreste o Pianure allagate. Alcuni di questi strati, come le Giungle, le Paludi e le Foreste, possono essere rimosse dai Lavoratori.\nRimuovere queste caratteristiche non rimuove alcuna risorsa nella casella, ed è solitamente richiesto per aggiungere dei miglioramenti che le sfruttano.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Le Meraviglie Naturali, dei capolavori di Madre Natura come il Monte Fuji, la Rocca di Gibilterra e la Grande Barriera Corallina, sono caratteristiche terrene uniche e impassabili che possiedono qualità eccezionali che le rendono diverse dai soliti terreni.\nBeneficiano di grandi rese di Cultura, Scienza, Oro o Produzione se sfruttate dalle tue Città, e pertanto è una buona idea portarne quante più possibile nei tuoi confini.
@ -4553,8 +4512,7 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
: Remaining/per turn movement points, strength and experience / XP needed for promotion. For cities, you get its combat strength. = Questi sono i punti movimento, Forza ed Esperienza dell'unità, o la forza cittadina se hai selezionato la città.
: This button closes the selected unit/city info pane. = ⑫: Questo tasto chiude il pannello informazioni dell'unità/città selezionata.
: This pane appears when you order a unit to attack an enemy. On top are attacker and defender with their respective base strengths. = ⑬: Questo pannello appare quando ordini a un'unità di attaccare un nemico. In cima si trovano l'attaccante e la difesa con le forze base rispettive.
# Requires translation!
: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. =
: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. = ⑭: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. = ⑭ Sotto si trovano i bonus e/o malus e le barre di salute prima e dopo l'attacco.
: The Attack Button - let blood flow! = ⑮: Premi il tasto Attacca per scatenare l'inferno!
: The minimap shows an overview over the world, with known cities, terrain and fog of war. Clicking will position the main map. = ⑯: La minimappa mostra una panoramica sul mondo, con il terreno, le città e la nebbia di guerra note. Cliccaci sopra per posizionarvi la mappa principale.
: To the side of the minimap are display feature toggling buttons - tile yield, worked indicator, show/hide resources. These mirror setting on the options screen and are hidden if you deactivate the minimap. = ⑰: Ai lati della minimappa sono visualizzati i tasti che mostrano o nascondono la resa, le risorse e i lavoratori delle caselle. Scompaiono se disattivi la minimappa.

View File

@ -158,8 +158,7 @@ Protected by = Protegido por
Revoke Protection = Revogar proteção
Pledge to protect = Compromete-te a proteger
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Declarar proteção de [cityStateName]?
# Requires translation!
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) =
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Constrói [improvementName] em [resourceName] (200 Ouros)
# Requires translation!
Gift Improvement =
@ -305,24 +304,15 @@ No human players selected! = Sem jogadores humanos selecionados!
Mods: = Mods
Base ruleset mods: = Mod do conjunto das regras básicas
Extension mods: = Mods de extensão
# Requires translation!
Base Ruleset =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Techs =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Nations =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Units =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Buildings =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Resources =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Improvements =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Religions =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Beliefs =
Base Ruleset = Conjunto de regras básicas
[amount] Techs = [amount] Tecnologias
[amount] Nations = [amount] Nações
[amount] Units = [amount] Unidades
[amount] Buildings = [amount] Construções
[amount] Resources = [amount] Recursos
[amount] Improvements = [amount] Melhorias
[amount] Religions = [amount] Religiões
[amount] Beliefs = [amount] Crenças
World Wrap = World Wrap
World wrap maps are very memory intensive - creating large world wrap maps on Android can lead to crashes! = Mapas de world wrap consomem muita memória - criar grandes mapas de world wrap no Android pode causar travamentos!
@ -540,13 +530,10 @@ Our [name] took [tileDamage] tile damage and was destroyed = O nosso [name] sofr
Our [name] took [tileDamage] tile damage = O nosso [name] sofreu [tileDamage] de dano
[civName] has adopted the [policyName] policy = [civName] adotou a política [policyName]
An unknown civilization has adopted the [policyName] policy = Uma civilização desconhecida adotou a política [policyName]
Our influence with City-States has started dropping faster! = A nossa influência com as cidades-estado começou a cair mais rápido!
# Requires translation!
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to [cityName] =
# Requires translation!
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city =
# Requires translation!
Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! =
Our influence with City-States has started dropping faster! = A nossa influência com as cidades-estado começou a cair rapidamente!
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to [cityName] = Ganhaste [Stats] conforme a tua religião espalhou-se para [cityName]
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city = Ganhaste [Stats] quando a tua religião espalhou-se para uma cidade desconhecida
Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = A tua cidade [cityName] converteu-se ao [religionName]
# Requires translation!
Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! =
@ -646,10 +633,8 @@ Raze city = Queimar a cidade
Stop razing city = Parar de queimar a cidade
Buy for [amount] gold = Comprar por [amount] ouro
Buy = Comprar
# Requires translation!
Currently you have [amount] [stat]. =
# Requires translation!
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? =
Currently you have [amount] [stat]. = Atualmente tens [amount] [stat]
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? = Queres comprar um [constructionName] por [buildingGoldCost] [stat]?
