will this break a hypothetical save where someone is now researching a tech and has all required techs for now but not the new to be added requirement?
* Added globalization tech
* Added united nations and backbone for diplomatic victory
* You can now vote with the united nations every 20 * gameSpeed turns, and the results will be displayed the turn after
* You can now win with diplomacy
* AI will now vote in the united nations
* Added the amount of turns till the next diplomatic vote in the diplomacy overview
* Added translatable strings
* Implemented most of the requested changes (rest coming soon)
* Implemented further requested changes
* Changed some interception-related uniques
- "Can not be intercepted" -> "Cannot be intercepted"
This really irked me, and the new version is also how it is written
in the wiki.
- "Reduces damage taken from interception by 50%" ->
"Damage taken from interception reduced by [50]%"
* Added "Cannot be carried by [unitFilter] units" unique
* Added an icon for Stealth
* Added Stealth technology and the Stealth Bomber
* Possibly fixed incorrect rounding for interception damage bonus
* Various code style changes
* Made Stealth Bomber interceptable, but with 100% damage reduction
* Implemented Nuclear Submarine and Missile Cruiser units
* Information Era -> Atomic Era; Future Era -> Information Era, conform G&K
* Fixed deprecated uniques still working
* Implemented requested changes
* Added the addPopulation() and setPopulation() functions to add population to cities and automatically reassign them
* Added the Telecommunications tech
* Added the CN tower
* Implemented Bomb Shelter
* Added icons for new buildings
* Implemented requsted changes
* Improved nukes
* Fixed build error (probably)
* Implemented reocmmended changes, fixed some other stuff, the usual
* Implemented requested changes
* Fixed Tech connections
* Fixed nuclear missiles and guided missiles being interceptable
* Missiles are no longer air units. This is, as they cannot be stationed on carriers and cannot be intercepted.
* Reordered units
Consistently ordered units based on, in decreasing priority:
- Tech tree column
- Height in tech tree column
* Added Nuclear Fusion technology and GDR
* Corrected building construction costs
Full changelog:
(Changes marked with a "!" deviate from the surrounding pattern)
Lighthouse 100 -> 75 (!)
Great Lighthouse 250 -> 185 (!)
Temple 120 -> 100
Burial Tomb 120 -> 100
Mud Pyramid Mosque 120 -> 100
Market 120 -> 100
Bazaar 120 -> 100
Mint 120 -> 100
Aqueduct 120 -> 100
The Oracle 300 -> 250
Petra 300 -> 250
Great Wall 300 -> 250
Monastery 160 -> 120
Workshop 160 -> 120
Forge 160 -> 120
Hagia Sophia 400 -> 300
Chichen Itza 400 -> 300
Machu Picchu 400 -> 300
Harbor 200 -> 120 (!)
University 200 -> 160
Wat 200 -> 160
Castle 200 -> 160
Mughal Fort 200 -> 150 (!)
Armory 200 -> 160
Angkor Wat 500 -> 400
Alhambra 500 -> 400
Notre Dame 500 -> 400
Observatory 250 -> 200
Opera House 250 -> 200
Bank 250 -> 200
Satrap's Court 250 -> 200
Hanse 250 -> 200
Theatre 250 -> 200
Sistine Chapel 625 -> 500
Forbidden Palace 625 -> 500
L. Tower of Pisa 625 -> 500
Himeji Castle 625 -> 500
Seaport 300 -> 250
Windmill 300 -> 250
Taj Mahal 750 -> 625
Porcelain Tower 750 -> 625
Museum 360 -> 300
Public School 360 -> 300
Arsenal 360 -> 300
Military Academy 360 -> 300
Louvre 920 -> 750
Big Ben 920 -> 750
Brandenburg Gate 920 -> 750
Hospital 500 -> 360
Stock Exchange 500 -> 360
Eiffel Tower 1250 -> 1060
Statue of Liberty 1250 -> 1060
Kremlin 1250 -> 625 (!)
Neuschwanstein 1250 -> 1060
Nuclear Plant 750 -> 500
Solar Plant 750 -> 500
Sydney Opera House 2000 -> 1250
Manhattan Project 2000 -> 750 (!)
Apollo Program 1500 -> 750 (!)
* Corrected Hanging Gardens
10 food -> 6 food.
Now provides a free Garden.
* Corrected Statue of Liberty
Now provides a free social policy.
* Corrected Angkor Wat
Now unlocked with Education instead of Chivalry.
* Corrected Cristo Redentor
Now unlocked with Plastics instead of Flight.
* Corrected Kremlin
No longer gives 12 city strength (this was removed in G&K).
* Corrected Manhattan Project
Now unlocked with Atomic Theory instead of Nuclear Fission".
This does buff nuclear missiles quite a bit, since you no longer need
Nuclear Fission, but that's only because the last part of the tech tree
is very incomplete, and provides nuclear missiles too early. We need to
start correcting it somewhere.
* Corrected Leaning Tower of Pisa
Now provides +25% great person generation in all cities.
* Corrected Kremlin some more
Now unlocked with Metallurgy instead of Railroad.
* Fixed Arsenal production cost correction
It is now actually 300, as was stated in the previous changelog.
* Reordered many buildings
Reordered many buildings to conform to the tech tree order.
In order of priority:
left to right, top to bottom, buildings to national wonders to wonders.
* Corrected production cost for Colossus
Colossus was wrongly ordered in the json file, so its production cost
was unknowingly changed from 300 to 250 (this was not noted in the
previous changelog), however, it should be even lower: 185. This commit
corrects this.
tl;dr 250 -> 185
* Corrected Hermitage
Now unlocked with Architecture instead of Archaeology.
* Corrected National Treasury
Now unlocked with Guilds instead of Currency.
* Reverted incorrect corrections
Provides 12 city strength again.
Statue of Liberty:
No longer provides a free social policy.
* Technology and construction bars no longer extend past their maximum
* Fixed compile errors
* actually fixed the issue
* Added the marine unit
* Moved amphibious promotion effect to unique
* Added icons for Amphibious promotion and Marine unit
* aaah
Windmill provides "+[10]% Production when constructing [Buildings]" (only regular buildings) instead of 10% to everything
Oxford University does not provide 50% science boost - it was a copying error from National College
* tweaked techs
Implemented "Reveals the entire map" unique ("Satellites" tech)
discovering a tech can trigger unique
"Remove Marsh" unlocked with "Masonry"