startIntroPart1:"Hail mighty Bismark, first canchellor of Germany and her empire! Germany is an upstart nation, fashioned from the ruins of the Holy Roman Empire and finally unified in 1871, a little more than a century ago. The German people have proven themselves to be creative, industrious a ferocious warriors. Despite enduring great catastrophes in the first half of the 20th century, Germany remains a worldwide economic, artistic and technological leader."
startIntroPart2:"Great Prince Bismark, the German people look up too you to lead them to greater days of glory. Their determination is strong, and now they turn to you, their beloved iron chancellor, to guide them once more. Will you rile and conquer through blood and iron, or foster the Germanic arts and industry? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?"
declaringWar:"I cannot wait until ye grow even mightier. Therefore, prepare for war!"
attacked:"Corrupted villain! We will bring you into the ground!"
defeated:"Germany has been destroyed. I weep for the future generations."
introduction:"Guten tag. In the name of the great German people, I bid you welcome."
neutralHello:"What now?"
neutralLetsHearIt:["What do ye say?","Yes?","Ja?"]
neutralNo:["We do not accept.","Nein.","Not a chance."]
hateNo:["That is unacceptable!","Ye can't be serious!","Nein!"]
hateYes:["Well, okay.","Gut.","It seems I can't refuse."]
afterPeace:"What do ye think about calling it a draw?"
tradeRequest:"It would be in your best interest, to carefully consider this proposal."
uniqueName:"Furor Teutonicus"
unique:"Upon defeating a Barbarian unit inside an encampment, there is a 67% chance to earn 25 Gold and they join the Germans. Also, land unit manteinance is reduced by 25%.",
startIntroPart1:"Greetings, President Mahatma Gandhi, great souled leader of India! You are the ruler of one of the oldest countries in the world with history stretching back almost 10'000 years. A spiritual country, India is the birthplace of three of the world's great religions - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism. This is a passionate land of music and color, a land of great wealth and grinding poverty. For centuries, India was divided into kingdoms who fought constantly with each other and against outside invaders. That was, horever, after empires such as Maratha, Maurya and Gupta. In the 12th century AD, India was conquered by Muslim Turks fled from the Mongols. In the early 17th century, the English arrived, and thought a combination of shrewd diplomacy and technological supeiority, they conquered your fragmented nation. England remained in power for some two centuries until driven out by a rising wave of Indian nationalism, a peaceful rebellion unlike any before seen in history, one led by you!"
startIntroPart2:"Gandhi, your people look to you to lead them to even greater heights of glory! Can you help your people realize their great potential, to once again become the world's center of arts, culture and religion? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?"
declaringWar:"I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders."
attacked:"My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind."
defeated:"You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. "
introduction:"Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend."
startIntroPart1:"Welcome, o divine Montezuma! We grovel in awe at your magnificence! May the heaven shower all manner of good things upon you all the days of your life! Your are the leader of the mighty Aztec people, wandering nomads from a lost home in the north who in the 12th century came to live in the mesa central in the heart of what would come to be call Mexico. Surrounded by many tribes fighting to control the rich land surrounding the sacred lakes of Texoco, Xaltocan and Zampango. Through cunning alliances and martial prowess, within a mere two hundred years, the Aztecs came to dominate the Central American basin, ruling a mighty empire stretching from sea to sea. But the empire fell soon under the assault of the accursed Spaniards, wielding fiendish weapons the likes of which your faithful warriors had never seen."
startIntroPart2:"O great king Mintezuma, your people call upon you once more, to rise up and lead them to glory, bring them wealth and power, and give them dominion over their foes and rivals. Will you answer their call, glorious leader? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?"
startIntroPart1:"Your people kneel before you, great warrior Shaka of the Zulu Kingdom. As you rose from a place of exile to become the true leader of the Zulus, you ushered in changes throughout the Zulu society, implementing new laws and cultural reforms that strenghtened the position of your people. However, it was your tenacity in the art of war that truly established your reputation, as your tactics and strategies on the battlefield forever changed the face of combat across the plains of southern Africa."
startIntroPart2:"Most formidable king, your people once again long for the unity and strenght your leadership afforded them. Can you return the Zulu Kingdom to such great prominence? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?"
declaringWar:"None will slow our progress, not even you! Prepare for war!"
attacked:"Your arrogance will only lead you to defeat!"
defeated:"My warriors have failed, and so I failed them."
introduction:"I'm Shaka of Zulu. Don't try to move, warrior, or I'll destroy you."
