[ { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Move unit]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Move a unit!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Move unit", "imageSize":140}, {"text":"Click on a unit → Click on a destination → Click the arrow popup."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Found city]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Found a city!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Found city", "imageSize":140}, {"text":"Select the Settler → Click on 'Found city'."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Enter city screen]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Enter the city screen!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Enter city screen", "imageSize":100}, {"text":"Click the city button twice."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Pick technology]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Pick a technology to research!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Pick technology", "imageSize":180}, {"text":"Click on the tech button → Select technology → Click 'Research' (bottom right)."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Pick construction]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Pick a construction!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Pick construction", "imageSize":120}, {"text":"Enter city screen → Click on a unit or building → Click 'add to queue'."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Pass a turn]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Pass a turn!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Pass a turn", "imageSize":180}, {"text":"Cycle through units with 'Next unit' → Click 'Next turn'."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Reassign worked tiles]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Reassign worked tiles!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Reassign worked tiles", "imageSize":140}, {"text":"Enter city screen → Click the assigned tile to unassign → Click an unassigned tile to assign population."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Meet another civilization]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Meet another civilization!", "centered": true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Meet another civilization", "imageSize":160}, {"text":"Explore the map until you encounter another civilization!"}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ], "choices": [ { "text":"Got it", "triggeredUniques": ["Mark tutorial [Meet another civilization] complete"], }, ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Open the options table]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Open the options dialog!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Open the options table", "imageSize":130}, {"text":"Click the menu button (top left) → Click 'Options'."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Construct an improvement]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Construct an improvement!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Construct an improvement", "imageSize":150}, {"text":"Construct a Worker unit → Move it to a Plains or Grassland tile → Click 'Construct improvement' → Choose the farm → Leave the worker there until it's finished."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Create a trade route]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Create a trade route!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Create a trade route", "imageSize":120}, {"text":"Construct roads between your capital and another city. Or, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Conquer a city]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Conquer a city!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Conquer a city", "imageSize":160}, {"text":"Bring an enemy city down to low health → Enter the city with a melee unit."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [Move an air unit]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"Move an air unit!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/Move an air unit", "imageSize":140}, {"text":"Select an air unit → Select another city within range → Move the unit to the other city."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, { "name":"Tutorial Task: [See your stats breakdown]", "presentation":"Floating", "civilopediaText":[ {"text":"See your stats breakdown!", "centered":true}, {"extraImage":"Tutorials/See your stats breakdown", "imageSize":140}, {"text":"Enter the Overview screen (top right corner) → Click on 'Stats'."}, ], "uniques": [ "Only available ", "Unavailable " ] }, ]