This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2023-04-26 22:29:09 +03:00
parent 271e88ad03
commit e9fca65b3d
7 changed files with 21 additions and 150 deletions

View File

@ -99,9 +99,7 @@ Requires at least one of the following: = 次のどれか一つが必要:
Requires all of the following: = 次のすべてが必要:
Leads to [techName] = [techName]に必要
Leads to: = 次のすべてに必要:
# Requires translation!
Enables: = 有効化
# Requires translation!
Disables: = 無効化
Current construction = 生産中
@ -235,7 +233,6 @@ Personality = 関係
Influence = 影響力
Ally: [civilization] with [amount] Influence = 味方: [civilization]で[amount]影響力
# Requires translation!
Unknown civilization = 未知の国家
Reach 30 for friendship. = 友好的になるためには影響力が30以上であることが必要です。
Reach highest influence above 60 for alliance. = 同盟関係になるためには影響力が最も強く、60以上であることが必要です。
@ -339,7 +336,6 @@ Map Generation Type = マップ生成タイプ
Enabled Map Generation Types =
Default = デフォルト
Pangaea = パンゲア
# Requires translation!
Continent and Islands = 大陸と島々
Two Continents = 二大陸
Three Continents = 三大陸
@ -348,21 +344,14 @@ Archipelago = 多島海
Inner Sea = 内海
# Requires translation!
Perlin =
# Requires translation!
Random number of Civilizations = 文明の数をランダムにする
# Requires translation!
Min number of Civilizations = 文明の数(最小)
# Requires translation!
Max number of Civilizations = 文明の数(最大)
# Requires translation!
Random number of City-States = 都市国家の数をランダムにする
# Requires translation!
Min number of City-States = 都市国家の数(最小)
# Requires translation!
Max number of City-States = 都市国家の数(最大)
One City Challenge = ワンシティチャレンジ
Enable Nuclear Weapons = 核兵器を有効化
# Requires translation!
No City Razing = 都市の焼却なし
No Barbarians = 蛮族なし
Disable starting bias = 開始時の偏りをなくす
@ -394,9 +383,7 @@ Radius = 半径
Enable Espionage = スパイ活動を有効化
Resource Setting = 資源の設定
# Requires translation!
Enabled Resource Settings = 資源の設定を有効にする
# Requires translation!
Other Settings = その他の設定
Sparse = まばら
Abundant = 豊富
@ -409,7 +396,6 @@ Advanced Settings = 詳細設定
RNG Seed = RNG値
Map Elevation = マップの高さ
Temperature extremeness = 極度な気候
# Requires translation!
Temperature shift = 気候の変化
Resource richness = 資源の数
Vegetation richness = 植生の豊かさ
@ -643,27 +629,17 @@ Days = 数日
Server limit reached! Please wait for [time] seconds = サーバーの限界です![time]秒をお待ちください。
File could not be found on the multiplayer server = マルチプレイサーバーにファイルが見つかりませんでした
Unhandled problem, [errorMessage] = 処理されていないエラー、[errorMessage]
# Requires translation!
Please enter your server password = サーバーパスワードを入力してください。
# Requires translation!
Set password = パスワードを設定する
# Requires translation!
Password must be at least 6 characters long = パスワードは6文字以上で入力してください。
# Requires translation!
Failed to set password! = パスワードの設定に失敗しました。
# Requires translation!
Password set successfully for server [serverURL] = サーバー[serverURL]のパスワード設定が完了しました。
# Requires translation!
Password = パスワード
# Requires translation!
Your userId is password secured = あなたのユーザーIDはパスワードで保護されています。
# Requires translation!
Set a password to secure your userId = ユーザーIDを保護するためにパスワードを設定してください。
# Requires translation!
Authenticate = 認証
# Requires translation!
This server does not support authentication =
# Requires translation!
Authentication failed = 認証に失敗しました。
# Save game menu
@ -678,7 +654,6 @@ Copy saved game to clipboard = セーブデータをクリップボードにコ
Could not load game! = ゲームを読み込めません
Could not load game from clipboard! = クリップボードからゲームを読み込めません
Could not load game from custom location! = 任意の場所からの読み込みができません
# Requires translation!
The file data seems to be corrupted. = データが壊れています。
The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. = このセーブデータは非対応バージョン[version]のUncivで生成されたものです。Uncivをこのバージョンもしくはより新しいバージョンに更新してやり直してください。
Load [saveFileName] = [saveFileName]をロード
@ -720,25 +695,17 @@ Display = 表示
### Screen subgroup
# Requires translation!
Screen = 画面
# Requires translation!
Screen Mode = 画面モード
# Requires translation!
Windowed = ウィンドウ
# Requires translation!
Fullscreen = フルスクリーン
# Requires translation!
Borderless =
# Requires translation!
Screen Size = 表示サイズ
# Requires translation!
Landscape (fixed) = 横画面固定
# Requires translation!
Portrait (fixed) = 縦画面固定
# Requires translation!
Auto (sensor adjusted) = 自動
### Enable panning the map when you move the mouse to the edge of the window
@ -750,9 +717,7 @@ Map panning speed =
### Graphics subgroup
Tileset = タイルセット
# Requires translation!
Unitset = ユニットセット
# Requires translation!
UI Skin = UIスキン
### UI subgroup
@ -762,23 +727,16 @@ UI =
# Requires translation!
Notifications on world screen =
# Requires translation!
Disabled = 無効
# Requires translation!
Hidden = 非表示
# Requires translation!
Visible = 表示
# Requires translation!
Permanent = 常に表示
Minimap size = ミニマップのサイズ
Show tutorials = チュートリアルを表示
# Requires translation!
Reset tutorials = チュートリアルの進捗をリセット
# Requires translation!
Do you want to reset completed tutorials? = すでに完了したチュートリアルの進捗をリセットしますか?
# Requires translation!
Reset = リセット
