const { Octokit } = require("@octokit/rest"); const { version } = require("os"); const internal = require("stream"); const fs = require("fs") // To be run from the main Unciv repo directory // Summarizes and adds the summary to the file // Meant to be run from a Github action as part of the preparation for version rollout async function main(){ // no need to add auth: token since we're only reading from the commit list, which is public anyway const octokit = new Octokit({}); var result = await octokit.repos.listCommits({ owner: "yairm210", repo: "Unciv", per_page: 50 }) var commitSummary = ""; var ownerToCommits = {} var reachedPreviousVersion = false var nextVersionString = "" => { if (reachedPreviousVersion) return var author = if (author=="uncivbot[bot]") return var commitMessage = commit.commit.message.split("\n")[0]; var versionMatches = commitMessage.match(/^\d+\.\d+\.(\d+)$/) if (versionMatches){ // match EXACT version, like 3.4.55 ^ is for start-of-line, $ for end-of-line reachedPreviousVersion=true var minorVersion = Number(versionMatches[1]) console.log("Previous version: "+commitMessage) nextVersionString = commitMessage.replace(RegExp(minorVersion+"$"), minorVersion+1 ) console.log("Next version: " + nextVersionString) return } if (commitMessage.startsWith("Merge ") || commitMessage.startsWith("Update ")) return commitMessage = commitMessage.replace(/\(\#\d+\)/,"").replace(/\#\d+/,"") // match PR auto-text, like (#2345) or just #2345 if (author != "yairm210"){ if (ownerToCommits[author] == undefined) ownerToCommits[author]=[] ownerToCommits[author].push(commitMessage) } else commitSummary += "\n\n" + commitMessage } ); Object.entries(ownerToCommits).forEach(entry => { const [author, commits] = entry; if (commits.length==1) commitSummary += "\n\n" + commits[0] + " - By "+author else { commitSummary += "\n\nBy "+author+":" commits.forEach(commitMessage => { commitSummary += "\n- "+commitMessage }) } }) console.log(commitSummary) var textToAddToChangelog = "## "+ nextVersionString + commitSummary + "\n\n" var changelogPath = '' var currentChangelog = fs.readFileSync(changelogPath).toString() if (!currentChangelog.startsWith(textToAddToChangelog)){ // minor idempotency - don't add twice var newChangelog = textToAddToChangelog + currentChangelog fs.writeFileSync(changelogPath, newChangelog) } var buildConfigPath = "buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/BuildConfig.kt" var buildConfigString = fs.readFileSync(buildConfigPath).toString() console.log("Original: "+buildConfigString) // node.js string.match returns a regex string array, where array[0] is the entirety of the captured string, // and array[1] is the first group, array[2] is the second group etc. var appVersion = buildConfigString.match(/appVersion = "(.*)"/) if (appVersion != nextVersionString){ buildConfigString = buildConfigString.replace(appVersion[0], appVersion[0].replace(appVersion[1], nextVersionString)) var androidVersion = buildConfigString.match(/appCodeNumber = (\d*)/) console.log("Android version: "+androidVersion) var nextAndroidVersion = Number(androidVersion[1]) + 1 console.log("Next Android version: "+ nextAndroidVersion) buildConfigString = buildConfigString.replace(androidVersion[0], androidVersion[0].replace(androidVersion[1], nextAndroidVersion)) console.log("Final: "+buildConfigString) fs.writeFileSync(buildConfigPath, buildConfigString) // A new, discrete changelog file for fastlane (F-Droid support): var fastlaneChangelogPath = "fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/changelogs/" + nextAndroidVersion + ".txt" fs.writeFileSync(fastlaneChangelogPath, textToAddToChangelog) } } main()