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synced 2025-02-11 11:28:03 +07:00
chore: Split 'head towards enemy city' into subfunctions
Quite complex for a seemingly simple task, that's why it gets its own object
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
package com.unciv.logic.automation.unit
import com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization.NextTurnAutomation
import com.unciv.logic.battle.BattleDamage
import com.unciv.logic.battle.CityCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.battle.MapUnitCombatant
import com.unciv.logic.city.City
import com.unciv.logic.map.mapunit.MapUnit
import com.unciv.logic.map.mapunit.movement.PathsToTilesWithinTurn
import com.unciv.logic.map.tile.Tile
object HeadTowardsEnemyCityAutomation {
/** @returns whether the unit has taken this action */
fun tryHeadTowardsEnemyCity(unit: MapUnit): Boolean {
if (unit.civ.cities.isEmpty()) return false
// only focus on *attacking* 1 enemy at a time otherwise you'll lose on both fronts
val closestReachableEnemyCity = getEnemyCitiesByPriority(unit)
.firstOrNull { unit.movement.canReach(it.getCenterTile()) }
?: return false // No enemy city reachable
return headTowardsEnemyCity(
// This should be cached after the `canReach` call above.
private fun getEnemyCitiesByPriority(unit: MapUnit):Sequence<City>{
val enemies = unit.civ.getKnownCivs()
.filter { unit.civ.isAtWarWith(it) && it.cities.isNotEmpty() }
val closestEnemyCity = enemies
.mapNotNull { NextTurnAutomation.getClosestCities(unit.civ, it) }
.minByOrNull { it.aerialDistance }?.city2
?: return emptySequence() // no attackable cities found
// Our main attack target is the closest city, but we're fine with deviating from that a bit
var enemyCitiesByPriority = closestEnemyCity.civ.cities
.associateWith { it.getCenterTile().aerialDistanceTo(closestEnemyCity.getCenterTile()) }
.asSequence().filterNot { it.value > 10 } // anything 10 tiles away from the target is irrelevant
.sortedBy { it.value }.map { it.key } // sort the list by closeness to target - least is best!
if (unit.baseUnit.isRanged()) // ranged units don't harm capturable cities, waste of a turn
enemyCitiesByPriority = enemyCitiesByPriority.filterNot { it.health == 1 }
return enemyCitiesByPriority
private const val maxDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea = 5
private const val minDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea = 3
/** @returns whether the unit has taken this action */
fun headTowardsEnemyCity(
unit: MapUnit,
closestReachableEnemyCity: Tile,
shortestPath: List<Tile>
): Boolean {
val unitDistanceToTiles = unit.movement.getDistanceToTiles()
val unitRange = unit.getRange()
if (unitRange > 2) { // long-ranged unit, should never be in a bombardable position
return headTowardsEnemyCityLongRange(closestReachableEnemyCity, unitDistanceToTiles, unitRange, unit)
val nextTileInPath = shortestPath[0]
// None of the stuff below is relevant if we're still quite far away from the city, so we
// short-circuit here for performance reasons.
if (unit.currentTile.aerialDistanceTo(closestReachableEnemyCity) > maxDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea
// Even in the worst case of only being able to move 1 tile per turn, we would still
// not overshoot.
&& shortestPath.size > minDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea ) {
return true
val ourUnitsAroundEnemyCity = closestReachableEnemyCity.getTilesInDistance(6)
.flatMap { it.getUnits() }
.filter { it.isMilitary() && it.civ == unit.civ }
val city = closestReachableEnemyCity.getCity()!!
if (cannotTakeCitySoon(ourUnitsAroundEnemyCity, city)){
return headToLandingGrounds(closestReachableEnemyCity, unit)
unit.movement.moveToTile(nextTileInPath) // go for it!
