[ { "name": "Tradition", "era": "Ancient era", "uniques": ["[+3 Culture] [in capital]", "-[25]% Culture cost of acquiring tiles [in all cities]"], "policies": [ { "name": "Aristocracy", "uniques": ["+[15]% Production when constructing [Wonders]", "[+1 Happiness] per [10] population [in all cities]"], "row": 1, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Legalism", "uniques":["Immediately creates the cheapest available cultural building in each of your first [4] cities for free"], "row": 1, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Oligarchy", "uniques": ["Units in cities cost no Maintenance", "+[50]% attacking strength for cities with garrisoned units"], "row": 1, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Landed Elite", "uniques": ["+[10]% growth [in capital]", "[+2 Food] [in capital]"], "requires": ["Legalism"], "row": 2, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Monarchy", "uniques": ["[+1 Gold, +1 Happiness] per [2] population [in capital]"], "requires": ["Legalism"], "row": 2, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Tradition Complete", "uniques": ["+[15]% growth [in all cities]","Immediately creates a [Aqueduct] in each of your first [4] cities for free"] } ] }, { "name": "Liberty", "era": "Ancient era", "uniques": ["[+1 Culture] [in all cities]"], "policies": [ { "name": "Republic", "uniques": ["[+1 Production] [in all cities]", "+[5]% Production when constructing [Buildings]"], "row": 1, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Citizenship", "uniques": ["[-25]% tile improvement construction time", "Free [Worker] appears"], "row": 1, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Collective Rule", "uniques": ["+[50]% Production when constructing [Settler] units [in capital]", "Free [Settler] appears"], "requires": ["Republic"], "row": 2, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Representation", "uniques": ["Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [33]% less than normal", "Empire enters golden age"], "requires": ["Citizenship"], "row": 2, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Meritocracy", "uniques": ["[+1 Happiness] [in all cities connected to capital]", "Unhappiness from population decreased by [5]% [in all non-occupied cities]"], "requires": ["Citizenship"], "row": 2, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Liberty Complete", "uniques": ["Free Great Person"] } ] }, { "name": "Honor", "era": "Ancient era", "uniques": ["+[33]% Strength vs [Barbarians]", "Earn [100]% of killed [Barbarian] unit's [Strength] as [Culture]", "Notified of new Barbarian encampments"], "policies": [ { "name": "Warrior Code", "uniques":["+[15]% Production when constructing [Melee] units [in all cities]", "Free [Great General] appears"], "row": 1, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Discipline", "uniques":["[+15]% Strength for [Melee] units which have another [Military] unit in an adjacent tile"], "row": 1, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Military Tradition", "uniques":["[Military] units gain [50]% more Experience from combat"], "requires": ["Warrior Code"], "row": 2, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Military Caste", "uniques": ["[+1 Happiness, +2 Culture] [in all cities with a garrison]"], "requires": ["Discipline"], "row": 2, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Professional Army", "uniques": ["Gold cost of upgrading [Military] units reduced by [33]%", "[+1 Happiness] from every [Walls]", "[+1 Happiness] from every [Castle]", "[+1 Happiness] from every [Arsenal]", "[+1 Happiness] from every [Military Base]" ], "requires": ["Military Caste"], "row": 3, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Honor Complete", "uniques": ["Earn [10]% of killed [Military] unit's [Cost] as [Gold]"] } ] },{ "name": "Piety", "era": "Classical era", "uniques": ["+[15]% Production when constructing [Culture] buildings", "Incompatible with [Rationalism]"], "policies": [ { "name": "Organized Religion", "uniques": ["[+1 Happiness] from every [Monument]","[+1 Happiness] from every [Amphitheater]", "[+1 Happiness] from every [Monastery]"], "row": 1, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Mandate Of Heaven", "uniques": ["50% of excess happiness added to culture towards policies"], "row": 1, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Theocracy", "uniques": ["+[10]% [Gold] from every [Amphitheater]"], "requires": ["Organized Religion"], "row": 2, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Reformation", "uniques": ["+[33]% [Culture] [in all cities with a world wonder]", "Empire enters golden age"], "requires": ["Organized Religion"], "row": 2, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Free Religion", "uniques": ["[+1 Culture] from every [Monument]", "[+1 Culture] from every [Amphitheater]", "[+1 Culture] from every [Monastery]", "Free Social Policy"], "requires": ["Mandate Of Heaven","Reformation"], "row": 3, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Piety Complete", "uniques": ["Culture cost of adopting new Policies reduced by [10]%"] } ] }, { "name": "Patronage ", // Yes, there is a space behind this word, and yes, this is necessary // This is, because at the time of writing there existed another policy called 'Patronage' that was recently deprecated // It would, however, still be possible for save-files to contain this policy // Therefore, we had to differentiate between these two, and this was the least intrusive way to do so // NOTE: If you remove the space here, also remove the extra space between 'patronage' and 'complete' in the 'patronage complete' policy. // Otherwise, weird stuff will happen. "era": "Classical era", "uniques": ["City-State Influence degrades [25]% slower"], "policies": [ { "name": "Philantropy", "uniques":["Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [25]% more Influence"], "row": 1, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Aesthetics", "uniques":["Resting point for Influence with City-States is increased by [20]"], "row": 1, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Scholasticism", "uniques":["Allied City-States provide [Science] equal to [25]% of what they produce for themselves"], "requires": ["Philantropy"], "row": 2, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Cultural Diplomacy", "uniques": ["Quantity of Resources gifted by City-States increased by [100]%", "Happiness from Luxury Resources gifted by City-States increased by [50]%"], "requires": ["Scholasticism"], "row": 3, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Educated