[ { name:"Babylon", leaderName:"Nebuchadnezzar II", declaringWar:"The demon wants the blood of soldiers!" attacked:"Oh well, I presume you know what you're doing." defeated:"It is over. Perhaps now I shall have peace, at last." introduction:"Are you real or a phantom?" neutralHello:"Greetings." neutralLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","What do you want?"] neutralNo:["No!","Certainly not.","Unacceptable!"] neutralYes:["Completed!","Yes!","Agreed!"] hateHello:"What do YOU want?!" hateLetsHearIt:["I'm certainly listening.","I'm listening!"] hateNo:["No!","Certainly not!","Unacceptable!"] hateYes:["Yes!"] afterPeace:"Foolish, foolish – letting me live." tradeRequest:" It appears that you do have a reason for existing – to make this deal with me." mainColor:[27,53,63], secondaryColor:[213,249,255], unique:"Receive free Great Scientist when you discover Writing, Earn Great Scientists 50% faster", cities:["Babylon","Akkad","Dur-Kurigalzu","Nippur","Borsippa","Sippar","Opis","Mari","Shushan","Eshnunna", "Ellasar","Erech","Kutha","Sirpurla","Neribtum","Ashur","Ninveh","Nimrud","Arbela","Nuzi", "Arrapkha","Tutub","Shaduppum","Rapiqum","Mashkan Shapir","Tuttul","Ramad","Ana","Haradum","Agrab"] }, { name:"Greece", leaderName:"Alexander", declaringWar:"You are in my way, you must be destroyed." attacked:"As a matter of fact I too grow weary of peace." defeated:"You have somehow become my undoing! What kind of beast are you?" introduction:"Hello stranger! I am Alexandros, son of kings and grandson of the gods!" neutralHello:"Greetings!" neutralLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","Go on.","Yes?","Come."] neutralNo:["We decline.","Certainly not.","It is necessary not to accept."] neutralYes:["Certainly.","Very much.","The very best!"] hateHello:"What?" hateLetsHearIt:["You say.","And?","Come on."] hateNo:["This is not pleasant!","You're not being earnest!","Pardon me?"] hateYes:["Oh, very well.","I suppose I must.","Well done."] afterPeace:"I must congratulate you on your remarkable victory." tradeRequest:"My friend, does this seem reasonable to you?" mainColor:[181, 232, 232], secondaryColor:[68,142,249], cities:["Athens","Sparta","Corinth","Argos","Knossos","Mycenae","Pharsalos","Ephesus","Halicarnassus","Rhodes", "Eretria","Pergamon","Miletos","Megara","Phocaea","Sicyon","Tiryns","Samos","Mytilene","Chios", "Paros","Ellis","Syracuse","Herakleia","Gortyn","Chalkis","Pylos","Pella","Naxos"] }, { name:"China", leaderName:"Wu Zetian", declaringWar:"You won't ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yama." attacked:"Fool! I will disembowel you all!" defeated:"You have proven to be a cunning and competent adversary. I congratulate you on your victory." introduction:"Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone." neutralHello:"How are you today?" neutralLetsHearIt:["Continue.","What?","Keep going."] neutralNo:["Nope.","Of course not.","Definitely not."] neutralYes:["Of course.","I agree.","Excellent!"] hateHello:" Oh. It's you?" hateLetsHearIt:["And what else?","Keep talking."] hateNo:["I cannot accept that.","Sorry, say that again.","Get out of my face!"] hateYes:["I suppose I must accept.","Ah. Very good."] afterPeace:"The Blessings of Heaven be upon you." tradeRequest:"My friend, do you think you can accept this request?" mainColor:[9, 112, 84], secondaryColor:[255,255,255], unique:"Great general provides double combat bonus, and spawns 50% faster" cities:["Beijing","Shanghai","Guangzhou","Nanjing","Xian","Chengdu","Hangzhou","Tianjin","Macau","Shandong", "Kaifeng","Ningbo","Baoding","Yangzhou","Harbin","Chongqing","Luoyang","Kunming","Taipei","Shenyang", "Taiyuan","Tainan","Dalian","Lijiang","Wuxi","Suzhou","Maoming","Shaoguan","Yangjiang","Heyuan"] }, { name:"Egypt", leaderName:"Ramesses II", declaringWar:"You are but a pest on this Earth, prepare to be eliminated!", attacked:"You are a fool who evokes pity. You have brought my hostility upon yourself and your repulsive civilization!" defeated:"Strike me down and my soul will torment yours forever – you have won nothing." introduction:" Greetings, I am Ramesses the god. I am the living embodiment of Egypt, mother and father of all civilizations." neutralHello:"Good day." letsHearIt:["Go on.","Speak.","I am all ears."] neutralNo:["No.","Definitely