Resolved #11356 - Policy tables no longer repeat on some height/width configurations

This commit is contained in:
Yair Morgenstern 2024-03-26 00:06:34 +02:00
parent bd71ba683f
commit f2dd64f684

View File

@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import com.unciv.ui.screens.basescreen.RecreateOnResize
import com.unciv.ui.screens.civilopediascreen.CivilopediaScreen
import java.lang.Integer.max
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.ceil
import kotlin.math.min
private enum class PolicyColors(
@ -190,13 +191,13 @@ class PolicyPickerScreen(
val branches = viewingCiv.gameInfo.ruleset.policyBranches
val rowChangeCount: Int
val branchesPerRow: Int
// estimate how many branch boxes fit using average size (including pad)
// TODO If we'd want to use scene2d correctly, this is supposed to happen inside an overridden layout() method
val numBranchesY = scrollPane.height / 305f
// Landscape - arrange in as few rows as looks nice
rowChangeCount = if (numBranchesY > 1.5f) {
branchesPerRow = if (numBranchesY > 1.5f) {
val numRows = if (numBranchesY < 2.9f) 2 else (numBranchesY + 0.1f).toInt()
(branches.size + numRows - 1) / numRows
} else branches.size
@ -204,29 +205,36 @@ class PolicyPickerScreen(
// Actually create and distribute the policy branches
var wrapper = Table()
val size = ((branches.size / rowChangeCount) + if (branches.size % rowChangeCount == 0) 0 else 1)*rowChangeCount
for (i in 0 until size) {
val numberOfRows = ceil(branches.size / branchesPerRow.toFloat()).toInt()
val size = numberOfRows * branchesPerRow
val change = (i % rowChangeCount == 0)
val rightToLeft = ((i / rowChangeCount) % 2)
val r = (i % rowChangeCount) + (i / rowChangeCount)*(rowChangeCount-rightToLeft) + rightToLeft*(rowChangeCount-2*(i % rowChangeCount))
if (i > 0 && change) {
topTable.addSeparator().pad(0f, 10f)
wrapper = Table()
if (r >= branches.size) {
} else {
val branch = branches.values.elementAt(r)
val branchGroup = BranchGroup(branch)
branchToGroup[] = branchGroup
val positionToTable = HashMap<String,Table>()
val allPoliciesTable = Table()
for (rowNum in 0 until numberOfRows){
val row = Table()
for (columnNum in 0 until branchesPerRow){
val branchTable = Table()
positionToTable["$rowNum-$columnNum"] = branchTable
if (rowNum != numberOfRows-1) allPoliciesTable.addSeparator().pad(0f, 10f)
for ((index, branch) in branches.values.withIndex()){
val branchGroup = BranchGroup(branch)
branchToGroup[] = branchGroup
val rowNumber = index / branchesPerRow
val isRowLeftToRight = rowNumber % 2 == 0
val numberInRow = index % branchesPerRow // RTL rows
val rowPosition = if (isRowLeftToRight) numberInRow else branchesPerRow-1-numberInRow
val policyTable = positionToTable["$rowNumber-$rowPosition"]!!
// If topTable is larger than available space, scroll in a little - up to top/left
// total padding, or up to where the axis is centered, whichever is smaller