{ "Next turn":{ Italian:"Prossimo turno" Russian:"Следующий ход" French:"Tour prochain" Romanian:"Runda urmatoare" German:"Nächste Runde" Dutch:"Volgende beurt" } "Working...":{ // Displayed when next turn is being...turned Italian:"Lavoro..." Russian:"Работает..." French:"Travail..." Romanian:"Lucru..." Dutch:"Verwerken..." } "Turn":{ // For main screen at top left, e.g. Turn 234 Italian:"Turno" Russian:"Ход" French:"Tour" Romanian:"Runda" German:"Runde" Dutch:"Beurt" } "in":{ // As in "Opera House in 3 turns" Italian:"tra" Russian:"через" French:"dans" Romanian:"în" German:"in" Dutch:"in" } "turns":{ // for e.g. turns to technology Italian:"Turni" Russian:"Ходов" French:"Tours" Romanian:"Runde" German:"Runden" Dutch:"Beurten" } // Unit "Movement":{ Italian:"Movimento" Russian:"Передвижение" French:"Deplacer" Romanian:"Mișcare" German:"Bewegungen" Dutch:"Mobieliteit" } "Strength":{ Italian:"Forza" Russian:"Сила" French:"Force" Romanian:"Putere" German:"Stärke" Dutch:"Kracht" } "Ranged strength":{ Italian:"Forza a distanza" Russian:"Сила в дальнем бою" French:"Force à distance" Romanian:"Puterea la distanta" German:"Fernkampf Stärkte" Dutch:"Kracht op afstand" } "Move unit":{ Italian:"Sposta unità" Russian:"Переместить юнит" French:"Dèplacer unité" Romanian:"Mutați unitatea" German:"Einheit bewegen" Dutch:"Eenheid verplaatsen" } "Stop movement":{ Italian:"Ferma movimento" Russian:"Отменить действие" French:"Arrêter le mouvement" Romanian:"Opriți mișcarea" German:"Bewgen abbrechen" Dutch:"Verplaatsen stoppen" } "Construct improvement":{ Italian:"Migliora costruzione" Russian:"Построить улучшение" French:"Amèlioré construcion" Romanian:"îmbunătățirea construcției" German:"Verbesserung bauen" Dutch:"Verbetering bouwen" } "Automate":{ Italian:"Automatizza" Russian:"Автоматизация" French:"Automacion" Romanian:"Automatizare" German:"Automatisieren" Dutch:"Autoatiseren" } "Fortify":{ Italian:"Fortifica" Russian:"Укрепить" French:"Fortifier" Romanian:"Fortifica" German:"Befestigen" Dutch:"Versterken" } "Fortification":{ // as in "+40% Fortification" Italian:"Fortificazione" Russian:"от укрепления" French:"Fortification" Romanian:"Fortificație" German:"Befestigung" Dutch:"Versterking" } "Set up":{ // For siege units Italian:"Monta" Russian:"Подготовится" French:"Implanter" Romanian:"Dispune" German:"Aufstellen" Dutch:"Opstellen" } "Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold)":{ // EG Upgrade to Cannon (140 gold) Italian:"Aggiorna a [unitType] ([goldCost] oro)" Russian:"Улучшить до [unitType] ([goldCost] золота)" French:"Mise à niveau vers [unitType] ([goldCost] or)" Romanian:"Treceți la [unitType] (aurul [goldCost])" } "Found city":{ Italian:"Fonda città" Russian:"Основать город" French:"Créer une ville" Romanian:"Creați oraș" German:"Stadt gründen" Dutch:"Stad stichten" } "Promote":{ Italian:"Promuovi" Russian:"Повысить" French:"Promouvoir" Romanian:"Promova" German:"Befördern" Dutch:"Promoveren" } "Health":{ Italian:"Salute" Russian:"Здоровье" French:"Santé" Romanian:"Sanatate" German:"Gesundheit" Dutch:"Gezondheid" } "Disband unit":{ Italian:"Sciogli" Russian:"Распустить юнит" French:"Dissoudre unité" Romanian:"Desfaceți unitatea" Dutch:"Eenheid opheffen" } "Do you really want to disband this unit?":{ Italian:"Vuoi davvero sciogliere questa unità?" Russian:"Вы действительно хотите распустить этот юнит?" French:"Voulez-vous vraiment dissoudre cette unité?" Romanian:"" Dutch:"Wil je echt deze eenheid opheffen" } "Yes":{ Italian:"Sì" Russian:"Да" French:"Oui" Romanian:"Da" Dutch:"Ja" } "No":{ Italian:"No" Russian:"Нет" French:"Non" Romanian:"Nu" Dutch:"Nee" } // Stats "Gold":{ Italian:"Oro" Russian:"Золото" French:"Or" Romanian:"Aur" German:"Gold" Dutch:"Goud" } "Science":{ Italian:"Scienza" Russian:"Наука" French:"Science" Romanian:"Ştiinţă" German:"Erforschung" Dutch:"Wetenschap" } "Happiness":{ Italian:"Felicità" Russian:"Счастье" French:"Bonheur" Romanian:"Fericire" German:"Zufriedenheit" Dutch:"Tevredenheid" } "Production":{ Italian:"Produzione" Russian:"Производство" French:"Production" Romanian:"Producere" German:"Produktion" Dutch:"Productie" } "Culture":{ Italian:"Cultura" Russian:"Культура" French:"Culture" Romanian:"Cultură" German:"Kultur" Dutch:"Cultuur" } "Food":{ Italian:"Cibo" Russian:"Еда" French:"Nourriture" Romanian:"Hrană" German:"Speise" Dutch:"Eten" } "GOLDEN AGE":{ Italian:"ETÀ D'ORO" Russian:"ЗОЛОТОЙ ВЕК" French:"ÂGE D'OR" Romanian:"EPOCA DE AUR" German:"GOLDENES ZEITALTER" Dutch:"GOUDEN EEUW" } // Menu table "Civilopedia":{ Russian:"Цивилопедия" } "Start new game":{ Italian:"Nuova partita" Russian:"Новая игра" French:"Nouveau jeu" Romanian:"Joc nou" German:"Neues Spiel" Dutch:"Nieuw spel" } "Save game":{ Italian:"Salvataggio" Russian:"Сохранить игру" French:"Sauvegarder la partie" Romanian:"Salveaza jocul" German:"Speichern" Dutch:"Spel opslaan" } "Load game":{ Italian:"Carica partita" Russian:"Загрузить игру" French:"Chargement du jeu" Romanian:"Incarca jocul" German:"Spiel laden" Dutch:"Spel laden" } "Load copied data":{ Italian:"Carica i dati copiati" Russian:"Загрузить скопированные данные" French:"Charger des données copiées" Romanian:"Încărcați datele copiate" German:"Aus ZWischenablage laden" Dutch:"Gekopieerde data laden" } // New game screen "Start game!":{ Italian:"Inizia partita!" Russian:"Начать игру!" French:"Démarrer jeu!" Romanian:"Incepe jocul!" } "Civilization:":{ Italian:"Civiltà:" Russian:"Цивилизация:" French:"Civilisation:" Romanian:"Civilizaţie:" } "World size:":{ Italian:"Dimensione mappa:" Russian:"Размер мира:" French:"La taille du monde:" Romanian:"Mărimea pamintului:" } "Number of enemies:":{ Italian:"Numero di nemici:" Russian:"Количество врагов:" French:"Nombre d'ennemis:" Romanian:"Numărul de dușmani:" } "Victory status":{ Italian:"Stato di vittoria" Russian:"Статус победы" French:"Statut de la victoire" Romanian:"Statutul victoriei" German:"Siegesstatus" Dutch:"Overwinning Status" } "Social policies":{ Italian:"Politiche sociali" Russian:"Общественные институты" French:"Politiques sociales" Romanian:"Politici sociale" German:"Sozialpolitiken" Dutch:"Sociaal beleid" } "Display options":{ Italian:"Opzioni display" Russian:"Параметры экрана" French:"Option d'affichage" Romanian:"Opțiuni ecran" German:"Anzeigeeinstellungen" Dutch:"Weergaveopties" } "Show":{ Italian:"Mostra" Russian:"Показать" French:"Montrer" Romanian:"Indica" German:"Zeigen" Dutch:"Toon" } "Hide":{ Italian:"Nascondi" Russian:"Спрятать" French:"Cacher" Romanian:"Ascunde" German:"Verstecken" Dutch:"Verberg" } "worked tiles":{ Italian:"celle lavorate" Russian:"обработанные клетки" French:"carreaux travaillés" Romanian:"plăci lucrate" German:"bearbeitete Felder" Dutch:"Bewerkte velden" } "resources and improvements":{ Italian:"risorse e miglioramenti" Russian:"ресурсы и улучшения" French:"ressources et améliorations" Romanian:"resurse și îmbunătățiri" German:"Ressourcen und Verbesserungen" Dutch:"Grondstoffen en Verbeteringen" } "Close":{ Italian:"Chiudi" Russian:"Закрыть" French:"Fermer" Romanian:"Inchide" German:"Schliessen" Dutch:"Sluiten" } // City screen "Exit city":{ Italian:"Esci dalla città" Russian:"Выход из города" French:"Quitter la ville" Romanian:"Ieșiți din oraș" German:"Stadt schliessen" Dutch:"Stadscherm sluiten" } "Raze city":{ Italian:"Demolizione città" Russian:"Разрушить город" French:"Demolition de la ville" Romanian:"Demolarea orașului" German:"Stadt zerstören" Dutch:"Stad vernietigen" } "Stop razing city":{ Italian:"Anulla demolizione città" Russian:"Отменить разрушение города" French:"Anuller demolition de la ville" Romanian:"Anuleaza demolarea orașului" German:"Zerstörung aufheben" Dutch:"Stad vernieteging stoppen" } "Buy for [amount] gold":{ Italian:"Acquista con [amount] oro" Russian:"Купить за [amount] золота" French:"Acheter avec [amount] gold" Romanian:"Cumpara cu [amount] gold" German:"Für [amount] gold kaufen" Dutch:"Voor [amount] gold kopen" } "Maintenance cost":{ Italian:"Costo di manutenzione" Russian:"Стоимость обслуживания" French:"Coût de maintenance" Romanian:"Costuri de întreținere" German:"Wartungskosten" Dutch:"Onderhouskosten" } "Pick construction":{ Italian:"Scegli la costruzione" Russian:"Выбор здания" French:"Choisissez la construction" Romanian:"Alegeți construcția" German:"Bauwerk auswählen" Dutch:"Bouwwerk kiezen" } "Build [building]":{ // eg Build Granary Italian:"Costruisci [building]" Russian:"Строить [building]" French:"Construire [building]" Romanian:"Construiste [building]" German:"[building] bauen" Dutch:"[building] bouwen" } "Train [unit]":{ // eg Train Scout Italian:"Adestra [unit]" Russian:"Обучить [unit]" French:"Former [unit]" Romanian:"Instrui [unit]" German:"[unit] rekrutieren" Dutch:"[unit] rekruteren" } "Produce [thingToProduce]":{ // eg Produce gold Italian:"Produci [thingToProduce]" Russian:"Производить [thingToProduce]" French:"Produire [thingToProduce]" Romanian:"Produce [thingToProduce]" German:"[thingToProduce] Herstellen" Dutch:"[thingToProduce] produceren" } "Nothing":{ // A city can choose to "idle" and produce nothing Italian:"Niente" Russian:"Ничего" French:"Rien" Romanian:"Nimic" German:"Faul dasitzen" Dutch:"Niks" } // Tech picker "Pick a tech":{ Italian:"Scegli una tecnologia" Russian:"Выберите технологию" French:"Choisissez une technologie" Romanian:"Alege o tehnologie" German:"Technologie auswählen" Dutch:"Technologie