package com.unciv import com.badlogic.gdx.Application import com.badlogic.gdx.Game import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx import com.badlogic.gdx.Input import import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Align import com.unciv.logic.GameInfo import com.unciv.logic.GameSaver import com.unciv.models.metadata.GameSettings import com.unciv.models.ruleset.RulesetCache import com.unciv.models.translations.Translations import com.unciv.ui.LanguagePickerScreen import com.unciv.ui.utils.* import com.unciv.ui.worldscreen.WorldScreen import java.util.* import kotlin.concurrent.thread class UncivGame(parameters: UncivGameParameters) : Game() { // we need this secondary constructor because Java code for iOS can't handle Kotlin lambda parameters constructor(version: String) : this(UncivGameParameters(version, null)) val version = parameters.version private val crashReportSender = parameters.crashReportSender val exitEvent = parameters.exitEvent val cancelDiscordEvent = parameters.cancelDiscordEvent val fontImplementation = parameters.fontImplementation val consoleMode = parameters.consoleMode lateinit var gameInfo: GameInfo fun isGameInfoInitialized() = this::gameInfo.isInitialized lateinit var settings: GameSettings lateinit var crashController: CrashController /** * This exists so that when debugging we can see the entire map. * Remember to turn this to false before commit and upload! */ var viewEntireMapForDebug = false /** For when you need to test something in an advanced game and don't have time to faff around */ val superchargedForDebug = false /** Simulate until this turn on the first "Next turn" button press. * Does not update World View changes until finished. * Set to 0 to disable. */ val simulateUntilTurnForDebug: Int = 0 /** Console log battles */ val alertBattle = false lateinit var worldScreen: WorldScreen var music: Music? = null val musicLocation = "music/thatched-villagers.mp3" private var isSizeRestored = false var isInitialized = false val translations = Translations() override fun create() { Gdx.input.setCatchKey(Input.Keys.BACK, true) if ( != Application.ApplicationType.Desktop) { viewEntireMapForDebug = false } Current = this // If this takes too long players, especially with older phones, get ANR problems. // Whatever needs graphics needs to be done on the main thread, // So it's basically a long set of deferred actions. settings = GameSaver.getGeneralSettings() // needed for the screen screen = LoadingScreen() = settings.continuousRendering thread(name = "LoadJSON") { RulesetCache.loadRulesets() translations.tryReadTranslationForCurrentLanguage() translations.loadPercentageCompleteOfLanguages() if (settings.userId.isEmpty()) { // assign permanent user id settings.userId = UUID.randomUUID().toString() } // This stuff needs to run on the main thread because it needs the GL context { ImageGetter.ruleset = RulesetCache.getBaseRuleset() // so that we can enter the map editor without having to load a game first thread(name="Music") { startMusic() } restoreSize() if (settings.isFreshlyCreated) { setScreen(LanguagePickerScreen()) } else { setScreen(MainMenuScreen()) } isInitialized = true } } crashController = CrashController.Impl(crashReportSender) } fun restoreSize() { if (!isSizeRestored && == Application.ApplicationType.Desktop && settings.windowState.height>39 && settings.windowState.width>39) { isSizeRestored = true, settings.windowState.height) } } fun loadGame(gameInfo: GameInfo) { this.gameInfo = gameInfo ImageGetter.ruleset = gameInfo.ruleSet Gdx.input.inputProcessor = null // Since we will set the world screen when we're ready, // This is to avoid ANRs when loading. ImageGetter.refreshAtlas() worldScreen = WorldScreen(gameInfo.getPlayerToViewAs()) setWorldScreen() } fun loadGame(gameName: String) { loadGame(GameSaver.loadGameByName(gameName)) } fun startMusic() { if (settings.musicVolume < 0.01) return val musicFile = Gdx.files.local(musicLocation) if (musicFile.exists()) { music = music!!.isLooping = true music!!.volume = 0.4f * settings.musicVolume music!!.play() } } fun setScreen(screen: CameraStageBaseScreen) { Gdx.input.inputProcessor = screen.stage super.setScreen(screen) } fun setWorldScreen() { if (screen != null && screen != worldScreen) screen.dispose() setScreen(worldScreen) worldScreen.shouldUpdate = true // This can set the screen to the policy picker or tech picker screen, so the input processor must come before } // This is ALWAYS called after create() on Android - google "Android life cycle" override fun resume() { super.resume() if (!isInitialized) return // The stuff from Create() is still happening, so the main screen will load eventually } override fun pause() { if (this::gameInfo.isInitialized) GameSaver.autoSave(this.gameInfo) super.pause() } override fun resize(width: Int, height: Int) { screen.resize(width, height) } override fun dispose() { cancelDiscordEvent?.invoke() // Log still running threads (should be only this one and "DestroyJavaVM") val numThreads = Thread.activeCount() val threadList = Array(numThreads) { _ -> Thread() } Thread.enumerate(threadList) if (::gameInfo.isInitialized){ val autoSaveThread = threadList.firstOrNull { == "Autosave" } if (autoSaveThread != null && autoSaveThread.isAlive) { // auto save is already in progress (e.g. started by onPause() event) // let's allow it to finish and do not try to autosave second time autoSaveThread.join() } else GameSaver.autoSaveSingleThreaded(gameInfo) // NO new thread } threadList.filter { it !== Thread.currentThread() && != "DestroyJavaVM"}.forEach { println (" Thread ${} still running in UncivGame.dispose().") } } companion object { lateinit var Current: UncivGame fun isCurrentInitialized() = this::Current.isInitialized } } class LoadingScreen:CameraStageBaseScreen() { init { val happinessImage = ImageGetter.getImage("StatIcons/Happiness") happinessImage.setOrigin( happinessImage.addAction(Actions.sequence( Actions.delay(1f), Actions.rotateBy(360f, 0.5f))) stage.addActor(happinessImage) } }