## 4.2.0 Add Air Sweep - By itanasi Allows inquisitors to block holy cities - By xlenstra Performance improvements By SimonCeder: - workers will replace city ruins - avoid potential marriage bug Fix games not being loadable - By Azzurite Construction automation optimization - By OptimizedForDensity Allow HexaRealm to render jungles on hills - By ArchDuque-Pancake ## 4.1.21 Memory performance improvements HexaRealm is now default tileset Mod categories - By alexban011 Replace "moveTo" in unit overview with "Moving" - By itanasi ## 4.1.20 Can no longer receive negative gold offers from AI Keep progress in notification scroll when updating Gray out city state friend bonus when allied - By Azzurite By OptimizedForDensity: - Minor reweight of AI policy selection - Stop transported units from being able to pillage tiles Fix getting settlers from ancient ruins on one-city challenge - By MindaugasRumsa51 ## 4.1.19 Interception always takes an attack - By itanasi By OptimizedForDensity: - Add more music triggers - Move border below icons - Significantly reduce AI turn time - City health updates when finishing health-increasing buildings By Azzurite: - Fix potential race condition in multiplayer game update - Fix game crashing when a multiplayer game can not be read Sorted Civilopedia eras - By alexban011 Remove in-game mentions of 1.5x unhappiness for puppeted cities - By Ouaz ## 4.1.18 Fix multiple capture uniques resulting in double-capture Resolved ANRs caused by fonts taking too long to load By OptimizedForDensity: - Fixed image problems in combat - Stop automate production setting from affecting other players' production in MP - Sort game speeds in Civilopedia by speed - Fix monastery purchase cost Remove double XP gain from Intercept - By itanasi Multiplayer options UI fix - By Azzurite ## 4.1.17 Puppet cities generate no extra unhappiness (per Civ V) Resolved crash when resuming game after closing it quickly Modding: Removed deprecated uniques By OptimizedForDensity: - Improve AI belief picking - Unstack enemy unit strength modifiers - Prevent theme music tracks from randomly playing - Fix latest untranslated strings By alexban011: - Increase mod search request page size - Puppeted cities can no longer become capitals ## 4.1.16 By OptimizedForDensity: - Better AI targeting - Generalize production-to-stat conversion uniques - Performance improvements Unit icon opacity control - By letstalkaboutdune ## 4.1.15 By OptimizedForDensity: - Add support for era-specific unit sprites - Don't wake civilians to danger if they're in a city - Fix translation issues from nested brackets and braces By alexban011: - Fixed brackets in notification logs - Exception handling when loading mod options Moddable prettier Tutorials - By SomeTroglodyte By Azzurite: - Save compatibility handling - Fix OutOfMemoryError when loading a game and another is already loaded Fix crash when exploring - By Skekdog ## 4.1.14 By OptimizedForDensity: - Make mounted vs city penalties attack-only - Logistics allows move after attack - Fix crash when melee unit captures civilian then tries to attack it - Allow modded harbor-type buildings to connect cities - Fix "Religions to be founded" count By Azzurite: - Save uncaught exception to file Better exploring AI for ruins - By Skekdog By alexban011: - added gameParameter option to disable start bias - Added option to select font size - Add Notifications Log ## 4.1.13 By Azzurite: - Make popups and text fields nicer to interact with on Android Rework Policy and Diplomacy buttons - By SomeTroglodyte By OptimizedForDensity: - Fix cases where AI GP get stuck building improvements - Fix disappearing terrain when switching between mods - Fix policies not contributing stats from city-states - AI missionaries avoid cities with inquisitors By alexban011: - CityScreen plays sound when opened - Religion no longer "majority" when it's exactly 50% of the cities ## 4.1.12 By Azzurite: - Many, many UX improvements! - Fixed memory leaks By OptimizedForDensity: - Moddable game speeds - Population reassignment bug fixes Civilopedia tweaks - By SomeTroglodyte Translation improvements - By J0anJosep Trigger Time Victory only if enabled - By JackRainy Fix crash for "no strategic resource" mods - By Skekdog Shortcut fixes and additions - By doublep Maintain Fortify bonus after Fortify until Healed - By itanasi ## 4.1.11 AI considers liberating city-states from other civilizations - By OptimizedForDensity By Azzurite: - Fix OutOfMemory error when loading game state after already having a game loaded - Fix unit overlay not being closed when performing an action with a new unit - Fix option change not reloading main menu properly - Fix cutout options crash Better key handling - By doublep ## 4.1.10 Added cutout support - By alexban011 By OptimizedForDensity: - Improvements to AI military unit usage - Fix spectator's fog of war toggle - Stop AI puppets from building settlers and military By Azzurite: - Fix scroll to wonder in the map editor - Fix unit being captured two times - Fix NPE in Nation selection & editor mods popup - Add more extensive multiplayer documentation UI: Do not enter city while performing air strikes - By JackRainy ## 4.1.9 Peace cooldown with city-states "attacked city state" functions activate only when attacking directly, not when declaring war due to alliances tileFilter matches resource name and uniques Fixed map position after portrait mode enabled By Azzurite: - Add multiplayer turn sound notification - Fix crash during next turn automation disable worldWrap when disabled in settings - By alexban011 ## 4.1.8 Resolved crashes when centering on a city-state with no cities By OptimizedForDensity: - Certain projects cannot be hurried by great engineer - Fix scout not upgrading through ruins - Fix rare case where ruins would delete an AI unit while trying to upgrade it - Prevent duplicate ruin reward WordScreenTopBar reworked, portrait-friendlier - By SomeTroglodyte Fixed minimap fog of war for spectators - By alexban011 Fix "Free technology" allowing restricted techs - By MindaugasRumsa ## 4.1.7 By OptimizedForDensity: - Fix medic and amphibious promotions - Better Great Prophet AI - More rankings & demographics screen icons By SomeTroglodyte: - Better Tutorials - Prevent city-to-city Battle Table - Minor fixes By alexban011: - spectators can no longer move and attack with units - Better friends list UI Bugfixes for units' teleportation - By JackRainy By Azzurite: - Fix map editor zoom in HexaRealm tileset update - By GeneralWadaling ## 4.1.6 Multiplayer friends list - by alexban 011 By Azzurite: - Improve performance of worldmap panning - Fix multiplayer sometimes duplicating games - Allow non-SSL-encrypted HTTP traffic & warn Dropbox users By OptimizedForDensity: - Fix aircraft disappearing when carrier is teleported - Pillaging certain improvements yields stats By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix Pixel unit nation colors after combat Autoassign population when the manual assignment fails - By JackRainy ## 4.1.5 Better minimap buttons By SomeTroglodyte: - Draw borders under pixel units - Fix rare NextTurnButton crash Improve unconstructable improvement suggestions - By doublep By alexban011: - Disable state-changing buttons for puppet cities - Add optional on-screen buttons to zoom in and out Corrected some broken policy uniques - By OptimizedForDensity Dynamically adjust StatsTable height - By itanasi Fix multiplayer turn checker writing to wrong locations - By Azzurite ## 4.1.4 AI counteroffers will no longer contain items already offered by the player By itanasi: - Citizen management area expandable - Citizen Management buttons disabled if Spectator - Make Locked Tiles clickable Puppet cities only focus on gold - By alexban011 Multiplayer Status Display - By Azzurite Fix piety complete faith discount - By OptimizedForDensity ## 4.1.3 Implement 'wait' command - by doublep By SomeTroglodyte: - Re-hide Enable Portrait option on desktop - Show required resource for upgrades - Fix Right-Click attacks made no sound Fix missing icons in civilopedia from main menu - By OptimizedForDensity By Azzurite: - Return to current game from main menu "Resume" By alexban011: - Fixed slider sound when opening screens - Added confirmation option for "next turn" Adding spaceship sprites for FantasyHex tileset - By GeneralWadaling ## 4.1.2 Fixed multiplayer bugs (double files, turn checker problems) - By Azzurite By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix Autocracy Complete bug - Fix effect of new Beliefs not immediately visible Fix crashes when a civ does not have a capital - By OptimizedForDensity By xlenstra: - Great improvements buildable on removable terrain features By itanasi: - Fix Zone of Control - Assign Population Improvements By JackRainy: - Performance improvements - Better city connection quest check ## 4.1.1 HexaRealm update - By GeneralWadaling Performance improvements - By Azzurite Great General typed uniques and improved moddability - By JackRainy Great improvements can again be constructed on forest - By xlenstra Fixed MP refresher not working after rate limit - By GGGuenni Fix "May Withdraw" modifier calculation - By OptimizedForDensity Allow generation of "Default" Deciv redux maps - By SomeTroglodyte Improve autofix when typing multiplayer server URL - By touhidurrr ## 4.1.0 Upgraded to libGDX 1.11.0 - enables Unciv on M1 chips Allow Android Unciv more memory than standard apps - By Azzurite Allow liberating a traded city - By JackRainy By xlenstra: - Disabled CS buttons when at war; CS keep influence when at war with ally - Fixed bug where roads could not be removed By SomeTroglodyte: - Accelerate custom map selection - Map Editor improvements - Notifications no longer become unscrollable past a point Capital movement tweaks - By OptimizedForDensity ## 4.0.16 AI will not declare war if it definitely can't take a city Civilooedia from mainmenu - By SomeTroglodyte Rate limit handling for Dropbox - By GGGuenni By OptimizedForDensity: - Use ranged strength when defending against ranged attacks - Hide cities where wonders are built until city is explored By xlenstra: - Fixed "improvements could no longer be built by workers" bug - Fixed "roads seemingly remove improvements" bug Hexarealm tileset added to base game - By GeneralWadaling ## 4.0.15 Fixed proxy issues when starting new multiplayer games - By alexban011 By SomeTroglodyte: - Optional gzipping of saved games - Modding: Typed unit promotion effects By Azzurite: - Add UncivServer.jar to github release - Improvements and city buttons visible to Spectator By touhidurrr: - Autofix Multiplayer Server URL on input Hide Unmet Civ and Capital Names in Victory Screen - By OptimizedForDensity Improved clarity & moddability of building improvements - By xlenstra ## 4.0.14 Performance improvements By SomeTroglodyte: - Move UncivServer to own module - Font choice rework - Reworked "Creates improvement on a specific tile" Unique By Azzurite: - Fixed Barbarian Camps revealed by Honor not showing immediately in multiplayer By JackRainy: - Auto-downloading missing mods for save files - Typed missing uniques ## 4.0.13 Extensive performance work Can no longer gift units to enemy City States Can now have owner-style-specific improvement images (e.g. Mine-Medieval-European) Resolved rare crashes By Azzurite: - Create turn notifier for when the game is running for Windows - Fix Sweden not being able to gift great people to city states By Jack Rainy: - Allow trade routes via city-states - Better unit expulsion when declaring war/after open borders ended New Demographics Scoreboard - By letstalkaboutdune ## 4.0.12 By SomeTroglodyte: - Show available resources from CityScreen - F-droid integration improvements! By JackRainy: - Allow city connections via open borders and own harbors only - Enable scrolling for the oversized popups Performance improvements - By Azzurite By xlenstra: - Fixed `provides [amount] [resource]` on buildings not accepting conditionals - Implemented most things for moddable victory conditions Check internet before starting mp game to avoid freeze - By alexban011 ## 4.0.11 Enabled nested translations! Don't allow trade routes through enemy cities By JackRainy: - Protect the cities from the fallout spawning - Correct swap of the full-loaded carriers By SomeTroglodyte: - Map editor2.2 - Show number of global followers in Religion Overview By xlenstra: - Fixed improvements with unfulfilled 'Only Available' still buildable - Fixed a crash when a plane tried to enter a full city ## 4.0.10 By JackRainy: - Correct calculation of production for Settlers - Fixed swapping carriers with payloads - Display wonders built in other civs correctly By SomeTroglodyte: - Resources UI - Some improvements to Map Editor - step 1 - Implement fastlane step 1 - minimal framework Made Specialist allocation table expandable - By ultradian Fix typo in vanilla - By touhidurrr Healing values per Civ V - By letstalkaboutdune ## 4.0.9 By xlenstra: Moddable victories! Fixed crashing bug with aircraft rejection reasons Mod land units with missile and nuke uniques no longer crash the game improvementFilter accepts uniques as well terrainFilter accepts tile resource uniques Unique docs writer makeover - By SomeTroglodyte Add checks against 0 Strength combat - By itanasi ## 4.0.8 Redone Map Editor - By SomeTroglodyte Added very basic "flash red on attack" battle animations Air units with no space in the city cannot be selected for construction Unpillagable improvements removed entirely on nuke AIs don't add double agreements to counteroffers Clearer "owned" resource on AI trade offer By xlenstra: - Made 'go to on map' translatable & fixed crash - Fixed two small bugs ## 4.0.7 Resolved problems in hosting Unciv server By xlenstra: - Added 'unit upgrades for free' unique - Added a 'go to capital'-button in diplomacy screen - Fixed vanilla policies regression By itanasi: - Air Units take damage in Combat - Updating XP Rewards. Interception now gives XP - When capturing Civilian, stop current action Fixed TurnChecker crash when using custom server - By GGGuenni Add modding translation instruction to the wiki - By heipizhu4 ## 4.0.6 Got rid of ANRs from multiple sources Performance improvements, including framerate Improved continuous rendering's framerate, to solve some ANRs Discord suggestion - have allied city states see all tiles of their ally, so they can support them militarily MusicController improvements - By SomeTroglodyte Fixed a bug where production would not be retained when changing from an obsolete unit to its upgraded unique unit - By xlenstra ## 4.0.5 Added borders to minimap Resolved Diplomatic Victory check not triggering for human player Cities that become capital no longer continue being razed By SomeTroglodyte: - Make Icons clickable in religions per city display - Nicer NotificationScroll Fixed a bug where crosshairs are everywhere with the 'attack when embarked' unique - By xlenstra Fixed turn checker crashes - By GGGuenni ## 4.0.4 Caught bad URL parsing exceptions Resolved ANRs when opening Options menu Solved 'check server connection' errors on Android