mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 20:34:19 +07:00
Translation updates
This commit is contained in:
@ -317,7 +317,6 @@ Starting Era = Doba počátku hry
It looks like we can't make a map with the parameters you requested! = Vypadá to, že nelze vytvořit mapu dle vašeho zadání!
Maybe you put too many players into too small a map? = Nevložili jste příliš mnoho hráčů do moc malé mapy?
No human players selected! = Nebyl vybrán lidský hráč!
# Requires translation!
Mods: = Mody:
# Multiplayer
@ -403,9 +402,7 @@ Enable nuclear weapons = Povolit jaderné zbraně
Fontset = Typ písma
Continuous rendering = Nepřetržité vykreslování animace
Order trade offers by amount = Řadit obchodní nabídky dle množství
# Requires translation!
Generate translation files = Vytvořit soubory pro překlad
# Requires translation!
Translation files are generated successfully. = Soubory pro překlad úspešně vytvořeny.
# Notifications
@ -739,9 +736,7 @@ Placed on [terrainType] = Umístěn na [terrainType]
Can be found on = Může se objevit na
Improved by [improvement] = Vylešen(a/o) díky [improvement]
Bonus stats for improvement: = Bonusové statistiky pro vylepšení:
# Requires translation!
Buildings that consume this resource: = Budovy spotřebovávající tuto surovinu:
# Requires translation!
Units that consume this resource: = Jednotky spotřebovávající tuto surovinu:
Can be built on = Může být vybudováno na
Defence bonus = Obranný bonus
@ -800,7 +795,6 @@ Available for [unitTypes] = K dispozici pro [unitTypes]
Free promotion: = Povýšení zdarma:
Free promotions: = Povýšení zdarma:
Free for [units] = Zdarma pro [units]
# Requires translation!
[bonus] with [tech] = [bonus] s [tech]
# Policies
@ -1449,7 +1443,6 @@ Weifang =
# Requires translation!
Xikang =
# Requires translation!
Egypt = Egypt
Ramesses II = Ramesse II
# Requires translation!
@ -2307,131 +2300,68 @@ Jaipur =
Karachi =
Germany = Německo
# Requires translation!
Otto von Bismarck = Otto von Bismarck
# Requires translation!
I cannot wait until ye grow even mightier. Therefore, prepare for war! = Nemohu čekat, než budete ještě silnější. Takže se připravte na válku!
# Requires translation!
Corrupted villain! We will bring you into the ground! = Zkažený ničemo! Srazíme vás k zemi!
# Requires translation!
Germany has been destroyed. I weep for the future generations. = Německo bylo zničeno. Truchlím pro budoucí generace.
# Requires translation!
Guten tag. In the name of the great German people, I bid you welcome. = Guten tag. Jménem německého lidu vás vítám.
# Requires translation!
It would be in your best interest, to carefully consider this proposal. = Bylo by ve vašem nejlepším zájmu pečlivě zvážit tuto nabídku.
# Requires translation!
What now? = Co teď?
# Requires translation!
So, out with it! = Tak ven s tím!