startIntroPart1:"Greetings, o great Temujin, immortal emperor of the mighty Mongol Empire! Your fists shatter walls of cities and your voice brings despair to your enemies. O Khan! You united the warring tribes of Northern Asia into a mighty people, creating the greatest cavalry force the world has ever witnessed. Your people's cunning diplomacy divided their enemies, making them weak and helpless before Mongolia's conquering armies. In a few short years, your people soldiers conquered most of China and Eastern Asia, and the empire continued to grow until it reached west into Europe and south to Korea. Indeed, it was the greatest empire ever seen, dwarfing those pathetic conquests of the Romans of the Greeks."
startIntroPart2:"Temujin, your people cann upon you once more to lead them to battle and conquest. Will the world once again trembe at the thunderous sound of your cavalry, sweeping down from the steppes? Will you build a civilization that stands the test of time?"
declaringWar:"You stand in the way of my armies. Let us solve this like warriors!"
attacked:"No more words. Today, Mongolia charges toward your defeat."
defeated:"You have hobbled the Mongolian clans. My respect for you nearly matches the loathing. I am waiting for my execution."
introduction:"I am Temuujin, conqueror of cities and countries. Before me lie future Mongolian lands. Behind me is the only cavalry that matters."
neutralLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","What?"]
neutralNo:["No.","Of course not!"]
neutralYes:["Good.","That works.","Of course!"]
hateHello:"So what now?"
hateLetsHearIt:["And then?","Continue..."]
hateNo:["Stop playing around.","This is not to be tolerated!"]
hateYes:["Very well...","Fine!"]
afterPeace:"It seems I have underestimate you. Very well... I won't take you head for now."
tradeRequest:"I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we give you."
unique:"All mounted units have +1 Movement. +30% when assaulting cities,",
declaringWar:"How dare you?! I will be the one owning your head!"
attacked:"I have been preparing for war for a long time! To arms, patriots! We march to war!"
defeated:"You, awful king! You realized that you "won" this war in mane only?"
introduction:"I am Boudicca, Queen of the Celts. Let no-one underestimate me!"
neutralHello:"The Heavens have given good to you."
neutralLetsHearIt:["We are all ears...","Well?"]
neutralNo:["We must decline.","No.","We refuse."]
neutralYes:["Sure, it shall be so.","Fine...","Acceptable."]
hateNo:["Unacceptable!","A thousand times no!","Never!"]
hateYes:["Disgusting... Fine!","If I have to..."]
afterPeace:"Well played, fellow warrior."
tradeRequest:"Let us unite our armies, and profit from the reaping of the rewards."
unique:"+1 Culture per city with an adjacent unimproved Forest. Bonus increased to +2 Culture in Cities with 3 or more adjacent unimproved Forest tiles.",
startIntroPart1:"Oh ye who remakes the world, your loyal subjects greet you, King Pachacuti Sapa Inca, ruler of the Inca people! From the beginnings in the small state of Cusco, the Incans displayed their potential for greatness, marching to war against their many enemies, crushing their armies into dust and carving for themselves a mighty empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile. Indeed, they build the greatest empire ever seen in all pre-Columbian Americas. More than mere soldiers, your people were great builders and artists as well, and the remnants of their works still awe and inspire the world today."
startIntroPart2:"Oh King Pachacuti, truly are you called "EarthShaker"! Will you once again call upon the ground itself to a fight at your side? Your armies await your signal. Will you restore the glory of your empire? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?"
declaringWar:"Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war!"
attacked:"Declare war on me?!? You can't, because I declare war on you first!"
defeated:"How did you darken the sun? I ruled with diligence and mercy—see that you do so as well."
introduction:"How are you? You stand before Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui."
neutralHello:"How are you doing?"
neutralLetsHearIt:["Go on.","What do you say?","You may begin."]
startIntroPart1:"The blessings of heaven be upon you, beloved king Darius of Persia! You lead a strong and wise people. In the morning of the world, the great Persian leader Cyrus revolted against the mighty Median empire and by 550 BC, the Medes were no more. Through cunning diplomacy and military prowess, great Cyrus conquered wealthy Lydia and powerful Babylon. His son conquering proud Egypt some years later. Over time, Persian might expanded into far away Macedonia, at the very door of the upstart Greek city-states. Long would Persia prosper until the upstart villain Alexander of Macedon, destroyed the great empire in one shocking campaign."
startIntroPart2:"Darius, your people look to you to once again bring back the days of power and glory for Persia! The empire of your ancestors must emerge again, to triumph over its foes and to bring peace and order to the world! O king, will you answer the call? Can you build a civilization that will stand the test of time?"
declaringWar:"Your continue existence is an embarrassment to all leaders everywhere! You must be destroyed!"
attacked:"Curse you! You are beneath me, son of a donkey driver! I will crush you!"
defeated:"You mongrel! Cursed be you! The world will long lament your heinous crime!"
