mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 07:53:00 +07:00
10607 lines
389 KiB
10607 lines
389 KiB
# Language settings
# Equivalent of a space in your language
# If your language doesn't use spaces, just add "" as a translation, otherwise " "
" " = " "
# If the first word in a sentence starts with a capital in your language,
# put the english word 'true' behind the '=', otherwise 'false'.
# Don't translate these words to your language, only put 'true' or 'false'.
StartWithCapitalLetter = true
# Diacritics Support:
# See https://yairm210.github.io/Unciv/Other/Translating/#diacritics-support for details!
# Most languages will not need these, feel free to ignore, or use "" to avoid the "requires translation" mark. Do NOT translate the "key" to the left of the equals sign!
diacritics_support = false
# Requires translation!
unicode_block_start_character =
# Requires translation!
unicode_block_end_character =
# Requires translation!
left_joining_diacritics =
# Requires translation!
right_joining_diacritics =
# Requires translation!
left_and_right_joiners =
# Fastlane
# These will be automatically copied to the fastlane descriptions used by F-Droid. Their keys are not as usual the english original, please read those directly as linked.
# Documentation: https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/#Summary
# English to translate: https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/blob/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/short_description.txt
Fastlane_short_description = Ludus apertus quattuor-X aedificationis civilizationis
# Documentation: https://f-droid.org/en/docs/Build_Metadata_Reference/#Description
# English to translate: https://github.com/yairm210/Unciv/blob/master/fastlane/metadata/android/en-US/full_description.txt
# Requires translation!
Fastlane_full_description =
# Starting from here normal translations start, as described in
# https://yairm210.github.io/Unciv/Other/Translating/
# General
Delete = Delere
# Base ruleset names
Civ V - Vanilla = Civ V - Antiqua
Civ V - Gods & Kings = Civ V - Dei et Reges
# Obsolete Tutorial tasks - the active lines are moved to 'Lines from Events', much later in the tranlsation file.
# TODO remove after grace period which allows translators to copy and paste existing translations to the new format.
# Requires translation!
Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup =
# Requires translation!
Found a city!\nSelect the Settler (flag unit) > Click on 'Found city' (bottom-left corner) =
# Requires translation!
Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice =
# Requires translation!
Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n Select technology > Click 'Research' (bottom right) =
# Requires translation!
Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (bottom left side) > \n Click 'add to queue' =
# Requires translation!
Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' =
# Requires translation!
Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > Click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n Click an unassigned tile to assign population =
# Requires translation!
Meet another civilization!\nExplore the map until you encounter another civilization! =
# Requires translation!
Open the options table!\nClick the menu button (top left) > Click 'Options' =
# Requires translation!
Construct an improvement!\nConstruct a Worker unit > Move to a Plains or Grassland tile > \n Click 'Construct improvement' (above the unit table, bottom left)\n > Choose the farm > \n Leave the worker there until it's finished =
# Requires translation!
Create a trade route!\nConstruct roads between your capital and another city\nOr, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually =
# Requires translation!
Conquer a city!\nBring an enemy city down to low health > \nEnter the city with a melee unit =
# Requires translation!
Move an air unit!\nSelect an air unit > Select another city within range > \nMove the unit to the other city =
# Requires translation!
See your stats breakdown!\nEnter the Overview screen (top right corner) >\nClick on 'Stats' =
# Crash screen
An unrecoverable error has occurred in Unciv: = In Unciv exstitit error ut resumi non possit:
# Requires translation!
If this keeps happening, you can try disabling mods. =
# Requires translation!
You can also report this on the issue tracker. =
Copy = Duplica
# Requires translation!
Error report copied. =
# Requires translation!
Open Issue Tracker =
# Requires translation!
Please copy the error report first. =
Close Unciv = Occlude Unciv
# Buildings
Unsellable = Non potest vendi
# Requires translation!
Not displayed as an available construction unless [building] is built =
# Requires translation!
Not displayed as an available construction without [resource] =
Cannot be hurried = Non potest properari
Choose a free great person = Eligas personam magnam gratuitam
# Requires translation!
Get [unitName] =
Hydro Plant = Ergasterium Hydroelectricum
[buildingName] obsoleted = [buildingName] demortuus/demortua est
# City naming when list exhausted
New [cityName] = Novum [cityName]
Neo [cityName] = Novus [cityName]
Nova [cityName] = Nova [cityName]
Altera [cityName] = Altera [cityName]
New [civName]\n(formerly known as [cityName]) = Novum [civName]\n(fuit [cityName])
# Diplomacy,Trade,Nations
# Requires translation!
Requires [buildingName] to be built in the city =
# Requires translation!
Requires [buildingName] to be built in all cities =
# Requires translation!
Provides a free [buildingName] in the city =
# Requires translation!
Requires worked [resource] near city =
# Requires translation!
Requires at least one of the following resources worked near the city: =
Wonder is being built elsewhere = Miraculum ædificatur alibi
National Wonder is being built elsewhere = Miraculum publicum ædificatur alibi
Requires a [buildingName] in all [cityFilter] cities = Requirit [buildingName] in urbibus omnibus [cityFilter]
Requires a [buildingName] in at least [amount] of [cityFilter] cities = Requirit [buildingName] in urbibus [cityFilter] non paucioribus quam [amount]
[buildingName] required: = [buildingName] requiritur:
Requires a [buildingName] in this city = [buildingName] in hac urbe requiritur
# Requires translation!
Cannot be built with [buildingName] =
Consumes [amount] [resource] = Sumit [amount] [resource]
# Requires translation!
Need [amount] more [resource] =
[amount] available = [amount] parabiles
Required tech: [requiredTech] = Requiritur technologia: [requiredTech]
Requires [PolicyOrNationalWonder] = [PolicyOrNationalWonder] requiritur
Cannot be purchased = Non potest emi
Can only be purchased = Modo potest emi
See also = Et videas
# Requires translation!
Requires at least one of the following: =
# Requires translation!
Requires all of the following: =
# Requires translation!
Leads to [techName] =
# Requires translation!
Leads to: =
Enables: = Habilitat:
Disables: = Debilitat:
# Requires translation!
Current construction =
# Requires translation!
Construction queue =
# Requires translation!
Pick a construction =
# Requires translation!
Queue empty =
# Requires translation!
Add to queue =
# Requires translation!
Remove from queue =
# Requires translation!
Show stats drilldown =
# Requires translation!
Show construction queue =
# Requires translation!
No space to place this unit =
Cancel = Rescindo
Diplomacy = Externis rebus
War = Bellum
Peace = Pax
Research Agreement = Concordia de Cognitione
Declare war = Bellum indic
Declare war on [civName]? = Indicisne bellum contra [civName](m/um/as/os)?
[civName] will also join them in the war = [civName] quoque eorum in bellum copulaverit
An unknown civilization will also join them in the war = Civilizatio incognita quoque eorum in bellum copulaverit
This will cancel your defensive pact with [civName] = Hoc resciderit tuum fœdus de defensione cum [civName](o/is)
Go to on map = Indica in tabula
Let's begin! = Initiamus!
[civName] has declared war on us! = [civName] bellum contra nos indixit!
[leaderName] of [nation] = [leaderName] de [nation]
You'll pay for this! = Omnia debita solveris!
Negotiate Peace = Pax Pacisce
Peace with [civName]? = Pax cum [civName](o/is)?
Very well. = Perbene.
Farewell. = Vale.
Sounds good! = Sonat bene!
Not this time. = Abdico.
Excellent! = Magnifice!
How about something else... = Propositionem aliam habeo...
A pleasure to meet you. = Mihi pergratum est te convenire.
Our relationship = Affinitas nostra
# Requires translation!
We have encountered the City-State of [name]! =
Declare Friendship ([numberOfTurns] turns) = Amicitiam indic ([numberOfTurns] passus)
# Requires translation!
May our nations forever remain united! =
Indeed! = Equidem!
Denounce [civName]? = Criminasne [civName]?
Denounce ([numberOfTurns] turns) = Crimina ([numberOfTurns] passus)
We will remember this. = Semper de hoc meminerimus.
[civName] has declared war on [targetCivName]! = [civName] bellum contra [targetCivName] indixit!
# Join War
# Requires translation!
[civName] has joined [allyCivName] in the war against us! =
# Requires translation!
We have joined [allyCivName] in the war against [enemyCivName]! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has joined [allyCivName] in the war against [enemyCivName]! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has joined us in the war against [enemyCivName]! =
# Team War
# Requires translation!
You and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against us! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [allyCivName] have declared war against [enemyCivName]! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with [otherCivName]! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] cancelled their Defensive Pact with us! =
# Requires translation!
We have cancelled our Defensive Pact with [civName]! =
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed a Peace Treaty! = [civName] fœdus de pace cum [targetCivName] signavit!
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Declaration of Friendship! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has denounced [targetCivName]! =
Do you want to break your promise to [leaderName]? = Prodasne tuum fœdus cum [leaderName]?
Break promise = Prodo fœdus
# Requires translation!
We promised not to settle near them ([count] turns remaining) =
# Requires translation!
They promised not to settle near us ([count] turns remaining) =
# Requires translation!
We promised not to spread religion to them ([count] turns remaining) =
# Requires translation!
They promised not to spread religion to us ([count] turns remaining) =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you demanded tribute from [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they have pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is upset that you attacked [cityState], whom they are allied with! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is outraged that you destroyed [cityState], whom they had pledged to protect! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has destroyed [cityState], whom you had pledged to protect! =
Unforgivable = Pleni odii
Afraid = Timidi
Enemy = Hostiles
Competitor = Aemuli
Neutral = Medii
Favorable = Faventes
Friend = Amici
Ally = Socii
[questName] (+[influenceAmount] influence) = [questName] (+[influenceAmount] influentia)
[remainingTurns] turns remaining = [remainingTurns] passus reliqui
# Requires translation!
Current leader(s): [leaders] =
# Requires translation!
Current leader(s): [leaders], you: [yourScore] =
# In the two templates above, 'leaders' will be one or more of the following, and 'yourScore' one:
# Requires translation!
[civInfo] with [value] [valueType] =
Demands = Postulata
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Quaesimus, nolite oppida nova prope nos condere.