return true
/** Cannot take within 5 turns */
private fun cannotTakeCitySoon(
ourUnitsAroundEnemyCity: Sequence<MapUnit>,
city: City
): Boolean {
val cityCombatant = CityCombatant(city)
val expectedDamagePerTurn = ourUnitsAroundEnemyCity
.sumOf { BattleDamage.calculateDamageToDefender(MapUnitCombatant(it), cityCombatant) }
val cityHealingPerTurn = 20
return expectedDamagePerTurn < city.health && // Cannot take immediately
(expectedDamagePerTurn <= cityHealingPerTurn // No lasting damage
|| city.health / (expectedDamagePerTurn - cityHealingPerTurn) > 5) // Can damage, but will take more than 5 turns
private fun headToLandingGrounds(closestReachableEnemyCity: Tile, unit: MapUnit): Boolean {
// don't head straight to the city, try to head to landing grounds -
// this is against tha AI's brilliant plan of having everyone embarked and attacking via sea when unnecessary.
val tileToHeadTo = closestReachableEnemyCity.getTilesInDistanceRange(minDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea..maxDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea)
.filter { it.isLand && unit.getDamageFromTerrain(it) <= 0 } // Don't head for hurty terrain
.sortedBy { it.aerialDistanceTo(unit.currentTile) }
.firstOrNull { (unit.movement.canMoveTo(it) || it == unit.currentTile) && unit.movement.canReach(it) }
if (tileToHeadTo != null) { // no need to worry, keep going as the movement alg. says
return true
private fun headTowardsEnemyCityLongRange(
closestReachableEnemyCity: Tile,
unitDistanceToTiles: PathsToTilesWithinTurn,
unitRange: Int,
unit: MapUnit
): Boolean {
val tilesInBombardRange = closestReachableEnemyCity.getTilesInDistance(2).toSet()
val tileToMoveTo =
.filter {
it.key.aerialDistanceTo(closestReachableEnemyCity) <=
unitRange && it.key !in tilesInBombardRange
&& unit.getDamageFromTerrain(it.key) <= 0 // Don't set up on a mountain
.minByOrNull { it.value.totalDistance }?.key ?: return false // return false if no tile to move to
// move into position far away enough that the bombard doesn't hurt
return true
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package com.unciv.logic.automation.unit
import com.unciv.Constants
import com.unciv.UncivGame
import com.unciv.logic.automation.Automation
import com.unciv.logic.automation.civilization.NextTurnAutomation
import com.unciv.logic.battle.Battle
import com.unciv.logic.battle.BattleDamage
import com.unciv.logic.battle.CityCombatant
@ -206,7 +205,7 @@ object UnitAutomation {
if (tryTakeBackCapturedCity(unit)) return
// Focus all units without a specific target on the enemy city closest to one of our cities
if (tryHeadTowardsEnemyCity(unit)) return
if (HeadTowardsEnemyCityAutomation.tryHeadTowardsEnemyCity(unit)) return
if (tryGarrisoningRangedLandUnit(unit)) return
@ -418,114 +417,6 @@ object UnitAutomation {
return unit.currentMovement == 0f
fun tryHeadTowardsEnemyCity(unit: MapUnit): Boolean {
if (unit.civ.cities.isEmpty()) return false
// only focus on *attacking* 1 enemy at a time otherwise you'll lose on both fronts
val enemies = unit.civ.getKnownCivs()
.filter { unit.civ.isAtWarWith(it) && it.cities.isNotEmpty() }
val closestEnemyCity = enemies
.mapNotNull { NextTurnAutomation.getClosestCities(unit.civ, it) }
.minByOrNull { it.aerialDistance }?.city2
?: return false // no attackable cities found
// Our main attack target is the closest city, but we're fine with deviating from that a bit
var enemyCitiesByPriority = closestEnemyCity.civ.cities
.associateWith { it.getCenterTile().aerialDistanceTo(closestEnemyCity.getCenterTile()) }
.asSequence().filterNot { it.value > 10 } // anything 10 tiles away from the target is irrelevant
.sortedBy { it.value }.map { it.key } // sort the list by closeness to target - least is best!