By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix Goddess of Protection error - Tabbed pager architecture update ## 4.0.3 Changed server connection to URL-based to allow connection to uncivserver.xyz By xlenstra: - Added a unique for attacking when embarked - Generalized Denmark's unique By HaneulCheong: - Improved city name generation - Fixed the official wiki By SomeTroglodyte: - Remove re-orientation for OptionsPopup - Fix enabled buildings not displaying in games without nukes ## 4.0.2 Solved out of memory errors for modded base rulesets By SomeTroglodyte: - City Info Table Expanders improvements - Empire Overview tweaks - Translation writer improvements - Reactivate Worldscreen Ctrl key bindings Generalized a few nation uniques - By xlenstra ## 4.0.1 Custom server port - By HAHH9527 Add Moddable Policy Priorities - By HaneulCheong By SomeTroglodyte: - Enable ModOptions uniques and ModConstants from non-base mods - Improved Widgets - Fixing Tabbed Pager Scrolling - Make max Zoom out a setting - More thorough workaround for Char.code and Char(Int) crashing - Fix crashes and better crash info ## 4.0.0 Can now host your own Unciv server for Multiplayer - details in the wiki! By SomeTroglodyte: - Prevent Char-to-code crash - Moddable Ice generation - Empire Overview improvements - Fix CS unit gift crash By xlenstra: - Split 6 tiles visible unique into its parts, making it more moddable - Fixed a bug where the resource supply overview would not add up - Added an AI for building & using spaceship parts - Unified & generalized a few uniques Custom desktop font - by HAHH9527 ## 3.19.18 Double Zoom Out Range - By itanasi By SomeTroglodyte: - Redesign of Empire Overview Screen - more info saves, better portrait display, and many more changes! - World Screen unit supply deficit icon now updates properly - Close little loophole allowing promoting a unit after moving or attacking ## 3.19.17 Better displaying of units that cannot be built By SomeTroglodyte: - Support more freely modded Worker-like units - Religion overview improved - Mod checker minor improvements - Fixed Spectator & AI games in seemingly endless loop Multiplayer code cleanup - By GGGuenni ## 3.19.16 Wiki improvements Unique units abilities that should be inherited by upgrades - By SomeTroglodyte By SpacedOutChicken: - Add Amphibious promotion to Songhai units - Petra fix ## 3.19.15 By SomeTroglodyte: - UI improvements of Religion Picker Screen - Better Notification locations - Code cleanup - Fix Mughal Fort unique By itanasi: - Return Stacking Terrain Bonus to Civ5 Rules By lishaoxia1985: - UI improvements Added "Starts with [policy] adopted" unique - By HaneulCheong ## 3.19.14 By SomeTroglodyte: - Sort maps & accelerate playing a newly edited map - Fixed many minor UI bugs - WLTK decorations - Improve unique replacement for +/- amounts - Locate Mod Errors - choose base ruleset to do complex check against - Move automated units button was showing when it didn't do anything Added deep link to multiplayer games - By GGGuenni Block Embarked from capturing Civilians on Water - By itanasi Translations update ## 3.19.13 Minor performance improvements By SomeTroglodyte: - Fixed Spaceship production bonuses - Fixed Ctrl-Letter key bindings - Fixed Polynesia's Wayfinding - Fixed Petra and Garden not allowed in some cases Align Embarked Defense Strength per Era - By itanasi ## 3.19.12 Modding: Multiple Unique documentation improvement By SomeTroglodyte: - Slider fixes - Rudimentary AI control over goldPercentConvertedToScience Fix Navies capturing Land Civilians - By itanasi Translation updates ## 3.19.11 Mod autoupdate improvements Performance improvements Added "copy to clipboard" button for mod errors Multiple small improvements By SomeTroglodyte: - Resolved no-barbarian mod error - Minimum window size By xlenstra: - Reorganized the way city states grant resources - Made spaceship parts units instead of buildings - Added mod constants for the distance between two cities By itanasi: - Updating Embarking Tutorial with more details - Made multiple tile defense bonuses stack ## 3.19.10 Show json parsing errors for mods in the options menu AI only builds work boats for buildable improvements Trigger uniques by sacrificing units with conditional By xlenstra: - Damage in battle table is now the average damage done - Added conditional checking for tiles By itanasi: - Show Improvements that are buildable after Removing TerrainFeature - Embarking penalty logic fix - Prevent Civilians from capturing Civilians Fix for music resumes after minimizing on android - By SomeTroglodyte ## 3.19.9 Transported units reveal tiles as if they passed through the path of the transporting unit Captured unit notifications now sent to the correct civ :) Modding: Better unique typechecking and autoreplace, added new conditionals Can see improvement removal icons in Civilopedia Fixed untranslated texts, mainly in Civilopedia Add Amphibious penalty to Land attacking into Water and vice versa - By itanasi ## 3.19.8 Framerate improvements Performance improvements for wartime AI Modding: Arbitrary uniques can become timed uniques with a special conditional! Correctly recognize mod changes of content, not just metadata Destroyed units on capture provide the correct notification Loading a new game while nextTurn is running no longer reverts you to that game ## 3.19.7 Better conditionals for modding Withdraw chances can stack By itanasi: - Sea Unit can't capture Land Civilian (and vice versa) - Notify when Barbs don't give more XP ## 3.19.6 UI improvements across the board Map performance improvements Better mod loading error messages, added options button to reload all rulesets Exploring and automating workers are some of the most common actions, they don't deserve to be behind a 'get additional actions' click Flood plains no longer generate on desert hills Also capture Civilian Unit when capturing during battle - By itanasi Fixed a bug where units requiring nearby units for bonuses could find themselves - By xlenstra ## 3.19.5 HUGE reduction is memory consumption! Performance improvements! Greatly reduced loading times when mods are installed Better terrain moddability + Added unique to convert terrains if adjacent to something "Must be next to [terrainFilter]" now applicable on improvements Added mod warnings for empty ally and friend bonuses By xlenstra: - Fixed a bug where stats from uniques would exponentially grow - Fixed a bug where open borders, war declarations and cities could not be traded ## 3.19.4 Caught more mod failure conditions, removed certain assumptions from map creation Unique replacement warnings show the correct replacement with filled parameters By xlenstra: - Fixed a bug where unit discounts would not work - Fixed a crash when opening and closing the options menu in quick succession Fix art for farms on hills - By SpacedOutChicken ## 3.19.3 Huge performance improvements to "next turn" Removed mod dependency on specific terrains and resources By xlenstra: - Resources can now again provide uniques applying to the entire civ - Fixed a few rare mod-specific crashes New caravel image - By touhidurrr Minor logic cleanup - By itanasi ## 3.19.2 Stat bonus drilldown in cities Performance improvements By will-ca: - Try to fix potential typos in stock rulesets. - Wiki improvements! - Make sure units always have starting promotions. By xlenstra: - Fixed the problems with the food carry-over unique - Made unhappiness effects moddable by adding a global uniques json added revolts when < -20 happiness - Fixed a missing percentage sign in uniques Ranged capture - By itanasi ## 3.19.1 Better drilldown to stat sources in city screen Start bias includes neighboring tiles for better effect Cleaner tech order display Better unique documentation - By xlenstra By will-ca: - Check rulesets for potential typos. - Avoid potential crashes when deleting mods. - Fix uneven fonts, unify font sizes. - Make "Help" button clearer and translatable, random nation indicators and labels translatable. Destroy Arsenal when city is captured - By SpacedOutChicken ## 3.19.0 Vastly improved worker AI for mods, and AI utilization of workers Added button to update an installed mod from its action menu Converted all stat percent uniques to be iterated on efficiently once! Fixed a conversion error in "% city strength from defensive buildings" unique - By xlenstra ## 3.18.19 Worker AI improvements for modded improvements and terrains Performance improvements Minor UI improvements By will-ca: - Unified icon button UI - Added missing translation terms ## 3.18.18 "Cannot be built with" unique catches building equivalents as well Unique deprecation and textual improvements By will-ca: - Explain when cities can't be razed in Civilopedia - Solved "overlapping tiles" in modded tilesets - Fix a tiny and limited memory leak Made attacked civilians lose 40 hp as in civ5. - By ravignir Capturing Civilians not considered an Attack - By itanasi ## 3.18.17 Handling for multiplayer download errors Fixed fringe-case crashes By xlenstra: - Fixed a bug that occasionally placed hills on top of mountains - Made all the other constants determining the strength of cities moddable - Fixed a bug where citadels did not damage nearby units - Updated the natural wonders for vanilla Fix incorrect Archer obsolete - By AdityaMH ## 3.18.16 Deprecation of requiredBuildingInAllCities Removed support for stat-named specialists Checks for parameter types of conditionals in mods By xlenstra: - Added a way to add moddable constants - Fixed 'cannot built on [strategic resource]' not working - Expanded the buildingFilter to include options for national wonders More informative reports for crashes in threads - By will-ca Fix missing siege unit resources needs for vanilla - By AdityaMH ## 3.18.15 Detailed sources of battle modifiers Performance improvements By xlenstra: - Disables '[cityState] is afraid of your military power' for spectators & other non-major civs - Fixed a bug where great improvements could not be repaired after being pillaged - Fixed border image alpha Revert "Remove periodic saving again " (#5883) - By touhidurrr Added `tileScale` in `TileSetConfig` - By will-ca ## 3.18.14 By will-ca: - Unify and improve moddability of more tile-based images, including border images. - Arrows in Default tileset. By xlenstra: - Added more yield icons to the city screen - Reworked nukes again - Updated uniques - Fixed a bug with unit discount Stop promoting units with 0 movement via the promotion screen - By yairm210 Delete unused image - By hundun000 Remove periodic saving again - By GGGuenni Dispose object Graphics2D if it isn't used - By lishaoxia1985 ## 3.18.13 Stat names also include the stat icon :) Better map-to-ruleset incompatibility checks 'tile to expand to' choice incorporates city-specific bonuses Fixed a ton of very rare, but crashing, edge-case bugs By will-ca: - Save attacks per civ for arrows for cities, missiles, dead units. - Solved 'white blocks' on default tileset. By xlenstra: - Fixed a rare diplomacy voting bug in one-more-turn mode - Fixed a few combat bugs and changed the religions founded label ## 3.18.12 AI cities now build workboats for use in other cities Caught Out Of Memory error for large saved games By will-ca: - Show arrows on map for unit actions By xlenstra: - Added score and time victory - Fixed a policy not working - Fixed a bug where an empty improvement picker screen could open ## 3.18.11 Resolved mod dependencies leading to incompatible rulesets By will-ca: - Add new universal crash handlers and error reporting screen. - Refactor MiniMapHolder's little green map overlay toggle icons. By xlenstra: - Extended use for "in [tileFilter] tiles" conditionals - Replaced illegal / questionably legal assets - Fixed an infinite loop where mod units could upgrade to the unit they replaced Fixed warnings in linux desktop file - By touhidurrr ## 3.18.10 Sort Maintenance Using Fixed Point - By itanasi Moved Coal discovery back to industrialization - By xlenstra Improvements to TurnChecker data usage - By GGGuenni AI for Inquisitor and Missionary - By Interdice Add a couple missing template strings - By SimonCeder ## 3.18.9 Uniques and conditionals for translating are taken directly from the uniquetypes Can gift improvements to city states also on water tiles / when other improvements have been built on the resource Enabled code minify, hopefully shrinks apk size Resolved crash when selecting resources in map editor ## 3.18.8 Solved bug that made civilian units uncapturable Don't show 'fortify until healed' if the unit won't actually heal in this tile By xlenstra: - Band-aided a bug where players in multiplayer games were waiting for themselves. - Fixed a crash that occasionally happened when liberating a city to a dead civ - Added icon for telegraph - Fixed the unique for giving sight to units no longer working Regions part 3 - resource placement, resource settings - By SimonCeder ## 3.18.7 Multiplayer game info is updated as each intermediate player finishes their turn Solved crash - AIs ignore trade requests that have become invalid mid-turn By xlenstra: - Fixed a bug where 'requires a [buildingName] in this city' would not work - Fixed a bug where WLTKD would continue after conquering/trading a city Counteroffer fixes - By SimonCeder ## 3.18.6 Fixed niche bug that let you try and capture civilians in territory you can't enter New Recycling center building - By itanasi By will-ca: - Center Agriculture in Tech tree. - Show which cities are missing required buildings for National Wonders. Fixed a bug where statue of Zeus would not work - By xlenstra ## 3.18.5 By SimonCeder: - We Love The King Day - Counteroffer mechanic, updated trade valuations Added health conditionals - By xlenstra Make Guided Missile Free (and Maintenance overhaul) - By itanasi Stop putting Wonders as start buildings - By SpacedOutChicken Performance improvements! Added autogenerated unique docs Fixed terrace farms not improving with Civil Service and Fertilizer techs Resolved edge case crash Fixed bug when attempting to load a game that uses mods you don't have ## 3.18.4 Can safely convert maps between rulesets! Policy screen keeps scroll position when adding new policy Cannot add 2 of the same buildings to the queue visually Viewable tiles update after capturing city AI won't declare war at the very beginning of games for little reason Exiting Civilopedia always brings you o the previous screen ## 3.18.3 Caught out of memory errors on autosave By xlenstra: - Updated vanilla policies and fixed a few oversights from G&K policies - Cleaned religion from the Vanilla ruleset ## 3.18.2 Pre-solved potential bugs Fixed tileset config conflicts between mods Fixed crashing music bug Caught out of memory errors when updating tiles with a catch-all popup Performance improvements, should help mitigate existing ANRs Resolved crashes in game options table when changing base ruleset before the mod list was defined Fixed a crash when changing the base ruleset while in portrait mode - By xlenstra ## 3.18.1 Performance improvements Resolved edge-case AI crashes Solved map editor bug for rulesets without grassland Regions part 2 - City