Show zoom buttons in world screen = ワールドスクリーンにズームを表示
@ -811,7 +769,6 @@ Auto-build roads = 道の自動建設
Automated workers replace improvements = 自動建設中の労働者によるタイル整備の置き換え
Automated units move on turn start = 自動操作ユニットターン開始時に動かす
Check for idle units = 動かないユニットの確認
# Requires translation!
Auto Unit Cycle = 自動ユニットサイクル
Move units with a single tap = シングルタップでユニットを移動
Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn = 次のターンを押すときに確認
@ -829,11 +786,8 @@ Sound effects volume = 効果音の音量
Music volume = 音楽の音量
City ambient sound volume = 都市の環境音量
Pause between tracks = 曲と曲の合間
# Requires translation!
Pause = 一時停止
# Requires translation!
Music = 音楽
# Requires translation!
Skip = スキップ
Currently playing: [title] = 再生中の曲: [title]
Download music = 音楽をダウンロード
@ -847,14 +801,12 @@ Translation files are generated successfully. = 翻訳ファイルが正常に
# Requires translation!
Fastlane files are generated successfully. =
# Requires translation!
Screen orientation = 画面の向き
Font family = フォント
Font size multiplier = 文字サイズ倍率
Default Font = デフォルトのフォント
# Requires translation!
Enable Easter Eggs = イースターエッグを有効にする
# Requires translation!
Enlarge selected notifications =
@ -870,7 +822,6 @@ Please see the Tutorial. =
## Locate mod errors tab
Locate mod errors = MODのエラーを検出
# Requires translation!
Check extension mods based on: = 基準にするMOD
-none- = なし
Reload mods = MODを再読み込み
@ -901,7 +852,6 @@ You need to restart the game for this change to take effect. = この変更を
# Notifications
Research of [technologyName] has completed! = [technologyName]の研究が完了しました
# Requires translation!
We gained [amount] Science from Research Agreement = 研究協定により[amount]科学力を受け取りました
[construction] has become obsolete and was removed from the queue in [cityName]! = [construction]が廃止され、[cityName]の生産キューから削除されました
[construction] has become obsolete and was removed from the queue in [amount] cities! = [construction]が廃止され、[amount]都市の生産キューから削除されました
@ -981,13 +931,11 @@ The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = 都市国家[name]は破壊され
Your [ourUnit] captured an enemy [theirUnit]! = [ourUnit]が敵の[theirUnit]を捕獲しました
Your [ourUnit] plundered [amount] [Stat] from [theirUnit] = [ourUnit]が[theirUnit]から[amount][Stat]を奪いました
We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = 蛮族の野営地を占領し、[goldAmount]ゴールドを回収しました
# Requires translation!
An enemy [unitType] has joined us! = 敵の[unitType]が入隊しました
# Requires translation!
After an unknown civilization entered the [eraName], we have recruited [spyName] as a spy! =
# Requires translation!
We have recruited [spyName] as a spy! =
# Requires translation!
[unitName] can be promoted! = [unitName]が昇進できます
# This might be needed for a rewrite of Germany's unique - see #7376
@ -1014,9 +962,7 @@ You and [name] are no longer allies! = [name]は同盟ではなくなりまし
[civName] has denied your trade request = [civName]は取引を拒否しました
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] has ended = [otherCivName]からの[tradeOffer]の提供が終了しました
[tradeOffer] to [otherCivName] has ended = [otherCivName]への[tradeOffer]の提供が終了しました
# Requires translation!
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end in [amount] turns = [otherCivName]からの[tradeOffer]の提供が[amount]ターン後に終了します
# Requires translation!
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end next turn = [otherCivName]からの[tradeOffer]の提供が次のターンに終了します
One of our trades with [nation] has ended = [nation]との取引の一つが終了しました
One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = [nation]との取引の一つが短縮されました
@ -1059,11 +1005,8 @@ You have unlocked [ability] = [ability]を解禁しました
# Requires translation!
A new b'ak'tun has just begun! =
A Great Person joins you! = 偉人があなたの文明に加わりました。
# Requires translation!
[civ1] has liberated [civ2] = [civ1]は[civ2]を解放しました
# Requires translation!
[civ] has liberated an unknown civilization = [civ]は未知の文明を解放しました
# Requires translation!
An unknown civilization has liberated [civ] = 未知の文明が[civ]を解放しました
# Trigger notifications
@ -1097,27 +1040,17 @@ You have lost [amount] [resourceName] =
## Trigger causes
# Requires translation!
due to researching [tech] = [tech]の研究が完了したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to adopting [policy] = [policy]を採用したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to discovering [naturalWonder] = [naturalWonder]を発見したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to entering the [eraName] =
# Requires translation!
due to constructing [buildingName] = [buildingName]の建設が完了したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to founding a city = 都市を発見したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to discovering a Natural Wonder = 自然遺産を発見したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to our [unitName] defeating a [otherUnitName] = 我々の[unitName]が[otherUnitName]を破壊したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to our [unitName] being defeated by a [otherUnitName] = 我々の[unitName]が[otherUnitName]に破壊されたことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to our [unitName] losing [amount] HP = 我々の[unitName]のHPが[amount]減少したことにより、