No space available to place [unit] near [city] = Não há espaço disponível para colocar [unit] perto do(a/e) [city]
Maintenance cost = Custo de manutenção
Pick construction = Escolher construção
@ -963,16 +948,14 @@ Change map to fit selected ruleset? = Alterar o mapa para se ajustar ás regras
# Civilopedia difficulty levels
Player settings = Definições de Jogador
Base Happiness = Felicidade Base
# Requires translation!
Extra happiness per luxury =
Extra happiness per luxury = Felicidade extra por luxo
Research cost modifier = Modificador de custo de pesquisa
Unit cost modifier = Modificador de custo de uma unidade
Building cost modifier = Modificador de custo de uma construção
Policy cost modifier = Modificador de custo de uma política
Unhappiness modifier = Modificador de infelicidade
Bonus vs. Barbarians = Bónus vs. Bárbaros
# Requires translation!
Bonus starting units =
Bonus starting units = Unidades iniciais bónus
AI settings = Definições da IA
AI city growth modifier = Modificador de crescimento de uma cidade da IA
@ -982,12 +965,9 @@ AI wonder cost modifier = Modificador de custo de uma maravilha da IA
AI building maintenance modifier = Modificador de manutenção de edifícios da AI
AI unit maintenance modifier = Modificador de manutenção de uma unidade da AI
AI unhappiness modifier = Modificador de infelicidade da IA
# Requires translation!
AI free techs =
# Requires translation!
Major AI civilization bonus starting units =
# Requires translation!
City state bonus starting units =
AI free techs = Tecnologias grátis da IA
Major AI civilization bonus starting units = Principais unidades iniciais de bóus de civilização da IA
City state bonus starting units = Unidades iniciais de bóus de cidade-estado
Turns until barbarians enter player tiles = Vira até que os bárbaros entrem nos blocos dos jogadores
Gold reward for clearing barbarian camps = Recompensa de ouro por limpares campos de bárbaros
@ -1022,22 +1002,15 @@ Found Religion = Religião encontrada
Found Pantheon = Pantheon encontrado
Follow [belief] = Seguir [belief]
Religions and Beliefs = Religiões e Crenças
# Requires translation!
Majority Religion: [name] =
# Requires translation!
+ [amount] pressure =
# Requires translation!
Pressure =
Majority Religion: [name] = Religião majoritária: [name]
+ [amount] pressure = + [amount] de pressão
Pressure = Pressão
# Religion overview screen
# Requires translation!
Religion Name: =
# Requires translation!
Founding Civ: =
# Requires translation!
Cities following this religion: =
# Requires translation!
Click an icon to see the stats of this religion =
Religion Name: = Nome da Religião
Founding Civ: = Civ fundador:
Cities following this religion: = Cidades que seguem esta religião:
Click an icon to see the stats of this religion = Clica num ícone para ver as estatísticas desta religião
# Terrains
@ -1187,13 +1160,9 @@ in all cities connected to capital = em todas as cidades conectadas á capital
in all cities with a garrison = em todas as cidade com tropas
# Uniques not found in JSON files
# Requires translation!
Only available after [] turns =
# Requires translation!
This Unit upgrades for free =
# Requires translation!
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time =
Only available after [] turns = Disponível apenas depois de [] turnos
This Unit upgrades for free = Esta unidade é atualizada gratuitamente
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time = [stats] quando uma cidade adota esta religião pela primeira vez
#################### Lines from Beliefs from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -1251,19 +1220,14 @@ Sacred Waters = Águas Sagradas
Stone Circles = Círculo de pedras
# Requires translation!
Asceticism =
Asceticism = Ascese
Follower = Seguidor
# Requires translation!
[stats] from every [building] in cities where this religion has at least [amount] followers =
[stats] from every [building] in cities where this religion has at least [amount] followers = [stats] de cada [building] nas cidades onde esta religião tem pelo menos [amount] seguidores
# Requires translation!
Cathedrals =
# Requires translation!
May buy [building] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] =
Cathedrals = Catedrais
May buy [building] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Pode comprar edifícios [building] por [amount] [stat] [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
Choral Music =
Choral Music = Música Coral
Divine inspiration = Inspiração divina
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] de todas as maravilhas
@ -1274,61 +1238,41 @@ Feed the World = Alimenta o mundo
Guruship =
# Requires translation!
[stats] if this city has at least [amount] specialists =
Liturgical Drama = Drama Litúrgico
# Requires translation!
Liturgical Drama =
Monasteries = Mosteiro
# Requires translation!
Monasteries =
Mosques = Mesquitas
# Requires translation!
Mosques =
# Requires translation!
Pagodas =
Pagodas = Pagodes
Peace Gardens = Jardins da paz
Religious Art = Arte Religiosa
# Requires translation!
Religious Center =
Religious Center = Centro Religioso
# Requires translation!
Religious Community =
# Requires translation!
[amount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [amount2]% =
Religious Community = Comunidade Religiosa
[amount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [amount2]% = [amount]% [stat] de cada seguidor, até [amount2]%
Swords into Ploughshares = Espadas em relhas de arado
[amount]% growth [cityFilter] when not at war = [amount]% de crescimento [cityFilter] quando não está em guerra
[amount]% growth [cityFilter] when not at war = [amount]% de crescimento [cityFilter] quando não estás em guerra
Ceremonial Burial = Enterro Cerimonial
Founder = Fundador
[stats] for each global city following this religion = [stats] para cada cidade global que segue esta religião
# Requires translation!
Ceremonial Burial =
# Requires translation!
Founder =
# Requires translation!
[stats] for each global city following this religion =
Church Property = Propriedade da Igreja
# Requires translation!
Church Property =
Initiation Rites = Ritos de iniciação
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time (modified by game speed) = [stats] quando uma cidade adota esta religião pela primeira vez (modificado pela velocidade do jogo)
# Requires translation!
Initiation Rites =
# Requires translation!
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time (modified by game speed) =
Interfaith Dialogue = Diálogo inter-religioso
When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] = Ao divulgar a religião para uma cidade, ganha [amount] vezes a quantidade de seguidores de outras religiões como [stat]
# Requires translation!
Interfaith Dialogue =
# Requires translation!
When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] =
Papal Primacy = Primazia Papal
Resting point for influence with City-States following this religion [amount] = Ponto de descanso para influência com cidades-estado que seguem esta religião [amount]
# Requires translation!
Papal Primacy =
# Requires translation!
Resting point for influence with City-States following this religion [amount] =
# Requires translation!
Peace Loving =
Peace Loving = Amante da paz
# Requires translation!
[stats] for every [amount] global followers [param] =

View File

@ -158,8 +158,8 @@ Protected by = Под защитой
Revoke Protection = Снять защиту
Pledge to protect = Пообещать защиту
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? = Объявить о защите [cityStateName]?
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Постройте [improvementName] на [resourceName] (200 Золота)
Gift Improvement = Улучшение подарков
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) = Построить [improvementName] на [resourceName] (200 Золота)
Gift Improvement = Подарить Улучшение
Cultured = Культурный
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Width = Ширина
Radius = Радиус
Enable Religion = Включить Религию
Advanced Settings = Расширенные настройки
Advanced Settings = Дополнительные Настройки
RNG Seed = Сид
Map Height = Гористоcть
Temperature extremeness = Температура
@ -303,14 +303,14 @@ Mods: = Моды:
Base ruleset mods: = Моды - наборы правил:
Extension mods: = Моды - расширения:
Base Ruleset = Базовый набор правил
[amount] Techs = [amount] Техника
[amount] Nations = [amount] Нации
[amount] Units = [amount] Юниты
[amount] Buildings = [amount] Здания
[amount] Resources = [amount] Ресурсы
[amount] Improvements = [amount] Улучшения
[amount] Religions = [amount] Религии
[amount] Beliefs = [amount] Верования
[amount] Techs = [amount] Технологий
[amount] Nations = [amount] Наций
[amount] Units = [amount] Юнитов
[amount] Buildings = [amount] Зданий
[amount] Resources = [amount] Ресурсов
[amount] Improvements = [amount] Улучшений
[amount] Religions = [amount] Религий
[amount] Beliefs = [amount] Верований
World Wrap = Круглый Мир
World wrap maps are very memory intensive - creating large world wrap maps on Android can lead to crashes! = "Круглый мир" очень требователен к памяти - создание большой карты на Android может привести к вылетам!
@ -529,10 +529,10 @@ Our [name] took [tileDamage] tile damage = Наш [name] получил [tileDam
[civName] has adopted the [policyName] policy = [civName] принимает общественный институт [policyName]
An unknown civilization has adopted the [policyName] policy = Неизвестная цивилизация принимает общественный институт [policyName]
Our influence with City-States has started dropping faster! = Наше влияние на Города-Государства стало уменьшаться быстрее!
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to [cityName] = Вы получили [Stats] по мере того, как ваша религия распространилась на [cityName]
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city = Вы получили [Stats] Поскольку ваша религия распространилась в неизвестном городе
Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = Ваш город [cityName] был обращен в [religionName]!
Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! = Ваш [unitName] потерял веру, слишком долго пробыв на вражеской территории!
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to [cityName] = Вы получили [Stats] поскольку ваша религия распространилась на [cityName]
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city = Вы получили [Stats] поскольку ваша религия распространилась на неизвестный город
Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! = Ваш город [cityName] был обращён в [religionName]!
Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! = Ваш [unitName] потерял веру поскольку слишком долго находился на вражеской территории!
# World Screen UI
@ -631,9 +631,9 @@ Stop razing city = Остановить разрушение города
Buy for [amount] gold = Купить за [amount] золота
Buy = Купить
# Requires translation!
Currently you have [amount] [stat]. =
Currently you have [amount] [stat]. = В данный момент у вас имеется [amount] [stat].
# Requires translation!
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? =
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? = Вы хотите купить [constructionName] за [buildingGoldCost] [stat]?
No space available to place [unit] near [city] = Возле г. [city] нет места, чтобы разместить юнит [unit]
Maintenance cost = Стоимость обслуживания
Pick construction = Выбрать здание
@ -733,13 +733,13 @@ Conduct Trade Mission = Провести Торговую Сделку
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = Торговая сделка с городом-государством [civName] принесла вам [goldAmount] золота и [influenceAmount] влияния!
Hurry Wonder = Ускорить Постройку Чуда
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction =
Hurry Construction = Ускорить Строительство
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) =
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) = Ускорить Строительство (+[productionAmount])
Spread Religion = Распостранить Религию
Spread [religionName] = Распостранить [religionName]
# Requires translation!
Remove Heresy =
Remove Heresy = Устранить Ересь
Found a Religion = Основать Религию
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = Граждане настолько счастливы, что ваша империя вступает в золотой век!
You have entered the [newEra]! = Вы вошли в эпоху [newEra]!
@ -838,14 +838,14 @@ Branches completed = Ветвей завершено
Undefeated civs = Непобежденные цивилизации
# The \n here means: put a newline (enter) here. If this is omitted, the sidebox in the diplomacy overview will become _really_ wide.
# Feel free to replace it with a space and put it between other words in your translation
Turns until the next\ndiplomacy victory vote: [amount] = Ходов до следующего голосования\nдля дипломатической победы: [amount]
Turns until the next\ndiplomacy victory vote: [amount] = Ходов до следующего голосования\nдипломатической победы: [amount]
Choose a civ to vote for = Выберите цивилизацию, за которую хотите проголосовать
Choose who should become the world leader and win a diplomatic victory! = Выбери, кто должен стать мировым лидером и одержать дипломатическую победу!
Choose who should become the world leader and win a diplomatic victory! = Выберите, кто должен стать мировым лидером и одержать дипломатическую победу!
Voted for = Проголосовал за
Vote for [civilizationName] = Голосовать за [civilizationName]
Vote for [civilizationName] = Проголосовать за [civilizationName]
Continue = Продолжить
Abstained = Воздержаться
Vote for World Leader = Голосовать за мирового лидера
Abstained = Воздержался
Vote for World Leader = Проголосуйте за Мирового Лидера
# Capturing a city
@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ Change map to fit selected ruleset? = Изменить карту, чтобы о
# Civilopedia difficulty levels
Player settings = Настройки игрока
Base Happiness = Базовый уровень счастья
Extra happiness per luxury = Дополнительное счастье за роскошь
Extra happiness per luxury = Дополнительное счастье за редкий ресурс
Research cost modifier = Модификатор стоимости исследования
Unit cost modifier = Модификатор стоимости юнитов
Building cost modifier = Модификатор стоимости зданий
@ -965,8 +965,8 @@ AI building maintenance modifier = Модификатор содержания
AI unit maintenance modifier = Модификатор содержания юнитов ИИ
AI unhappiness modifier = Модификатор несчастья ИИ
AI free techs = Бесплатные технологии ИИ
Major AI civilization bonus starting units = Стартовые юниты с основными бонусами цивилизаци ИИ
City state bonus starting units = Бонусные начальные юниты городов-государств
Major AI civilization bonus starting units = Бонусные стартовые юниты для ИИ цивилизаций
City state bonus starting units = Бонусные стартовые юниты городов-государств
Turns until barbarians enter player tiles = Кол-во ходов до того, как варвары ступят на территорию игрока
Gold reward for clearing barbarian camps = Золото за уничтожение лагеря варваров
@ -1003,15 +1003,15 @@ Follow [belief] = Выбрать [belief]
Religions and Beliefs = Религии и Верования
Majority Religion: [name] = Религия Большинства: [name]
# Requires translation!
+ [amount] pressure =
+ [amount] pressure = + [amount] давления
# Requires translation!
Pressure =
Pressure = Давление
# Religion overview screen
Religion Name: = Название Религии:
Founding Civ: = Учредительная Цивилизация:
Founding Civ: = Основано цивилизацией:
Cities following this religion: = Города, исповедующие эту религию:
Click an icon to see the stats of this religion = Щелкните значок, чтобы просмотреть статистику этой религии
Click an icon to see the stats of this religion = Нажмите на значок, чтобы просмотреть статистику этой религии
# Terrains
@ -1124,8 +1124,8 @@ Next page = Следующая страница
Open Github page = Открыть страницу на GitHub
Permanent audiovisual mod = Перманентный аудиовизуальный мод
Installed = Установлено
Downloaded! = Установлено!
[modName] Downloaded! = [modName] Установлен!
Downloaded! = Загружено!
[modName] Downloaded! = [modName] Загружен!