# Requires translation!
Berlin = Berlín
# Requires translation!
Hamburg = Hamburk
# Requires translation!
Munich = Mnichov
# Requires translation!
Cologne = Kolín
# Requires translation!
Frankfurt = Frankfurt
# Requires translation!
Essen = Essen
# Requires translation!
Dortmund = Dortmund
# Requires translation!
Stuttgart = Stuttgart
# Requires translation!
Dusseldorf = Düsseldorf
# Requires translation!
Bremen = Brémy
# Requires translation!
Hannover = Hannover
# Requires translation!
Duisburg = Duisburg
# Requires translation!
Leipzig = Lipsko
# Requires translation!
Dresden = Drážďany
# Requires translation!
Bonn = Bonn
# Requires translation!
Bochum = Bochum
# Requires translation!
Bielefeld = Bielefeld
# Requires translation!
Karlsruhe = Karlsruhe
# Requires translation!
Gelsenkirchen = Gelsenkirchen
# Requires translation!
Wiesbaden = Wiesbaden
# Requires translation!
Munster = Münster
# Requires translation!
Rostok = Roztoky
# Requires translation!
Chemnitz = Kamenice
# Requires translation!
Braunschweig = Brunšvik
# Requires translation!
Halle = Halle
# Requires translation!
Mצnchengladbach = Mצnchengladbach
# Requires translation!
Kiel = Kiel
# Requires translation!
Wuppertal = Wuppertal
# Requires translation!
Freiburg = Freiburg
# Requires translation!
Hagen = Hagen
# Requires translation!
Erfurt = Erfurt
# Requires translation!
Kaiserslautern = Kaiserslautern
# Requires translation!
Kassel = Kassel
# Requires translation!
Oberhausen = Oberhausen
# Requires translation!
Hamm = Hamm
# Requires translation!
Saarbrucken = Saarbrücken
# Requires translation!
Krefeld = Krefeld
# Requires translation!
Pirmasens = Pirmasens
# Requires translation!
Potsdam = Postupim
# Requires translation!
Solingen = Solingen
# Requires translation!
Osnabruck = Osnabrück
# Requires translation!
Ludwingshafen = Ludwingshafen
# Requires translation!
Leverkusen = Leverkusen
# Requires translation!
Oldenburg = Oldenburg
# Requires translation!
Neuss = Neuss
# Requires translation!
Mulheim = Mülheim
# Requires translation!
Darmstadt = Darmstadt
# Requires translation!
Herne = Herne
# Requires translation!
Wurzburg = Vicpurk
# Requires translation!
Recklinghausen = Recklinghausen
# Requires translation!
Gצttingen = Gצttingen
# Requires translation!
Wolfsburg = Wolfsburg
# Requires translation!
Koblenz = Koblenec
# Requires translation!
Hildesheim = Hildesheim
# Requires translation!
Erlangen = Erlanky
The Ottomans = Osmanská říše
@ -2517,7 +2447,6 @@ Bitlis =
# Requires translation!
Yalova =
# Requires translation!
Korea = Korea
Sejong = Sedžong Veliký
# Requires translation!
@ -3076,7 +3005,6 @@ Las Palmas =
Tenerife =
Songhai = Songhajská říše
# Requires translation!
Askia = Askía
# Requires translation!
You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You must be destroyed! =
@ -3228,23 +3156,15 @@ Nalayh =
# Requires translation!
Tes =
# Requires translation!
Inca = Inkové
# Requires translation!
Pachacuti = Pachacútec
# Requires translation!
Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = Odpor je marný! Nemůžete se postavit mocné Incké říši. Nevzdáte-li se ihned, pripravte se na válku!
# Requires translation!
Declare war on me?!? You can't, because I declare war on you first! = Vyhlásit mi válku?!? To nemůžete, protože vám ji vyhlašuji první!
# Requires translation!
How did you darken the sun? I ruled with diligence and mercy—see that you do so as well. =
# Requires translation!
How are you? You stand before Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui. = Jak se vám daří? Stojíte před Pachacútec Yupanqui.
# Requires translation!
The Incan people offer this fair trade. = Inkové nabízí tento spravedlivý obchod.
# Requires translation!
How are you doing? = Jak se vám daří?
# Requires translation!
What do you want now? = Copak byste chtěli teď?
# Requires translation!
Cuzco =
@ -3378,7 +3298,6 @@ Brussels = Brusel
# Requires translation!
I guess you weren't here for the sprouts after all... =
# Requires translation!
Unacceptable! = Nepřijatelné!
# Requires translation!
@ -3863,6 +3782,11 @@ Quarry = Lom
Fishing Boats = Rybářské lodě
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Cesta
Railroad = Železnice
@ -3887,6 +3811,13 @@ Manufactory = Manufaktura
Customs house = Celnice
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 kulturní bod za každý přilehlý Moai
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Může být vybudován pouze na pobřežním políčku
Moai = Moai
@ -4062,6 +3993,7 @@ The amount of Science you recieve at the end is dependant on the science generat
Heal Instantly = Okamžité léčení
Heal this Unit by 50 HP; Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = Vyléčí tuto jednotku o 50 zdraví, ale přijdete o možnost povýšení
Accuracy I = Přesnost I
Bonus vs [unitType] = Výhoda proti [unitType]
@ -4314,7 +4246,6 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Má velkou šanci získat Velkého
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
# Requires translation!
Can move immediately once bought = Může se pohybovat ihned po nákupu
Galleass = Galéra
@ -4335,7 +4266,6 @@ Mandekalu Cavalry = Mandekalská kavalérie
Keshik = Keshik
50% Bonus XP gain = 50% bonus získávání XP
# Requires translation!
May withdraw before melee = Může ustoupit před bojem zblízka
+1 Visibility Range = +1 dohled
Ironclad = Obrněná loď
@ -4445,6 +4375,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Může vybudovat vylepšení: Manufaktura
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Může zrychlit budování Divu
Great General = Velký generál
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus pro bojové jednotky v okruhu 2 políček 15%
Khan = Chán
@ -4917,6 +4917,11 @@ Quarry = Steengroeve
# Requires translation!
Fishing Boats =
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Weg
Railroad = Spoorweg
@ -4947,6 +4952,13 @@ Manufactory = Fabriek
Customs house = Douanekantoor
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
# Requires translation!
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai =
# Requires translation!
@ -5758,6 +5770,8 @@ Can speed up construction of a wonder =
# Requires translation!
Great General =
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
# Requires translation!
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% =
# Requires translation!
@ -5221,6 +5221,11 @@ Quarry =
# Requires translation!
Fishing Boats =
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
# Requires translation!
Road =
@ -5257,6 +5262,13 @@ Manufactory =
# Requires translation!
Customs house =
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
# Requires translation!
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai =
# Requires translation!
@ -6068,6 +6080,8 @@ Can speed up construction of a wonder =
# Requires translation!
Great General =
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
# Requires translation!
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% =
# Requires translation!
@ -402,9 +402,7 @@ Enable nuclear weapons = Permet les armes nucléaires
Fontset = Police de caractères
Continuous rendering = Rendu en continu
Order trade offers by amount = Ranger offres d'échange par quantité
# Requires translation!
Generate translation files = Générer les fichiers de traduction
# Requires translation!
Translation files are generated successfully. = Les fichiers de traduction ont bien été générés.
# Notifications
@ -483,7 +481,6 @@ Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] = Vous recevez [goldAmount]
Our proposed trade request is no longer relevant! = Notre offre commerciale n'est plus pertinente !
[defender] could not withdraw from a [attacker] - blocked. = [defender] n'a pas pu retirer de [attacker] - bloqué.
[defender] withdrew from a [attacker] = [defender] a retirée de [attacker]
# Requires translation!
[building] has provided [amount] Gold! = [building] vous donne [amount] Or !
