import com.badlogicgames.packr.Packr import com.badlogicgames.packr.PackrConfig import plugins { id("kotlin") } java { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } sourceSets { main { java.srcDir("src/") } } val mainClassName = "" val assetsDir = file("../android/assets") val deployFolder = file("../deploy") // See // and val jvmArgsForMac = listOf("-XstartOnFirstThread", "-Djava.awt.headless=true") tasks.register("run") { jvmArgs = mutableListOf() if ("mac" in System.getProperty("").toLowerCase()) (jvmArgs as MutableList).addAll(jvmArgsForMac) // These are non-standard, only available/necessary on Mac. dependsOn(tasks.getByName("classes")) main = mainClassName classpath = sourceSets.main.get().runtimeClasspath standardInput = System.`in` workingDir = assetsDir isIgnoreExitValue = true } tasks.register("debug") { jvmArgs = jvmArgsForMac dependsOn(tasks.getByName("classes")) main = mainClassName classpath = sourceSets.main.get().runtimeClasspath standardInput = System.`in` workingDir = assetsDir isIgnoreExitValue = true debug = true } tasks.register("dist") { // Compiles the jar file dependsOn(tasks.getByName("classes")) // META-INF/INDEX.LIST and META-INF/ are duplicated, but I don't know why duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE from(files(sourceSets.main.get().output.resourcesDir)) from(files(sourceSets.main.get().output.classesDirs)) // see Laurent1967's comment on from({ configurations.compileClasspath.get().resolve().map { if (it.isDirectory) it else zipTree(it) } }) archiveFileName.set("UncivServer.jar") manifest { attributes(mapOf("Main-Class" to mainClassName, "Specification-Version" to BuildConfig.appVersion)) } } for (platform in PackrConfig.Platform.values()) { val platformName = platform.toString() tasks.create("packr${platformName}") { dependsOn(tasks.getByName("dist")) // Needs to be here and not in doLast because the zip task depends on the outDir val jarFile = "$rootDir/server/build/libs/UncivServer.jar" val config = PackrConfig() config.platform = platform config.apply { executable = "UncivServer" classpath = listOf(jarFile) removePlatformLibs = config.classpath mainClass = mainClassName vmArgs = listOf("Xmx1G") minimizeJre = "server/packrConfig.json" outDir = file("packr") } doLast { // fun String.runCommand(workingDir: File) { val process = ProcessBuilder(*split(" ").toTypedArray()) .directory(workingDir) .redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE) .redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.PIPE) .start() if (!process.waitFor(30, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { process.destroy() throw RuntimeException("execution timed out: $this") } if (process.exitValue() != 0) { println("execution returned code ${process.exitValue()}: $this") } println(process.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()) } if (config.outDir.exists()) delete(config.outDir) // Requires that both packr and the jre are downloaded, as per buildAndDeploy.yml, "Upload to" // Use old version of packr - newer versions aren't Windows32-compliant if (platform == PackrConfig.Platform.Windows32) { config.jdk = "" Packr().pack(config) } else { val jdkFile = when (platform) { PackrConfig.Platform.Linux64 -> "jre-linux-64.tar.gz" PackrConfig.Platform.Windows64 -> "" else -> "jre-macOS.tar.gz" } val platformNameForPackrCmd = if (platform == PackrConfig.Platform.MacOS) "mac" else val command = "java -jar $rootDir/packr-all-4.0.0.jar" + " --platform $platformNameForPackrCmd" + " --jdk $jdkFile" + " --executable UncivServer" + " --classpath $jarFile" + " --mainclass $mainClassName" + " --vmargs Xmx1G " + (if (platform == PackrConfig.Platform.MacOS) jvmArgsForMac.joinToString(" ") { it.removePrefix("-") } else "") + " --output ${config.outDir}" command.runCommand(rootDir) } } tasks.register("zip${platformName}") { archiveFileName.set("UncivServer-${platformName}.zip") from(config.outDir) destinationDirectory.set(deployFolder) } finalizedBy("zip${platformName}") } } tasks.register("zipLinuxFilesForJar") { archiveFileName.set("") from(file("linuxFilesForJar")) destinationDirectory.set(deployFolder) }