kiezen" } "Pick a free tech":{ Italian:"Scegli una tecnologia gratuita" Russian:"Выберите бесплатную технологию" French:"Choisissez une technologie gratuite" Romanian:"Alege o tehnologie gratuită" Dutch:"Gratis technologie kiezen" } "Research [technology]":{ // eg "Research Pottery" Italian:"Ricerca [technology]" Russian:"Исследование [technology]" French:"Recherche [technology]" Romanian:"Exploreaza [technology]" German:"[technology] Erforschen" Dutch:"[technologie] onderzoeken" } "Pick [technology] as free tech":{ Italian:"Scegli [tecnology] come tecnologia libera" Russian:"Выбрать [technology] как бесплатную технологию" French:"Choisissez [technology] comme technologie libre" Romanian:"Alegeți [tehnology] ca tehnologie gratuită" Dutch:"[technologie] kiezen als gratis technologie" } "Units enabled":{ Italian:"Unità sbloccate" Russian:"Активные юниты" French:"Unités activées" Romanian:"Unități activate" German:"Freigeschaltete Einheiten" Dutch:"Eenheden vrijgespeeld" } "Buildings enabled":{ Italian:"Edifici sbloccati" Russian:"Активные здания" French:"Bâtiments activés" Romanian:"Clădirile active" German:"Freigeschaltete Bauwerke" Dutch:"Gebouwen vreijgespeeld" } "Wonder":{ Italian:"Meraviglia" Russian:"Чудо" French:"Merveille" Romanian:"Minune" German:"Wunder" Dutch:"Wonder" } "Wonders enabled":{ Italian:"Meraviglie sbloccate" Russian:"Активные чудеса" French:"Merveilles activées" Romanian:"Minuni active" German:"Freigschaltete Wunder" Dutch:"Wonders vrijgespeeld" } "Tile improvements enabled":{ Italian:"Miglioramenti delle celle sbloccati" Russian:"Улучшения клеток включены" French:"Améliorations apportées aux carreaux" Romanian:"Ameliorare activa a plăcilor" German:"Freigschaltete Feldverbesserungen" Dutch:"Verbeteringen vrijgespeeld" } "Reveals [resource] on the map":{ // As in "Reveals Coal on the map" Italian:"Mostra [resource] sulla mappa" Russian:"Показывает [resource] на карте" French:"Révèle [resource] sur la carte" Romanian:"Descoperă [resource] pe hartă" German:"Zeigt [resource] auf der Karte" Dutch:"Onthuld [recource] op de kaart" } "XP for new units":{ Italian:"XP per nuove unità" Russian:"XP для новых юнитов" French:"XP pour les nouvelles unités" Romanian:"XP pentru unități noi" Dutch:"XP voor nieuwe eenheden" } "provide":{ // as in "Camp, Customs House provide +1 Gold" Italian:"forniscono" Russian:"даёт" French:"fournir" Romanian:"Asigura" German:"generieren" Dutch:"genereren" } "provides":{ // as in "Camp provides +1 Gold" (singular of above) Italian:"fornisce" Russian:"обеспечивает" French:"fournit" Romanian:"prevede" German:"generiert" Dutch:"genereert" } // Notifications // Some notifications have an exclamation mark after them - is the exclamation mark different in other languages? // If so then we need to deal with that as well // I remember that some languages have upside-down question marks before to mark a question "has grown":{ Italian:"è cresciuta" Russian:"вырос" French:"a grandi" Romanian:"a crescut" German:"ist gewachsen" Dutch:"is gegroeid" } "has been founded":{ Italian:"è stata fondata" Russian:"был основан" French:"a été fondé" Romanian:"a fost fondat" German:"wurde gegründet" Dutch:"is gesticht" } "has been razed to the ground":{ Italian:"è stata rasa al suolo" Russian:"был разрушен до основания" French:"a été rasé à terre" Romanian:"a fost distrus la pământ" German:"wurde dem Erdboden gleichgemacht" Dutch:"Is totaal verwoest" } "We have conquered the city of [cityname]!":{ Italian:"Abbiamo conquistato la città di [cityname]!" Russian:"Мы завоевали город [cityname]!" French:"Nous avons conquis la ville de [cityname]!" Romanian:"Am cucerit orașul [cityname]!" German:"Wir haben die Stadt [cityname] eingenommen!" Dutch:"We hebben de stad [cityname] ingenomen!" } "Research of [tehnologyName] has completed!":{ // For technology notifications EG Research of Writing has completed Italian:"Ricerca di [tehnologyName] completata!" Russian:"Исследование [tehnologyName] завершено!" French:"Recherche de [tehnologyName] a completé!" Romanian:"Cercetarea [tehnologyName] a finalizat!" German:"[tehnologyName] wurde erforscht!" Dutch:"[tehnologyName] is onderzocht!" } "You have entered a golden age":{ Italian:"Sei entrato in un'età dell'oro" Russian:"Вы вошли в золотой век" French:"Vous êtes entré dans un âge d'or" Romanian:"Ați intrat într-o epocă de aur" German:"Ein goldenes Zeitalter ist eingetreten" Dutch:"Een gouden eeuw is geariveerd" } "is starving":{ Italian:"sta morendo di fame" Russian:"голодает" French:"est affamé" Romanian:"suferă de foame" German:"verhungert" Dutch:"verhongerd" } "has been built in":{ Italian:"è stato/a costruito/a in" Russian:"была построена в" French:"a été construit en" Romanian:"a fost construit in" German:"wurde erbaut in" Dutch:"is gebouwd in" } "Work has started on [construction]":{ Italian:"Sono iniziati i lavori per [construction]" Russian:"Началась работа над [construction]" French:"Le travail a commencé sur le [construction]" Romanian:"Munca a început pentru [construction]" German:"Arbeit an [construction] hat begonnen" Dutch:"Werk is begonen aan [construction]" } "Cannot continue work on [construction]":{ Italian:"Impossibile lavorare su [construction]" Russian:"Не удается продолжить работу над [construction]" French:"Impossible de continuer à travailler sur [construction]" Romanian:"Nu pot continua munca pentru [construction]" German:"Arbeit an [construction] konnte nicht fortgeführt werden" Dutch:"Er kan niet meer veder gewerkt worden aan [construction]" } "has expanded its borders":{ Italian:"ha espanso i suoi confini" Russian:"расширил свои границы" French:"a élargi ses frontières" Romanian:"și-a extins frontierele" German:"hat seine Grenzen erweitert" Dutch:"heeft zijn grenzen uitgebreid" } "An enemy [unit] has attacked [cityname]":{ Italian:"Un [unit] nemico ha attaccato [cityname]" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] атаковал [cityname]" French:"Un ennemi [unit] a attaqué [cityname]" Romanian:"Un dusman [unit] a atacat [cityname]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat [cityname] angegriffen" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Een vijandelijke [unit] heeft [cityname] aangevallen" } "An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit]":{ Italian:"Un [unit] nemico ha attaccato [ourUnit]" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] атаковал нашего [ourUnit]" French:"Un ennemi [unit] a attaqué [ourUnit]" Romanian:"Un dusman [unit] a atacat [ourUnit]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat unsere(n) [ourUnit] agegriffen" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft onze [ourUnit] aangevallen" } "An enemy [unit] has captured [cityname]":{ Italian:"Un [unit] nemico ha catturato [cityname]" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] захватил [cityname]" French:"Un ennemi [unit] a capturé [cityname]" Romanian:"Un dusman [unit] a capturat [cityname]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat [cityname] eingenommen" Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft [cityname] ingenomen" } "An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit]":{ Italian:"Un [unit] nemico ha catturato [ourUnit]" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] захватил нашего [ourUnit]" French:"Un ennemi [unit] a capturé [ourUnit]" Romanian:"Un dusman [unit] a capturat [ourUnit]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat [ourUnit] gefangen" Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft [ourUnit] gevangen genomen" } "An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit]":{ Italian:"Un [unit] nemico ha distrutto [ourUnit]" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] уничтожил нашего [ourUnit]" French:"Un ennemi [unit] a détruit [ourUnit]" Romanian:"Un dusman [unit] a distrus [ourUnit]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat [ourUnit] zerstört" Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft onze [ourUnit] gedood" } "An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityname]":{ Italian:"Un'unità [unit] nemica è stata distrutta mentre attaccava [cityname]" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был уничтожен при атаке [cityname]" French:"Un ennemi [unit] a été détruit en attaquant [cityname]" Romanian:"Un inamic [unit] a fost distrus în timp ce ataca [cityname]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde zerstört beim Angriff auf [cityname]" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] werd gedood tijdens zijn aanval op [cityname]" } "An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit]":{ Italian:"Un'unità [unit] nemica è stata distrutta mentre attaccava il nostro [ourUnit]" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был уничтожен, атакуя нашего [ourUnit]" French:"Un ennemi [unit] a été détruit en attaquant notre [ourUnit]" Romanian:"Un inamic [unit] a fost distrus în timp ce atacă [ourUnit]" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde zerstört beim Angriff auf unsere(n) [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] werd gedood tijdens zijn aanval op onze [unit]" } "An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory":{ Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] avvistato vicino al nostro territorio" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был замечен у нашей территории" French:"Un ennemi [unit] repéré près