@ -932,20 +929,13 @@ Colossus = Colosse
Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city = Cout d'acquisition en or et en culture de nouvelles cases réduit de 25% dans cette ville
Krepost = Krepost
# Requires translation!
'He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows, and the immortally anointed hair of the great god swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken' - The Iliad = "Il parla, le fils de Cronos, et hocha sa tête et ses sourcils sombres, et la chevelure immortelle du grand dieu s'élança de sa divine figure, et tout l'Olympe trembla." - L'Iliade
# Requires translation!
+15% Combat Strength for all units when attacking Cities = +15% de Puissance pour toutes les unités pour l'attaque de villes.
# Requires translation!
Statue of Zeus = Statue de Zeus
# Requires translation!
'The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles = Cette terre est le tombeau d'hommes héroïques et leur histoire n'est pas seulement inscrite dans la pierre mais elle émane partout, sans symbole visible gravé dans la vie des autres hommes." Périclès
# Requires translation!
Provides a sum of gold each time you spend a Great Person = Donne de l'Or à chaque fois qu'un Personnage Illustre est consommé.
# Requires translation!
+2 Gold for each source of Marble and Stone = +2 Or pour chaque ressource de Marbre et de Pierre
# Requires translation!
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Mausolée d'Halicarnasse
+1 food from Ocean and Coast tiles = +1 nourriture des cases océans et côtes
@ -3140,6 +3130,11 @@ Quarry = Carrière
Fishing Boats = Bateaux de pêche
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Route
Railroad = Chemin de fer
@ -3164,6 +3159,13 @@ Manufactory = Manufacture
Customs house = Douanes
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 en culture pour chaque Moai adjacent
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = constructible uniquement sur des cases cotières
Moai = Moai
@ -3718,6 +3720,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Peut construire l'amélioration suivante: M
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Peut accélérer la construction d'une Merveille
Great General = Général illustre
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus de combat +15% pour les unités dans un rayon de 2 cases
Khan = Khan
@ -3808,6 +3808,11 @@ Quarry = Steinbruch
Fishing Boats = Fischerboote
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Straße
Railroad = Schienen
@ -3832,6 +3837,13 @@ Manufactory = Fabrik
Customs house = Zollamt
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 zusätzliche Kultur für jedes anliegende Moai
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Kann nur auf Küstenfeldern gebaut werden
Moai = Moai
@ -4424,6 +4436,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Kann Verbesserung errichten: Manufaktur
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Kann die Produktion eines Wunders beschleunigen
Great General = Große(r) General(in)
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% Bonus für Einheiten im Umfeld von 2 Feldern
Khan = Khan
@ -4303,6 +4303,11 @@ Quarry = Tambang
Fishing Boats = Perahu Penangkap Ikan
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Jalan
Railroad = Rel Kereta
@ -4327,6 +4332,13 @@ Manufactory = Pabrik Manufaktori
Customs house = Rumah adat
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 tambahan Budaya untuk setiap Moai yang berdekatan
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Hanya bisa dibangun di daerah pantai
Moai = Moai
@ -5024,6 +5036,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Dapat membangun improvisasi daerah: Pabrik
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Dapat mempercepat kontruksi sebuah keajaiban alam
Great General = Jenderal Hebat
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus untuk unit di jangkauan 2 daerah 15%
# Requires translation!
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Tutorial tasks
Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup = Sposta un'unità!\nClicca su un'unità > Clicca su una destinazione > Clicca sul popup con la freccia
@ -933,7 +933,8 @@ Krepost = Krepost
+15% Combat Strength for all units when attacking Cities = +15% Forza quando attacchi le Città
Statue of Zeus = Statua di Zeus
The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles = 'Tutta la terra è tomba di uomini eroici; la loro storia non resta solo sulla pietra sopra la loro creta ma si ritrova ovunque, invisibile, intessuta nella vita degli altri.' - Pericle
# Requires translation!
'The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles =
Provides a sum of gold each time you spend a Great Person = Concede una tantum di Oro ogni volta che sacrifichi un Grande Personaggio
+2 Gold for each source of Marble and Stone = +2 Oro per ogni fonte di Marmo e Pietra
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Mausoleo di Alicarnasso
@ -2799,6 +2800,11 @@ Quarry = Cava
Fishing Boats = Peschereccio
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Strada
Railroad = Ferrovia
@ -2823,6 +2829,13 @@ Manufactory = Fabbrica
Customs house = Dogana
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 Cultura aggiuntiva per ogni Moai adiacente
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Costruibile solo su Costa
Moai = Moai
@ -3366,6 +3379,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Può costruire il miglioramento: Manifattur
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Può accelerare la costruzione di una Meraviglia
Great General = Grande Generale
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% Bonus per le unità nel raggio di 2 caselle
Khan = Khan
@ -3784,6 +3784,11 @@ Quarry = 採石場
Fishing Boats = 漁船
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = 道路
Railroad = 鉄道
@ -3808,6 +3813,13 @@ Manufactory = 製造所
Customs house = 税関
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = 隣接するモアイの数だけ+1
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 沿岸タイルでのみ構築可能
Moai = モアイ
@ -4406,6 +4418,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = 特殊施設が建設可能:製造所
Can speed up construction of a wonder = 遺産の建設速度を早める。
Great General = 大将軍
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周囲2タイル以内にいる自国のユニットに戦闘ボーナス+15%
Khan = カン
@ -753,7 +753,6 @@ Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceA
Hurry Wonder = 불가사의 건축 가속
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = 시민들이 당신의 통치에 행복해하여 국가에 황금기가 시작됩니다!
