[ { columnNumber: 1, era:"Ancient", techCost: 35, buildingCost:60, techs:[ { name:"Pottery", row:2, description:"Allows your cities to construct a granary, which provides food." }, { name:"Animal Husbandry", row:5, description:"Reveals horses, and allows workers to build pastures, which improve various animal resources." }, { name:"Mining", row:9, description:"Allows workers to build mines, which grant access to several strategic and luxury resources and increases production. Also allows workers to clear forests." } ] }, { columnNumber: 2, era:"Ancient", techCost: 55, buildingCost:75, wonderCost:185, techs:[ /*{ name:"Sailing", row:1, prerequisites:["Pottery"], description:"Does nothing since we have no sea tiles - In theory, Allows access to sea resources by building work boats" },*/ { name:"Calendar", row:2, prerequisites:["Pottery"], description:"Allows your workers to build Plantations, which grant access to several luxury resources, and the Stonehenge wonder, providing culture" }, { name:"Writing", row:3, prerequisites:["Pottery"], description:"Allows your cities to construct libraries, which increases science produced. Also enables construction of the Great Library wonder." }, { name:"Trapping", row:5, prerequisites:["Animal Husbandry"], description:"Allows your workers to build Camps, increasing gold and granting access to several luxury resources. Also enables construction of Circuses, providing happiness." }, { name:"The Wheel", row:6, prerequisites:["Animal Husbandry"], description:"Allows construction of roads, speeding movement and providing gold from trade. ALSO WATERWHEELS-TODO" }, { name:"Masonry", row:9, prerequisites:["Mining"], description:"Allows workers to build quarries, granting access to stone and marble resources." }, { name:"Bronze Working", row:10, prerequisites:["Mining"], description:"Allows workers to remove jungles and clear marshes" } ] }, { columnNumber: 3, era:"Classical", techCost: 115, buildingCost:100, wonderCost:250, techs:[ /*{ name:"Optics", cost:95, row:1, prerequisites:["Sailing"], description:"Does nothing since we have no sea tiles - In theory, Allows construction of lighthouses, providing more food for sea tiles" },*/ { name:"Horseback Riding", row:5, prerequisites:["Trapping","The Wheel"], description:"Allows construction of stables, which increase production on cattle, sheep and horses, and the Circus Maximus wonder" }, { name:"Mathematics", row:7, prerequisites:["The Wheel"], description: "Enables construction of the Hanging Gardens wonder. Also enables construction of the Pyramids wonder." }, { name:"Construction", row:9, prerequisites:["Masonry"], description:"Allows construction of colosseums, which generate happiness, and building lumber mills on forests, providing production" } ] }, { columnNumber: 4, era:"Classical", techCost: 305, buildingCost:120, wonderCost:300, techs:[ { name:"Philosophy", row:3, prerequisites:["Writing","Calendar"], description:"Allows construction of temples, which generate culture, and the Oracle wonder" }, { name:"Currency", row:7, prerequisites:["Mathematics"], description:"Enables construction of Markets and Mints, which increase gold, and conversion of city production to gold. Also enables the Machu Pichu wonder." }, { name:"Engineering", row:8, prerequisites:["Mathematics","Construction"], description:"Enables construction of aqueducts, which speed up city growth" }, { name:"Iron Working", row:10, prerequisites:["Bronze Working"], description:"Reveals Iron on map" } ] }, { columnNumber: 5, era:"Medieval", techCost: 535, buildingCost:160, wonderCost:400, techs:[ { name:"Theology", row:2, prerequisites:["Philosophy"], description:"Enables construction of Monasteries, providing culture, and the Hagia Sophia, increasing Great Person generation" }, { name:"Civil Service", row:4, prerequisites:["Horseback Riding","Philosophy"], description:"Enables the Chichen Itza wonder, which increases the length of golden ages, and the National College, increasing science" }, { name:"Metal Casting", row:10, prerequisites:["Construction","Iron Working"], description:"Enables construction of Forges and Workshops, increasing production, and the Notre Dame wonder, providing happiness," } ] }, { columnNumber: 6, era:"Medieval", techCost: 855, buildingCost:200, wonderCost:500, techs:[ /*{ name:"Compass", row:1, cost:415, prerequisites:["Optics"], description:"Does nothing since we have no sea tiles - In theory, allows construction of harbors" },*/ { name:"Education", row:3, prerequisites:["Theology","Civil Service"], description:"Allows cities to convert production to science, construction of Universities which provide science" }, { name:"Chivalry", row:5, prerequisites:["Civil Service","Currency"], description:"Enables construction of the Angkor Wat wonder, reducing cost of aquiring new tiles, construction of Trading Posts on tiles, providing gold" }, { name:"Machinery", row:8, prerequisites:["Physics"], description:"Speeds movement speed on roads and allows you to construct the Ironworks wonder, which gives a massive boost in production" }, { name:"Physics", row:9, prerequisites:["Engineering","Metal Casting"], description:"Enables construction of the Porcelain Tower, increasing production to science production" } ] }, { columnNumber: 7, era:"Renaissance", techCost: 1265, buildingCost:250, wonderCost:625, techs:[ { name:"Astronomy", row:2, prerequisites:[/*"Compass",*/"Education"], description:"Enables construction of Observatories in cities near mountains" }, { name:"Acoustics", row:4, prerequisites:["Education","Chivalry"], description:"Enables