[ // Info according to Civilization Wiki and https://www.civfanatics.com/civ5/info/units/ /* Ancient Era */ { "name": "Worker", "unitType": "Civilian", "movement": 2, "uniques": ["Can build improvements on tiles"], "cost": 70 }, { "name": "Settler", "unitType": "Civilian", "movement": 2, "cost": 106, "uniques": ["Founds a new city", "Excess Food converted to Production when under construction", "Requires at least [2] population"], "hurryCostModifier": 20 }, { "name": "Scout", "unitType": "Scout", "movement": 2, "strength": 5, "cost": 25, "obsoleteTech": "Scientific Theory", "uniques": ["Ignores terrain cost"], "attackSound": "nonmetalhit" }, { "name": "Warrior", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 8, "cost": 40, "obsoleteTech": "Metal Casting", "upgradesTo": "Swordsman", "attackSound": "nonmetalhit" }, { "name": "Maori Warrior", "unitType": "Melee", "uniqueTo": "Polynesia", "replaces": "Warrior", "movement": 2, "strength": 8, "cost": 40, "obsoleteTech": "Metal Casting", "promotions": ["Haka War Dance"], "upgradesTo": "Swordsman", "attackSound": "nonmetalhit" }, { "name": "Jaguar", "unitType": "Melee", "uniqueTo": "Aztecs", "replaces": "Warrior", "movement": 2, "strength": 8, "cost": 40, "obsoleteTech": "Metal Casting", "uniques": ["+[33]% Strength in [Forest]", "+[33]% Strength in [Jungle]", "Heals [25] damage if it kills a unit"], "promotions": ["Woodsman"], "upgradesTo": "Swordsman", "attackSound": "nonmetalhit" }, { "name": "Brute", "unitType": "Melee", "uniqueTo": "Barbarians", "replaces": "Warrior", "movement": 2, "strength": 8, "cost": 20, "obsoleteTech": "Metal Casting", "upgradesTo": "Swordsman", "attackSound": "nonmetalhit" }, { "name": "Archer", "unitType": "Ranged", "movement": 2, "strength": 5, "rangedStrength": 7, "cost": 40, "requiredTech": "Archery", "obsoleteTech": "Construction", "upgradesTo": "Composite Bowman", "attackSound": "arrow" }, /* { "name": "Archer", "unitType": "Ranged", "uniqueTo": "Barbarians", "replaces": "Archer", "movement": 2, "strength": 4, "rangedStrength": 7, "cost": 40, "requiredTech": "Archery", "obsoleteTech": "Machinery", "upgradesTo": "Crossbowman", "attackSound": "arrow" // Barbarian unique archer. Has same icon and name but +1 rangedStrength (in vanilla) and slightly different 3d texture }, */ { "name": "Bowman", "unitType": "Ranged", "movement": 2, "strength": 7, "rangedStrength": 9, "cost": 40, "requiredTech": "Archery", "obsoleteTech": "Machinery", "replaces": "Archer", "uniqueTo": "Babylon", "upgradesTo": "Crossbowman", "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "Slinger", "unitType": "Ranged", "uniqueTo": "Inca", "replaces": "Archer", "movement": 2, "strength": 4, "rangedStrength": 7, "cost": 40, "requiredTech": "Archery", "obsoleteTech": "Machinery", "upgradesTo": "Crossbowman", "promotions": ["Slinger Withdraw"], "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "Work Boats", "unitType": "WaterCivilian", "movement": 4, "cost": 30, "requiredTech": "Sailing", "uniques": ["Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy", "May create improvements on water resources"] }, { "name": "Trireme", "unitType": "WaterMelee", "movement": 4, "strength": 10, "cost": 45, "requiredTech": "Sailing", "uniques": ["Cannot enter ocean tiles",], "upgradesTo": "Caravel", "obsoleteTech": "Astronomy", "attackSound": "nonmetalhit" }, /* { "name": "Galley", "unitType": "WaterMelee", "uniqueTo": "Barbarian", "movement": 3, "strength": 7, "cost": 40, "uniques": ["Cannot enter ocean tiles"] "upgradesTo": "Trireme", "attackSound": "nonmetalhit" //Barbarian unique naval unit, weaker and slower than Trireme. }, */ { "name": "Chariot Archer", "unitType": "Ranged", "movement": 4, "strength": 6, "rangedStrength": 10, "cost": 56, "requiredTech": "The Wheel", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Knight", "obsoleteTech": "Chivalry", "uniques": ["No defensive terrain bonus", "Rough terrain penalty"], "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "War Chariot", "unitType": "Ranged", "uniqueTo": "Egypt", "replaces": "Chariot Archer", "movement": 5, "strength": 6, "rangedStrength": 10, "cost": 56, "requiredTech": "The Wheel", "upgradesTo": "Knight", "obsoleteTech": "Chivalry", "uniques": ["No defensive terrain bonus", "Rough terrain penalty"], "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "War Elephant", "unitType": "Ranged", "uniqueTo": "India", "replaces": "Chariot Archer", "movement": 3, "strength": 9, "rangedStrength": 11, "cost": 