state placements, start normalization - By SimonCeder By xlenstra: - Split Vanilla & G&K rulesets - Removed a wrongly implemented BNW-only building ## 3.18.0 Performance improvements! Upgraded Desktop to new rendering methods, solving many existing problems Can upgrade/promote units as per Civ V rules By SimonCeder: - Better map generation for civ placements - Quest fixes - can remove fallout on oases - Bombard notification - fix bug when city states bullied - Encampments revealed by ruins effects have lastSeenImprovement updated Possibly fixed a bug where replacement buildings would not be granted - By xlenstra ## 3.17.14 Large performance boosts Solved ANRs caused by slow "quickstarts" Fixed music download error Show notification to cycle through visible resources when clicking on resource icon in Resource Overview. - By will-ca By xlenstra: - Reworked buying buildings & units with stats a bit - Fixed a bug where hagia sophia could be build in non-faith games Made rich presence text not change with language - By logicminimal ## 3.17.13 Show construction icons in Cities Overview. - By will-ca Remove Discord RPC checks for unsuitable devices - By asda488 Allow unit movement after unit automation steps By SimonCeder: - Barbarian units - Barbarian fixes By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix PercentProductionBuildings and PercentProductionWonders - Minor hardening of music against OpenAL quirks GameInfoPreview upload as Metadata - By GGGuenni ## 3.17.12 Clarified Oil well / Refrigeration relation - By SomeTroglodyte Improved multiplayer screen performance - By GGGuenni By SimonCeder: - Improve AI performance vs barbarians & AI settlers - Conquistadors only settle other continents - Fixed contest quests bug By xlenstra: - Religion UI improvements - Fixed multiple faith bonuses from ruins - Fixed unconventional great prophets not gaining wonder bonuses Provide more information to waiting players in multiplayer - By thepianoboy ## 3.17.11 City construction speedup with caching stats from tiles Fixed "[stats] from all [stat] buildings" check for stat relatedness By xlenstra: - Fixed Siam's unique applying multiple times - Added missing unit type filter - Enumified all remaining resource & improvement uniques - Fixed a bug where AI would not found religions - Fixed a bug where buying units with faith would not increase in cost Inner Sea map type - By SimonCeder ## 3.17.10 Global uniques from buildings register correctly for units Solved multiple movement bugs Performance improvements By xlenstra: - Band-aided a bug with building unique application - Fixed belief increasing city-state influence resting point By SimonCeder: - Can now raze cities Austria has married - Improvements for fog of war Added resource tech requirement to tile info - By p-bystritsky ## 3.17.9 By xlenstra: - Fixed bug where denmark's pillaging unique doesn't work - Implemented holy warriors follower belief - Fixes bug where culture gain from killing units no longer works - Choose a better visible color for the religious symbol on the city button City State Barbarian Invasion and War with Major pseudo-quests - By SimonCeder Music pause on "leave game" question, not world screen menu - By SomeTroglodyte ## 3.17.8 By avdstaaij: - Fixed the visual gaps in territory borders - Fixed the base cost of the Grand Temple Strength bonuses apply from civ bonuses as well By SimonCeder: - Disable religious quest with religion disabled - Variable resource quantities - Free buildings are truly free By xlenstra: - Fixed a bug where "[+amount] population [in this city]" did not work - Fixed bugs with diplomatic victory - Free buildings provided in other cities are also free - Fixed crashes from era ## 3.17.7 Mayas nation - By SomeTroglodyte Better AI choice for constructing carriers By xlenstra: - Solved bugs with unit movement through fog of war - Fixed multiple small bugs - Made it impossible to cut short peace treaties - Fixed a bug where religious units would be expelled when an open borders agreement ended - Fixed bug with byzantine unique Civ icon redirects to civilopedia - By logicminimal By SimonCeder: - Return Civilians captured by Barbarians to original owner - cs units wander ## 3.17.6 Considerable optimizations for "next turn" performance Unit maintenance discount corrected Fixed conditionals display when locating mod errors, which ws broken due to translation reordering all conditional-like text Fixed crash when AI is picking religions - By xlenstra Minimum city distance across continents - By SomeTroglodyte Fix Educated Elite - By SimonCeder ## 3.17.5 Better unique and mod checking By SimonCeder: - Barbarians capture civilians and take gold from cities - AI rationing of strategic resources; Hydro Plant re-enabled - prevent city states from taunting you By xlenstra: - Fixed Byzantine not applying - Advanced AI choosing of beliefs - Combat uniques converted to conditionals - Nations now have a favoured religion By SomeTroglodyte: - Added Ethiopia Nation - New map for map editor shares settings storage ## 3.17.4 By SimonCeder: - Barbarian spawning and camp placements - Fixed Fountain of Youth By xlenstra: - Added default values for supply to fix almost all mods being broken - Fixed bugs with pentagon, "mandate of heaven", and fallout - Added icons to resource trades & war declarations By SomeTroglodyte: - The Celtic People Rebooted - Music moddability and visual improvements Add looping minimap viewport if worldwrap enabled - By Thyrum ## 3.17.3 Added game name to turn notification - By GGGuenni By xlenstra: - Added the Byzantine empire - First step into unifying strength bonuses using conditionals By SimonCeder: - Fix Polynesian vision when embarked - Proper great general points By SomeTroglodyte: - Civilopedia category icons & keyboard navigation - Allow Deciv Redux start with >0 City States - Fix era of Wonders without tech in Wonder overview - Double movement unique parameterized Change NationIcon for 4 nation - By AdityaMH ## 3.17.2 Warn modders for uniques located on the wrong objects, and usages of deprecated fields By SomeTroglodyte: - Mini-UI to see Religion info on foreign cities - World and Natural Wonders Overview - Natural Wonders un-hardcoded - Texture pack/load for mods also distributes by Images. By SimonCeder: - Quests fixes and additions - Can't trade resources from other trades or city-states Fix missed sound for Sea Beggar - By AdityaMH ## 3.17.1 We now find and report deprecated uniques in the command line! Resolved crash from unit civilopedia lines Music controller with fade-over and mod capabilities - By SomeTroglodyte By xlenstra: - Added support for conditionals to some more uniques - Save the sources of uniques with the uniques themselves - Fixed bug where a unit auto-exploring ancient ruins would in some cases disappear after upgrading ## 3.17.0 Type-checking for Unique parameters in mods, basis for new Unique management By xlenstra: - Many bugfixes - Added "conditionals" to increase unique moddability - Embarked units only have 1 vision (except marines) By SomeTroglodyte: - Better nation picker UI - Ask before resetting game setup to defaults - Modmanager sort and filter Implemented Unit Supply - By r3versi By SimonCeder: - Carthage civ - Bugfixes ## 3.16.15 City-States can become wary of civs - By SimonCeder Added Religious city states - By Interdice By xlenstra: - Made CN tower functional, and free buildings are removed on capture - Updated piety policy tree - Added "Consumes [amount] [resource]" for improvements By SomeTroglodyte: - Panzer can upgrade according to fandom wiki - Handle maps with invalid mapSize more gracefully By ravignir: - Add missing Natural Wonders - Made camps buildable on jungles. ## 3.16.14 Fixed crashes when mod had religion but no great prophet Can no longer fast-tap to confuse policy/construction screens By xlenstra: - Fixed some bugs - Fix Civil Society policy - Wrote an extensive tutorial documenting most of religion By SimonCeder: - Proper pledge to protect implementation - Unique units from Militaristic city states - Icons for city states By SomeTroglodyte: - Fixed crash with no-barbarian mods - Fix era notification - Mod manager portrait and auto scroll ## 3.16.13 By xlenstra: - From the industrial era onwards, things change in religion - Fixed bugs with unit movement, renamed units, and default starting era - Unique additions for modding By SomeTroglodyte: - New game is more wrap and shape aware - No right-click on Android - Code cleanup By SimonCeder: - CS vulnerable to ally unhappiness - checks for protection, delays - Force ranking, bullying improvements - City state intrusion anger ## 3.16.12 Can no longer enter city-screen that is not yours Spectator cannot take over player diplomacy options Better check for units with no unitType defined Fixed crash where deleting mods meant you could never start a game again By xlenstra: - You can now input distinct numbers when trading gold - Fixed religion bugs By SimonCeder: - Correct year shown when starting in later eras By SomeTroglodyte - Options displays well for portrait mode - Fixed rare map generation crash ## 3.16.11 Resolved crash due to evaluating distance to city state when we have no cities By xlenstra: - Great Prophets now always have your religion as their religion - Implemented renaming of religions - Finishing the later five policy trees now allows you to buy great people with faith - Added Religious wonders - Fixed bug making enhancing religions impossible - Added UI to show what cities are holy cities to the player By SimonCeder: - fix duplicated city-state bonus bug ## 3.16.10 By SimonCeder: - Add Austrian civ - units get promotions and xp bonuses from CS buildings - Demanding tribute from city states By xlenstra: - AI will now found & enhance religions - minor improvement to civilian AI - Fixed ambush bonus amount By SomeTroglodyte: - Diplomacy Screen Nation relation indicator - Persistent new game setup - Anti-Armor, negative tile yield, LoadScreen For modders: Mass unique deprecation ## 3.16.9 By xlenstra: - Implemented the enhancing of religions - Submarines are now visible to adjacent units, and once turned visible, can be attacked by all enemy units By SomeTroglodyte: - Multiple Civilopedia improvements - Better mod problem detection ## 3.16.8 Upload APK files to Github release Can now play as 2 separate Civs with the same userId Fixed Krepost unique Conquering a city destroys buildings inside the city - By xlenstra By SomeTroglodyte: - Starting locations reworked - Stat Icons Redone ## 3.16.7 By xlenstra: - Implemented Inquisitors - Implemented a cap for the production boost of great engineers - Scouts still ignore terrain costs after upgrades - Fixes bug where upgrading units would no longer provide their default upgrades By SomeTroglodyte: - City keyboard buy construction and tile - getLastTerrain simple patch - StartingLocation-Improvements-be-gone phase 1 Can now raze non-original capitals at capture - By SimonCeder ## 3.16.6 City-states grant copies of ALL resources By SomeTroglodyte: - Fixed multiple crashing errors - Ancient Ruins Civilopedia and Translations - WorkerAutomation cached per Civ - BFS cached Made great people and boats uncapturable - By logicminimal Added Bucketeer unit images - By AdityaMH By xlenstra: - Added a UI for viewing the religions inside a city - Implemented almost all missing founder & follower beliefs ## 3.16.5-googlePlayPushTest A test to ensure that publishing new versions to Google Play works properly ## 3.16.5 By SomeTroglodyte: - Expander tab persist - UI improvements for city screen - Unit action constants and worker unique cleanup By avdstaaij: - Removed the civ introduction trade option - Made water oil wells require the Refrigeration tech - Removed the sight bonus from hills - Gave anti-air units a bonus vs helicopters - Disabled pillaging your own tiles Fixes crashes from loading mods without an eras.json file - xlenstra CS bonuses graded according to relationship level - By SimonCeder Improve horse sound - By AdityaMH ## 3.16.4-patch1 Fixed crash from conquering cities - By xlenstra Fix DOS attack perpetrated by CityInfoReligionManager on Json Serializer - By SomeTroglodyte ## 3.16.4 Implemented Zone of Control mechanic - by avdstaaij Runtime optimizations - By SomeTroglodyte Implemented religious pressure - By xlenstra Fix units not entering cities upon capture - By avdstaaij ## 3.16.3 By SomeTroglodyte: - Civilopedia - Difficulty - City screen stats double separators - Unit rename UI By xlenstra: - Added founder beliefs, updates to pantheon spreading - Added an overview screen for religions Resources changed to match civ5 G&K - By ravignir Add Holy Site for FantasyHex - By AdityaMH ## 3.16.2-patch1 Fixed diplomacy screen crash for city-states with no cities Added mod check for units whose unitType is not defined Fixed crash when selecting certain buildings in the civilopedia - by xlenstra ## 3.16.2 Fixed crashing Diplomatic victory bug By xlenstra: - Added follower beliefs for buying religious buildings - Hides 'automate' unit action and unhides 'stop exploring' unit action - Ruins now have their own file - Architecture is now a prerequiste of Archaeology - Fixed bug where units could still be purchased if they used a depleted resource - Fixed crash when borrowing names - Fixes bug where Russia's unique no longer works - One with nature yield for spain is now doubled By SomeTroglodyte: - MapGenerator optimization - Diplomacy: City State resource UI, improvement gift effect - Mod description translation Pikeman upgrades only to Lancer - By ravignir Fix banking's required techs - By logicminimal City state resources - By Interdice ## 3.16.1 By xlenstra: - Added missionairy units, which can spread religion and bought with faith - Replaced the last promotion effects with uniques - Removed $ signs from translatable strings By SomeTroglodyte: - Bring `allUnitActionsHaveTranslation` test up to date - Change defeat conditions By ravignir: - Minor fix to Great Prophets cost not increasing ## 3.16.0-patch1 Bugfixes from unitTypes so promotions work again - By xlenstra By SomeTroglodyte: - Allow civ-unique buildings to be created by startingEra - Mod manager concurrency Randomize Plains/Grasslands around deserts - By ravignir ## 3.16.0 By xlenstra: - Added Diplomatic victory! - Unit types are now moddable! Bugfixes Atomic bomb interception works as intended Ai now cares about city distances - By Interdice By SomeTroglodyte: - Civilopedia phase 9 - Technologies - Harden map editor map loader against most bad maps - UI improvements General fixes - By lishaoxia1985 ## 3.15.18 600th version! Solved crash where city states would try to gift great people without cities By avdstaaij: - Fixed captured units not tp-ing out of illegal tiles By SomeTroglodyte: - TranslationFileWriter support for CivilopediaText - Fix Civilopedia Unique auto-linking when Ruleset changes - Reduce atlas - The Huns was 4x larger than the other nations, and a dirty Hexagon dupe - Better crude maps - zero uncovered tiles impossible By xlenstra: - Added modoptions unique for disabling city-state spawning with only a settler - Fixed bug where