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synced 2025-01-05 13:08:48 +07:00
Republic description deambiguated
This commit is contained in:
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"name": "Republic",
"description": "+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings",
"description": "+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings",
"requires": ["Collective Rule"],
"row": 2,
"column": 1
@ -3257,7 +3257,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Občanství
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = Rychlost vylepšení na políčkách vzroste o 25%, zdarma obdržíte dělníka v blízkosti hlavního města
Republic = Republika
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 konstrukce v každém městě, +5% konstrukce při stavbě budov
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 konstrukce v každém městě, +5% konstrukce při stavbě budov
Representation = Zastupitelství
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Každé založené město zvyšuje cenu sociální politiky o 33% méně než obvykle. Započne zlatý věk.
Meritocracy = Meritokracie
@ -4078,7 +4078,7 @@ Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital =
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Republic =
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+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings =
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings =
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Representation =
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@ -4290,7 +4290,7 @@ Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital =
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Republic =
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+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings =
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings =
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Representation =
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@ -2739,7 +2739,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Citoyenneté
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = La vitesse de construction des ouvriers augmente de 25% et un ouvrier apparaît près de la capitale
Republic = République
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = production +1, et production +5% dans les villes lors de la construction de bâtiments
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = production +1, et production +5% dans les villes lors de la construction de bâtiments
Representation = Représentation
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Pour chaque ville fondée, le coût en culture des doctrines augmentera 33% moins vite. Déclenche également un âge d'or
Meritocracy = Méritocratie
@ -3169,7 +3169,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Staatsbürgerschaft
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = +25% Baugeschwindigkeit für Felderverbesserungen bei ArbeiterInnenn; ein(e) kostenlose(r) Arbeiter(in) erscheint in der Hauptstadt
Republic = Republik
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 Produktion in jeder Stadt; +5% Produktion beim Bau von Gebäuden in Städten
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 Produktion in jeder Stadt; +5% Produktion beim Bau von Gebäuden in Städten
Representation = Repräsentation
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Jede gegründete Stadt erhöht die Kulturkosten von Grundsätzen um 33% weniger als üblich. Es beginnt ein Goldenes Zeitalter.
Meritocracy = Meritokratie
@ -3496,7 +3496,7 @@ Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital =
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Republic =
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+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings =
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings =
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Representation =
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@ -2229,7 +2229,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Cittadinanza
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = I Lavoratori costruiscono il 25% più in fretta, e la Capitale riceve un Lavoratore gratuito
Republic = Repubblica
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 Produzione in ogni città, e +5% Produzione quando costruisci un edificio
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 Produzione in ogni città, e +5% Produzione quando costruisci un edificio
Representation = Rappresentanza
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Il costo in Cultura delle nuove Politiche Sociali aumenta del 33% in meno ad ogni nuova città fondata. Avvia inoltre un'Età dell'Oro.
Meritocracy = Meritocrazia
@ -3139,7 +3139,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = 市民権
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = 資材活用施設の生産速度が25%上昇。労働者が首都近郊に出現する。
Republic = 共和制
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = 全都市の生産力+1、建造物建設時の都市の生産力+5%
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = 全都市の生産力+1、建造物建設時の都市の生産力+5%
Representation = 代議員
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = 都市を建てるたびに高騰していく文化力による社会制度の獲得コストが、通常より33%少ない割合で上昇していくようになる。黄金時代に入る。
Meritocracy = 実力主義
@ -2626,7 +2626,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = 시민권
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = 타일 시설 건설 속도 +25%, 수도 근처에서 무료 노동자 출현
Republic = 공화국
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = 모든 도시에서 생산력 +1, 건물 건설 시 추가로 생산력 +5%
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = 모든 도시에서 생산력 +1, 건물 건설 시 추가로 생산력 +5%
Representation = 대의제
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = 도시 수로 인한 정책의 문화 요구치 증가량 -33%, 즉시 황금기 시작