70, "requiredTech": "The Wheel", "upgradesTo": "Knight", "obsoleteTech": "Chivalry", "uniques": ["No defensive terrain bonus"], "attackSound": "horse" }, { "name": "Spearman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 11, "cost": 56, "requiredTech": "Bronze Working", "obsoleteTech": "Civil Service", "upgradesTo": "Pikeman", "uniques": ["+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]"], "attackSound": "metalhit" }, { "name": "Hoplite", "replaces": "Spearman", "uniqueTo": "Greece", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 13, "cost": 56, "requiredTech": "Bronze Working", "obsoleteTech": "Civil Service", "upgradesTo": "Pikeman", "uniques": ["+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]"], "attackSound": "metalhit" }, { "name": "Persian Immortal", "replaces": "Spearman", "uniqueTo": "Persia", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 12, "cost": 56, "requiredTech": "Bronze Working", "obsoleteTech": "Civil Service", "upgradesTo": "Pikeman", "uniques": ["+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]","+10 HP when healing"], "attackSound": "metalhit" }, /* { "name": "Spearman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 7, "cost": 56, "requiredTech": "Bronze Working", "obsoleteTech": "Civil Service", "upgradesTo": "Pikeman", "uniques": ["+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]"], "attackSound": "metalhit" // Barbarian unique Spearman. Has same icon and name but slightly different 3d texture // 10 strength in expansions }, */ /* Classical Era */ { "name": "Catapult", "unitType": "Siege", "movement": 2, "strength": 7, "rangedStrength": 8, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Mathematics", "obsoleteTech": "Physics", "upgradesTo": "Trebuchet", "uniques": ["+[200]% Strength vs [City]", "No defensive terrain bonus", "Must set up to ranged attack", "Limited Visibility"], "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "throw" }, { "name": "Ballista", "unitType": "Siege", "replaces": "Catapult", "uniqueTo": "Rome", "movement": 2, "strength": 8, "rangedStrength": 10, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Mathematics", "obsoleteTech": "Physics", "upgradesTo": "Trebuchet", "uniques": ["+[200]% Strength vs [City]", "No defensive terrain bonus", "Must set up to ranged attack", "Limited Visibility"], "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "throw" }, { "name": "Composite Bowman", "unitType": "Ranged", "movement": 2, "strength": 7, "rangedStrength": 11, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Construction", "obsoleteTech": "Machinery", "upgradesTo": "Crossbowman", "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "Swordsman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 14, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Iron Working", "upgradesTo": "Longswordsman", "obsoleteTech": "Steel", "requiredResource": "Iron", "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "metalhit" }, { "name": "Legion", "unitType": "Melee", "uniqueTo": "Rome", "replaces": "Swordsman", "movement": 2, "strength": 17, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Iron Working", "upgradesTo": "Longswordsman", "obsoleteTech": "Gunpowder", "requiredResource": "Iron", "uniques": ["Can construct roads"], "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "metalhit" // can construct fort (if required for fort tech is researched) }, { "name": "Mohawk Warrior", "unitType": "Melee", "uniqueTo": "Iroquois", "replaces": "Swordsman", "movement": 2, "strength": 14, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Iron Working", "upgradesTo": "Longswordsman", "obsoleteTech": "Gunpowder", "hurryCostModifier": 20, "uniques": ["+[33]% Strength in [Forest]", "+[33]% Strength in [Jungle]"], "attackSound": "metalhit" }, /* { "name": "Swordsman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 11, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Iron Working", "upgradesTo": "Longswordsman", "obsoleteTech": "Gunpowder", "requiredResource": "Iron", "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "metalhit" // Barbarian unique Swordsman. Has same icon and name but slightly different 3d texture // 14 strength in expansions }, */ { "name": "Horseman", "unitType": "Mounted", "movement": 4, "strength": 12, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Horseback Riding", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Knight", "obsoleteTech": "Metallurgy", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus","Penalty