production from cutting down forests could apply to perpetual constructions Improve River for FantasyHex - By AdityaMH Fix Hagia Sophia and CN Tower not giving civ 5 bonuses - By logicminimal ## 3.15.17 Influence-by-game-progress works as intended One-city-challengers no longer get multiple settlers for later eras Maori Warrior debuff only applies to enemy units AI accepts research agreement offers Buildings from era are applied before buildings from policies By SomeTroglodyte: - Civilopedia phase 8 - Nations and Promotions - UnitActionType now knows keys, sounds and most icons And new unit pixel and some improvement - By AdityaMH Map climate overhaul - By ravignir ## 3.15.16 City states no longer grant Great Prophets when religion is not enabled Background work for moddable uit types :) Mercantile CS resources - By SimonCeder Civilopedia phase7 - By SomeTroglodyte Petra as in G&K fix - By ravignir ## 3.15.15 Great Person points are now moddable! By SomeTroglodyte: - Minimap Slider UI - Unit name translation - Rename Railroad tech to Railroads - Fix canImprovementBeBuiltHere regression - Newgame screen overhaul for portrait mode - Deprecate "Can only be built on coastal tiles" unique - A Civilopedia category for Religion By SimonCeder: - Optimized spawn placement algorithm - City states adjustments Resolved #4394 - corrected misspelled city names ## 3.15.14 By xlenstra: - Fixed bug where "[All] units" would not apply to city combatants - Fixed comodification errors under certain circumstances - Fixed a crash in badly defined mods - Implemented temples - Hide lesser used action buttons to free up space - Fixed bug where 'remove road' would also remove other improvements under specific circumstances - Fixed units not being removed from open borders area after declaring war - Fixed bug where all great people suddenly were scientists - Fix autocracy bonus accidentally being disabled By SomeTroglodyte: - Resolve #4589 - Spruced up Civilopedia - phase 6 - uniques - City construction Civilopedia-linked By SimonCeder: - Map generation and start locations - Added Sweden Civ Performance boost - should resolve some ANRs ## 3.15.13 By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix for missing Farm images - Better keyboard shortcuts - Rewritten Tooltip class - Sort Civilopedia entries using locale - Spruced up Civilopedia - phase 5 - buildings By xlenstra: - Implemented Follower beliefs for religions - Fixed unique of Persian immortal not working Unit gifting - By SimonCeder Added Polder image ## 3.15.12 By xlenstra: - Founding Religions - Updated the tile choosing algorithm for city expansion - Disabled city state diplomacy buttons when it is not your turn - Fixed bug where great prophets could be given when religion was disabled - Fixed bug where effects of all aquaducts nationwide stacked in each city Wonder build screens redux - By SimonCeder By SomeTroglodyte: - Better Slider UI - 'Swap units' sound replaced ## 3.15.11 Civs with no cities can no longer pick policies Spectator no longer appears on Diplomacy overview By xlenstra: - Fixed crashes on loading save games with religion - Fixed bug where submarines could not attack embarked units - Fixed bug where tile construction time was increased instead of decreased By lishaoxia1985: - Fix worldSizeModifier in TechManager - Make map symmetrical if it's not wrapped Fix Hun city names - By freddyhayward ## 3.15.10 Automated atomic bombs no longer cause crashes Fix for placeholder parameters changing names and becoming out of sync with existing translations. By xlenstra: - Add missing pantheons - City states give gold when met; updates to city state gold gifts - Fixed many bugs - City Centers can no longer be removed by nukes - Added a simplified version of great prophets, implemented a basic city religion UI - Updated TranslationFileWriter to include the new values that filters can have - Fixed a bug where one city challengers could capture enemy cities - Refactored the way cities determine what uniques should apply when Fixed spurious notifications of revealed resources too far away or in foreign territory - By freddyhayward Quick salvage of some lost translations - By SomeTroglodyte ## 3.15.9 By SomeTroglodyte: - Better mod download and error display - Spruced up Civilopedia - phase 4 - Visual candy, Units - 'Swap units' sound and more attack sounds - Unified separators, CheckBox helper - ExpanderTab UI update By xlenstra: - Fixed crash when a city had negative population due to faster razing - Fixed bug where logistics _still_ did not work - Fixed bug where city-states would not share their science income even if the player had the right policy - Added the nation of the Netherlands Fixed Denmark's unique More concurrency problem fixes in nuke effects ## 3.15.8 By xlenstra: - Made eras more moddable - Updated and generalized more promotions - Added Privateer unit; updated Coastal Raider promotion By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix mod custom maps unavailable when no local ones exist - Spruced up Civilopedia - phase 3 - Interface, flavour text, new Tutorial ## 3.15.7-announcementTest I'm checking if this information gets to the Github release and the Discord announcements ## 3.15.7 Resolved 'getting stuck when there are no more pickable Pantheon beliefs' Removed final vestiges of old Bonus/Penalty effects. By xlenstra: - Fixed bug where all units could move after attacking - Fix a few bugs related to nukes - Research Tech Button shows progress; Small bug fix - Updated promotions - make more generalizable, update to G&K By SomeTroglodyte: - Translate nested placeholders for English - Fixed sound problems on Android ## 3.15.6 Faster 'false' results for isStats, as proposed by @SomeTroglodyte in #4259 By SomeTroglodyte: - Hide notifications for incompatible policy branches - Nicer distribution of policy picker branches - Fix "National Wonder is being built elsewhere" not displayed - Respect visualMods for Sound - CheckBox, formats, modchange detect By xlenstra: - Added Shrine, option for enabling religion - Added Nuclear Submarines & Missile Cruisers, capable of transporting missiles - Fixed crash when selecting worker - Fixed bug where on quick game speed, educated elite would yield a great person every turn By avdstaaij: - Added Stealth tech and Stealth Bombers - Added Drama and Poetry tech and replaced Temples with Amphitheaters ## 3.15.5 Solved Discord RPC not crashing devices in which it is unsupported Resolved #4200 - Cities in resistance cannot bombard More generic "gain stat" for some uniques By xlenstra: - Generalized building of improvements - Added Telecommunications tech - Added Advanced Ballistics Tech, Atomic Bomb Unit, Updated how nukes work - Fixed rare bug where building improvements would increase tile base yield Promotion picker keeps vertical scroll pos on promote or resize - By SomeTroglodyte ## 3.15.4 Deprecated 'download map' in favor of mod-based map sharing By xlenstra: - Created Patronage policy branch - Fixed a bug where excess food would not be converted to production for settlers By avdstaaij: - Added Nuclear Fusion tech and Giant Death Robot - Fixed open terrain bonus working in rough terrain - Fixed captured units not tp-ing out of liberated cities - Fixed naval units not tp-ing out of razed cities Split off all individual OverviewScreen panes - By SomeTroglodyte ## 3.15.3 By xlenstra: - Created Order branch with G&K policies - Fixed bug where coastal buildings cannot be built - Stop AI from pillaging their own tiles. Fixes #4203 - Fixed autocracy complete bonus not continuing after updating Corrected many building production costs, tech requirements and wonder effects - By avdstaaij Change improvement key indicators to tooltip - By SomeTroglodyte Resolved #4209 - AI city-founding no longer plays music ## 3.15.2 By xlenstra: - Updated Autocracy and Freedom branches to G&K - Fixed honor policy not adding bonus vs barbarians - Fixed old worker speed improvement uniques no longer working Wake up units when enemy sighted or displaced or attacked - By SomeTroglodyte By avdstaaij: - Made atlas textures use mipmaps again - Fixed units not teleporting out of sold city tiles Resolved #4170 - updated deprecated Polynesian unique - By SpacedOutChicken Unitfilter now accepts multiple filters (see wiki/uniques for details) ## 3.15.1 By xlenstra: - Updated the culture victory so it now requires the Utopia Project to be built - Updated Commerce and Commerce branches to G&K By SomeTroglodyte: - Show promises not to settle - Shortcut tooltips indicators Map RNG reproducibility fix - By r3versi ## 3.15.0 Updated Tradition, Honor and Liberty branches to G&K rules - By xlenstra Enabled various G&K buildings and units - by By avdstaaij Nation start intros - By SomeTroglodyte By r3versi: - New borders images - Display Movement Paths on map - Unified Menu Popups Better button images - By lishaoxia1985 ## 3.14.16 Cities in resistance cannot bombard, as per Civ V - #663 By SomeTroglodyte: - Hopefully fixed F-Droid missing libgdx.so problem - Trade UI improvements - Leader portraits, keys, layout - Nations spellchecking Implemented production overflow - By Thyrum By r3versi: - Map Generation Seedable - Map Generation Fixes and Tweaks ## 3.14.15 Unit swapping - By avdstaaij Refund wasted production as gold - By Thyrum By SomeTroglodyte: - More power to improvement uniques - Fix gold able to over- and underflow - Map editor save / load / download keys - TileInfoTable translation and padding Paratrooper bugfixes - By xlenstra ## 3.14.14 Fixed app resize crash in MacOS - By lishaoxia1985 Added the paratrooper unit - By xlenstra Add global alerts for certain constructions - By avdstaaij Temple of Artemis bonuses reflect civ5 behavior - By ravignir Resolved #3967 - City-states can no longer 'gift' you your unique units Resolved #3926 - Wheat+Farm gets location-appropriate farm Keyboard shortcut order with multiple popups - By SomeTroglodyte ## 3.14.13 New Swedish translations! City construction queue: Subsequent units no longer displays construction progress towards first unit of its kind By SomeTroglodyte: - Sound upgrade - enabled custom unit attack sounds - Spruced up ModManagementScreen - Patch ModManager exit to allow deactivating a selected tileset - Spruced up Civilopedia - phase 2 - external links Declare & Revoke protection for city-states - By ninjatao Added Marine unit and Amphibious promotion - By xlenstra ## 3.14.12 Added unit action icons on map units, so it'll be immediately obvious what each unit is doing Added city strength label to city button City-states get all civs known by at least half of major civs, not 'by any civ' Better camera square image By SomeTroglodyte: - Added key shortcuts to popups - Improved location notifications ## 3.14.11 AI much less motivated to attack city-states Better peace agreement evaluations, for when there is no great power imbalance between nations Minimap slider has better values to accommodate screen sizes Better "in this city" unique filtering Added unit icons in unit overview screen Changes to terrain combat bonuses - By ravignir ## 3.14.10 Unified "progress bars can't go beyond 100%" By SomeTroglodyte: - Follow screen rotation even to Portrait on Android with Opt-in - Fix custom map sizes - saves match, size obeyed, limit UI Add guided missile which acts differently from nuclear missile. - By ninjatao Fix spaceship part production boosts - By avdstaaij ## 3.14.9 Caught exception when map fails to load By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix Ctrl-S going to save game screen will not stop scrolling the map - Options screen cleanup - Split off stuff from CameraStageBaseScreen that isn't the class itself - Minimap resizeable and scroll position indicator redone - Trim down custom save to export/import only - Fix crash when a mod allows a citadel >1 tile outside borders Technology and construction bars no longer extend past their maximum - By xlenstra ## 3.14.8 New line-of-sight rules, with new "Blocks line-of-sight from tiles at same elevation" unique! More FantasyHex combinations (both mine and GGGuenni's) Fixed terrace farm's 'fresh water' bonus - kudos @1.7.4 By GGGuenni: - Fixed inconsistent map size - Fixed Forest on Hill visibility By SomeTroglodyte: - Accelerate Load Game Screen Info - Save game UI patch Translations update ## 3.14.7 Custom map size - By alkorolyov Fixed Civilopedia crash Fixed double consumption of resources for "Comsumes [amount] [resource]" unique Resolved #3888 - added template lines for mod management screen Tradition works again Terrain height now defined by a unique Refixed denunciation effects - sorry Chek! Genericized "No Maintenance costs for improvements in [] tiles", tile city-strength bonus, and extra sight for unit types Show tech progress for next turn in tech button By SomeTroglodyte: - Resource revealed notification point to all reveals - Worldscreen key bindings - City overview force consistent row height ## 3.14.6 Hills are now changed to terrain features - by GGGuenni! Fixed denouncement effects on third-party civs, trade evaluation, and decay to diplomatic denunciation - kudos @Chek Resolved #3865 - Kudos @SomeTroglodyte Great general unique no longer restricted to civilian units By SomeTroglodyte: - Overview screen category decoration + key hint - Fixed shortcuts for improvements - Option Screen choices visible on minimap toggle buttons immediately ## 3.14.5 New tile layering is live for all users! Tile options in map editor screen no longer 'click' on tiles behind them Added construction production info to city screen Specify original owner when showing "Liberate city" Added "Self-destructs when attacking" unique By SomeTroglodyte: - City expansion notification points to acquired tile - Visual improvements for the City Overview Fix screen bugs when you don't use splitpane in pickscreen - By lishaoxia1985 ## 3.14.4 Resolved #3524 - Happiness in city overview now calculated correctly Added Happiness (and Faith for Religion mods) to stats list - #3524 Resolved #3837 - Harad -> Harald in Denmark greeting By SomeTroglodyte: - Keyboard navigation to switch panes within overview screen - Some visual improvements for the Mod Manager Screen - Bigger target on "next city" button - Fixed #3729 "Android crash on loading from custom location" By GGGuenni: - Added fogOfWarColor and unexploredTileColor - Fixed internal TileSetConfigs not getting loaded on android ## 3.14.3 Added 'update time', 'open Github page', and marked updated mods, in mod management screen Cannot enter diplomacy screen for irrelevant civs through diplomacy overview Resolved #3817 - don't display resource requirements twice By SomeTroglodyte: - Mod translations now appear in new game screen - Citadel tiles don't attach to razing cities if possible - City center now unpillagable Parameterize civ-wide sight bonus - By SpacedOutChicken Translation updates ## 3.14.2 Put world wrap behind setting again and added warning for world wrap for Android - I'm seeing a lot of ANRs in recent versions, but it's not something that seems solvable. Fixed - 'Water units' now can be capitalized, as they should be. "[] from every []" can