# Requires translation!
due to our [unitName] being promoted = 我々の[unitName]が昇進したことにより、
# Requires translation!
from the ruins =
@ -1161,9 +1094,7 @@ Sleep until healed = 回復するまで休む
Moving = 移動中
Set up = 準備
Paradrop = パラシュート
# Requires translation!
Air Sweep = 空中迎撃
# Requires translation!
Add in capital = 首都に運搬
Add to [comment] = [comment]に追加
Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold) = [unitType]にアップグレード([goldCost]ゴールド)
@ -1183,18 +1114,13 @@ Explore = 探索
Stop exploration = 探索をやめる
Pillage = 略奪
Pillage [improvement] = 略奪 [improvement]
# Requires translation!
[improvement] (Pillaged!) = [improvement](略奪済み)
# Requires translation!
Repair [improvement] - [turns] = [improvement]を修復([turns]ターン)
# Requires translation!
Wait = 待機
Are you sure you want to pillage this [improvement]? = この[improvement]を略奪してもよろしいですか?
# Requires translation!
We have looted [amount] from a [improvement] = [improvement]から[amount]を略奪しました
# Requires translation!
We have looted [amount] from a [improvement] which has been sent to [cityName] =
# Requires translation!
An enemy [unitName] has pillaged our [improvement] = 敵の[unitName]が我々の[improvement]を略奪しました
Create [improvement] = [improvement]を作る
Start Golden Age = 黄金時代を始める
@ -1274,13 +1200,10 @@ Provides [resource] = [resource]を改善
Provides [amount] [resource] = [amount]の[resource]を改善
Replaces [improvement] = [improvement]を置き換え
Pick now! = 選択
# Requires translation!
Remove [feature] first = 先に[feature]を削除する必要があります
# Requires translation!
Research [tech] first = [tech]が必要です
# Requires translation!
Have this tile close to your borders =
# Requires translation!
Have this tile inside your empire = 領土内のタイルのみ整備できます
# Requires translation!
Acquire more [resource] =
@ -1291,9 +1214,7 @@ Nothing = なにもしない
Annex city = 都市を併合
Specialist Buildings = 専門家雇用
Specialist Allocation = 専門家を配置
# Requires translation!
Manual Specialists = 手動配置
# Requires translation!
Auto Specialists = 自動配置
Specialists = 専門家
[specialist] slots = [specialist]スロット
@ -1309,7 +1230,6 @@ In resistance for another [numberOfTurns] turns = あと[numberOfTurns]ターン
We Love The King Day for another [numberOfTurns] turns = あと[numberOfTurns]ターンWe Love The King Day
Demanding [resource] = [resource]を要求
Sell for [sellAmount] gold = [sellAmount]ゴールドで売却
# Requires translation!
Sell = 売却
Are you sure you want to sell this [building]? = この[building]を売却してもいいですか?
Free = 無償
@ -1329,15 +1249,10 @@ Worked by [cityName] = [cityName]で勤務
Lock = ロック
Unlock = アンロック
Move to city = 都市へ移動
# Requires translation!
Reset Citizens = 配置をリセット
# Requires translation!
Citizen Management = 市民の管理
# Requires translation!
Avoid Growth = 成長を回避
# Requires translation!
Default Focus = デフォルト
# Requires translation!
[stat] Focus = [stat]重視
Please enter a new name for your city = 都市の新しい名前を入力
# Requires translation!
@ -1464,7 +1379,6 @@ Trades = 取引
Current trades =
# Requires translation!
Pending trades =
# Requires translation!
Score = スコア
Units = ユニット
Unit Supply = ユニットサプライ
@ -1477,7 +1391,6 @@ Increase your supply or reduce the amount of units to remove the production pena
Name = 名前
Closest city = 最も近い都市
Action = 行動
# Requires translation!
Upgrade = アップグレード
Defeated = 敗北
[numberOfCivs] Civilizations in the game = ゲーム内の[numberOfCivs]つの文明
@ -1501,7 +1414,6 @@ Current turn =
# Requires translation!
Turn [turnNumber] =
Location = 位置
# Requires translation!
Unimproved = 未整備
# Requires translation!
Number of tiles with this resource\nin your territory, without an\nappropriate improvement to use it =
@ -1548,11 +1460,8 @@ Trade request =
# Victory
# Requires translation!
[victoryType] Victory = [victoryType]勝利
# Requires translation!
Built [building] = [building]を建設する
# Requires translation!
Add all [comment] in capital = すべての[comment]を首都に運搬
# Requires translation!
Destroy all players =
@ -1560,9 +1469,7 @@ Destroy all players =
Capture all capitals =
# Requires translation!
Complete [amount] Policy branches =
# Requires translation!
You have won a [victoryType] Victory! = あなたの文明は[victoryType]勝利しました!
# Requires translation!
[civilization] has won a [victoryType] Victory! = [civilization]が[victoryType]勝利しました!
Your civilization stands above all others! The exploits of your people shall be remembered until the end of civilization itself! = あなたの文明は他の文明を超えた存在となった。文明の偉大な功績は、末裔まで語り継がれるであろう!
You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = 敗北した。あなたの文明は多くの敵によって打ちのめされてしまった。だが国民は諦めていない。いつの日かあなたがこの地に戻り、皆を勝利へと導いてくれると信じている。
@ -1603,7 +1510,6 @@ Voted for =
Vote for [civilizationName] = [civilizationName]に投票
# Requires translation!
Continue =
# Requires translation!
Abstained = 棄権
Vote for World Leader = 世界の主導者の投票
# Requires translation!