# Requires translation!
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. =
# Requires translation!
We shall do as we please. =
# Requires translation!
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. =
# Requires translation!
Please don't spread your religion to us. =
# Requires translation!
Very well, we shall spread our faith elsewhere. =
# Requires translation!
We noticed you have continued spreading your faith, despite your promise. This will have...consequences. =
# Requires translation!
I've been informed that my armies have taken tribute from [civName], a city-state under your protection.\nI assure you, this was quite unintentional, and I hope that this does not serve to drive us apart. =
# Requires translation!
We asked [civName] for a tribute recently and they gave in.\nYou promised to protect them from such things, but we both know you cannot back that up. =
# Requires translation!
It's come to my attention that I may have attacked [civName].\nWhile it was not my goal to be at odds with your empire, this was deemed a necessary course of action. =
# Requires translation!
I thought you might like to know that I've launched an invasion of one of your little pet states.\nThe lands of [civName] will make a fine addition to my own. =
Return [unitName] to [civName]? = Reddisne [unitName] [civName]?
The [unitName] we liberated originally belonged to [civName]. They will be grateful if we return it to them. = [unitName] quem/quam liberavimus erat de [civName](o/is). Si eum/eam eis reddiderimus, ad nos gratulabunt.
# Requires translation!
Enter the amount of gold =
# City-States
# Requires translation!
Provides [amountOfCulture] culture at 30 Influence =
# Requires translation!
Provides 3 food in capital and 1 food in other cities at 30 Influence =
# Requires translation!
Provides 3 happiness at 30 Influence =
# Requires translation!
Provides land units every 20 turns at 30 Influence =
Give a Gift = Da donum
# Requires translation!
Gift [giftAmount] gold (+[influenceAmount] influence) =
# Requires translation!
Relationship changes in another [turnsToRelationshipChange] turns =
Protected by = Protegitur ab
# Requires translation!
Revoke Protection =
# Requires translation!
Revoke protection for [cityStateName]? =
# Requires translation!
Pledge to protect =
# Requires translation!
Declare Protection of [cityStateName]? =
# Requires translation!
Build [improvementName] on [resourceName] (200 Gold) =
# Requires translation!
Gift Improvement =
[civName] is able to provide [unitName] once [techName] [isOrAre] researched. = [civName] potest [unitName](m/um) præbere si [techName] [isOrAre] inventa(e).
is = est
are = sunt
# Requires translation!
Diplomatic Marriage ([amount] Gold) =
# Requires translation!
We have married into the ruling family of [civName], bringing them under our control. =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has married into the ruling family of [civName2], bringing them under their control. =
# Requires translation!
You have broken your Pledge to Protect [civName]! =
# Requires translation!
City-States grow wary of your aggression. The resting point for Influence has decreased by [amount] for [civName]. =
# Requires translation!
[cityState] is being attacked by [civName] and asks all major civilizations to help them out by gifting them military units. =
# Requires translation!
[cityState] is being invaded by Barbarians! Destroy Barbarians near their territory to earn Influence. =
# Requires translation!
[cityState] is grateful that you killed a Barbarian that was threatening them! =
# Requires translation!
[cityState] is being attacked by [civName]! Kill [amount] of the attacker's military units and they will be immensely grateful. =
# Requires translation!
[cityState] is deeply grateful for your assistance in the war against [civName]! =
# Requires translation!
[cityState] no longer needs your assistance against [civName]. =
# Requires translation!
[cityState] cancelled the quests they had given you because you demanded tribute from them. =
# Requires translation!
War against [civName] =
# Requires translation!
We need you to help us defend against [civName]. Killing [amount] of their military units would slow their offensive. =
# Requires translation!
Currently you have killed [amount] of their military units. =
# Requires translation!
You need to find them first! =
Cultured = Erudita
Maritime = Maritima
Mercantile = Mercans
Religious = Religiosa
Militaristic = Militaris
Type = Genus
Friendly = Amicabilis
Hostile = Inimica
Irrational = Absurda
Personality = Persona
Influence = Influentia
Ally: [civilization] with [amount] Influence = Socius: [civilization] cum influentia quæ est [amount]
Unknown civilization = Populus incognitus
Reach 30 for friendship. = Attingas 30 ut amici sitis.
Reach highest influence above 60 for alliance. = Attingas influentiam maximam ac majorem quam 60 ut socii sitis.
When Friends: = Si amici estis:
When Allies: = Si socii estis:
The unique luxury is one of: = Luxuria unica est una de:
Demand Tribute = Postula tributum
# Requires translation!
Tribute Willingness =
# Requires translation!
At least 0 to take gold, at least 30 and size 4 city for worker =
# Requires translation!
Take [amount] gold (-15 Influence) =
# Requires translation!
Take worker (-50 Influence) =
# Requires translation!
[civName] is afraid of your military power! =
Major Civ = Pleræ Civ.
No Cities = Sine Urbibus
# Requires translation!
Base value =
Has Ally = Cum Socio
Has Protector = Cum Protectore
# Requires translation!
Demanding a Worker =
# Requires translation!
Demanding a Worker from small City-State =
# Requires translation!
Very recently paid tribute =
# Requires translation!
Recently paid tribute =
# Requires translation!
Influence below -30 =
# Requires translation!
Military Rank =
# Requires translation!
Military near City-State =
# Requires translation!
Sum: =
# Trades
Trade = Commercium
Offer trade = Offero mercatum
# Requires translation!
They'll decide on their turn =
# Requires translation!
Retract offer =
# Requires translation!
What do you have in mind? =
Our items = Res nostræ
Our trade offer = Res nostrae ad mercatum
[otherCiv]'s trade offer = Res de [otherCiv](o/is) ad mercatum
[otherCiv]'s items = Res [otherCiv](e/i)
+[amount] untradable copy = +[amount] exemplar non est ad commercium
+[amount] untradable copies = +[amount] exemplaria non sunt ad commercium
# Requires translation!
Pleasure doing business with you! =
I think not. = Non accipiam.
That is acceptable. = Accipiam.
Accept = Accipio
# Requires translation!
Keep going =
There's nothing on the table = Nulla est in mensa
Peace Treaty = Foedus de Pace
Agreements = Concordiae
Defensive Pact = Foedus de Defensione
Open Borders = Apertio Finium
Gold per turn = Solidus passu omni
Cities = Urbes
Technologies = Technologiae
Declarations of war = Bellum indicere
# Requires translation!
Introduction to [nation] =
Declare war on [nation] = Bellum indicere contra [nation](m/um)
Luxury resources = Merces luxuriae
Strategic resources = Merces de strategemate
Owned by you: [amountOwned] = Possessus tuus: [amountOwned]
Non-existent city = Urbs non est
# Unit differences
[resourceName] not required = [resourceName] non requiritur
Lost ability (vs [originalUnit]): [ability] = Caret facultate (cum [originalUnit](o/is) componitur): [ability]
# Requires translation!
Upgrade all [count] [unit] ([cost] gold) =
National ability = Facultas populi
[firstValue] vs [secondValue] = [firstValue] cum [secondValue] componitur
Gained = Acquisitus
Lost = Amissus
# New game screen
Uniques = Res Unicae
Promotions = Promotiones
# Requires translation!
Load copied data =
Reset to defaults = Recide ad initium
Select nations = Eligere nationes
# Requires translation!
Set available nations for random pool =
# Requires translation!
Available nations =
Banned nations = Nationes vetitae
Are you sure you want to reset all game options to defaults? = Vero visne ludi optiones omnes ad initium recidere?
Start game! = Incipiamus ludum!
Map Options = Optiones tabulæ
Game Options = Optiones ludi
Civilizations = Nationes
Map Type = Forma tabulæ
Map file = Documentum tabulæ
Max Turns = Numerus maximus passuum
Could not load map! = Non poteram tabulam replicare!
Generated = Generanda
Random Generated = Passive Generanda (i.e. de cæcitate)
# Requires translation!
Which options should be available to the random selection? =
Existing = Exsistens
Custom = Compositus
Map Generation Type = Forma generationis tabulæ
Enabled Map Generation Types = Formae habilitatae generationis tabularum
# Map types
Default = Anteposita
Pangaea = Pangæa
Continent and Islands = Continentes et Insulæ
Two Continents = Duæ Continentes
Three Continents = Tres Continentes
Four Corners = Quattuor Anguli
Archipelago = Archipelago
Inner Sea = Mare Internum
Perlin = Perlin
# Requires translation!
Select players from starting locations =
# Requires translation!
Random number of Civilizations =
# Requires translation!
Min number of Civilizations =
# Requires translation!
Max number of Civilizations =
# Requires translation!
Random number of City-States =
# Requires translation!
Min number of City-States =
# Requires translation!
Max number of City-States =
One City Challenge = Certatio de una urbe
Enable Nuclear Weapons = Arma atomica habilitantur
No City Razing = Nulla urbs exscindenda
No Barbarians = Nulli barbari sint
Disable starting bias = Proclivitas initialis debilitetur
Raging Barbarians = Barbari furentes
No Ancient Ruins = Nullæ parietinæ antiquæ
No Natural Wonders = Nulla miracula naturæ
Allow anyone to spectate = Liceat alicui spectare
Victory Conditions = Regulae victoriae
Scientific = Scientifica
Domination = Dominatio
Cultural = Eruditionis
Diplomatic = Diplomatica
Time = Vetustatis
# Requires translation!
Your previous options needed to be reset to defaults. =
# Used for random nation indicator in empire selector and unknown nation icons in various overview screens.
# Should be a single character, or at least visually square.
? = ?
Map Shape = Figura Tabulæ
# Requires translation!
Enabled Map Shapes =
Hexagonal = Sexangulus
Flat Earth Hexagonal = Orbis Terrarum
Rectangular = Rectiangula
Height = Altitudo
Width = Latidudo
Radius = Radius
Enable Espionage = Speculatio habilitetur
Resource Setting = Optio mercis
# Requires translation!
Enabled Resource Settings =
Other Settings = Alterae optiones
Sparse = Pauper
Abundant = Afluens
Strategic Balance = Libra de strategemate
Legendary Start = Initium epicum
# Requires translation!
This is used for painting resources, not in map generator steps: =
Advanced Settings = Expertae optiones
# Requires translation!
RNG Seed =
# Requires translation!
Map Elevation =
# Requires translation!
Temperature extremeness =
# Requires translation!
Temperature shift =
# Requires translation!
Resource richness =
# Requires translation!
Vegetation richness =
# Requires translation!
Rare features richness =
# Requires translation!
Max Coast extension =
# Requires translation!
Biome areas extension =
Water level = Aequor
Online Multiplayer = Ludus inter Lusores in Reticulo
# Requires translation!
You're currently using the default multiplayer server, which is based on a free Dropbox account. Because a lot of people use this, it is uncertain if you'll actually be able to access it consistently. Consider using a custom server instead. =
Open Documentation = Documentum videam
# Requires translation!
Don't show again =
World Size = Magnitudo Mundi
# Requires translation!
Enabled World Sizes =
Tiny = Minimus
Small = Parvus
Medium = Mediocris
Large = Magnus
Huge = Ingens
# Requires translation!
World wrap requires a minimum width of 32 tiles =
# Requires translation!
The provided map dimensions were too small =
# Requires translation!
The provided map dimensions were too big =
# Requires translation!
The provided map dimensions had an unacceptable aspect ratio =
Difficulty = Asperitas
Remove = Removeo
Random = Cæcus
Human = Homo
Hotseat = Sede calida
User ID = Identitas usi
Click to copy = Percuta ad excerptum
Game Speed = Celeritas Ludi
Quick = Velox
Standard = Ordinarius
Epic = Heroicus
Marathon = Marathon
Starting Era = Aetas initialis
# Requires translation!
It looks like we can't make a map with the parameters you requested! =
# Requires translation!
Maybe you put too many players into too small a map? =
No human players selected! = Nullus homo lusor electus est!