vs City 33%" ], "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "horse" }, { "name": "Companion Cavalry", "unitType": "Mounted", "uniqueTo": "Greece", "replaces": "Horseman", "movement": 5, "strength": 14, "cost": 75, "requiredTech": "Horseback Riding", "upgradesTo": "Knight", "obsoleteTech": "Metallurgy", "promotions": ["Great Generals I"], "requiredResource": "Horses", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking", "No defensive terrain bonus", "Penalty vs City 33%"], "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "horse" }, // Medieval Era { "name": "Crossbowman", "unitType": "Ranged", "movement": 2, "strength": 13, "rangedStrength": 18, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Machinery", "upgradesTo": "Gatling Gun", "obsoleteTech": "Industrialization", "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "Chu-Ko-Nu", "unitType": "Ranged", "uniqueTo": "China", "movement": 2, "strength": 13, "rangedStrength": 14, "replaces": "Crossbowman", "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Machinery", "upgradesTo": "Gatling Gun", "obsoleteTech": "Industrialization", "promotions": ["Logistics"], "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "Longbowman", "unitType": "Ranged", "range": 2, "movement": 2, "strength": 13, "rangedStrength": 18, "replaces": "Crossbowman", "uniqueTo": "England", "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Machinery", "upgradesTo": "Gatling Gun", "obsoleteTech": "Industrialization", "promotions": ["Extended Range"], "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "Trebuchet", "unitType": "Siege", "movement": 2, "strength": 12, "rangedStrength": 14, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Physics", "obsoleteTech": "Chemistry", "upgradesTo": "Cannon", "uniques": ["+[200]% Strength vs [City]","No defensive terrain bonus","Must set up to ranged attack","Limited Visibility"], "attackSound": "throw" }, { "name": "Hwach'a", "unitType": "Siege", "replaces": "Trebuchet", "uniqueTo": "Korea", "movement": 2, "strength": 11, "rangedStrength": 26, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Physics", "obsoleteTech": "Chemistry", "upgradesTo": "Cannon", "uniques": ["No defensive terrain bonus","Must set up to ranged attack"], "attackSound": "throw" }, { "name": "Longswordsman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 21, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Steel", "upgradesTo": "Musketman", "obsoleteTech": "Gunpowder", "requiredResource": "Iron", "attackSound": "metalhit" }, { "name": "Samurai", "replaces": "Longswordsman", "uniqueTo": "Japan", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 21, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Steel", "upgradesTo": "Musketman", "obsoleteTech": "Gunpowder", "requiredResource": "Iron", "promotions": ["Shock I", "Great Generals II"], "attackSound": "metalhit" //Samurai should also create Fishing Boats (not now, surely) }, { "name": "Berserker", "replaces": "Longswordsman", "uniqueTo": "Denmark", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 3, "strength": 21, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Metal Casting", "upgradesTo": "Musketman", "obsoleteTech": "Metallurgy", "requiredResource": "Iron", "promotions": ["Amphibious"], "hurryCostModifier": 20, "attackSound": "metalhit" //Danish unique unit. Can attack from the sea without any penalty, and moves faster. }, { "name": "Pikeman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 16, "cost": 90, "requiredTech": "Civil Service", "uniques": ["+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]"], "upgradesTo": "Musketman", "obsoleteTech": "Gunpowder", "attackSound": "metalhit" //Pikeman should upgrade not only to Musketman but also to Lancer }, { "name": "Landsknecht", "replaces": "Pikeman", "uniqueTo": "Germany", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 16, "cost": 45, "requiredTech": "Civil Service", "uniques": ["+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]", "Can move immediately once bought" ], "upgradesTo": "Musketman", "obsoleteTech": "Gunpowder", "attackSound": "metalhit" //"Requires [Mercenary Army]" in BNW }, { "name": "Galleass", "unitType": "WaterRanged", "movement": 3, "strength": 16, "rangedStrength": 17, "cost": 100, "requiredTech": "Compass", "obsoleteTech": "Navigation", "upgradesTo": "Frigate", "uniques": ["Cannot enter ocean tiles"], "attackSound": "arrow" }, { "name": "Knight", "unitType": "Mounted", "movement": 