construction of Opera Houses and the Sistine Chapel, providing culture" }, { name:"Banking", row:6, prerequisites:["Chivalry"], description:"Enables construction of banks, increasing gold, and allows construciton of the Forbidden Palace, decreasing unhappiness form population" }, { name:"Printing Press", row:8, prerequisites:["Machinery","Physics"], description:"Enables construction of the Theatre and Taj Mahal, increasing happiness" }, ] }, { columnNumber: 8, era:"Renaissance", techCost: 1755, buildingCost:300, wonderCost:750, techs:[ /*{ name:"Navigation", row:2, prerequisites:["Astronomy"], description:"Does nothing since we have no sea tiles - In theory, allows construction of Frigates and Seaports" },*/ { name:"Archaeology", row:2, prerequisites:["Astronomy"], description:"Allows construction of Museums and the Hermitage and Louvre wonders, providing culture" }, { name:"Economics", row:6, prerequisites:["Banking","Printing Press"], description:"Camps and Trading Posts provide +1 gold, allows construction of Windmill" }, { name:"Chemistry", row:9, prerequisites:["Machinery"], description:"Mines and Quarries provide +1 production" } ] }, { columnNumber: 9, era:"Industrial", techCost: 2585, buildingCost:360, wonderCost:920, techs:[ { name:"Scientific Theory", row:4, prerequisites:["Archaeology","Acoustics","Economics"], description:"Reveals coal and allows construction of Public Schools, providing science. Also improves science from Academy." }, { name:"Fertilizer", row:7, prerequisites:["Chemistry"], description:"+1 food from Farms, Plantations and Pastures" } ] }, { columnNumber: 10, era:"Industrial", techCost: 3405, buildingCost:500, wonderCost:1060, techs:[ { name:"Biology", row:3, prerequisites:["Archaeology","Scientific Theory","Fertilizer"], description:"Reveals oil and allows construction of oil wells, and construction of hospitals, providing a large amount of food" }, { name:"Electricity", row:5, prerequisites:["Scientific Theory"], description:"Reveals Aluminium on map and allows construction of stock exchange, increasing gold" }, { name:"Steam Power", row:7, prerequisites:["Scientific Theory","Chemistry"], description:"Enables construction of factories, boosting production, and increases produciton of lumber mills, " } ] }, { columnNumber: 11, era:"Modern", techCost: 4505, buildingCost:500, wonderCost:1250, techs:[ { name:"Refrigeration", row:4, prerequisites:["Electricity"], description:"Does nothing since we have no sea tiles - In theory, allows construction of offshore platforms and submarines" }, { name:"Radio", row:5, prerequisites:["Electricity"], description:"Allows construction of broadcast towers and the Eiffel Tower, increasing culture" }, { name:"Combustion", row:8, prerequisites:["Steam Power"], description:"Allows construction of railroads, providing fast transport and a 25% production boost to cities" } ] }, { columnNumber: 12, era:"Modern", techCost: 5605, buildingCost:500, wonderCost:1250, techs:[ { name:"Plastics", row:3, prerequisites:["Biology"], description:"Allows construction of Research Lab, increasing science" }, { name:"Electronics", row:5, prerequisites:["Radio"], description:"Contributes only war-relatied things - on hold until AI is introduced - todo" }, { name:"Mass Media", row:6, prerequisites:["Radio"], description:"Allows construction of Stadiums and the Sydney Opera House, boosting happiness" }, { name:"Flight", row:7, prerequisites:["Combustion"], description:"Allows construction of the Cristo Redentor, reducing cost of new policies" }, ] }, { columnNumber: 13, era:"Information", techCost: 7035, buildingCost:500, techs:[ { name:"Penicillin", row:3, prerequisites:["Refrigeration","Biology"], description:"Enables construction of medical labs, alowing for greater city growth" }, { name:"Computers", row:5, prerequisites:["Electronics","Mass Media"], description:"+10% science and production in all cities" }, { name:"Nuclear Fission", row:7, prerequisites:["Combustion"], description:"Allows construction of Nuclear Plants, increasing production" } ] }, { columnNumber: 14, era:"Information", techCost: 8465, buildingCost:750, techs:[ { name:"Ecology", row:3, prerequisites:["Penicillin","Plastics","Electronics"], description:"Enables construction of Solar Plants on cities near deserts, increasing production" }, { name:"Robotics", row:4, prerequisites:["Computers"], description:"Allow construction of SS Boosters, a vital part of the spaceship, and the Spaceship Factory, which speeds the production of spaceship parts" }, { name:"Rocketry", row:6, prerequisites:["Flight","Electronics"], description:"Allows you to construct the Apollo Project, to find a way off of this planet!" } ] }, { columnNumber: 15, era:"Future", techCost: 9675, buildingCost:750, wonderCost:1250, techs:[ { name:"Nanotechnology", row:3, prerequisites:["Robotics","Ecology"], description:"Allow construction of the SS Statis Chamber, a vital part of the spaceship" } { name:"Satellites", row:5, prerequisites:["Rocketry","Computers","Ecology"], description:"Allow construction of the SS Cockpit, a vital part of the spaceship" } { name:"Particle Physics", row:6, prerequisites:["Ecology","Computers","Nuclear Fission"], description:"Allow construction of the SS Engine, a vital part of the spaceship" } ] }, { columnNumber: 16, era:"Future", techCost: 9675, buildingCost:750, wonderCost:1250, techs:[ { name:"Future Tech", row:5, prerequisites:["Nanotechnology","Particle Physics","Satellites"], description:"Who knows what the future holds?" } ] } ]