Invalid Player ID! = Identitas lusoris non est valida!
# Requires translation!
No victory conditions were selected! =
Mods: = Mutationes:
Extension mods = Mutationes extensiones
Base ruleset: = Regulæ primæ:
# Note - do not translate the colour names between «». Changing them works if you know what you're doing.
# Requires translation!
The mod you selected is incorrectly defined! =
# Requires translation!
The mod you selected is «RED»incorrectly defined!«» =
# Requires translation!
The mod combination you selected is incorrectly defined! =
# Requires translation!
The mod combination you selected is «RED»incorrectly defined!«» =
# Requires translation!
The mod combination you selected has problems. =
# Requires translation!
You can play it, but don't expect everything to work! =
# Requires translation!
The mod combination you selected «GOLD»has problems«». =
# Requires translation!
You can play it, but «GOLDENROD»don't expect everything to work!«» =
# Requires translation!
This base ruleset is not compatible with the previously selected\nextension mods. They have been disabled. =
# Requires translation!
Are you really sure you want to play with the following known problems? =
Base Ruleset = Regulæ primæ
[amount] Techs = [amount] Technologiæ
[amount] Nations = [amount] Nationes
[amount] Units = [amount] Centuriæ
[amount] Buildings = [amount] Aedificia
[amount] Resources = [amount] Merces
[amount] Improvements = [amount] Meliorationes
[amount] Religions = [amount] Religiones
[amount] Beliefs = [amount] Opiniones
World Wrap = Mundus involutus
# Requires translation!
World wrap maps are very memory intensive - creating large world wrap maps on Android can lead to crashes! =
# Requires translation!
Anything above 80 by 50 may work very slowly on Android! =
# Requires translation!
Anything above 40 may work very slowly on Android! =
# Map editor
## Tabs/Buttons
Map editor = Compositor tabulæ
View = Videre
# Requires translation!
Generate =
# Requires translation!
Partial =
# Requires translation!
Generator steps =
# Requires translation!
Edit =
# Requires translation!
Rivers =
# Requires translation!
Load =
# Requires translation!
Save =
New map = Tabula nova
Empty = Nihil
# Requires translation!
Save map =
# Requires translation!
Load map =
Delete map = Tabulam deleo
Are you sure you want to delete this map? = Vero visne hanc tabulam delere?
# Requires translation!
It looks like your map can't be saved! =
Exit map editor = Exeo compositore tabulæ
# Requires translation!
Change map ruleset =
# Requires translation!
Change the map to use the ruleset selected on this page =
# Requires translation!
Revert to map ruleset =
# Requires translation!
Reset the controls to reflect the current map ruleset =
# Requires translation!
Features =
# Requires translation!
Starting locations =
# Requires translation!
Tile Matching Criteria =
# Requires translation!
Complete match =
# Requires translation!
Except improvements =
# Requires translation!
Base and terrain features =
# Requires translation!
Base terrain only =
# Requires translation!
Land or water only =
# Requires translation!
Import a Wesnoth map =
## Labels/messages
# Requires translation!
Brush ([size]): =
# The single letter shown in the [size] parameter above for setting "Floodfill".
# Please do not make this longer than one character, the associated slider will not handle well.
# Requires translation!
Floodfill_Abbreviation =
# Requires translation!
Error loading map! =
# Requires translation!
Map saved successfully! =
# Requires translation!
Current map RNG seed: [amount] =
# Requires translation!
Map copy and paste =
# Requires translation!
Position: [param] =
# Requires translation!
Starting location(s): [param] =
Continent: [param] ([amount] tiles) = Continens: [param] ([amount] tegulæ)
# Requires translation!
Resource abundance =
# Requires translation!
Change map to fit selected ruleset? =
Area: [amount] tiles, [amount2]% water, [amount3]% impassable, [amount4] continents/islands = Zona: [amount] tegulæ, [amount2] centesimæ aquæ, [amount3] centesimæ inviæ, [amount4] continentes/insulæ
# Requires translation!
Do you want to leave without saving the recent changes? =
Leave = Exeo
# Requires translation!
Do you want to load another map without saving the recent changes? =
# Requires translation!
River generation failed! =
# Requires translation!
Please don't use step 'Landmass' with map type 'Empty', create a new empty map instead. =
# Requires translation!
This map has errors: =
# Requires translation!
The incompatible elements have been removed. =
# Requires translation!
Current map: World Wrap =
# Requires translation!
Overlay image =
# Requires translation!
Click to choose a file =
# Requires translation!
Choose an image =
# Requires translation!
Overlay opacity: =
# Requires translation!
Invalid overlay image =
# Requires translation!
World wrap is incompatible with an overlay and was deactivated. =
# Requires translation!
An overlay image is incompatible with world wrap and was deactivated. =
# Requires translation!
Choose a Wesnoth map file =
That map is invalid! = Illa tabula non est valida!
# Requires translation!
("[code]" does not conform to TerrainCodesWML) =
# Requires translation!
Use for new game "Select players" button: =
# Requires translation!
Enter a description for the users of this map =
## Map/Tool names
My new map = Tabula nova mea
# Requires translation!
Generate landmass =
# Requires translation!
Raise mountains and hills =
# Requires translation!
Humidity and temperature =
# Requires translation!
Lakes and coastline =
# Requires translation!
Sprout vegetation =
# Requires translation!
Spawn rare features =
# Requires translation!
Distribute ice =
# Requires translation!
Assign continent IDs =
Place Natural Wonders = Posite miracula naturæ
# Requires translation!
Let the rivers flow =
# Requires translation!
Spread Resources =
# Requires translation!
Create ancient ruins =
# Requires translation!
Floodfill =
# Requires translation!
[nation] starting location =
Any Civ = Ulla Civ.
# Requires translation!
Remove features =
# Requires translation!
Remove improvement =
# Requires translation!
Remove resource =
# Requires translation!
Remove starting locations =
# Requires translation!
Remove rivers =
# Requires translation!
Spawn river from/to =
# Requires translation!
Bottom left river =
# Requires translation!
Bottom right river =
# Requires translation!
Bottom river =
Player = Lusor
# Multiplayer
# Requires translation!
Help =
Username = Nomen usi
Multiplayer = Ludus inter lusores multos
Could not download game! = Non poteram indicia ludi afferre!
Could not upload game! = Non poteram indicia ludi auferre!
# Requires translation!
Couldn't connect to Multiplayer Server! =
Retry = Denuo tenta
# Requires translation!
Join game =
Invalid game ID! = Identitas ludi non est valida!
Copy user ID = Duplica identitatem usi
Copy game ID = Duplica identitatem ludi
# Requires translation!
UserID copied to clipboard =
# Requires translation!
Game ID copied to clipboard! =
Friend name = Nomen amici
Player ID = Identitas lusoris
# Requires translation!
Please input a name for your friend! =
# Requires translation!
Please input a player ID for your friend! =
# Requires translation!
Are you sure you want to delete this friend? =
# Requires translation!
Paste player ID from clipboard =
# Requires translation!
Player name already used! =
# Requires translation!
Player ID already used! =
# Requires translation!
Player ID is incorrect =
Select friend = Eligas amicum
Select [thingToSelect] = Eligas [thingToSelect](m/s/um/os)
# Requires translation!
Friends list =
Add friend = Addo amicum
# Requires translation!
Edit friend =
# Requires translation!
Friend name is already in your friends list! =
# Requires translation!
Player ID is already in your friends list! =
# Requires translation!
You have to write a name for your friend! =
# Requires translation!
You have to write an ID for your friend! =
# Requires translation!
You cannot add your own player ID in your friend list! =
# Requires translation!
To add a friend, ask him to send you his player ID.\nClick the 'Add friend' button.\nInsert his player ID and a name for him.\nThen Click the 'Add friend' button again.\n\nAfter that you will see him in your friends list.\n\nA new button will appear when creating a new\nmultiplayer game, which allows you to select your friend. =
# Requires translation!
Please input Player ID! =
# Requires translation!
The number of players will be adjusted =
# Requires translation!
These [numberOfPlayers] players will be adjusted =
# Requires translation!
[numberOfExplicitPlayersText] to [playerRange] actual players by adding random AI's or by randomly omitting AI's. =
# Requires translation!
Set current user =
# Requires translation!
Player ID from clipboard =
# Requires translation!
Player ID from friends list =
# Requires translation!
To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID. =
# Requires translation!
You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game. =
# Requires translation!
Once you've created your game, the Game ID gets automatically copied to your clipboard so you can send it to the other players. =
# Requires translation!
Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and Clicking on the 'Add multiplayer game' button =
# Requires translation!
The symbol of your nation will appear next to the game when it's your turn =
# Requires translation!
Back =
Rename = Renomino
# Requires translation!
Add multiplayer game =
Refresh list = Renova matriculam
# Requires translation!
Could not save game! =
# Requires translation!
Could not delete game! =
# Requires translation!
Error while refreshing: =
Current Turn: = Passus Currens:
# Requires translation!
Add Currently Running Game =
# Requires translation!
Paste gameID from clipboard =
# Requires translation!
GameID =
Game name = Nomen ludi
# Requires translation!
Loading latest game state... =
You are not allowed to spectate! = Non licet tibi spectare!
# Requires translation!
Couldn't download the latest game state! =
## Resign button
Resign = Victus sum
Are you sure you want to resign? = Vero visne abdicare?