de notre territoire" Romanian:"Un inamic [unit] reperat în apropierea teritoriului nostru" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde nahe unserer Grenzen entdeckt" Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] is gezien buiten onze grenzen" } "An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory":{ Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] avvistato nel nostro territorio" Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был замечен на нашей территории" French:"Un ennemi [unit] repéré sur notre territoire" Romanian:"Un inamic [unit] reperat pe teritoriul nostru" German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde in unseren Grenzen entdeckt" Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] is binnen onze grenzen gezien" } "revealed near":{ // As in "Coal revealed near London" Italian:"rivelato vicino a" Russian:"обнаружен вблизи " French:"a capturé" Romanian:"dezvăluit aproape" German:"gefunden in der Nähe von" Dutch:"Ontdekt: in de buurt van" } "The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed!":{ Italian:"La civiltà di [civName] è stata distrutta!" Russian:"Цивилизация [civName] была уничтожена!" French:"La civilisation de [civName] a été détruit!" Romanian:"Civilizația [civName] a fost distrus!" German:"Die Zivilisation [civName] wurde vernichtet!" Dutch:"De [civName] beschaving is vernietigt!" //civname has to be an adjective } "A [greatPerson] has been born!":{ Italian:"È nato un [greatPerson]!" Russian:"[greatPerson] родился!!" French:"Un [greatPerson] est né!" Romanian:"Sa născut un [greatPerson]!" } "We have encountered [civName]!":{ Russian:"Мы встретились с цивилизацией [civName]!" } "Cannot provide upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded!":{ Russian:"Невоможно предоставить содержание для [unitName] - юнит распущен!" } // Save and load game "Current saves":{ Italian:"Salvataggio attuale" Russian:"Текущие сохранения" French:"épargne courante" Romanian:"Salvatajul curent" German:"Gespeicherte Spiele" Dutch:"Huidige spellen" } "Saved game name":{ Italian:"Nome del salvataggio" Russian:"Название сохранённой игры" French:"Nom du jeu sauvegardé" Romanian:"Numele jocului salvat" German:"Name des gespeicherten Spiels" Dutch:"Naam van opgeslagen spellen" } "Copy game info":{ Italian:"Copia le informazioni sul gioco" Russian:"Копировать информацию об игре" French:"Copier les informations du jeu" Romanian:"Copiați informațiile jocului" German:"Spielinfo kopieren" Dutch:"Spelinformatie kopiëren" } "Could not load game":{ Italian:"Impossibile caricare il gioco" Russian:"Не удалось загрузить игру" French:"Impossible de charger le jeu" Romanian:"Nu s-a putut încărca jocul" German:"Spiel konnte nicht geladen werden" Dutch:"Spel kon niet geladen worden" } "Load [saveFileName]":{ // as in "Load SaveFile2" Italian:"Carica [saveFileName]" Russian:"Загрузить [saveFileName]" French:"Charger [saveFileName]" Romanian:"încărca [saveFileName]" German:"[saveFileName] laden" Dutch:"[saveFileName] laden" } "Delete save":{ Italian:"Elimina Salvataggio" Russian:"Удалить сохранение" French:"Supprimer enregistrer" Romanian:"Ștergeți salvatajul" German:"Spiel löschen" Dutch:"Spel verwijderen" } "Saved at":{ Italian:"Salvato a" Russian:"Сохранено в" French:"Enregistré à" Romanian:"Salvat la" German:"Gespeichert in" Dutch:"Opgeslagen in" } // Battle table "City strength":{ Italian:"Forza della città" Russian:"Сила города" French:"Force de la ville" Romanian:"Puterea orașului" German:"Stärke der Stadt" Dutch:"Kracht van de stad" } "City health":{ Italian:"Salute della città" Russian:"Здоровье города" French:"Santé de la ville" Romanian:"Sănătatea orașului" German:"Gesundheit der Stadt" Dutch:"Gezondheid van de stad" } "Captured":{ // Shown in the battle table when attacking a civilian unit or a defeated city Italian:"Catturato" Russian:"Захвачен" French:"Capturé" Romanian:"Capturat" German:"Gefangen" Dutch:"Gevangen" } "Attack":{ Italian:"Attacco" Russian:"Атака" French:"Attaque" Romanian:"Atac" German:"Angreiffen" Dutch:"Aanvallen" } // Terrains "Grassland":{ Italian:"Prateria" Russian:"Луга" French:"Herbage" Romanian:"Fâneață" German:"Wiese" Dutch:"Grasland" } "Plains":{ Italian:"Pianura" Russian:"Pавнины" French:"Plaines" Romanian:"Inalzat" German:"Flachland" Dutch:"Vlakte" } "Tundra":{ Italian:"Tundra" Russian:"Tундра" French:"Toundra" Romanian:"Tundră" German:"Tundra" Dutch:"Toendra" } "Desert":{ Italian:"Deserto" Russian:"Пустыня" French:"Désert" Romanian:"Deşert" German:"Wüste" Dutch:"Woestijn" } "Lakes":{ Italian:"Laghi" Russian:"Озера" French:"Lacs" Romanian:"Lacurile" German:"Seen" Dutch:"Meren" } "Hill":{ Italian:"Collina" Russian:"Холм" French:"Colline" German:"Hügel" Dutch:"Heuvel" } "Forest":{ Italian:"Foresta" Russian:"Лес" French:"Forêt" Romanian:"Pădure" German:"Wald" Dutch:"Woud" } "Jungle":{ Italian:"Giungla" Russian:"Джунгли" French:"Jungle" Romanian:"Junglă" German:"Dschungel" Dutch:"Oerwoud" } "Marsh":{ Italian:"Palude" Russian:"Болото" French:"Marais" Romanian:"Mlaştină" German:"Sumpf" Dutch:"Moeras" } "Oasis":{ Italian:"Oasi" Russian:"Оазис" French:"Oasis" Romanian:"Oază" German:"Oase" Dutch:"Oase" } "Food plains":{ Italian:"Pianure alimentari" Russian:"Пищевые равнины" French:"Plaines alimentaires" Romanian:"Câmpiile alimentare" // German translation not sure Dutch:"Riviervlakte" } // Bonus Resources "Cattle":{ Italian:"Bestiame" Russian:"Скот" French:"Bétail" Romanian:"Bovine" German:"Rind" Dutch:"Rundvee" } "Sheep":{ Italian:"Pecora" Russian:"Овцы" French:"Mouton" Romanian:"Oaie" German:"Schaf" Dutch:"Schaap" } "Deer":{ Italian:"Cervo" Russian:"Oлени" French:"Cerf" Romanian:"Cerb" German:"Hirsch" Dutch:"Hert" } "Bananas":{ Italian:"Banane" Russian:"Бананы" French:"Bananes" Romanian:"Banane" German:"Bananen" Dutch:"Bananen" } "Wheat":{ Italian:"Grano" Russian:"Пшеница" French:"Blé" Romanian:"Grâu" German:"Weizen" Dutch:"Tarwe" } "Stone":{ Italian:"Pietra" Russian:"Камень" French:"Pierre" Romanian:"Piatră" German:"Stein" Dutch:"Steen" } // Strategic Resources "Horses":{ Italian:"Cavalli" Russian:"Лошади" French:"Chevaux" Romanian:"Cai" German:"Pferde" Dutch:"Paarden" } "Iron":{ Italian:"Ferro" Russian:"Железо" French:"Fer" Romanian:"Fier" German:"Eisen" Dutch:"Ijzer" } "Coal":{ Italian:"Carbone" Russian:"Уголь" French:"Charbon" Romanian:"Cărbune" German:"Kohle" Dutch:"Kool" } "Oil":{ Italian:"Petrolio" Russian:"Нефть" French:"Pétrole" Romanian:"Petrol" German:"Erdöl" Dutch:"Olie" } "Aluminum":{ Italian:"Aluminio" Russian:"Aлюминий" French:"Aluminium" Romanian:"Aluminiu" German:"Aluminium" Dutch:"Aluminium" } "Uranium":{ Italian:"Uranio" Russian:"Уран" French:"Uranium" Romanian:"Uraniu" German:"Uran" Dutch:"Uranium" } // Luxury Resources "Furs":{ Italian:"Pellicce" Russian:"Меха" French:"Fourrures" Romanian:"Blănărie" German:"Felle" Dutch:"Bonten" } "Cotton":{ Italian:"Cotone" Russian:"Хлопок" French:"Coton" Romanian:"Bumbac" German:"Baumwolle" Dutch:"Katoen" } "Dyes":{ Italian:"Coloranti" Russian:"Красители" French:"Colorants" Romanian:"Coloranți" German:"Farbstoffe" Dutch:"Verfstoffen" } "Gems":{ Italian:"Pietre preziose" Russian:"Драгоценные камни" French:"Gems" Romanian:"Pietre pretioase" German:"Edelsteine" Dutch:"Edelstenen" } "Silver":{ Italian:"Argento" Russian:"Серебро" French:"Argent" Romanian:"Argint" German:"Silber" Dutch:"Zilver" } "Incense":{ Italian:"Incenso" Russian:"Благовония" French:"Encens" Romanian:"Parfume" German:"Weihrauch" Dutch:"Wierook" } "Silk":{ Italian:"Seta" Russian:"Шёлк" French:"Soie" Romanian:"Mătase" German:"Seide" Dutch:"Zijde" } "Spices":{ Italian:"Spezie" Russian:"Cпеции" French:"Épices" Romanian:"Aromate" German:"Gewürze" Dutch:"Kruiden" } "Wine":{ Italian:"Vino" Russian:"Вино" French:"Vin" Romanian:"Vin" German:"Wein" Dutch:"Wijn" } "Sugar":{ Italian:"Zucchero" Russian:"Сахар" French:"Sucre" Romanian:"Zahar" German:"Zucker" Dutch:"Suiker" } "Marble":{ Italian:"Marmo" Russian:"Мрамор" French:"Marbre" Romanian:"Marmură" German:"Marmor" Dutch:"Marmer" } "Pearls":{ Italian:"Perle" Russian:"Жемчуг" French:"Perles" Romanian:"Perle" German:"Perlen" Dutch:"Parels" } "Whales":{ Italian:"Balene" Russian:"Киты" French:"Baleines" Romanian:"Balene" German:"Wale" Dutch:"Walvissen" } // Tile improvements "Farm":{ Italian:"Fattoria" Russian:"Ферма" French:"Ferme" Romanian:"Fermă" German:"Farm" Dutch:"Boerderij" } "Lumber mill":{ Italian:"Segheria" Russian:"Лесопилка" French:"Scierie" Romanian:"Cherestea" German:"Sägewerk" Dutch:"Houtzagerij" } "Mine":{ Italian:"Miniera" Russian:"Шахта" French:"Mine" Romanian:"Mina" German:"Mine" Dutch:"Mijn" } "Trading post":{ Italian:"Base commerciale" Russian:"Торговый пост" French:"Comptoir commercial" Romanian:"Post de vinzare" German:"Handelsposten" Dutch:"Handelspost" } "Camp":{ Italian:"Campo" Russian:"Лагерь" French:"Campement" Romanian:"Tabără" German:"Lager" Dutch:"Kamp" } "Oil well":{ Italian:"Pozzo di petrolio" Russian:"Нефтяная скважина" French:"Puits de pétrole" Romanian:"Sondă de nafta" German:"Ölbrunnen" Dutch:"Oliebron" } "Pasture":{ Italian:"Pascolo" Russian:"Выгон" French:"Pâturage" Romanian:"Păşune" German:"Weide" Dutch:"Weide" } "Plantation":{ Italian:"Piantagione" Russian:"Плантация" French:"Plantation" Romanian:"Plantaţie" German:"Plantage" Dutch:"Plantage" } "Quarry":{ Italian:"Cava" Russian:"Карьер" French:"Carrière" Romanian:"Carieră" German:"Steinbruch" Dutch:"Steengroeve" } "Road":{ Italian:"Strada" Russian:"Дорога" French:"Route" Romanian:"Drum" German:"Strasse" Dutch:"Weg" } "Railroad":{ Italian:"Ferrovia" Russian:"Железная дорога" French:"Chemin de fer" Romanian:"Cale ferată" German:"Gleis" Dutch:"Spoorweg" } /* "Remove":{ // as in "Remove Forest/Jungle/Marsh" Italian:"Rimuovi" Russian:"Убрать" French:"Suprimer" Romanian:"Elimina" German:"Entfernen:" // verb behind object again Dutch:"Verwijderen" // verb behind object } */ "Remove Forest":{ Russian:"Вырубить лес" } "Remove Jungle":{ Russian:"Вырубить джунгли" } "Remove Marsh":{ Russian:"Осушить болото" } "Academy":{ Italian:"Accademia" Russian:"Академия" French:"Académie" Romanian:"Academie" German:"Akademie" Dutch:"Academie" } "Landmark":{ Italian:"Punto di riferimento" Russian:"Достопримечательность" French:"Point de repère" Romanian:"Reper" // German translation not sure // Dutch translation not sure } "Manufactory":{ Italian:"Fabbrica" Russian:"Завод" French:"Manufacture" Romanian:"Fabrică" German:"Fabrik" Dutch:"Fabriek" } "Customs house":{ Italian:"Dogane" Russian:"Таможня" French:"Maison des douanes" Romanian:"Casa vamală" German:"Zollamt" Dutch:"Douanekantoor" } // Technologies (Ancient Era) "Agriculture":{ Italian:"Agricoltura" Russian:"Земледелие" French:"Agriculture" Romanian:"Agricultură" Dutch:"Agricultuur" } "Pottery":{ Italian:"Ceramica" Russian:"Гончарное дело" French:"Poterie" Romanian:"Ceramică" German:"Töpferkunst" Dutch:"Aardwerk" } "Animal Husbandry":{ Italian:"Allevamento di animali" Russian:"Животноводство" French:"Élevage" Romanian:"Creșterea animalelor" German:"Tierhalutung" Dutch:"Veeteelt" } "Archery":{ Italian:"Tiro con l'arco" Russian:"Стрельба из лука" French:"Tir à l'arc" Romanian:"TIR cu arcul" German:"Bogenschiessen" Dutch:"Boogschieten" } "Mining":{ Italian:"Estrazione minerarie" Russian:"Добыча руды" French:"Exploitation minière" Romanian:"Exploatare minieră" German:"Bergbau" Dutch:"Mijnbouw" } "Sailing":{ Italian:"Vela" Russian:"Мореходство" French:"Navigation à voile" Romanian:"Navigație" German:"Segeln" Dutch:"Zeilen" } "Calendar":{ Italian:"Calendario" Russian:"Календарь" French:"Calendrier" Romanian:"Calendar" German:"Kalender" Dutch:"Kalender" } "Writing":{ Italian:"Scrittura" Russian:"Письменность" French:"L'écriture" Romanian:"Scriere" German:"Schrift" Dutch:"Schrift" } "Trapping":{ Italian:"Caccia" Russian:"Охота" French:"Chasse" Romanian:"Vânătoare" German:"Fallen" Dutch:"Valstrikken" } "The Wheel":{ Italian:"Ruota" Russian:"Колесо" French:"La roue" Romanian:"Roata" German:"Das Rad" Dutch:"Het Wiel" } "Masonry":{ Italian:"Muratura" Russian:"Каменная кладка" French:"Maçonnerie" Romanian:"Zidărie" German:"Maurerei" Dutch:"Metselkunst" } "Bronze Working":{ Italian:"Lavorazione del bronzo" Russian:"Обработка бронзы" French:"Traitement de bronze" Romanian:"Prelucrarea bronzului" German:"Bronze Bearbeitung" Dutch:"Brons Bewerking" } // Technologies (Classical Era) "Optics":{ Italian:"Ottica" Russian:"Оптика" French:"Optique" Romanian:"Optica" German:"Optik" Dutch:"Optica" } "Horseback Riding":{ Italian:"Equitazione" Russian:"Верховая езда" French:"Monter à cheval" Romanian:"Călărie" German:"Reiten" Dutch:"Paardrijden" } "Mathematics":{ Italian:"Matematica" Russian:"Математика" French:"Mathématiques" Romanian:"Matematică" German:"Mathematik" Dutch:"Wiskunde" } "Construction":{ Italian:"Costruzione" Russian:"Металлоконструкции" French:"Bâtiment" Romanian:"Clădire" German:"Baukunst" Dutch:"Bouwkunde" } "Philosophy":{ Italian:"Filosofia" Russian:"Философия" French:"Philosophie" Romanian:"Filozofie" German:"Philosophie" Dutch:"Filosofie" } "Currency":{ Italian:"Valuta" Russian:"Деньги" French:"Monnaie" Romanian:"Valută" German:"Geld" Dutch:"Geld" } "Engineering":{ Italian:"Ingegneria" Russian:"Инженерное дело" French:"Ingénierie" Romanian:"Inginerie" German:"Ingenieurwesen" Dutch:"Ingenieurswezen" } "Iron Working":{ Italian:"Lavorazione del ferro" Russian:"Обработка железа" French:"Traitement du fer" Romanian:"Prelucrarea fierului" German:"Eisen Bearbeitung" Dutch:"Ijzer Bewerking" } // Technologies (Medieval Era) "Theology":{ Italian:"Teologia" Russian:"Богословие" French:"Théologie" Romanian:"Teologie" German:"Theologie" Dutch:"Theologie" } "Civil Service":{ Italian:"Servizio civile" Russian:"Госслужба" French:"Service civil" Romanian:"Serviciu civil" German:"Zivildienst" Dutch:"Overheidsdienst" } "Guilds":{ Italian:"Gilde" Russian:"Гильдии" French:"Guildes" Romanian:"Bresle" Dutch:"Gildes" } "Physics":{ Italian:"Fisica" Russian:"Физика" French:"La physique" Romanian:"Fizică" German:"Physik" Dutch:"Fysica" } "Metal Casting":{ Italian:"Colata di metallo" Russian:"Литье" French:"Coulée de métal" Romanian:"Turnarea metalului" German:"Metallurgie" Dutch:"Metaal gieten" } "Steel":{ Italian:"Acciaio" Russian:"Сталеварение" French:"Acier" Romanian:"Oţel" Dutch:"Staal" } "Compass":{ Italian:"Bussola" Russian:"Компас" French:"Boussole" Romanian:"Busolă" German:"Kompass" Dutch:"Kompas" } "Education":{ Italian:"Istruzione" Russian:"Образование" French:"Éducation" Romanian:"Educaţie" German:"Bildung" Dutch:"Educatie" } "Chivalry":{ Italian:"Codice cavalleresco" Russian:"Рыцарство" French:"Chevalerie" Romanian:"Cavalerime" German:"Kavallerie" Dutch:"Ridderlijkheid" } "Machinery":{ Italian:"Meccanica" Russian:"Машиностроение" French:"Machinerie" Romanian:"Mașini" German:"Maschienenbau" Dutch:"Machinebouw" } // Technologies (Renaissance Era) "Astronomy":{ Italian:"Astronomia" Russian:"Астрономия" French:"Astronomie" Romanian:"Astronomie" German:"Astronomie" Dutch:"Astronomie" } "Acoustics":{ Italian:"Acustica" Russian:"Акустика" French:"Acoustique" Romanian:"Acustică" German:"Akustik" Dutch:"Akoestiek" } "Banking":{ Italian:"Sistema bancario" Russian:"Банковское дело" French:"Bancaire" Romanian:"Banca" German:"Bank" Dutch:"Bank" } "Printing Press":{ Italian:"Tipografia" Russian:"Печатный пресс" French:"Presse d'imprimerie" Romanian:"Presă de tipar" German:"Druckpresse" Dutch:"Drukpers" } "Gunpowder":{ Italian:"Polvere da sparo" Russian:"Порох" French:"Poudre à canon" Romanian:"Praf de puşcă" Dutch:"Buskruid" } "Navigation":{ Italian:"Navigazione" Russian:"Навигация" French:"La navigation" Romanian:"Navigare" German:"Navigation" Dutch:"Navigatie" } "Archaeology":{ Italian:"Archeologia" Russian:"Aрхеология" French:"Archéologie" Romanian:"Arheologie" German:"Archeologie" Dutch:"Archeologie" } "Economics":{ Italian:"Economia" Russian:"Экономика" French:"Économie" Romanian:"Economie" German:"Ökonomie" Dutch:"Economie" } "Metallurgy":{ Italian:"Metallurgia" Russian:"Металлургия" French:"Métallurgie" Romanian:"Metalurgie" Dutch:"Metaalkunde" } "Chemistry":{ Italian:"Chimica" Russian:"Химия" French:"Chimie" Romanian:"Chimie" German:"Chemie" Dutch:"Chemie" } // Technologies (Industrial Era) - as of now the tech tree itself is incomplete, more will probably be added later "Scientific Theory":{ Italian:"Teoria scientifica" Russian:"Научная теория" French:"Théorie scientifique" Romanian:"Teoria științifică" German:"Wissenschaftliche Thorie" Dutch:"Wetenschappelijke Theorie" } "Industrialization":{ Italian:"Industrializzazione" Russian:"Индустриализация" French:"Industrialisation" Romanian:"Industrializare" Dutch:"Industrialisatie" } "Rifling":{ Italian:"Rigatura" Russian:"Нарезные стволы" French:"Rayeur" Romanian:"Ghintuire" Dutch:"Gedraaide loop" } "Military Science":{ Italian:"Scienza militare" Russian:"Военная наука" French:"Science militaire" Romanian:"Știință militară" Dutch:"Militaire Wetenschap" } "Fertilizer":{ Italian:"Fertilizzanti" Russian:"Yдобрения" French:"Engrais" Romanian:"Îngrăşământ" German:"Dünger" Dutch:"Mest" } "Biology":{ Italian:"Biologia" Russian:"Биология" French:"La biologie" Romanian:"Biologie" German:"Biologie" Dutch:"Biologie" } "Electricity":{ Italian:"Electricità" Russian:"Электричество" French:"Électricité" Romanian:"Electricitate" German:"Elektrizität" Dutch:"Elektriciteit" } "Steam Power":{ Italian:"Energia a vapore" Russian:"Паровой двигатель" French:"Puissance de la vapeur" Romanian:"Puterea aburului" German:"Dampfkraft" Dutch:"Stoomkracht" } "Dynamite":{ Italian:"Dinamite" Russian:"Динамит" French:"Dynamiter" Romanian:"Dinamită" Dutch:"Dynamiet" } // Technologies (Modern Era) "Refrigeration":{ Italian:"Refrigerazione" Russian:"Криогеника" French:"Réfrigération" Romanian:"Refrigeraţie" German:"Kühlung" Dutch:"Koeling" } "Radio":{ Italian:"Radio" Russian:"Радио" French:"Radio" Romanian:"Radio" German:"Radio" Dutch:"Radio" } "Combustion":{ Italian:"Combustione" Russian:"Двигатель ВС" French:"La combustion" Romanian:"Combustie" German:"Verbrennung" Dutch:"Verbranding" } "Plastics":{ Italian:"Plastica" Russian:"Пластмассы" French:"Plastiques" Romanian:"Materiale plastice" German:"Plastik" Dutch:"Plastic" } "Electronics":{ Italian:"Elettronica" Russian:"Электроника" French:"Électronique" Romanian:"Electronică" German:"Elektronik" Dutch:"Elektronica" } "Mass Media":{ Italian:"Mass media" Russian:"СМИ" French:"Médias de masse" Romanian:"Mass media" German:"Massenmedien" Dutch:"Massa Media" } "Flight":{ Italian:"Volo" Russian:"Авиация" French:"Vol" Romanian:"Zbor" German:"Flug" Dutch:"Vlucht" } // Technologies (Information Era) "Pharmaceuticals":{ Italian:"Farmaceutica" Russian:"Пенициллин" French:"Médicaments" Romanian:"Produse farmaceutice" German:"Pharmazeut" Dutch:"Farmaceutica" } "Computers":{ Italian:"Computer" Russian:"Kомпьютеры" French:"Ordinateurs" Romanian:"Calculatoare" German:"Computer" Dutch:"Computers" } "Nuclear Fission":{ Italian:"Fissione nucleare" Russian:"Расщепление ядра" French:"Fission nucléaire" Romanian:"Fisiune nucleara" German:"Kernspaltung" Dutch:"Kernsplijting" } "Ecology":{ Italian:"Ecologia" Russian:"Экология" French:"Écologie" Romanian:"Ecologie" German:"Ökologie" Dutch:"Ecologie" } "Robotics":{ Italian:"Robotica" Russian:"Робототехника" French:"Robotique" Romanian:"Robotică" German:"Robotik" Dutch:"Robotica" } "Rocketry":{ Italian:"Missilistica" Russian:"Ракетостроение" French:"Rocketry" Romanian:"Rachete" German:"Raketentechnik" Dutch:"Rakettechniek" } // Technologies (Future Era) "Nanotechnology":{ Italian:"Nanotecnologia" Russian:"Нанотехнологии" French:"Nanotechnologie" Romanian:"Nanotehnologie" German:"Nanotechnologie" Dutch:"Nanotechnologie" } "Satellites":{ Italian:"Satelliti" Russian:"Спутники" French:"Satellites" Romanian:"Sateliții" German:"Satelitten" Dutch:"Satellieten" } "Particle Physics":{ Italian:"Fisica delle particelle" Russian:"Физика элементарных частиц" French:"La physique des particules" Romanian:"Fizica particulelor" German:"Teilchenphysik" Dutch:"Deeltjesfysica" } "Future Tech":{ Italian:"Tecnologia del futuro" Russian:"Технология будущчего" French:"Technologie future" Romanian:"Tehnologia viitoare" German:"Zukünftige Technologien" Dutch:"Toekomst Technologie" } //Why do we have duplicates? Anyway i have translated it "Enables conversion of city production to gold":{ Russian:"Разрешает конверсию производства в золото" } "Enables conversion of city production to science":{ Russian:"Разрешает конверсию производства в науку" } "Improves movement speed on roads":{ Russian:"Ускоряет скорость передвижения по дорогам" } "+10% science and production in all cities":{ Russian:"+10% науки и производства во всех городах" } "Who knows what the future holds?":{ Italian:"Chi sa cosa riserva il futuro?" Russian:"Кто знает, что ждет в будущем?" French:"Qui sait ce que l'avenir réserve?" Romanian:"Chi sa cosa riserva il futuro?" Dutch:"Wie weet wat de toekomst inhoud?" } "Improves movement speed on roads":{ Italian:"Migliora la velocità di movimento sulle strade" Russian:"Улучшает скорость передвижения по дорогам" French:"Améliore la vitesse de déplacement sur les routes" Romanian:"Îmbunătățește viteza de mișcare pe drumuri" } "Enables conversion of city production to science":{ Italian:"Consente la conversione della produzione di città in scienza" Russian:"Разрешает конверсию производства в науку" French:"Permet la conversion de la production de la ville en science" Romanian:"Permite conversia producției în oraș la știință" } "Enables conversion of city production to gold":{ Italian:"Consente la conversione della produzione di città in oro" Russian:"Разрешает конверсию производства в золото" French:"Permet la conversion de la production de la ville en or" Romanian:"Permite conversia producției în oraș la aur" } // Tech Eras // In case of foreign languages it becomes gender sensitive words //Also in russian "Medieval Era" becomes "Средневековье" or italian for "Renaissance Era" becomes "Rinascimento". So they got a single world to replace 2 english ones "Ancient era":{ Italian:"Antichità" //one word translation Russian:"Древнейший мир" French:"Ancien" Romanian:"Antica" Dutch:"Oude" } "Classical era":{ Italian:"Classica" Russian:"Античность" //one word translation French:"Classique" Romanian:"Clasica" Dutch:"Klasieke" } "Medieval era":{ Italian:"Medioevo" //one word translation Russian:"Средневековье" //one word translation French:"Médiéval" Romanian:"Medievala" Dutch:"Middeleeuwse" } "Renaissance era":{ Italian:"Rinascimento" //one word translation Russian:"Новое время" //one word translation French:"Renaissance" //one word translation Romanian:"Renaşterei" Dutch:"Renaissance" } "Industrial era":{ Italian:"Industriale" Russian:"Новейшее время" French:"Industriel" Romanian:"Industriala" Dutch:"Industrieele" } "Modern era":{ Italian:"Moderna" Russian:"Современность" //one word translation French:"Moderne" Romanian:"Moderna" Dutch:"Moderne" } "Information era":{ Italian:"Informatica" //[newEra] +translation Russian:"Информационная эра" //translation+ [newEra] French:"Information" Romanian:"Informației" Dutch:"Informatie" } "Future era":{ Italian:"Futura" Russian:"Будущее" //all one word translation French:"Avenir" Romanian:"Viitor" Dutch:"Toekomst" } // Building unique abilities "+1 Science Per 2 Population":{ Italian:"+1 Scienza ogni 2 abitanti" Russian:"+1 Наука за 2 населения" French:"+1 Science par 2 Population" Romanian:"+1 știință pe 2 persoane" German:"+1 Erforschung pro 2 Bewohner" Dutch:"+1 Wetenschap per 2 Populatie" } "Worker construction increased 25%, provides 2 free workers":{ Italian:"+25% velocità costruzione lavoratori, offre 2 lavoratori liberi" Russian:"Увеличивает на 25% скорость создания улучшений на клетках , предоставляет 2 бесплатных рабочих" French:"La construction des travailleurs a augmenté de 25%, fournit 2 travailleurs libres" Romanian:"Lucrările de construcție a crescut cu 25%, oferă 2 lucrători liberi" German:"Arbeiterproduktion um 25% erhöht, gibt 2 freie Arbeiter" Dutch:"Werkerproducktie met 25% vehoogt, geeft 2 gratis werkers" } "Free Social Policy":{ Italian:"Politica sociale gratuita" Russian:"Бесплатный общественный институт" French:"Politique sociale gratuite" Romanian:"Politica socială gratuită" German:"Freie Sozialpolitik" Dutch:"Gratis sociaalbeleid" } "Golden Age length increases +50%":{ Italian:"+50% durata dell'Età dell'Oro" Russian:"Длина золотого века +50%" French:"La longueur de l'âge d'or augmente de 50%" Romanian:"Vârsta de aur crește + 50%" German:"Länge eines Goldenen Zeitalters um 50% erhöht" Dutch:"Gouden eeuw lengte neem toe met +50%" } "+33% great person generation in all cities":{ Italian:"+33% di generazione di Grandi Personaggi in tutte le città" Russian:"+ 33% к созданию великих людей во всех городах" French:"+ 33% de génération géniale dans toutes les villes" Romanian:"+ 33% generație mare de persoane în toate orașele" // German translation not sure Dutch:"+33% Geweldig persoon generatie in alle steden" } "Gold from all trade routes +25%":{ Italian:"+25% oro da ogni rotta commerciale" Russian:"Золото со всех торговых путей + 25%" French:"Or de toutes les routes commerciales + 25%" Romanian:"Aur din toate rutele comerciale + 25%" German:"Gold von allen Handelsrouten um 25% erhöht" Dutch:"Van alle handelroutes +25% goud" } "40% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born":{ Italian:"Il 40% del cibo viene immagazzinato dopo la nascita di un nuovo cittadino" Russian:"40% продовольствия сохраняется после рождения нового гражданина" French:"40% de la nourriture est reportée après la naissance d'un nouveau citoyen" Romanian:"40% din produsele alimentare sunt mentinute după ce se naște un nou cetățean" German:"40% vom Essensvorrat wird behalten, wenn ein neuer Bewohner geboren wird" Dutch:"40% van het voedsel word overgedragen na de geboorte van een nieuwe burger" } "Jungles provide +2 science":{ Italian:"+2 scienzada giungle" Russian:"Джунгли обеспечивают +2 науки" French:"Jungles fournissent +2 science" Romanian:"Junglele oferă știință +2" German:"Dschungel produziert 2 Erforschung" Dutch:"Oerwouden leveren +2 Wetenschap" } "Cost of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25%":{ Italian:"-25% costo di acquisto di nuove celle" Russian:"Сокращает стоимость приобретения новых клеток на 25%" French:"Coût d'acquisition de nouvelles tuiles réduit de 25%" Romanian:"Costul de achiziționare a plăcilor noi a scăzut cu 25%" German:"Kosten um neue Felder zu kaufen ist um 25% verringert" Dutch:"Kosten voor het kopen van nieuwe velden verlaagt met 25%" } "Culture in all cities increased by 25%":{ Italian:"+25% cultura in ogni città" Russian:"Увеличивает прирост культуры на 25% во всех городах" French:"La culture dans toutes les villes a augmenté de 25%" Romanian:"Cultura în toate orașele a crescut cu 25%" German:"Kultur wird in allen Städten um 25% erhöht" Dutch:"Cultuur word in alle steden verhoogd met 25%" } "Unhappiness from population decreased by 10%":{ Italian:"-10% infelicità della popolazione" Russian:"Снижает недовольство от населения на 10%" French:"Le mécontentement de la population a diminué de 10%" Romanian:"Nefericirea de la populație a scăzut cu 10%" German:"Unzufriedenheit vom Volk um 10% verringert" Dutch:"Ontevredenheid van het volk word met 10% verlaagd" } "Empire enters golden age":{ Italian:"L'impero entra nell'Età dell'Oro" Russian:"Империя вступает в золотой век" French:"L'Empire entre dans l'âge d'or" Romanian:"Imperiul intră în epoca de aur" German:"Das Reich tritt ein goldenes Zeitalter an" Dutch:"Het rijk betreed een gouden eeuw" } "Free Great Artist Appears":{ Italian:"Appare un Grande Artista gratuito" Russian:"Появляется бесплатный великий художник" French:"Grand artiste libre apparaît" Romanian:"Artistul Mare apare gratuit" // German translation not sure Dutch:"Een gratis geweldige artiest verschijnt" } "Culture cost of adopting new Policies reduced by 10%":{ Italian:"-10% costo in cultura per nuove politiche" Russian:"Колличество культуры для принятия новых общественных институтов -10%" French:"Coût culturel de l'adoption de nouvelles polices réduit de 10%" Romanian:"Costul