# Tutorial tasks Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup = Liikuta yksikköä!\nKlikkaa yksikköä > Klikkaa määränpäätä > Klikkaa vahvistusnuolta Found a city!\nSelect the Settler (flag unit) > Click on 'Found city' (bottom-left corner) = Perusta kaupunki!\nValitse Uudisraivaaja (lippu-yksikkö) > Klikkaa 'Perusta kaupunki' (vasen alakulma) Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice = Avaa kaupunkinäkymä!\nKlikkaa kaupungin painiketta kahdesti. Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n select technology > click 'Research' (bottom right) = Valitse tutkittava teknologia!\nKlikkaa teknologia painiketta (vihreähkö, vasen yläkulma > \n Valitse teknologia > klikkaa 'Tutki' Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (bottom left side) > \n click 'add to queue' = Valitse tuotantoprojekti!\nSiirry kaupunkinäkymään > Klikkaa yksikköä tai rakennusta (vasen alalaita) > \n Klikkaa 'lisää jonoon' Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' = Tee vuoro!n\Käy läpi yksiköt painelemalla 'Seuraava yksikkö' > Klikkaa 'Seuraava vuoro' Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n click an unassigned tile to assign population = Valitse työstettävät ruudut!\nSiirry kaupunkinäkymään > Klikkaa työstettyä (vihreää) ruutua poistaaksesi väestön sieltä > Klikkaa tyhjää ruutua lisätäksesi sinne väkeä Meet another civilization!\nExplore the map until you encounter another civilization! = Tapaa toinen sivilisaatio!\nSeikkaile kartalla kunnes löydät toisen sivilisaation! Open the options table!\nClick the menu button (top left) > click 'Options' = Avaa asetukset! Construct an improvement!\nConstruct a Worker unit > Move to a Plains or Grassland tile > \n Click 'Create improvement' (above the unit table, bottom left)\n > Choose the farm > \n Leave the worker there until it's finished = Rakenna parannus!\nRakenna työmies yksikkö > Siirrä se Tasangolle tai Niityille > \nKlikkaa 'Luo parannus' (yksikkötietojen yläpuolella, vasemmalla alhaalla) > Valitse maatila > \nJätä työmies sinne kunnes se on rakentunut Create a trade route!\nConstruct roads between your capital and another city\nOr, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually = Luo kauppareitti!\nLuo tiet pääkaupunkisi ja toisen kaupungin välille\nTai automatisoi työmiehesi ja hän tekee sen kun kerkeää Conquer a city!\nBring an enemy city down to low health > \nEnter the city with a melee unit = Valloita kaupunki!\Vähennä viholliskaupunkin terveys alhaiseksi > \nSiirry kaupunkiin lähitaisteluyksiköllä Move an air unit!\nSelect an air unit > select another city within range > \nMove the unit to the other city = Siirrä lentoyksikköä!\nValitse lentoyksikkö > valitse kantomatkan päässä oleva toinen kaupunki n\Siirrä yksikkö kaupunkiin See your stats breakdown!\nEnter the Overview screen (top right corner) >\nClick on 'Stats' = Katso tilastosi!\nSiirry yleisnäkymään (ruudun oikeassa ylänurkassa) >\nKlikkaa 'Tilastot' Oh no! It looks like something went DISASTROUSLY wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY not supposed to happen! Please send me (yairm210@hotmail.com) an email with the game information (menu -> save game -> copy game info -> paste into email) and I'll try to fix it as fast as I can! = Voi ei! Jokin meni KATASTROFAALISESTI pieleen! Näin ei pitäisi käydä! Lähetä minulle sähköpostia pelin tietojen kanssa(valikko -> tallenna peli -> kopio pelin tiedot -> liitä sähköpostiin) ja yritän ratkaista ongelman niin pian kuin suinkin! Oh no! It looks like something went DISASTROUSLY wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY not supposed to happen! Please send us an report and we'll try to fix it as fast as we can! = Voi ei! Jokin meni KATASTROFAALISESTI pieleen! Näin ei pitäisi käydä! Lähetä meille raportti ja yritämme korjata sen mahdollisimman pian! # Buildings Choose a free great person = Valitse ilmainen merkkihenkilö Get = Saat Hydro Plant = Vesivoimala +1 population in each city = +1 väestöä joka kaupunkiisi # Diplomacy,Trade,Nations Requires [buildingName] to be built in the city = Kaupunki tarvitsee rakennuksen [buildingName] Requires [buildingName] to be built in all cities = Tarvitsen rakennuksen [buildingName] joka kaupunkiisi Provides a free [buildingName] in the city = Antaa rakennuksen [buildingName] ilmaiseksi kaupunkiisi Requires worked [resource] near city = Vaatii työstetyn resurssin [resource] kaupungin lähellä Wonder is being built elsewhere = Ihmettä rakennetaan muualla Requires a [buildingName] in all cities = Vaatii rakennuksen [buildingName] joka kaupungissasi Requires a [buildingName] in this city = Vaatii rakennuksen [buildingName] tässä kaupungissa Consumes 1 [resource] = Käyttää yhden resurssin [resource] Required tech: [requiredTech] = Vaatii teknologian: [requiredTech] Current construction = Tämänhetkinen rakennusprojekti Construction queue = Tuotantojono Pick a construction = Valitse tuotantoprojekti Queue empty = Jono on tyhjä Add to queue = Lisää jonoon Remove from queue = Poista jonosta Show stats drilldown = Näytä yksityiskohtaiset tilastot Show construction queue = Näytä tuotantoprojektijono Diplomacy = Diplomatia War = Sota Peace = Rauha Research Agreement = Tutkimussopimus Declare war = Julista sota Declare war on [civName]? = Julista sota vastaan [civName]? [civName] has declared war on us! = [civName] on julistanut sodan meitä vastaan! [leaderName] of [nation] = [leaderName], [nation] You'll pay for this! = Saat maksaa tästä! Negotiate Peace = Neuvottele rauha Peace with [civName]? = Rauha kansan [civName] kanssa? Very well. = Hyvä on. Farewell. = Näkemisiin. Sounds good! = Kuulostaa hyvältä! Not this time. = Ei tällä kertaa. Excellent! = Loistavaa! How about something else... = Entäpä jotain muuta... A pleasure to meet you. = Ilo tavata teidät. Our relationship: = Suhteemme: We have encountered the City-State of [name]! = Olemme tavanneet kaupunkivaltion [name]! Declare Friendship ([numberOfTurns] turns) = Tee ystävyydenjulistus ([numberOfTurns] vuoroksi) May our nations forever remain united! = Olkoot kansamme ikuisesti yhdessä! Indeed! = Todellakin! Denounce [civName]? = Tuomitse [civName]? Denounce ([numberOfTurns] turns) = Tuomitse ([numberOfTurns] vuoroksi) We will remember this. = Tulemme muistamaan tämän. [civName] has declared war on [targetCivName]! = [civName] on julistanut sodan sivilisaatiota [targetCivName] vastaan! [civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Peace Treaty! = [civName] ja [targetCivName] ovat solmineet Rauhan! [civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Declaration of Friendship! = [civName] ja [targetCivName] ovat tehneet Ystävyydenjulistuksen! [civName] has denounced [targetCivName]! = [civName] on tuominnut sivilisaation [targetCivName] Unforgivable = Anteeksiantamaton Enemy = Vihollinen Competitor = Kilpailija Neutral = Neutraali Favorable = Myönteinen Friend = Ystävä Ally = Liittolainen ## Diplomatic modifiers You declared war on us! = Julistit sodan meitä vastaan! Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = Emme hyväksy sodanlietsontaasi. You have captured our cities! = Olet vallannut kaupunkejamme! We applaud your liberation of our conquered cities! = Annamme suosionosoituksia vapautettuasi valloitettuja kaupunkejamme! We applaud your liberation of conquered cities! = Annamme suosionosoituksia vapautettuasi valloitettuja kaupunkeja! Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = Vuosien rauha on vahvistanut suhdettamme. Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together. = Yhteiset sotatoimemme ovat lähentäneet meitä We have signed a public declaration of friendship = Olemme solmineet ystävyydenjulistuksen. You have declared friendship with our enemies! = Olet julistanut ystävyyttä vihollistemme kanssa! You have declared friendship with our allies = Olet julistanut ystävyyttä liittolaistemme kanssa Our open borders have brought us closer together. = Avoimet rajamme ovat lähentäneet meitä Your so-called 'friendship' is worth nothing. = Niin kutsuttu 'ystävyytesi' ei ole minkään arvoinen. You have publicly denounced us! = Olet julkisesti tuominnut meidät! You have denounced our allies = Olet tuominnut liittolaisemme You have denounced our enemies = Olet tuominnut vihollisemme You betrayed your promise to not settle cities near us = Petit lupauksesi olla perustamatta kaupunkeja lähimaillemme You fulfilled your promise to stop settling cities near us! = Pidit lupauksesi olla perustamatta kaupunkeja lähimaillemme! You refused to stop settling cities near us = Kieltäydyit lopettamasta perustaa kaupunkeja lähimaillemme. Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Ylimieliset vaatimuksesi ovat mauttomia! Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = Ydinaseiden käyttösi on vastenmielistä! You have stolen our lands! = Olet varastanut maitamme! Demands = Vaatimukset Please don't settle new cities near us. = Älä perusta kaupunkeja lähimaillemme. Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Hyvä on, etsimme muita maita siirtokunnillemme. We shall do as we please. = Teemme kuten haluamme. We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Huomasimme että olet perustanut kaupunkin rajoillemme, vaikka lupasit muuta. Tällä on...seuraamuksia. # City-States Provides [amountOfCulture] culture at 30 Influence = Antaa [amountOfCulture] kulttuuria 30 vaikutusvallassa Provides 3 food in capital and 1 food in other cities at 30 Influence = Antaa 3 ruokaa pääkaupunkiisi ja 1 ruuan toisiin kaupunkeihisi 30 vaikutusvallassa Provides 3 happiness at 30 Influence = Antaa kolme tyytyväisyyttä 30 vaikutusvallassa Provides land units every 20 turns at 30 Influence = Antaa maayksikköjä joka 20. vuoro 30 vaikutusvallassa Gift [giftAmount] gold (+[influenceAmount] influence) = Lahjoita [giftAmount] kultaa (+[influenceAmount] vaikutusvaltaa) Relationship changes in another [turnsToRelationshipChange] turns = Suhde vaihtuu [turnsToRelationshipChange] vuoron kuluttua Cultured = Kulttuurillinen Maritime = Merellinen Mercantile = Palkkasotilaallinen Militaristic = Sotilaallinen Type: = Tyyppi: Influence: = Vaikutusvalta: Reach 30 for friendship. = Saavutat ystävyyden 30:sä Reach highest influence above 60 for alliance. = Saavutat liittolaisuuden omaamalla suurimman yli 60 pisteen Vaikutusvallan Ally: = Liittolainen: # Trades Trade = Vaihtokauppa Offer trade = Ehdota vaihtokauppaa Retract offer = Peruuta tarjous What do you have in mind? = Mitä sinulla on mielessäsi? Our items = Mahdolliset tarjottavat Our trade offer = Tarjouksemme [otherCiv]'s trade offer = Tarjoaja [otherCiv] [otherCiv]'s items = Mahdolliset tarjottavat, [otherCiv] Pleasure doing business with you! = Kiitos kaupanteosta! I think not. = Enpä usko. That is acceptable. = Hyväksyn. Accept = Hyväksy Keep going = Jatka vain There's nothing on the table = Pöydällä ei ole mitään Peace Treaty = Rauha Agreements = Sopimukset Open Borders = Avoimet rajat Gold per turn = Kultaa per vuoro Cities = Kaupungit Technologies = Teknologiat Declarations of war = Sodanjulistus Introduction to [nation] = Esittely valtiolle [nation] Declare war on [nation] = Julista sota, kohteena [nation] Luxury resources = Ylellisyysresurssi Strategic resources = Strategiset resurssit Owned: [amountOwned] = Omistuksessa: [amountOwned] # Nation picker [resourceName] not required = Ei vaadi resurssia [resourceName] Lost ability = Unohdettu taito National ability = Kansallinen taito [firstValue] vs [secondValue] = [firstValue], vertaa [secondValue] # New game screen Uniques = Uniikit Promotions = Ylennykset Load copied data = Lataa kopioitu data Could not load game from clipboard! = Pelin lataus leikepöydältä epäonnistui! Start game! = Aloita peli! Map Options = Maailman Asetukset Game Options = Pelin Asetukset Civilizations = Sivilisaatiot Map Type = Maailman Tyyppi # Requires translation! Map file = Generated = Generoitu Existing = Olemassaoleva Custom = Räätälöity Map Generation Type = Maailman Generoinnin Tyyppi Default = Vakio Pangaea = Pangea Perlin = Perlin Continents = Mantereet Archipelago = Saaristo Number of City-States = Kaupunkivaltioiden määrä One City Challenge = Yhden kaupungin haaste No Barbarians = Ei Barbaareja No Ancient Ruins = Ei Muinaisia Raunioita No Natural Wonders = Ei Luonnonihmeitä Victory Conditions = Voittoehdot Scientific = Tieteellinen Domination = Maailman Herruus Cultural = Kulttuurinen Map Shape = Maailman muoto Hexagonal = Kuusikulmainen Rectangular = Neliskanttinen Show advanced settings = Näytä edistykselliset asetukset Hide advanced settings = Piilota edistykselliset asetukset Map Height = Maailman Korkeus Temperature extremeness = Lämpötilan äärimmäisyys Resource richness = Resurssirikkaus Vegetation richness = Kasvuston rikkaus Rare features richness = Harvinaisten ominaisuuksien rikkaus Max Coast extension = Suurin rannan laajuus Biome areas extension = Biomien laajuus Water level = Veden korkeus Reset to default = Palauta vakioasetukset HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL - YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! = ERITTÄIN KOKEELLISTA - SINUA ON VAROITETTU! Online Multiplayer = Verkkomoninpeli # Requires translation! Scenario Editor = # Requires translation! Scenario file = # Requires translation! Scenario Map = # Requires translation! Scenario = World Size = Maailman Laajuus Tiny = Pikkiriikkinen Small = Pieni Medium = Keskikokoinen Large = Suuri Huge = Valtava Difficulty = Vaikeustaste AI = Tekoäly Remove = Poista Random = Satunnainen Human = Ihminen Hotseat = Moninpeli yhdellä laitteella User ID = Käyttäjän ID Click to copy = Klikkaa kopioidaksesi Game Speed = Pelin Nopeus Quick = Nopea Standard = Normaali Epic = Eeppinen Marathon = Maratooni Starting Era = Aloitusaikakausi It looks like we can't make a map with the parameters you requested! = Valitsemillasi asetuksilla ei voi luoda maailmaa! Maybe you put too many players into too small a map? = Ehkä laitoit liian monta pelaajaa liian pieneen maailmaan? No human players selected! = Ei ihmispelaajia valittuna! Mods: = Modit: # Multiplayer Username = Käyttäjänimi Multiplayer = Moninpeli Could not download game! = Peliä ei voitu ladata! Could not upload game! = Peliä ei voitu lähettää! Join Game = Liity Peliin Invalid game ID! = Viallinen pelin ID! Copy User ID = Kopioi Käyttäjän ID Copy Game ID = Kopioi Pelin ID UserID copied to clipboard = Käyttäjän ID kopioitu leikepöydälle GameID copied to clipboard = Pelin ID kopioitu leikepöydälle Set current user = Aseta tämä käyttäjä Player ID from clipboard = Pelaajan ID leikepöydältä To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID. = Luodaksesi moninpelin aseata 'moninpeli' asetus Uuden Pelin asetuksissa, ja aseta jokaiselle ihmispelaajalle heidän Käyttäjä ID You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game. = Voit asettaa oman ID:si siellä helposti, ja muut pelaajat voivat kopioida Käyttäjä ID:nsä täältä ja lähettää sinulle jotta voit lisätä heidät. Once you've created your game, the Game ID gets automatically copied to your clipboard so you can send it to the other players. = Kun olet luonut pelin, Pelin ID kopioituu automaattisesti leikepöydällesi jotta voit lähettää sen kanssapelaajille. Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the 'Add Multiplayer Game' button = Pelaajat voivat liittyä peliin kopioimalla Pelin ID:n leikepöydälle ja klikkaamalla 'Lisää Moninpeli' painiketta The symbol of your nation will appear next to the game when it's your turn = Maasi symbooli ilmestyy lisätyn pelin viereen kun on vuorosi. Back = Takaisin Rename = Nimeä Edit Game Info = Muokkaa Pelin Tietoja Add Multiplayer Game = Lisää Moninpeli Refresh List = Päivitä lista Could not save game! = Pelin tallennus epäonnistui! Could not delete game! = Pelin poistaminen epäonnistui! Could not refresh! = Päivitys epäonnistui! Last refresh: [time] minutes ago = Viimeisin päivitys: [time] minuuttia sitten Current Turn: = Tämänhetkinen Vuoro: Add Currently Running Game = Lisää Tämänhetkinen Peli Game name = Pelin nimi Loading latest game state... = Ladataan pelin viimeisintä tilaa.. Couldn't download the latest game state! = Pelin tilan lataus epäonnistui! # Save game menu Current saves = Tämänhetkiset tallennukset Show autosaves = Näytö automaattitallennukset Saved game name = Tallennetun pelin nimi Copy to clipboard = Kopioi leikepöydälle Copy saved game to clipboard = Kopioi tallennettu peli leikepöydälle Could not load game = Pelin lataus epäonnistui Load [saveFileName] = Lataa [saveFileName] Delete save = Poista tallennus Saved at = Tallennettu: Load map = Lataa maailma Delete map = Poista maailma # Requires translation! Load Scenario Map = # Requires translation! Delete Scenario Map = Are you sure you want to delete this map? = Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän maailman? Upload map = Lähetä maailma Could not upload map! = Maailman lähetys epäonnistui Map uploaded successfully! = Maailma lähetetty! Saving... = Tallentaa... It looks like your saved game can't be loaded! = Tallennustasi ei voi ladata! If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - = Voisitko kopioida pelidatan ("Kopioi tallennettu peli leikepöydälle" - paste into an email to yairm210@hotmail.com) = liitä sähköpostiin ja lähetä yairm210@hotmail.com) I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! = Voin ehkä auttaa, sillä näin ei pitäisi käydä! Missing mods: [mods] = Puuttuvat modit: [mods] # Options Options = Asetukset Display options = Näytön asetukset Gameplay options = Peliasetukset Other options = Muut asetukset Turns between autosaves = Automaattitallennusten tiheys Sound effects volume = Ääniefektejen voimakkuus Music volume = Musiikin voimakkuus Download music = Lataa musiikit Downloading... = Lataa... Could not download music! = Musiikin lataus epäonnistui! Show = Näytä Hide = Piilota Show worked tiles = Näytä työstetyt ruudut Show resources and improvements = Näytä resurssit ja parannukset Check for idle units = Tarkista toimettomat yksiköt Move units with a single tap = Siirrä yksikköjä yhdellä klikkauksella Show tutorials = Näytä opetusviestit Auto-assign city production = Aseta kaupunkien tuotannot automaattisesti Auto-build roads = Rakenna teitä automaattisesti Show minimap = Näytä kartta Show pixel units = Piirrä pixelihahmo yksiköt Show pixel improvements = Piirrä pixeli parannukset Enable nuclear weapons = Salli ydinaseet Fontset = Fontti Continuous rendering = Jatkuva piirtäminen When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended = Poissa käytöstä säästää virtaa, mutta tiettyjä animaatiota ei näytetä Order trade offers by amount = Listaa kauppatarjoukset määrän mukaan Generate translation files = Generoi käännöstiedostot Translation files are generated successfully. = Käännöstiedostot generoitiin onnistuneesti # Notifications Research of [technologyName] has completed! = [technologyName] tutkittiin! # Requires translation! [construction] has been obsolete and will be removed from construction queue in [cityName]! = You have entered a Golden Age! = Sinulla on alkanut Kultakausi! [resourceName] revealed near [cityName] = [resourceName] paljastui lähellä [cityName] A [greatPerson] has been born in [cityName]! = [greatPerson] on syntynyt kaupungissa [cityName]! We have encountered [civName]! = Olemme kohdanneet sivilisaation [civName]! Cannot provide unit upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded! = Resurssit eivät riitä yksikön [unitName] ylläpitoon ja se on lakkautettu! [cityName] has grown! = [cityName] on kasvanut! [cityName] has been founded! = [cityName] on perustettu! [cityName] is starving! = [cityName] nääntyy! [construction] has been built in [cityName] = [construction] on rakennettu kaupungissa [cityName] [wonder] has been built in a faraway land = Ihme [wonder] on rakennettu kaukaisissa maissa! Work has started on [construction] = Kohteen [construction] tuotanto on aloitettu [cityName] cannot continue work on [construction] = [cityName] ei voi jatkaa kohteen [construction] tuotantoa [cityName] has expanded its borders! = [cityName] on laajentanut rajojaan! Your Golden Age has ended. = Kultakautesi on loppunut [cityName] has been razed to the ground! = [cityName] on poltettu maan tasalle! We have conquered the city of [cityName]! = Olemme valloittaneet kaupungin [cityName]! An enemy [unit] has attacked [cityName] = Vihollisen [unit] on tehnyt hyökkäyksen kaupunkiin [cityName] An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Vihollisen [unit] on tehnyt hyökkäyksen yksikköämme [ourUnit] vastaan Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Viholliskaupunki [cityName] teki hyökkäyksen yksikköämme [ourUnit] vastaan An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = Vihollisen [unit] on valloittanut kaupungimme [cityName] An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit] = Vihollisen [unit] on kaapannut yksikkömme [ourUnit] An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Vihollisen [unit] on tuhonnut yksikkömme [ourUnit] An enemy [RangedUnit] has destroyed the defence of [cityName] = Vihollisen [RangedUnit] on tuhonnut puolustuksen kaupungista [cityName] Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Vihollisen kaupunki [cityName] on tuhonnut yksikkömme [ourUnit] An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityName] = Vihollisen [unit] tuhottiin sen hyökätessä kaupunkiin [cityName] An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] = Vihollisen [unit] tuhottiin sen tehdessä hyökkäyksen yksikköämme [ourUnit] kohtaan Our [attackerName] was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] = Torjuva [interceptorName] tuhosi yksikkömme [attackerName] Our [interceptorName] intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] = Yksikkömme [interceptorName] torjui ja tuhosi vihollisen yksikön [attackerName] Our [attackerName] was attacked by an intercepting [interceptorName] = Torjuva [interceptorName] teki iskun yksikköämme [attackerName] vastaan Our [interceptorName] intercepted and attacked an enemy [attackerName] = Yksikkömme [interceptorName] torjui ja teki iskun yksikköä [attackerName] vastaan An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = Vihollisen [unit] havaittiin lähellä rajojamme! An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = Vihollisen [unit] havaittiin maillamme! [amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = [amount] vihollisen yksikkä havaittiin lähellä maitamme! [amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = [amount] vihollisen yksikkä havaittiin maillamme! The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = Sivilisaatio [civName] on tuhottu! The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = Kaupunkivaltio [name] on tuhottu! We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = Valloitimme barbaarileirin ja saimme [goldAmount] kultaa! A barbarian [unitType] has joined us! = Barbaarien [unitType] on siirtynyt puolellemme! We have found survivors in the ruins - population added to [cityName] = Löysimme selviytyjiä raunioissa - väestö lisääntyi kaupungissa [cityName] We have discovered cultural artifacts in the ruins! (+20 Culture) = Olemme löytäneet kulttuurillisesti merkittäviä artifakteja raunioista! (+20 Kulttuuria) We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins! = Olemme löytäneet kadonneen teknologian [techName] raunioissa! A [unitName] has joined us! = [unitName] on liittynyt joukkoihimme! An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat! = Muinainen heimo kouluttaa yksiköllemme [unitName] taistelutaitoja! We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins! = Löysimme [amount] Kultaa kätkettynä raunioihin! We have found a crudely-drawn map in the ruins! = Löysimme karkeansti piirretyn kartan raunioista! [unit] finished exploring. = [unit] lopetti tiedustelun. [unit] has no work to do. = Yksiköllä [unit] ei ole tehtävää. You're losing control of [name]. = Olet menettämässä vallan Kaupunkivaltiosta [name] You and [name] are no longer friends! = Sinä ja [name] ette ole enää ystäviä! Your alliance with [name] is faltering. = Liittosi rakoilee liittolaisesi [name] kanssa. You and [name] are no longer allies! = Sinä ja [name] ette ole enää liittolaisia! [civName] gave us a [unitName] as gift near [cityName]! = [civName] on lahjoittanut meille yksikön [unitName] kaupungin [cityName] lähellä! [civName] has denounced us! = [civName] on tuominnut meidät! [cityName] has been connected to your capital! = [cityName] on luonut yhteyden pääkaupunkiisi! [cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! = Yhteys kaupungin [cityName] ja pääkaupunkisi välillä on katkennut! [civName] has accepted your trade request = [civName] hyväksyi kauppatarjouksesi [civName] has denied your trade request = [civName] kieltäytyi kauppatarjouksestasi [tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] has ended = [tradeOffer] sivilisaatiolta [otherCivName] on loppunut [tradeOffer] to [otherCivName] has ended = [tradeOffer] sivilisaatiolle [otherCivName] on loppunut One of our trades with [nation] has ended = Yksi kauppasopimuksemme sivilisaation [nation] kanssa on loppunut One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = Yksi kauppasopimuksemme sivilisaation [nation] kanssa on lopetettu kesken. [nation] agreed to stop settling cities near us! = [nation] on suostunut olemaan perustamatta kaupunkeja lähistöllemme! [nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = [nation] on kieltäytynyt olemaan perustamatta kaupunkeja lähistöllemme! We have allied with [nation]. = Olemme liittoutuneet sivilisaation [nation] kanssa. We have lost alliance with [nation]. = Olemme menettäneet liiton sivilisaation [nation] kanssa. We have discovered [naturalWonder]! = Olemme löytäneet Luonnonihmeen [naturalWonder]! We have received [goldAmount] Gold for discovering [naturalWonder] = Olemme saaneet [goldAmount] Kultaa palkintona Luonnonihmeen [naturalWonder] löytämisestä Your relationship with [cityStateName] is about to degrade = Suhteesi Kaupunkivaltion [cityStateName] kanssa on alenemassa Your relationship with [cityStateName] degraded = Suhteesi Kaupunkivaltion [cityStateName] kanssa aleni A new barbarian encampment has spawned! = Uusi barbaarileiri on syntynyt! Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] = Vastaanotimme [goldAmount] Kultaa vallattuamme kaupungin [cityName] Our proposed trade request is no longer relevant! = Ehdottamallamme kauppasopimuksella ei ole enää merkitystä! [defender] could not withdraw from a [attacker] - blocked. = [defender] ei voinut vetäytyä yksikön [attacker] hyökkäykseltä - estetty. [defender] withdrew from a [attacker] = [defender] vetäytyi yksikön [attacker] hyökkäykseltä [building] has provided [amount] Gold! = [building] toimitti [amount] Kultaa! [civName] has stolen your territory! = [civName] on varastanut meiltä maata! # World Screen UI Working... = Työstää... Waiting for other players... = Odottaa muita pelaajia... # Requires translation! in = Next turn = Seuraava vuoro # Requires translation! [currentPlayerCiv] ready? = 1 turn = 1 vuoro [numberOfTurns] turns = [numberOfTurns] vuorossa Turn = Vuoro turns = vuoroa turn = vuoro Next unit = Seuraava yksikkö Fog of War = Sumu Pick a policy = Valitse linjaus Movement = Liikkuvuus Strength = Vahvuus Ranged strength = Vahvuus etäältä Bombard strength = Pommitusvahvuus Range = Kantomatka Move unit = Liikuta Stop movement = Lopeta liikkuminen Construct improvement = Rakenna parannus Automate = Automatisoi Stop automation = Lopeta automatisointi Construct road = Rakenna tie Fortify = Linnoittaudu Fortify until healed = Linnoittaudu kunnes parantunut Fortification = Linnoittautuminen Sleep = Nuku Sleep until healed = Nuku kunnes parantunut Moving = Liikkuu Set up = Valmistele Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold) = Päivitä yksiköksi [unitType] ([goldCost] Kultaa) Found city = Perusta kaupunki Promote = Ylennä Health = Terveys Disband unit = Poista yksikkö Explore = Tiedustele Stop exploration = Lopeta tiedustelu Pillage = Ryöstä Do you really want to disband this unit? = Haluatko varmasti poistaa tämän yksikön? Disband this unit for [goldAmount] gold? = Poista tämä yksikkö ja saa [goldAmount] Kultaa? Create [improvement] = Rakenna [improvement] Start Golden Age = Aloita Kultakausi Yes = Kyllä No = Ei Acquire = Saat Science = Tiede Happiness = Tyytyväisyys Production = Tuotanto Culture = Kulttuuri Food = Ruoka Crop Yield = Viljansaanti Land = Maa Force = Voima GOLDEN AGE = KULTAKAUSI Golden Age = Kultakausi [year] BC = [year] eKr. [year] AD = [year] jKr. Civilopedia = Civilopedia Start new game = Aloita uusi peli Save game = Tallenna peli Load game = Lataa peli Main menu = Päävalikko Resume = Jatka Cannot resume game! = Pelin jatkaminen ei onnistunut! Not enough memory on phone to load game! = Puhelimessa ei ole tarpeeksi muistia pelin lataamiseen! Quickstart = Pika-aloitus Victory status = Voittotilanne Social policies = Linjaukset Community = Yhteisö Close = Sulje Do you want to exit the game? = Haluatko sulkea pelin? Start bias: = Taipumus aloituspaikalle: Avoid [terrain] = Välttää maastoa [terrain] # City screen Exit city = Poistu kaupungista Raze city = Polta kaupunki Stop razing city = Lopeta polttaminen Buy for [amount] gold = Osta hintaan [amount] Kultaa Buy = Osta You have [amount] gold = Sinulla on [amount] Kultaa Currently you have [amount] gold. = Sinulla on tämänhetkisesti [amount] Kultaa. Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] gold? = Haluatko ostaa: [constructionName] hintaan [buildingGoldCost] Kultaa? No space available to place [unit] near [city] = Kaupungin [city] lähistöllä ei ole tilaa luoda yksikköä [unit] Maintenance cost = Ylläpitokulut Pick construction = Valitse tuotanto Pick improvement = Valitse parannus Provides [resource] = Antaa [resource] Replaces [improvement] = Korvaa: [improvement] Pick now! = Valitse nyt! Build [building] = Rakenna [building] Train [unit] = Kouluta [unit] Produce [thingToProduce] = Tuota [thingToProduce] Nothing = Ei mitään Annex city = Hallitse kaupunkia Specialist Buildings = Asiantuntijarakennus Specialist Allocation = Asiantuntijoiden jakauma Specialists = Asiantuntijat [specialist] slots = Paikka [specialist]lle Engineer specialist = Tekniikan asiantuntija Merchant specialist = Kaupankäynnin asiantuntija Scientist specialist = Tieteellinen asiantuntija Artist specialist = Taiteellinen asiantuntija Food eaten = Syöty ruoka Growth bonus = Kasvubonus Unassigned population = Määrittelemätön väestö [turnsToExpansion] turns to expansion = [turnsToExpansion] vuoroa laajentumiseen Stopped expansion = Laajentuminen psähtynyt [turnsToPopulation] turns to new population = [turnsToPopulation] vuoroa väestönkasvuun Food converts to production = Ruoka muunnetaan tuotannoksi [turnsToStarvation] turns to lose population = [turnsToStarvation] vuoroa väestön vähenemiseen Stopped population growth = Väestönkasvu pysähtynyt In resistance for another [numberOfTurns] turns = Vastustaa vielä [numberOfTurns] vuoroa Sell for [sellAmount] gold = Myy [sellAmount] Kullasta Are you sure you want to sell this [building]? = Haluatko varmasti myydä rakennuksen [building]? [greatPerson] points = [greatPerson]pistettä Great person points = Merkkihenkilöpisteet Current points = Tällä hetkellä Points per turn = Pistettä per vuoro Convert production to gold at a rate of 4 to 1 = Muunna tuotantoa kullaksi suhteessa 4/1 Convert production to science at a rate of [rate] to 1 = Muunna tuotantoa tieteeksi suhteessa [rate]/1 The city will not produce anything. = Kaupunki ei tuota mitään Worked by [cityName] = [cityName] työstää Lock = Lukitse Unlock = Poista lukitus # Technology UI Pick a tech = Valitse teknologia Pick a free tech = Valitse ilmainen teknologia Research [technology] = Tutki [technology] Pick [technology] as free tech = Valitse [technology] ilmaiseksi teknologiaksi Units enabled = Avaa käyttöön yksiköt Buildings enabled = Avaa käyttöön rakennukset Wonder = Ihme National Wonder = Kansallinen Ihme National Wonders = Kansalliset Ihmeet Wonders enabled = Avaa käyttöön Ihmeet Tile improvements enabled = Avaa käyttöön ruudun parannukset Reveals [resource] on the map = Paljastaa resurssin [resource] kartalla XP for new units = Kokemusta uusille yksiköille provide = antaa provides = antaa City strength = Kaupungin vahvuus City health = Kaupungin terveys Occupied! = Miehitetty! Attack = Hyökkää Bombard = Pommita NUKE = LAUKAISE Captured! = Kaapattu! defence vs ranged = puolustus pitkiä iskuja vastaan [percentage] to unit defence = [percentage] lisä puolustukseen Attacker Bonus = Hyökkäysbonus Landing = Maihinnousu Flanking = Hyökkäys sivusta vs [unitType] = vs [unitType] Terrain = Maasto Tile = Ruutu Missing resource = Puuttuva resurssi Hurry Research = Hoputa Tutkimus Conduct Trade Mission = Kauppamatka Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = Matkasi maahan [civName] toi sinulle [goldAmount] Kultaa ja [influenceAmount] Vaikutusvaltaa! Hurry Wonder = Hoputa Ihme Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = Kansalaisesi ovat olleet tyytyväisiä johtamiseesi pitkään ja valtakuntasi siirtyy Kultakaudelle! You have entered the [newEra]! = Olet edennyt aikaan [newEra]! [civName] has entered the [eraName]! = [civName] on edennyt aikaan [eraName]! [policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! = Linjaushaara [policyBranch] avattu! Overview = Yleisnäkymä Total = Kaikkiaan Stats = Tilastot Policies = Linjaukset Base happiness = Kantatyytyväisyys Occupied City = Miehitetty Kaupunki Buildings = Rakennukset # For the "when constructing [military units]" translation military units = sotilasyksiköitä melee units = lähitaisteluyksiköitä # Requires translation! mounted units = # Requires translation! naval units = # For the All "newly-trained [relevant] units in this city receive the [] promotion" translation. Relevant as in 'units that can receive' # Requires translation! relevant = # For '[stats] from [Water] tiles in this city' # Requires translation! Water = # For [stats] from [Water resource] tiles in this city # Requires translation! Water resource = Wonders = Ihmeitä Base values = Kanta-arvot Bonuses = Bonukset Final = Lopullinen Other = Muut Population = Väestö City-States = Kaupunkivaltiot Tile yields = Ruutujen saannit Trade routes = Kauppareitit Maintenance = Ylläpitokustannukset Transportation upkeep = Kuljetuskustannukset Unit upkeep = Yksikköjen ylläpito Trades = Kauppasopimukset Units = Yksiköt Name = Nimi Closest city = Lähin kaupunki Action = Toiminto Defeated = Kukistettu [numberOfCivs] Civilizations in the game = [numberOfCivs] sivilisaatiota pelissä Our Civilization: = Sivilisaatiomme: Known and alive ([numberOfCivs]) = Tiedossa ja elossa ([numberOfCivs]) Known and defeated ([numberOfCivs]) = Tiedossa ja kukistettu ([numberOfCivs]) Tiles = Ruutuja Natural Wonders = Luonnonihmeet Treasury deficit = Valtionvelka # Victory Science victory = Tiedevoitto Cultural victory = Kulttuurivoitto Conquest victory = Valloitusvoitto Complete all the spaceship parts\n to win! = Valmista kaikki avaruusaluksen osat\n voittaaksesi! Complete 5 policy branches\n to win! = Täydennä 5 linjauspuuta\n voittaaksesi! Destroy all enemies\n to win! = Kukista kaikki viholliset\n voittaaksesi! You have won a scientific victory! = Olet voittanut tiedevoiton! You have won a cultural victory! = Olet voittanut kulttuurivoiton! You have won a domination victory! = Olet voittanut valloitusvoiton! You have achieved victory through the awesome power of your Culture. Your civilization's greatness - the magnificence of its monuments and the power of its artists - have astounded the world! Poets will honor you as long as beauty brings gladness to a weary heart. = Olet saavuttanut voiton Kulttuurin mahtavalla voimalla. Sivilisaatiosi suuruus - sen monumenttien komeus ja taiteilijoiden voima - on ällistyttänyt koko maailmaa! Runoilijat tekevät kunniaa sinulle niin kauan kuin kauneus tuo iloa uupuneelle sydämelle. The world has been convulsed by war. Many great and powerful civilizations have fallen, but you have survived - and emerged victorious! The world will long remember your glorious triumph! = Sota on järkyttänyt maailmaa. Moni suuri ja mahtava sivilisaatio on kaatunut, mutta sinä selvisit - ja nousit voitokkaana! Maailma tulee muistamaan loistokkaan riemuvoittosi! You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! = Olet