name: UncivBot on: issue_comment: workflow_dispatch: jobs: update_wiki: if: github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && github.event.issue.pull_request && github.event.comment.body == 'update wiki' && contains(fromJSON('["OWNER", "MEMBER", "COLLABORATOR"]'), github.event.comment.author_association) # This is the only place I could find an apparent list of valid author associations: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Update Wiki. id: update continue-on-error: true env: GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ACTIONS_ACCESS_TOKEN }} CODE_DIR: CodeRepo WIKI_DIR: WikiRepo WIKI_IN_CODE_REPO: /docs/wiki EVENT_CONTEXT: ${{ toJSON(github) }} # Dump for debug. PR_MERGEDAT: ${{ toJSON(github.event.issue.pull_request.merged_at) }} # The environment variable isn't set for `null`, so stringify. PR_AUTHOR: ${{ github.event.issue.user.login }} # I think directly putting these in the script would let quotes in PR title break the script. Set environment variables so Bash can take care of the substitution. PR_TITLE: ${{ github.event.issue.title }} PR_NUMBER: ${{ github.event.issue.number }} PR_URL: ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }} # Compare to # May also be some value in replacing `echo` for logging with some more structured GH Action commands: run: | #echo "$EVENT_CONTEXT" # Dump entire event to logs. Watch out for leaks. set -euo pipefail # Immediate exit on command errors and unset variables. #set -x # Print out each executed command. THIS MAY LEAK THE PERSONAL ACCESS TOKEN SECRET VIA $GH_TOKEN and $WIKI_URL (though AFAICT GH is sanitizing it)! function ghEnvVar() { GHENV_DELIMITER="#GH-EOF_$(date +%s)-$RANDOM!" echo "$1<<$GHENV_DELIMITER" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "$2" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "$GHENV_DELIMITER" >> $GITHUB_ENV # This sets an environment variable for subsequent GH Action steps. } ghEnvVar WIKIBOT_STATUS "" ghEnvVar WIKIBOT_CHANGES "" function ghStatus() { echo $@ ghEnvVar WIKIBOT_STATUS "$@" } for REQUIRED_ENV_VAR in GITHUB_ENV GITHUB_ACTOR GITHUB_SERVER_URL GITHUB_REPOSITORY GH_TOKEN CODE_DIR WIKI_DIR WIKI_IN_CODE_REPO PR_MERGEDAT PR_AUTHOR PR_TITLE PR_NUMBER PR_URL; do if [ -z "$(eval "echo \$$REQUIRED_ENV_VAR")" ]; then ghStatus "ERROR: \$$REQUIRED_ENV_VAR is not set." exit 1 fi done if [ "${PR_MERGEDAT}" = 'null' ]; then ghStatus "ERROR: Pull request must be merged." exit 1 fi CODE_URL="${GITHUB_SERVER_URL}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git" WIKI_URL="https://${GH_TOKEN}@${GITHUB_SERVER_URL#https://}/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.wiki.git" ghStatus "Cloning repository: $CODE_URL" git clone "$CODE_URL" "$CODE_DIR" ghStatus "Cloning Wiki." git clone "$WIKI_URL" "$WIKI_DIR" ghStatus 'Running `rsync`.' rsync -avc --delete --exclude '.git*' "${CODE_DIR}${WIKI_IN_CODE_REPO}/" "$WIKI_DIR/" # …The trailing slashes here are very important! Otherwise it will copy/target the directory, instead of its contents. ghStatus "Formatting Markdown files in $WIKI_DIR." cd "$WIKI_DIR" for f in *.md; do if [ -e "$f" ]; then ghStatus "Formatting $f links." # Convert AS/GH code browser inter-page links to GH Wiki links by stripping `.md` extensions. sed -ie 's|\(](\./[^)]*\)\.md|\1|g' "$f" # Convert AS/GH code browser repo file links to GH Wiki links by prepending repo browser to absolute links. sed -ie 's|](/|](${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}/tree/master/|g' "$f" else # When glob produces no matches, you just get the glob pattern instead. ghStatus "Skipping non-existent file $f." fi done ghStatus "Finished formatting Markdown files." git config "$GITHUB_ACTOR" git config "$" ghStatus "Summarizing files." tree ghStatus "Adding files to Git." git add . ghStatus "Summarizing diff." CHANGES="$(git diff --stat --cached | cat)" # IDK If Git might try to enter the interactive viewer without a pipe output. Probably not, but play it safe. echo "$CHANGES" ghEnvVar WIKIBOT_CHANGES "$CHANGES" ghStatus "Committing changes." git commit --allow-empty -m "@${PR_AUTHOR}: ${PR_TITLE} (#${PR_NUMBER})" -m "${PR_URL}" ghStatus "Pushing changes." git push # Since we just cloned the wiki repo anyway, it should also be safe to use -f. #git push --set-upstream "$WIKI_URL" master # Should be the same since we cloned from the URL, just more explicit. ghStatus "Done." - name: Report Wiki update status. id: report continue-on-error: false uses: actions/github-script@v3 env: WIKIBOT_OUTCOME: ${{ steps.update.outcome }} with: github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} script: | const message = [] message.push(`Wiki update: ${process.env.WIKIBOT_OUTCOME}.`) message.push("") message.push("Status:") message.push("```") message.push(process.env.WIKIBOT_STATUS) message.push("```") message.push("") message.push("Changes:") message.push("```") message.push(process.env.WIKIBOT_CHANGES) message.push("```") //message.push("\n
Details\n\n```JSON\n" + JSON.stringify({context: context, github: github, core: core, glob: glob, io: io, process: process}, null, '\t') + '\n```\n