accomodate specialist names Fixed unitType parameters in changed unique ## 3.14.1 Natural wonders are standalone tiles in new layering Modding: - Rough terrain specified through uniques - Added check to remove clutter in tech trees - Added building-maintenance-decreasing unique - Can handle unique capital indicators in mods - Added "Friendly Land" and "Foreign Land" as tile filter options By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix Citadel not buildable where it should be By GGGuenni: - Fixed Multiplayer bugs - Preparation for hill as terrain feature - Added TileSetConfigs ## 3.14.0 World wrap is publicly released! Added empty hexagon when none of the images exist - this fixes the default tileset for the new rendering method Manhattan project is not disabled for no-nuclear-weapon games Behind-the-scenes work on Religion ## 3.13.13 Resolved #3753 - Fallout is no longer added multiple times ALL tile images now support era-specific images! But only if the base tile exists as well. Added new experimental tile layering, including new tileset - see #3716 Can now handle mods with any default branch name! Added Faith icon and display for games with Religion Redraw CivilopediaScreen - By lishaoxia1985 Fixed roads not getting wrapped correctly - By GGGuenni ## 3.13.12 Added Bulgarian, by antonpetrov145! HUGE memory savings (120MB -> 75MB) By saving atlases between ruleset resets! Start of work on Religion! Resolved #3740 - units retain individual names when upgrading Fixed can't press nextTurn in multiplayer game - By GGGuenni 'Years of peace' modifier reset when war is declared Added mod pagination - even when we exceed 100 mods, we'll be able to download them all Button for current civilopedia entry is now marked Modded "Remove" commands to nonexistant features no longer crashes the game AI no longer tries to attack with carriers, crashing the game. National wonder does not require building to be built in puppeted cities City attack notifications show icon Custom improvements for water resources now moddable ## 3.13.11 Resolved #3732 - Mark target tile while moving toward it Resolved #3734 - "Loading" popup when loading game remains until game is fully loaded Resolved #3735 - The civ launching - not receiving - the nuke is considered the civ that declared war Resolved #3721 - Fixed edge-case "images are temporarily applied from mods set in other places" Resolved #3722 - fixed resistance icon display in notifications Carriers cannot attack - By lishaoxia1985 ## 3.13.10 Converted all color-coding of notifications to multi-icon notifications Resolved #3713 - Fixed misspelled "fresh water" in farm unique check Barbarians only heal by pillaging, simplified barbarian automation ## 3.13.9 Added "permanent visual mods" option to mod management Resolved #3614 - tileFilter works with natural wonders More uniform Trade overview Resolved #3705 - loading game popup stays until the game is loaded Added "Provides yield without assigned population" uniques to tile improvements Can now add leader portrait images to mods Unit name is translated when unit has a unique name By GGGuenni: - More terrainFeature refactoring - Toast popup not screen blocking ## 3.13.8 Resolved #3401, #3598, #3643 - game can be instantly closed and reopened on Android Remove tile improvements not in the current ruleset on normalizeTile Resolved #3686 - world wrapped 'continents' map now separates continents properly Resolved #3691 - 'new map' from map editor copies existing map parameters Game no longer crashes due to incorrect building-improvement modding UI improvements - By lishaoxia1985 Fixed Military Caste policy - By absolutebull ## 3.13.7 Fixed Great Barrier Reef spawn rules Resolved #3681 - translation fix, "in every city" -> "in all cities" Mods with no techs should work again Resolved #3663 - fixed settler automation bug Added titles to mod management screen Withdraw before melee is the same as original game - By lishaoxia1985 Initial checks for 'multiple terrain feature support' by GGGuenni ## 3.13.6 Can convert maps between different rulesets! Resolved #3635 - can remove natural wonders and roads in map editor Fixed hurry cost modifiers, and unit gold costs scaling by game speed Resolved #3651 - "Free great person" unique compatible with techs and Spectator Resolved #3653 - Settler AI no longer aims for far tiles Tech info can display more than one revealed resource "Obsolete with [techName]" unique works with improvements ## 3.13.5 Experimental World Wrap - By GGGuenni! Resolved #3639 - City-States that can't be connected by land no longer assign road connection quests Fix when Trade Gold = 0 it also shows in offer - By lishaoxia1985 Translation updates ## 3.13.4 Merged save map functionality into load map screen - map saving is more streamlined! Resolved #3626 - Can rename multiplayer games Resolved #3622 - Can no longer try to send air units into unexplored tiles Strength bonus from capital is now part of the Palace bonuses to make it moddable Allow unit rename on promote - by David Howard Translations update ## 3.13.3 Map generation parameters are moddable, allowing players to create custom terrains for map generation! Custom mods with no water or grassland can now work! Changed "Gold" resource to be called "Gold Ore" and "Siege" promotion to "Besiege" to not conflict with the yield type for translations - #2458 Maps incompatible with ruleset no longer popup errors when generating a new map All resource stats from buildings converted to building uniques Translation updates ## 3.13.2 Resolved #3601 - selected current tech no longer looks like unresearchable tech Resolved #3610 - city sorting in overview is now done by translated, not original, name Resolved #3586 - Added 'Destroy' translation for capturing cities in one-city challenge Cleaned up map editor tileFilter now works with resources for most uniques! Added mod check for 'provides free building' which does not exist Translation updates ## 3.13.1 Resolved #3600 - multiplayer game reloading and screen resize no longer reset map zoom and position Resolved #3495 - Added scrollbars to civilopedia and picker screens Map editor knows to remove resources that don't exist in mods Can now create as many tech rows as you wish in mods :) Display scroll position on minimap - By devbeutler Translation updates ## 3.13.0 Mod-specific maps are go! :D Movement algorithm updated - can no longer see whether you can move to unknown tiles Solved "AI doesn't declare war" bug Removed Scenario Maps entirely - was not a well thought-out concept and caused more confusion than actual fun. Better tech descriptions for increased improvement stats ## 3.12.14 Catch for bug in new movement algorithm when you can't move to a unknown tile, but CAN pass through (but not move to) intermediate tiles. Units manually moved cancel existing move action Now get up to 100 mods in mod list (up from 30) - kudos @ravignir for noticing there were missing mods! Fixed queue showing "Consumes 1" when no resource is consumed Updated to latest LibGDX and Kotlin versions Game saves can now always be deleted - By GGGuenni ## 3.12.13 Added "Consumes [amount] [resource]" unique to units and buildings Hopefully mitigated some weird crashes and concurrency problems Game can handle mods removing tile features between versions Solved "quantum tunneling" bug for new movement algorithm Added custom victory conditions New cityFilter for cities connected to capital Deprecated old uniques Resolved #3578 - More readable colors for Korea civ, kudos @ravignir City-state allies are always considered to have open borders AI uses same calculation for declaring both war and peace - so it won't declare war only to immediately declare peace. Scroll indicators are displayed more consistently on the NewGameScreen - By devbeutler ## 3.12.12 Added "Irremovable" unique to tile improvements Added Unsellable unique to buildings Added improvement-constructing buildings Added mutually exclusive tech paths using "Incompatible with [otherTech]" unique for techs Translation updates for new cityFilter By GGGuenni: - Refactoring of MultiplayerScreen - Avoid overflow of the construction bar - Adding resign function for multiplayer By SpacedOutChicken: - Add "Land" as possible input to tile-related uniques - New uniques for border expansion - "-[]% Gold cost of acquiring tiles []" and "-[]% Culture cost of acquiring tiles []" ## 3.12.11 Added experimental movement which assumes unknown tiles are impassible - hopefully will resolve #3009 Solved mod incompatibility with Legalism issues Multiple unique parametrization improvements Added 'replacementTextForUniques' parameter to buildings and units for custom text Add a "Unlocked at [tech/era/policy]" unique to buildings and units "Save game" errors are now correctly caught and displayed to the user Added mutually exclusive policy branches :) Parameterize Civ Unique for increased XP gain - By SpacedOutChicken ## 3.12.10 Solved ANRs when loading large maps in map editor Mitigated some concurrency related crashes Resolved #3436 - parametrized "+[]% [] in all cities" Smoother map panning Multiple game support for TurnChecker - By GGGuenni Avoid overflow of the health bar in the overkill situation - By JackRainy Translation updates ## 3.12.9 Solved common ANR in city screen Can handle and detect mods where the requiredBuildingInAllCities does not exist in the ruleset Made some memory errors clearer to the user Problems when saving game are now user-visible Resolved #3533 - Added confirmation when saving over existing save Fixed "Unique GP available from GP picker screen" bug Resolved #3526 - stats drilldown remains when moving between cities Buildings not displayed in civilopedia are not show to be obsoleted in tech tree Improved MultiplayerScreen loading speed - By GGGuenni ## 3.12.8 Game can handle policies and ongoing constructions "disappearing" between mod versions Resolved #3520 - picker screens go back on Back button / Esc Resolved #3519 - Added 'exit game from back button' to main menu screen Removed placeholder science and production boost from Computers tech Resolved #3503 - Civilopedia and Overview show what 'panel' you're currently on Resolved #3501 - Added city-state toggle to diplomacy overview, clicking on civ names in overview opens diplomacy screen Better default tile colors - By ravingir ## 3.12.7 Resolved #3473 - show city's happiness drilldown Better 'conflicting tech' check for mods Resolved #3469 - more readable Inca colors Resolved #3497 - city state quests always show correctly when diplomacy screen accessed from city button Fixed crash when attempting to issue a 'connect to capital' quest for a civ with no capital Translation updates ## 3.12.6 Resolved #3483 - settlers require at least 2 population to construct, as per Civ V Set a max cap on unit maintenance - does not increase past the base turn limit Resolved #3472 - can purchase 'free' tiles in cities even with negative gold Resolved #3490 - fixed formatting problem in trade popup Resolved #3489 - City state influence is affected by war/peace with their enemies Resolved #3475 - capturing settlers moves us to the captured units' tile Better visual aircraft indicators Solved ANRs when loading big maps in editor screen By 9kgsofrice: - Modded buildings never lead cities to negative production - "happiness from garrison" effect was duplicated ## 3.12.5 Resolved #3470 - popups now make the rest of the screen unclickable to avoid exploits Resolved #3431 - Redesigned the player picker, to scroll through civs and display them separately Resolved #3476 - captured civilian units no longer move on the same turn Resolved #3331 - resources for city-state quests are taken from resources on the map Resolved #3464 - units only advance improvements when they have movement points left Fixed minor automation bug for modded terrains ## 3.12.4 Resolved #3424 - Added blink on event location AI declares peace with civs they can't reach, solving 'endless stalemate war' problems Game can handle mods removing units and technologies between versions "Free great person" can no longer grant units unique to another civ Added required building dependency check for mods Caught modding errors - classic. Modded water units with worker unique no longer build roads in water Fixed chance of Arabian unique activating - By 9kgsofrice ## 3.12.3 Fixed starting positions not activating on new game Resolved #3445 - national wonders no longer shown when already built Replaced hardcoded Settler and Great General checks with their uniques Resolved #3384 - Civ uniques now take all researched tech uniques! Added road and railroad costs to improvement description Resolved #3437 - reselecting improvement in progress does not reset progress Resolved #3441 - fixed reverse maintenance cost unique ## 3.12.2 Resolved #3422 - added fast switch between adjacent cities in city screen Resolved #3428 - added a toggle for displaying yield icons Resolved #3427 - "player ready" screen appears when loading game in Hotseat multiplayer City-states make peace with enemies when their allies do Long tech descriptions are now scrollable "Requires a {building}" notifications show the civ's equivalent to the building, if overridden Korean UA activates on buildings added from buying and on national wonders Translation updates ## 3.12.1 By nob0dy73: - AI no longer tries to heal units in dangerous tiles - AI units try to take back captured cities - AI units try to head towards sieged cities AI knows not to try and heal units which would heal anyway Forced disband now provides gold Solved ANR on load screen when loading large games Deprecation of old unique formats in favor of newer, more generalized ones Implemented missing Korean UA - By kasterra ## 3.12.0 Option to display tile yields on world screen - by jnecus Added much-needed "+[]% Production when constructing [] units" unique Added "All" filter for units Resolved #3408 - Unit maintenance cost reduction generalized, now works for Ottomans Resolved #3409 - American unique grants extra sight only to military land units Fixed crash when nuking Barbarian units By 9kgsofrice: - GG bonus generation now checks for civinfo uniques - City-state resources from all sources shared with ally civ ## 3.11.19 Reassign population after selling a specialist-providing building Resolved #3289 - can place unbuildable improvements that can exist on tiles Added nation icons to the leader names in the diplomacy screen Fixed ANR caused by too many saved games Selected unit stays selected when single-tap moved into a tile with another unit By 9kgsofrice: - resources can be added by tile improvement with unique "Provides [] []" - Specialists can add happiness - "Should not be displayed without []" unique for constructions accomodates resources and buildings ## 3.11.18 Improvements can't be built in neutral areas, as per Civ V Added button to add construction items directly to the queue Mods can handle removing existing buildings Don't allow AI to offer peace to city states allied with their enemies Helicopter Gunship - By givehub99 Workers stop building (most) duplicate roads connecting cities - By ninjatao Translation updates ## 3.11.17 Fixed rare errors First attempt at making Unciv Android-TV-compatible By 9kgsofrice: - adds val to modoptions and check to battle.kt to adjust max xp from barbarians - "Uncapturable" unique - unique "[] units gain the [] promotion" affects exisiting units - Hide build menu constructions requiring resources with unique - Nation "style" can define unit appearance - Changes check to remove national wonders on city ownership changes to rely on building.isNationalWonder Translation updates ## 3.11.16 Resolved #3364 - Fixed certain battle modifiers not activating Resources provided by buildings are affected by resource amount uniques - by 9kgsofrice Fixed minor crashing bugs in misconfigured mods Display mod incompatibilities when attempting to start a new game Translation updates ## 3.11.15 HUGE framerate improvements! :D Resolved #3347 - units spawned by buildings are spawned in the city the building was built in Added mod checks that combat units have strength and ranged units have rangedStrength Can now handle units upgrading to units with no required tech Resolved #3360 - notify peace treaty to all common known civs AI settlers can no longer settle after movement with no movement points Fixed Free Thought trading post bonus - By ravignir Units/buildings with "Will not be displayed in Civilopedia" now will not show in tech tree - By 9kgsofrice Translation updates ## 3.11.14 500th version, my goodness 0_0 Resolved #3330 - Fixed black images on specific chipsets Multiple framerate improvement tricks - should feel smoother! Hide hotkeys on devices without keyboard - by jnecus Fixed a few more crash possibilities from badly configured mods ## 3.11.13 Probably solved the Mysterious Disappearing C's once and for all! #3327 We now check compatibility of newly selected mods to the existing mod ruleset Resolved #3341 - City-state diplomacy screen is shown properly when entering from a city button Resolved #3071 - Disabled annoying camera momentum on Desktop Autoload previous autosave when current autosave file is corrupted ## 3.11.12 AI no longer nukes single units Can right-click to attack when a unit is selected City states can now conquer cities, as per Civ V Mods can now remove promotions between versions without breaking existing saves Fixed archaeological dig being built by workers in Civ V expansion mod Spectator can handle free-policy-giving techs in mods Translation updates ## 3.11.11 Resolved #3324 - Great Person units no longer require a military unit to accompany them if they're close enough to the destination Resolved #3326 - Settling a city removes the improvement in progress Resolved #3323 - improvement uniques are no longer added twice AI won't declare war if it doesn't know the location of any enemy city Fixed key shortcuts in improvement picker screen Translation updates ## 3.11.10 AI no longer tries to construct work boats that can't reach their intended destination Can no longer see other players' IDs in a multiplayer game through the new game screen We now remove resources and improvements that are not in the ruleset when loading the game Tile rendering performance improvement Diplomatic penalty of stealing lands decreases by time - By ninjatao Fixed bug Carrier-based aircraft not healing - By jnecus Translation updates ## 3.11.9 Tile editor can handle resources that don't naturally appear on any terrain AI can no longer raze capital cities Stats unique can no longer crash badly defined mods Added mod check for unit promotions and upgrades, and building costs "Unable to capture cities" unique prevents the unit from conquering/capturing a city - By givehub99 Translation updates ## 3.11.8 Improved performance, especially in the City screen Avoided more badly-defined-mod crashes, and some rare non-mod crashes and ANRs Added mods to crash report, many crashes are caused by incorrectly defined mods Helicopter Gunship uniques - By givehub99 Translation updates ## 3.11.7 Resolved #3285 - added a notification when cities are no longer in resistance More tile variants are enabled (e.g. "baseTile+resource+improvement") Fixed some more silly bugs caused by badly configured mods New snow-versions of existing tiles :) Can no longer start a new game with an incorrectly defined mod! :) ## 3.11.6 Added "locate mod errors" button in the options menu for discovering broken links in base ruleset mods Resolved another crash caused by incorrect ruleset mod definitions Checking something that might solve the Mystery of the Disappearing C's Added culture and science colors to resources Split civilopedia "buildings" category into "buildings" and "wonders" Resolved #3274 - empty maps start with ocean tiles Consolidated unit kill bonus uniques - By givehub99 Translation updates ## 3.11.5 Performance improvements for main screen rendering - should be much less laggy now Mod management screen is now generally available :) Resolved #3265 - added keyboard shortcuts to tile improvements City connections work when road and railroad required techs are changed (in mods) Can now move around the world screen with the arrow keys as well as WASD By r3versi: - Diplomacy Screen right table is scrollable - Fix for barbarian quest Translation updates ## 3.11.4 Added city images by The Bucketeer for all eras up to Modern Influence bar not displayed for city-states that don't know the viewing civ Resolved #3254 - Solved bug in calculating turns to production for settlers New parameterized uniques - By givehub99 City-states personalities - By r3versi Translation updates ## 3.11.3 AI doesn't construct science constructions when all techs are researched Added "Must be next to []" unique for tile improvements Resolved #3239 - simplified unit actions Added resource-providing building unique Confirmation popup when clearing the map in the map editor Files in the mod folder no longer crash the game on startup By r3versi: - Clear Barbarian Camp quest - Pixel unit colors based on civilization colors - City states influence bar Translation updates ## 3.11.2 Find Player, Find Natural Wonder and Acquire Great Person quests implemented - By r3versi Android now handles internally-downloaded and externally-given mods together well Multiple small changes to make life easier for modders Era-specific city tiles for Ancient, Classical and Medieval eras Fixed Polynesia's unique - By givehub99 Translation updates ## 3.11.1 MODDABLE SPECIALISTS ARE GO! Mods downloaded in-game on Android don't disappear Fixes for minor bugs from the previous version Fixed Windmill unique Tech lines are colored for tracing paths on complex trees Fixed minimap framerate-lowering bug Minor UI fixes - By mrahimygk Connect Resource Quest implemented - By r3versi Translation updates ## 3.11.0 City-States Quests introduced! - by r3versi Moddable Specialists, part 1 of 2 New unit images by The Bucketeer! Rendering fix for specific GPUs and drivers - by CrispyXYZ Promotion exploit fixed - by Jack Rainy Modding - Buildings can be rendered obsolete (unbuildable) by techs "[] units gain the [] promotion" unique - By givehub99 Translation updates ## 3.10.13 Better checking for unloadable scenarios Resolved #3085 - reconquering our cities while they were still in resistance leads to them not having resistance against us Cannot open multiple gold selection popups in trade table "No Maintenance costs for improvements in []" genericified - By givehub99 Translation updates ## 3.10.12 Resolved #3186 - Diplomacy overview displays war/peace status and not relationship level. Better trade cancellation when all cities are offered (also includes player-to-player cases, not only AI) Fixed modded images not loading properly Removed edge case option where the AI can trade you all of their cities Parameterized few uniques, fixed "Mass Media" tech in mods - By HadeanLake Hide Unit or Building as Unique - By givehub99 Update translations ## 3.10.11 Trade table options are now mousewheel-scrollable - #2824 By HadeanLake: - Added national wonders - Fixed some minor building issues By givehub99: - Allowed mods to override unique text for nations - Added "Start with [] technology" unique Implement custom save locations for Android and Desktop - By wbrawner Translation updates ## 3.10.10 Generified "[X] free [] units" Resolved #3130 - "All policies adopted" shown in policy picker screen when relevant Multiselect applies to civilian units and from city overlays UI Upgrade - By lishaoxia1985 Translation updates ## 3.10.9 Resolved #3115 - AI no longer congregates great people in cities where it can't improve tiles Fixed AI unit upgrading - can now 'skip' over intermediate units, the way the "promote unit" action works. #3115 Parameterized some uniques, fixes some minor bugs - By HadeanLake UI update - By lishaoxia1985 Experimental - Can now move multiple military units to nearby tiles at the same turn in Desktop, via shift-click Translation updates ## 3.10.8 Resolved #3048 - Fixed ANRs on 'Resume' on huge save files Mod management screen improvements Resolved #3059 - better city expansion rules Resolved #3081 - fixed bug in air interception Show that air units can move to tiles within attack range - By bringert Fixed #3066, crash in chooseMilitaryUnit and some great people actions - By HadeanLake Translation updates ## 3.10.7 Mods can handle situations where there is no military unit that is available for construction Getting the mod list for download now works from Android as well Resolved #3076 - automation now happens at the end of turn rather than the beginning UI fixes for rounded edge boxes - By lishaoxia1985 Can construct Farms near freshwater in all terrains - By HadeanLake Translation updates ## 3.10.6 Options button now appears in main menu Added "automated workers don't replace improvements" setting (#3050) Separated base ruleset mods in new game screen - cannot activate multiple base ruleset mods Resolved #2886 - new Plains+Forest tiles by The Bucketeer that don't hide the rivers behind them :) Resolved #3053 - improvements can be built on neutral tiles Resolved #3065 - Ottomans' unique is now according to Vanilla By HadeanLake: - Added Aztecs nation - A Few UI fixes - New uniques and stuff for mods UI fixes - By lishaoxia1985 ## 3.10.5 Added Mod Management screen! Can now download Mods directly from Github, with mod discoverability! Can now add Maps to mods, to dissimenate them through Github as well! Resolved #3035 - added nationsToRemove in modOptions Translation options ## 3.10.4 Resolved #2979 - Display countdown to negotiate peace in diplomacy screen Resolved #2844 - Can now immediately move units in Desktop with right-click Added unit symbols for Turn, Strength, Ranged Strength, Range and Movement as 'emojis' Resolved #2937 - can add large increments of gold in trades Keep the perpetual construciton going, if the user set it manually. Tech picker screen auto-handles eras of different lengths Can remove tile features outside your borders A mishmash of different fixes: Unit uniques and promotions, happiness calculation, etc. Added a new test that ensures no two placeholders are the same ## 3.10.3 Settler 'by name' recognition changed to 'by unique' recognition, allowing for modded settler-like units Can now disable diplomatic relationship changes in a mod MapGen doesn't place ancient ruins if they're not defined in the current ruleset Resolved #3016 - Policy branch uniques are translated properly Borders consist of both civ colors, making some borders (esp. Germany) much clearer Roads and railoads can be removed outside your borders More generifications! Merged Building and Policy unique activations Translation updates ## 3.10.2 Added link checks when loading mods, so you'll know if you messed something up when making them Dealt with some game assumptions about what exists, which may not be true in mods TechPickerScreen centers small tech trees nicely By HadeanLake: - Bugfixes - Fixed AI being stuck doing science or gold per turn Translation updates ## 3.10.1 Scenarios can handle tech trees that aren't continually researchable - this allows for very small modded tech trees Can mod continually researchable techs Nuke can now no longer destroy Capitals, instead of destroying only capitals - By HadeanLake Finnish translations added! Translation updates ## 3.10.0 Can now create Scenarios and release them with mods! Comes with Scenario Editor mode in the main game screen AI chooses to fortify in non-bombardable tiles if possible Resolved #2985 - fixed Embark/Disembark costs Resolved #2986 - Knight now obsoletes properly Map editor UI improvements Spectator and City-State civs are no logner considered as having 'discovered' a natural wonder Translation updates ## 3.9.20 Scenario changes: - Can now play an entire scenario with no improvements or techs defined - Added Scenario victory condition - Scenario now no longer spawns starting units Denounce now has a confirmation popup Ancient Ruins can now provide Culture Resolved #2951 - only ancient ruins improvements are removed around players' starting locations, and not other improvements AI now has 5 favored policy trees for each preferred victory type, making them more likely to win culturally AI no longer uses all its aluminum on units and leaves some for spaceship construction Translation updates ## 3.9.19 Resolved #2818 - Can no longer build improvements outside your borders Resolved #2944 - Air units intercept range fixed All nations converted to uniques! Solved unit purchase discount being 100x what it was supposed to be Translation updates ## 3.9.18 Resolved #2872 - Diplomacy screen now scrollable when there's too much text Performance improvements Fixed civ name translation in the top bar and great person point percentage bonuses Resolved #2929 - Can no longer destroy original capitals by nuke Resolved #2928 - contact with other civs is now also when encountering their cities Changed how great unit recognition works Resolved #2914 - Can no longer exploit button to 'skip' promotions Resolved #2893 - all maps are shown when searching - By vainiovano Top bar selected civ refactor, increase performance for updates - By alkorolyov Translation updates ## 3.9.17 All policies converted! Map editor should no longer crash in scenarios Scouts ignore river movement penalties Pillage action now has a confirmation popup Spaceship parts not shown to user until Apollo Program is built Units can pass through cities of other friendly civs Resolved #2907 - University unique registers properly Added civ-wide per-building stat bonus New Diplomacy Overview UI - By lishaoxia1985 Fog of war implementation - By alkorolyov ## 3.9.16 Resolved #3901 - nuclear weapon setting remains between games Game can now handle modded unique buildings that don't replace anything existing All improvement placing units are automated in the same way - this allows for the AI to control modded units that place other improvements! Railroad connection propagates correctly over harbor connections Resolved #2894 - Map editor button only opens popup once Translation updates ## 3.9.15 Removed confusing extra lines in the diplomacy overview Started splitting up Policy uniques - they're usable as Building uniques now! Upgradable units