4, "strength": 20, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Chivalry", "obsoleteTech": "Military Science", "upgradesTo": "Cavalry", "requiredResource": "Horses", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus","Penalty vs City 33%" ], "attackSound": "horse" }, { "name": "Camel Archer", "replaces": "Knight", "uniqueTo": "Arabia", "unitType": "Ranged", "movement": 4, "strength": 17, "rangedStrength": 21, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Chivalry", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Cavalry", "obsoleteTech": "Military Science", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus"], "attackSound": "arrow" //Camel Archer should have no penalty attacking cities }, { "name": "Conquistador", "replaces": "Knight", "uniqueTo": "Spain", "unitType": "Mounted", "movement": 4, "strength": 20, "cost": 135, "requiredTech": "Chivalry", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Cavalry", "obsoleteTech": "Military Science", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus", "Founds a new city", "+2 Visibility Range", "Defense bonus when embarked"], "attackSound": "horse" //Conquistador should have no penalty attacking cities //Ability to found new cities can only be used on a foreign continent that does not contain the Spanish capital. }, { "name": "Naresuan's Elephant", "unitType": "Mounted", "replaces": "Knight", "uniqueTo": "Siam", "movement": 3, "strength": 25, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Chivalry", "obsoleteTech": "Military Science", "upgradesTo": "Cavalry", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus","+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]","Penalty vs City 33%"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Mandekalu Cavalry", "replaces": "Knight", "uniqueTo": "Songhai", "unitType": "Mounted", "movement": 4, "strength": 20, "cost": 110, "requiredTech": "Chivalry", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Cavalry", "obsoleteTech": "Military Science", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus"], "attackSound": "horse" }, { "name": "Keshik", "replaces": "Knight", "uniqueTo": "Mongolia", "unitType": "Ranged", "range": 2, "movement": 5, "strength": 15, "rangedStrength": 16, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Chivalry", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Cavalry", "obsoleteTech": "Military Science", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus"], "promotions": ["Great Generals I", "Quick Study"], "attackSound": "arrow" // Keshik should have no penalty attacking cities }, // Rennaisance Era { "name": "Caravel", "unitType": "WaterMelee", "movement": 4, "strength": 20, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Astronomy", "upgradesTo": "Ironclad", "obsoleteTech": "Combustion", "uniques": ["+1 Visibility Range","May withdraw before melee ([80]%)"], "hurryCostModifier": 30 }, { "name": "Turtle Ship", "unitType": "WaterMelee", "replaces": "Caravel", "uniqueTo": "Korea", "movement": 4, "strength": 36, "cost": 120, "requiredTech": "Astronomy", "upgradesTo": "Ironclad", "obsoleteTech": "Combustion", "uniques": ["Cannot enter ocean tiles"], "hurryCostModifier": 30 }, { "name": "Cannon", "unitType": "Siege", "movement": 2, "strength": 14, "rangedStrength": 20, "cost": 185, "requiredTech": "Chemistry", "upgradesTo": "Artillery", "obsoleteTech": "Dynamite", "uniques": ["+[200]% Strength vs [City]","No defensive terrain bonus","Must set up to ranged attack","Limited Visibility"] }, { "name": "Musketman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 24, "cost": 150, "requiredTech": "Gunpowder", "upgradesTo": "Rifleman", "obsoleteTech": "Rifling", "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Musketeer", "unitType": "Melee", "replaces": "Musketman", "uniqueTo": "France", "movement": 2, "strength": 28, "cost": 150, "requiredTech": "Gunpowder", "upgradesTo": "Rifleman", "obsoleteTech": "Rifling", "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Janissary", "unitType": "Melee", "replaces": "Musketman", "uniqueTo": "The Ottomans", "movement": 2, "strength": 24, "cost": 150, "requiredTech": "Gunpowder", "upgradesTo": "Rifleman", "obsoleteTech": "Rifling", "uniques": ["Heals [50] damage if it kills a unit", "+[25]% Strength when attacking"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Minuteman", "unitType": "Melee", "replaces": "Musketman", "uniqueTo": "America", "movement": 2, "strength": 24, "cost": 