You can only resign if it's your turn = Tu non potes abdicare nisi in passu tuo
[civName] resigned and is now controlled by AI = [civName] est abdicata et jam regitur intellegentia artificiali
## Force resign button
# Requires translation!
Force current player to resign =
# Requires translation!
Are you sure you want to force the current player to resign? =
# Requires translation!
Skip turn of current player =
# Requires translation!
Are you sure you want to skip the turn of the current player? =
# Requires translation!
Last refresh: [duration] ago =
# Requires translation!
Current Turn: [civName] since [duration] ago =
# Requires translation!
Seconds =
# Requires translation!
Minutes =
# Requires translation!
Hours =
# Requires translation!
Days =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Seconds =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Minutes =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Hours =
# Requires translation!
[amount] Days =
# Requires translation!
Server limit reached! Please wait for [time] seconds =
# Requires translation!
File could not be found on the multiplayer server =
# Requires translation!
Unhandled problem, [errorMessage] =
# Requires translation!
Please enter your server password =
# Requires translation!
Set password =
# Requires translation!
Password must be at least 6 characters long =
# Requires translation!
Failed to set password! =
# Requires translation!
Password set successfully for server [serverURL] =
# Requires translation!
Password =
# Requires translation!
Your userId is password secured =
# Requires translation!
Set a password to secure your userId =
# Requires translation!
Authenticate =
# Requires translation!
This server does not support authentication =
# Requires translation!
Authentication failed =
# Save game menu
# Requires translation!
Current saves =
# Requires translation!
Show autosaves =
# Requires translation!
Saved game name =
# This is the save game name the dialog will suggest
# Requires translation!
[player] - [turns] turns =
# Requires translation!
Copy to clipboard =
# Requires translation!
Copy saved game to clipboard =
# Requires translation!
Could not load game! =
# Requires translation!
Could not load game from clipboard! =
# Requires translation!
Could not load game from custom location! =
# Requires translation!
The file data seems to be corrupted. =
# Requires translation!
The save was created with an incompatible version of Unciv: [version]. Please update Unciv to this version or later and try again. =
# Requires translation!
You do not have sufficient permissions to access the file. =
# Requires translation!
Load [saveFileName] =
# Requires translation!
Are you sure you want to delete this save? =
# Requires translation!
Delete save =
# Requires translation!
[saveFileName] deleted successfully. =
# Requires translation!
Insufficient permissions to delete [saveFileName]. =
# Requires translation!
Failed to delete [saveFileName]. =
# Requires translation!
Saved at =
# Requires translation!
Saving... =
# Requires translation!
Overwrite existing file? =
# Requires translation!
Overwrite =
# Requires translation!
It looks like your saved game can't be loaded! =
# Requires translation!
If you could copy your game data ("Copy saved game to clipboard" - =
# Requires translation!
paste into an email to yairm210@hotmail.com) =
# Requires translation!
I could maybe help you figure out what went wrong, since this isn't supposed to happen! =
# Requires translation!
Missing mods: [mods] =
# Requires translation!
Load from custom location =
# Requires translation!
Save to custom location =
# Requires translation!
Could not save game to custom location! =
# Requires translation!
'[saveFileName]' copied to clipboard! =
# Requires translation!
Could not save game to clipboard! =
# Requires translation!
Download missing mods =
# Requires translation!
Missing mods are downloaded successfully. =
# Requires translation!
Could not load the missing mods! =
# Requires translation!
Could not download mod list. =
# Requires translation!
Could not find a mod named "[modName]". =
# Options
Options = Optiones
## About tab
About = Notitia
Version = Versio
See online Readme = Vide documentum in interrete
Visit repository = Visita repositionem
# Requires translation!
Visit the wiki =
## Display tab
Display = Imago
### Screen subgroup
Screen = Ostentus
Screen Mode = Modus ostenti
Windowed = Fenestratus
Fullscreen = Plenus ostentus
Borderless = Sine finite
Screen Size = Magnitudine
### Enable panning the map when you move the mouse to the edge of the window
Map mouse auto-scroll = Tabula mure replicetur per automataria
Map panning speed = Celeritas tabulæ mutæ
### Graphics subgroup
Tileset = Imagines tegularum
Unitset = Imagines centuriarum
UI Skin = Pellis rei usi inter facies
### UI subgroup
UI = Inter Facies
# Requires translation!
Notifications on world screen =
# Requires translation!
Disabled =
# Requires translation!
Hidden =
# Requires translation!
Visible =
# Requires translation!
Permanent =
# Requires translation!
Minimap size =
# This is the leftmost Minimap size slider position
# Requires translation!
off =
# Requires translation!
Show tutorials =
# Requires translation!
Reset tutorials =
# Requires translation!
Do you want to reset completed tutorials? =
Reset = Refectio
# Requires translation!
Show zoom buttons in world screen =
# Requires translation!
Experimental Demographics scoreboard =
# Requires translation!
Never close popups by clicking outside =
# Requires translation!
Size of Unitset art in Civilopedia =
### Visual Hints subgroup
# Requires translation!
Visual Hints =
# Requires translation!
Show worked tiles =
# Requires translation!
Show resources and improvements =
# Requires translation!
Show tile yields =
# Requires translation!
Show unit movement arrows =
# Requires translation!
Show suggested city locations for units that can found cities =
# Requires translation!
Show pixel units =
# Requires translation!
Show pixel improvements =
# Requires translation!
Unit icon opacity =
### Performance subgroup
# Requires translation!
Performance =
# Requires translation!
Continuous rendering =
# Requires translation!
When disabled, saves battery life but certain animations will be suspended =
## Gameplay tab
Gameplay = Ludo
# Requires translation!
Check for idle units =
Auto Unit Cycle = Circulus Automatarius Centuriarum
# Requires translation!
Move units with a single tap =
# Requires translation!
Move units with a long tap =
# Requires translation!
Auto-assign city production =
# Requires translation!
Auto-build roads =
# Requires translation!
Automated workers replace improvements =
# Requires translation!
Automated units move on turn start =
# Requires translation!
Automated units can upgrade =
Automated units choose promotions = Centuriae automatae deligant promotiones
# Requires translation!
Cities auto-bombard at end of turn =
# Requires translation!
Order trade offers by amount =
# Requires translation!
Ask for confirmation when pressing next turn =
# Requires translation!
Notifications log max turns =
## Language tab
Language = Lingua
# Requires translation!
Please note that translations are a community-based work in progress and are INCOMPLETE! The percentage shown is how much of the language is translated in-game. If you want to help translating the game into your language, Click here. =
## Sound tab
Sound = Sonus
# Requires translation!
Sound effects volume =
# Requires translation!
Music volume =
# Requires translation!
City ambient sound volume =
# Requires translation!
Leader voices volume =
# Requires translation!
Pause between tracks =
# Requires translation!
Pause =
# Requires translation!
Music =
# Requires translation!
Skip =
# Requires translation!
Currently playing: [title] =
# Requires translation!
Download music =
# Requires translation!
Downloading... =
# Requires translation!
Could not download music! =
# Requires translation!
—Paused— =
# Requires translation!
—Default— =
# Requires translation!
—History— =
## Advanced tab
Advanced = Provectus
# Requires translation!
Turns between autosaves =
# Requires translation!
Screen orientation =
# Requires translation!
Landscape (fixed) =
# Requires translation!
Portrait (fixed) =
# Requires translation!
Auto (sensor adjusted) =
# Requires translation!
Enable using display cutout areas =
# Requires translation!
Hide system status and navigation bars =
# Requires translation!
Font family =
# Requires translation!
Font size multiplier =
# Requires translation!
Default Font =
# Requires translation!
Max zoom out =
Enable Easter Eggs = Habilito Ova Paschalia
# Requires translation!
Enable Scenarios (experimental) =
# Requires translation!
Enlarge selected notifications =
# Requires translation!
Generate translation files =
# Requires translation!
Translation files are generated successfully. =
# Requires translation!
Fastlane files are generated successfully. =
# Requires translation!
Update Mod categories =
## Keys tab
Keys = Claves
# Requires translation!
Please see the Tutorial. =
# Requires translation!
Hit the desired key now =
## Locate mod errors tab
Locate mod errors = Comperio errores de mutationibus
# Requires translation!
Check extension mods based on: =
-none- = -nulla-
# Requires translation!
Reload mods =
# Requires translation!
Checking mods for errors... =
# Requires translation!
No problems found. =
Autoupdate mod uniques = Renovo res unicas in mutatione per automataria
Uniques updated! = Res unicæ sunt renovatæ!
## Debug tab
Debug = Cimico
## Unused - kept for future use
# Requires translation!
Show =
# Requires translation!
Hide =
You need to restart the game for this change to take effect. = Denuo incipias hunc ludum ut influentia sit.
# AutomationTab
Automation = Automaton
# AutoPlay
AutoPlay = Ludus Automatarius
# Requires translation!
Show AutoPlay button =
# Requires translation!
Multi-turn AutoPlay amount =
AutoPlay until victory = Sit ludus automatarius donec victoria est
Start AutoPlay = Sit ludus automatarius
AutoPlay End Turn = Per automataria perficiam passus
AutoPlay Military Once = Semel administrem res militares per automataria
AutoPlay Civilians Once = Semel administrem paganas per automataria
AutoPlay Economy Once = Semel administrem res oeconomicas per automataria
# Notifications
Research of [technologyName] has completed! = Cognitio de [technologyName](o/is) est perfecta!
We gained [amount] Science from Research Agreement = [amount] scientiam acquisivimus ob concordiam de cognitione
# Requires translation!
[construction] has become obsolete and was removed from the queue in [cityName]! =
# Requires translation!
[construction] has become obsolete and was removed from the queue in [amount] cities! =
# Requires translation!
[cityName] changed production from [oldUnit] to [newUnit] =
# Requires translation!
[amount] cities changed production from [oldUnit] to [newUnit] =
# Requires translation!
Excess production for [wonder] converted to [goldAmount] gold =
You have entered a Golden Age! = Saeculum Aureum ingressi estis!
[resourceName] revealed near [cityName] = [resourceName] est patefacta in propinquo urbis, quæ est [cityName]
[n] sources of [resourceName] revealed, e.g. near [cityName] = [n] fontes [resourceName](e/rum/i/orum) sunt patefacti, e. g., in propinquo [cityName](e/rum/i/orum)
A [greatPerson] has been born in [cityName]! = [greatPerson] est ortus in urbe, quæ est [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
We have encountered [civName]! =
# Requires translation!
[cityStateName] has given us [stats] as a token of goodwill for meeting us =
# Requires translation!
[cityStateName] has given us [stats] as we are the first major civ to meet them =
[cityStateName] has also given us [stats] = [cityStateName] etiam dedit nobis [stats](m/s/um/os)
[cityStateName] gave us a [unitName] as a gift! = [cityStateName] donavit nobis centuriam, quæ est [unitName]!
# Requires translation!
Cannot provide unit upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded! =
[cityName] has grown! = [cityName] auxit!
