* Mention Railroad production bonus in the Civilopedia
* Railroad production bonus mention in the Civilopedia - Vainilla
* Fix little style error
* Fix another mistake
* Brackets
* Brackets
* River yields moddable and Civilopedia entry
* Improve text and better fresh water explanations
* Map editor exclusion as Unique, for River and previously hardcoded Improvements
* Map editor brush to Civilopedia link, starting locations cleaned
* Some SeventhM input applied
* Reword River/Lakes/Oasis civilopediaText and comments again
* Slight cleanup of TileStatFunctions
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable - patch1
* Make City center minimum tile yields moddable - patch1
* Redo
* New parameterized and actually used Road Unique
* Remove unneeded
* Update CURRENT_COMPATIBILITY_NUMBER since adding new serialization data
* Make neutralRoads for CivilizationInfo.kt Transient
* Reapply Changes
* Logic clean up
* Adding getImprovementToPillage() and getRepairableImprovement()
* Cleaning up Unit Actions
* getImprovementToPillage() needs to check for Unpillagable
* Remove redundant logic since canBuildImprovement() returns true if currently repairing
* More redundant logic
* Prevent City Center from being Pillage status
addRepairAction will not show a Repair Action
Adding the improvement to be repaired/pillaged in button text
Utilizing getImprovementToPillage() more
* Some import cleanup
Add Irremovable to blockers
More consolidation of code
* More translation files
* When improvements/roads are built/removed, pillaged flag set to False
* Better and more consistent logic
* Fix dumb logic bug
* Pillaging loots gold on certain improvements
* Add warning if improvement pillageGold > 0 and has UniqueType.Unpillagable
* Pillage yields as a UniqueType
* Forgot to undo demonstration
* Remove unused line
* Eliminate some redundancy
* Reword unique text
* Slight cleanup and add notification for pillage victim
* Reviews
* Made pillaging notifications more consistent with other hostile action notifications
* Missed a line
* Great improvements can again be constructed on forest
This PR fixes a bug where great improvements couldn't be build on
forests/marshes/jungles/etc. It does so by creating a unique which
specifically allows for removing features, and checking for that.
Additionally, we only remove these features when we have the tech to
remove them. For example, you can no longer plonk an Academy down over a
forest without having researched mining.
* Missed the file for vanilla
* Reviews
* Fixed logic
* Renamed tile.hasUnique, deprecated `Indestructable`, unique for citadels
Also refactored the consumption of (great) people out of UnitActions.
* Reworked when improvements can be build somewhere for more clarity
* Made resources improvable by multiple improvements; Offshore Platform
* Fix compatability
* Fixed the tests, but better
* I suppose I might as well update this now that we're a version later
* Print stacktraces in more cases when crashing, useful for debugging
* Conditionalized no oceans before astronomy unique
* Cannot be built on tile before tech conditionalized
* Added "Cannot build unitFilter units" unique
* Fixed tests failing
* Merge branch master into some-uniques
* Fixed typo
* Apparently I made the same mistake twice
* Globalized unique
* Fixed tests checking for mod correctness
* Update G&K jsons to current vanilla versions
* First pass over buildings & beliefs
* First pass over nations
* First pass over eras.json
* Fully updated tech tree
* First pass over units
* Second pass over buildings -- fixed techs
* Fixed last prerequisites and row numbers of tech
* Went through the entire tech tree and moved things to their correct spot
* Fixed tests
* Added conditionals & enumified improvement stat uniques
* Enumified all the other uniques
* Fixed bug where improvemen stat icons didn't show up in tech tree & reviews
* Ancient Ruins, Civilopedia and Translations
- TranslationFileWriter can process Ruins.json
- Hide Religion / Civilopedia uniques hardcoded String moved to Constants
- Civilopedia display of Ruins pulls actual json rewards in code
- Manually curated rewards description removed
* Ancient Ruins, Civilopedia and Translations
- Old rewards descriptions moved to names, color
- Code now recreates old output closely
- civilopediaText allowed additionally
- TranslationFileWriter tweaked accordingly
* Ancient Ruins, Civilopedia and Translations - fix stargazers
* Made water oil wells require the Refrigeration tech
Oil wells can now only be created on water with the refrigeration
This is not the ideal solution: it would be preferable to support
multiple improvements for a single resource, to add offshore platforms
as a separate improvement for coastal oil that requires refrigeration
and to disable building oil wells on coast. Allowing multiple