culturii de adoptare a noilor politici a scăzut cu 10%" German:"Neue Sozialpolitiken brauchen 10% weniger Kultur" Dutch:"Aanschaffingskosten nieuwe sociaal beleiden verlaagd met 10%" } "Provides 1 happiness per social policy":{ Italian:"Fornisce 1 felicità per politica sociale" Russian:"Обеспечивает 1 счастье за каждый общественный институт" French:"Fournit 1 bonheur par politique sociale" Romanian:"Oferă 1 fericire pe politică socială" German:"Gibt 1 Zufriedenheit pro Sozialpolitik" Dutch:"Levert 1 tevredenheid op per sociaal beleid" } "Must be next to desert":{ Italian:"Deve trovarsi vicino al deserto" Russian:"Должно быть рядом с пустыней" French:"Doit être à côté du désert" Romanian:"Trebuie să fie lângă deșert" German:"Muss an eine Wüste grenzen" Dutch:"Moet aan een woestijn grenzen" } "Enables construction of Spaceship parts":{ Italian:"Consente la costruzione di parti di navi spaziali" Russian:"Разрешает строительство частей космического корабля" French:"Permet la construction de pièces de vaisseau spatial" Romanian:"Permite construcția de părți ale navelor spațiale" German:"Schaltet Arbeit an Raumschiffteilen frei" Dutch:"Ontgrendelt productie van ruimteschip onderdelen" } "Increases production of spaceship parts by 50%":{ Italian:"+50% produzione di parti di navi spaziali" Russian:"Ускоряет производство частей космического корабля на 50%" French:"Augmente la production de pièces de vaisseaux spatiaux de 50%" Romanian:"Crește producția de piese de navă spațială cu 50%" German:"Erhöht Produktion an Raumschiffteilen um 50%" Dutch:"Verhoogd de productiesnelheid van ruimteschips onderdelen met 50%" } "Spaceship part":{ Italian:"Parte della nave spaziale" Russian:"Часть космического корабля" French:"Pièce de navire spatial" Romanian:"Partea spațială a navei" German:"Raumschiffteil" Dutch:"Ruimteschip onderdeel" } // Unit types "Civilian":{ Italian:"Civile" Russian:"Мирный" French:"Civil" Romanian:"Civil" German:"Zivilist" Dutch:"Burger" } "Melee":{ Italian:"Da mischia" Russian:"Ближний бой" French:"Mêlée" Romanian:"Incăierare" German:"Nahkämpfer" Dutch:"Melee" } "Ranged":{ Italian:"A distanza" Russian:"Дальний бой" French:"À distance" Romanian:"ranged" German:"Fernkämpfer" Dutch:"Afstands" } "Siege":{ Italian:"D'assedio" Russian:"Осадный" French:"Siège" Romanian:"Asediu" German:"Belagerungsmaschiene" Dutch:"Belegering" } "Mounted":{ Italian:"A cavallo" Russian:"Конный" French:"Monté" Romanian:"Montat" German:"Kavallerie" Dutch:"Bereden" } "Scout":{ Italian:"D'esplorazione" Russian:"Разведчик" French:"Scout" Romanian:"Cercetaș" German:"Kundschafter" Dutch:"Verkening" } "City":{ Italian:"Città" Russian:"Город" French:"Ville" Romanian:"Oraș" German:"Stadt" Dutch:"Stad" } // Unit uniques "Can build improvements on tiles":{ Italian:"Può migliorare le celle" Russian:"Может создавать улучшения на клетках" French:"Peut construire des améliorations sur les carreaux" Romanian:"Poate construi îmbunătățiri pe plăci" German:"Kan Verbesserungen auf Feldern bauen" Dutch:"Kan verbeteringen op velden bouwen" } "Founds a new city":{ Italian:"Fonda una nuova città" Russian:"Основывает новый город" French:"Trouve une nouvelle ville" Romanian:"Creează un oraș nou" German:"Gründet eine neue Stadt" Dutch:"Sticht een nieuwe stad" } "Ignores terrain cost":{ Italian:"Ignora il costo del terreno" Russian:"Игнорирует стоимость местности" French:"Ignore le coût du terrain" Romanian:"Ignoră costul terenului" // German translation not sure Dutch:"Negeert terreinskosten" } "No defensive terrain bonus":{ Italian:"Nessun bonus sul terreno difensivo" Russian:"Нет бонуса защиты от ландшафта" French:"Aucun bonus de terrain défensif" Romanian:"Niciun bonus de teren defensiv" German:"Keinen Geländeabhängigen Verteidigunsbonus" Dutch:"Geen defensiefe terreinsbonussen" } "Rough terrain penalty":{ Italian:"Penalità su terreno grezzo" Russian:"Штраф грубой местности" French:"Pénalité de terrain rugueux" Romanian:"Зenalizare pentru teren accidentat" German:"Nachteil bei rauem Gelände" Dutch:"Nadeel in ruig terrein" } "Bonus vs [unitType]":{ Italian:"Bonus contro [unitType]" Russian:"Бонус против [unitType]" French:"Bonus vs [unitType]" Romanian:"Bonus vs [unitType]" German:"Vorteil gegen eine(n) [unitType]" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Voordeel tegen [unitType]" } "Penalty vs [unitType]":{ Italian:"Penalità contro [unitType]" Russian:"Штраф против [unitType]" French:"Pénalité vs [unitType]" Romanian:"Penalitate vs [unitType]" German:"Nachteil gegen eine(n) [unitType]" // Gender sensitive Dutch:"Nadeel tegen [unitType]" } "Must set up to ranged attack":{ Italian:"Deve impostare un attacco a distanza" Russian:"Необходимо подготовится к дальнобойной атаке" French:"Doit être configuré pour une attaque à distance" Romanian:"Trebuie să fie pregătit să atace" German:"Muss aufstellen um Fernattacken auszuführen" Dutch:"Moet opstellen voordat er een aanval op afstand kan worden gemaakt" } "Can move after attacking":{ Italian:"Può muoversi dopo aver attaccato" Russian:"Может двигаться после атаки" French:"Peut se déplacer après avoir attaqué" Romanian:"Poate să se miște după ce a atacat" German:"Kann sich nach dem Angriff bewegen" Dutch:"Kan zich verplaatsen na het aanvallen" } "Limited Visibility":{ Italian:"Visibilità limitata" Russian:"Ограниченная видимость" French:"Visibilité limitée" Romanian:"Vizibilitate redusă" German:"Begrenzte Sichtweite" Dutch:"Gelimiteerd zicht" } "Can start an 8-turn golden age or construct a Landmark (+6 culture)":{ Italian:"Può iniziare un'Età dell'Oro da 8 turni o costruire un Gran Monunento (+6 cultura)" Russian:"Может начать золотой век на 8 ходов или построить памятник (+6 культура)" French:"Peut commencer un âge d'or de 8 tours ou construire un monument (+6 culture)" Romanian:"Poate începe o nouă epocă de aur sau construi un monument (cultura + 6)" // German translation not sure // Dutch translation not sure } "Can discover a technology, or construct an Academy (+4 science)" :{ Italian:"Può scoprire una tecnologia o costruire un'Accademia (+4 scienza)" Russian:"Может открыть технологию или построить Академию (+4 наука)" French:"Peut découvrir une technologie, ou construire une Académie (+4 science)" Romanian:"Poate să descopere o tehnologie sau să construiască o Academie (știință +4)" German:"Kann eine Technologie entdecken, oder eine Akademie (+4 Erforschung) bauen" Dutch:"Kan een technologie ontdekken, of een Academie (+4wetenschap) bouwen" } "Can undertake a trade mission, giving a large sum of gold, or construct a Customs House (+4 gold)":{ Italian:"Può intraprendere una missione commerciale, dare una grande somma di oro, o costruire una Dogana (+4 oro)" Russian:"Может предпринять торговую миссию, дать большую сумму золота или построить Таможенную палату (+4 золота)" French:"Peut entreprendre une mission commerciale, donner une grosse somme d'or, ou construire une maison de douane (+4 pièces d'or)" Romanian:"Poate să întreprindă o misiune comercială, să dea o sumă mare de aur sau să construiască o casă vamală (+4 de aur)" German:"Kann eine Handelsmission unternehmen, viel Gold geben oder ein Zollamt (+4 Gold) bauen" Dutch:"Kan een handelsmissie ondergaan, levert veel goud op, of bouwt een Douanekantoor (+4 goud) bouwen" } "Can speed up construction of a wonder, or construct a Manufactory (+4 production)":{ Italian:"Può velocizzare la costruzione di una meraviglia, o costruire una Manifattura (+4 produzione)" Russian:"Может ускорить строительство чуда или построить Завод (+4 производства)" French:"Peut accélérer la construction d'une merveille, ou construire une manufacture (+4 production)" Romanian:"Poate accelera construcția unei minune sau poate construi o fabrică (+4 producție)" German:"Kann die Bauzeit eines Wunders verkürzen oder eine Fabrik (+4 Produktion) bauen" Dutch:"Kan de produtie van een wonder versnellen, of kan een Fabriek (+4 productie) bouwen" } // Policy picker screen "You have entered the [newEra] era!":{ Italian:"Sei entrato nell'era [newEra]!" Russian:"Вы вошли в эпоху [newEra]!" French:"Vous êtes entré dans l'ère [newEra]!" Romanian:"Ați intrat în epoca [newEra]!" Dutch:"Jij bent in het/de [newEra] aangekomen!" // depends on what era it is } "[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked!":{ Italian:"Ramo sociale [policyBranch] sbloccato!" Russian:"Ветвь общественных институтов [policyBranch] разблокирована!" French:"[policyBranch] branche de la politique déverrouillée!" Romanian:"[policyBranch] ramură de politică deblocată!" Dutch:" Het/De [policyBranch] beleid is ontgrendeld!" // depends on what brach it is } // EG Rationalism policy branch unlocked! // Trade "Trade":{ Italian:"Scambia" Russian:"Торговля" French:"Échanger" Romanian:"Comerțul" } "Offer trade":{ Italian:"Offerta commerciale" Russian:"Предложить обмен" French:"Offre d'échange" Romanian:"Oferta comerciala" } "What do you have in mind?":{ Italian:"Cos'hai in mente?" Russian:"Что вы об этом думаете?" French:"À quoi penses-tu?" Romanian:"La ce te gandesti?" } "Our items":{ Italian:"I nostri articoli" Russian:"Наши товары" French:"Nos articles" Romanian:"Articolele noastre" } "Our trade offer":{ Italian:"La nostra \n offerta commerciale" Russian:"Наше предложение\n обмена" French:"Notre offre \n commerciale" Romanian:"Oferta noastră \n comercială" } "[otherCiv]'s trade offer":{ Italian:"Offerta commerciale \n di [otherCiv]" Russian:"Предложение обмена \n цивилизации [otherCiv]" French:"L'offre commerciale \n de [otherCiv]" Romanian:"ofertă de \n schimb a [otherCiv]" } "[otherCiv]'s items":{ Italian:"Gli articoli di [otherCiv]" Russian:"Товары цивилизации [otherCiv]" French:"Les articles de [otherCiv]" Romanian:"Articolele la [otherCiv]" } "Pleasure doing business with you!":{ Italian:"È un piacere fare affari con voi!" Russian:"С вами приятно иметь дело!" French:"Plaisir de faire des affaires avec vous!" Romanian:"Plăcerea face afaceri cu dumneavoastra!" } "I think not.":{ Italian:"Non ci penso proprio!" Russian:"Думаю, нет." French:"Je crois pas." Romanian:"Asa nu!" } "That is acceptable.":{ Italian:"È accetttabile." Russian:"Это приемлемо." French:"C'est acceptable." Romanian:"E acceptabil." } "Accept":{ Italian:"Accetta" Russian:"Принять" French:"Accept" Romanian:"Accepta" } "There's nothing on the table":{ Russian:"Вы ничего не предложили" //Don't know how to properly translate this one, but i think this will do okay } "Peace treaty":{ Russian:"Мирный договор" } "Gold per turn":{ Russian:"Золота за ход" } //civilisations "Babylon":{ Italian:"Babilonia" Russian:"Вавилон" French:"Babylone" Romanian:"Babilonia" } "Greece":{ Italian:"Grecia" Russian:"Греция" French:"Grèce" Romanian:"Grecia" } "China":{ Italian:"Cina" Russian:"Китай" French:"Chine" Romanian:"Cina" } "Egypt":{ Italian:"Egitto" Russian:"Египет" French:"Egypte" Romanian:"Egipt" } "England":{ Italian:"Inghilterra" Russian:"Англия" French:"Angleterre" Romanian:"Anglia" } "France":{ Italian:"Francia" Russian:"Франция" French:"France" Romanian:"Franta" } //Difficulty "Settler":{ Italian:"Colono" Russian:"Поселенец" French:"colonisateur" Romanian:"Colonist" } "Chieftain":{ Italian:"Capo" Russian:"Вождь" French:"Chef de clan" Romanian:"șef de trib" } "Warlord":{ Italian:"Condottiere" Russian:"Военачальник" French:"Chef militaire" Romanian:"General" } "Prince":{ Italian:"Principe" Russian:"Принц" French:"Prince" Romanian:"Prinţ" } "King":{ Italian:"Re" Russian:"Король" French:"Roi" Romanian:"Rege" } "Emperor":{ Italian:"Imperatore" Russian:"Император" French:"Empereur" Romanian:"Împărat" } "Immortal":{ Italian:"Immortale" Russian:"Бессмертный" French:"Immortel" Romanian:"Nemuritor" } "Deity":{ Italian:"Divinità" Russian:"Божество" French:"Déité" Romanian:"Zeitate" } //world size "Small":{ Italian:"Piccolo" Russian:"Маленький" French:"Petit" Romanian:"Mic" } "Medium":{ Italian:"Medio" Russian:"Средний" French:"Moyen" Romanian:"Mediu" } "Large":{ Italian:"Grande" Russian:"Большой" French:"Grand" Romanian:"Mare" } // New game screen "Civilization":{ Italian:"Civiltà" Russian:"Цивилизация" French:"Civilisation" Romanian:"Civilizaţie" } "World size":{ Italian:"Dimensione del mondo" Russian:"Размер мира" French:"La taille du monde" Romanian:"Mărime universală" } "Number of enemies":{ Italian:"Numero di nemici" Russian:"Количество врагов" French:"Nombre d'ennemis" Romanian:"Numărul de dușmani" } "Difficulty":{ Italian:"Difficoltà" Russian:"Сложность" French:"Difficulté" Romanian:"Dificultate" } "Diplomacy":{ Italian:"Diplomazia" Russian:"Дипломатия" French:"Diplomatie" Romanian:"Diplomaţie" } "War":{ Russian:"Война" } "Peace":{ Russian:"Мир" } "Declare war":{ Russian:"Объявить войну" } "[civName] has declared war on us!":{ Russian:"Цивилизация [civName] объявила нам войну!" } // Overview screen "Overview":{ Italian:"Panoramica" Russian:"Обзор" French:"Vue d'ensemble" Romanian:"Prezentare generală" } "Cities":{ Italian:"Città" Russian:"Города" French:"Villes" Romanian:"Orase" } "Total":{ Italian:"Totale" Russian:"Всего" French:"Total" Romanian:"Total" } "Stats":{ Italian:"Statistiche" Russian:"Статистика" French:"Statistiques" Romanian:"Statistici" } "Policies":{ Italian:"Politiche" Russian:"Общественные институты" French:"Les politiques" Romanian:"Politici" } "Base happiness":{ Italian:"Felicità di base" Russian:"Базовое счастье" French:"Bonheur de base" Romanian:"Fericirea de bază" } "Buildings":{ Italian:"Edifici" Russian:"Здания" French:"Bâtiments" Romanian:"Clădiri" } "Population":{ Italian:"Popolazione" Russian:"Население" French:"Population" Romanian:"Populație" } "Luxury resources":{ Italian:"Risorse di lusso" Russian:"Редкие ресурсы" French:"Ressources de luxe" Romanian:"Resurse de lux" } "Tile yields":{ Italian:"Reso delle celle" Russian:"Клетка дает" French:"Rendement des carreaux" Romanian:"Randamentele plăcilor" } "Trade routes":{ Italian:"Rotte commerciali" Russian:"Торговые маршруты" French:"Routes commerciales" Romanian:"Rotte commerciali" } "Maintenance":{ Italian:"Manutenzione" Russian:"Обслуживание" French:"Entretien" Romanian:"întreținere" } "Transportation upkeep":{ Italian:"Manutenzione dei trasporti" Russian:"Транспортировка" French:"Entretien du transport" Romanian:"întreținerea trasportului" } "Unit upkeep":{ Italian:"Manutenzione dell'unità" Russian:"Поддержание содержания" French:"Unité d'entretien" Romanian:"Întreținerea unității" } "Trades":{ Italian:"Trades" Russian:"Соглашения" French:"Métiers" Romanian:"Tranzacții" } "Units":{ Italian:"Unità" Russian:"Юниты" French:"Unités" Romanian:"Unități" } "Name":{ Italian:"Nome" Russian:"Имя" French:"Prénom" Romanian:"Nume" } "Closest city":{ Italian:"La città più vicina" Russian:"Ближайший город" French:"La ville la plus proche" Romanian:"Cel mai apropiat oras" } // Buildings! "Palace":{ Italian:"Palazzo" Russian:"Дворец" French:"Palais" Romanian:"Palat" } "Monument":{ Italian:"Monumento" Russian:"Монумент" French:"Monument" Romanian:"Monument" } "Granary":{ Italian:"Granaio" Russian:"Амбар" French:"Grenier" Romanian:"Grânar" } "Stone Works":{ Italian:"Opere di pietra" Russian:"Каменные работы" French:"Travaux de pierre" Romanian:"Lucrări de piatră" } "Stonehenge":{ Italian:"Stonehenge" Russian:"Стоунхендж" French:"Stonehenge" Romanian:"Stonehenge" } "Library":{ Italian:"Biblioteca" Russian:"Библиотека" French:"Bibliothèque" Romanian:"Bibliotecă" } "The Great Library":{ Italian:"La Grande Biblioteca" Russian:"Великая Библиотека" French:"La Grande Bibliothèque" Romanian:"Marea Bibliotecă" } "Circus":{ Italian:"Circo" Russian:"Цирк" French:"Cirque" Romanian:"Circ" } "Walls":{ Italian:"Muri" Russian:"Стены" French:"Murs" Romanian:"Pereţi" } "The Pyramids":{ Italian:"Le piramidi" Russian:"Пирамиды" French:"Les pyramides" Romanian:"Piramidele" } "Barracks":{ Italian:"Caserma" Russian:"Казармы" French:"Caserne" Romanian:"Cazarma" } "Temple":{ Italian:"Tempio" Russian:"Храм" French:"Temple" Romanian:"Templu" } "The Oracle":{ Italian:"L'oracolo" Russian:"Оракул" French:"L'oracle" Romanian:"Oracolul" } "National College":{ Italian:"Colleggio Nazionale" Russian:"Национальный колледж" French:"Collège National" Romanian:"Colegiul National" } "Chichen Itza":{ Italian:"Chichen Itza" Russian:"Чичен-Ица" French:"Chichen Itza" Romanian:"Chichen Itza" } "Stable":{ Italian:"Scuderia" Russian:"Конюшня" French:"Ecurie de cheval" Romanian:"Grajd" } "Circus Maximus":{ Italian:"Circo Maximus" Russian:"Цирк Максимус" French:"Circus Maximus" Romanian:"Circus Maximus" } "Hanging Gardens":{ Italian:"Giardini sospesi" Russian:"Висячие сады" French:"Jardins suspendus" Romanian:"Grădini suspendate" } "Colloseum":{ Italian:"Colosseo" Russian:"Колизей" French:"Colloseum" Romanian:"Colloseum" } "Market":{ Italian:"Mercato" Russian:"Рынок" French:"Marché" Romanian:"Piaţă" } "Monastery":{ Italian:"Monastero" Russian:"Монастырь" French:"Monastère" Romanian:"Mănăstire" } "Notre Dame":{ Italian:"Notre Dame" Russian:"Нотр-Дам" French:"Notre Dame" Romanian:"Notre Dame" } "Hagia Sophia":{ Italian:"Hagia Sophia" Russian:"Собор Святой Софии" French:"Hagia Sophia" Romanian:"Sfânta Sofia" } "Mint":{ Russian:"Монетный двор" //don't know what this mint } "Machu Pichu":{ Italian:"Machu Pichu" Russian:"Мачу-Пикчу" French:"Machu Pichu" Romanian:"Machu Pichu" } "Aqueduct":{ Italian:"Acquedotto" Russian:"Акведук" French:"Aqueduc" Romanian:"Apeduct" } "Workshop":{ Italian:"Laboratorio" Russian:"Мастерская" French:"Atelier" Romanian:"Atelier" } "Forge":{ Italian:"Fucina" Russian:"Кузница" French:"Forger" Romanian:"Forja" } "University":{ Italian:"Università" Russian:"Университет" French:"Université" Romanian:"Universitate" } "Oxford University":{ Italian:"Università di Oxford" Russian:"Оксфордский университет" French:"L'université d'Oxford" Romanian:"Universitatea Oxford" } "Castle":{ Italian:"Castello" Russian:"Замок" French:"Château" Romanian:"Castel" } "Angkor Wat":{ Italian:"Angkor Wat" Russian:"Ангкор-Ват" French:"Angkor Wat" Romanian:"Angkor Wat" } "Porcelain Tower":{ Italian:"Torre di Porcellana" Russian:"Фарфоровая башня" French:"Tour de Porcelaine" Romanian:"Turnul de Porțelan" } "Ironworks":{ Italian:"Lavori in ferro" Russian:"Металлургический завод" French:"Ferronnerie" Romanian:"Fierarie" } "Armory":{ Italian:"Armeria" Russian:"Оружейная" French:"Arsenal" Romanian:"Depozit de arme" } "Observatory":{ Italian:"Osservatorio" Russian:"Обсерватория" French:"Observatoire" Romanian:"Observator" } "Opera House":{ Italian:"Teatro dell'opera" Russian:"Оперный театр" French:"Opéra" Romanian:"Operă" } "Sistine Chapel":{ Italian:"Cappella Sistina" Russian:"Сикстинская капелла" French:"Chapelle Sixtine" Romanian:"Capela Sixtină" } "Bank":{ Italian:"Banca" Russian:"Банк" French:"Banque" Romanian:"Bancă" } "Forbidden Palace":{ Italian:"Palazzo Proibito" Russian:"Запретный