saavuttanut voiton hallitsemalla tieteen! Olet selvittänyt luonnon mysteerit ja johtanut kansasi matkalle uuteen maailmaan! Voittosi tullaan muistamaan niin pitkään kuin tähdet loistavat! You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = Sinut on kukistettu. Sivilisaatiosi on murskattu sen monien vihollisten voimasta. Mutta kansasi ei pelkää, sillä he tietävät että vielä jonain päivänä palaat - ja johdat heidät voittoon! One more turn...! = Vielä yksi vuoro...! Built Apollo Program = Apollo avaruusohjelma valmistunut Destroy [civName] = Kukista [civName] Our status = Tilanteemme Global status = Maailman tilanne Rankings = Sijoitukset Spaceship parts remaining = Puuttuvat avaruusaluksen osat Branches completed = Linjauspuut Undefeated civs = Kukistamattomat kansat # Capturing a city What would you like to do with the city? = Mitä teet kaupungille? Annex = Hallitse Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. = Hallitut kaupungit liittyvät osaksi valtakuntaasi. Their citizens generate 2x the unhappiness, unless you build a courthouse. = Niiden asukkaat tuottavat tuplaten tyytymättömyyttä ellet rakenna oikeustaloa. Puppet = Nukkekaupunki Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost, but their citizens generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness. = Nukkekaupungit eivät kasvata teknologia- tai linjaushintoja, mutta niiden asukkaat tuottavat 1.5 kertaisen määrän tyytymättömyyttä. You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. = Et voi valita mitä nukkekaupunki tuottaa. Puppeted cities also generate 25% less Gold and Science. = Nukkekaupungit myös tuottavat 25% vähemmän Kultaa ja Tiedettä A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. = Nukkekaupungin voi ottaa hallintaan milloin vain. Liberate = Vapauta Liberating a city returns it to its original owner, giving you a massive relationship boost with them! = Kaupungin vapauttaminen palauttaa sen sen alkuperäiselle omistajalle parantaen suhteitanne valtaisasti! Raze = Polta Razing the city annexes it, and starts razing the city to the ground. = Polttaminen ottaa kaupungin hallintaan ja aloittaa polttamisen maan tasalle. The population will gradually dwindle until the city is destroyed. = Väestö vähenee asteittain kunnes kaupunki on tuhoutunut. Remove your troops in our border immediately! = Poista joukkosi rajoiltamme välittömästi! Sorry. = Pahoitteluni. Never! = En ikinä! # Requires translation! Offer Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = My friend, shall we declare our friendship to the world? = Ystäväni, julistetaanko ystävyytemme koko maailmalle? # Requires translation! Sign Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) = We are not interested. = Emme ole kiinnostuneet We have signed a Declaration of Friendship with [otherCiv]! = Olemme solmineet Ystävyydenjulistuksen sivilisaation [otherCiv] kanssa! [otherCiv] has denied our Declaration of Friendship! = [otherCiv] kieltäytyi Ystävyydenjulistuksesta! Basics = Yleiset Resources = Resurssit Terrains = Maastot Tile Improvements = Ruutujen Parannukset Unique to [civName], replaces [unitName] = Yksilöllinen sivilisaatiolle [civName], korvaa yksikön [unitName] Unique to [civName] = Yksilöllinen sivilisaatiolle [civName] Tutorials = Ohjeet Cost = Hinta May contain [listOfResources] = Täällä voi esiintyä: [listOfResources] Upgrades to [upgradedUnit] = Päivittyy yksiköksi [upgradedUnit] Obsolete with [obsoleteTech] = Vanhentuu tutkittaessa teknologian [obsoleteTech] Occurs on [listOfTerrains] = Esiintyy: [listOfTerrains] Placed on [terrainType] = Sijoitettu maastoon [terrainType] Can be found on = Voidaan löytää: Improved by [improvement] = Parannettu parannuksella [improvement] Bonus stats for improvement: = Bonukset parannukselle: Buildings that consume this resource: = Rakennukset jotka kuluttavat tätä resurssia: Units that consume this resource: = Yksiköt jotka kuluttavat tätä resurssia: Can be built on = Voidaan rakentaa: Defence bonus = Puolustusbonus Movement cost = Liikkumisen hinta Rough Terrain = Vaikea Maasto # Requires translation! for = Missing translations: = Puuttuvat käännökset Version = Versio Resolution = Resoluutio Tileset = Grafiikkapakkaus Map editor = Maastonmuokkain Create = Luo New map = Uusi maailma Empty = Tyhjä Language = Kieli Terrains & Resources = Maasto & Resurssit Improvements = Parannukset Clear current map = Tyhjennä maailma Save map = Tallenna maailma Download map = Lataa maailma # Requires translation! Toggle Scenario Map = Loading... = Lataa... Filter: = Suodata: # Requires translation! Create scenario map = # Requires translation! Edit scenario parameters = # Requires translation! OK = Exit map editor = Poistu Maastonmuokkaimesta [nation] starting location = Aloituspaikka sivilisaatiolle [nation] Clear terrain features = Poista maastonpiirteet Clear improvements = Poista parannukset Clear resource = Poista resurssi # Requires translation! Remove units = # Requires translation! Player [index] = # Requires translation! Player [playerIndex] starting location = # Requires translation! Bottom left river = # Requires translation! Bottom right river = # Requires translation! Bottom river = Requires = Vaatii Menu = Valikko Brush Size = Siveltimen koko Map saved = Maailma tallennettu # Civilopedia difficulty levels Player settings = Pelaajan asetukset Base Happiness = Yleinen tyytyväisyys Happiness per luxury = Tyytyväisyyttä per ylellisyys Research cost modifier = Tutkimushintojen kerroin Unit cost modifier = Yksikköjen hintojen kerroin Building cost modifier = Rakennusten hintojen kerroin Policy cost modifier = Linjausten hintojen kerroin Unhappiness modifier = Tyytymättömyyskerroin Bonus vs. Barbarians = Bonus barbaareita vastaan AI settings = Tekoälyn asetukset AI city growth modifier = Tekoälyn kaupunkien kasvamisen kerroin AI unit cost modifier = Tekoälyn yksiköiden hinnan kerroin AI building cost modifier = Tekoälyn rakennusten hinnan kerroin AI wonder cost modifier = Tekoälyn ihmeiden hinnan kerroin AI building maintenance modifier = Tekoälyn rakennusten ylläpitomaksujen kerroin AI unit maintenance modifier = Tekoälyn yksiköiden ylläpitomaksujen kerroin AI unhappiness modifier = Tekoälyn tyytymättömyyden kerroin Turns until barbarians enter player tiles = Vuoroja siihen että barbaarit liikkuvat pelaajan ruuduille Gold reward for clearing barbarian camps = Kultaa barbaarileirien kukistamisesta # Other civilopedia things Nations = Valtiot Available for [unitTypes] = Saavutettavissa seuraaville yksiköille: [unitTypes] Free promotion: = Ilmainen ylennys: Free promotions: = Ilmaiset ylennykset: Free for [units] = Ilmainen seuraaville yksiköille: [units] [bonus] with [tech] = [bonus] teknologian [tech] kanssa Difficulty levels = Vaikeustasot # Policies Adopt policy = Valitse linjaus Adopt free policy = Valitse ilmainen linjaus Unlocked at = Avataan ajassa Gain 2 free technologies = Saat kaksi ilmaista teknologiaa # Technologies Mass Media = Massamedia # Terrains Impassable = Läpikulkematon # Resources Bison = Biisoni Copper = Kupari Cocoa = Kaakao Crab = Ravut Citrus = Sitrukset Truffles = Tryffelit # Requires translation! Strategic = # Requires translation! Bonus = # Requires translation! Luxury = # Unit types Civilian = Siviilit land units = maayksiköt water units = laivaston yksiköt air units = lentoyksiköt WaterCivilian = Siviililaivat Melee = Lähitaistelu WaterMelee = Vesilähitaistelu Ranged = Pitkän kantaman yksiköt WaterRanged = Laivaston pitkän kantaman yksiköt WaterSubmarine = Laivaston sukellusveneet Mounted = Ratsailla olevat Armor = Panssaroidut City = Kaupungit Missile = Ohjukset WaterAircraftCarrier = Lentotukialukset # Units Composite Bowman = Yhdistelmäjousi Foreign Land = Vierailla Mailla Marine = Rannikkojääkäri Mobile SAM = Ilmatorjuntaohjusjärjestelmä Paratrooper = Laskuvarjojääkäri Helicopter Gunship = Taisteluhelikopteri Atomic Bomb = Atomipommi Unbuildable = Ei rakennettavissa # Promotions Pick promotion = Valitse ylennys OR = TAI units in open terrain = yksiköt avoimessa maastossa units in rough terrain = yksiköt vaikeassa maastossa wounded units = haavoittuneet yksiköt Targeting II (air) = Kohdennus II (ilma) Targeting III (air) = Kohdennus III (ilma) Bonus when performing air sweep [bonusAmount]% = Bonus tiedustelulennolla [bonusAmount]% Dogfighting I = Ilmataistelu I Dogfighting II = Ilmataistelu II Dogfighting III = Ilmataistelu III # Multiplayer Turn Checker Service Multiplayer options = Moninpeliasetukset Enable out-of-game turn notifications = Salli pelin ulkopuoliset vuoroilmoitukset Time between turn checks out-of-game (in minutes) = Vuoron tarkistuksen tiheys pelin ulkopuolella (minuutteina) Show persistent notification for turn notifier service = Anna ilmoituspalvelun näyttää pysyvä ilmoitus? Take user ID from clipboard = Ota käyttäjä ID leikepöydältä Doing this will reset your current user ID to the clipboard contents - are you sure? = Tämä vaihtaa nykisen ID:si leikepöydällä olevaleks. Jatketaanko? ID successfully set! = ID asetettu onnistuneesti! Invalid ID! = Viallinen ID! # Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object # Requires translation! [stats] from every [param] = # Requires translation! [stats] from [param] tiles in this city = # Requires translation! +[amount]% vs [unitType] = #################### Lines from Buildings from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Indicates the capital city = Sijaitsee pääkaupungissa Palace = Palatsi Monument = Monumentti Granary = Viljasiilo Must not be on plains = Ei voi sijaita Tasangolla Stone Works = Kiventyöstämö # Requires translation! 'Time crumbles things; everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time' - Aristotle = Stonehenge = Stonehenge +1 Science Per 2 Population = +1 Tiede jokaista jokaista kahta asukasta kohden Library = Kirjasto # Requires translation! 'Libraries are as the shrine where all the relics of the ancient saints, full of true virtue, and all that without delusion or imposture are preserved and reposed.' - Sir Francis Bacon = Free Technology = Ilmainen Teknologia The Great Library = Aleksandrian kirjasto Paper Maker = Paperipaja Circus = Sirkus Must be next to river = Täytyy sijaita joen varrella Water Mill = Vesimylly Walls = Muurit Walls of Babylon = Babylonin Muurit # Requires translation! 'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge = Worker construction increased 25% = 25% lisä työmiehille parannuksia rakentaessa Provides 2 free workers = Antaa 2 ilmaista työmiestä The Pyramids = Pyramidit Barracks = Kasarmi # Requires translation! 'Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves.' - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar = Can only be built in coastal cities = Voidaan rakentaa vain rantakaupungissa Colossus = Rodoksen kolossi Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city = Uusien ruutujen hankkiminen Kulttuurilla tai Kullalla tässä kaupungissa on 25% halvempaa Krepost = Krepost # Requires translation! 'He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows, and the immortally anointed hair of the great god swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken' - The Iliad = +15% Combat Strength for all units when attacking Cities = 15% vahvuutta yksiköille hyökätessä kaupunkia vastaan Statue of Zeus = Zeuksen Patsas # Requires translation! 'The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles = Provides a sum of gold each time you spend a Great Person = Tuottaa kultaa joka kerta kun kulutat Merkittävän Henkilön Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Halikarnassoksen mausoleumi Lighthouse = Majakka # Requires translation! 'They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.' - The Bible, Psalms 107:23-24 = All military naval units receive +1 movement and +1 sight = Kaikki laivaston yksiköt saavat +1 Liikkuvuutta ja +1 Näkökykyä The Great Lighthouse = Faroksen majakka # Requires translation! +[amount]% production when building [param] in this city = Stable = Talli Circus Maximus = Circus Maximus # Requires translation! 'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = Hanging Gardens = Riippuva Puutarha Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Poistaa hallintaan otettujen kaupunkien tyytymättömyyden Can only be built in annexed cities = Voidaan rakentaa vain hallintaan otetuissa kaupungeissa Courthouse = Oikeustalo Colosseum = Colosseum # Requires translation! 'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = Terracotta Army = Terrakotta-armeija Temple = Temppeli Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Tuplaa valloittajalle annetun Kullan jos kaupunki vallataan Burial Tomb = Hautakammio Mud Pyramid Mosque = Askian hauta # Requires translation! 'The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing' - Socrates = Free Social Policy = Ilmainen Linjaus # Requires translation! The Oracle = Market = Tori # Requires translation! Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = Bazaar = Basaari Mint = Rahapaja # Requires translation! [amount]% of food is carried over after population increases = # Requires translation! Aqueduct = # Requires translation! 'The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.' - Sun Tzu = # Requires translation! Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Great Wall = Kiinanmuuri Monastery = Luostari # Requires translation! 'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = # Requires translation! +[amount]% great person generation in all cities = # Requires translation! Hagia Sophia = # Requires translation! National College = Enables nuclear weapon = Avaa ydinaseet Manhattan Project = Manhattan Projekti # Requires translation! 'The katun is established at Chichen Itza. The settlement of the Itza shall take place there. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. It is the word of God. The Itza shall come.' - The Books of Chilam Balam = Golden Age length increases +50% = Kultakausien pituus kasvaa %50 Chichen Itza = Chichén Itzá # Requires translation! 'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham = Gold from all trade routes +25% = Kasvattaa kauppareittien kullantuotantoa 25% Must have an owned mountain within 2 tiles = Vaatii omistuksessasi olevan vuoren vähintään kahden ruudun päässä Machu Picchu = Machu Picchu Workshop = Työpaja Longhouse = Pitkätalo # Requires translation! Forge = # Requires translation! Connects trade routes over water = # Requires translation! Harbor = University = Yliopisto # Requires translation! Wat = Oxford University = Oxfordin Yliopisto Castle = Linna # Requires translation! Mughal Fort = # Requires translation! 'The temple is like no other building in the world. It has towers and decoration and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of.' - Antonio da Magdalena = # Requires translation! Cost of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% = # Requires translation! Angkor Wat = # Requires translation! 'Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies.' - Joseph Addison = # Requires translation! All newly-trained [param] units in this city receive the [promotion] promotion = # Requires translation! Alhambra = Ironworks = Rautaruukki # Requires translation! 'Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.' - Victor Hugo = Notre Dame = Notre-Dame # Requires translation! Armory = Must be next to [terrain] = Täytyy sijaita maaston [terrain] vieressä Observatory = Observatorio Opera House = Oopperatalo # Requires translation! 'I live and love in God's peculiar light.' - Michelangelo Buonarroti = Culture in all cities increased by 25% = Kulttuurintuotanto joka kaupungissa kasvaa %25 Sistine Chapel = Sistuksen Kappeli Bank = Pankki # Requires translation! Satrap's Court = # Requires translation! +5% Production for every Trade Route with a City-State in the empire = # Requires translation! Hanse = # Requires translation! 'Most of us can, as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison' - John Lubbock = Unhappiness from population decreased by [amount]% = Tyytymättömyys Väestönmäärään vähenee [amount] Forbidden Palace = Kielletty Palatsi Theatre = Teatteri # Requires translation! 'Don't clap too hard - it's a very old building.' - John Osbourne = Free Great Person = Ilmainen Merkkihenkilö Leaning Tower of Pisa = Pisan kalteva torni # Requires translation! 'Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.' - Yamamoto Tsunetomo = +15% combat strength for units fighting in friendly territory = +15% Vahvuutta yksiköille taistellessa ystävämielisillä alueilla Himeji Castle = Himejin Linna Museum = Museo # Requires translation! Hermitage = # Requires translation! 'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = 2 free Great Artists appear = Saat 2 ilmaista Merkittävää Taiteilijaa The Louvre = Louvre Seaport = Merisatama # Requires translation! 'The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.' - Rabindranath Tagore = Empire enters golden age = Kultakausi alkaa valtakunnassa Taj Mahal = Taj Mahal # Requires translation! 'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = Free [unit] appears = Saat ilmaisen yksikön [unit] Science gained from research agreements +50% = +50 bonus tutkimussopimuksista ansaittuun Tieteeseen Porcelain Tower = Posliinitorni Must not be on hill = Ei voi sijaita mäellä Windmill = Tuulimylly Public School = Julkinen koulu Factory = Tehdas Military Academy = Sotilasakatemia # Requires translation! 'Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings.' - Horace = # Requires translation! Brandenburg Gate = Hospital = Sairaala Stock Exchange = Pörssi # Requires translation! 'To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.' - Leonard Bernstein = # Requires translation! Cost of purchasing items in cities reduced by [amount]% = Big Ben = Big Ben Broadcast Tower = Lähetystorni # Requires translation! 'We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting' - Kahlil Gibran = # Requires translation! Provides 1 happiness per 2 additional social policies adopted = Eiffel Tower = Eiffelin Torni # Requires translation! 