Could not download [modName] = Не удалось скачать [modName]
Online query result is incomplete = Результат онлайн запроса неполный
No description provided = Описания нет
@ -1163,8 +1163,8 @@ in all cities with a garrison = во всех городах с гарнизон
# Uniques not found in JSON files
Only available after [] turns = Доступно только после [] хода
This Unit upgrades for free = Этот Юнит получил повышение бесплатно
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time = [stats] когда город впервые принял эту религию
This Unit upgrades for free = Улучшение этого юнита - бесплатно
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time = [stats] когда город впервые принимает эту религию
#################### Lines from Beliefs from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -1223,16 +1223,16 @@ Sacred Waters = Священные Воды
Stone Circles = Каменные Круги
# Requires translation!
Asceticism =
Follower = Последователи
Asceticism = Аскетизм
Follower = Последователь
# Requires translation!
[stats] from every [building] in cities where this religion has at least [amount] followers =
[stats] from every [building] in cities where this religion has at least [amount] followers = [stats] от каждого [building] в городах где эта религия имеет по крайней мере [amount] последователей
Cathedrals = Соборы
May buy [building] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Можно покупать [building] здания для [amount] [stat] [cityFilter]
May buy [building] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Может покупать [building] здания за [amount] [stat] [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
Choral Music =
Choral Music = Хоралы
Divine inspiration = Божественное вдохновение
[stats] from every Wonder = [stats] с каждого чуда.
@ -1243,7 +1243,7 @@ Guruship = Наставничество
[stats] if this city has at least [amount] specialists = [stats] если в городе есть по крайней мере [amount] специалистов
# Requires translation!
Liturgical Drama =
Liturgical Drama = Литургическая Драма
Monasteries = Монастыри
@ -1266,35 +1266,35 @@ Religious Community =
Swords into Ploughshares = Мечи на Орала
[amount]% growth [cityFilter] when not at war = [amount]% к росту [cityFilter] в мирное время
Ceremonial Burial = Церемониальное захоронение
Ceremonial Burial = Ритуальное Погребение
Founder = Основатель
[stats] for each global city following this religion = [stats] для каждого города исповедующего эту религию
[stats] for each global city following this religion = [stats] за каждый чужой город, следующий этой религии
Church Property = Церковная собственность
Church Property = Церковная Собственность
Initiation Rites = Обряды посвещения
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time (modified by game speed) = [stats] когда город впервые принял эту религию (зависит от скорости игры)
Initiation Rites = Обряды Посвящения
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time (modified by game speed) = [stats] когда город впервые принимает эту религию (зависит от скорости игры)
# Requires translation!
Interfaith Dialogue =
Interfaith Dialogue = Межконфессиональный Диалог
# Requires translation!
When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] =
Papal Primacy = Папское первенство
Resting point for influence with City-States following this religion [amount] = Повышения очков влияния на города-государства исповедующие эту религию [amount]
Papal Primacy = Папское Верховенство
Resting point for influence with City-States following this religion [amount] = [amount] к стандартному значению влияния на Города-Государства, следующие этой религии
# Requires translation!
Peace Loving =
Peace Loving = Миролюбие
# Requires translation!
[stats] for every [amount] global followers [param] =
[stats] for every [amount] global followers [param] = [stats] за каждые [amount] иностранных последователей [param]
Pilgrimage = Паломничество
# Requires translation!
Tithe =
Tithe = Десятина
# Requires translation!
World Church =
World Church = Всемирная Церковь
#################### Lines from Buildings from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -1534,7 +1534,7 @@ Public School = Школа
Factory = Завод
'To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.' - Leonard Bernstein = 'Для великих свершений потребны две вещи: план действий и недостаток времени.' - Леонард Бернстайн
[stat] cost of purchasing items in cities [amount]% = [stat] стоимость покупки вещей в городах [amount]%
[stat] cost of purchasing items in cities [amount]% = [amount]% к стоимости покупок в городах за [stat]
Big Ben = Биг-Бен
Military Academy = Военная Академия
@ -1607,9 +1607,9 @@ SS Booster = Ракета-носитель КК
Spaceship Factory = Завод Космических Кораблей
'More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations.' - Kofi Annan = «Более чем когда-либо в истории человечества мы разделяем общую судьбу. Мы сможем справиться с этим, только если столкнемся с этим вместе. И поэтому у нас есть Организация Объединенных Наций ». - Кофи Аннан
Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory = Причины голосования за дипломатическую победу
Hidden when [param] Victory is disabled = Скрыты когда [param] победа отключена
'More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations.' - Kofi Annan = 'Сейчас мы больше, чем когда-либо раньше, связаны общей судьбой. Мы выстоим перед ней, только если встретим её вместе. Именно для этого и нужна ООН.' - Кофи Аннан
Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory = Начинает голосование за Дипломатическую Победу
Hidden when [param] Victory is disabled = Скрыто когда [param] Победа отключена
United Nations = ООН
SS Engine = Двигатель КК
@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@ Triggers a global alert upon build start = Вызывает глобальное
Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Культурная победа при завершении
Utopia Project = Проект Утопия
Cathedral = Кафедральный собор
Cathedral = Собор
Monastery = Монастырь
@ -3403,7 +3403,7 @@ Taoism = Даосизм
Tengriism = Тенгрианство
Zoroastrianism = Зоорастизм
Zoroastrianism = Зороастризм
#################### Lines from Ruins from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
@ -3644,7 +3644,7 @@ Lasers = Лазеры
'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = 'Ночь прошла, а день приблизился: итак отвергнем дела тьмы и облечемся в оружия света.' - Послание к Римлянам, 13:12
Globalization = Глобализация
'The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.' - Marshall McLuhan = «Новая электронная взаимозависимость воссоздает мир по образу глобальной деревни». - Маршалл Маклюэн
'The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.' - Marshall McLuhan = 'Новая электронная взаимозависимость воссоздает мир в образе глобальной деревни.' - Маршалл Маклюэн
Particle Physics = Физика Элементарных Частиц
'Every particle of matter is attracted by or gravitates to every other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the squares of their distances.' - Isaac Newton = 'Две частицы притягиваются друг к другу с силой, прямо пропорциональной произведению масс и обратно пропорциональной квадрату расстояния между ними.' - Исаак Ньютон
Nuclear Fusion = Ядерный Синтез

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@ -714,12 +714,12 @@ Adjacent units = 相邻单位
Adjacent enemy units = 相邻敌方单位
Combat Strength = 战斗力
Across river = 穿过河流
Temporary Bonus = 临时奖金
Temporary Bonus = 临时加成
Garrisoned unit = 驻守单位
Attacking Bonus = 攻击奖赏
Attacking Bonus = 攻击加成
defence vs [unitType] = 防御 vs [unitType]
[tileFilter] defence = [tileFilter] 防御
Defensive Bonus = 防御奖赏
[tileFilter] defence = [tileFilter] 防御
Defensive Bonus = 防御加成
Stacked with [unitType] = 与[unitType]单位叠放
The following improvements [stats]: = 下列设施[stats]
@ -730,15 +730,12 @@ Hurry Research = 加速科技研究
Conduct Trade Mission = 拓展贸易
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = 您与[civName]拓展贸易获得 [goldAmount] 金钱和 [influenceAmount] 影响力!
Hurry Wonder = 加速奇观建造
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction =
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) =
Hurry Construction = 加速建造/组建
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) = 加速建造/组建(+[productionAmount]
Spread Religion = 传播宗教
Spread [religionName] = 宗教[religionName]
# Requires translation!
Remove Heresy =
Found a Religion = 发现了一个宗教
Remove Heresy = 清除异端
Found a Religion = 创建一个宗教
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = 人民为您英明领导下取得的丰功伟绩欢欣鼓舞,您的帝国进入了黄金时代!
You have entered the [newEra]! = 您已进入了[newEra]
[civName] has entered the [eraName]! = [civName]已经进入了[eraName]
@ -4066,8 +4063,7 @@ All healing effects doubled = 所有生命回复效果加倍
Slinger Withdraw = 抛石手撤退
# Requires translation!
Ignore terrain cost =
Ignore terrain cost = 所有地形都只消耗 1 移动力
Ignores terrain cost = 所有地形都只消耗 1 移动力
@ -4356,16 +4352,13 @@ Great Merchant = 大商业家
Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = 可以拓展与城邦的贸易,获得大笔金钱和[amount]影响力
Great Engineer = 大工程师
# Requires translation!
Can speed up construction of a building =
Can speed up construction of a building = 可以加速建筑物的建造
Great Prophet = 大先知
# Requires translation!
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet =
# Requires translation!
Can [param] [amount] times =
May found a religion = 可发现一个宗教
May enter foreign tiles without open borders = 可进入未开放的外国领土
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet = 闲置时可以建造[tileImprovement]
Can [param] [amount] times = 可以[param][amount]次
May found a religion = 可创建一个宗教
May enter foreign tiles without open borders = 可进入未开放的异国领土
Religious Unit = 宗教单位
Great General = 大军事家
@ -4375,13 +4368,11 @@ Khan = 汗
Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = 相邻的所有单位每回合额外回复15生命值
Missionary = 传教士
May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there = 可进入未开放的外国领土,但是在外国领土结束回合时失去[amount]宗教力量
May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there = 可进入未开放边界的外国领土,但是在外国领土结束回合时失去[amount]宗教力量