# Requires translation!
[cityName] is starving! =
[construction] has been built in [cityName] = [construction] est ædificatum in urbe, quæ est [cityName]
[wonder] has been built in a faraway land = [wonder] est ædificatum in terra remota
[civName] has completed [construction]! = [civName] perfecit [construction](m/um)!
An unknown civilization has completed [construction]! = Populus incognitus perfecit [construction](m/um)!
# Requires translation!
The city of [cityname] has started constructing [construction]! =
# Requires translation!
[civilization] has started constructing [construction]! =
# Requires translation!
An unknown civilization has started constructing [construction]! =
# Requires translation!
[cityName] has started working on [construction] =
[cityName] has expanded its borders! = [cityName] dilatavit fines suas!
Your Golden Age has ended. = Sæculum aureum vestrum est finitum.
[cityName] has been razed to the ground! = [cityName] est exscissa!
We have conquered the city of [cityName]! = Nos cepimus urbem quæ erat [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
Your citizens are revolting due to very high unhappiness! =
An enemy [unit] has attacked [cityName] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], oppugnavit [cityName](m/um)
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit] ([amount] sanitas), oppugnavit [cityName](m/um) ([amount2] salus)
An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], appugnavit centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit] ([amount] sanitas), appugnavit centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit] ([amount2] sanitas)
Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = [cityName], qui/quæ erat urbs hostilis, oppugnavit centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit]
Enemy city [cityName] ([amount] HP) has attacked our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = [cityName], qui/quæ erat urbs hostilis ([amount] salus), oppugnavit centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit] ([amount2] sanitas)
An enemy [unit] has captured [cityName] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], cepit [cityName](m/um)
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has captured [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit] ([amount] sanitas), cepit [cityName](m/um) ([amount2] salus)
An enemy [unit] has raided [cityName] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], est deprædata [cityName](m/um)
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has raided [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit] ([amount] sanitas), est deprædata [cityName](m/um) ([amount2] salus)
An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], cepit centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has captured our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit] ([amount] sanitas), cepit centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit] ([amount2] sanitas)
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], interfecit centuriam nostram, quæ fuit [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) has destroyed our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit] ([amount] sanitas), interfecit centuriam nostram, quæ fuit [ourUnit] ([amount2] sanitas)
Your [ourUnit] has destroyed an enemy [unit] = [ourUnit], qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, interfecit centuriam hostilem, quæ fuit [unit]
Your [ourUnit] ([amount] HP) has destroyed an enemy [unit] ([amount2] HP) = [ourUnit] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, interfecit centuriam hostilem, quæ fuit [unit] ([amount2] sanitas)
An enemy [RangedUnit] has destroyed the defence of [cityName] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [RangedUnit], interfecit defensionem urbis, quæ erat [cityName]
An enemy [RangedUnit] ([amount] HP) has destroyed the defence of [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [RangedUnit] ([amount] sanitas), interfecit defensionem urbis, quæ erat [cityName] ([amount2] salus)
Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = [cityName], qui/quæ erat urbs hostilis, interfecit centuriam nostram, quæ fuit [ourUnit]
Enemy city [cityName] ([amount] HP) has destroyed our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = [cityName] ([amount] salus), qui/quæ erat urbs hostilis, interfecit centuriam nostram, quæ fuit [ourUnit] ([amount2] sanitas)
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityName] = Centuria hostilis, quæ fuit [unit], est interfecta quando appugnabat urbem, quæ erat [cityName]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) was destroyed while attacking [cityName] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ fuit [unit] ([amount] sanitas), est interfecta quando appugnabat urbem, quæ erat [cityName] ([amount2] salus)
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] = Centuria hostilis, quæ fuit [unit], est interfecta quando appugnabat centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] ([amount] HP) was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] ([amount2] HP) = Centuria hostilis, quæ fuit [unit] ([amount] sanitas), est interfecta quando appugnabat centuriam nostram, quæ erat [ourUnit] ([amount2] sanitas)
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ fuit centuria nostra, est interfectus/interfecta interceptore qui erat [interceptorName] ([amount2] sanitas)
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was destroyed by an unknown interceptor = [attackerName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ fuit centuria nostra, est interfectus/interfecta interceptore incognito
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = [interceptorName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, intercepit et interfecit oppugnatorem hostilem, qui fuit [attackerName] ([amount2] sanitas)
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) destroyed an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, interfecit interceptorem qui fuit [interceptorName] ([amount2] sanitas)
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and was destroyed by an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = [interceptorName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ fuit centuria nostra, intercepit et est interfectus/interfecta hostili, qui erat [attackerName] ([amount2] sanitas)
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and was destroyed by an unknown enemy = [interceptorName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ fuit centuria nostra, intercepit et est interfectus/interfecta hostili incognito
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an intercepting [interceptorName] ([amount2] HP) = [attackerName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, est oppugnatus/oppugnata interceptore qui erat [interceptorName] ([amount2] sanitas)
Our [attackerName] ([amount] HP) was attacked by an unknown interceptor = [attackerName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, est oppugnatus/oppugnata interceptore incognito
Our [interceptorName] ([amount] HP) intercepted and attacked an enemy [attackerName] ([amount2] HP) = [interceptorName] ([amount] sanitas), qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, intercepit et oppugnavit hostem qui fuit [attackerName] ([amount2] sanitas)
Nothing tried to intercept our [attackerName] = Nullus tentavit intercipere centuriam nostram quæ erat [attackerName]
An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], erat visa in propinquo terræ nostræ
An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], erat visa in terra nostra
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our tile improvement [improvement] = Centuria hostilis, quæ erat [unit], destruxit meliorationem nostram tegulæ, quæ fuit [improvement]
Your city [cityName] can bombard the enemy! = [cityName], qui/quæ est urbs tua, potest hostem bombardare!
[amount] of your cities can bombard the enemy! = [amount] de urbibus tuis possunt hostes bombardare!
[amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = [amount] centuriæ hostiles erant visæ in propinquo terræ nostræ
[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = [amount] centuriæ hostiles visæ in terra nostra erant
A(n) [nukeType] from [civName] has exploded in our territory! = [nukeType] de [civName] est displosa in terra nostra!
A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by [civName]! = [nukeType] est displosa [civName](o/is)!
A(n) [nukeType] has been detonated by an unknown civilization! = [nukeType] est displosa populo incognito!
# Requires translation!
After an attempted attack by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! =
# Requires translation!
After being hit by our [nukeType], [civName] has declared war on us! =
The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = Civilizatio quæ fuit [civName] est interfecta!
The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = Civitas urbis quæ fuit [name] est interfecta!
Your [ourUnit] captured an enemy [theirUnit]! = Centuria tua, quæ erat [ourUnit], cepit centuriam hostilem quæ erat [theirUnit]!
Your captured [unitName] has been returned by [civName] = Centuria capta tua, quæ erat [unitName], est reddita populo, qui erat [civName]
# Requires translation!
Your [ourUnit] plundered [amount] [Stat] from [theirUnit] =
We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = Castra barbarorum cepimus, ut [goldAmount] solidos recepimus!
# Requires translation!
An enemy [unitType] has joined us! =
[unitName] can be promoted! = [unitName] potest promoveri!
# This might be needed for a rewrite of Germany's unique - see #7376
# Requires translation!
A barbarian [unitType] has joined us! =
# Requires translation!
We have found survivors in the ruins - population added to [cityName] =
# Requires translation!
We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins! =
# Requires translation!
A [unitName] has joined us! =
# Requires translation!
An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat! =
# Requires translation!
We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins! =
# Requires translation!
We have found a crudely-drawn map in the ruins! =
[unit] finished exploring. = [unit] est scrutata.
[unit] has no work to do. = [unit] sine negotio est/sunt.
# Requires translation!
You're losing control of [name]. =
You and [name] are no longer friends! = Tu et [name] jam non estis amici!
# Requires translation!
Your alliance with [name] is faltering. =
You and [name] are no longer allies! = Tu et [name] jam socii non estis!
[civName] gave us a [unitName] as gift near [cityName]! = [civName] donavit nobis centuriam quæ est [unitName] in propinquo urbis, quæ est [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has denounced us! =
# Requires translation!
[cityName] has been connected to your capital! =
# Requires translation!
[cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! =
Connect road completed = Viæ sunt concatenatæ
# Requires translation!
[civName] has accepted your trade request =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has made a counteroffer to your trade request =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has denied your trade request =
# Requires translation!
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] has ended =
# Requires translation!
[tradeOffer] to [otherCivName] has ended =
# Requires translation!
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end in [amount] turns =
# Requires translation!
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] will end next turn =
# Requires translation!
One of our trades with [nation] has ended =
# Requires translation!
One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short =
# Requires translation!
[nation] agreed to stop settling cities near us! =
# Requires translation!
[nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! =
# Requires translation!
[nation] agreed to stop spreading religion to us! =
# Requires translation!
[nation] refused to stop spreading religion to us! =
# Requires translation!
We have allied with [nation]. =
# Requires translation!
We have lost alliance with [nation]. =
We have discovered [naturalWonder]! = [naturalWonder](m/um) invenimus!
We have received [goldAmount] Gold for discovering [naturalWonder] = [goldAmount] solidos ob inventionem [naturalWonder](e/rum/i/orum) meruimus
# Requires translation!
Your relationship with [cityStateName] is about to degrade =
# Requires translation!
Your relationship with [cityStateName] degraded =
A new barbarian encampment has spawned! = Nova castra barbarorum exstiterunt!
Barbarians raided [cityName] and stole [amount] Gold from your treasury! = Barbari sunt deprædati [cityName](m/um) et [amount] solidos a gazophylacio tuo abstulerunt!
Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] = [goldAmount] solidos ob captum [cityName](e/rum/i/orum) meruimus
# Requires translation!
Our proposed trade is no longer relevant! =
# Requires translation!
[defender] could not withdraw from a [attacker] - blocked. =
# Requires translation!
[defender] withdrew from a [attacker] =
# Requires translation!
By expending your [unit] you gained [Stats]! =
# Requires translation!
Your territory has been stolen by [civName]! =
# Requires translation!
Clearing a [forest] has created [amount] Production for [cityName] =
# Requires translation!
[civName] assigned you a new quest: [questName]. =
# Requires translation!
[civName] rewarded you with [influence] influence for completing the [questName] quest. =
# Requires translation!
[civName] no longer needs your help with the [questName] quest. =
# Requires translation!
The [questName] quest for [civName] has ended. It was won by [civNames]. =
# Requires translation!
The resistance in [cityName] has ended! =
# Requires translation!
[cityName] demands [resource]! =
# Requires translation!
Because they have [resource], the citizens of [cityName] are celebrating We Love The King Day! =
# Requires translation!
We Love The King Day in [cityName] has ended. =
# Requires translation!
Our [name] took [tileDamage] tile damage and was destroyed =
# Requires translation!
Our [name] took [tileDamage] tile damage =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has adopted the [policyName] policy =
# Requires translation!
An unknown civilization has adopted the [policyName] policy =
# Requires translation!
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to [cityName] =
# Requires translation!
You gained [Stats] as your religion was spread to an unknown city =
# Requires translation!
Your city [cityName] was converted to [religionName]! =
Your [unitName] lost its faith after spending too long inside enemy territory! = Postquam in terra hostili nimis longinquo tempore mansit, [unitName], qui/quæ erat centuria tua, amisit fidem suam!