not."] neutralYes:["Okay.","Very well."] hateHello:"Oh, it's you." hateLetsHearIt:["Then?","Finish your speech."] hateNo:["This is unacceptable.","You cannot be serious about your request."] hateYes:["Oh, very well.","I think I should agree."] afterPeace:"You know I could have destroyed you, but the feeling of generosity perfumes me today." tradeRequest:"Generous Egypt makes you this offer." mainColor:[ 231, 213, 0], secondaryColor:[98,10,210], unique:"+20% production towards Wonder construction" cities:["Thebes","Memphis","Heliopolis","Elephantine","Alexandria","Pi-Ramesses","Giza","Byblos","Akhetaten","Hieraconpolis", "Abydos","Asyut","Avaris","Lisht","Buto","Edfu","Pithom","Busiris","Kahun","Athribis", "Mendes","Elashmunein","Tanis","Bubastis","Oryx","Sebennytus","Akhmin","Karnak","Luxor","El Kab"] }, { name:"England", leaderName:"Elizabeth", declaringWar:"By the grace of God, your days are numbered." attacked:"We shall never surrender." defeated:"You have triumphed over us. The day is yours." introduction:"We are pleased to meet you." neutralHello:"Hello, again." neutralLetsHearIt:["Go on.","Go ahead."] neutralNo:["I beg your pardon?","That's unacceptable!"] neutralYes:["Certainly!","Very well!"] hateHello:"Oh, it's you!" hateLetsHearIt:["I'm listening.","You were saying?"] hateNo:["You cannot be serious.","Of course not!"] hateYes:["Oh, very well!","I suppose I must!"] afterPeace:"Well then, that's settled." tradeRequest:"Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England?" mainColor:[ 114, 0, 0], secondaryColor:[255,255,255], unique:"+2 movement for all naval units" cities:["London","York","Nottingham","Hastings","Canterbury","Coventry","Warwick","Newcastle","Oxford","Liverpool", "Dover","Brighton","Norwich","Leeds","Reading","Birmingham","Richmond","Exeter","Cambridge","Gloucester", "Manchester","Bristol","Leicester","Carlisle","Ipswich","Portsmouth","Berwick","Bath","Mumbles","Southampton"] }, { name:"France", leaderName:"Napoleon", declaringWar:"You're disturbing us, prepare for war.", attacked:"You've fallen into my trap. I'll bury you.", defeated:"I congratulate you for your victory." introduction:"Welcome. I'm Napoleon, of France; the smartest military man in world history." neutralHello:"Hello." neutralLetsHearIt:["Continue.","I'm listening.","Go on.","You were saying?"] neutralNo:["We refuse.","Of course not.","No."] neutralYes:["Excellent.","Very well.","I heard."] hateHello:"It's you." hateLetsHearIt:["Speak."] hateNo:["You cannot be serious.","Certainly not.","That's unacceptable."] hateYes:["All right.","I guess I've no choice.","Certainly.","It's all right."] afterPeace:"It seems I underestimated you. I won't make the same mistake again, I promise you." tradeRequest:"France offers you this exceptional proposition." mainColor:[ 38, 98, 255], secondaryColor:[239,236,148], unique:"+2 Culture per turn from cities before discovering Steam Power", cities:["Paris","Orleans","Lyon","Troyes","Tours","Marseille","Chartres","Avignon","Rouen","Grenoble", "Dijon","Amiens","Cherbourg","Poitiers","Toulouse","Bayonne","Strasbourg","Brest","Bordeaux","Rennes", "Nice","Saint Etienne","Nantes","Reims","Le Mans","Montpellier","Limoges","Nancy","Lille","Caen"] }, { name:"Russia", leaderName:"Catherine", declaringWar:"You've behaved yourself very badly, you know it. Now it's payback time.", attacked:"You've mistaken my passion for a weakness, you'll regret about this." defeated:"We were defeated, so this makes me your prisoner. I suppose there are worse fates." introduction:"I greet you, stranger! If you are as intelligent and tactful as you are attractive, we'll get along just fine." neutralHello:"Hello!" neutralLetsHearIt:["Go on.","Speak."] neutralNo:["We decline.","Ha! Of course not!","Certainly not."] neutralYes:["Of course.","I agree.","Excellent!"] hateHello:"What do you need?!" hateLetsHearIt:["And?","Forward.","Go on."] hateNo:["Are you joking?!","I beg your pardon?!","This is unacceptable."] hateYes:["I think...I shall agree.","Oh... Very good.","Deal."] afterPeace:"Now it's the time to enjoy the fruits of peace." tradeRequest:"How would you like it if I propose this kind of exchange?" mainColor:[ 236, 178, 0], secondaryColor:[0,0,0], unique:"Strategic Resources provide +1 Production, and