Can be purchased with [stat] [cityFilter] = 可在[stat][cityFilter]购买
# Requires translation!
Inquisitor =
# Requires translation!
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to =
Inquisitor = 审判官
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to = 阻止紧邻城市的宗教传播
#################### Lines from Tutorials ####################
@ -4409,14 +4400,12 @@ Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 ti
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population youll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = 随着城市规模扩大,城市的可工作地块也会变得越来越多。\n这时你将不得不面对游戏中关于“快乐”的机制。在游戏中快乐的产出是所有城市总和计算\n快乐的消耗则由城市数量和人口数量决定。\n随着城市数量的增加和城市人口的增长您将会很快发现保持你的文明始终处于快乐是一件越来越难的事。
In addition, you cant even build any city improvements that increase happiness until youve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empires happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = 此外,在未研发相关科技前您将无法建造任何能增加快乐的建筑、奇观和开发可以增加快乐的奢侈资源。\n如果您的文明处于不满将会极大地减慢城市发展速度。\n如果文明的不满状态非常严重(顶部信息栏用一个“哭脸”标示)\n您的部队战斗力将会有极大的减成。
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = 这意味着在Unciv中很难快速扩张。\n这不是不可能的但作为一名新玩家您可能不应该这样做。\n那么您应该怎么做通过建筑工人来放松、侦察并改善您拥有的土地。\n一旦您找到了一个您认为合适的地点就要建造新的城市。
Unhappiness = 不满
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = 看来您的市民不太高兴!\n因为不满(快乐为负),城市的食物产出将-75%\n每1点不满会使您的单位战斗力-2%。
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities.\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = 产生不满的原因有两个:人口数和城市数,\n每座城市产生3点不满每个市民产生1点不满。
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. =
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. = 有两种主要的方法来消除不满:\n为您的人民建造能增加快乐的建筑物\n或在您的境内改善奢侈资源。
You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = 您的文明进入了一个黄金时代!\n您的快乐每个回合都会积累\n当快乐积累到一定数值就会开启一个黄金时代。\n在黄金时代文化和产能产出+20%\n每个至少产出1金钱的地块将额外提供1金钱。
@ -4496,8 +4485,7 @@ Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be cr
Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = 伟人设施同时还有开发其所在地块战略资源的功能,所以请不必担心伟人设施所在地块的战略资源开发问题!
Removing Terrain Features = 清除地貌
# Requires translation!
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. =
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. = 某些地块含有地貌,如冲积平原或森林。其中一些图层(如丛林、沼泽和森林)可以由工人清除。\n清除地貌不会删除地块中的任何资源通常需要清楚地貌才能添加利用这些资源的设施。
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = 富士山、直布罗陀巨岩和大堡礁等自然奇观,都是独特的、无法通行的地貌,是大自然母亲的杰作,具有不同于一般地形的非凡品质。\n开发它们会为你带来大量的文化、科研、金钱或产能收益这就是为什么需要尽快将其纳入你的帝国的原因。
@ -4523,8 +4511,7 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
: Remaining/per turn movement points, strength and experience / XP needed for promotion. For cities, you get its combat strength. = ⑪: 单位的基础移动力和剩余移动力、战斗力、单位已获得的经验值和晋升需要的经验值。对于城市,此处将显示城市的战斗力和轰击战斗力。
: This button closes the selected unit/city info pane. = ⑫: 此按钮用于关闭单位/城市信息面板。
: This pane appears when you order a unit to attack an enemy. On top are attacker and defender with their respective base strengths. = ⑬: 当您命令一个单位攻击敌人时,会出现此面板。面板上方显示了攻击方和防御方,以及它们各自的基础战斗力。
# Requires translation!
: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. =
: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. = ⑭: 下面是攻击前/后的生命值条和力量加成或惩罚。
: The Attack Button - let blood flow! = ⑮: 攻击按钮 - 一旦发动,浮尸千里,血流成河!
: The minimap shows an overview over the world, with known cities, terrain and fog of war. Clicking will position the main map. = ⑯: 小地图可概览整个世界地图,包括已知城市、地形和战争迷雾。点击小地图上某一点,世界地图将直接定位到对应的具体位置。
: To the side of the minimap are display feature toggling buttons - tile yield, worked indicator, show/hide resources. These mirror setting on the options screen and are hidden if you deactivate the minimap. = ⑰: 小地图的左侧显示的是功能切换按钮 - 用来切换地块产出、工作地块、资源与设施等信息的显示/隐藏。这些设置项同样可以在选项界面找到。如果您停用小地图,这些按钮将会隐藏。

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@ -731,13 +731,13 @@ Conduct Trade Mission = Utför Handelsuppdrag
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = Ditt handelsuppdrag till [civName] har tjänat ihop [goldAmount] guld och [influenceAmount] inflytande!
Hurry Wonder = Skynda på Underverk
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction =
Hurry Construction = Skynda på Bygge
# Requires translation!
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) =
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]) = Skynda på Bygge (+[productionAmount])
Spread Religion = Sprid Religion
Spread [religionName] = Sprid [religionName]
# Requires translation!
Remove Heresy =
Remove Heresy = Avlägsna Kätteri
Found a Religion = Stifta en Religion
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = Dina medborgare har varit lyckliga under ditt styre så länge att riket går in i en Guldålder!
You have entered the [newEra]! = Du har gått in i [newEra]!
@ -4067,7 +4067,7 @@ All healing effects doubled = Alla läkeeffekter dubbleras
Slinger Withdraw = Slungares Reträtt
# Requires translation!
Ignore terrain cost =
Ignore terrain cost = Bortse från terrängkostnad
Ignores terrain cost = Bortser från terrängkostnad
@ -4357,13 +4357,13 @@ Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [a
Great Engineer = Stor Ingenjör
# Requires translation!
Can speed up construction of a building =
Can speed up construction of a building = Kan skynda på bygget av en byggnad
Great Prophet = Stor Profet
# Requires translation!
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet =
Can construct [tileImprovement] if it hasn't used other actions yet = Kan bygga [tileImprovement] om den ej använt andra handlingar än
