{ "Next turn":{ Italian:"Turno successivo" Russian:"Следующий чод" French:"Tour prochain" Romanian:"Runda urmatoare" } "Turn":{ // For main screen at top left, e.g. Turn 234 Italian:"Turno" Russian:"Ход" French:"Tour" Romanian:"Runda" } "in ":{ // As in "Opera House in 3 turns" } "turns":{ // for e.g. turns to technology Italian:"Turni" Russian:"Ходов" French:"Tours" Romanian:"Runde" } // Unit "Movement":{ Italian:"Movimento" Russian:"Переместить" French:"Deplacer" Romanian:"Mișcare" } "Strength":{ Italian:"Forza" Russian:"Сила" French:"Force" Romanian:"Putere" } "Ranged strength":{ Italian:"Forza a distanza" Russian:"Дальний бой" French:"Force à distance" Romanian:"Puterea la distanta" } "Move unit":{ Italian:"Sposta unità" Russian:"Переместить юнит" French:"Dèplacer unité" Romanian:"Mutați unitatea" } "Stop movement":{ Italian:"Ferma movimento" Russian:"Отмена деиствья" French:"Arrêter le mouvement" Romanian:"Opriți mișcarea" } "Construct improvement":{ Italian:"Migliorare costruzione" Russian:"Улучшыть строение" French:"Amèlioré construcion" Romanian:"îmbunătățirea construcției" } "Automate":{ Italian:"Automatizzare" Russian:"Автоматизацыя" French:"Automacion" Romanian:"Automatizare" } "Fortify":{ Italian:"Fortifica" Russian:"Укрепить" French:"Fortifier" Romanian:"Fortifica" } "Fortification":{ // as in "+40% Fortification" } "Set up":{ // For siege units } "Health":{ Italian:"Salute" Russian:"Здоровье" French:"Santé" Romanian:"Sanatate" } // Stats "Gold":{ Italian:"Oro" Russian:"Золото" French:"Or" Romanian:"Aur" } "Science":{ Italian:"Scienza" Russian:"Наука" French:"Science" Romanian:"Ştiinţă" } "Happiness":{ Italian:"Felicità" Russian:"Счастье" French:"Bonheur" Romanian:"Fericire" } "Culture":{ Italian:"Cultura" Russian:"Культура" French:"Culture" Romanian:"Cultură" } "Food":{ Italian:"Cibo" Russian:"ИДА" French:"Nourriture" Romanian:"Hrană" } // Menu table "Start new game":{ Italian:"Nuovo gioco" Russian:"Новая игра" French:"Nouveau jeu" Romanian:"Joc nou" } "Save game":{ Italian:"Salvataggio" Russian:"Сохранить игру" French:"Sauvegarder la partie" Romanian:"Salveaza jocul" } "Load game":{ Italian:"Carica gioco" Russian:"Загрузить игру" French:"Chargement du jeu" Romanian:"Incarca jocul" } "Victory status":{ Italian:"Stato di vittoria" Russian:"Статус победы" French:"Statut de la victoire" Romanian:"Statutul victoriei" } "Social policies":{ Italian:"Politiche sociali" Russian:"Социальная политика" French:"Politiques sociales" Romanian:"Politici sociale" } "Display options":{ Italian:"Opzioni display" Russian:"Параметры экрана" French:"Option d'affichage" Romanian:"Opțiuni ecran" } "Close":{ Italian:"Chiudi" Russian:"Закрыть" French:"Fermer" Romanian:"Inchide" } // City screen "Exit city":{ Italian:"Esci dalla città" Russian:"Выход из города" French:"Quitter la ville" Romanian:"Ieșiți din oraș" } "Raze city":{ Italian:"Demolizione città" Russian:"Разрущение города" French:"Demolition de la ville" Romanian:"Demolarea orașului" } "Stop razing city":{ Italian:"Anulla demolizione città" Russian:"Отменить разрущение города" French:"Anuller demolition de la ville" Romanian:"Anuleaza demolarea orașului" } "Buy for":{ // as in "Buy for X gold" Italian:"Compra con" Russian:"Купить с" French:"Acheter