Horses, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity", cities:["Moscow","St. Petersburg","Novgorod","Rostov","Yaroslavl","Yekaterinburg","Yakutsk","Vladivostok","Smolensk","Orenburg", "Krasnoyarsk","Khabarovsk","Bryansk","Tver","Novosibirsk","Magadan","Murmansk","Irkutsk","Chita","Samara", "Arkhangelsk","Chelyabinsk","Tobolsk","Vologda","Omsk","Astrakhan","Kursk","Saratov","Tula","Vladimir"] }, { name:"Rome", leaderName:"Augustus Caesar", declaringWar:"My treasury contains little and my soldiers are getting impatient... ...therefore you must die." attacked:"So brave, yet so stupid! If only you had a brain similar to your courage." defeated:"The gods have deprived Rome of their favour. We have been defeated." introduction:"I greet you. I am Augustus, Imperator and Pontifex Maximus of Rome. If you are a friend of Rome, you are welcome." neutralHello:"Hail." neutralLetsHearIt:["Begin.","Continue."] neutralNo:["No.","Certainly not!"] neutralYes:["Good.","I agree."] hateHello:"What do you want?" hateLetsHearIt:["And?","Continue."] hateNo:["That is unpleasant.","You can't be serious!"] hateYes:["Good.","Oh. Good."] afterPeace:"Your soldiers fought well. I congratulate you on your victory." tradeRequest:"I offer this, for your consideration." mainColor:[ 53,0,87], secondaryColor:[238,201,9], unique:"+25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital", cities:["Rome","Antium","Cumae","Neapolis","Ravenna","Arretium","Mediolanum","Arpinum","Circei","Setia", "Satricum","Ardea","Ostia","Velitrae","Viroconium","Tarentum","Brundisium","Caesaraugusta","Caesarea","Palmyra", "Signia","Aquileia","Clusium","Sutrium","Cremona","Placentia","Hispalis","Artaxata","Aurelianorum","Nicopolis"] }, { name:"Arabia", leaderName:"Harun al-Rashid", declaringWar:"The world will be more beautiful without you. Prepare for war." attacked:"Fool! You will soon regret dearly! I swear it!" defeated:"You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, and I beg that you care well for the peacock." introduction:"Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me about your empire." neutralHello:"Peace be upon you." neutralLetsHearIt:["What is this?","What were you saying?"] neutralNo:["Of course not.","Certainly not."] neutralYes:["Okay.","Excellent."] hateHello:"Oh, it's you." hateLetsHearIt:["What's this?!","Finish your speech."] hateNo:["This matter is unacceptable.","You can't be serious about this request."] hateYes:["Very well.","If I must."] afterPeace:"We thank you for your generous terms, we will not forget the favor you show us." tradeRequest:"Come forth, let's do business." mainColor:[ 41,83,42], secondaryColor:[146,221,9], cities:["Mecca","Medina","Damascus","Baghdad","Najran","Kufah","Basra","Khurasan","Anjar","Fustat", "Aden","Yamama","Muscat","Mansura","Bukhara","Fez","Shiraz","Merw","Balkh","Mosul", "Aydab","Bayt","Suhar","Taif","Hama","Tabuk","Sana'a","Shihr","Tripoli","Tunis"] }, { name:"America", leaderName:"Washington", declaringWar:"Your wanton aggression leaves us no choice. Prepare for war!" attacked:"You have mistaken our love of peace for weakness. You shall regret this!" defeated:"The day...is yours. I hope you will be merciful in your triumph." introduction:"The people of the United States of America welcome you." neutralHello:"Good day." neutralLetsHearIt:["Proceed!","Go ahead.","I'm listening."] neutralNo:["Of course not!","No."] neutralYes:["Very well.","Alright.","Certainly!"] hateHello:"Well?" hateLetsHearIt:["Go on.","You were saying?"] hateNo:["Certainly not.","We decline!","You cannot be serious."] hateYes:["Oh, very well.","I suppose I must.","Agreed.","Alright."] afterPeace:"We welcome peace with your great nation. I pray that no future misunderstanding will come between our two peoples." tradeRequest:"Is the following trade of interest to you?" mainColor:[ 28,51,119], secondaryColor:[255,255,255], unique:"All land military units have +1 sight, 50% discount when purchasing tiles", cities:["Washington","New York","Boston","Philadelphia","Atlanta","Chicago","Seattle","San Francisco","Los Angeles","Houston", "Portland","St. Louis","Miami","Buffalo","Detroit","New Orleans","Baltimore","Denver","Cincinnati","Dallas","Memphis", "Cleveland","Kansas City","San Diego","Richmond","Las Vegas","Phoenix","Albuquerque","Minneapolis","Pittsburgh"] }, { name:"Barbarians", mainColor:[0,0,0], secondaryColor:[182,0,0] } ]