if (unit.baseUnit.isRanged()) // ranged units don't harm capturable cities, waste of a turn
enemyCitiesByPriority = enemyCitiesByPriority.filterNot { it.health == 1 }
val closestReachableEnemyCity = enemyCitiesByPriority
.firstOrNull { unit.movement.canReach(it.getCenterTile()) }
if (closestReachableEnemyCity != null) {
return headTowardsEnemyCity(
// This should be cached after the `canReach` call above.
return false
private fun headTowardsEnemyCity(
unit: MapUnit,
closestReachableEnemyCity: Tile,
shortestPath: List<Tile>
): Boolean {
val unitDistanceToTiles = unit.movement.getDistanceToTiles()
val unitRange = unit.getRange()
if (unitRange > 2) { // long-ranged unit, should never be in a bombardable position
val tilesInBombardRange = closestReachableEnemyCity.getTilesInDistance(2).toSet()
val tileToMoveTo =
.filter {
it.key.aerialDistanceTo(closestReachableEnemyCity) <=
unitRange && it.key !in tilesInBombardRange
&& unit.getDamageFromTerrain(it.key) <= 0 // Don't set up on a mountain
.minByOrNull { it.value.totalDistance }?.key
// move into position far away enough that the bombard doesn't hurt
if (tileToMoveTo != null) {
return true
return false
// None of the stuff below is relevant if we're still quite far away from the city, so we
// short-circuit here for performance reasons.
val minDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea = 3
val maxDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea = 5
if (unit.currentTile.aerialDistanceTo(closestReachableEnemyCity) > maxDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea
// Even in the worst case of only being able to move 1 tile per turn, we would still
// not overshoot.
&& shortestPath.size > minDistanceFromCityToConsiderForLandingArea ) {
return true
val ourUnitsAroundEnemyCity = closestReachableEnemyCity.getTilesInDistance(6)
.flatMap { it.getUnits() }
.filter { it.isMilitary() && it.civ == unit.civ }
val city = closestReachableEnemyCity.getCity()!!
val cityCombatant = CityCombatant(city)
val expectedDamagePerTurn = ourUnitsAroundEnemyCity
.map { BattleDamage.calculateDamageToDefender(MapUnitCombatant(it), cityCombatant) }
.sum() // City heals 20 per turn
if (expectedDamagePerTurn < city.health && // If we can take immediately, go for it
(expectedDamagePerTurn <= 20 || city.health / (expectedDamagePerTurn-20) > 5)){ // otherwise check if we can take within a couple of turns
// We won't be able to take this even with 5 turns of continuous damage!
// don't head straight to the city, try to head to landing grounds -
// this is against tha AI's brilliant plan of having everyone embarked and attacking via sea when unnecessary.
val tileToHeadTo = closestReachableEnemyCity.getTilesInDistanceRange(3..5)
.filter { it.isLand && unit.getDamageFromTerrain(it) <= 0 } // Don't head for hurty terrain
.sortedBy { it.aerialDistanceTo(unit.currentTile) }
.firstOrNull { (unit.movement.canMoveTo(it) || it == unit.currentTile) && unit.movement.canReach(it) }
if (tileToHeadTo != null) { // no need to worry, keep going as the movement alg. says
return true
unit.movement.moveToTile(shortestPath[0]) // go for it!
return true
fun tryEnterOwnClosestCity(unit: MapUnit): Boolean {
val closestCity = unit.civ.cities
@ -590,7 +481,7 @@ object UnitAutomation {
.firstOrNull { unit.movement.canReach(it) }
if (closestReachableCapturedCity != null) {
return headTowardsEnemyCity(
return HeadTowardsEnemyCityAutomation.headTowardsEnemyCity(
// This should be cached after the `canReach` call above.
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