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' - Emma Lazarus = [stats] from every specialist = [stats] jokaisesta asiantuntijasta Statue of Liberty = Vapaudenpatsas Research Lab = Tutkimuslaboratorio Stadium = Stadioni # Requires translation! 'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 = # Requires translation! Culture cost of adopting new Policies reduced by 10% = Cristo Redentor = Kristus-patsas # Requires translation! 'The Law is a fortress on a hill that armies cannot take or floods wash away.' –- The Prophet Muhammed = # Requires translation! Defensive buildings in all cities are 25% more effective = # Requires translation! Kremlin = # Requires translation! '...the location is one of the most beautiful to be found, holy and unapproachable, a worthy temple for the divine friend who has brought salvation and true blessing to the world.' - King Ludwig II of Bavaria = # Requires translation! Neuschwanstein = Medical Lab = Lääketieteellinen laboratorio Nuclear Plant = Ydinvoimala Solar Plant = Aurinkovoimala # Requires translation! 'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = Sydney Opera House = Sydneyn oopperatalo # Requires translation! 'In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.' - Dwight D. Eisenhower = Gold cost of upgrading military units reduced by 33% = Sotilasyksikköjen päivityksen hinta -33% Pentagon = Pentagon Spaceship Factory = Avaruusalustehdas Spaceship part = Avaruusaluksen osa SS Booster = AA Raketti Enables construction of Spaceship parts = Sallii avaruusaluksen osien rakentamisen Apollo Program = Apollo avaruusohjelma # Requires translation! 'The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it.' - Anatole France = 2 free great scientists appear = Saat 2 ilmaista Merkittävää Tiedemiestä Hubble Space Telescope = Hubble-avaruusteleskooppi SS Cockpit = AA Ohjaamo SS Engine = AA Moottori SS Stasis Chamber = Unikammio #################### Lines from Difficulties from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Settler = Uudisraivaaja Chieftain = Päällikkö Warlord = Sotalordi Prince = Prinssi King = Kuningas Emperor = Keisari Immortal = Kuolematon Deity = Jumalallinen #################### Lines from Nations from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Spectator = Katsoja Babylon = Babylonia Nebuchadnezzar II = Nebuchadnezzar II The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Demoni tahtoo sotilaiden verta! Oh well, I presume you know what you're doing. = No, kai sinä tiedät mitä teet. It is over. Perhaps now I shall have peace, at last. = Kaikki on ohi. Ehkä vihdoin saan rauhan. Are you real or a phantom? = Oletko aito vai vain aave? It appears that you do have a reason for existing – to make this deal with me. = Sinulla on kuin onkin syy olemassaoloosi, tämän sopimuksen tekeminen kanssani. Greetings. = Tervehdykseni. What do YOU want?! = Mitä oikein tahdot!? Ingenuity = Nerokkuus Receive free [unit] when you discover [tech] = Saat ilmaisen yksikön [unit] kun tutkit teknologian [tech] [unit] is earned [amount]% faster = [unit] ansaitaan [amount]% nopeampaa Akkad = Akkad Dur-Kurigalzu = Dur-Kurigalzu Nippur = Nippur Borsippa = Borsippa Sippar = Sippar Opis = Opis Mari = Mari Shushan = Shushan Eshnunna = Eshnunna Ellasar = Ellasar Erech = Erech Kutha = Kutha Sirpurla = Sirpurla Neribtum = Neribtum Ashur = Ashur Ninveh = Ninveh Nimrud = Nimrud Arbela = Arbela Nuzi = Nuzi Arrapkha = Arrapkha Tutub = Tutub Shaduppum = Shaduppum Rapiqum = Rapiqum Mashkan Shapir = Mashkan Shapir Tuttul = Tuttul Ramad = Ramad Ana = Ana Haradum = Haradum Agrab = Agrab Uqair = Uqair Gubba = Gubba Hafriyat = Hafriyat Nagar = Nagar Shubat Enlil = Shubat Enlil Urhai = Urhai Urkesh = Urkesh Awan = Awan Riblah = Riblah Tayma = Tayma Greece = Kreikka Alexander = Aleksanteri You are in my way, you must be destroyed. = Olet tielläni, ja sinut täytyy kukistaa. As a matter of fact I too grow weary of peace. = Totta puhuakseni olen kyllästynyt rauhaan itsekin. You have somehow become my undoing! What kind of beast are you? = Jotenkin olet onnistunut kukistamaan minut! Millainen olento olet? Hello stranger! I am Alexandros, son of kings and grandson of the gods! = Tervehdys muukalainen! Olen Alexandros, kuninkaiden poika ja jumalien pojanpoika! My friend, does this seem reasonable to you? = Ystäväni, kuulostaako tämä reilulta mielestäsi? Greetings! = Tervehdykseni! What? = Mitä? Hellenic League = Helleenien liitto City-State Influence degrades at half rate = Vaikutusvalta Kaupunkivaltioihin laskee puolella nopeudella City-State Influence recovers at twice the normal rate = Vaikutusvalta Kaupunkivaltioihin palautuu kaksinkertaisella nopeudella Athens = Ateena Sparta = Sparta Corinth = Korintti Argos = Argos Knossos = Knossos Mycenae = Mykene Pharsalos = Pharsalos Ephesus = Efesos Halicarnassus = Halikarnassos Rhodes = Ródos Eretria = Eretria Pergamon = Pergamon Miletos = Miletos Megara = Megara Phocaea = Fokaia Sicyon = Sikyon Tiryns = Tiryns Samos = Samos Mytilene = Mytilene Chios = Chios Paros = Paros Elis = Elis Syracuse = Syracuse Herakleia = Herakleia Gortyn = Gortyn Chalkis = Chalkis Pylos = Pylos Pella = Pella Naxos = Naxos Larissa = Larissa Apollonia = Apollonia Messene = Messene Orchomenos = Orchomenos Ambracia = Ambracia Kos = Kos Knidos = Knidos Amphipolis = Amphipolis Patras = Patras Lamia = Lamia Nafplion = Nafplion Apolyton = Apolyton China = Kiina Wu Zetian = Wu Zetian You won't ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yama. = Et tule häiritsemään minua enää ikinä. Mene ja tapaa Yama. Fool! I will disembowel you all! = Typerys! Suolistan teidät kaikki! You have proven to be a cunning and competent adversary. I congratulate you on your victory. = Olet todistanut kykysi ovelana ja pätevänä vastustajana. Onnittelen teitä voitostanne. Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. = Tervehdys, olen Keisarinna Wu Zetian. Kiinan halu on rauha ja kehittyminen. Jättäkää meidät rauhaan ja me jätämme teidät. My friend, do you think you can accept this request? = Ystäväni, luuletko että voin hyväksyä tämän pyynnön? How are you today? = Kuinka voitte tänään? Oh. It's you? = Ai, sinä. Art of War = Sodankäynnin taito Great General provides double combat bonus = Merkittävä Kenraali antaa taistelubonuksen tuplana Beijing = Peking Shanghai = Shanghai Guangzhou = Kanton Nanjing = Nanjing Xian = Xian Chengdu = Chengdu Hangzhou = Hangzhou Tianjin = Tianjin Macau = Macau Shandong = Shandong Kaifeng = Kaifeng Ningbo = Ningbo Baoding = Baoding Yangzhou = Yangzhou Harbin = Harbin Chongqing = Chongqing Luoyang = Luoyang Kunming = Kunming Taipei = Taipei Shenyang = Shenyang Taiyuan = Taiyuan Tainan = Tainan Dalian = Dalian Lijiang = Lijiang Wuxi = Wuxi Suzhou = Suzhou Maoming = Maoming Shaoguan = Shaoguan Yangjiang = Yangjiang Heyuan = Heyuan Huangshi = Huangshi Yichang = Yichang Yingtian = Yingtian Xinyu = Xinyu Xinzheng = Xinzheng Handan = Handan Dunhuang = Dunhuang Gaoyu = Gaoyu Nantong = Nantong Weifang = Weifang Xikang = Xikang Egypt = Egypti Ramesses II = Ramses II You are but a pest on this Earth, prepare to be eliminated! = Olet tämän maailman vitsaus, valmistaudu tuhoosi! You are a fool who evokes pity. You have brought my hostility upon yourself and your repulsive civilization! = Olet säälittävä hölmö. Olet saattanut vihamielisyyteni sinun ja inhottavan sivilisaatiosi päälle! Strike me down and my soul will torment yours forever, you have won nothing. = Tuhoa minut, ja sieluni piinaa sinua ikuisesti. Et ole voittanut mitään. Greetings, I am Ramesses the god. I am the living embodiment of Egypt, mother and father of all civilizations. = Tervehdys, olen jumalallinen Ramses. Olen Egyptin, kaikkien sivilisaatioiden isän ja äidin, ruumiillistuma. Generous Egypt makes you this offer. = Antelias Egypti tekee teille tarjouksen. Good day. = Päivää. Oh, it's you. = Ai, sinä. Monument Builders = Monumentin rakentajat +[amount]% Production when constructing [building] = +[amount]% Tuotanto [building]itä valmistessa Thebes = Theba Memphis = Memfis Heliopolis = Heliopolis Elephantine = Elephantine Alexandria = Aleksandria Pi-Ramesses = Pi-Ramesses Giza = Giza Byblos = Byblos Akhetaten = Akhetaten Hieraconpolis = Hieraconpolis Abydos = Abydos Asyut = Asyut Avaris = Avaris Lisht = Lisht Buto = Buto Edfu = Edfu Pithom = Pithom Busiris = Busiris Kahun = Kahun Athribis = Athribis Mendes = Mendes Elashmunein = Elashmunein Tanis = Tanis Bubastis = Bubastis Oryx = Oryx Sebennytus = Sebennytus Akhmin = Akhmin Karnak = Karnak Luxor = Luxor El Kab = El Kab Armant = Armant Balat = Balat Ellahun = Ellahun Hawara = Hawara Dashur = Dashur Damanhur = Damanhur Abusir = Abusir Herakleopolis = Herakleopolis Akoris = Akoris Benihasan = Benihasan Badari = Badari Hermopolis = Hermopolis Amrah = Amrah Koptos = Koptos Ombos = Ombos Naqada = Naqada Semna = Semna Soleb = Soleb England = Englanti Elizabeth = Elisabet By the grace of God, your days are numbered. = Jumalan armolla teidän päivänne ovat luetut. We shall never surrender. = Emme luovuta ikinä. You have triumphed over us. The day is yours. = Olette vieneet voiton meiltä. Tämä on päivänne. We are pleased to meet you. = Mukava tavata teidät. Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England? = Kiinnostaisiko kauppasopimus Englannin kanssa? Hello, again. = Hei taas. Oh, it's you! = Ai, sinä! Sun Never Sets = Aurinko ei laske koskaan +2 movement for all naval units = +2 siirtojen kantavuus laivastoyksiköille London = Lontoo York = York Nottingham = Nottingham Hastings = Hastings Canterbury = Canterbury Coventry = Coventry Warwick = Warwick Newcastle = Newcastle Oxford = Oxford Liverpool = Liverpool Dover = Dover Brighton = Brighton Norwich = Norwich Leeds = Leeds Reading = Reading Birmingham = Birmingham Richmond = Richmond Exeter = Exeter Cambridge = Cambridge Gloucester = Gloucester Manchester = Manchester Bristol = Bristol Leicester = Leicester Carlisle = Carlisle Ipswich = Ipswich Portsmouth = Portsmouth Berwick = Berwick Bath = Bath Mumbles = Mumbles Southampton = Southampton Sheffield = Sheffield Salisbury = Salisbury Colchester = Colchester Plymouth = Plymouth Lancaster = Lancaster Blackpool = Blackpool Winchester = Winchester Hull = Hull France = Ranska Napoleon = Napoleon You're disturbing us, prepare for war. = Häiritset meitä. Valmistaudu sotaan! You've fallen into my trap. I'll bury you. = Olet langennut ansaani. Hautaan sinut. I congratulate you for your victory. = Onnittelen teitä voitostanne. Welcome. I'm Napoleon, of France; the smartest military man in world history. = Tervetuloa. Olen Napoleon Ranskasta, viisain sotilas maailman historiassa. France offers you this exceptional proposition. = Ranska tarjoaa teille tätä harvinaislaatuista mahdollisuutta. Hello. = Hei. It's you. = Sinä. Ancien Régime = Ancien Régime +2 Culture per turn from cities before discovering Steam Power = +2 kulttuuria vuorossa kaupungeista ennen Höyryvoiman keksimistä Paris = Pariisi Orleans = Orleans Lyon = Lyon Troyes = Troyes Tours = Tours Marseille = Marseille Chartres = Chartres Avignon = Avignon Rouen = Rouen Grenoble = Grenoble Dijon = Dijon Amiens = Amiens Cherbourg = Cherbourg Poitiers = Poitiers Toulouse = Toulouse Bayonne = Bayonne Strasbourg = Strasbourg Brest = Brest Bordeaux = Bordeaux Rennes = Rennes Nice = Nice Saint Etienne = Saint Etienne Nantes = Nantes Reims = Reims Le Mans = Le Mans Montpellier = Montpellier Limoges = Limoges Nancy = Nancy Lille = Lille Caen = Caen Toulon = Toulon Le Havre = Le Havre Lourdes = Lourdes Cannes = Cannes Aix-En-Provence = Aix-En-Provence La Rochelle = La Rochelle Bourges = Bourges Calais = Calais Russia = Venäjä Catherine = Katariina You've behaved yourself very badly, you know it. Now it's payback time. = Olet käyttäytynyt todella huonosti. Nyt on takaisinmaksun aika. You've mistaken my passion for a weakness, you'll regret about this. = Olet luullut intohimoni olevan heikkous, ja nyt saa kärsiä siitä. We were defeated, so this makes me your prisoner. I suppose there are worse fates. = Hävisimme, olen siis teidän vankinne. Kohtalo voisi olla pahempikin. I greet you, stranger! If you are as intelligent and tactful as you are attractive, we'll get along just fine. = Tervehdin teitä, muukalainen! Jos olette yhtä älykäs ja tahdikas kuin olette vetovoimainen, tulemme pärjämäämään hyvin yhdessä. How would you like it if I propose this kind of exchange? = Mitä mieltä olette tällaisesta vaihtokaupasta? Hello! = Hei! What do you need?! = Mitä oikein tarvitset!? Siberian Riches = Siperian rikkaudet Double quantity of [resource] produced = [resource] tuottavat resurssit tuplana Moscow = Moskova St. Petersburg = Pietari Novgorod = Novgorod Rostov = Rostov Yaroslavl = Yaroslavl Yekaterinburg = Yekaterinburg Yakutsk = Yakutsk Vladivostok = Vladivostok Smolensk = Smolensk Orenburg = Orenburg Krasnoyarsk = Krasnoyarsk Khabarovsk = Khabarovsk Bryansk = Bryansk Tver = Tver Novosibirsk = Novosibirsk Magadan = Magadan Murmansk = Murmansk Irkutsk = Irkutsk Chita = Chita Samara = Samara Arkhangelsk = Arkhangelsk Chelyabinsk = Chelyabinsk Tobolsk = Tobolsk Vologda = Vologda Omsk = Omsk Astrakhan = Astrakhan Kursk = Kursk Saratov = Saratov Tula = Tula Vladimir = Vladimir Perm = Perm Voronezh = Voronezh Pskov = Pskov Starayarussa = Starayarussa Kostoma = Kostoma Nizhniy Novgorod = Nizhniy Novgorod Suzdal = Suzdal Magnitogorsk = Magnitogorsk Rome = Rooma Augustus Caesar = Augustus Caesar My treasury contains little and my soldiers are getting impatient... ...therefore you must die. = Varani hupenevat ja sotilaani käyvät kärsimättömiksi... Siispä sinun täytyy kuolla. So brave, yet so stupid! If only you had a brain similar to your courage. = Niin uhrea mutta niin tyhmä! Voi kunpa aivosi vetäisivät vertoja rohkeudellesi. The gods have deprived Rome of their favour. We have been defeated. = Jumalat ovat hyljänneet Rooman. Meidät on kukistettu. I greet you. I am Augustus, Imperator and Pontifex Maximus of Rome. If you are a friend of Rome, you are welcome. = Tervehdin teitä. Olen Augustus, Rooman Imperaattori ja Pontifex Maximus. Jos olette Rooman ystävä, olette tervetulleet. I offer this, for your consideration. = Tarjoan tämän harkintaanne. Hail. = Tervehdys. What do you want? = Mitä haluat? The Glory of Rome = Rooman loisto +25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital = +25% Tuotanto rakennuksiin jotka löytyvät jo pääkaupungista Antium = Antium Cumae = Cumae Neapolis = Neapolis Ravenna = Ravenna Arretium = Arretium Mediolanum = Mediolanum Arpinum = Arpinum Circei = Circei Setia = Setia Satricum = Satricum Ardea = Ardea Ostia = Ostia Velitrae = Velitrae Viroconium = Viroconium Tarentum = Tarentum Brundisium = Brundisium Caesaraugusta = Caesaraugusta Caesarea = Caesarea Palmyra = Palmyra Signia = Signia Aquileia = Aquileia Clusium = Clusium Sutrium = Sutrium Cremona = Cremona Placentia = Placentia Hispalis = Hispalis Artaxata = Artaxata Aurelianorum = Aurelianorum Nicopolis = Nicopolis Agrippina = Agrippina Verona = Verona Corfinium = Corfinium Treverii = Treverii Sirmium = Sirmium Augustadorum = Augustadorum Curia = Curia Interrama = Interrama Adria = Adria Arabia = Arabia Harun al-Rashid = Harun al-Rashid The world will be more beautiful without you. Prepare for war. = Maailmasta tulee kauniimpi ilman sinua. Valmistaudu sotaan. Fool! You will soon regret dearly! I swear it! = Typerys! Tulet pian katumaan, vannon sen! You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, and I beg that you care well for the peacock. = Olet voittanut, onnitteluni. Palatsini on nyt hallussani, ja anelen että pidät huolta riikinkukoistani. Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me about your empire. = Tervehdys vieras, olen Harun Al-Rashid, Arabien Kalifi. Tulkaa kertomaan teidän valtakunnastanne. Come forth, let's do business. = Tulkaa, käykäämme kauppaa. Peace be upon you. = Rauha teille. Trade Caravans = Kauppakaravaanit [stats] from each Trade Route = [stats] jokaisesta Kauppareitistä Mecca = Mekka Medina = Medina Damascus = Damaskos Baghdad = Baghdad Najran = Najran Kufah = Kufah Basra = Basra Khurasan = Khurasan Anjar = Anjar Fustat = Fustat Aden = Aden Yamama = Yamama Muscat = Muscat Mansura = Mansura Bukhara = Bukhara Fez = Fez Shiraz = Shiraz Merw = Merw Balkh = Balkh Mosul = Mosul Aydab = Aydab Bayt = Bayt Suhar = Suhar Taif = Taif Hama = Hama Tabuk = Tabuk Sana'a = Sana'a Shihr = Shihr Tripoli = Tripoli Tunis = Tunis Kairouan = Kairouan Algiers = Algiers Oran = Oran America = Amerikka George Washington = George Washington Your wanton aggression leaves us no choice. Prepare for war! = Mielivaltainen agressiivisuutesi ei jätä meille vaihtoehtoja. Valmistaudu sotaan! You have mistaken our love of peace for weakness. You shall regret this! = Olet luullut rakkautemme rauhaa kohtaan olevan heikkous. Saat katua! The day...is yours. I hope you will be merciful in your triumph. = Tämä päivä on teidän... Toivottavasti olette armollinen voitossanne. The people of the United States of America welcome you. = Yhdysvaltain kansa toivottaa teidät tervetulleeksi. Is the following trade of interest to you? = Olisitteko kiinnostuneet seuraavasta kaupasta? Well? = Noh? Manifest Destiny = Kutsumuskohtalo +1 Sight for all land military units = +1 Näkökyky kaikille kuivan maan sotilasyksiköille. -50% cost when purchasing tiles = 50% alennus ruutuja ostaessa Washington = Washington New York = New York Boston = Boston Philadelphia = Philadelphia Atlanta = Atlanta Chicago = Chicago Seattle = Seattle San Francisco = San Francisco Los Angeles = Los Angeles Houston = Houston Portland = Portland St. Louis = St. Louis Miami = Miami Buffalo = Buffalo Detroit = Detroit New Orleans = New Orleans Baltimore = Baltimore Denver = Denver Cincinnati = Cincinnati Dallas = Dallas Cleveland = Cleveland Kansas City = Kansas City San Diego = San Diego Las Vegas = Las Vegas Phoenix = Phoenix Albuquerque = Albuquerque Minneapolis = Minneapolis Pittsburgh = Pittsburgh Oakland = Oakland Tampa Bay = Tampa Bay Orlando = Orlando Tacoma = Tacoma Santa Fe = Santa Fe Olympia = Olympia Hunt Valley = Hunt Valley Springfield = Springfield Palo Alto = Palo Alto Centralia = Centralia Spokane = Spokane Jacksonville = Jacksonville Svannah = Svannah Charleston = Charleston San Antonio = San Antonio Anchorage = Anchorage Sacramento = Sacramento Reno = Reno Salt Lake City = Salt Lake City Boise = Boise Milwaukee = Milwaukee Santa Cruz = Santa Cruz Little Rock = Little Rock Japan = Japani Oda Nobunaga = Oda Nobunaga I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. = Ilmoitan aikomuksestamme pyyhkia kansakuntasi kartalta. Pitiful fool! Now we shall destroy you! = Säälittävä hölmö! Tuhoamme sinut! You were much wiser than I thought. = Olit viisaampi kuin luulin. We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery. = Toivomme reiluja ja oikeudenmukaisia suhteita teidän, joka on sotilaallisesta urheudesta tunnettu, kanssa. I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. = Olisin kiitollinen jos hyväksyisitte tämän ehdotuksen. Oh, it's you... = Ai, se olet sinä... Bushido = Bushido Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged = Yksiköt taistelevat täydellä vahvuudella vaikka olisivat vahingoittuneet Kyoto = Kioto Osaka = Osaka Tokyo = Tokio Satsuma = Satsuma Kagoshima = Kagoshima Nara = Nara Nagoya = Nagoya Izumo = Izumo Nagasaki = Nagasaki Yokohama = Yokohama Shimonoseki = Shimonoseki Matsuyama = Matsuyama Sapporo = Sapporo Hakodate = Hakodate Ise = Ise Toyama = Toyama Fukushima = Fukushima Suo = Suo Bizen = Bizen Echizen = Echizen Izumi = Izumi Omi = Omi Echigo = Echigo Kozuke = Kozuke Sado = Sado Kobe = Kobe Nagano = Nagano Hiroshima = Hiroshima Takayama = Takayama Akita = Akita Fukuoka = Fukuoka Aomori = Aomori Kamakura = Kamakura Kochi = Kochi Naha = Naha Sendai = Sendai Gifu = Gifu Yamaguchi = Yamaguchi Ota = Ota Tottori = Tottori India = Intia Gandhi = Gandhi I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. = Olen juuri saanut raportin että lukuisat sotilaani ovat ylittäneet rajasi. My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind. = Yritykseni välttää väkivaltaa on epäonnistunut. Silmä silmästä tekee maailmasta sokean. You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. = Voit kahlita minut, kiduttaa minua ja jopa tuhota tämän kehon, mutta et ikinä tule vangitsemaan mieltäni. Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend. = Hei, Olen Mohandas Gandhi. Kansani kutsuu minua Bapuksi, mutta sinä voit kutsua ystäväksi. My friend, are you interested in this arrangement? = Ystäväni, oletko kiinnostunut tällaisesta järjestelystä? I wish you peace. = Toivon sinulle rauhaa. Population Growth = Väestönkasvu Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled = Tyytymättömyys kaupunkien määrästä tuplattu Delhi = Delhi Mumbai = Mumbai Vijayanagara = Vijayanagara Pataliputra = Pataliputra Varanasi = Varanasi Agra = Agra Calcutta = Kalkutta Lahore = Lahore Bangalore = Bangalore Hyderabad = Hyderabad Madurai = Madurai Ahmedabad = Ahmedabad Kolhapur = Kolhapur Prayaga = Prayaga Ayodhya = Ayodhya Indraprastha = Indraprastha Mathura = Mathura Ujjain = Ujjain Gulbarga = Gulbarga Jaunpur = Jaunpur Rajagriha = Rajagriha Sravasti = Sravasti Tiruchirapalli = Tiruchirapalli Thanjavur = Thanjavur Bodhgaya = Bodhgaya Kushinagar = Kushinagar Amaravati = Amaravati Gaur = Gaur Gwalior = Gwalior Jaipur = Jaipur Karachi = Karachi Germany = Saksa Otto von Bismarck = Otto von Bismarck I cannot wait until ye grow even mightier. Therefore, prepare for war! = En voi odottaa kasvuanne vielä mahtavammaksi. Valmistautukaa siis sotaan! Corrupted villain! We will bring you into the ground! = Kieroutunut pahantekijä! Germany has been destroyed. I weep for the future generations. = Saksa on tuhottu. Itken tulevien sukupolvien puolesta. Guten tag. In the name of the great German people, I bid you welcome. = Guten tag. Mahtavan Saksan kansan puolesta, toivotan teidät tervetulleeksi. It would be in your best interest, to carefully consider this proposal. = Olisi viisainta jos harkitsisit tätä tarjousta. What now? = Mitä nyt? So, out with it! = No, kakista ulos! Furor Teutonicus = Teiutonien Raivo 67% chance to earn 25 Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit from a conquered encampment = 67% mahdollisuus ansaita 25 Kultaa ja värvätä Barbaariyksikkö valloitetusta barbaarileiristä. -25% land units maintenance = -25% maayksikköjen ylläpito Berlin = Berliini Hamburg = Hampuri Munich = München Cologne = Köln Frankfurt = Frankfurt Essen = Essen Dortmund = Dortmund Stuttgart = Stuttgart Dusseldorf = Düsseldorf Bremen = Bremen Hannover = Hannover Duisburg = Duisburg Leipzig = Leipzig Dresden = Dresden Bonn = Bonn Bochum = Bochum Bielefeld = Bielefeld Karlsruhe = Karlsruhe Gelsenkirchen = Gelsenkirchen Wiesbaden = Wiesbaden Munster = Munster Rostok = Rostok Chemnitz = Chemnitz Braunschweig = Braunschweig Halle = Halle Mצnchengladbach = Mצnchengladbach Kiel = Kiel Wuppertal = Wuppertal Freiburg = Freiburg Hagen = Hagen Erfurt = Erfurt Kaiserslautern = Kaiserslautern Kassel = Kassel Oberhausen = Oberhausen Hamm = Hamm Saarbrucken = Saarbrucken Krefeld = Krefeld Pirmasens = Pirmasens Potsdam = Potsdam Solingen = Solingen Osnabruck = Osnabruck Ludwingshafen = Ludwingshafen Leverkusen = Leverkusen Oldenburg = Oldenburg Neuss = Neuss Mulheim = Mulheim Darmstadt = Darmstadt Herne = Herne Wurzburg = Wurzburg Recklinghausen = Recklinghausen Gצttingen = Gצttinge Wolfsburg = Wolfsburg Koblenz = Koblenz Hildesheim = Hildesheim Erlangen = Erlangen The Ottomans = Osmanit Suleiman I = Suleiman I Your continued insolence and failure to recognize and preeminence leads us to war. = Jatkuva röyhkeytesi ja kieltäytymisesi tunnistamasta meitä ylivoimaisiksi johtaa meidät sotaan. Good. The world shall witness the incontestable might of my armies and the glory of the Empire. = Hyvä. Maailma tulee näkemään armeijoideni kiistattoman mahdin ja imperiumin loiston. Ruin! Ruin! Istanbul becomes Iram of the Pillars, remembered only by the melancholy poets. = Tuho! Tuho! Istanbulista tulee Iramin kadonnut kaupunki jonka muistaa vain surumieliset runoilijat. From the magnificence of Topkapi, the Ottoman nation greets you, stranger! I'm Suleiman, Kayser-I Rum, and I bestow upon you my welcome! = Osmanien valtakunta tervehtii teitä mahtavasta Topkapista! Olen Suleiman,Kayser-I Rum, ja toivotan teidät tervetulleeksi! Let us do business! Would you be interested? = Käykäämme kauppaa! Olisitko kiinnostunut? Barbary Corsairs = Barbaarikaapparit Pay only one third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance = Maksat vain kolmanneksen laivaston yksiköiden ylläpidosta Melee naval units have a 1/3 chance to capture defeated naval units = Lähitaistelevilla laivaston yksiköillä on 1/3 mahdollisuus kaapata kukistetut vihollisen laivaston yksiköt Istanbul = Istanbul Edirne = Edirne Ankara = Ankara Bursa = Bursa Konya = Konya Samsun = Samsun Gaziantep = Gaziantep Diyabakir = Diyabakir Izmir = Izmir Kayseri = Kayseri Malatya = Malatya Marsin = Marsin Antalya = Antalya Zonguldak = Zonguldak Denizli = Denizli Ordu = Ordu Mugia = Mugia Eskishehir = Eskishehir Inebolu = Inebolu Sinop = Sinop Adana = Adana Artuin = Artuin Bodrum = Bodrum Eregli = Eregli Silifke = Silifke Sivas = Sivas Amasya = Amasya Marmaris = Marmaris Trabzon = Trabzon Erzurum = Erzurum Urfa = Urfa Izmit = Izmit Afyonkarhisar = Afyonkarhisar Bitlis = Bitlis Yalova = Yalova Korea = Korea Sejong = Sejong Jip-hyun-jun (Hall of Worthies) will no longer tolerate your irksome behavior. We will liberate the citizens under your oppression even with force, and enlighten them! = Jip-hyun-jun (Kunnioitettujen sali) ei voi enää hyväksyä harmillista käytöstäsi. Vapautamme kansasi sorrostasi vaikka voimalla ja valaisemme heidät! Foolish, miserable wretch! You will be crushed by this country's magnificent scientific power! = Typerä viheliäinen ruoja! Maamme mahtava tieteellinen valta kukistaa teidät! Now the question is who will protect my people. A dark age has come. = Kuka nyt suojelee kansaani? Pimeä aika on alkanut. Welcome to the palace of Choson, stranger. I am the learned King Sejong, who looks after his great people. = Tervetuloa Chosonin palatsiin, muukalainen. Olen oppinut kuningas Sejong ja huolehdin mahtavasta kansastani. We have many things to discuss and have much to benefit from each other. = Meillä on paljon puhuttavaa, ja meillä on paljon tarjottavaa toisillemme. Oh, it's you = Ai, se olet sinä. Scholars of the Jade Hall = Jade salin oppineet Seoul = Seoul Busan = Busan Jeonju = Jeonju Daegu = Daegu Pyongyang = Pyongyang Kaesong = Kaesong Suwon = Suwon Gwangju = Gwangju Gangneung = Gangneung Hamhung = Hamhung Wonju = Wonju Ulsan = Ulsan Changwon = Changwon Andong = Andong Gongju = Gongju Haeju = Haeju Cheongju = Cheongju Mokpo = Mokpo Dongducheon = Dongducheon Geoje = Geoje Suncheon = Suncheon Jinju = Jinju Sangju = Sangju Rason = Rason Gyeongju = Gyeongju Chungju = Chungju Sacheon = Sacheon Gimje = Gimje Anju = Anju # Requires translation! Iroquois = # Requires translation! Hiawatha = # Requires translation! You are a plague upon Mother Earth! Prepare for battle! = # Requires translation! You evil creature! My braves will slaughter you! = # Requires translation! You have defeated us... but our spirits will never be vanquished! We shall return! = # Requires translation! Greetings, stranger. I am Hiawatha, speaker for the Iroquois. We seek peace with all, but we do not shrink from war. = # Requires translation! Does this trade work for you, my friend? = The Great Warpath = Suuri Sotapolku All units move through Forest and Jungle Tiles in friendly territory as if they have roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel. = Kaikki yksiköt liikkuvat Metsä- ja Viidakkoruuduissa kuin tiellä. Kaupunkiyhteys voi syntyä näitä ruutuja käytten kun olet tutkinut teknologian 'Pyörä' # Requires translation! Onoondaga = # Requires translation! Osininka = # Requires translation! Grand River = # Requires translation! Akwesasme = # Requires translation! Buffalo Creek = # Requires translation! Brantford = # Requires translation! Montreal = # Requires translation! Genesse River = # Requires translation! Canandaigua Lake = # Requires translation! Lake Simcoe = # Requires translation! Salamanca = # Requires translation! Gowanda = # Requires translation! Cuba = # Requires translation! Akron = # Requires translation! Kanesatake = # Requires translation! Ganienkeh = # Requires translation! Cayuga Castle = # Requires translation! Chondote = # Requires translation! Canajoharie = # Requires translation! Nedrow = # Requires translation! Oneida Lake = # Requires translation! Kanonwalohale = # Requires translation! Green Bay = # Requires translation! Southwold = # Requires translation! Mohawk Valley = # Requires translation! Schoharie = # Requires translation! Bay of Quinte = # Requires translation! Kanawale = # Requires translation! Kanatsiokareke = # Requires translation! Tyendinaga = # Requires translation! Hahta = Persia = Persia Darius I = Darius I Your continue existence is an embarrassment to all leaders everywhere! You must be destroyed! = Olemassaolosi on häpeän aihe maailman johtajille! Sinut täytyy tuhota! Curse you! You are beneath me, son of a donkey driver! I will crush you! = Kirottu olkoon! Olet minua alhaisempi, sinä aasin paimentajan poika! Nitistän sinut! You mongrel! Cursed be you! The world will long lament your heinous crime! = Sinä rakki! Kirottu olkoon! Maailma tulee suremaan pitkään hirveää rikostasi! Peace be on you! I am Darius, the great and outstanding king of kings of great Persia... but I suppose you knew that. = Rauha olkoon kanssasi! Olen Darius, mahtava ja erinomainen kuninkaiden kuningas Persiasta... Mutta toki tiesit sen. In my endless magnanimity, I am making you this offer. You agree, of course? = Loputtamassa jalomielisyydessäni teen tämän tarjoukset. Hyväksyt sen toki? Good day to you! = Päivää sinulle! Ahh... you... = Ai... sinä... Achaemenid Legacy = Akhaimenidien Perintö +10% Strength for all units during Golden Age = +10% Vahvuus kaikille yksiköille Kultakauden aikana +1 Movement for all units during Golden Age = +1 Liikkuvuus kaikille yksiköille Kultakauden aikana Persepolis = Persepolis Parsagadae = Pasargadai # Requires translation! Susa = # Requires translation! Ecbatana = # Requires translation! Tarsus = # Requires translation! Gordium = # Requires translation! Bactra = # Requires translation! Sardis = # Requires translation! Ergili = # Requires translation! Dariushkabir = # Requires translation! Ghulaman = # Requires translation! Zohak = # Requires translation! Istakhr = # Requires translation! Jinjan = # Requires translation! Borazjan = # Requires translation! Herat = # Requires translation! Dakyanus = # Requires translation! Bampur = # Requires translation! Turengtepe = # Requires translation! Rey = # Requires translation! Thuspa = # Requires translation! Hasanlu = # Requires translation! Gabae = # Requires translation! Merv = # Requires translation! Behistun = # Requires translation! Kandahar = # Requires translation! Altintepe = # Requires translation! Bunyan = # Requires translation! Charsadda = # Requires translation! Uratyube = # Requires translation! Dura Europos = # Requires translation! Aleppo = # Requires translation! Qatna = # Requires translation! Kabul = # Requires translation! Capisa = # Requires translation! Kyreskhata = # Requires translation! Marakanda = # Requires translation! Peshawar = # Requires translation! Van = # Requires translation! Pteira = # Requires translation! Arshada = # Requires translation! Artakaona = # Requires translation! Aspabota = # Requires translation! Autiyara = # Requires translation! Bagastana = # Requires translation! Baxtri = # Requires translation! Darmasa = # Requires translation! Daphnai = # Requires translation! Drapsaka = # Requires translation! Eion = # Requires translation! Gandutava = # Requires translation! Gaugamela = # Requires translation! Harmozeia = # Requires translation! Ekatompylos = # Requires translation! Izata = # Requires translation! Kampada = # Requires translation! Kapisa = # Requires translation! Karmana = # Requires translation! Kounaxa = # Requires translation! Kuganaka = # Requires translation! Nautaka = # Requires translation! Paishiyauvada = # Requires translation! Patigrbana = # Requires translation! Phrada = Polynesia = Polynesia Kamehameha I = Kamehameha I The ancient fire flashing across the sky is what proclaimed that this day would come, though I had foolishly hoped for a different outcome. = Muinainen liekki taivalla ennusti että tämä päivä tulisi, mutta typeryydessäni toivoin eri lopputulosta. It is obvious now that I misjudged you and your true intentions. = Arvioin selvästi sinut ja tarkoitusperäsi väärin. The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for me now. = Kovakuorinen rapu antaa periksi, ja leijona asettuu maaten. Kanaloa tulee ja vie minut. Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands. = Aloha! Tervehdys ja siunaukset sinulle, ystäväni. Olen Kamehameha, näiden saarien mahtava kuningas! Come, let our people feast together! = Antakaamme kansojemme juhlia yhdessä! Welcome, friend! = Tervetuloa, ystäväni. Wayfinding = Suunnistus +1 Sight when embarked = +1 Näkökyky kuivan maan yksiköille vesillä. Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately = Kuivan maan yksiköt voivat siirtyä vesille ja liikkua Rantavesissä ja Merellä heti +[amount]% Strength if within 2 tiles of a [tileImprovement] = +[amount]% Vahvuus vähintään 2 ruudun päässä parannuksesta [tileImprovement] Honolulu = Honolulu # Requires translation! Samoa = # Requires translation! Tonga = # Requires translation! Nuku Hiva = # Requires translation! Raiatea = # Requires translation! Aotearoa = # Requires translation! Tahiti = # Requires translation! Hilo = # Requires translation! Te Wai Pounamu = # Requires translation! Rapa Nui = # Requires translation! Tuamotu = # Requires translation! Rarotonga = # Requires translation! Tuvalu = # Requires translation! Tubuai = # Requires translation! Mangareva = # Requires translation! Oahu = # Requires translation! Kiritimati = # Requires translation! Ontong Java = # Requires translation! Niue = # Requires translation! Rekohu = # Requires translation! Rakahanga = # Requires translation! Bora Bora = # Requires translation! Kailua = # Requires translation! Uvea = # Requires translation! Futuna = # Requires translation! Rotuma = # Requires translation! Tokelau = # Requires translation! Lahaina = # Requires translation! Bellona = # Requires translation! Mungava = # Requires translation! Tikopia = # Requires translation! Emae = # Requires translation! Kapingamarangi = # Requires translation! Takuu = # Requires translation! Nukuoro = # Requires translation! Sikaiana = # Requires translation! Anuta = # Requires translation! Nuguria = # Requires translation! Pileni = # Requires translation! Nukumanu = Siam = Siam Ramkhamhaeng = Ramkhamhaeng You lowly, arrogant fool! I will make you regret of your insolence! = Sinä alhainen, röyhkeä typerys! Panen sinut katumaan röyhkeyttäsi! You scoundrel! I shall prepare to fend you off! = Sinä roisto! Valmistaudun torjumaan sinut! Althought I lost, my honor shall endure. I wish you good luck. = Vaikka hävisin, kunniani kestää. Toivotan sinulle onnea matkaan. I, Pho Kun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam, consider it a great honor that you have walked to visit my country of Siam. = Minä, Pho Kun Ramkhamhaeng, Siamin kuningas, pidän suurena kunniana sitä että saavuit vierailemaan maassani. Greetings. I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think? = Tervehdys. Uskon tämän olevan reilu ehdotus kummallekin osapuolelle. Mitä mieltä olet? Welcome. = Tervetuloa. Father Governs Children = Isän kurinpito Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50% = Saat 50% enemmän Ruoka ja Kulttuuri lahjoja Ystävystytyiltä Kaupunkivaltioilta # Requires translation! Sukhothai = # Requires translation! Si Satchanalai = # Requires translation! Muang Saluang = # Requires translation! Lampang = # Requires translation! Phitsanulok = # Requires translation! Kamphaeng Pet = # Requires translation! Nakhom Chum = # Requires translation! Vientiane = # Requires translation! Nakhon Si Thammarat = # Requires translation! Martaban = # Requires translation! Nakhon Sawan = # Requires translation! Chainat = # Requires translation! Luang Prabang = # Requires translation! Uttaradit = # Requires translation! Chiang Thong = # Requires translation! Phrae = # Requires translation! Nan = # Requires translation! Tak = # Requires translation! Suphanburi = # Requires translation! Hongsawadee = # Requires translation! Thawaii = # Requires translation! Ayutthuya = # Requires translation! Taphan Hin = # Requires translation! Uthai Thani = # Requires translation! Lap Buri = # Requires translation! Ratchasima = # Requires translation! Ban Phai = # Requires translation! Loci = # Requires translation! Khon Kaen = # Requires translation! Surin = Spain = Espanja Isabella = Isabella God will probably forgive you... but I shall not. Prepare for war. = Jumala antaa sinulle anteeksi... Mutta minä en. Valmistaudu sotaan. Repugnant spawn of the devil! You will pay! = Sinä inhottava paholaisenjälkikasvu! Saat maksaa! If my defeat is, without any doubt, the will of God, then I will accept it. = Jos häviöni on ilman epäilystä Jumalan tahto, hyväksyn sen. God blesses those who deserve it. I am Isabel of Spain. = Jumala siunaa sen ansaitsevat. Olen Isabella Espanjasta. I hope this deal will receive your blessing. = Toivon että tämä tarjous saa siunauksesi. Seven Cities of Gold = Seitsemän kultakaupunkia Double Happiness from Natural Wonders = Tuplaten Tyytyväisyytta Luonnonihmeistä Tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled = Ruutujen saannit Luonnonihmeistä tuplattu 100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it) = 100 Kultaa luonnonihmeiden löytämisestä (500 jos olet sen ensimmäinen löytäjä) # Requires translation! Madrid = # Requires translation! Barcelona = # Requires translation! Seville = # Requires translation! Cordoba = # Requires translation! Toledo = # Requires translation! Santiago = # Requires translation! Murcia = # Requires translation! Valencia = # Requires translation! Zaragoza = # Requires translation! Pamplona = # Requires translation! Vitoria = # Requires translation! Santander = # Requires translation! Oviedo = # Requires translation! Jaen = # Requires translation! Logroño = # Requires translation! Valladolid = # Requires translation! Palma = # Requires translation! Teruel = # Requires translation! Almeria = # Requires translation! Leon = # Requires translation! Zamora = # Requires translation! Mida = # Requires translation! Lugo = # Requires translation! Alicante = # Requires translation! Càdiz = # Requires translation! Eiche = # Requires translation! Alcorcon = # Requires translation! Burgos = # Requires translation! Vigo = # Requires translation! Badajoz = # Requires translation! La Coruña = # Requires translation! Guadalquivir = # Requires translation! Bilbao = # Requires translation! San Sebastian = # Requires translation! Granada = # Requires translation! Mérida = # Requires translation! Huelva = # Requires translation! Ibiza = # Requires translation! Las Palmas = # Requires translation! Tenerife = Songhai = Songhai Askia = Askia # Requires translation! You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You must be destroyed! = # Requires translation! Fool! You have doomed your people to fire and destruction! = # Requires translation! We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next! = # Requires translation! I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past. = # Requires translation! Can I interest you in this deal? = River Warlord = Jokien Sotalordi # Requires translation! Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities = # Requires translation! Embarked units can defend themselves = # Requires translation! Gao = # Requires translation! Tombouctu = # Requires translation! Jenne = # Requires translation! Taghaza = # Requires translation! Tondibi = # Requires translation! Kumbi Saleh = # Requires translation! Kukia = # Requires translation! Walata = # Requires translation! Tegdaoust = # Requires translation! Argungu = # Requires translation! Gwandu = # Requires translation! Kebbi = # Requires translation! Boussa = # Requires translation! Motpi = # Requires translation! Bamako = # Requires translation! Wa = # Requires translation! Kayes = # Requires translation! Awdaghost = # Requires translation! Ouadane = # Requires translation! Dakar = # Requires translation! Tadmekket = # Requires translation! Tekedda = # Requires translation! Kano = # Requires translation! Agadez = # Requires translation! Niamey = # Requires translation! Torodi = # Requires translation! Ouatagouna = # Requires translation! Dori = # Requires translation! Bamba = # Requires translation! Segou = # Requires translation! Mongolia = # Requires translation! Genghis Khan = # Requires translation! You stand in the way of my armies. Let us solve this like warriors! = # Requires translation! No more words. Today, Mongolia charges toward your defeat. = # Requires translation! You have hobbled the Mongolian clans. My respect for you nearly matches the loathing. I am waiting for my execution. = # Requires translation! I am Temuujin, conqueror of cities and countries. Before me lie future Mongolian lands. Behind me is the only cavalry that matters. = # Requires translation! I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we give you. = # Requires translation! So what now? = Mongol Terror = Mongoolien Hirmuvalta # Requires translation! +30% Strength when fighting City-State units and cities = # Requires translation! +[amount] Movement for all [unitType] units = # Requires translation! Karakorum = # Requires translation! Beshbalik = # Requires translation! Turfan = # Requires translation! Hsia = # Requires translation! Old Sarai = # Requires translation! New Sarai = # Requires translation! Tabriz = # Requires translation! Tiflis = # Requires translation! Otrar = # Requires translation! Sanchu = # Requires translation! Kazan = # Requires translation! Almarikh = # Requires translation! Ulaanbaatar = # Requires translation! Hovd = # Requires translation! Darhan = # Requires translation! Dalandzadgad = # Requires translation! Mandalgovi = # Requires translation! Choybalsan = # Requires translation! Erdenet = # Requires translation! Tsetserieg = # Requires translation! Baruun-Urt = # Requires translation! Ereen = # Requires translation! Batshireet = # Requires translation! Choyr = # Requires translation! Ulaangom = # Requires translation! Tosontsengel = # Requires translation! Altay = # Requires translation! Uliastay = # Requires translation! Bayanhongor = # Requires translation! Har-Ayrag = # Requires translation! Nalayh = # Requires translation! Tes = # Requires translation! Inca = # Requires translation! Pachacuti = # Requires translation! Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! = # Requires translation! Declare war on me?!? You can't, because I declare war on you first! = # Requires translation! How did you darken the sun? I ruled with diligence and mercy—see that you do so as well. = # Requires translation! How are you? You stand before Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui. = # Requires translation! The Incan people offer this fair trade. = # Requires translation! How are you doing? = # Requires translation! What do you want now? = Great Andean Road = Mahtava Andien Tie # Requires translation! 50% Maintenance costs reduction = # Requires translation! Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills = # Requires translation! No Maintenance costs for improvements in Hills = # Requires translation! Cuzco = # Requires translation! Tiwanaku = # Requires translation! Machu = # Requires translation! Ollantaytambo = # Requires translation! Corihuayrachina = # Requires translation! Huamanga = # Requires translation! Rumicucho = # Requires translation! Vilcabamba = # Requires translation! Vitcos = # Requires translation! Andahuaylas = # Requires translation! Ica = # Requires translation! Arequipa = # Requires translation! Nasca = # Requires translation! Atico = # Requires translation! Juli = # Requires translation! Chuito = # Requires translation! Chuquiapo = # Requires translation! Huanuco Pampa = # Requires translation! Tamboccocha = # Requires translation! Huaras = # Requires translation! Riobamba = # Requires translation! Caxamalca = # Requires translation! Sausa = # Requires translation! Tambo Colorado = # Requires translation! Huaca = # Requires translation! Tumbes = # Requires translation! Chan Chan = # Requires translation! Sipan = # Requires translation! Pachacamac = # Requires translation! Llactapata = # Requires translation! Pisac = # Requires translation! Kuelap = # Requires translation! Pajaten = # Requires translation! Chucuito = # Requires translation! Choquequirao = # Requires translation! Denmark = # Requires translation! Harald Bluetooth = # Requires translation! If I am to be honest, I tire of those pointless charades. Why don't we settle our disputes on the field of battle, like true men? Perhaps the skalds will sing of your valor... or mine! = # Requires translation! Ahahah! You seem to show some skills of a true Viking! Too bad that I'll probably kill you! = # Requires translation! Loki must have stood by you, for a common man alone could not have defeated me... Oh well! I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here. = # Requires translation! Harad Bluetooth bids you welcome to his lands, a Viking unlike any the seas and lands have ever known! Hah, are you afraid? = # Requires translation! This is a fine deal! Even a drunk beggar would agree! = # Requires translation! Hail to you. = Viking Fury = Viikinkien Raivo # Requires translation! +1 Movement for all embarked units = # Requires translation! Melee units pay no movement cost to pillage = # Requires translation! Units pay only 1 movement point to embark and disembark = # Requires translation! Copenhagen = # Requires translation! Aarhus = # Requires translation! Kaupang = # Requires translation! Ribe = # Requires translation! Viborg = # Requires translation! Tunsbers = # Requires translation! Roskilde = # Requires translation! Hedeby = # Requires translation! Oslo = # Requires translation! Jelling = # Requires translation! Truso = # Requires translation! Bergen = # Requires translation! Faeroerne = # Requires translation! Reykjavik = # Requires translation! Trondheim = # Requires translation! Godthab = # Requires translation! Helluland = # Requires translation! Lillehammer = # Requires translation! Markland = # Requires translation! Elsinore = # Requires translation! Sarpsborg = # Requires translation! Odense = # Requires translation! Aalborg = # Requires translation! Stavanger = # Requires translation! Vorbasse = # Requires translation! Schleswig = # Requires translation! Kristiansand = # Requires translation! Halogaland = # Requires translation! Randers = # Requires translation! Fredrikstad = # Requires translation! Kolding = # Requires translation! Horsens = # Requires translation! Tromsoe = # Requires translation! Vejle = # Requires translation! Koge = # Requires translation! Sandnes = # Requires translation! Holstebro = # Requires translation! Slagelse = # Requires translation! Drammen = # Requires translation! Hillerod = # Requires translation! Sonderborg = # Requires translation! Skien = # Requires translation! Svendborg = # Requires translation! Holbaek = # Requires translation! Hjorring = # Requires translation! Fladstrand = # Requires translation! Haderslev = # Requires translation! Ringsted = # Requires translation! Skrive = # Requires translation! Milan = # Requires translation! You leave us no choice. War it must be. = # Requires translation! Very well, this shall not be forgotten. = # Requires translation! You fiend! History shall remember this! = # Requires translation! Florence = # Requires translation! And so the flower of Florence falls to barbaric hands... = # Requires translation! Rio de Janeiro = # Requires translation! I have to do this, for the sake of progress if nothing else. You must be opposed! = # Requires translation! You can see how fruitless this will be for you... right? = # Requires translation! May God grant me these last wishes - peace and prosperity for Brazil. = # Requires translation! Antwerp = # Requires translation! They will write songs of this.... pray that they shall be in your favor. = # Requires translation! Dublin = # Requires translation! War lingers in our hearts. Why carry on with a false peace? = # Requires translation! You gormless radger! You'll dine on your own teeth before you set foot in Ireland! = # Requires translation! A lonely wind blows through the highlands today. A dirge for Ireland. Can you hear it? = # Requires translation! Tyre = # Requires translation! We never fully trusted you from the start. = # Requires translation! Ur = # Requires translation! I will enjoy hearing your last breath as you witness the destruction of your realm! = # Requires translation! Why do we fight? Because Inanna demands it. Now, witness the power of the Sumerians! = # Requires translation! What treachery has struck us? No, what evil? = # Requires translation! Genoa = # Requires translation! How barbaric. Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword. = Venice = Venetsia # Requires translation! You have revealed your purposes a bit too early, my friend... = # Requires translation! A wrong calculation, on my part. = Brussels = Brysseli # Requires translation! I guess you weren't here for the sprouts after all... = # Requires translation! Unacceptable! = # Requires translation! Sidon = # Requires translation! What a fine battle! Sidon is willing to serve you! = # Requires translation! Almaty = # Requires translation! How could we fall to the likes of you?! = # Requires translation! Edinburgh = # Requires translation! You shall stain this land no longer with your vileness! To arms, my countrymen - we ride to war! = # Requires translation! Traitorous man! The Celtic peoples will not stand for such wanton abuse and slander - I shall have your head! = # Requires translation! Vile ruler, know that you 'won' this war in name only! = # Requires translation! Singapore = # Requires translation! Perhaps, in another world, we could have been friends... = # Requires translation! Zanzibar = # Requires translation! May the Heavens forgive you for inflicting this humiliation to our people. = Sydney = Sydney # Requires translation! After thorough deliberation, Australia finds itself at a crossroads. Prepare yourself, for war is upon us. = # Requires translation! We will mobilize every means of resistance to stop this transgression against our nation! = # Requires translation! The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build. = Cape Town = Kapkaupunki # Requires translation! I have failed. May you, at least, know compassion towards our people. = Kathmandu = Kathmandu # Requires translation! We... defeated? No... we had so much work to do! = Hanoi = Hanoi # Requires translation! So this is how it feels to die... = Quebec City = Quebec City # Requires translation! We were too weak to protect ourselves... = Helsinki = Helsinki # Requires translation! The day of judgement has come to us. But rest assured, the same will go for you! = # Requires translation! Kuala Lumpur = # Requires translation! Today, the Malay people obey you, but do not think this is over... = # Requires translation! Manila = # Requires translation! Ah, Gods! Why have you forsaken us? = # Requires translation! Lhasa = # Requires translation! Perhaps now we will find peace in death... = Vancouver = Vancouver # Requires translation! In responding to the unstinting malignancy that has heretofore defined your relationship with Canada, we can have no recourse but war! = # Requires translation! As we can reach no peaceful resolution with you, Canada must turn, with reluctance, to war. = # Requires translation! I regret not defending my country to the last, although it was not of use. = # Requires translation! M'Banza-Kongo = # Requires translation! Do you really think you can walk over us so easily? I will not let it happen. Not to Kongo - not to my people! = # Requires translation! We are no strangers to war. You have strayed from the right path, and now we will correct it. = # Requires translation! You are nothing but a glorified barbarian. Cruel, and ruthless. = # Requires translation! Mogadishu = # Requires translation! Congratulations, conquerer. This tribe serves you now. = Barbarians = Barbaarit #################### Lines from Policies from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Aristocracy = Aristokratia # Requires translation! [stats] per [amount] population in all cities = Legalism = Legalismi Immediately creates a cheapest available cultural building in each of your first 4 cities for free = Luo välittömästi halvimman kulttuurirakennuksen ilmaiseksi 4 ensimmäiseen kaupunkiisi # Requires translation! Oligarchy = Units in cities cost no Maintenance = Yksiköt eivät maksa Ylläpitoa kaupungeissa. # Requires translation! +50% attacking strength for cities with garrisoned units = Landed Elite = Maanomistajien Eliitti # Requires translation! +10% food growth in capital = # Requires translation! [stats] in capital = Monarchy = Monarkia # Requires translation! +1 gold and -1 unhappiness for every 2 citizens in capital = # Requires translation! Tradition Complete = +15% growth in all cities = +15% Väestönkasvu # Requires translation! [stats] in all cities = Ancient era = Muinainen aikakausi Tradition = Perinteet # Requires translation! Increased rate of border expansion = # Requires translation! Collective Rule = # Requires translation! Training of settlers increased +50% in capital = Citizenship = Kansalaisuus # Requires translation! Tile improvement speed +25% = # Requires translation! Republic = # Requires translation! Representation = # Requires translation! Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal = # Requires translation! Meritocracy = # Requires translation! +1 happiness for every city connected to capital = # Requires translation! Liberty Complete = Liberty = Vapaus Warrior Code = Soturin Säännöstö # Requires translation! Discipline = # Requires translation! +15% combat strength for melee units which have another military unit in an adjacent tile = Military Tradition = Sodankäynnin Perinteet # Requires translation! Military units gain 50% more Experience from combat = Military Caste = Sotilaskasti # Requires translation! [stats] in all cities with a garrison = # Requires translation! Professional Army = Honor Complete = Kunnia valmis # Requires translation! Gain gold for each unit killed = Honor = Kunnia # Requires translation! +25% bonus vs Barbarians = # Requires translation! Gain Culture when you kill a barbarian unit = # Requires translation! Notified of new Barbarian encampments = Organized Religion = Järjestäytynyt Uskonto # Requires translation! Mandate Of Heaven = # Requires translation! 50% of excess happiness added to culture towards policies = Theocracy = Teokratia # Requires translation! +[amount]% [stat] from every [building] = # Requires translation! Reformation = # Requires translation! +33% culture in all cities with a world wonder = Free Religion = Uskonvapaus Piety Complete = Hartaus valmis Classical era = Klassinen aikakausi Piety = Hartaus # Requires translation! +[amount]% Production when constructing [stat] buildings = # Requires translation! Trade Unions = # Requires translation! Maintenance on roads & railroads reduced by 33% = # Requires translation! Mercantilism = # Requires translation! Entrepreneurship = # Requires translation! Patronage = # Requires translation! Cost of purchasing [stat] buildings reduced by [amount]% = # Requires translation! Protectionism = # Requires translation! +1 happiness from each luxury resource = # Requires translation! Commerce Complete = Double gold from Great Merchant trade missions = Tuplasti Kultaa Merkittävän Kauppiaan Kauppamatkasta Medieval era = Keskiaika Commerce = Kaupankäynti # Requires translation! +25% gold in capital = # Requires translation! Secularism = Humanism = Humanismi Free Thought = Vapaa tahto # Requires translation! Sovereignty = # Requires translation! +15% science while empire is happy = # Requires translation! Scientific Revolution = # Requires translation! Rationalism Complete = # Requires translation! [stats] from all [stat] buildings = # Requires translation! Renaissance era = # Requires translation! Rationalism = # Requires translation! Production to science conversion in cities increased by 33% = Constitution = Perustuslaki # Requires translation! [stats] from every Wonder = # Requires translation! Universal Suffrage = Civil Society = Kansalaisyhteiskunta # Requires translation! -50% food consumption by specialists = Free Speech = Sananvapaus Democracy = Demokratia # Requires translation! Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = # Requires translation! Freedom Complete = # Requires translation! Tile yield from Great Improvements +100% = Freedom = Vapaus Populism = Populismi Wounded military units deal +25% damage = Haavoittuneet sotilasyksiköt tekevät 25% enemmän vahinkoa Militarism = Militarismi # Requires translation! Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = # Requires translation! Fascism = # Requires translation! Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = # Requires translation! Police State = # Requires translation! Total War = # Requires translation! New military units start with [amount] Experience = # Requires translation! Autocracy Complete = # Requires translation! +20% attack bonus to all Military Units for 30 turns = # Requires translation! Industrial era = Autocracy = Yksinvaltius # Requires translation! -33% unit upkeep costs = #################### Lines from Techs from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Agriculture = Maanviljely Starting tech = Aloitusteknologia # Requires translation! 'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster = Pottery = Keramiikka # Requires translation! 'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 = # Requires translation! Animal Husbandry = # Requires translation! 'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 = # Requires translation! Archery = # Requires translation! 'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop = Mining = Kaivokset # Requires translation! 'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty = Sailing = Purjehdus # Requires translation! 'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles = Calendar = Kalenteri # Requires translation! 'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = Writing = Kirjoitus # Requires translation! 'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton = Trapping = Ansoitus # Requires translation! 'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome = # Requires translation! The Wheel = # Requires translation! 'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb = # Requires translation! Masonry = # Requires translation! 'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil = # Requires translation! Bronze Working = # Requires translation! 'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer = # Requires translation! Optics = Enables embarkation for land units = Sallii kuivan maan yksiköiden vesille siirtymisen # Requires translation! 'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler = # Requires translation! Horseback Riding = # Requires translation! 'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) = # Requires translation! Mathematics = # Requires translation! 'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon = # Requires translation! Construction = # Requires translation! 'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe = Philosophy = Filosofia # Requires translation! 'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates = Currency = Valuutta # Requires translation! 'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope = Engineering = Tekniikka Roads connect tiles across rivers = Tiet yhdistyvät joen yli # Requires translation! 'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci = Iron Working = Raudantyöstö # Requires translation! 'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats = Theology = Teologia # Requires translation! 'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas = Civil Service = Valtionvirat Enables Open Borders agreements = Avaa Avointen Rajojen sopimuksen # Requires translation! 'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy = # Requires translation! Guilds = # Requires translation! Enables conversion of city production to gold = # Requires translation! 'The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained...' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = Metal Casting = Metallin Valaminen # Requires translation! 'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = Compass = Kompassi # Requires translation! 'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes = Education = Koulutus Enables conversion of city production to science = Sallii tuotannon muuttamisen Tieteeksi Enables Research agreements = Sallii Tutkimussopimukset # Requires translation! 'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle = # Requires translation! Chivalry = # Requires translation! 'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.' - Malory = # Requires translation! Machinery = # Requires translation! Improves movement speed on roads = # Requires translation! 'The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.' - Thomas Jefferson = # Requires translation! Physics = # Requires translation! 'Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.' - Galileo Galilei = # Requires translation! Steel = # Requires translation! 'John Henry said to his Captain, / 'A man ain't nothin' but a man, / And before I'll let your steam drill beat me down, / I'll die with the hammer in my hand.'' - Anonymous: The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Drivin' Man = # Requires translation! Astronomy = # Requires translation! Increases embarked movement +1 = Enables embarked units to enter ocean tiles = Sallii vesille siirtyneiden kuivan maan yksiköiden kulun merellä # Requires translation! 'Joyfully to the breeze royal Odysseus spread his sail, and with his rudder skillfully he steered.' - Homer = # Requires translation! Acoustics = # Requires translation! 'Their rising all at once was as the sound of thunder heard remote' - Milton = # Requires translation! Banking = # Requires translation! 'Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion' - Jean Jacques Rousseau = # Requires translation! Printing Press = # Requires translation! 'It is a newspaper's duty to print the news and raise hell.' - The Chicago Times = # Requires translation! Gunpowder = # Requires translation! 'The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops.' - Alfred Nobel = # Requires translation! Navigation = # Requires translation! 'The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.' - Edward Gibbon = # Requires translation! Architecture = # Requires translation! 'Architecture begins where engineering ends.' - Walter Gropius = # Requires translation! Economics = # Requires translation! 'Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.' - Albert Einstein = # Requires translation! Metallurgy = # Requires translation! 'There never was a good knife made of bad steel.' - Benjamin Franklin = # Requires translation! Chemistry = # Requires translation! 'Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.' - Calvin Coolidge = # Requires translation! Archaeology = # Requires translation! 'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana = # Requires translation! Scientific Theory = # Requires translation! 'Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.' - John Dewey = # Requires translation! Industrialization = # Requires translation! 'Industrialization based on machinery, already referred to as a characteristic of our age, is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology.' - Emily Greene Balch = # Requires translation! Rifling = # Requires translation! 'It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.' - Robert E. Lee = # Requires translation! Military Science = # Requires translation! 'Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.' - George S. Patton = # Requires translation! Fertilizer = # Requires translation! 'The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.' - Franklin Delano Roosevelt = # Requires translation! Biology = # Requires translation! 'If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.' - Lyall Watson = # Requires translation! Electricity = # Requires translation! 'Is it a fact - or have I dreamt it - that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?' - Nathaniel Hawthorne = # Requires translation! Steam Power = # Requires translation! 'The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.' - Townsend Harris = # Requires translation! Dynamite = # Requires translation! 'As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.' - Christopher Dawson = # Requires translation! Modern era = # Requires translation! Refrigeration = # Requires translation! 'And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.' - William Wordsworth = # Requires translation! Radio = # Requires translation! 'The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants.' - Woody Allen = # Requires translation! Replaceable Parts = # Requires translation! 'Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.' - Henry Ford = # Requires translation! Flight = # Requires translation! 'Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.' - Igor Sikorsky = # Requires translation! Railroad = # Requires translation! 'The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.' - Thomas Jefferson = # Requires translation! Plastics = # Requires translation! 'Ben, I want to say one word to you, just one word: plastics.' - Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, The Graduate = # Requires translation! Electronics = # Requires translation! 'There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time.' - Trip Hawkins = # Requires translation! Ballistics = # Requires translation! 'Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest.' - Jean Paul = # Requires translation! Combustion = # Requires translation! 'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein = # Requires translation! Information era = # Requires translation! Pharmaceuticals = # Requires translation! 'In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men.' - Cicero = # Requires translation! Atomic Theory = # Requires translation! 'The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.' - Albert Einstein = # Requires translation! Radar = # Requires translation! 'Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.' - Jonathan Swift = # Requires translation! Combined Arms = # Requires translation! 'The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest.' - Ludwig von Mises = # Requires translation! Ecology = # Requires translation! 'Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species, man, acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.' - Rachel Carson = # Requires translation! Nuclear Fission = # Requires translation! 'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' - J. Robert Oppenheimer = # Requires translation! Rocketry = # Requires translation! 'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 = # Requires translation! Computers = # Requires translation! +10% science and production in all cities = # Requires translation! 'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell = # Requires translation! Future era = # Requires translation! Mobile Tactics = # Requires translation! 'All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.' - Sun Tzu = # Requires translation! Satellites = # Requires translation! 'Now, somehow, in some new way, the sky seemed almost alien.' - Lyndon B. Johnson = # Requires translation! Robotics = # Requires translation! '1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except when such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.' - Isaac Asimov = # Requires translation! Lasers = # Requires translation! 'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = # Requires translation! Particle Physics = # Requires translation! 'Every particle of matter is attracted by or gravitates to every other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the squares of their distances.' - Isaac Newton = # Requires translation! Nanotechnology = # Requires translation! 'The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives.' - Richard Schwartz = # Requires translation! Future Tech = # Requires translation! Who knows what the future holds? = # Requires translation! Can be continually researched = # Requires translation! 'I think we agree, the past is over.' - George W. Bush = #################### Lines from Terrains from Civ V - Vanilla #################### # Requires translation! Ocean = # Requires translation! Coast = # Requires translation! Grassland = # Requires translation! Plains = # Requires translation! Tundra = # Requires translation! Desert = # Requires translation! Lakes = # Requires translation! Hill = # Requires translation! Mountain = # Requires translation! Snow = # Requires translation! Forest = # Requires translation! Jungle = Marsh = Suo Fallout = Ydinlaskeuma Oasis = Keidas Flood plains = Tulvatasanko Ice = Jäätikkö Atoll = Atolli Great Barrier Reef = Iso valliriutta Old Faithful = Vanha uskollinen Grants 500 Gold to the first civilization to discover it = Ensimmäinen löytäjä saa 500 Kultaa El Dorado = El Doraro # Requires translation! Grants Rejuvenation (all healing effects doubled) to adjacent military land units for the rest of the game = Fountain of Youth = Nuoruuden Lähde Grand Mesa = Grand Mesa Mount Fuji = Fuji Krakatoa = Krakatau # Requires translation! Rock of Gibraltar = Cerro de Potosi = Cerro de Potosi Barringer Crater = Barringer-kraatteri #################### Lines from TileImprovements from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Farm = Maatila Lumber mill = Saha Mine = Kaivos Trading post = Kauppa-asema Camp = Leiri Oil well = Oljypumppu Pasture = Laidunmaa Plantation = Plantaasi Quarry = Louhos Fishing Boats = Kalastusveneet # Requires translation! Gives a defensive bonus of [amount]% = # Requires translation! Can be built outside your borders = # Requires translation! Fort = Road = Tie # Requires translation! Remove Forest = Remove Jungle = Poista Viidakko Remove Fallout = Poista Ydinlaskeuma Remove Marsh = Poista Suo Remove Road = Poista Tie Remove Railroad = Poista Rautatie # Requires translation! Cancel improvement order = Great Improvement = Merkittävä parannus Academy = Akatemia Landmark = Maamerkki Manufactory = Tehdas Customs house = Tullirakennus # Requires translation! Deal 30 damage to adjacent enemy units = # Requires translation! Citadel = # Requires translation! [stats] for each adjacent [tileImprovement] = # Requires translation! Can only be built on Coastal tiles = # Requires translation! Moai = # Requires translation! Cannot be built on bonus resource = # Requires translation! Terrace farm = # Requires translation! Ancient ruins = # Requires translation! City ruins = # Requires translation! Barbarian encampment = #################### Lines from TileResources from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Cattle = Karjaa Sheep = Lampaat Deer = Kauriit Bananas = Banaanit Wheat = Vehnä Stone = Kivi Fish = Kalat Horses = Hevoset Iron = Rauta Coal = Hiili Oil = Öljy Aluminum = Alumiini Uranium = Uraani Furs = Turkikset Cotton = Puuvilla Dyes = Värit Gems = Jalokivet Gold = Kulta Silver = Hopea Incense = Suitsukkeet Ivory = Norsunluu Silk = Silkki Spices = Mausteet Wine = Viini Sugar = Sokeri +15% production towards Wonder construction = +15% Tuotantoa Ihmeitä rakentaessa Marble = Marmori Whales = Valaat Pearls = Helmet #################### Lines from UnitPromotions from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Heal Instantly = Palaudu välittömästi Heal this Unit by 50 HP; Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = Paranna tämän yksikön terveyttä 50 pistettä Accuracy I = Tarkkuus I Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus [unitType] vastaan Accuracy II = Tarkkuus II Accuracy III = Tarkkuus III # Requires translation! Barrage I = # Requires translation! Barrage II = # Requires translation! Barrage III = # Requires translation! Volley = # Requires translation! Extended Range = # Requires translation! +1 Range = # Requires translation! Indirect Fire = # Requires translation! Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = # Requires translation! Shock I = # Requires translation! Shock II = # Requires translation! Shock III = # Requires translation! Drill I = # Requires translation! Drill II = # Requires translation! Drill III = # Requires translation! Charge = # Requires translation! Siege = # Requires translation! Formation I = # Requires translation! Formation II = # Requires translation! Blitz = # Requires translation! 1 additional attack per turn = # Requires translation! Woodsman = # Requires translation! Double movement rate through Forest and Jungle = Medic = Lääkintämies This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP per turn = Tämä ja ympärillä olevat yksiköt palautuvat 5 Terveyttä vuorossa tavanomaisen lisäksi # Requires translation! Medic II = # Requires translation! This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP. This unit heals 5 additional HP outside of friendly territory. = Scouting I = Tiedustelu I +1 Visibility Range = +1 Näkökyky Scouting II = Tiedustelu II +1 Movement = +1 Liikkuvuus # Requires translation! Scouting III = # Requires translation! Boarding Party I = # Requires translation! Boarding Party II = # Requires translation! Boarding Party III = # Requires translation! Coastal Raider I = # Requires translation! Coastal Raider II = # Requires translation! Coastal Raider III = Wolfpack I = Susilauma I Bonus as Attacker [amount]% = +[amount]% hyökätessä Wolfpack II = Susilauma II Wolfpack III = Susilauma III # Requires translation! Armor Plating I = # Requires translation! +25% Combat Bonus when defending = # Requires translation! Armor Plating II = # Requires translation! Armor Plating III = # Requires translation! Flight Deck I = # Requires translation! Can carry 1 extra air unit = # Requires translation! Flight Deck II = # Requires translation! Flight Deck III = # Requires translation! Siege I = # Requires translation! Siege II = # Requires translation! Siege III = # Requires translation! Evasion = # Requires translation! Reduces damage taken from interception by 50% = # Requires translation! Interception I = # Requires translation! Bonus when intercepting [amount]% = # Requires translation! Interception II = # Requires translation! Interception III = # Requires translation! Sortie = # Requires translation! 1 extra Interception may be made per turn = # Requires translation! Operational Range = # Requires translation! +2 Range = Air Repair = Ilmakorjaus # Requires translation! Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = # Requires translation! Cover I = # Requires translation! +25% Defence against ranged attacks = # Requires translation! Cover II = March = Marssi # Requires translation! Mobility = # Requires translation! Sentry = Logistics = Logistiikka # Requires translation! Ambush I = # Requires translation! Ambush II = # Requires translation! Bombardment I = # Requires translation! Bombardment II = # Requires translation! Bombardment III = # Requires translation! Targeting I = # Requires translation! Targeting I (air) = # Requires translation! Targeting II = # Requires translation! Targeting III = # Requires translation! Haka War Dance = # Requires translation! -10% combat strength for adjacent enemy units = # Requires translation! Rejuvenation = # Requires translation! All healing effects doubled = # Requires translation! Slinger Withdraw = # Requires translation! May withdraw before melee ([amount]%) = #################### Lines from Units from Civ V - Vanilla #################### Worker = Työmies Can build improvements on tiles = Voi rakentaa parannuksia ruutuihin Founds a new city = Perustaa uuden kaupungin Scout = Tiedustelija # Requires translation! Ignores terrain cost = # Requires translation! Warrior = # Requires translation! Maori Warrior = # Requires translation! Brute = Archer = Jousimies Bowman = Jousisoturi Slinger = Ritsamies # Requires translation! Work Boats = # Requires translation! May create improvements on water resources = # Requires translation! Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = # Requires translation! Trireme = # Requires translation! Cannot enter ocean tiles = # Requires translation! Chariot Archer = # Requires translation! Rough terrain penalty = # Requires translation! No defensive terrain bonus = # Requires translation! War Chariot = War Elephant = Sotanorsu Spearman = Keihäsmies # Requires translation! Hoplite = # Requires translation! Persian Immortal = # Requires translation! +10 HP when healing = # Requires translation! Catapult = # Requires translation! Must set up to ranged attack = # Requires translation! Ballista = # Requires translation! Swordsman = # Requires translation! Legion = Can construct roads = Voi rakentaa teitä # Requires translation! Mohawk Warrior = # Requires translation! +33% combat bonus in Forest/Jungle = # Requires translation! Horseman = # Requires translation! Penalty vs [unitType] = # Requires translation! Can move after attacking = # Requires translation! Companion Cavalry = Crossbowman = Jalkajousimies # Requires translation! Chu-Ko-Nu = # Requires translation! Longbowman = # Requires translation! Trebuchet = # Requires translation! Limited Visibility = # Requires translation! Hwach'a = # Requires translation! Longswordsman = Samurai = Samurai # Requires translation! Combat very likely to create Great Generals = # Requires translation! Berserker = # Requires translation! Amphibious = # Requires translation! Pikeman = # Requires translation! Landsknecht = # Requires translation! Can move immediately once bought = # Requires translation! Galleass = # Requires translation! Knight = # Requires translation! Camel Archer = # Requires translation! Conquistador = # Requires translation! Defense bonus when embarked = # Requires translation! +2 Visibility Range = # Requires translation! Naresuan's Elephant = # Requires translation! Mandekalu Cavalry = # Requires translation! Keshik = # Requires translation! 50% Bonus XP gain = # Requires translation! Caravel = # Requires translation! Turtle Ship = # Requires translation! Cannon = # Requires translation! Musketman = # Requires translation! Musketeer = # Requires translation! Janissary = # Requires translation! Heals [amount] damage if it kills a unit = # Requires translation! Minuteman = # Requires translation! Tercio = # Requires translation! Frigate = # Requires translation! Ship of the Line = # Requires translation! Lancer = # Requires translation! Sipahi = # Requires translation! No movement cost to pillage = # Requires translation! Gatling Gun = # Requires translation! Rifleman = Carrier = Lentotukialus Can carry 2 aircraft = Voi kantaa kahta lentokonetta # Requires translation! Triplane = # Requires translation! [amount]% chance to intercept air attacks = # Requires translation! 6 tiles in every direction always visible = # Requires translation! Great War Bomber = # Requires translation! Norwegian Ski Infantry = # Requires translation! Double movement in Snow, Tundra and Hills = # Requires translation! +25% bonus in Snow, Tundra and Hills = # Requires translation! Cavalry = # Requires translation! Cossack = # Requires translation! Artillery = # Requires translation! Ironclad = # Requires translation! Double movement in coast = Fighter = Hävittäjä # Requires translation! Zero = Bomber = Pommikone B17 = B17 # Requires translation! Nuclear Missile = # Requires translation! Requires Manhattan Project = # Requires translation! Landship = # Requires translation! Destroyer = # Requires translation! Can attack submarines = # Requires translation! Battleship = Submarine = Sukellusvene # Requires translation! Can only attack water = # Requires translation! Can enter ice tiles = # Requires translation! Invisible to others = # Requires translation! Great War Infantry = Foreign Legion = Muukalaislegioona # Requires translation! +20% bonus outside friendly territory = Infantry = Jalkaväki # Requires translation! Machine Gun = # Requires translation! Anti-Aircraft Gun = Tank = Panssarivaunu # Requires translation! Panzer = # Requires translation! Anti-Tank Gun = # Requires translation! Rocket Artillery = # Requires translation! Mechanized Infantry = # Requires translation! Modern Armor = # Requires translation! Great Artist = # Requires translation! Great Person - [stat] = # Requires translation! Can construct [tileImprovement] = # Requires translation! Can start an 8-turn golden age = # Requires translation! Great Scientist = # Requires translation! Can hurry technology research = Great Merchant = Merkittävä Kauppias # Requires translation! Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence = # Requires translation! Great Engineer = # Requires translation! Can speed up construction of a wonder = # Requires translation! Great General = # Requires translation! Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = # Requires translation! Khan = # Requires translation! Heal adjacent units for an additional 15 HP per turn = #################### Lines from Tutorials #################### # Requires translation! Introduction = # Requires translation! Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! = # Requires translation! New Game = # Requires translation! Your first mission is to found your capital city.\nThis is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous.\nMany game bonuses apply only to your capital city and it will probably be the center of your empire. = # Requires translation! How do you know a spot is appropriate?\nThat’s not an easy question to answer, but looking for and building next to luxury resources is a good rule of thumb.\nLuxury resources are tiles that have things like gems, cotton, or silk (indicated by a smiley next to the resource icon)\nThese resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as iron. Cities cannot be built within 3 tiles of existing cities, which is another thing to watch out for! = # Requires translation! However, cities don’t have a set area that they can work - more on that later!\nThis means you don’t have to settle cities right next to resources.\nLet’s say, for example, that you want access to some iron – but the resource is right next to a desert.\nYou don’t have to settle your city next to the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands.\nYour city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource.\nYou only need to settle right next to resources if you need them immediately – \n which might be the case now and then, but you’ll usually have the luxury of time. = # Requires translation! The first thing coming out of your city should be either a Scout or Warrior.\nI generally prefer the Warrior because it can be used for defense and because it can be upgraded\n to the Swordsman unit later in the game for a relatively modest sum of gold.\nScouts can be effective, however, if you seem to be located in an area of dense forest and hills.\nScouts don’t suffer a movement penalty in this terrain.\nIf you’re a veteran of the 4x strategy genre your first Warrior or Scout will be followed by a Settler.\nFast expanding is absolutely critical in most games of this type. = # Requires translation! In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention = # Requires translation! Culture and Policies = # Requires translation! Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. = # Requires translation! The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. = # Requires translation! With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! = # Requires translation! City Expansion = # Requires translation! Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. = # Requires translation! Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. = # Requires translation! Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. = # Requires translation! As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. = # Requires translation! In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. = # Requires translation! This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn’t do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. = # Requires translation! Unhappiness = # Requires translation! It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, cities will grow at 1/4 the speed, and your units will suffer a 2% penalty for each unhappiness = # Requires translation! Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 = # Requires translation! There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders = # Requires translation! You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. = # Requires translation! Roads and Railroads = # Requires translation! Connecting your cities to the capital by roads\n will generate gold via the trade route.\nNote that each road costs 1 gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 gold,\n so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! = # Requires translation! Victory Types = # Requires translation! Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. = # Requires translation! There are three ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri = # Requires translation! So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness,\n and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. = # Requires translation! Enemy City = # Requires translation! Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = # Requires translation! Luxury Resource = # Requires translation! Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = # Requires translation! Strategic Resource = # Requires translation! Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses. = # Requires translation! Unlike Luxury Resources, each Strategic Resource on the map provides more than one of that resource.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own.\nA full drilldown of resources is available in the Resources tab in the Overview screen. = # Requires translation! The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit = # Requires translation! After Conquering = # Requires translation! When conquering a city, you can now choose to either or raze, puppet, or annex the city.\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed. = # Requires translation! Puppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost, but its citizens will generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness.\nAnnexing the city will give you control over the production, but will increase the citizen's unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state! = # Requires translation! You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! = # Requires translation! You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on = # Requires translation! Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a scientific victory! = # Requires translation! Injured Units = # Requires translation! Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive\nUnits heal 5 health per turn in enemy territory, 10 in neutral land,\n 15 inside your territory and 20 in your cities = # Requires translation! Workers = # Requires translation! Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = # Requires translation! Siege Units = # Requires translation! Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = # Requires translation! Embarking = # Requires translation! Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn.\nUnits are defenseless while embarked, so be careful! = Idle Units = Toimettomat Yksiköt # Requires translation! If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units = # Requires translation! Contact Me = # Requires translation! Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n UnCiv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = # Requires translation! What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! = # Requires translation! Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) = Pillaging = Ryöstely # Requires translation! Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch. = Experience = Kokemus # Requires translation! Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = # Requires translation! Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Combat = Taistelu # Requires translation! Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. = # Requires translation! Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. = # Requires translation! Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependent on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. = # Requires translation! Research Agreements = # Requires translation! In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. = # Requires translation! The amount of Science you receive at the end is dependent on the science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! = # Requires translation! Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-states are nations that can't win, don't conquer other cities and can't be traded with. = # Requires translation! Instead, diplomatic relations with city-states are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-state likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. = # Requires translation! Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. = # Requires translation! Great People = # Requires translation! Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per turn.\nThere are several types of Great People, and their points accumulate separately.\nThe number of points per turn and accumulated points can be viewed in the Overview screen. = # Requires translation! Once enough points have been accumulaated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. = # Requires translation! Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! = Removing Terrain Features = Maaston ominaisuuksien poistaminen # Requires translation! Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to work those resources. = # Requires translation! Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =