* Handle subclassing of Events properly
Previously, you could only listen to the exact class
* Add relevant parent classes for the multiplayer events
* Refactor: use the old name as the main name in MultiplayerGameNameChanged event
* Add being able to stop listening to events in the EventBus
* Add tests for EventBus
* Refactor: Extract GameList into standalone file
* Refactor: safeUpdateIf to more generic throttle function
* Refactor: Extract multiplayer UI helper functions into separate file
* Refactor: Extract load/download multiplayer game into logic class from UI
* Make loading a multiplayer game automatically update the in-memory game in OnlineMultiplayer
* Refactor: Extract multiplayer settings into separate object
* Add multiplayer status display
* Fix error with multiplayer games not correctly being cleaned up after successful update
* Prevent loadLatestMultiplayerState() while next turn update is running
* Show "Working..." while waiting for next turn calculations instead of "Waiting for [civ]..."
* Fix race condition while updating online game state