* Implemented renaming of religions
* Made AskForText display error on invalid input, implemented recommended changes
* Almost forgot the translatable strings in the new popup
* Added Grand Temple and Great Mosque of Djenne buildings
* Added uniques for Grand Temple
* Added uniques for Mosque of Djenne, refactored ability uses system to count down isntead of up
Also added android:exported tags so that android:processDebugMainManifest doesn't fail the gradle check.
I think this is only failing locally because I bumped the compileSdkVersion to 31, but that means it'll need to go in soon anyway.
* Implemented religious pressure: cities now can have more than one religion in them and religions spread between nearby cities over time.
* Implemented proposed changes
* Implemented requested changes & minor changes I forgot to include last time
* All pantheons not founded by you are now removed when you gain a new city (found this somewhere in the source code of the original, don't know if it's documented anywhere online)
* You can now use 'h' to fortify/sleep until healed
* Hide lesser used unit actions by default
* Refactored worker actions into automate & build improvements
* Added missing translation lines
* Fixed translations
* wonder splash screens
* wonder splash screens atlas
* reset to master
* Add Sweden
* add translations
* translations
* implement first part of UP
* add icons to atlas
* implement second part of swedens up
* implement first hakkapeliitta unique
* implement second hakkapeliitta unique
* gifted GPs are removed
* update sweden symbol
* translations
* review Hakkapeliitta unique
* removed unneccesary parameters
* hakka UP review
* Hakka UP part 2
* yairm's reviews
* translations for fixes
* removed [great person generation] parameter as it's hardcoded anyway
* Moved check for stacking unit bonus outside great general logic
* wonder splash screens
* wonder splash screens atlas
* reset to master
* add basic gifting to city states and major civs
* actual gifting of the unit
* add gift icon to atlas
* adjust relationship decay
* add strings to jsons
* AI and player return same object
* Fixed crashes on loading save games with religion
* Added missing credit
* Religious cities now show religion icons in the city button
* Add icons for religions
* You can now found beliefs, with snazzy icons!
* Fixed bug which made prophets impossible to generate
* Added missing translatable strings
* Fixed translation tests properly
* Implemented requested changes
* Implemented part of the requested changes
* Removed SplitPane in favor of Table
* Removed unused code
* Capped the amount of foundable religions to the amount of religions
* Add a very simple display for the religion in a city
* Added missing credits for shrine
* Added Great Prophet unit
* Great prophets can now be generated using faith
* Great Prophets can now construct holy sites
* Great Prophets can now spread their religion to friendly cities
* Holy site can only be constructed if the great prophet hasn't spread religion yet
* Added missing translation string
* Fixed more translation problems
* Implemented requested changes
* Added the nation of the Netherlands
* Added Sea Beggar, Dutch unique unit
* Added polder improvement, Dutch unique improvement
* Added national ability
* Fixed carriers in mods no longer working
* Fixed scouting prerequisites
* Fixed surivialism not having icon or prerequisites
* Fix logistics in mods not working
* Added image for supply promotion
* Added the nation of The Huns
* Added unique units of The Huns
* Removed MountedRanged unitType
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed some typo's, split up a very long function for redability
Co-authored-by: Yair Morgenstern <yairm210@hotmail.com>
* Changed some interception-related uniques
- "Can not be intercepted" -> "Cannot be intercepted"
This really irked me, and the new version is also how it is written
in the wiki.
- "Reduces damage taken from interception by 50%" ->
"Damage taken from interception reduced by [50]%"
* Added "Cannot be carried by [unitFilter] units" unique
* Added an icon for Stealth
* Added Stealth technology and the Stealth Bomber
* Possibly fixed incorrect rounding for interception damage bonus
* Various code style changes
* Made Stealth Bomber interceptable, but with 100% damage reduction
* Added the addPopulation() and setPopulation() functions to add population to cities and automatically reassign them
* Added the Telecommunications tech
* Added the CN tower
* Implemented Bomb Shelter
* Added icons for new buildings
* Implemented requsted changes
* Improved nukes
* Fixed build error (probably)
* Implemented reocmmended changes, fixed some other stuff, the usual
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed Tech connections
* Fixed nuclear missiles and guided missiles being interceptable
* Missiles are no longer air units. This is, as they cannot be stationed on carriers and cannot be intercepted.
* Reordered units
Consistently ordered units based on, in decreasing priority:
- Tech tree column
- Height in tech tree column
* Added Nuclear Fusion technology and GDR
* Created Patronage policy branch -- draft
* Patronage branch is now functional
* Added images for the policies
* Temporarily bandaged backwards compatability, added incompatabilities
* Implemented recommended changes
* Fixed acquirement of 'patronage complete' not being saved
* Reverted change I was unhappy with
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed build errors
* Implemented recommended changes
* City States can now give any great person, including unique ones, conform Ravignirs tests
A previous commit changed the atlas textures to use nearest filtering,
making the game look significantly jaggier. This commit makes them use
mipmap filtering again.
Using mipmaps with atlas textures can cause the edges of the images to
bleed into each other, an effect that was indeed present before the
filtering was changed to nearest. This commit adds some additional
padding and sets the padding to duplicate the edges of images to
mitigate this effect. Note that altough this makes some of the atlas
images look very strange, the in-game result is improved.
* Added an icon for unit swapping
* Implemented unit swapping
In the original Civ V, unit swapping is a supported mechanic.
If you try to move a unit to a tile with another of your units, and both
units have enough movement points left to reach the other's tile, they
will swap places. They will consume only the movement points needed to
reach the other's tile in this way.
This change implements unit swapping for Unciv.
To prevent all kinds of problems from arising with automatic unit
movement, unit swapping can only be done explicitly. This also means
that it can only be done if the unit-swap movement is possible in a
single turn. It is however not limited to adjacent units.
Because Unciv supports mobile devices, there is in general no separation
between a unit-selection click and a movement click. Clicking on another
unit while a unit is selected simply selects that other unit. Because we
do not want to make it more difficult to select other units in this way,
unit swapping is implemented as a separate "movement mode": to toggle
this mode on or off, the new unit action "Swap units" must be used.
Newly selected units still always start in the normal movement mode.
In the unit-swap movement mode, the possible swap tiles are highlighted
instead of the possible movement and attack tiles. Clicking on a
highlighted tile will display a swap button, similar to the movement
button, or instantly perform the swap if single-click-movement is
enabled. This new behavior overrides the selection of the unit on the
target tile: if the user wants to select the unit instead, they have to
exit the unit-swapping mode first.
The swapping code is robust, it can even handle swaps that involve a
An option to always swap-move when an eligible tile is clicked instead
of requiring the unit-swapping mode, similar to the existing
single-click-movement option, could perhaps be added in later.
* Added some comments to existing movement functions
* Fixed a silly mistake
Fixed a silly mistake which caused the unit-swapping eligibility
detection to sometimes remove units from the world.
* Removed some unneeded code
* Fixed movement buttons not showing with world wrap
Fixed a bug where the "move here" and "swap with" buttons would only
show on the leftmost copy of the world when world wrap was enabled.
* Made the swap action only display if usable
Made the unit swapping button only display if there is at least one
possible swap movement.