An [unitName] has removed your religion [religionName] from its Holy City [cityName]! = [unitName] emovit religionem tuam, quæ erat [religionName], ex urbe sancta ejus, quæ fuit [cityName]!
# Requires translation!
An [unitName] has restored [cityName] as the Holy City of your religion [religionName]! =
You have unlocked [ability]! = Habilitavisti [ability](m/um)!
# Requires translation!
A new b'ak'tun has just begun! =
# Requires translation!
A Great Person joins you! =
[civ1] has liberated [civ2] = [civ1] liberavit [civ2](m/um)
[civ] has liberated an unknown civilization = [civ] liberavit populum incognitum
An unknown civilization has liberated [civ] = Populus incognitus liberavit [civ](m/um)
# Trigger notifications
# Since each cause can be paired with each effect we need to create the final string by adding them together.
# If your language puts the effect before the cause - like {Gained [2] [Worker] unit(s)} {due to constructing [The Pyramids]} -
# put the english word 'true' behind the '=', otherwise 'false'.
# Don't translate these words to your language, only put 'true' or 'false'. Defaults to 'true'.
EffectBeforeCause = true
## Trigger effects
Gained [amount] [unitName] unit(s) = Meruisti [amount] centurias quæ erant [unitName]
Gained [stats] = Meruisti [stats](m/s/um/os)
You may choose a free Policy = Dictatum gratuitum eligere potes
You may choose [amount] free Policies = [amount] dictata gratuita eligere potes
You gain the [policy] Policy = Meres dictatum quod est [policy]
You enter a Golden Age = Ingrederis saeculum aureum
You have gained [amount] [resourceName] = Meruisti [amount] [resourceName](m/s/um/os)
You have lost [amount] [resourceName] = Amisisti [amount] [resourceName](m/s/um/os)
## Trigger causes
due to researching [tech] = quia [tech] erat inventa
due to adopting [policy] = quia [policy] erat ascitum
due to discovering [naturalWonder] = quia [naturalWonder] erat inventum
due to entering the [eraName] = quia [eraName] ingressi eramus
due to constructing [buildingName] = quia [buildingName] erat ædificatum
due to gaining a [unitName] = quia [unitName] erat acquisita
due to founding a city = ob conditionem urbis
due to discovering a Natural Wonder = ob inventionem miraculi naturæ
due to our [unitName] defeating a [otherUnitName] = quia [unitName], qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, vincit contra centuriam, quæ fuit [otherUnitName]
due to our [unitName] being defeated by a [otherUnitName] = quia [unitName], qui/quæ fuit centuria nostra, erat victa centuriá, quæ erat [otherUnitName]
due to our [unitName] losing [amount] HP = quia [unitName], qui/quæ erat centuria nostra, amisit [amount] sanitatem
due to our [unitName] being promoted = ob promotionem centuriæ nostræ quæ erat [unitName]
due to expending our [unitName] = ob consumptionem centuriæ nostræ quæ fuit [unitName]
from the ruins = de parietinis
# World Screen UI
Working... = Operamus...
# Requires translation!
Waiting for other players... =
# Requires translation!
Waiting for [civName]... =
in = in
Next turn = Perfectus est
Confirm next turn = Affirmare passus perfectum esse
Move automated units = Move centurias automatas
[currentPlayerCiv] ready? = Adornavitne [currentPlayerCiv]?
1 turn = 1 passus
[numberOfTurns] turns = [numberOfTurns] passus
Turn = Passus
turns = passus
turn = passus
Next unit = Centuria posterior
Fog of War = Nebula belli
Pick a policy = Eligas dictatum
Move Spies = Move emissarios
Movement = Momentum
Strength = Potentia
Ranged strength = Potentia oppugnationis longinquæ
Bombard strength = Potentia bombardarum
Range = Ambitus
Move unit = Move centuriam
Stop movement = Subsiste motum
Show unit destination = Indica locum quem it
Swap units = Muta locos
Construct improvement = Aedifica meliorationem
Automate = Se agere
Stop automation = Non facias sine imperato
Construct road = Aedifica viam
Fortify = Fortifica
Fortify until healed = Fortifica donec vales
Fortification = Fortificatio
Sleep = Dormi
Sleep until healed = Dormi donec vales
Moving = Movens
Set up = Statue
Escort formation = Deduc
Stop Escort formation = Non deduc
Paradrop = Cadere de Aëre
Air Sweep = Aëra Verrere
Add in capital = Adde in metropoli
Add to [comment] = Adde ad [comment](m/s/um/os)
# Requires translation!
Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold) =
# Requires translation!
Upgrade to [unitType]\n([goldCost] gold, [resources]) =
Transform to [unitType] = Muta in [unitType](m/s/um/os)
Transform to [unitType]\n([resources]) = Muta in [unitType](m/s/um/os)\n([resources])
Found city = Conde urbem
Promote = Promove
Health = Sanitas
Disband unit = Dimitte centuriam
# Requires translation!
Do you really want to disband this unit? =
# Requires translation!
Disband this unit for [goldAmount] gold? =
# Requires translation!
Gift unit =
Explore = Scrutare
Stop exploration = Non scrutare
Pillage = Diripe
Pillage [improvement] = Diripe [improvement](m/um)
[improvement] (Pillaged!) = [improvement] (Direpta!)
Repair [improvement] - [turns] = Repara [improvement](m/um) - [turns]
Wait = Mane
Are you sure you want to pillage this [improvement]? = Vero visne [improvement](m/s/um/os) diripere?
# Requires translation!
We have looted [amount] from a [improvement] =
# Requires translation!
We have looted [amount] from a [improvement] which has been sent to [cityName] =
# Requires translation!
An enemy [unitName] has pillaged our [improvement] =
Create [improvement] = Crea [improvement]
# Requires translation!
Trigger unique =
Show more = Alterae operae
Yes = Ita
No = Minime
# Requires translation!
Acquire =
# Requires translation!
Under construction =
Food = Cibus
Production = Fabricatio
Gold = Solidi
Happiness = Felicitas
Culture = Cultura
Science = Scientia
Faith = Fides
Growth = Auctus
Territory = Terra
Force = Classis
Golden Age = Saeculum Aureum
Global Effect = Influentia Mundi
[year] BC = [year] ACN
[year] AD = [year] AD
Civilopedia = Civilopædia
# Display name of unknown nations.
# Requires translation!
??? =
Start new game = Incipio ludum novum
Save game = Nota ludum
Load game = Accio ludum
Main menu = Electio principa
Resume = Resumo
Cannot resume game! = Ludum resumere non possum!
Not enough memory on phone to load game! = Satis memoria in machina ad accitionem ludi non est!
Quickstart = Celeriter incipe
# Requires translation!
Cannot start game with the default new game parameters! =
Victory status = Veni vidi vici
Social policies = Dictata socialia
Community = Communitas
Close = Occludo
Do you want to exit the game? = Visne ludo exire?
Exit = Exeo
Start bias: = Proclivitas:
Avoid [terrain] = Vitat [terrain](m/um)
# Maya calendar popup
# Requires translation!
The Mayan Long Count =
# Requires translation!
Your scientists and theologians have devised a systematic approach to measuring long time spans - the Long Count. During the festivities whenever the current b'ak'tun ends, a Great Person will join you. =
# Requires translation!
While the rest of the world calls the current year [year], in the Maya Calendar that is: =
# Requires translation!
[amount] b'ak'tun, [amount2] k'atun, [amount3] tun =
# City screen
Exit city = Exeam urbe
Raze city = Exscinde urbem
Stop razing city = Non exscinde urbem
# Requires translation!
Buy for [amount] gold =
Buy = Emo
# Requires translation!
Currently you have [amount] [stat]. =
# Requires translation!
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] [stat]? =
# Requires translation!
You are buying a religious unit in a city that doesn't follow the religion you founded ([yourReligion]). This means that the unit is tied to that foreign religion ([majorityReligion]) and will be less useful. =
Are you really sure you want to purchase this unit? = Vero visne hanc centuriam emere?
Purchase = Emo
# Requires translation!
No space available to place [unit] near [city] =
# Requires translation!
Maintenance cost =
Pick construction = Eligas constructionem
Pick improvement = Eligas meliorationem
Tile owned by [civName] - [cityName] = Tegula [civName](e/rum/i/orum) - [cityName]
Tile owned by [civName] (You) = Tegula [civName](e/rum/i/orum) (Tua)
Unowned tile = Tegula non possessa
Provides [resource] = Præbet [resource](m/um)
Provides [amount] [resource] = Præbet [amount] [resource](m/s/um/os)
Replaces [improvement] = Substituit [improvement](m/um)
Not in city work range = Non in regione qua cives de urbe operantur
Pick now! = Iam elige!
# Requires translation!
Remove [feature] first =
# Requires translation!
Research [tech] first =
# Requires translation!
Have this tile close to your borders =
Have this tile inside your empire = Habeas hanc tegulam in imperio tuo
# Requires translation!
Acquire more [resource] =
Build [building] = Aedifica [building](m/s/um/os)
# Requires translation!
Train [unit] =
# Requires translation!
Produce [thingToProduce] =
Nothing = Nihil
Annex city = Affige urbem
# Requires translation!
Specialist Buildings =
# Requires translation!
Specialist Allocation =
# Requires translation!
Manual Specialists =
# Requires translation!
Auto Specialists =
# Requires translation!
Specialists =
# Requires translation!
[specialist] slots =
Food eaten = Cibus consumptus
# Requires translation!
Unassigned population =
# Requires translation!
[turnsToExpansion] turns to expansion =
# Requires translation!
Stopped expansion =
# Requires translation!
[turnsToPopulation] turns to new population =
# Requires translation!
Food converts to production =
# Requires translation!
[turnsToStarvation] turns to lose population =
Stopped population growth = Commoratus Auctus Multitudinis
# Requires translation!
In resistance for another [numberOfTurns] turns =
# Requires translation!
We Love The King Day for another [numberOfTurns] turns =
# Requires translation!
Demanding [resource] =
# Requires translation!
Sell for [sellAmount] gold =
Sell = Vende
Are you sure you want to sell this [building]? = Vero visne vendere hoc [building](m/s/um/os)?