дворец" French:"Palais interdit" Romanian:"Palatul interzis" } "Theatre":{ Italian:"Teatro" Russian:"Tеатр" French:"Théâtre" Romanian:"Teatru" } "Taj Mahal":{ Italian:"Taj Mahal" Russian:"Тадж-Махал" French:"Taj Mahal" Romanian:"Taj Mahal" } "Windmill":{ Italian:"Mulino a vento" Russian:"Ветряная мельница" French:"Moulin à vent" Romanian:"Moara de vant" } "Museum":{ Italian:"Museo" Russian:"Музей" French:"Musée" Romanian:"Muzeu" } "Hermitage":{ Italian:"Eremo" Russian:"Эрмитаж" French:"Ermitage" Romanian:"Schit" } "The Louvre":{ Italian:"Il Louvre" Russian:"Лувр" French:"Le Louvre" Romanian:"Luvru" } "Public School":{ Italian:"Scuola pubblica" Russian:"Школа" French:"École publique" Romanian:"Școală publică" } "Hospital":{ Italian:"Ospedale" Russian:"Больница" French:"Hôpital" Romanian:"Spital" } "Factory":{ Italian:"Fabbrica" Russian:"Завод" French:"Usine" Romanian:"Fabrică" } "Stock Exchange":{ Italian:"Borsa valori" Russian:"Фондовая биржа" French:"Bourse" Romanian:"Bursa de Valori" } "Cristo Redentor":{ //? Italian:"Cristo Redentor" Russian:"Кристо Редентор" French:"Cristo Redentor" Romanian:"Cristo Redentor" } "Military Academy":{ Italian:"Accademia Militare" Russian:"Военная академия" French:"Académie militaire" Romanian:"Academie militara" } "Broadcast Tower":{ Italian:"Torre di trasmissione" Russian:"Широковещательная башня" French:"Tour de diffusion" Romanian:"Turnul de difuzare" } "Eiffel Tower":{ Italian:"Torre Eiffel" Russian:"Эйфелева башня" French:"Le Tour Eiffel" Romanian:"Turnul Eiffel" } "Medical Lab":{ Italian:"Laboratorio medico" Russian:"Медицинская лаборатория" French:"Laboratoire médical" Romanian:"Laboratoriu medic" } "Research Lab":{ Italian:"Laboratorio di ricerca" Russian:"Исследовательская лаборатория" French:"Laboratoire de recherche" Romanian:"Laborator de cercetare" } "Hydro Plant":{ Italian:"Impianto Idroelettrico" Russian:"ГЭС" French:"Centrale hydroélectrique" Romanian:"Centrala hidroelectrica" } "Stadium":{ Italian:"Stadio" Russian:"Стадион" French:"Stade" Romanian:"Stadiu" } "Solar Plant":{ Italian:"Impianto solare" Russian:"Солнечный завод" French:"Centrale solaire" Romanian:"Implant Solar" } "Apollo Program":{ Italian:"Programma Apollo" Russian:"Программа Аполлон" French:"Programme Apollo" Romanian:"Programul Apollo" } "Nuclear Plant":{ Italian:"Centrale nucleare" Russian:"АЭС" French:"Centrale nucléaire" Romanian:"Centrale nucleare" } "Spaceship Factory":{ Italian:"Fabbrica di astronave" Russian:"Завод космических кораблей" French:"Usine du vaisseau spatial" Romanian:"Fabbrica di astronave" } "SS Booster":{ //no traslation that i know of } "SS Cockpit":{ //no traslation that i know of } "SS Engine":{ //no traslation that i know of } "SS Statis Chamber":{ //no traslation that i know of } // And finally, units! "Worker":{ Italian:"Operaio" Russian:"Рабочий" French:"Travailleur" Romanian:"Lucrător" } "Scout":{ Italian:"Esploratore" Russian:"Разведчик" French:"Eclaireur" Romanian:"Explorator" } "Warrior":{ Italian:"Guerriero" Russian:"Воин" French:"Guerrier" Romanian:"Războinic" } "Archer":{ Italian:"Arciere" Russian:"Лучник" French:"Archer" Romanian:"Arcaş" } "Bowman":{ Russian:"Меткий лучник" //IS THIS SAME AS ARCHER IN OTHER LANGUAGES=?? //In official Russian localization it's accurate archer :) } "Chariot Archer":{ Italian:"Arciere in carriola" Russian:"Лучник на колеснице" French:"Charrette archer" Romanian:"Arcer in caruta" } "Spearman":{ Italian:"Lanciere" Russian:"Копейщик" French:"Lancier" Romanian:"Lancer" } "Catapult":{ Italian:"Catapulta" Russian:"Катапульта" French:"Catapulte" Romanian:"Catapulta" } "Swordsman":{ Italian:"Spadaccino" Russian:"Мечник" French:"Épéiste" Romanian:"Spadasin" } "Horseman":{ Italian:"Cavaliere" Russian:"Всадник" French:"Cavalier" Romanian:"Călăreţ" } "Companion Cavalry":{ Italian:"Compania dei cavalieri" Russian:"Сопутствующая кавалерия" French:"Compagnon cavalerie" Romanian:"Compania cavalerilor" } "Crossbowman":{ Italian:"Balestriere" Russian:"Арбалетчик" French:"Arbalétrier" Romanian:"Arbaletar" } "Longbowman":{ Italian:"Arciere con arco lungo" } "Trebuchet":{ Italian:"Trebuchet" Russian:"Требушет" French:"Trébuchet" Romanian:"Trebuchet" } "Longswordsman":{ Russian:"Мечник (длинный меч)" } "Pikeman":{ Italian:"Picchiere" Russian:"Пикинер" Romanian:"Suliţaş" } "Knight":{ Italian:"Cavaliere" Russian:"Рыцарь" French:"Chevalier" Romanian:"Cavaler" } "Cannon":{ Italian:"Cannone" Russian:"Пушка" French:"Canon" Romanian:"Tun" } "Musketman":{ Italian:"Soldato con moschetto" French:"Mousquetaire" } "Lancer":{ Italian:"lanciere" Russian:"Улан" French:"Lancier" Romanian:"Lăncier" } "Rifleman":{ Italian:"Fuciliere" Russian:"Стрелок" French:"Fusilier" Romanian:"Carabinieri" } "Cavalry":{ Italian:"Cavalleria" Russian:"Кавалерия" French:"Cavalerie" Romanian:"Cavalerie" } "Artillery":{ Italian:"Artiglieria" Russian:"Артиллерия" French:"Artillerie" Romanian:"Artilerie" } "Great Artist":{ Italian:"Grande artista" Russian:"Великий художник" French:"Grand artiste" Romanian:"Mare Artist" } "Great Scientist":{ Italian:"Grande scienziato" Russian:"Великий ученый" French:"Grand scientifique" Romanian:"Mare Scientist" } "Great Merchant":{ Italian:"Grande mercante" Russian:"Великий торговец" French:"Marele comerciant" Romanian:"Grand marchand" } "Great Engineer":{ Italian:"Grande Ingegnere" Russian:"Великий инженер" French:"Grand ingénieur" Romanian:"Mare Inginer" } "Requires":{ Russian:"Требует" } "Adopt policy":{ Russian:"Принять общественный институт" } "Unlocked at":{ Russian:"Разблокируется в" } "Tradition":{ Russian:"Традиция" } "+3 culture in capital and increased rate of border expansion":{ Russian:"+3 культуры в столице и увеличивается скорость расширения границ" } "Aristocracy":{ Russian:"Аристократия" } "+15% production when constructing wonders, +1 happiness for every 10 citizens in a city":{ Russian:"+15% производства при создании чудес, +1 счастье за каждые 10 жителей в городе" } "Legalism":{ Russian:"Легализм" } "Free culture building in your first 4 cities":{ Russian:"Бесплатное культурное здание в первых 4 городах" } "Oligarchy":{ Russian:"Олигархия" } "Units in cities cost no maintainance":{ Russian:"Юниты в городах содержаться бесплатно" } "Landed Elite":{ Russian:"Землевладельческая Элита" } "+10% food growth and +2 food in capital":{ Russian:"+10% прироста еды и +2 еды в столице" } "Monarchy":{ Russian:"Монархия" } "+1 gold and -1 unhappiness for every 2 citizens in capital":{ Russian:"+1 золто и -1 недовольство за каждых двух жителей в столице" } "Tradition Complete":{ Russian:"Традиция Завершена" } "+15% growth and +2 food in all cities":{ Russian:"+15% роста и +2 еды во всех городах" } // And so on for all the policies. I can't be bothered to add them all now... "Liberty":{} "+1 culture in evey city":{} "Collective Rule":{} "Training of settlers increaed +50% in capital, recieve a new settler near capital":{} "Citizenship":{} "+25% construction rate of workers, recieve free worker near the capital":{} "Republic":{} "+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings":{} "Representation":{} "Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age.":{} "Meritocracy":{} "+1 happiness for every city connected to capital, -5% unhappiness from citizens":{} "Liberty Complete":{} "Free Great Person of choice near capital":{} // Piety branch "Piety":{} "Building time of culture buildings reduced by 15%":{} "Organized Religion":{} "+1 happiness for each monument, temple and monastery":{} "Mandate Of Heaven":{} "50% of excess happiness added to culture towards policies":{} "Theocracy":{} "Temples give +10% gold":{} "Reformation":{} "+33% culture in all cities with a world wonder, immediately enter a golden age":{} "Free Religion":{} "+1 culture for each monument, temple and monastery. Gain a free policy.":{} "Piety Complete":{} "Reduce culture cost of future policies by 10%":{} // Commerce branch "Commerce":{} "+25% gold in capital":{} "Trade Unions":{} "Maintainance on roads & railroads reduced by 33%, +2 gold from all trade routes":{} "Mercantilism":{} "-25% to purchasing items in cities":{} "Entrepreneurship":{} "Great Merchants are earned 25% faster, +1 Science from every Mint, Market, Bank and Stock Exchange.":{} "Patronage":{} "Cost of purchasing culture buildings reduced by 50%":{} "Protectionism":{} "+1 happiness from each luxury resource":{} "Commerce Complete":{} "+1 gold from each specialist":{} //Rationalism branch "Rationalism":{} "Production to science conversion in cities increased by 33%":{} "Secularism":{} "+2 science from every specialist":{} "Humanism":{} "+1 happiness from every university, observatory and public school":{} "Free Thought":{} "+1 science from every trading post, +17% science from universities":{} "Sovereignty":{} "+15% science while empire is happy":{} "Scientific Revolution":{} "Gain 2 free technologies":{} "Rationalism Complete":{} "+1 gold from all science buildings":{} // Freedom branch "Freedom":{} "+25% great people rate":{} "Constitution":{} "+2 culture from each wonder":{} "Universal Suffrage":{} "+1 production per 5 population":{} "Civil Society":{} "-50% food consumption by specialists":{} "Free Speech":{} "+1 culture for every 2 citizens":{} "Democracy":{} "Specialists produce half normal unhappiness":{} "Freedom Complete":{} "Tile yield from great improvement +100%, golden ages increase by 50%":{} }