You have entered the [newEra]! = [newEra]에 온 것을 환영합니다!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has entered the [eraName]! = [civName]가 [eraName]에 돌입했습니다.
[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! = [policyBranch] 정책을 채택할 수 있습니다!
Overview = 문명 상태
@ -3275,6 +3274,11 @@ Quarry = 채석장
Fishing Boats = 어선
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = 도로
Railroad = 철도
@ -3299,6 +3303,13 @@ Manufactory = 제조공장
Customs house = 세관
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = 인접한 모아이 하나 당 문화 +1
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 해안 타일에만 제작 가능
Moai = 모아이
@ -3882,6 +3893,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = 타일 시설 '제조공장' 건설 가능
Can speed up construction of a wonder = 불가사의 건설 가속화 가능
Great General = 위대한 장군
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 근처 2타일의 유닛에 전투력 보너스 +15%
# Requires translation!
@ -5042,6 +5042,11 @@ Quarry =
# Requires translation!
Fishing Boats =
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
# Requires translation!
Road =
@ -5078,6 +5083,13 @@ Manufactory =
# Requires translation!
Customs house =
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
# Requires translation!
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai =
# Requires translation!
@ -5937,6 +5949,8 @@ Can speed up construction of a wonder =
# Requires translation!
Great General =
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
# Requires translation!
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% =
# Requires translation!
@ -2879,6 +2879,11 @@ Quarry = Kamieniołom
Fishing Boats = Statki rybackie
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Droga
Railroad = Kolej
@ -2903,6 +2908,13 @@ Manufactory = Manufaktura
Customs house = Urząd celny
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 dodatkowej Kultury za każde Moai w pobliżu
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Może być zbudowane wyłącznie na polach Wybrzeża
Moai = Moai
@ -3456,6 +3468,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Może zbudować ulepszenie: Manufaktura
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Może przyspieszyć budowę cudu
Great General = Wielki Generał
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = +15% do walki dla jednostek w zasięgu 2 pól
Khan = Chan
@ -4271,6 +4271,11 @@ Quarry = Pedreira
Fishing Boats = Barcos de pesca
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Estrada
Railroad = Ferrovia
@ -4295,6 +4300,13 @@ Manufactory = Fábrica
Customs house = Alfândega
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 de Cultura adicional para cada Moai adjacente
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Pode ser construído apenas em hexágonos Litorâneos
Moai = Moai
@ -4913,6 +4925,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Pode construir melhoria: Fábrica
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Pode acelerar a construção de uma maravilha
Great General = Grande General
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% de bônus para unidades com raio de 2 hexágonos
# Requires translation!
@ -4230,6 +4230,11 @@ Quarry = Carieră
Fishing Boats = Bărci de pescuit
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Drum
Railroad = Cale ferată
@ -4257,6 +4262,13 @@ Manufactory = Fabrică
Customs house = Punct vamal
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
# Requires translation!
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai =
# Requires translation!
@ -4921,6 +4933,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Poate construi îmbunătățire: Fabrică
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Poate accelera construirea unei minuni
Great General = Mare General
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Bonus pentru unitățile în raza de 2 celule 15%
Khan = Han
@ -182,11 +182,9 @@ Great general provides double combat bonus, and spawns 50% faster = Велики
Art of War = Искусство войны
+20% production towards Wonder construction = +20% Производство при строительстве чудес
# Requires translation!
Monument Builders = Строители монументов
+2 movement for all naval units = +2 движения для всех военно-морских подразделений
# Requires translation!
Sun Never Sets = Над империей не заходит солнце
+2 Culture per turn from cities before discovering Steam Power = +2 Культуры за ход от городов до открытия Парового Двигателя
@ -320,7 +318,6 @@ Starting Era = Начальная эпоха
It looks like we can't make a map with the parameters you requested! = Похоже, что мы не можем создать карту с нужными вам параметрами!
Maybe you put too many players into too small a map? = Может, у вас слишком много игроков для такой небольшой карты?
No human players selected! = Не выбраны игроки (люди)
# Requires translation!
Mods: = Моды
# Multiplayer
@ -414,7 +411,7 @@ Continuous rendering = Непрерывная отрисовка
Order trade offers by amount =
# Requires translation!
Generate translation files =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Translation files are generated successfully. =
# Notifications
@ -738,7 +735,6 @@ Resources = Ресурсы
Terrains = Местность
Tile Improvements = Улучшения клеток
Unique to [civName], replaces [unitName] = Уникален для [civName], заменяет [unitName]
# Requires translation!
Unique to [civName] = Уникален для [civName]
Tutorials = Советы
Cost = Стоимость
@ -750,9 +746,7 @@ Placed on [terrainType] = Расположен на [terrainType]
Can be found on = Может быть найден в
Improved by [improvement] = Улучшен [improvement]
Bonus stats for improvement: = Бонусы за улучшение:
# Requires translation!
Buildings that consume this resource: = Здания, которые потребляют этот ресурс:
# Requires translation!
Units that consume this resource: = Юниты, которые потребляют этот ресурс:
Can be built on = Может быть построен на
Defence bonus = Бонус к защите
@ -808,13 +802,9 @@ Workers = Рабочие
Nations = Нации
Promotions = Повышения
Available for [unitTypes] = Доступно для [unitTypes]
# Requires translation!
Free promotion: = Бесплатное повышение:
