* "Research" button now shows progress in the selected tech
* Current tech is automtically selected as free tech when applicable
* Implemented requested changes
* Changed some interception-related uniques
- "Can not be intercepted" -> "Cannot be intercepted"
This really irked me, and the new version is also how it is written
in the wiki.
- "Reduces damage taken from interception by 50%" ->
"Damage taken from interception reduced by [50]%"
* Added "Cannot be carried by [unitFilter] units" unique
* Added an icon for Stealth
* Added Stealth technology and the Stealth Bomber
* Possibly fixed incorrect rounding for interception damage bonus
* Various code style changes
* Made Stealth Bomber interceptable, but with 100% damage reduction
* Implemented Nuclear Submarine and Missile Cruiser units
* Information Era -> Atomic Era; Future Era -> Information Era, conform G&K
* Fixed deprecated uniques still working
* Implemented requested changes
When making the changes in workers in #4252, I accidentally overlooked that Constants.workerUnique doesn't have params, and this should be the right way to write it.
* Generalized building of improvements
* Readded support for the deprecated unique "Can build improvements on tiles"
* Small code quality changes
* Implemented requested chagnes
* Added the addPopulation() and setPopulation() functions to add population to cities and automatically reassign them
* Added the Telecommunications tech
* Added the CN tower
* Implemented Bomb Shelter
* Added icons for new buildings
* Implemented requsted changes
* Improved nukes
* Fixed build error (probably)
* Implemented reocmmended changes, fixed some other stuff, the usual
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed Tech connections
* Fixed nuclear missiles and guided missiles being interceptable
* Missiles are no longer air units. This is, as they cannot be stationed on carriers and cannot be intercepted.
* Fixes bug where in some cases building improvements would increase the base yield of the tile
* Removed unncessary test
* Implemented requested changes
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed build errors
* Fixed open terrain bonus working in rough terrain
Fixed#4139 - The open terrain combat bonus no longer works in rough
Deprecated "Open terrain" and "Rough terrain" uniques and undeprecated
"rough" property of terrains.
* Minor simplification
* Replaced "rough" with "Rough terrain" unique
* Empty commit to re-run the build checks
* Created Patronage policy branch -- draft
* Patronage branch is now functional
* Added images for the policies
* Temporarily bandaged backwards compatability, added incompatabilities
* Implemented recommended changes
* Fixed acquirement of 'patronage complete' not being saved
* Reverted change I was unhappy with
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed build errors
* Implemented recommended changes
* City States can now give any great person, including unique ones, conform Ravignirs tests
* Spliff off all individual OverviewScreen panes
* Spliff off all individual OverviewScreen panes - remove comment
* Spliff off all individual OverviewScreen panes - consistent file endings