150, "requiredTech": "Gunpowder", "upgradesTo": "Rifleman", "obsoleteTech": "Rifling", "uniques": ["Ignores terrain cost"], "promotions": ["Drill I"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Tercio", "unitType": "Melee", "replaces": "Musketman", "uniqueTo": "Spain", "movement": 2, "strength": 26, "cost": 160, "requiredTech": "Gunpowder", "upgradesTo": "Rifleman", "obsoleteTech": "Rifling", "uniques": ["+[50]% Strength vs [Mounted]"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Frigate", "unitType": "WaterRanged", "movement": 5, "strength": 25, "rangedStrength": 28, "cost": 185, "requiredResource": "Iron", "requiredTech": "Navigation", "obsoleteTech": "Electronics", "upgradesTo": "Battleship", "hurryCostModifier": 20 }, { "name": "Ship of the Line", "unitType": "WaterRanged", "replaces": "Frigate", "uniqueTo": "England", "movement": 5, "strength": 30, "rangedStrength": 35, "cost": 185, "requiredResource": "Iron", "uniques": ["+1 Visibility Range"], "requiredTech": "Navigation", "obsoleteTech": "Electronics", "upgradesTo": "Battleship", "hurryCostModifier": 20 }, { "name": "Lancer", "unitType": "Mounted", "movement": 4, "strength": 25, "cost": 185, "requiredTech": "Metallurgy", "requiredResource": "Horses", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus","Penalty vs City 33%"], "promotions": ["Formation I"], "upgradesTo": "Anti-Tank Gun", "obsoleteTech": "Combined Arms", "attackSound": "horse" }, { "name": "Sipahi", "unitType": "Mounted", "replaces": "Lancer", "uniqueTo": "The Ottomans", "movement": 5, "strength": 25, "cost": 185, "requiredTech": "Metallurgy", "requiredResource": "Horses", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus","Penalty vs City 33%", "+1 Visibility Range", "No movement cost to pillage"], "promotions": ["Formation I"], "upgradesTo": "Anti-Tank Gun", "obsoleteTech": "Combined Arms", "attackSound": "horse" }, // Industrial Era { "name": "Gatling Gun", "unitType": "Ranged", "range": 1, "movement": 2, "strength": 30, "rangedStrength": 30, "cost": 225, "requiredTech": "Industrialization", "upgradesTo": "Machine Gun", "obsoleteTech": "Ballistics", "attackSound": "machinegun" }, { "name": "Rifleman", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 34, "cost": 225, "requiredTech": "Rifling", "obsoleteTech": "Replaceable Parts", "upgradesTo": "Great War Infantry", "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Carrier", "unitType": "WaterAircraftCarrier", "movement": 5, "strength": 40, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Electronics", "uniques": ["Cannot attack","Can carry 2 aircraft"] }, { "name": "Triplane", "unitType": "Fighter", "movement": 1, "strength": 35, "rangedStrength": 35, "range": 5, "interceptRange": 5, "cost": 325, "requiredTech": "Flight", "requiredResource": "Oil", "upgradesTo": "Fighter", "obsoleteTech": "Radar", "uniques": ["[50]% chance to intercept air attacks","+[50]% Strength vs [Bomber]", "6 tiles in every direction always visible"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Great War Bomber", "unitType": "Bomber", "movement": 1, "strength": 50, "rangedStrength": 50, "range": 6, "cost": 325, "requiredTech": "Flight", "requiredResource": "Oil", "upgradesTo": "Bomber", "obsoleteTech": "Radar", "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Norwegian Ski Infantry", "unitType": "Melee", "replaces": "Rifleman", "uniqueTo": "Denmark", "movement": 2, "strength": 34, "cost": 225, "requiredTech": "Rifling", "obsoleteTech": "Replaceable Parts", "upgradesTo": "Great War Infantry", "uniques": ["+[25]% Strength in [Snow]", "+[25]% Strength in [Tundra]", "+[25]% Strength in [Hill]", "Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Cavalry", "unitType": "Mounted", "movement": 4, "strength": 34, "cost": 225, "requiredTech": "Military Science", "obsoleteTech": "Combustion", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Landship", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus","Penalty vs City 33%" ], "attackSound": "horse" }, { "name": "Cossack", "unitType": "Mounted", "replaces": "Cavalry", "uniqueTo": "Russia", "movement": 4, "strength": 34, "cost": 225, "requiredTech": "Military Science", "obsoleteTech": "Combustion", "requiredResource": "Horses", "upgradesTo": "Landship", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus", "Penalty vs City 33%", "+[50]% Strength vs [wounded units]"], "attackSound": "horse" }, { "name": "Artillery", "unitType": "Siege", "movement": 2, "strength": 21, "rangedStrength": 