# Requires translation!
Free promotions: = Бесплатные повышения:
# Requires translation!
Free for [units] = Бесплатно для [units]
# Requires translation!
[bonus] with [tech] = [bonus] после изучения [tech]
# Policies
@ -852,11 +842,8 @@ Crab = Крабы
Citrus = Цитрусы
Truffles = Трюфели
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm = Террасная ферма
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 еда за каждую примыкающую Гору
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource = Не дает добычи рессурсов
# Unit types
@ -874,9 +861,7 @@ WaterSubmarine = Субмарина
Mounted = Конный
Armor = Бронемашина
City = Город
# Requires translation!
Missile = Ракета
# Requires translation!
WaterAircraftCarrier = Авианосец
# Units
@ -957,20 +942,14 @@ Colossus = Колосс Родосский
Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city = -25% к необходимому количеству Культуры и Золота для получения клеток вокруг данного города
Krepost = Острог
# Requires translation!
'He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows, and the immortally anointed hair of the great god swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken' - The Iliad = 'Молвил Кронион и иссиня-чёрными двинул бровями; волны нетленных волос с головы Громовержца бессмертной на плечи пали его. И Олимп всколебался великий'. — Илиада
# Requires translation!
+15% Combat Strength for all units when attacking Cities = Все юниты получают +15% к боевой мощи при атаке городов
# Requires translation!
Statue of Zeus = Статуя Зевса в Олимпии
# Requires translation!
'The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles =
# Requires translation!
Provides a sum of gold each time you spend a Great Person = Дает золото после каждого использования Великого человека
# Requires translation!
+2 Gold for each source of Marble and Stone = Каждая обрабатываемая городом клетка с мрамором или камнем дает +2 к золоту
# Requires translation!
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Галикарнасский мавзолей
+1 food from Ocean and Coast tiles = +1 Еда от клеток около берега и в океане
@ -1115,7 +1094,6 @@ Museum = Музей
Hermitage = Эрмитаж
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = 'У подлинного произведения искусства столько же прав на существование, сколько у солнца и земли.' - Ральф Уолдо Эмерсон
# Requires translation!
2 free Great Artists appear = Дает 2 бесплатных Великих художников
The Louvre = Лувр
@ -1951,63 +1929,34 @@ Welcome to the palace of Choson, stranger. I am the learned King Sejong, who loo
We have many things to discuss and have much to benefit from each other. =
# Requires translation!
Oh, it's you =
# Requires translation!
Seoul = Сеул
# Requires translation!
Busan = Пусан
# Requires translation!
Jeonju = Чонджу
# Requires translation!
Daegu = Тэгу
# Requires translation!
Pyongyang = Пхеньян
# Requires translation!
Kaesong = Кэсон
# Requires translation!
Suwon = Сувон
# Requires translation!
Gwangju = Кванджу
# Requires translation!
Gangneung = Каннын
# Requires translation!
Hamhung = Хамхын
# Requires translation!
Wonju = Вонджу
# Requires translation!
Ulsan = Ульсан
# Requires translation!
Changwon = Чханвон
# Requires translation!
Andong = Андо́н
# Requires translation!
Gongju = Конджу
# Requires translation!
Haeju = Хэджу
# Requires translation!
Cheongju = Чхонджу
# Requires translation!
Mokpo = Мокпхо
# Requires translation!
Dongducheon = Тондучхон
# Requires translation!
Geoje = Кодже
# Requires translation!
Suncheon = Сунчхон
# Requires translation!
Jinju = Чинджу
# Requires translation!
Sangju = Санджу
# Requires translation!
Rason = Расон
# Requires translation!
Gyeongju = Кёнджу
# Requires translation!
Chungju = Чхунджу
# Requires translation!
Sacheon = Сачхон
# Requires translation!
Gimje = Кимдже
# Requires translation!
Anju = Анджу
Iroquois = Ирокезы.
@ -2406,85 +2355,47 @@ If my defeat is, without any doubt, the will of God, then I will accept it. =
