Save city focus as string, to allow changes in available city focuses without breaking games Revert "New Citizen Focus Options " () Resolves - 'unique is requirement for tech' only looks at tech conditional Separate higher-level autosave functions from lower-level file functions Revert "Great Person Points - Rounding changes, Breakdown UI " Unit by default not selected on turn start Added 'upon turn end' trigger 4.9.10-patch1 By SomeTroglodyte: - Make City-state boni display respect hidden from users flags - Mod declarative compatibility - a little more - (UI) Politics overview diagram: Add legend popup - Linting of MapUnit class - Fix any tech researched clearing all units from queues By tuvus: - Added AutoPlay until end setting - One player in each round will be processed even if all players are defeated. By itanasi: - New Citizen Focus Options - Enable Domination to Capture All Capitals