28, "range": 3, "cost": 320, "requiredTech": "Dynamite", "upgradesTo": "Rocket Artillery", "uniques": ["+[200]% Strength vs [City]","No defensive terrain bonus", "Must set up to ranged attack","Limited Visibility","Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles"] }, { "name": "Ironclad", "unitType": "WaterMelee", "movement": 3, "strength": 45, "cost": 250, "requiredTech": "Steam Power", "requiredResource": "Coal", "upgradesTo": "Destroyer", "obsoleteTech": "Combustion", "uniques": ["+[33]% Strength vs [City]","Double movement in coast"] }, // Modern era { "name": "Fighter", "unitType": "Fighter", "movement": 1, "strength": 45, "rangedStrength": 45, "range": 8, "interceptRange": 8, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Radar", "requiredResource": "Oil", "upgradesTo": "Jet Fighter", "uniques": ["[100]% chance to intercept air attacks", "+[150]% Strength vs [Bomber]", "6 tiles in every direction always visible"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Zero", "unitType": "Fighter", "replaces": "Fighter", "uniqueTo": "Japan", "movement": 1, "strength": 45, "rangedStrength": 45, "range": 8, "interceptRange": 8, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Radar", "upgradesTo": "Jet Fighter", "uniques": ["[100]% chance to intercept air attacks","+[150]% Strength vs [Bomber]","+[33]% Strength vs [Fighter]", "6 tiles in every direction always visible"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Bomber", "unitType": "Bomber", "movement": 1, "strength": 65, "rangedStrength": 65, "range": 10, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Radar", "requiredResource": "Oil", //"upgradesTo": "Stealth Bomber", "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "B17", "unitType": "Bomber", "replaces": "Bomber", "uniqueTo": "America", "movement": 1, "strength": 70, "rangedStrength": 70, "range": 10, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Radar", "requiredResource": "Oil", "promotions": ["Evasion", "Siege I"], //"upgradesTo": "Stealth Bomber", "attackSound": "shot" }, /* { "name": "Atomic Bomb", "unitType": "AtomicBomber", "movement": 1, "strength": 150, "rangedStrength": 150, "range": 10, "cost": 600, "requiredTech": "Nuclear Fission", "requiredResource": "Uranium", "uniques": ["Nuclear weapon", "Requires [Manhattan Project]", "Self-destructs when attacking"] // Plane rather than a missile - can be based in city or Carrier only. But cannot be intercepted because of a civ 5 bug that was never fixed. // Single-use like missile // No strength/rangedStrength tags in civ 5 xmls. Instead has NukeDamageLevel = 1 tag (Nuclear Missile has NukeDamageLevel = 2) }, */ { "name": "Guided Missile", "unitType": "Missile", "movement": 1, "strength": 60, "rangedStrength": 60, "range": 8, "cost": 150, "requiredTech": "Rocketry", "uniques": ["Self-destructs when attacking"] }, { "name": "Nuclear Missile", "unitType": "Missile", "movement": 1, "strength": 300, "rangedStrength": 300, "range": 12, "cost": 1000, "requiredTech": "Rocketry", "requiredResource": "Uranium", "uniques": ["Self-destructs when attacking", "Nuclear weapon", "Requires [Manhattan Project]"], "attackSound": "nuke" }, { "name": "Landship", "unitType": "Armor", "movement": 4, "strength": 60, "cost": 350, "requiredTech": "Combustion", "requiredResource": "Oil", "upgradesTo": "Tank", "obsoleteTech": "Combined Arms", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus"] }, { "name": "Destroyer", "unitType": "WaterMelee", "movement": 6, "strength": 55, "interceptRange": 2, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Combustion", "uniques": ["Can attack submarines", "[40]% chance to intercept air attacks", "May withdraw before melee ([80]%)", "+[100]% Strength vs [WaterSubmarine]"] }, { "name": "Battleship", "unitType": "WaterRanged", "movement": 5, "strength": 55, "rangedStrength": 55, "range": 3, "cost": 375, "requiredResource": "Oil", "requiredTech": "Electronics", "uniques": ["Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles"] }, { "name": "Submarine", "unitType": "WaterSubmarine", "movement": 5, "strength": 35, "rangedStrength": 60, "cost": 325, "requiredTech": "Refrigeration", // "upgradesTo": "Nuclear Submarine", "uniques": ["+[75]% Strength when attacking", "Invisible to others", "Can only attack water", "Can attack submarines", "Can enter ice tiles"] }, { "name": "Great War Infantry", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 50, "cost": 320, "requiredTech": "Replaceable