God blesses those who deserve it. I am Isabel of Spain. =
# Requires translation!
I hope this deal will receive your blessing. =
# Requires translation!
Madrid = Мадрид
# Requires translation!
Barcelona = Барселона
# Requires translation!
Seville = Севилья
# Requires translation!
Cordoba = Кордова
# Requires translation!
Toledo = Толедо
# Requires translation!
Santiago = Сантьяго
# Requires translation!
Murcia = Мурсия
# Requires translation!
Valencia = Валенсия
# Requires translation!
Zaragoza = Сарагоса
# Requires translation!
Pamplona = Памплона
# Requires translation!
Vitoria = Витория
# Requires translation!
Santander = Сантандер
# Requires translation!
Oviedo = Овьедо
# Requires translation!
Jaen = Хаэн
# Requires translation!
Logroño = Логроньо
# Requires translation!
Valladolid = Вальядолид
# Requires translation!
Palma = Пальма
# Requires translation!
Teruel = Теруэль
# Requires translation!
Almeria = Альмерия
# Requires translation!
Leon = Леон
# Requires translation!
Zamora = Самора
# Requires translation!
Mida =
# Requires translation!
Lugo = Луго
# Requires translation!
Alicante = Аликанте
# Requires translation!
Càdiz = Кадис
# Requires translation!
Eiche =
# Requires translation!
Alcorcon = Алькоркон
# Requires translation!
Burgos = Бургос
# Requires translation!
Vigo = Виго
# Requires translation!
Badajoz = Бадахос
# Requires translation!
La Coruña = Ла-Корунья
# Requires translation!
Guadalquivir = Гвадалквиви́р
# Requires translation!
Bilbao = Бильбао
# Requires translation!
San Sebastian = Сан-Себастьян
# Requires translation!
Granada = Гранада
# Requires translation!
Mérida = Мерида
# Requires translation!
Huelva = Уэльва
# Requires translation!
Ibiza = Ибица
# Requires translation!
Las Palmas = Лас-Пальмас
# Requires translation!
Tenerife = Тенерифе
Songhai = Сонгай
@ -2573,74 +2484,46 @@ I am Temuujin, conqueror of cities and countries. Before me lie future Mongolian
I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we give you. =
# Requires translation!
So what now? =
# Requires translation!
Karakorum = Каракорум
# Requires translation!
Beshbalik = Бишбалык
# Requires translation!
Turfan = Турфан
# Requires translation!
Hsia =
# Requires translation!
Old Sarai = Старый Сарай
# Requires translation!
New Sarai = Новый Сарай
# Requires translation!
Tabriz = Тебриз
# Requires translation!
Tiflis = Тифлис
# Requires translation!
Otrar = Отрар
# Requires translation!
Sanchu =
# Requires translation!
Kazan = Казань
# Requires translation!
Almarikh =
# Requires translation!
Ulaanbaatar = Улан-Батор
# Requires translation!
Hovd = Ховд
# Requires translation!
Darhan = Дархан
# Requires translation!
Dalandzadgad = Даланзадгад
# Requires translation!
Mandalgovi =Мандалгоби
# Requires translation!
Mandalgovi =
Choybalsan = Чойбалсан
# Requires translation!
Erdenet = Эрдэнэт
# Requires translation!
Tsetserieg = Цэцэрлег
# Requires translation!
Baruun-Urt = Баруун-Урт
# Requires translation!
Ereen =
# Requires translation!
Batshireet =
# Requires translation!
Choyr = Чойр
# Requires translation!
Ulaangom = Улаангом
# Requires translation!
Tosontsengel = Тосонцэнгэл
# Requires translation!
Altay = Алтай
# Requires translation!
Uliastay = Улиастай
# Requires translation!
Bayanhongor = Баянхонгор
# Requires translation!
Har-Ayrag = Хар-Айраг
# Requires translation!
Nalayh = Налайх
# Requires translation!
Tes = Тэс
# Requires translation!
Inca = Инки
# Requires translation!
Pachacuti = Пачакутек
# Requires translation!
Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! =
@ -2656,13 +2539,9 @@ The Incan people offer this fair trade. =
How are you doing? =
# Requires translation!
What do you want now? =
# Requires translation!
Cuzco = Куско
# Requires translation!
Tiwanaku = Тиуанако
# Requires translation!
Machu = Мачу
# Requires translation!
Ollantaytambo = Ольянтайтамбо
# Requires translation!
Corihuayrachina =
@ -2817,7 +2696,6 @@ Ah, Gods! Why have you forsaken us? = О боги! Почему вы покин
Lhasa =
Perhaps now we will find peace in death... = Возможно, мы найдем покой в смерти...
# Requires translation!
Vancouver = Ванкувер
# Requires translation!
In responding to the unstinting malignancy that has heretofore defined your relationship with Canada, we can have no recourse but war! =
@ -2826,7 +2704,6 @@ As we can reach no peaceful resolution with you, Canada must turn, with reluctan
# Requires translation!
I regret not defending my country to the last, although it was not of use. =
# Requires translation!
M'Banza-Kongo = Мбанза_Конго
# Requires translation!
Do you really think you can walk over us so easily? I will not let it happen. Not to Kongo - not to my people! =
@ -2835,7 +2712,6 @@ We are no strangers to war. You have strayed from the right path, and now we wil
# Requires translation!
You are nothing but a glorified barbarian. Cruel, and ruthless. =
# Requires translation!
Mogadishu = Могадишо
# Requires translation!
Congratulations, conquerer. This tribe serves you now. =
@ -3179,10 +3055,8 @@ Oasis = Оазис
Flood plains = Пойма
# Requires translation!
Ice = Лед
# Requires translation!
Atoll = Атолл
Great Barrier Reef = Большой Барьерный Риф
@ -3230,6 +3104,11 @@ Quarry = Карьер
Fishing Boats = Рыбацкие лодки
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Дорога
Railroad = Железная дорога
@ -3254,15 +3133,19 @@ Manufactory = Завод
Customs house = Таможня
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 дополнительная Культура за каждую соседнюю статую Моаи
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Можно построить только на прибрежных клетках
Moai = Статуя Моаи
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = +1 еда за каждую примыкающую Гору
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource = Не дает добычи рессурсов
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm = Террасная ферма
Ancient ruins = Древние руины
@ -3616,7 +3499,6 @@ Crossbowman = Арбалетчик
Bowman = Меткий лучник
# Requires translation!
Slinger = Пращник
Work Boats = Рабочая лодка
@ -3683,7 +3565,6 @@ Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Большой шанс получ
Landsknecht = Ландскнехт
# Requires translation!
Can move immediately once bought = Может двигаться сразу после покупки
Galleass = Галера
@ -3814,6 +3695,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Можно построить улучше
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Может ускорить строительство чуда света
Great General = Великий полководец
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Бонус к атаке юнитам в радиусе 2-х клеток
Khan = Хан
@ -344,13 +344,19 @@ Back =
Rename = 重命名
Edit Game Info = 编辑游戏信息
Add Multiplayer Game = 添加多人游戏
Refresh List = 刷新列表
Could not save game! = 无法保存游戏!