introduction:"Peace be on you! I am Darius, the great and outstanding king of kings of great Persia... but I suppose you knew that."
neutralHello:"Good day to you!"
neutralLetsHearIt:["Go on.","You said?"]
neutralNo:["You are not serious!","Not good enough."]
hateHello:"Ahh... you..."
hateLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","Go on!"]
hateNo:["We say... no!","Of course not!"]
afterPeace:"It appears we should call it a tie..."
tradeRequest:"In my endless magnanimity, I am making you this offer. You agree, of course?"
unique:"Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and +10% Strenght",
declaringWar:"The ancient fire flashing across the sky is what proclaimed that this day would come, though I had foolishly hoped for a different outcome."
attacked:"It is obvious now that I misjudged you and your true intentions."
defeated:"The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for me now."
introduction:"Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands."
neutralHello:"Welcome, friend!"
neutralLetsHearIt:["Proceed.","And?","What is it?"]
hateNo:["Certainly not.","We will have to decline."]
hateYes:["It is agreed, then.","Excellent!"]
hateHello:"Oh, it's you."
hateLetsHearIt:["Proceed.","I'm listening","What is it?"]
hateNo:["Certainly not!","That's not acceptable!"]
hateYes:["Yes, I suppost I must.","Yes, so be it."]
afterPeace:"Perhaps the stars were mistakenly placed... I will consult my Kahuna."
tradeRequest:"Come, let our people feast together!"
unique:"Can embark and move over Costs and Oceans immediately. +1 Sight when embarked",
declaringWar:"Jip-hyun-jun (Hall of Worthies) will no longer tolerate your irksome behavior. We will liberate the citizens under your oppression even with force, and enlighten them!"
attacked:"Foolish, miserable wretch! You will be crushed by this country's magnificent scientific power!"
defeated:"Now the question is who will protect my people. A dark age has come."
introduction:"Welcome to the palace of Choson, stanger. I am the learned King Sejong, who looks after his great people."
neutralLetsHearIt:["I will hear it.","Go on","Continue."]
neutralNo:["I cannot do that.","Apologies, but I will not accept it."]
neutralYes:["That is good.","I understand.","Of course!"]
hateHello:"Oh, it's you"
hateLetsHearIt:["What do you wish to say?","So?","Continue your speech."]
hateNo:["Heaven forbid","That is crazy talk!","I cannot do that."]
hateYes:["Hm... very well, fine.","I suppose I should agree...","Very well..."]
afterPeace:"It seems you implemented some interesting strategies... Very well, perhaps we should call it a tie."
tradeRequest:"We have many thinkgs to discuss and have much to benefit from each other."
unique:"+2 Science for all Great Person tile improvements. Receive a tech boost each time a scientific building/Wonder is built in the Korean capital.",
declaringWar:"You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You must be destroyed!"
attacked:"Fool! You have doomed your people to fire and destruction!"
defeated:"We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next!"
introduction:"I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past."
neutralNo:["No","Of course not."]
neutralYes:["Very well.","Yes.","Fine."]
hateHello:"Oh, it's you."
hateNo:["You cannot be serious!","That's unacceptable!","We decline."]
hateYes:["Oh, very well.","Alright."]
afterPeace:"We thank you for bringing an end to this pointless war."
tradeRequest:"Can I interest you in this deal?"
unique:"Embarked units gain the War Canoes and Amphibious promotions, strengthening them while embarked.",
declaringWar:"Your continued insolence and failure to recognize and preeminence leads us to war."
attacked:"Good. The world shall witness the incontestable might of my armies and the glory of the Empire."
defeated:"Ruin! Ruin! Istanbul becomes Iram of the Pillars, remembered only by the melancholy poets."
introduction:"From the magnificence of Topkapi, the Ottoman nation greets you, stranger! I'm Suleiman, Kayser-I Rum, and I bestow upon you my welcome!"
neutralLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","Go on."]
neutralNo:["No.","Of course not!","We decline."]
neutralYes:["Very good.","Fine.","We accept!"]
hateHello:"What do you want?"
hateLetsHearIt:["So you say!","Go on!"]
hateNo:["Excuse me?","This is unacceptable!","You can't be serious!"]
hateYes:["Ah, very good!","Very good.","I assume we must come to an agreement."]
afterPeace:"Congratulations on your victory! I hope that peace between us will last forever!"
tradeRequest:"Let us do business! Would you be interested?"
unique:"Pay only one.third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance. All melee naval units have the Prize Ships promotion, allowing them to capture defeated ships.",
declaringWar:"You are a plague upon Mother Earth! Prepare for battle!"
attacked:"You evil creature! My braves will slaughter you!"
defeated:"You have defeated us... but our spirits will never be vanquished! We shall return!"