Parts", "upgradesTo": "Infantry", "obsoleteTech": "Plastics", "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Foreign Legion", "unitType": "Melee", "replaces": "Great War Infantry", "uniqueTo": "France", "movement": 2, "strength": 50, "cost": 320, "requiredTech": "Replaceable Parts", "upgradesTo": "Infantry", "obsoleteTech": "Plastics", "uniques": ["+[20]% Strength in [Foreign Land]"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Paratrooper", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 65, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Radar", "uniques": ["May Paradrop up to [5] tiles from inside friendly territory"], "attackSound": "shot" // upgradesTo "XCOM Squad", "No Movement Cost to Pillage" in BNW }, { "name": "Infantry", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 70, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Plastics", "upgradesTo": "Mechanized Infantry", "obsoleteTech": "Mobile Tactics", "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Marine", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 65, "cost": 400, "requiredTech": "Pharmaceuticals", "attackSound": "shot", "promotions": ["Amphibious"], "uniques": ["[+1] Sight when [Embarked]", "Defense bonus when embarked"] }, { "name": "Machine Gun", "unitType": "Ranged", "range": 1, "movement": 2, "strength": 60, "rangedStrength": 60, "cost": 350, "requiredTech": "Ballistics", "upgradesTo": "Mechanized Infantry", "attackSound": "machinegun" // Upgrades to Bazooka in BNW }, { "name": "Anti-Aircraft Gun", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "interceptRange": 2, "strength": 50, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Ballistics", "upgradesTo": "Mobile SAM", "obsoleteTech": "Rocketry", "uniques": ["[100]% chance to intercept air attacks","+[150]% Strength vs [air units]"], "attackSound": "machinegun" }, { "name": "Tank", "unitType": "Armor", "movement": 5, "strength": 70, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Combined Arms", "requiredResource": "Oil", "upgradesTo": "Modern Armor", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus"] }, { "name": "Panzer", "unitType": "Armor", "uniqueTo": "Germany", "replaces": "Tank", "movement": 6, "strength": 80, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Combined Arms", "requiredResource": "Oil", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus"] //German unique unit, stronger than Tank }, { "name": "Anti-Tank Gun", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 2, "strength": 50, "cost": 300, "requiredTech": "Combined Arms", "upgradesTo": "Helicopter Gunship", "uniques": ["+[100]% Strength vs [Armor]"] }, { // "Hovering unit" unique gives ability to get into impassable tiles - and only that (no vision bonus or flying over ocean) // Unit embarks like any other ground unit and has penalty for attacking over river or from embarked state "name": "Helicopter Gunship", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 6, "strength": 60, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Computers", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["+[100]% Strength vs [Armor]", "No defensive terrain bonus", "Can move after attacking", "All tiles cost 1 movement", "Can pass through impassable tiles", "Unable to capture cities"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Rocket Artillery", "unitType": "Siege", "movement": 2, "strength": 45, "rangedStrength": 60, "range": 3, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Rocketry", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["+[200]% Strength vs [City]","No defensive terrain bonus", "Limited Visibility","Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles"] }, { "name": "Mechanized Infantry", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 3, "strength": 90, "cost": 375, "requiredTech": "Mobile Tactics" }, { "name": "Modern Armor", "unitType": "Armor", "movement": 5, "strength": 100, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Lasers", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", //"upgradesTo": "Giant Death Robot", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking","No defensive terrain bonus"] }, // Information Era { "name": "Mobile SAM", "unitType": "Melee", "movement": 3, "interceptRange": 2, "strength": 65, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Rocketry", "uniques": ["[100]% chance to intercept air attacks","+[150]% Strength vs [air units]"], "attackSound": "shot" }, { "name": "Jet