const fs = require("fs"); // To be run from the main Unciv repo directory // Increments the latest code version to include 'patch-X' // Meant to be run from a Github action as part of patch release // To test locally - `node .github/workflows/releasePatch.js` //region Executed Code (async () => { const [newVersion, newAppCodeNumber] = updateBuildConfig(); updateGameVersion(newVersion, newAppCodeNumber); })(); //endregion //region Function Definitions function getNextPatchVersion(currentVersion){ if (currentVersion.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)) return currentVersion + "-patch1" var patchVersionRegexMatch = currentVersion.match(/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-patch(\d+)$/) if (!patchVersionRegexMatch) throw "Unrecognizable version format!" var patchVersion = parseInt(patchVersionRegexMatch[2]) + 1 return patchVersionRegexMatch[1] + "-patch" + patchVersion } function updateBuildConfig() { var buildConfigPath = "buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt"; var buildConfigString = fs.readFileSync(buildConfigPath).toString(); console.log("Original: " + buildConfigString); // Javascript string.match returns a regex string array, where array[0] is the entirety of the captured string, // and array[1] is the first group, array[2] is the second group etc. var appVersionMatch = buildConfigString.match(/appVersion = "(.*)"/); const curVersion = appVersionMatch[1]; const newVersion = getNextPatchVersion(curVersion) buildConfigString = buildConfigString.replace(appVersionMatch[0], appVersionMatch[0].replace(curVersion, newVersion)); var appCodeNumberMatch = buildConfigString.match(/appCodeNumber = (\d*)/); let currentAppCodeNumber = appCodeNumberMatch[1]; console.log("Current incremental version: " + currentAppCodeNumber); const nextAppCodeNumber = Number(currentAppCodeNumber) + 1; console.log("Next incremental version: " + nextAppCodeNumber); buildConfigString = buildConfigString.replace(appCodeNumberMatch[0], appCodeNumberMatch[0].replace(currentAppCodeNumber, nextAppCodeNumber)); console.log("Final: " + buildConfigString); fs.writeFileSync(buildConfigPath, buildConfigString); return [newVersion, nextAppCodeNumber]; } function updateGameVersion(newVersionString, newAppCodeNumber) { const gameInfoPath = "core/src/com/unciv/UncivGame.kt"; const gameInfoSource = fs.readFileSync(gameInfoPath).toString(); const regexp = /(\/\/region AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED VERSION DATA - DO NOT CHANGE THIS REGION, INCLUDING THIS COMMENT)[\s\S]*(\/\/endregion)/; const withNewVersion = gameInfoSource.replace(regexp, function(match, grp1, grp2) { const versionClassStr = createVersionClassString(newVersionString, newAppCodeNumber); return `${grp1}\n val VERSION = ${versionClassStr}\n ${grp2}`; }) fs.writeFileSync(gameInfoPath, withNewVersion); } function createVersionClassString(newVersionString, newAppCodeNumber) { return `Version("${newVersionString}", ${newAppCodeNumber})`; } //endregion