Meritocracy = 능력주의
@ -4184,7 +4184,7 @@ Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital =
# Requires translation!
Republic =
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+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings =
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings =
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Representation =
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@ -2601,7 +2601,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Obywatelstwo
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = Szybkość ulepszania pól wzrasta o 25%, odbiera nowego robotnika w okolicy stolicy
Republic = Republika
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 do produkcji w każdym mieście, produkcja wzrasta o 5% w trakcie konstruowania budynków
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 do produkcji w każdym mieście, produkcja wzrasta o 5% w trakcie konstruowania budynków
Representation = Reprezentacja
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Każde założone miasto obniża koszt ustrojów o 33% . Rozpoczyna Złotą Erę
Meritocracy = Merytokracja
@ -3572,7 +3572,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Cidadania
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = +25% tava de construção de trabalhadores, receber trabalhador perto da capital
Republic = Republica
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 de produção em todas as cidades,+5% construção quando construindo edificios
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 de produção em todas as cidades,+5% construção quando construindo edificios
Representation = Representação
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Toda cidade fundada aumenta o custo de políticas 33% a menos que o normal, aciona uma Idade Dourada
Meritocracy = Meritocracia
@ -3578,7 +3578,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Cetățenie
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = +25% rata de construire pentru muncitori, se obține un muncitor gratuit lângă capitală
Republic = Republică
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 construcție în fiecare oraș, +5% construcție clădiri
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 construcție în fiecare oraș, +5% construcție clădiri
Representation = Reprezentanță
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Fiecare oraș fondat crește costul în cultură al politicilor 33% sub normal. Începe o epocă de aur.
Meritocracy = Meritocrație
@ -2587,7 +2587,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Гражданство
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = Увеличивает на 25% скорость создания улучшений клеток. Возле столицы появляется рабочий
Republic = Республика
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = Увеличивает на 1% производство во всех городах и на 5% производство при строительстве зданий
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = Увеличивает на 1% производство во всех городах и на 5% производство при строительстве зданий
Representation = Представительство
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Каждый основанный город на 33% меньше увеличивает цену общественных институтов. Начинает золотой век.
Meritocracy = Меритократия
@ -2687,7 +2687,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = 公民制度
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = 地块设施建造速度+25%,首都附近获得1个工人
Republic = 共和政体
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = 每座城市+1产能,城市建造建筑时产能积累速率+5%
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = 每座城市+1产能,城市建造建筑时产能积累速率+5%
Representation = 代议制度
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = 每新建城市导致推行政策所需文化成本的增幅低于正常值33%,立即开启一次黄金时代
Meritocracy = 精英政治
@ -3411,7 +3411,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Ciudadanía
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = +25% ritmo de construcción de trabajadores y un trabajador gratis cerca de la capital
Republic = República
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 construcción en cada ciudad, +5% al construir edificios
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 construcción en cada ciudad, +5% al construir edificios
Representation = Representación
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Cada ciudad fundada incrementa el coste cultural de las políticas 33% menos de lo normal. Comienza una Edad de Oro
Meritocracy = Meritocracia
@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = ความเป็นพลเมือง
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = ความเร็วในการปรับปรุงพื้นที่ +25%, รับคนงานฟรีๆใกล้เมืองหลวงเลย
Republic = สาธารณรัฐ
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 การก่อสร้างในทุกเมือง, +5% การก่อสร้างเมื่อกำลังสร้างสิ่งปลูกสร้าง
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 การก่อสร้างในทุกเมือง, +5% การก่อสร้างเมื่อกำลังสร้างสิ่งปลูกสร้าง
Representation = การแสดงออก
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = ในการก่อตั้งเมืองแต่ละครั้งจะมีการเพิ่มค่าใช้วัฒนธรรมของนโยบายให้น้อยลงกว่าปกติ 33% เริ่มต้นยุคทอง
Meritocracy = ธรรมาธิไตย
@ -3322,7 +3322,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = 公民制度
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = 地區設施建造速度+25%,首都附近獲得1個工人
Republic = 共和政體
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = 每座城市+1產能,城市建造建築時產能累積速率+5%
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = 每座城市+1產能,城市建造建築時產能累積速率+5%
Representation = 代議制度
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = 每新建城市導致推行政策的文化成本的增幅減少相對於正常值的33%,立即開啟一次黃金時代
Meritocracy = 精英政治
@ -2766,7 +2766,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Vatandaşlık
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = Bölge geliştirme hızı +25%, başkentin yakınında ücretsiz bir işçi al
Republic = Cumhuriyet
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = Her şehirde +1 inşaat, bina inşa ederken +5% inşaat
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = Her şehirde +1 inşaat, bina inşa ederken +5% inşaat
Representation = Temsil
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Kurulan her şehir politikaların kültür maliyetini normalden 33% daha az artar. Altın çağ başlar.
Meritocracy = Meritokrasi
@ -2370,7 +2370,7 @@ Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the c
Citizenship = Права і обов'язки громадянина
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = Покращення клітинок відбувається на +25% швидше, новий працівник коло столиці
Republic = Республіка
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = +1 виробництво, +5% виробництва при будівництві будівель
+1 production in every city, +5% production when constructing buildings = +1 виробництво, +5% виробництва при будівництві будівель
Representation = Представництво
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = Кожне засноване місто збільшує ціну інституту на 33% менше ніж зазвичай. Розпочинає Золоту добу.
Meritocracy = Меритократія
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