* Changed some interception-related uniques
- "Can not be intercepted" -> "Cannot be intercepted"
This really irked me, and the new version is also how it is written
in the wiki.
- "Reduces damage taken from interception by 50%" ->
"Damage taken from interception reduced by [50]%"
* Added "Cannot be carried by [unitFilter] units" unique
* Added an icon for Stealth
* Added Stealth technology and the Stealth Bomber
* Possibly fixed incorrect rounding for interception damage bonus
* Various code style changes
* Made Stealth Bomber interceptable, but with 100% damage reduction
* Added the addPopulation() and setPopulation() functions to add population to cities and automatically reassign them
* Added the Telecommunications tech
* Added the CN tower
* Implemented Bomb Shelter
* Added icons for new buildings
* Implemented requsted changes
* Improved nukes
* Fixed build error (probably)
* Implemented reocmmended changes, fixed some other stuff, the usual
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed Tech connections
* Fixed nuclear missiles and guided missiles being interceptable
* Missiles are no longer air units. This is, as they cannot be stationed on carriers and cannot be intercepted.
* Reordered units
Consistently ordered units based on, in decreasing priority:
- Tech tree column
- Height in tech tree column
* Added Nuclear Fusion technology and GDR
* fixed translation of "Owned: [amountOwned] = " line
* Tweaked culture from killing
Aztecs get melee strength of the unit killed in culture and honor opener does the same thing.
They stack. So you get culture equal to 200% of the dead unit's strength (not ranged strength).
* removed hurryCostModifier from units that should not have it
Default value of HurryCostModifier is 0
List of units with non-default HurryCostModifier:
Settler (20)
SS parts (-1) (cannot be hurried)
Frigate (20)
Ship of the Line (20)
Caravel (30)
Turtle Ship (30)
Catapult (20)
Ballista (20)
Horseman (20)
Companion Cavalry (20)
Swordsman (20)
Mohawk Warrior (20)
Legion (20)
Berserker (20)
* added missing definitions from vanilla (commented out)
added missing obsolete tech tags, etc
* tweaked hurryCostModifier, added missing vanilla buildings (commented out)
* added promotions and parametrized uniques
Morale (+[15]% Combat Strength)
Great Generals I ([Great General] is earned [50]% faster)
Great Generals II ([Great General] is earned [100]% faster)
Quick Study ([50]% Bonus XP gain)
Unretired Mass Media icon
Added Heroic Epic, National Epic and National Treasury national wonders
Heroic Epic has unique "All newly-trained [non-air] units in this city receive the [Morale] promotion" - "non-air" is valid param now
[Raising The Flag on Iwo Jima silhouette, Marine Corps War Memorial Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima Battle of Iwo Jima Washington, D.C., memorial free png](https://www.pngfuel.com/free-png/opgid) for Heroic Epic and Morale promotion
[Arc de Triomphe](https://thenounproject.com/search/?q=Arc%20de%20Triomphe&i=2936011) by iconfield for National Epic
[Bank](https://thenounproject.com/term/bank/213472/) by By P Thanga Vignesh for National Treasury
reused general icon for Great Generals and Quick Study promotions
* implemented "Cost increases by [30] per owned city of cities" unique
All vanilla national wonders that require something in all cities have it
* added uniques
"Nuclear weapon" - Game option "nuclearWeaponsEnabled" enables units with this unique
"Requires [building]" - Apollo Program, Manhattan Project etc
"Requires adopted [policy]" - in expansions Statue of Zeus will require "Honor", Prora - "Autocracy", Landsknecht - "Mercenary Army".
* merged "Requires adopted [policy]" with "Requires [Wonder]"
* Separated unique.params[0] to val filter
* Changed National Epic image