Fighter", "unitType": "Fighter", "movement": 1, "strength": 75, "rangedStrength": 75, "range": 10, "interceptRange": 10, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Lasers", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["[100]% chance to intercept air attacks", "+[150]% Strength vs [Bomber]", "6 tiles in every direction always visible"], "attackSound": "shot" }, /* // THIS STUFF IS COMMENTED OUT!!! { "name": "Stealth Bomber", "unitType": "Bomber", "movement": 2, "strength": 85, "rangedStrength": 65, "range": 20, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Stealth", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["Evasion", "6 tiles in every direction always visible"], "attackSound": "shot" // cannot be based on carrier }, { "name": "Missile Cruiser", "unitType": "WaterRanged", "movement": 7, "strength": 60, "rangedStrength": 25, "range": 3, "interceptRange": 2, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Robotics", "uniques": ["[100]% chance to intercept air attacks", "Can attack submarines", "Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles"] // Can carry 3 missiles - Guided Missiles and Nuclear Missiles, Attack vs submarines 100 // 100 rangedStrength, 80 strength in expansions }, { "name": "Nuclear Submarine", "unitType": "WaterSubmarine", "movement": 6, "strength": 30, "range": 3, "rangedStrength": 70, "cost": 425, "requiredTech": "Computers", "uniques": ["Bonus vs Attacker [75]%", "Invisible to others", "Can only attack water", "Can attack submarines", "Can enter ice tiles","+1 Visibility Range"] // Can carry 2 Missiles // 50 strength, 85 rangedStrength, requiredTech "Telecommunications" in expansions }, */ /* // Future Era { "name": "Giant Death Robot", "unitType": "Armor", "movement": 5, "strength": 150, "cost": 550, "requiredTech": "Nuclear Fusion", "requiredResource": "Uranium", "uniques": ["Can move after attacking", "No defensive terrain bonus"] }, */ /* Great people */ { "name": "Great Artist", "unitType": "Civilian", "uniques": ["Can start an [8]-turn golden age", "Can construct [Landmark]", "Great Person - [Culture]", "Unbuildable"], "movement": 2 }, { "name": "Great Scientist", "unitType": "Civilian", "uniques": ["Can hurry technology research", "Can construct [Academy]", "Great Person - [Science]", "Unbuildable"], "movement": 2 }, { "name": "Great Merchant", "unitType": "Civilian", "uniques": ["Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [30] Influence", "Can construct [Customs house]", "Great Person - [Gold]", "Unbuildable"], "movement": 2 }, { "name": "Great Engineer", "unitType": "Civilian", "uniques": ["Can speed up construction of a wonder", "Can construct [Manufactory]", "Great Person - [Production]", "Unbuildable"], "movement": 2 }, { "name": "Great General", "unitType": "Civilian", "uniques": ["Can start an [8]-turn golden age", "Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15%", "Can construct [Citadel]", "Great Person - [War]", "Unbuildable"], "movement": 2 }, { "name": "Khan", "unitType": "Civilian", "uniqueTo": "Mongolia", "replaces": "Great General", "uniques": ["Can start an [8]-turn golden age","Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15%", "Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn", "Can construct [Citadel]", "Great Person - [War]", "Unbuildable"], "movement": 5 } /* Spaceship Parts */ /* // Must be transported to the Capital for launch. // Can be destroyed by any hostile military unit walking in their tile. { "name": "SS Booster", "unitType": "Civilian", "movement": 2, "cost": 500, "requiredTech": "Robotics", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["Spaceship part", "Cannot be purchased", "Requires [Apollo Program]"] // costs 750 in G&K, 1500 in BNW }, { "name": "SS Cockpit", "unitType": "Civilian", "movement": 2, "cost": 750, "requiredTech": "Satellites", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["Spaceship part", "Cannot be purchased", "Requires [Apollo Program]"] // costs 1500 in BNW }, { "name": "SS Engine", "unitType": "Civilian", "movement": 2, "cost": 750, "requiredTech": "Particle Physics", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["Spaceship part", "Cannot be purchased", "Requires [Apollo Program]"] // costs 1500 in BNW }, { "name": "SS Stasis Chamber", "unitType": "Civilian", "movement": 2, "cost": 750, "requiredTech": "Nanotechnology", "requiredResource": "Aluminum", "uniques": ["Spaceship part", "Cannot be purchased", "Requires [Apollo Program]"] // costs 1500 in BNW } */ ]