# Requires translation!
Can [param] [amount] times =
Can [param] [amount] times = Kan [param] [amount] gånger
May found a religion = Kan stifta en religion
May enter foreign tiles without open borders = Kan gå in i utländska rutor utan öppna gränser
Religious Unit = Religiös Enhet
@ -4379,9 +4379,9 @@ May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious stren
Can be purchased with [stat] [cityFilter] = Kan köpas med [stat] [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
Inquisitor =
Inquisitor = Inkvisitor
# Requires translation!
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to =
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to = Förhindrar spridandet av religion till angränsande stad
#################### Lines from Tutorials ####################
@ -4410,13 +4410,13 @@ Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 ti
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population youll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = Allteftersom städerna växer i storlek och inflytande, kommer du behöva handskas med en lycklighetsfunktion som inte längre är knuten till varje enskild stad.\nIstället, delar hela ditt rike på samma nivå av nöjdhet.\nAllteftersom dina städer växer i befolkning kommer du märka att det blir svårare och svårare att hålla riket lyckligt.
In addition, you cant even build any city improvements that increase happiness until youve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empires happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = Dessutom så kan du inte ens bygga några byggnader som ökar lycklighet tills du gjort motsvarande forskning.\nOm ditt rikes lycklighet någonsin går under noll som kommer tillväxten av dina städer skadas.\nOm ditt rike blir allvarligt olyckligt (vilket visas av glada gubbikonen högst upp i gränssnittet)\n så kommer dina arméer få sin stridseffektivitet allvarligt minskad.
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isnt impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = Detta innebär att det är mycket svårt att expandera fort i Unciv.\nDet är inte omöjligt, men som ny spelare bör du inte göra det.\nSå vad göra? Ta det lugnt, utforska, och förbättra det land du har genom att bygga Arbetare.\nBygg bara nya städer när du hittat en plats som du tror passar bra.
Unhappiness = Olycklighet
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = Det verkar som om dina medborgare är olyckliga!\nMedan de är olyckliga, kommer städer växa med 1/4 takt, och dina enheter kommer drabbas av ett 2% avdrag för varje olycklighet
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities.\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = Olycklighet har två huvudorsaker: Befolkning och städer.\n Varje stad orsakar 3 olycklighet, och varje befolkning, 1
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There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. =
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. = Det finns två huvudsakliga sätt att bekämpa olycklighet:\n genom att bygga lyckobyggnader till din befolkning\n eller genom att ha förbättrade lyxresurser inom dina gränser.
You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = Du har gått in i en Guldålder!\nGuldålderpoäng ackumuleras varje drag från den totala lyckan \n i din civilisation\nMedan du är i en guldålder, ökar kultur och produktionsgenerationen med +20%,\n och alla rutor som redan producerar åtminstone ett guld kommer producer ett extra guld.
@ -4497,7 +4497,7 @@ Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so
Removing Terrain Features = Ta bort Terrängdrag
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Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. =
Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. = Somliga rutor har terrängegenskaper - som Flodslätter eller Skogar - ovanpå sig. Vissa av dessa lager, som Djungel, Träsk, och Skog, kan avlägsnas av arbetare.\nAtt ta bort terrängegenskapen tar inte bort några resurser i rutan, och behövs ofta för att bygga förbättringar som utnyttjar dessa resurser.
Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. = Naturliga Underverk, såsom Fuji, Gibraltarklippan, och Stora Barriärrevet, är unika, opasserbara terrängdrag, mästerverk av moder Natur, som har utsökta egenskaper som gör dem helt annorlunda än vanlig terräng.\nDe bidrar genom att ge dig stora mängder Kultur, Vetenskap, Guld, eller Produktion om de arbetas av dina Städer, vilket är anledningen till att du bör infånga dem i ditt rike så fort som möjligt.
@ -4524,7 +4524,7 @@ This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control
: This button closes the selected unit/city info pane. = ⑫: Denna knapp stänger den valda enhets-/stadsinfopanelen.
: This pane appears when you order a unit to attack an enemy. On top are attacker and defender with their respective base strengths. = ⑬: Denna panel visas då du beordrar en enhet att anfalla fienden. Överst visas anfallaren och försvararen med deras respektive grundstyrkor.
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: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. =
: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. = ⑭: Nedanför det finns styrkebonusar eller -avdrag samt hälsoindikatorer som visar före / efter anfallet.
: The Attack Button - let blood flow! = ⑮: Anfallsknappen - låt blodet flyta!
: The minimap shows an overview over the world, with known cities, terrain and fog of war. Clicking will position the main map. = ⑯: Minatyrkartan visar en översikt över världen, med kända städer, terräng och krigsdimma. Genom att klicka här kan man ändra huvudvyns position.
: To the side of the minimap are display feature toggling buttons - tile yield, worked indicator, show/hide resources. These mirror setting on the options screen and are hidden if you deactivate the minimap. = ⑰: Bredvid miniatyrkartan finns knappar för att visa ytterligar information - rutavkastning, arbetsindikatorer, visa/dölj resurser. De motsvarar inställningarna på spelalternativsskärmen och döljs om miniatyrkartan avaktiveras.