improvements for a resource would however be a much more significant
* Added back "terrainsCanBeBuiltOn": ["Coast"]
* Ruins now have their own file
* Added religious rewards
* Added an option for only enabling rewards after a certain amount of turns
* You can now weigh rewards making some more likely than others
* Cleaned up some code
* Make new changes compatible with old mods
* Implemented proposed changes
* Implemented requested changes
* Implemented requested changes
* Deprecate "Can only be built on Coastal tiles"
* Deprecate "Cannot be built on bonus resource"
* Deprecate "Can only be built on Coastal tiles" - bump 'as of'
* Add a very simple display for the religion in a city
* Added missing credits for shrine
* Added Great Prophet unit
* Great prophets can now be generated using faith
* Great Prophets can now construct holy sites
* Great Prophets can now spread their religion to friendly cities
* Holy site can only be constructed if the great prophet hasn't spread religion yet
* Added missing translation string
* Fixed more translation problems
* Implemented requested changes
* Added the nation of the Netherlands
* Added Sea Beggar, Dutch unique unit
* Added polder improvement, Dutch unique improvement
* Added national ability
* Implemented Nuclear Submarine and Missile Cruiser units
* Information Era -> Atomic Era; Future Era -> Information Era, conform G&K
* Fixed deprecated uniques still working
* Implemented requested changes
* Improved nukes
* Fixed build error (probably)
* Implemented reocmmended changes, fixed some other stuff, the usual
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed Tech connections
* Fixed nuclear missiles and guided missiles being interceptable
* Missiles are no longer air units. This is, as they cannot be stationed on carriers and cannot be intercepted.
Windmill provides "+[10]% Production when constructing [Buildings]" (only regular buildings) instead of 10% to everything
Oxford University does not provide 50% science boost - it was a copying error from National College
* tweaked techs
Implemented "Reveals the entire map" unique ("Satellites" tech)
discovering a tech can trigger unique
"Remove Marsh" unlocked with "Masonry"
Fixed Moai
Wonder overlay will remove terrain overlay in default tileset
Oasis, Marsh and Atoll now have "Rare feature" unique, rare features can be added by mods
implemented TileInfo.fitsUniqueFilter(filterText:String): Boolean
parameterized uniques:
* "Must have an owned [Mountain] within [2] tiles"
* "Must be on [River]" - not to be confused with "Must be next to [River]" - the tile city on must have river at its border, not the adjacent tile
* "Must not be on [Hill]"
* "Must not be next to []"
* "Must be on [seacoast]" - next to "Coast" tile
* "Must be on [tile adjacent to source of fresh water]"
* "Must be next to [Water]" - next to any water tile, including "Lakes"
* "Must be next to [terrainFeature]"
* "Must be next to [unique]" - e.g "Must be next to [Rare feature]" - next to terrain or terrain feature having this unique
* fixed KotlinNullPointerException crash in chooseMilitaryUnit
random() is not to be used in predicate
* GodmodeCheckbox is not lockable and unchecked by default
* no great people actions if no movement points left
* unique "Can start an []-turn golden age" now has parameter and 8-turn golden ages will last 8 turns instead of 10
golden age can be started if unit is on own territory (even embarked)
* "Golden Age length increased by [50]%" - now has parameter
* tweaked changed fort and terrain defence bonuses
fort can be built on forest and jungle (vegetation will not be removed)
any open flat land gives 10% penalty
marsh gives 15% penalty
only top terrain counts, improvement bonus will be added to that
flatland + fort = 40%
hill + fort = 75%
hill = 25%
forest/jungle on flatland = 25%
forest/jungle on hill = 25%
forest on flat + fort = 75%
forest on hill + fort = 75%
forest on hill + citadel = 125%
fixed 20% penalty for attacking over river - will be displayed if unit is standing on the other side of river
"Amphibious" unique removes this penalty
* Farms near freshwater
* Farm now has unique "Can also be built on tiles adjacent to fresh water"
Even snow: https://www.reddit.com/r/civ/comments/11qtko/farms_on_snow/
Hill+Farm, Snow+Farm, Tundra+Farm sprites by THE BUCKETEER and Ravignir from discord
* fields improvingTech and improvingTechStats converted into uniques
"[+1 Production] once [Scientific Theory] is discovered"
"[+1 Food] on [fresh water] tiles once [Civil Service] is discovered"
"[+1 Food] on [non-fresh water] tiles once [Fertilizer] is discovered"
* ai will build trading posts and farms in snow and tundra if it has no better tiles to work on
* "Provides a one-time Production bonus to the closest city when cut down" unique for forest
* update template.properties