View File

@ -2062,7 +2062,6 @@ for [amount] movement = na [amount] ruchy
once = jeden raz
[amount] times = [amount] razy
[amount] additional time(s) = dodatkowych [amount] razy
# Requires translation!
after which this unit is consumed = po których jednostka jest wykorzystana
Grants 500 Gold to the first civilization to discover it = +500¤ Złota dla pierwszej cywilizacji, która dokona odkrycia!
Units ending their turn on this terrain take [amount] damage = Jednostki kończące turę w górach odnoszą obrażenia -[amount] PŻ

View File

@ -784,7 +784,6 @@ Font size multiplier = Escala de la Fuente
Default Font = Fuente predeterminada
Enable Easter Eggs = Activar "Huevos de Pascua"
# Requires translation!
Enlarge selected notifications = Expandir notificaciones seleccionadas
Order trade offers by amount = Ordenar ofertas comerciales por cantidad
@ -2132,7 +2131,6 @@ in cities without a [buildingFilter] = en ciudades sin un/a [buildingFilter]
in cities with at least [amount] [populationFilter] = en ciudades con por lo menos [amount] [populationFilter]
with a garrison = con una guarnición
for [mapUnitFilter] units = para unidades [mapUnitFilter]
# Requires translation!
when [mapUnitFilter] = cuando [mapUnitFilter]
for units with [promotion] = para unidades con [promotion]
for units without [promotion] = para unidades sin [promotion]

View File

@ -13,18 +13,18 @@ Portuguese = 64
Indonesian = 100
Catalan = 99
Finnish = 37
Spanish = 99
Spanish = 100
Malay = 23
Brazilian_Portuguese = 99
Brazilian_Portuguese = 100
Traditional_Chinese = 97
Polish = 99
Lithuanian = 95
Romanian = 73
Simplified_Chinese = 99
Simplified_Chinese = 100
Bulgarian = 43
Korean = 97
Persian_(Pinglish-DIN) = 13
Japanese = 70
Japanese = 72
English = 0
Vietnamese = 95
Czech = 84