avec" Romanian:"Cumpara cu" } "Maintainance cost":{ } "Pick construction":{ // eg Build Granary } "Build":{ // eg Build Granary } "Train":{ // eg Train Scout } // Notifications // Some notifications have an exclamation mark after them - is the exclamation mark different in other languages? // If so then we need to deal with that as well // I remember that some languages have upside-down question marks before to mark a question " has grown":{ } " has been founded!":{ } " has been razed to the ground!":{ } "We have conquered the city of ":{ } "Research of ":{ // For technology notifications EG Research of Writing has completed } " has completed":{ } " is starving!":{ } "has been built in":{ } "Work has started on":{ } "Cannot continue work on":{ } " has expanded its borders":{ } "An enemy ":{ } " has attacked ":{ } " has destroyed ":{ } " has captured ":{ } " revealed near ":{ // As in "Coal revealed near London" } "The civilization of":{ } "has been destroyed!":{ } // Save and load game "Current saves":{ } "Saved game name":{ } "Copy game info":{ } "Could not load game":{ } "Load":{ // as in "Load SaveFile2" } "Delete save":{ } "Saved at":{ } // Terrains "Grassland":{ } "Plains":{ } "Tundra":{ } "Desert":{ } "Lakes":{ } "Hill":{ } "Forest":{ } "Jungle":{ } "Marsh":{ } "Oasis":{ } "Food plains":{ } // Bonus Resources "Cattle":{ } "Sheep":{ } "Deer":{ } "Bananas":{ } "Wheat":{ } "Stone":{ } // Strategic Resources "Horses":{ } "Iron":{ } "Coal":{ } "Oil":{ } "Aluminum":{ } "Uranium":{ } // Luxury Resources "Furs":{ } "Cotton":{ } "Dyes":{ } "Gems":{ } "Gold":{ } "Silver":{ } "Incense":{ } "Silk":{ } "Spices":{ } "Wine":{ } "Sugar":{ } "Marble":{ } "Pearls":{ } "Whales":{ } // Tile improvements "Farm":{ } "Lumber Mill":{ } "Mine":{ } "Trading post":{ } "Camp":{ } "Oil Well":{ } "Pasture":{ } "Plantation":{ } "Quarry":{ } "Road":{ } "Railroad":{ } "Remove":{ // as in "Remove Forest/Jungle/Marsh" } "Academy":{ } "Landmark":{ } "Manufactory":{ } "Customs house":{ } // Technologies (Ancient Era) "Pottery":{ } "Animal Husbandry":{ } "Archery":{ } "Mining":{ } "Sailing":{ } "Calendar":{ } "Writing":{ } "Trapping":{ } "The Wheel":{ } "Masonry":{ } "Bronze Working":{ } // Technologies (Classical Era) "Optics":{ } "Horseback Riding":{ } "Mathematics":{ } "Construction":{ } "Philosophy":{ } "Currency":{ } "Engineering":{ } "Iron Working":{ } // Technologies (Medieval Era) "Theology":{ } "Civil Service":{ } "Physics":{ } "Metal Casting":{ } "Compass":{ } "Education":{ } "Chivalry":{ } "Machinery":{ } // Technologies (Renaissance Era) "Astronomy":{ } "Acoustics":{ } "Banking":{ } "Printing Press":{ } "Navigation":{ } "Archaeology":{ } "Economics":{ } "Chemistry":{ } // Technologies (Industrial Era) - as of now the tech tree itself is incomplete, more will probably be added later "Scientific Theory":{ } "Fertilizer":{ } "Biology":{ } "Electricity":{ } "Steam Power":{ } // Technologies (Modern Era) "Refrigeration":{ } "Radio":{ } "Combustion":{ } "Plastics":{ } "Electronics":{ } "Mass Media":{ } // Technologies (Information Era) "Pharmaceuticals":{ } "Computers":{ } "Nuclear Fission":{ } "Ecology":{ } "Robotics":{ } "Rocketry":{ } // Technologies (Future Era) "Nanotechnology":{ } "Satellites":{ } "Particle Physics":{ } "Future Tech":{ } }