show the final unit they're upgrading to in the Overview screen Created stat parameter parsing and translation - uniques are much more moddable! Resolved #2838 - cities in resistance can no longer be traded Fix bug when city states gets all techs from spectators - By alkorolyov Translation updates ## 3.9.14 Added Pinglish translations Genericified "free [unit] appears", "must be next to []" unique for buildings Greatly improved performance of worker's automated city connecting Resolved #2853 - Sped up loading of saved game list Resolved #2852 - cannot make peace with a City-State while at war with its ally Resolved #2864 - Locks on tiles are removed when the tile is no longer under your control Buildings that are missing resources are still displayed in city constructions Unit 'unbuildable' parameter converted to unique By alkorolyov: - Spectator can view other civ stats: Tech, Trades, Cities, Units, Gold - Skip spectator turn in multiplayer games ## 3.9.13 Simplified translation file generation Background work for "generic-ifying" unit and building uniques for modding purposes Worker unique is now moddable to other units By alkorolyov: - Spectators can enter and view other player cities - Fix map editor gameparameters layout Translation updates ## 3.9.12 Added Water Mill building Add mod compatibility for extended map editor - By alkorolyov Main menu buttons no longer require scrolling By lishaoxia1985: - Close button on map management screen no longer disappears when deleting all maps - Scout obsoletes per Civ V Translation updates ## 3.9.11 Better Civilopedia icons for buildings and units Resolved #2822 - normalized the amount of strategic resources Resolved #2819 - units no longer gain XP from attacking already defeated cities Resolved #2820 - resurrected civs are at peace with everyone By alkorolyov: - Fixed two empty mods checkbox in game options - Two experimental switches: Spectator mode & Extended Map Editor By ninjatao: - Do not generate fallout on impasssible terran. - Fix AI nuke radius Translation updates ## 3.9.10 Resource toggle button is consistent with population toggle - by @lishaoxia1985 Unremovable terrain features e.g. Flood plains are no longer removed by great improvements Resolved #2640 - Difficulty level shown in victory status screen Great improvements are no longer hardcoded, so new great improvements can be modded in =) Resolved #2811 - Offering the same resource to 2 civs when you only have 2 left no longer causes 'trade no longer valid' for the second one Dispose main menu screen when exiting to save space Translation updates ## 3.9.9 Civ is properly destroyed when liberating the last city of the civ Replaced units are not shown in tech button even when replacing unique unit is in a different tech Fixed main menu crash when returning from certain modded games Resolved #2794 - Save games and maps cannot have slashes/backslashes, to avoid foldername/filename confusion Civ is properly destroyed when liberating the last city of the civ By alkorolyov: - Basic spectator functionality - POC - Console mode for multiple game automation - POC Added an installation problem solution on Ubuntu - By illantalex ## 3.9.8 Resolved #2787 - AIs MUCH more likely to build the Apollo Program and win a Scientific Victory Resolved #2789 - losing a resource no longer cancells all trades with that resource, only as many as is necessary to reach equilibrium Removed tech exchange, as per Civ V Resolved #2759 - Mark tiles for air unit attack range - By ninjatao Translation updates🍎 ## 3.9.7 Resolved #2749 - show current improvement and remaining time to build in improvement picker screen Resolved #2112 - Show current resource amounts on incoming trade requests Hopefully mitigated some very odd multiplayer-checker-related crashes Fixed natural wonders not being considered 'impassible' for certain things (e.g. ancient ruins spawn) Translation updates ## 3.9.6 Resolved #2761 - Tutorial titles are auto-added to the translation files Resolved #2703 - placeholder translations now check active mods for translation values - by dbaelz Background work and POC for Scenario editor - By alkorolyov Improve performance of multiplayer load poll - By soggerr Translation updates ## 3.9.5 Fixed coast tiles around natural wonders spawning land-type layers By lyrjie: - Map generation speedup - Fixed strategic resources generation By alkorolyov: - Now clearCurrentMapButton and TerrainsAndResources clears rivers. By ninjatao: - Fix oil generation in sea. - Fix forest display in Default tileset Translation updates ## 3.9.4 Opening the New Game screen from within a game saves the previous game parameters, map generation parameters work again Resolved #2662 - left side of the screen no longer becomes unresponsive to player input after changing from a selected unit to a selected city Resolved #2735 - Diplomatic "Friends with friend/enemy" modifiers are recalculated every turn Great improvements are marked as such in the Civilopedia Translation updates ## 3.9.3 Resolved #2723 - resource-specific improvement bonuses are *in addition to* the regular improvement bonuses, and not instead. Resolved #2708 - added rivers to plain tileset Medium-sized translation updates Meanwhile, in Google Play, we've reached 500K downloads! ## 3.9.2 Move units out of cities when liberating Thread crash fixes - By vainiovano New translation language - Lithuanian Clicking the menu button when it is open closes the menu Translation updates ## 3.9.1 Buildings requiring a nearby resource can be constructed even when the tile belongs to another city Natural wonders spawned before rivers, so we don't retroactively get rivers on coast tiles Added civilopedia info for great people and great improvements, removing terrain features, and strategic resource provision - see #1492 Resolved #2613 - added a close button to the Civ-picking popup in the New Game screen Battle calculation takes into account the tile that the unit will attack from Translation updates ## 3.9.0 Added rivers, and river generation! Game now saves save files in external storage on Android when possible. Resolved #2672 - Difficulties are sorted by ascending difficulty in Civilopedia Resolved #2660 - Remove Fallout now enabled by Atomic Theory, not Agriculture Great person uniques can be added to any modded unit Translation updates ## 3.8.12 By dbaelz: - Minor UI improvements construction menu - Evaluate translations for mods only when the mod is active in a game. Fixes #2622 - Add remove button for construction queue items Resolved #2647 - Automated workers run away from enemy military units Advanced sliders work on New Map Screen Translation updates ## 3.8.11 Gold deficit only affects science when the civ has negative gold Resolved #2642 - added difficulty settings to Civilopedia Resolved #2549 - fixed New Game Screen capitalization, options alignment and placing Resources no longer spawn under unbuildable, unremovable terrain features Resolved #2638 - Auto-assign of population no longer "double books" tiles Uniformed the size of buttons on LanguagePickerScreen and MultiplayerScreen - By panchenco Don't reveal submarine position by city markers - By JackRainy Size optimization - By lishaoxia1985 Translation updates ## 3.8.10 Font system rewrite to accept all characters and speed up game loading - By vainiovano More new tiles by The Bucketeer! New river-ready tiles by The Bucketeer! Fixed Manhattan Project being inversely affected by nuclear weapons disabling Translation updates ## 3.8.9 City-states no longer spawn Great Generals Can no longer see other human players' assigned tiles Resolved #2618 - better inter-city navigation in city screen Resolved #2611 - City button shrinks on zoom-in Fixed rare citadel crash Better trading posts by The Bucketeer! Years per turn normalized to game speed - By AcridBrimistic By JackRainy: - Civilian units no longer move when bought - Fixed translation for civ start biases Translation updates ## 3.8.8 Redid layout for the New Game screen - see #2549 Better jungles and lakes - by The Bucketeer Normalized "Buy" and "Fortify" sounds, so they're not overly loud Solved ANR when loading game to display its metadata Population assigned to tiles of other cities do not auto-unassign Settler automation takes into account which tiles already belong to other civs Translation updates ## 3.8.7 Small update this time! Resolved #2588 - instead of tile ownership being transferrable between cities, cities can now work tiles belonging to other cities. Size optimization - By vainiovano Translation updates ## 3.8.6 Performance improvement when selecting a tile to move to - By vainiovano Autosaves no longer garbled when exiting extremely large games - By JackRainy By SomeTroglodyte: - Better Resource order in empire overview screen - Typo fixes Resolved #2576 - Clicking on "Encountering" notifications now moves the map to the encounter location Differentiated between Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese translations Translation updates ## 3.8.5 Maps no longer spawn ancient ruins in immediate vicinity of civ spawns Invisible Romanian characters are now visible Fixed thread crashes due to concurrent actor changes in multiplayer update popups Translation updates ## 3.8.4 Better "declare war" and city battle decisions (hopefully) for AI Minimap shows entire map again - now looks good for both rectangular and hexagonal maps Resolved #2536 - cities correctly expand to the last available tile Game always resume previous screen on resume(), and autosaves on pause By SomeTroglodyte: - Performance improvements - Translation generation for mods doesn't add entries that exist in base translation Translation updates ## 3.8.3 Performance improvement - by vainiovano By SomeTroglodyte: - Terrace Farms: Bonus resource restriction - Map editor: Placed improvement check updated, resolves #2489 Fixed 'auto assign production' not working when changing from manual to auto assign Fixed crashing error when loading mods Many performance improvements Fixed modification exception when destroying transported units Resource bonus from Fascism effective immediately Translation updates ## 3.8.2 Main screen buttons fit in all languages - by Jack Rainy Typo fixes and character organization - By SomeTroglodyte AI great people no longer raise improvements on tiles with great improvements Iroquois movement unique only applies to friendly territory Resolved #2503 - Resizing game no longer returns to main menu New game screen adjusts to base rulesets with small amounts of civs, including barbarians Saving a map from the map editor screen no longer changes the screen Translation updates ## 3.8.1 Solved concurrency problems Fixed #2492 - trading cities with units in them no longer crashes the game Can start a new game from within a game, to copy over the game's parameters Fixed resource display bug in tile table in multiplayer Added a randomly-generated map as background for the main menu Decrease CPU load for multiplayer game - By Jack Rainy Translation updates ## 3.8.0 Game starts and defaults to a new Main Menu - should help solve errors as well as allow for cleaner disambiguation of problems Map Elevation normalized to feasable amounts of mountains Resolved #1936 - can sign Declarations of Friendship in Multiplayer Resolved #2360 - can now change the current user ID for multiplayer when changing devices Much more turn-efficient exploration! City tiles are always contiguous, otherwise loads of wierd bugs happen Fixed the auto-unassigning extra specialists Allow scandinavian lowercase vowels (capitalized are very rare) - By SomeTroglodyte Translation updates ## 3.7.6 Can specify a mod as a 'base ruleset' - supports mods with no techs, alternate tech trees, No Barbarians, no workers Unique units need not replace existing ones Tile variants! By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix minimap mouse dragging - Fixed modded strategic resource without tech prerequisite By JackRainy: - Highlight unique offer suggestions - Sort trades by expiration - Citadel improvements + improved AI for forts - Map Editor UI improvements ## 3.7.5 By SomeTroglodyte: - Keyboard: Left/Right arrows work in city screen - Small optimizations - Rationalism effect visible in city UI - Mods can have improvements above terrain features By Jack Rainy: - Player's automated workers don't build forts - Better Domination victory checks - Can continue turns after defeat, as spectator New screen for "Add Game" - By GGGuenni Resolved #2348 - construction queue 'cleaned' after every construction Resolved #2413 - Hotkeys for unit actions always displayed Translation updates ## 3.7.4 By Jack Rainy: - Use correct icons for great improvements - World view stats clickable - Fix crash for tiny cities By SomeTroglodyte: - Fix options disabling next turn - Next turn button colors - Cultural expansion maximum - Icons for stats overview Cannot accept multiple conflicting offers - #2146 Added city expansion tutorial - #2322 Reveal all civs when won/lost - #2407 Various exploration-related improvements - #2278 Unit placement improvements - #2406 Translation updates ## 3.7.3 By Jack Rainy: - New Civilization: Denmark - Performance improvement - Better mod exceptions By SomeTroglodyte: - Civilopedia cleanup - Better map saving Resolved #2285 - workers no longer try to work within range of enemy city Resolved #2221 - buildings in mods can reference techs in original ruleset Resolved #2381 - can now remove buildings, units and techs in mods Free policies with no adoptable policies no longer 'stuck' the game Translation updates ## 3.7.2 By rh-github-2015: - Keyboard support for unit actions! - Can cancel improvments! - Better tracking of language picking - Conditionally pack images - Scroll panes autofocus - Code optimization By Jack Rainy: - Improved great improvement build rules - Fixed Woodsman promotion - Civilian units don't wake up from enemies if they're protected "Natural Wonders" tutorial - by Smashfanful & Jack Rainy Resources immediately come back after declined trades Translation updates ## 3.7.1 Hopefully resolved #2361 - should work on 32-bit linux By Jack Rainy: - Better colors for Katmandu and Almaty - Autosize of the tech buttons - Display the crosshair in alternate color for distant targets - Display price for unavailable purchases By rh-github-2015: - Fortify until healed disabled if no more movement - Better thread handling Resolved #2340 - cannot open multiple 'disband' popups for cash hack Resolved #2305 - Added city-states and influence tutorial Translation updates ## 3.7.0 By Jack Rainy: - Forts and citadels (with AI) - Crash fixed in specific circumstances of Map Editor "Free policy" freezes fixed Desktop window size restore - By rh-github-2015 Not being able to read the settings file shouldn't make you crash Translation updates ## 3.6.15 By Jack Rainy: - New wonders: Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Statue of Zeus - UI bugfixes: city info and aircraft - Display the hidden units indicators under city buttons - Map generation places resources 'under' terrain features Resolved #2135 - added tutorials for Research Agreements, Combat and Experience