Could not delete game! = 无法删除游戏!
Could not refresh! = 无法刷新!
Last refresh: [time] minutes ago = 上次刷新时间:[time]分钟前
# Requires translation!
Refresh List =
# Requires translation!
Could not save game! =
# Requires translation!
Could not delete game! =
# Requires translation!
Could not refresh! =
# Requires translation!
Last refresh: [time] minutes ago =
Current Turn: = 当前转向:
Add Currently Running Game = 添加当前正在运行的游戏
# Requires translation!
Add Currently Running Game =
# Save game menu
@ -372,10 +378,9 @@ Map uploaded successfully! = 地图上传成功!
Saving... = 正在保存......
It looks like your saved game can't be loaded! = 看来你保存的游戏无法加载!
If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - = 如果可以复制游戏数据(“将保存的游戏复制到剪贴板”-
paste into an email to yairm210@hotmail.com) = 粘贴到yairm210@hotmail.com的电子邮件中)
# Requires translation!
paste into an email to yairm210@hotmail.com) =
I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! = 我也许可以帮你找出哪里出了问题,因为这不应该发生!
# Requires translation!
Missing mods: [mods] = Missing mods:[mods]
# Options
@ -405,9 +410,12 @@ Show pixel improvements = 显示像素设施
Enable nuclear weapons = 允许使用核武器
Fontset = 字体设置
Continuous rendering = 连续渲染
Order trade offers by amount = 按金额订购贸易报价
Generate translation files = 生成翻译文件
Translation files are generated successfully. = 翻译文件生成成功.
# Requires translation!
Order trade offers by amount =
# Requires translation!
Generate translation files =
# Requires translation!
Translation files are generated successfully. =
# Notifications
@ -484,8 +492,8 @@ A new barbarian encampment has spawned! = 侦测到新的蛮族营地出现!
Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] = 我们在占领[cityName]时获得[goldAmount]金钱
Our proposed trade request is no longer relevant! = 我们的贸易項目已失效!
[defender] could not withdraw from a [attacker] - blocked. = [defender]无法从[attacker]退出-被阻止.
[defender] withdrew from a [attacker] = [defender]从[attacker]中撤退
# Requires translation!
[defender] withdrew from a [attacker] =
[building] has provided [amount] Gold! = [building]提供了[amount]黄金!
@ -554,7 +562,8 @@ Social policies = 社会政策
Community = 社区
Close = 关闭
Do you want to exit the game? = 你想退出游戏吗?
Start bias: = 起始偏差
# Requires translation!
Start bias: =
# City screen
@ -563,8 +572,10 @@ Raze city = 摧毁城市
Stop razing city = 停止摧毁城市
Buy for [amount] gold = 花费[amount]金钱购买
Buy = 购买
You have [amount] gold = 你有[amount]黄金
Currently you have [amount] gold. = 目前你有[amount]黄金
# Requires translation!
You have [amount] gold =
# Requires translation!
Currently you have [amount] gold. =
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] gold? = 你想花费[buildingGoldCost]金钱购买[constructionName]吗?
No space available to place [unit] near [city] = 在[unit]附近没有可放置[city]的空间=
Maintenance cost = 建筑维护费
@ -833,6 +844,7 @@ Cocoa = 可可
Crab = 螃蟹
Citrus = 柑橘
Truffles = 松露
Terrace farm = 梯田农场
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每座相邻的山+1食物
Cannot improve a resource = 无法改善资源
@ -883,9 +895,7 @@ Dogfighting III = 缠斗III级
Multiplayer options = 多人游戏选项
Enable out-of-game turn notifications = 启用游戏外转向通知
# Requires translation!
Time between turn checks out-of-game (in minutes) = 下一回合时间(分钟)
# Requires translation!
Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = 显示转向通知服务的持久通知
#################### Lines from Buildings.json ####################
@ -936,12 +946,14 @@ Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city = 所
Krepost = 俄罗斯营垒
'He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows, and the immortally anointed hair of the great god swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken' - The Iliad = 他说话的时候,是克洛诺斯的儿子,他用深色的眉毛点了点头,伟大的上帝用不朽的膏油从他神圣的头上拂去,所有的奥林匹斯人都被震了一下。”《伊利亚特》
+15% Combat Strength for all units when attacking Cities = +攻城时各单位战斗力15%
Statue of Zeus = 宙斯神像
# Requires translation!
+15% Combat Strength for all units when attacking Cities =
# Requires translation!
Statue of Zeus =
'The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles = “整个地球都是英雄人物的坟墓,他们的故事不仅在粘土上的石头上讲述,而且无处不在,没有明显的符号融入到其他人的生活中。”
Provides a sum of gold each time you spend a Great Person = 每次你花一个大人物的钱
# Requires translation!
Provides a sum of gold each time you spend a Great Person =
+2 Gold for each source of Marble and Stone = 大理石和石头的地块上+2黄金
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = 摩索拉斯基陵墓
@ -1087,7 +1099,8 @@ Museum = 博物馆
Hermitage = 冬宫
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = “每一件伟大的艺术品都应如日月般长存。”——拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生