\n') // Uncomment this for debug. But delete the bot comments on GH afterwards in case it leaks anything. github.issues.createComment({ issue_number: context.issue.number, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: message.join("\n") }) if (process.env.WIKIBOT_OUTCOME != 'success') { core.setFailed(`Failed at: ${process.env.WIKIBOT_STATUS}.`) } summary: if: github.event_name == 'issue_comment' && github.event.comment.body == 'summary' && contains(fromJSON('["OWNER", "MEMBER", "COLLABORATOR"]'), github.event.comment.author_association) # This is the only place I could find an apparent list of valid author associations. Also, at least they're not case-sensitive: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/github-script@v3 with: github-token: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}} script: | var result = await github.repos.listCommits({ owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, per_page: 50 }); var commitSummary = ""; var ownerToCommits = {} var reachedPreviousVersion = false => { if (reachedPreviousVersion) return var author = if (author=="uncivbot[bot]") return var commitMessage = commit.commit.message.split("\n")[0]; if (commitMessage.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)){ // match EXACT version, like 3.4.55 ^ is for start-of-line, $ for end-of-line reachedPreviousVersion=true console.log(commitMessage) return } if (commitMessage.startsWith("Merge ") || commitMessage.startsWith("Update ")) return commitMessage = commitMessage.replace(/\(\#\d+\)/,"") // match PR auto-text, like (#2345) if (author != context.repo.owner){ if (ownerToCommits[author] == undefined) ownerToCommits[author]=[] ownerToCommits[author].push(commitMessage) } else commitSummary += "\n\n" + commitMessage }); Object.entries(ownerToCommits).forEach(entry => { const [author, commits] = entry; if (commits.length==1) commitSummary += "\n\n" + commits[0] + " - By "+author else { commitSummary += "\n\nBy "+author+":" commits.forEach(commitMessage => { commitSummary += "\n- "+commitMessage }) } }) github.issues.createComment({ issue_number: context.issue.number, owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo, body: commitSummary }) merge_translations: if: github.event_name == 'workflow_dispatch' || (github.event.comment.body == 'merge translations' && contains(fromJSON('["OWNER", "MEMBER", "COLLABORATOR"]'), github.event.comment.author_association)) # This is the only place I could find an apparent list of valid author associations. Also, at least they're not case-sensitive: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/github-script@v3 with: # SO, the story is that when using the default access token you CANNOT merge PRs from forks. # _Badly_ documented in multiple places, including here: # To get around this, we created a Personal Access Token, # put it as one of the secrets in the repo settings (, # and use that instead. github-token: ${{ secrets.ACTIONS_ACCESS_TOKEN }} script: | const repo = { owner: context.repo.owner, repo: context.repo.repo } async function branchExists(branchName) { try { await github.git.getRef({...repo, ref: 'heads/' + branchName }) return true } catch (err) { return false } } async function getDefaultBranch() { var repoData = await github.repos.get(repo) return } var translations = "translations" async function createTranslationBranchIfNeeded() { if (await branchExists(translations)) return var defaultBranch = await getDefaultBranch() var currentHead = await github.git.getRef({...repo, ref: 'heads/' + defaultBranch }) var currentSha = console.log("Current sha: " + currentSha) await github.git.createRef({...repo, ref: `refs/heads/`+translations, sha: currentSha }) await github.issues.createComment({...repo, issue_number: context.issue.number, body: 'Translations branch created' }) } async function mergeExistingTranslationsIntoBranch(){ var translationPrs = await github.pulls.list({ ...repo, state: "open" }) // When we used a forEach loop here, only one merge would happen at each run, // because we essentially started multiple async tasks in parallel and they conflicted. // Instead, we use X of Y as per for (const pr of { if (pr.labels.some(label => == "mergeable translation")) await tryMergePr(pr) } } async function tryMergePr(pr){ if (pr.base.ref != translations) await github.pulls.update({ ...repo, pull_number: pr.number, base: translations }) try { await github.pulls.merge({...repo, pull_number: pr.number, merge_method: "squash" }) console.log("Merged #"+pr.number+", "+pr.title) } catch (err) { console.log(err) } } async function createTranslationPrIfNeeded() { var translationPulls = await github.pulls.list({...repo, state: "open", head: context.repo.owner + ":" + translations }); if ( == 0) { var defaultBranch = await getDefaultBranch(context); await github.pulls.create({...repo, title: "Translations update", head: translations, base: defaultBranch }); await github.issues.createComment({...repo, issue_number: context.issue.number, body: 'Translations PR created' }); } } await createTranslationBranchIfNeeded() await mergeExistingTranslationsIntoBranch() await createTranslationPrIfNeeded()