View File

@ -1,33 +1,18 @@
## 4.6.7
docs: Closer cropped icon for better viewing
Modding: terrainFilter now accommodates nationFilter for tile owner
Custom icons for mkdocs
Minor UI improvements
Fix tests
docs: better unique parameter documentation
terrainFilter now accommodates nationFilter for owner
Remove double icons from airsweep/nuke battle table
Fade unit icon in overview if not idle
By WhoIsJohannes:
- Performance improvements
- Cache civ uniques while refreshing world map tiles.
Performance improvements - By WhoIsJohannes
Allow to reveal explored resources from a city's demanding resources in `CityOverviewTab` - By chr56
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Visual clue a load game from clipboard is underway
- Fix border case crash with lone AI winning on turn 0
- Allow modders to use culture/faith conversion without providing the icons
- "can be promoted" notification only when it's actually new
- Fix wrapping for promotions in unit overview
Don't return 401 when auth is disabled - By Chris1712
- Visual clue a load game from clipboard is underway
- Allow modders to use culture/faith conversion without providing the icons
- "can be promoted" notification only when it's actually new
- Fix wrapping for promotions in unit overview
## 4.6.6

View File

@ -1,30 +1,13 @@
Modding: terrainFilter now accommodates nationFilter for tile owner
Minor UI improvements
docs: Closer cropped icon for better viewing
Custom icons for mkdocs
Fix tests
docs: better unique parameter documentation
terrainFilter now accommodates nationFilter for owner
Remove double icons from airsweep/nuke battle table
Fade unit icon in overview if not idle
By WhoIsJohannes:
- Performance improvements
- Cache civ uniques while refreshing world map tiles.
Performance improvements - By WhoIsJohannes
Allow to reveal explored resources from a city's demanding resources in `CityOverviewTab` - By chr56
By SomeTroglodyte:
- Visual clue a load game from clipboard is underway
- Fix border case crash with lone AI winning on turn 0
- Allow modders to use culture/faith conversion without providing the icons
- "can be promoted" notification only when it's actually new
- Fix wrapping for promotions in unit overview
Don't return 401 when auth is disabled - By Chris1712
- Visual clue a load game from clipboard is underway
- Allow modders to use culture/faith conversion without providing the icons
- "can be promoted" notification only when it's actually new
- Fix wrapping for promotions in unit overview

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ Implementasi ulang dari game membangun peradaban paling terkenal yang pernah ada
Bangun peradabanmu, teliti teknologi, perluas kotamu dan kalahkan musuhmu!
Permintaan? Bug? Daftar hal-hal yang akan dilakukan pada aplikasi ada di, setiap bantuan kecil diterima!
Permintaan? Bug? Daftar hal-hal yang akan dilakukan untuk aplikasi adalah, setiap bantuan kecil diterima!
Pertanyaan? Komentar? Hanya gabut? Bergabunglah dengan kami di
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ Mau membantu menerjemahkan game ke dalam bahasamu? Kirimi saya email ke yairm210
Paham Java atau Kotlin? Bergabunglah dengan kami di
Dunia menunggu! Akankah kamu akan membangun peradabanmi menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang akan bertahan seiring berjalannya waktu?
Dunia menunggu! Akankah kamu akan membangun peradabanmu menjadi sebuah kerajaan yang akan bertahan dalam ujian waktu?
Izin 'memiliki akses jaringan penuh' diperlukan untuk pengunduhan yang dilakukan pengguna dan fitur multiplayer. Semua izin lainnya telah termasuk secara otomatis oleh API yang digunakan untuk menjalankan notifikasi giliran multiplayer. Izin jaringan digunakan untuk membuat daftar mod, mengunduh mod, mengunduh musik dan mengunggah/mengunduh game multiplayer. Tidak ada komunikasi internet lainnya yang dilakukan oleh Unciv.
Izin 'memiliki akses jaringan penuh' diperlukan untuk unduhan yang dilakukan pengguna dan fitur multiplayer. Semua izin terdaftar lainnya disertakan secara otomatis oleh API yang digunakan untuk mengimplementasikan notifikasi giliran multiplayer. Izin jaringan digunakan untuk membuat daftar mod, mengunduh mod, mengunduh musik dan mengunggah/mengunduh game multiplayer. Tidak ada komunikasi internet lain yang dilakukan oleh Unciv.