If you also have JDK 11 installed, you can compile Unciv on your own by cloning (or downloading and unzipping) the project, opening a terminal in the Unciv folder and run the following commands: ### Windows Running: `gradlew desktop:run` Building: `gradlew desktop:dist` ### Linux/Mac OS Running: `./gradlew desktop:run` Building: `./gradlew desktop:dist` If the terminal returns `Permission denied` or `Command not found` on Mac/Linux, run `chmod +x ./gradlew` first. *This is a one-time procedure.* If you get an error that Android SDK folder wasn't found, firstly install it by doing in terminal: `sudo apt update && sudo apt install android-sdk` (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint etc.) After that you should put its folder to the file `local.properties` by adding this line: `sdk.dir = /path/to/android/sdk` which can be `/usr/lib/android-sdk` or something other. If during the first launch it throws an error that the JDK version is wrong try [this JDK installation](https://www.azul.com/downloads/zulu-community/?package=jdk). Gradle may take up to several minutes to download files. Be patient. After building, the output .JAR file should be in /desktop/build/libs/Unciv.jar For actual development, you'll probably need to download Android Studio and build it yourself - see Contributing :)