introduction:"Greetings, stranger. I am Hiawatha, speaker for the Iroquois. We seek peace with all, but we do not shrink from war."
neutralHello:"Good day."
neutralLetsHearIt:["Yes?","I'm listening"]
neutralNo:["No.","Certainly not."]
neutralYes:["Very well.","Alright."]
hateHello:"Oh, it's you."
hateLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","Speak."]
hateNo:["That's unacceptable","You cannot be serious!"]
hateYes:["I suppose I must.","Very well."]
afterPeace:"I thank you for your mercy. I pray that we can now be friends."
tradeRequest:"Does this trade work for you, my friend?"
unique:"All units move through Forest and Jungle tiles in friendly territory as if it is Road. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel.",
declaringWar:"If I am to be honest, I tire of those pointless charades. Why don't we settle our disputes on the field of battle, like true men? Perhaps the skalds will sing of your valor... or mine!"
attacked:"Ahahah! You seem to show some skills of a true Viking! Too bad that I'll probably kill you!"
defeated:"Loki must have stood by you, for a common man alone could not have defeated me... Oh well! I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here."
introduction:"Harad Bluetooth bids you welcome to his lands, a Viking unlike any the seas and lands have ever known! Hah, are you afraid?"
neutralHello:"Hail to you."
neutralLetsHearIt:["Let us hear it.","Go ahead.","I'm listening"]
neutralNo:["No.","Not today, I'm afraid.","I must decline."]
neutralYes:["Very well.","Of course, my friend!","That's a deal!"]
hateHello:"Oh, it's you."
hateLetsHearIt:["What is it?.","And?","Go on"]
hateNo:["Don't be silly!","That is unacceptable."]
hateYes:["I guess I have to.","Oh, very well."]
afterPeace:"By the hammer of Thor, you have proven yourself a worthy opponent today. I congratulate you!"
tradeRequest:"This is a fine deal! Even a drunk beggar would agree!"
unique:"+1 Movement to all embarked units, whom pay just 1 movement point to move from sea to land and viceversa.",
declaringWar:"A sacrifice unlike all others must be made! Prepare for destruction!"
attacked:"Come! Your warriors shall make great sacrifices in the name of the Sun God!"
defeated:"We stood to the last man... but all was in vain. If you are either a man or a God, I know not... nor do I care."
introduction:"Greetings, foreigner! I am knows as Pacal, ruler of the great Mayan empire!"
neutralHello:"A fine day, is it not?"
neutralLetsHearIt:["Let us hear it.","Go ahead.","I'm listening..."]
neutralNo:["No.","Not today, I'm afraid.","I must decline."]
neutralYes:["Very well.","If I must...","Fine."]
hateLetsHearIt:["Speak now!.","Talk!","Well?"]
hateNo:["No!","Absolutely not!","There is no way, no deal!"]
hateYes:["Fine!","Okay, you win."]
afterPeace:"Great Sun God, accept our peace!"
tradeRequest:"Friend, I believe I may have found a way to save us all! Look, look and accept our offer!"
unique:"After researching Theology, you gain a free Great Person (each can only be chosen once) at the end of every Mayan Long Cound calendar cycle (every 394 years).",
cities:["Palenque","Tikal","Chichen Itza","Uxmal","Tulum","Copan","Coba","El Mirador","Calakmul","Edzna","Lamanai","Izapa","Uaxactun","Comalcalco","Piedras Negras","Cancuen","Yaxha","Quirigua","Q'umarkaj","Nakbe","Cerros","Xunantunich","Takalik Abaj","Cival","San Bartolo","Altar de Sacrificios","Seibal","Caracol","Naranjo","Dos Pilas","Mayapan","Ixinche","Zaculeu","Kabah"]
declaringWar:"I have tried so many times to give you the benefit of the dubt... no more! I wish you a swift ending."
attacked:"So be it! I will do what I must to make the foreigner go away!"
defeated:"Sprits of the ancestors... be merciful to my soul... be merciful to my people..."
introduction:"I am chief Pocatello. You have arrived in the thick of Shoshone land."
neutralHello:"Ah, you've arrived!"
neutralLetsHearIt:["Yes?","What is it?","I'm listening."]
neutralNo:["No.","Perhaps no.","I must decline."]
neutralYes:["Very well.","It shall be that way.","Deal."]
hateHello:"Be alert, foreigner!"
hateLetsHearIt:["Talk!.","And?","Go on"]
hateNo:["NO!","There is no way I could accept this!"]
hateYes:["If I must...","Fine!"]
afterPeace:"It seems you, at least, have the goodness of considering peace..."
tradeRequest:"Listen our words, and consider!"
unique:"Founded cities start with additional territory. Units receive a combat bonus when fighting within their own territory.",
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