Elite", "requires": ["Scholasticism","Aesthetics"], "uniques": ["Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People"], "row": 3, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Patronage Complete", // This extra space is intentional, see above. "uniques": ["Influence of all other civilizations with all city-states degrades [33]% faster", "Triggers the following global alert: [Our influence with City-States has started dropping faster!]"] // This triggers a global alert in the G&K game also, based on my memory of playing it } ] }, { "name": "Commerce", "uniques": ["+[25]% [Gold] [in capital]"], "era": "Medieval era", "policies": [ { "name": "Naval Tradition", "uniques": ["+[1] Movement for all [{Military} {Water}] units", "+[1] Sight for all [{Military} {Water}] units", "Free [Great Admiral] appears", "+[2] Movement for all [Great Admiral] units" ], "row": 1, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Trade Unions", "uniques": ["Maintenance on roads & railroads reduced by [33]%", "[+2 Gold] from each Trade Route"], "row": 1, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Merchant Navy", "uniques": ["[+3 Production] [in all coastal cities]"], "requires": ["Naval Tradition"], "row": 2, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Mercantilism", "uniques": ["Cost of purchasing items in cities reduced by [25]%", "[+1 Science] from every [Mint]", "[+1 Science] from every [Market]", "[+1 Science] from every [Bank]", "[+1 Science] from every [Stock Exchange]"], "requires": ["Trade Unions"], "row": 2, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Protectionism", "uniques": ["+[2] happiness from each type of luxury resource"], "requires": ["Mercantilism"], "row": 3, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Commerce Complete", "uniques": ["[+1 Gold] from every [Trading post]", "Double gold from Great Merchant trade missions"] } ] }, { "name": "Rationalism", "era": "Renaissance era", "uniques": ["[15]% [Science] while the empire is happy", "Incompatible with [Piety]"], "policies": [ { "name": "Secularism", "uniques": ["[+2 Science] from every specialist"], "row": 1, "column": 2 }, { "name": "Humanism", "uniques": ["[+1 Happiness] from every [University]","[+1 Happiness] from every [Observatory]", "[+1 Happiness] from every [Public School]"], "row": 1, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Free Thought", "uniques": ["[+1 Science] from every [Trading post]", "+[17]% [Science] from every [University]"], "requires": ["Secularism"], "row": 2, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Sovereignty", "uniques": ["[+1 Gold] from all [Science] buildings"], "requires": ["Humanism"], "row": 2, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Scientific Revolution", "uniques": ["Science gained from research agreements [+50]%"], "requires": ["Free Thought"], "row": 3, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Rationalism Complete", "uniques": ["[2] Free Technologies"] } ] }, { "name": "Freedom", "era": "Renaissance era", "uniques": ["[+25]% great person generation [in all cities]", "Incompatible with [Autocracy]", "Incompatible with [Order]"], "policies": [ { "name": "Constitution", "uniques": ["[+2 Culture] from every Wonder"], "row": 1, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Universal Suffrage", "uniques": ["+[33]% Defensive Strength for cities"], "row": 1, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Civil Society", "uniques": ["-[50]% food consumption by specialists"], "row": 1, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Free Speech", "uniques": ["[8] units cost no maintenance"], "requires": ["Constitution"], "row": 2, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Democracy", "uniques": ["Specialists only produce [50]% of normal unhappiness"], "requires": ["Civil Society"], "row": 2, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Freedom Complete", "uniques": ["+[100]% yield from every [Great Improvement]", "Golden Age length increased by [50]%"] } ] }, { "name": "Autocracy", "era": "Industrial era", "uniques": ["-[33]% unit upkeep costs", "Upon capturing a city, receive [10] times its [Culture] production as [Culture] immediately", "Incompatible with [Order]", "Incompatible with [Freedom]"], "policies": [ { "name": "Populism", "uniques": ["[Wounded] units deal +[25]% damage"], "row": 1, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Militarism", "uniques": ["Gold cost of purchasing [All] units -[33]%"], "row": 1, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Fascism", "uniques": ["Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[100]%", "+[2] Movement for all [Great General] units"], "requires": ["Populism","Militarism"], "row": 2, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Police State", "uniques": ["[+3 Happiness] from every [Courthouse]", "+[100]% Production when constructing [Courthouse]"], // There are also some uniques regarding espoinage, which as of this writing is not yet implemented "requires": ["Militarism"], "row": 2, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Total War", "uniques": ["+[25]% Production when constructing [Military] units [in all cities]", "New [Military] units start with [15] Experience"], "requires": ["Police State","Fascism"], "row": 3, "column": 4 }, { "name": "Autocracy Complete", "uniques": ["+[25]% attack strength to all [Military] units for [50] turns"] } ] }, { "name": "Order", "era": "Industrial era", "uniques": ["[+1 Happiness] [in all cities]", "Incompatible with [Autocracy]", "Incompatible with [Freedom]"], "policies": [ { "name": "United Front", "uniques": ["Militaristic City-States grant units [2] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation"], "row": 1, "column": 1 }, { "name": "Planned Economy", "uniques": ["+[25]% [Science] from every [Factory]", "+[100]% Production when constructing a [Factory]"], "row": 1, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Nationalism", "uniques": ["+[15]% Strength for units fighting in [Friendly Land]"], "row": 1, "column": 5 }, { "name": "Socialism", "requires": ["Planned Economy"], "uniques": ["-[15]% maintenance cost for buildings [in all cities]"], "row": 2, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Communism", "requires": ["Socialism"], "uniques": ["[+1 Production] [in all cities]", "[+1 Production] from every [Mine]", "[+1 Production] from every [Quarry]"], "row": 3, "column": 3 }, { "name": "Order Complete", "uniques": ["[+2 Food, +2 Production, +2 Science, +2 Gold, +2 Culture] [in all cities]"] } ] } ]