Nuclear weapons setting moved to a per-game parameter Railroad is now just a black line - much clearer than the old, "nicer" image Translation updates ## 3.6.14 Harbors immediately connect cities Revealed resources near cities generate notifications Cities in unit overview are translated Resolved #1885 - Both sides of per-turn trades end at the same time, resources offered in trade requests are not considered yours for that turn Resoved #1869 - added WASD support for map panning Resolved #1779 - Can lock worked tiles to prevent them from being unassigned Resources in Civilopedia state consuming units and buildings - #1964 Translation updates ## 3.6.13 By rh-github-2015: - New Nation added - Inca! - Show improvement bonus for improving tech in Civilopedia - Add unit ability 'withdraw before melee' to Caravel and Destroyer By Jack Rainy: - Carrier is ranged - Mod's name is translatable City stats and resources update after creating great improvement Resolved #2214 - Civilopedia entries are now left-aligned Fixed very rare crashing bugs Translation updates ## 3.6.12 City names now translated in overview and tile info Resolved some ANRs in Multiplayer Performance improvements in finding cities connected to capital Mod translation generation - by Jack Rainy When moving between units to units in cities, tiles they can move to are now shown Adding mods auto-adds relevant civs - by rh-github-2015 Added progress bars for constructions in city screen Nicer, more consistent specialist allocation tables Translation updates ## 3.6.11 By rh-github-2015: - More civilopedia info for nations and improvements - - Better error handling for Mods Fixed "other civ doesn't get duration on timed trades" bug Removed "Declare war" trade option when there's a peace treaty Resolved #2175 - Can no longer queue multiple perpetual builds Resolved #2150 - Added resource type to civilopedia description Resolved #2224 - can no longer enter promotions screen from overview screen if no valid promotions LOADS of Translation updates ## 3.6.10 By Jack Rainy: - Double range of rebase for air units - Translation files now take values directly from data files - no more value mismatches! By rh-github-2015: - Clearer free promotions - UI cleanup Unit purchasing limits - by EdinCitaku Unit Action buttons stick to the left Translation updates ## 3.6.9 By rh-github-2015: - Trade offers better sorting with user choice - Resources always stay up-to-date - Promotion and health columns in units overview Preparation for recognizing ID types - by tobo Translation updates ## 3.6.8 Loads of stuff by Jack Rainy! - UI improvements - Energy saving for music and sound - Allow selection of non-buildable items - Sort overview resources by name and amount - Turn number of trades changes with game speed - Filter for the custom maps - Ice is Impassable for all except submarines Translation updates ## 3.6.7 By Reversi: - Fixed city buy/sell exploits - Snow, Ice, Atoll & Map Generation - Borders made of oriented triangles rather than circles By Jack Rainy: - Major translation changes - Minor UI changes - Brought specific things more in line with Civ V Starting locations work again =) Translation updates ## 3.6.6 Resolved #2071 - AI will wait 20 turns between proposing research agreements if declined Ranking by culture is by number of adopted policies Player cannot nuke a civilization it has a peace treaty with - by EdinCitaku Resolved #2074 - Fixed domination victory Resolved #2040 - Moved the turn counter on the top bar to the second level, to even out both levels Water units can no longer see over hills etc. By Jack Rainy: - Keshiks are ranged units - Distinct color for Korea Translation updates ## 3.6.5 Resolved #2065 - Units can no longer sleep while fortified - by Vladimir Tanakov Resolved #2033 - Happiness from tiles is always considered correctly in regards to food consumption Resolved #2035 - Strategic resources are affected by map generation parameters Resolved #2055 - cities once again bombard melee units Fixed rare crash when diplomacy values change while ending the turn UI updates - by lishaoxia1985 Translation updates ## 3.6.4 By Jack Rainy: - Civilization rankings (Richest, Strongest, Most Fertile, Largest, etc.) - Can now buy buildings from queue - Include Nations in the calculation of a translation's percentage Eiffel Tower effect changed to reflect original Civ - by lishaoxia1985 Translation updates ## 3.6.3 Workers automate roads/railroads overseas, railroads connect through harbors - by przystasz Multiplayer Notification Fix - by tobo Fixed wrong placement of purchased/upgraded units - by Jack Rainy Tile stats in city now shown in a row - by reversi Refactor for unit actions - by Kentalot Resolved #1986 - research agreement cost consistency Resolved #2012 - starting locations no longer visible Victory screen shows the viewing player in multiplayer games Translation updates ## 3.6.2 Resolved #1982 - Can now pic civ-equivalent Great People in great person picker screen By Jack Rainy: - Fixed rare bug of clicking on an unknown civilizations - Display the current amount of gold in the "buy" prompt - Do not allow to purchase extra units requiring unavailable resources Removed pebble symbol from Unciv icon when showing persistent notification - by tobo Performance improvements - by Kentalot Translation updates ## 3.6.1 Resolved #1963 - can now unautomate embarked workers Resolved #1697 by adding information to the special production constructions - by Kentalot By Jack Rainy: - Future Tech can't be picked as a free technology until requirements are met - Can sort cities in overview by food, production etc Resolved #1962 - "infinite zoom" from capacative scrolling is no longer irrecoverable Resolved #1975 - Museum and Factory now give 2 specialist slots Fixed rare crashes when pausing Translation updates ## 3.6.0 Massive multiplayer improvements! Multiplayer screen reworked - by GGGueni Added Multiplayer Turn Notification Service - by wrov/tobo UI of New Game screen updated - by lishaoxia1985 Resolved #1930 - national wonders no longer require built buildings in puppeted cities Nuking a Civ's land is considered an act of war - by Jack Rainy Translation updates ## 3.5.14 Resolved #1926 - fixed unique improvements Resolved #1927- changing new game parameters and exiting the new game screen doesn't change the current game's parameters Resolved #1818 - Marble bonus now displayed in Civilopedia Resolved #1918 - added missing translations Fix tile yields in city screen when in multiplayer - by reversi By Jack Rainy: - Forge increases production of spaceparts - Preview tile improvements Minimap improvements - by lishaoxia1985 Translation updates ## 3.5.13 Moai no longer buildable on terrain features - by lyrjie Resolved #1902 - buildings requiring worked resources can be built in cities that are built on that resource Resolved #1841 - Legalism grants enqueued buildings - by reversi Minimap can show the whole worldscreen and display cities better - by lishaoxia1985 Captured Khans now automate properly Translation updates ## 3.5.12 Mongolian civ added! - by reversi By Jack Rainy: - Improvements to the Diplomacy overview: better spread and can select specific civs - Research screen centered on current tech Resolved #1859 - skip defeated players' turns in multiplayer Fixed bug where air units in transports couldn't upgrade Tied the unit upkeep scaling to game speed - by lyrjie Translation updates ## 3.5.11 Rectangular maps and better map generation - by reversi Resolved #1847 - Civs defeated by a nuke are now properly destroyed Resolved #1844 - improved worker automation Resolved #1852 - buildings requiring an improved resource now accept resources with great improvements Solved the 'infinite warmongering penalty' bug Resolved #1858 - Automated workers build unique improvements Translation updates ## 3.5.10 Resolved #1827 - can no longer see other (current) player's city production in multiplayer Resolved #1839 - Civs no longer declare war and offer things in the same turn AI no longer sends 'please don't settle cities near us' warnings when at war When disbanding carriers, transported air units move to nearby tiles if they can. If they can't then they're disbanded. Resolved #1457 - no AI-to-AI trades are 'automatically accepted' Translation updates ## 3.5.9 Resolved #1820 - Fixed a crashing bug with the AI trying to ally with defeated City-States, as well as many other minor bugs By Jack Rainy: - Nuclear missile is able to target any tile within the range - Added "Sleep/Fortify until healed" functionality - Fixed relationship bug when capturing cities By lyrjie: - Notification when City-states advance an era disabled - Fixed bug pertaining to unit healing Half-ready Japanese translation added! - by paonty Show name when icon is tapped in resource overview in a label above the icon - by ltrcao Translation updates ## 3.5.8 Buying current construction no longer removes other items from the queue - by reversi Resolved #1757 - Can now see version when running from a desktop Jar Fixed crash in city-state influence notification Solved ANR when waiting for the list of maps Resolved #1808 - Disabled problematic declaration of friendship Translation updates ## 3.5.7 Added Non-continuous rendering setting, to disable animations and save battery - by reversi Add missing Forge and Seaport production bonus uniques - by Teague Lander Fixed anti air units intercept range Fixed aerial transportation crashing bug Add specialist slot description for buildings that provide them - by Teague Lander Quick access to diplomacy screen with other civilizations by tapping city buttons - by ltrcao Translation updates ## 3.5.6 Research agreements! - by lishaoxia1985 Exploring units no longer auto-enter City-States Map editor menu fix - by lyrjie Can no longer acquire another player's tiles in multiplayer - by lyrjie Specialist allocation is immediately viewable on the City screen Legalism fix - by reversi Fix #1759: correct 'turns to construction' for multiple units of the same type - by reversi Translation updates ## 3.5.5 Aircraft Carriers added - by ltrcao and Jack Rainy Popups streamlined - by Azzurite Fixes to Oligarchy - by lyrjie Better support for tile images More tile images by The Bucketeer Translation updates ## 3.5.4 Turkish translations added - by rayray61 By lyrjie: - Starting units no longer spawn on Ancient Ruins/Barbarian encampments - Ships no longer 'teleport' into landlocked cities - Barbarians no longer 'pillage' city ruins Barbarians don't move/attack on the turn of their spawning By reversi: - Legalism policy fix - Fixed "empty entry in construction queue" bug New Resource+Improvement images by The Bucketeer Translation updates ## 3.5.3 By lyrjie: - Can no longer buy the same building multiple times - "Pick construction" tutorial now completes again - Map is revealed after singleplayer defeat More resource images by The Bucketeer Ancient ruins are no longer save-scummable Resolved #1700 - As per original civ, you no longer start with a scout. Translation updates ## 3.5.2 By JackRainy: - Disable France culture boost after Steam Power - Back button prompts dialog for game exit - Janissaries heal after killing Legalism grants culture buildings asap - by r3versi Fix Map Editor Lag - by r3versi Cities can now bombard all tiles within range of 2 - by Vladimir Tanakov barbarian automation - by Vladimir Tanakov Idle units select properly after settling a city - by lyrjie Proper destruction notification for City-States Added Fur resource image Translation updates ## 3.5.1 City constructions queue - by r3versi Songhai Civ added - by Smashfanful and r3versi Game no longer confuses cities with the same name - by r3versi Can no longer buy tiles outside the 3-tile radius - by lyrjie Added the "crudely-drawn map" to ancient ruins outcomes - by lyrjie Visual bugfix for city button growth bar - by drwhut Translation updates ## 3.5.0 Modding for Desktop is now available! More resource images by The Bucketeer Added a growth progress bar to CityButton - by drwhut Translation updates ## 3.4.8 Huge Map Editor update - bush sizes and paint-dragging! - by r3versi "Stop" actions now work again - by r3versi Battery saving rendering (also removes the 'current unit' animation but that's the price to pay) - by r3versi "Sell building" no longer disabled when player has little gold - by lyrjie Performance improvements Tutorial updates ## 3.4.7 Spain civ added - by r3versi Background work towards enabling mods Resolved #1598 - we now save Map Options for new games started Specific AI automation for Missile units means they won't try to move to tiles that they can't move to Translation updates ## 3.4.6 AI no longer attempts to get rid of barbarian encampments with nuclear strikes. All natural wonders now in the game, kudos to The Bucketeer for the art! Can now display pixel resources on the map - for now we have the mineral resources Resolved #1569 - "Patreon" button actually opens Patreon now Natural wonders fixes - by r3versi Civilopedia and Tutorial fixes - by Vladimir Tanakov Added notifications for diplomacy between other civs - by lyrjie Translation updates ## 3.4.5 Resolved #1533 - Defeated City-States no longer "declare war" if you attack their ally Ancient Ruins are now spread out instead of randomized Automated units no longer advance towards enemies they can't attack without dying - by lyrjie Can no longer purchase constructions from cities in resistance New language getting translated: Indonesian! Translation updates ## 3.4.4 Grand Mesa and Mount Fuji artwork by The Bucketeer means they're now in the game! Happiness from worked tiles now computed - by r3versi Polynesian galleys can enter ocean - by lyrjie Barbarians enter owned tiles (difficulty dependant) - by lyrjie Cities no longer connected to capital by water without harbor - by lyrjie Email popup for crash reports on Android - by Vladimir Tanakov Translation updates ## 3.4.3 Most players said Cultural victory was too easy - now requires 5 branches instead of 4 By r3versi: - Unique promotions listed in Promotion screen - Fixed Greece City-States influence unique - Added notifications on losing city state relationship Misc. rare bugfixes when: -liberating cities when you haven't met their original owners -activating "Conduct trade mission" -conquering cities -obsoleting scouts -razing the capital city -first entering a large multiplayer game Translation updates ## 3.4.2 Diplomacy graph size scales with screen space available - by r3versi Game crash popup no longer affected by tutorial settings Fix error due changing language on Android < 4.4 - by r3versi & Vladimir Tanakov Resolved #1493 - Added Nation information to Civilopedia Added Promotion information to Civilopedia Translation updates ## 3.4.1 Fixed more crashes and ANRs related to translations Added loading screen Considerably sped up initial loading time Translation updates ## 3.4.0 Natural wonders are go! :smile: - by r3versi Great scientist now generates science like in original game - by lishaoxia1985 Solved the "0 production for settler" bug Tutorial task table now becomes visible when turning displayTutorials on - kudos @r3versi