package com.unciv object Constants { const val settler = "Settler" const val eraSpecificUnit = "Era Starting Unit" const val spreadReligion = "Spread Religion" const val removeHeresy = "Remove Foreign religions from your own cities" const val english = "English" const val impassable = "Impassable" const val ocean = "Ocean" /** The "Coast" _terrain_ */ const val coast = "Coast" /** The "Coastal" terrain _filter_ */ const val coastal = "Coastal" const val mountain = "Mountain" const val hill = "Hill" const val plains = "Plains" const val lakes = "Lakes" const val desert = "Desert" const val grassland = "Grassland" const val tundra = "Tundra" const val snow = "Snow" const val forest = "Forest" const val jungle = "Jungle" const val ice = "Ice" val vegetation = arrayOf(forest, jungle) // Note the difference in case. **Not** interchangeable! // TODO this is very opaque behaviour to modders /** The "Fresh water" terrain _unique_ */ const val freshWater = "Fresh water" /** The "Fresh Water" terrain _filter_ */ const val freshWaterFilter = "Fresh Water" const val barbarianEncampment = "Barbarian encampment" const val cityCenter = "City center" const val peaceTreaty = "Peace Treaty" const val researchAgreement = "Research Agreement" const val openBorders = "Open Borders" const val defensivePact = "Defensive Pact" /** Used as origin in StatMap or ResourceSupplyList, or the toggle button in DiplomacyOverviewTab */ const val cityStates = "City-States" /** Used as origin in ResourceSupplyList */ const val tradable = "Tradable" const val random = "Random" const val unknownNationName = "???" const val unknownCityName = "???" const val fort = "Fort" const val futureTech = "Future Tech" // Easter egg name. Is to avoid conflicts when players name their own religions. // This religion name should never be displayed. const val noReligionName = "The religion of TheLegend27" const val spyHideout = "Spy Hideout" const val neutralVictoryType = "Neutral" const val cancelImprovementOrder = "Cancel improvement order" const val tutorialPopupNamePrefix = "Tutorial: " const val OK = "OK" const val close = "Close" const val yes = "Yes" const val no = "No" const val loading = "Loading..." const val working = "Working..." const val barbarians = "Barbarians" const val spectator = "Spectator" const val embarked = "Embarked" const val wounded = "Wounded" const val rising = "Rising" const val lowering = "Lowering" const val remove = "Remove " const val repair = "Repair" const val uniqueOrDelimiter = "\" OR \"" const val dropboxMultiplayerServer = "Dropbox" const val uncivXyzServer = "" const val defaultTileset = "HexaRealm" /** Default for TileSetConfig.fallbackTileSet - Don't change unless you've also moved the crosshatch, borders, and arrows as well */ const val defaultFallbackTileset = "FantasyHex" const val defaultUnitset = "AbsoluteUnits" const val defaultSkin = "Minimal" /** * Use this to determine whether a [MapUnit][]'s movement is exhausted * (currentMovement <= this) if and only if a fuzzy comparison is needed to account for Float rounding errors. * _Most_ checks do compare to 0! */ const val minimumMovementEpsilon = 0.05f // 0.1f was used previously, too - here for global searches const val aiPreferInquisitorOverMissionaryPressureDifference = 3000f const val defaultFontSize = 18 const val headingFontSize = 24 }