2 free Great Artists appear = 2位免费的伟大艺术家出现
# Requires translation!
2 free Great Artists appear =
The Louvre = 卢浮宫
+1 production and gold from all sea resources worked by the city = 所在城市每个已开发的海洋资源+1产能和金钱
@ -2525,7 +2538,7 @@ Cuzco =
# Requires translation!
Tiwanaku =
# Requires translation!
Machu =
Machu =
# Requires translation!
Ollantaytambo =
# Requires translation!
@ -3079,6 +3092,11 @@ Quarry = 采石场
Fishing Boats = 渔船
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = 道路
Railroad = 铁路
@ -3103,16 +3121,20 @@ Manufactory = 制造中心
Customs house = 海关
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = 每个相邻的摩艾石像群额外+1文化
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 只能建造在沿海地块
Moai = 摩艾石像群
# Requires translation!
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Cannot improve a resource =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
+1 food for each adjacent Mountain = 每座相邻的山+1食物
Cannot improve a resource = 无法改善资源
Terrace farm = 梯田农场
Ancient ruins = 远古遗迹
@ -3660,6 +3682,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = 可以建造设施:制造中心
Can speed up construction of a wonder = 可以加快一座奇观的建造速度
Great General = 大军事家
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周围2格地块内所有我方陆军单位+15%战斗力
Khan = 汗
@ -4056,6 +4056,11 @@ Quarry = Cantera
Fishing Boats = Barcos pesqueros
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Carretera
Railroad = Línea de ferrocarril
@ -4080,6 +4085,13 @@ Manufactory = Fábrica
Customs house = Aduana
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 de cultura por cada Móai adyacente
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Solo puede construirse en casillas costeras
Moai = Móai
@ -4686,6 +4698,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Se puede construir mejora: Manufactura
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Puede acelerar la construccion de una maravilla
Great General = Gran General
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 15% de bonus para unidades en un radio de 2 casillas
# Requires translation!
@ -3896,6 +3896,11 @@ Quarry = 採石場
Fishing Boats = 漁船
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = 道路
Railroad = 鐵路
@ -3920,6 +3925,13 @@ Manufactory = 製造中心
Customs house = 海關
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = 每個相鄰的摩艾石像群額外+1文化
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 只能在沿海地塊建造
Moai = 摩艾石像群
@ -4470,6 +4482,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = 可以建造設施:製造中心
Can speed up construction of a wonder = 可以加快一座奇觀的建造速度
Great General = 大軍事家
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周圍兩格地塊內的我方所有陸軍單位+15%戰鬥力
Khan = 汗
@ -3408,6 +3408,11 @@ Quarry = Taş ocağı
Fishing Boats = Balıkçı Tekneleri
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% =
# Requires translation!
Fort =
Road = Yol
Railroad = Demiryolu
@ -3432,6 +3437,13 @@ Manufactory = Fabrika
Customs house = Gümrük Dairesi
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% =
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units =
# Requires translation!
Citadel =
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = Her bitişik Moai için +1 ek Kültür
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = Sadece kıyı üzerine inşa edilebilir
Moai = Moai
@ -4028,6 +4040,8 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Fabrikada geliştirme üretilebilir
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Eser inşaatı hızlandırılabilir
Great General = Harika General
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel =
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 2 kare yarıçapındaki birimler için 15% bonus
Khan = Kağan
@ -929,20 +929,13 @@ Colossus = Колос Родоський
Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city = У цьому місті вартість освоєння нових клітинок у культурі і золоті -25%
Krepost = Фортеця
# Requires translation!
'He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows, and the immortally anointed hair of the great god swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken' - The Iliad = 'Він, син Кроноса, мовив та похитав головою з-під темних бров, та волосся помазане бессмертям величного бога впало з його святої голови, та весь Олімп здригнувся' - Ілліада
# Requires translation!
+15% Combat Strength for all units when attacking Cities = +15% сили у нападі на міста для всіх підрозділів
# Requires translation!
Statue of Zeus = Статуя Зевса
# Requires translation!
'The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles = 'Вся Земля - це могила героїчних людей, та їх історія записана не тільки на камені над їх могилою, але й простягається скрізь повсюди невидимою символічною ниткою, вплетаючись у буденне життя інших людей.' - Перікл
# Requires translation!
Provides a sum of gold each time you spend a Great Person = Забезпечує певну суму золота за кожне витрачання видатної особи
# Requires translation!
+2 Gold for each source of Marble and Stone = +2 золота за кожен Мармур та Камінь
# Requires translation!
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Мавзолей у Галікарнасі
+1 food from Ocean and Coast tiles = +1 їжа з кожної океанської і прибережної клітинки
@ -2965,9 +2958,7 @@ Quarry = Кар’єр
Fishing Boats = Рибальські човни
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 50% = Дає додаткові 50% захисту
# Requires translation!
Fort = Форт
Road = Дорога
@ -2994,11 +2985,8 @@ Manufactory = Фабрика
Customs house = Митниця
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of 100% = Дає додаткові 100% захисту
# Requires translation!
Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units = Наносить 30 очків пошкоджень ворожим підрозділам поруч
# Requires translation!
Citadel = Цитадель
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = +1 культура за кожного сусіднього Моаї
@ -3551,7 +3539,6 @@ Can build improvement: Manufactory = Може будувати вдоскона
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Може прискорити будівництво дива світу
Great General = Видатний генерал
# Requires translation!
Can build improvement: Citadel = Може будувати вдосконалення: Цитадель
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = Підрозділи в радіусі 2 клітинок отримують силу атаки +15%
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
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Traditional_Chinese = 59
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Turkish = 75
English = 2
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Czech = 63
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