Free = Gratuitum
[greatPerson] points = Calculi ad [greatPerson]
Great person points = Calculi personarum magnarum
# Requires translation!
Current points =
Points per turn = Calculi passu omni
# Requires translation!
Convert production to gold at a rate of 4 to 1 =
# Requires translation!
Convert production to science at a rate of [rate] to 1 =
# Requires translation!
Convert production to [stat] at a rate of [rate] to 1 =
# Requires translation!
Production to [stat] conversion in cities changed by [relativeAmount]% =
The city will not produce anything. = Urbs nullam faciet.
Owned by [cityName] = Possessa [cityName](a/o/is)
Worked by [cityName] = [cityName] operatur
Lock = Sera
Unlock = Dissera
Move to city = Moveamus ad urbem
# Requires translation!
Reset Citizens =
# Requires translation!
Citizen Management =
# Requires translation!
Citizen Focus =
# Requires translation!
Avoid Growth =
Manual = Manualis
# Requires translation!
Please enter a new name for your city =
# Requires translation!
Please select a tile for this building's [improvement] =
# Requires translation!
Move to the top of the queue =
# Requires translation!
Move to the end of the queue =
# Requires translation!
Add to the top of the queue =
# Requires translation!
Add to the queue in all cities =
# Requires translation!
Add or move to the top in all cities =
# Requires translation!
Remove from the queue in all cities =
Disable = Debilito
Enable = Habilito
# Specialized Popups - Ask for text or numbers, file picker
# Requires translation!
Invalid input! Please enter a different string. =
# Requires translation!
Invalid input! Please enter a valid number. =
# Requires translation!
Please enter some text =
# Requires translation!
Please enter a file name =
File name: = Nomen documenti:
# Technology UI
Pick a tech = Eligas technologiam
Pick a free tech = Eligas technologiam gratuitam
Research [technology] = Inveni [technology](m/s/um/os)
Pick [technology] as free tech = Eligo [technology](m/um) ut technologia gratuita sit
Units enabled = Centuriae habilitandae
Buildings enabled = Aedificia habilitanda
Wonder = Miraculum
National Wonder = Miraculum publicum
National Wonders = Miracula publica
Wonders enabled = Miracula habilitanda
Tile improvements enabled = Meliorationes tegularum habilitandae
Reveals [resource] on the map = Patefaciet [resource](m/um) in tabula
XP for new units = XP centuriis novis
provide = præbere
provides = præbet
City strength = Potentia urbis
City health = Salus urbis
Occupied! = Capta!
Attack = Oppugna
Bombard = Bombarda
Captured! = Capta!
Cannot gain more XP from Barbarians = Non potest plus experientiæ ob barbaros acquirere
# Battle modifier categories
defence vs ranged = defensio contra oppugnationem longinquam
[percentage] to unit defence = [percentage] defensioni centuriæ
Attacker Bonus = Additio Oppugnatori
Defender Bonus = Additio Defensori
Landing = Ad Terram
Boarding = Conscensio
# Requires translation!
Flanking =
vs [unitType] = contra centurias quæ sunt [unitType]
Terrain = Ager
Tile = Tegula
Missing resource = Deest merci
Adjacent units = Centuriæ adjacentes
Adjacent enemy units = Centuriæ hostiles adjacentes
Combat Strength = Potentia ad Proelium
Across river = Trans fluvium
# Requires translation!
Temporary Bonus =
# Requires translation!
Garrisoned unit =
Attacking Bonus = Additio de Oppugnatione
defence vs [unitType] = defensio contra centuriam quæ est [unitType]
[tileFilter] defence = defensio de [tileFilter](o/is)
Defensive Bonus = Additio de Defensione
# Requires translation!
Stacked with [unitType] =
Unit ability = Facultas centuriæ
# Requires translation!
The following improvements [stats]: =
# Requires translation!
The following improvements on [tileType] tiles [stats]: =
# Unit actions
Hurry Research = Propera inventionem
# Requires translation!
Conduct Trade Mission =
# Requires translation!
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! =
Hurry Wonder = Propera miraculum
Hurry Construction = Propera constructionem
Hurry Construction (+[productionAmount]⚙) = Propera constructionem (+[productionAmount]⚙)
Spread Religion = Sterne religionem
Spread [religionName] = Sterne [religionName]
Remove Heresy = Emove haeresim
Found a Religion = Funda religionem
Enhance a Religion = Cumula religionem
# Requires translation!
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! =
You have entered the [newEra]! = [newEra] ingressi estis!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has entered the [eraName]! =
# Requires translation!
[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! =
# Overview screens
Overview = Compendium
# Requires translation!
Total =
# Requires translation!
Stats =
# Requires translation!
Policies =
# Requires translation!
Base happiness =
# Requires translation!
Traded Luxuries =
# Requires translation!
City-State Luxuries =
# Requires translation!
Occupied City =
Buildings = Aedificia
Wonders = Miracula
# Requires translation!
Notifications =
# Requires translation!
Base values =
Bonuses = Additiones
# Requires translation!
Final =
Other = Alia
Population = Multitudo
City-States = Civitates urbium
# Requires translation!
Tile yields =
Trade routes = Viæ commercii
# Requires translation!
Maintenance =
Transportation upkeep = Impendium de translatione
Unit upkeep = Impendium de centuriis
Trades = Mercatus
Current trades = Mercatus currentes
Pending trades = Mercatus appensi
Score = Index
Units = Centuriæ
Unit Supply = Supplementum Centuriarum
Base Supply = Supplementum Bassum
Total Supply = Supplementum Totum
In Use = Utimur
Supply Deficit = Supplementum Defectum
# Requires translation!
Production Penalty =
# Requires translation!
Increase your supply or reduce the amount of units to remove the production penalty =
Name = Nomen
Closest city = Urbs proxima
Action = Actio
# Requires translation!
Upgrade =
Defeated = Victa
[numberOfCivs] Civilizations in the game = [numberOfCivs] Populi in ludo
Our Civilization: = Populus Noster:
Known and alive ([numberOfCivs]) = Cognitus atque Vivus ([numberOfCivs])
Known and defeated ([numberOfCivs]) = Cognitus atque Victus ([numberOfCivs])
Tiles = Tegulæ
Natural Wonders = Miracula naturæ
# Requires translation!
Treasury deficit =
Unknown = Inscitum
Not built = Non aedificatum
Not found = Non inventum
Known = Scitum
Owned = Possessum
# Requires translation!
Near [city] =
# Requires translation!
Somewhere around [city] =
Far away = Longinquum
Status = Status
# Requires translation!
Current turn =
You = Tu
Turn [turnNumber] = Passus [turnNumber]
Location = Locus
Unimproved = Non meliorata
# Requires translation!
Number of tiles with this resource\nin your territory, without an\nappropriate improvement to use it =
We Love The King Day = Festum de Amore Regis Nostri
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Number of your cities celebrating\n'We Love The King Day' thanks\nto access to this resource =
# Requires translation!
WLTK demand =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Trade offer =
# Requires translation!
Resources we're offering in trades =
# Requires translation!
Number of your cities\ndemanding this resource for\n'We Love The King Day' =
# Requires translation!
Politics =
# Requires translation!
Show global politics =
# Requires translation!
Show diagram =
# Requires translation!
Diagram line colors =
# Requires translation!
At war with [enemy] =
# Requires translation!
Defensive pact with [civName] =
# Requires translation!
Friends with [civName] =
# Requires translation!
an unknown civilization =
# Requires translation!
[numberOfTurns] Turns Left =
# Requires translation!
Denounced [otherCiv] =
# Requires translation!
Allied with [civName] =
# Requires translation!
Civilization Info =
# Requires translation!
Relations =
# Requires translation!
Trade request =
# Requires translation!
Garrisoned by unit =
# Requires translation!
Status\n(puppet, resistance or being razed) =
# Victory
# Requires translation!
[victoryType] Victory =
# Requires translation!
Built [building] =
# Requires translation!
Add all [comment] in capital =
# Requires translation!
Destroy all players =
# Requires translation!
Capture all capitals =
# Requires translation!
Complete [amount] Policy branches =
# Requires translation!
You have won a [victoryType] Victory! =
# Requires translation!
[civilization] has won a [victoryType] Victory! =
# Requires translation!
Your civilization stands above all others! The exploits of your people shall be remembered until the end of civilization itself! =
# Requires translation!
You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! =
# Requires translation!
One more turn...! =
# Requires translation!
Destroy [civName] =
Capture [cityName] = Capere [cityName](m/um)
# Requires translation!
Destroy ? * [civName] =
# Requires translation!
Capture ? * [cityName] =
# Requires translation!
Majority religion of ? * [civName] =
Our status = Status tuus
Global status = Status mundi
Rankings = Ordines
Charts = Chartae
# Requires translation!
Demographics =
# Requires translation!
Demographic =
Rank = Ordo
Value = Aestimatio
Best = Optimus
# Requires translation!
Average =
Worst = Pessimus
# The \n here means: put a newline (enter) here. If this is omitted, the sidebox in the diplomacy overview will become _really_ wide.
# Feel free to replace it with a space and put it between other words in your translation
# Requires translation!
Turns until the next\ndiplomacy victory vote: [amount] =
# Requires translation!
Choose a civ to vote for =
# Requires translation!
Choose who should become the world leader and win a Diplomatic Victory! =
# Requires translation!
Vote for [civilizationName] =
# Requires translation!
Vote for World Leader =
# Requires translation!
Abstain =
Continue = Continuem
# Requires translation!
Abstained =
# Requires translation!
Voted for =
# Requires translation!
[number] votes =
# Requires translation!
[number] vote =
# Requires translation!
No valid votes were cast. =
# Requires translation!
Minimum votes for electing a world leader: [number] =
# Requires translation!
Tied in first position: [civNames] =
# Requires translation!
No world leader was elected. =
# Requires translation!
You have been elected world leader! =
# Requires translation!
[leaderName] of [civ] has been elected world leader! =
Replay = Rursus videam
# Capturing a city
# Requires translation!
What would you like to do with the city of [cityName]? =
Annex = Affigere
# Requires translation!
Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. =
# Requires translation!
Their citizens generate 2x the unhappiness, unless you build a courthouse. =
# Requires translation!
Your civilization may not annex this city. =
Puppet = Pupulus
# Requires translation!
Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost. =
# Requires translation!
You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeted cities also generate 25% less Gold and Science. =
# Requires translation!
A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. =
# Requires translation!
Liberate (city returns to [originalOwner]) =
# Requires translation!
Liberating a city returns it to its original owner, giving you a massive relationship boost with them! =
Raze = Exscindere
# Requires translation!
Razing the city annexes it, and starts burning the city to the ground. =
# Requires translation!
Razing the city puppets it, and starts burning the city to the ground. =
# Requires translation!
The population will gradually dwindle until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Original capitals and holy cities cannot be razed. =
# Requires translation!
Destroy =
# Requires translation!
Destroying the city instantly razes the city to the ground. =
# Requires translation!
Keep it =
# Requires translation!
Remove your troops in our border immediately! =
# Requires translation!
Sorry. =
# Requires translation!
Never! =
# Requires translation!
Offer Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) =
# Requires translation!
My friend, shall we declare our friendship to the world? =
# Requires translation!
Sign Declaration of Friendship ([30] turns) =
# Requires translation!
We are not interested. =
# Requires translation!
We have signed a Declaration of Friendship with [otherCiv]! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [otherCivName] have signed a Defensive Pact! =
# Requires translation!
[otherCiv] has denied our Declaration of Friendship! =
# Requires translation!
Basics =
Resources = Merces
Terrains = Agri
Tile Improvements = Meliorationes Tegularum
Unique to [civName], replaces [unitName] = Unicus [civName](e/o/is) est. Substituit [unitName](m/um)
Unique to [civName] = Unicus [civName](e/o/is)
Tutorials = Praecepta
Cost = Sumptus
Turns to build = Passús ad ædificationem
# Requires translation!
May contain [listOfResources] =
# Requires translation!
May contain: =
# Requires translation!
Can upgrade from [unit] =
# Requires translation!
Can upgrade from: =
# Requires translation!
Upgrades to [upgradedUnit] =
# Requires translation!
Obsolete with [obsoleteTech] =
Can Transform to [upgradedUnit] = Potest mutari in [upgradedUnit](m/s/um/os)
# Requires translation!
Occurs on [listOfTerrains] =
# Requires translation!
Occurs on: =
# Requires translation!
Placed on [terrainType] =
Can be found on = Potest inveniri in
Improved by [improvement] = [improvement](o/is) melioretur
Bonus stats for improvement = Addititiæ stat. ad meliorationem
Buildings that consume this resource = Aedificia quæ hanc mercem consumunt
Buildings that provide this resource = Aedificia quæ hanc mercem præbent
Improvements that provide this resource = Meliorationes quæ hanc mercem præbent
# Requires translation!
Buildings that require this resource worked near the city =
Units that consume this resource = Centuriæ quæ hanc mercem consumunt
Can be built on = Potest ædificari in
Cannot be built on = Non potest ædificari in
or [terrainType] = vel [terrainType]
Can be constructed by = Potest construi eis
Can be created instantly by = Potest confestim construi eis
Defence bonus = Additio de Defensione
Movement cost = Momentum sumendum
for = pro
# Requires translation!
Missing translations: =
Create = Creo
Improvements = Meliorationes
# Requires translation!
Loading... =
# Requires translation!
Filter: =
OK = Nullus error est
# Requires translation!
Map is incompatible with the chosen ruleset! =
# Requires translation!
Base terrain [terrain] does not exist in ruleset! =
# Requires translation!
Terrain feature [feature] does not exist in ruleset! =
Resource [resource] does not exist in ruleset! = [resource], sit merx, non est in regulis compactis!
# Requires translation!
Improvement [improvement] does not exist in ruleset! =
# Requires translation!
Nation [nation] does not exist in ruleset! =
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonder [naturalWonder] does not exist in ruleset! =
non-[filter] = non [filter]
# Civilopedia difficulty levels
Player settings = Optiones lusoris
# Requires translation!
Extra happiness per luxury =
Research cost modifier = Coefficiens ad sumptos cognitionum
Unit cost modifier = Coefficiens ad sumptos centuriarum
Building cost modifier = Coefficiens ad sumptos ædificiorum
Policy cost modifier = Coefficiens ad sumptos dictatorum
Unhappiness modifier = Coefficiens ad iram
Bonus vs. Barbarians = Additio contra barbaros
# Requires translation!
Barbarian spawning delay =
# Requires translation!
Bonus starting units =
# Requires translation!
AI settings =
# Requires translation!
AI city growth modifier =
# Requires translation!
AI unit cost modifier =
# Requires translation!
AI building cost modifier =
# Requires translation!
AI wonder cost modifier =
# Requires translation!
AI building maintenance modifier =
# Requires translation!
AI unit maintenance modifier =
# Requires translation!
AI unhappiness modifier =
# Requires translation!
AI free techs =
# Requires translation!
Major AI civilization bonus starting units =
# Requires translation!
City state bonus starting units =
# Requires translation!
Turns until barbarians enter player tiles =
# Requires translation!
Gold reward for clearing barbarian camps =
# Other civilopedia things
Nations = Nationes
Available for [unitTypes] = Parabilis pro [unitTypes]
Available for: = Parabilis pro:
Free promotion: = Promotio gratuita
Free promotions: = Promotiones gratuitæ
Free for [units] = Gratuita [units](e/o/is)
Free for: = Gratuita pro:
Granted by [param] = Donanda [param](o/is)
Granted by: = Donanda ab:
[bonus] with [tech] = [bonus] cum [tech](o/is)
# Requires translation!
Difficulty levels =
# Requires translation!
The possible rewards are: =
Eras = Aetates
Embarked strength: [amount]† = Potentia de nave: [amount]†
Base unit buy cost: [amount]¤ = Sumptus fundamentalis ad emptionem centuriæ: [amount]¤
# Requires translation!
Research agreement cost: [amount]¤ =
Speeds = Celeritates
# Requires translation!
General speed modifier: [amount]%⏳ =
Production cost modifier: [amount]%⚙ = Coefficiens ad sumptum de fabricatione: [amount]%⚙
Gold cost modifier: [amount]%¤ = Coefficiens ad solidos sumptos: [amount]%¤
Science cost modifier: [amount]%⍾ = Coefficiens ad sumptum de scientia: [amount]%⍾
Culture cost modifier: [amount]%♪ = Coefficiens ad sumptum de cultura: [amount]%♪
Faith cost modifier: [amount]%☮ = Coefficiens ad sumptum de fide: [amount]%☮
Improvement build length modifier: [amount]%⏳ = Coefficiens ad longinquitatem ad constructionem meliorationum: [amount]%⏳
# Requires translation!
Diplomatic deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ =
# Requires translation!
Gold gift influence gain modifier: [amount]%¤ =
# Requires translation!
City-state tribute scaling interval: [amount] turns⏳ =
Barbarian spawn modifier: [amount]%† = Coefficiens ad generationem barbarorum: [amount]%†
Golden age length modifier: [amount]%⌣ = Coefficiens ad longinquitatem saeculi aurei: [amount]%⌣
# Requires translation!
Adjacent city religious pressure: [amount]☮ =
# Requires translation!
Peace deal duration: [amount] turns⏳ =
Start year: [comment] = Annus initialis: [comment]
# Requires translation!
Pillaging this improvement yields [stats] =
# Requires translation!
Pillaging this improvement yields approximately [stats] =
# Requires translation!
Needs removal of terrain features to be built =
Air Intercept Range: [amount] = Ambitus Interceptionis Aeriæ: [amount]
Unit type = Forma centuriæ
Units: = Centuriæ:
Unit types = Formae centuriarum
Domain: [param] = Plaga: [param]
# Requires translation!
Toggle UI (World Screen only) =
# Requires translation!
Overrides yields from underlying terrain =
# Requires translation!
No yields =
Mod: [modname] = Mutatio: [modname]
# Requires translation!
Search text: =
# Requires translation!
Invalid regular expression =
# Requires translation!
Mod filter: =
# Requires translation!
-Combined- =
# Requires translation!
Search! =
# Requires translation!
Results =
# Requires translation!
Nothing found! =
# Policies
# Requires translation!
Adopt =
# Requires translation!
Completed =
# Requires translation!
On adoption =
# Requires translation!
On completion =
# Requires translation!
Cannot be adopted together with =
# Requires translation!
Cannot be adopted before =
# Requires translation!
Adopt policy =
# Requires translation!
Adopt free policy =
# Requires translation!
Unlocked at =
# Requires translation!
Gain 2 free technologies =
# Requires translation!
All policies adopted =
# Requires translation!
[branchName] branch =
# Requires translation!
Policy branch: [branchName] =
# Requires translation!
Are you sure you want to adopt [branchName]? =
# Religions
Religions = Religiones
# Requires translation!
Choose an Icon and name for your Religion =
# Requires translation!
Choose a name for your religion =
# Requires translation!
Choose a [beliefType] belief! =
# Requires translation!
Choose any belief! =
Found [religionName] = Funda [religionName]
Enhance [religionName] = Cumula [religionName]
Choose a pantheon = Pantheum eligas
Choose a Religion = Religionem eligas
Found Religion = Funda Religionem
Found Pantheon = Funda Pantheum
Reform Religion = Reforma Religionem
Expand Pantheon = Expande Pantheum
# Requires translation!
Follow [belief] =
Religions and Beliefs = Religiones et Opiniones
# Requires translation!
Majority Religion: [name] =
# Requires translation!
+ [amount] pressure =
# Requires translation!
Holy City of: [religionName] =
# Requires translation!
Former Holy City of: [religionName] =
Followers = Assectatores
# Requires translation!
Pressure =
# Religion overview screen
Religion Name: = Nomen Religionis
Pantheon Name: = Nomen Panthei
# Requires translation!
Founding Civ: =
Holy City: = Urbs Sancta:
# Requires translation!
Cities following this religion: =
# Requires translation!
Followers of this religion: =
# Requires translation!
Click an icon to see the stats of this religion =
# Requires translation!
Religion: Off =
# Requires translation!
Minimal Faith required for\nthe next [Great Prophet]: =
# Requires translation!
Religions to be founded: [amount] =
# Requires translation!
Available religion symbols =
# Requires translation!
Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] =
# Requires translation!
Estimated Number of civilizations * [amount] + [amount2] =
# Requires translation!
Religions already founded =
# Requires translation!
Available founder beliefs =
# Requires translation!
Available follower beliefs =
# Requires translation!
Religious status: =
None = Nulla
Pantheon = Pantheum
# Requires translation!
Founding religion =
Religion = Religio
# Requires translation!
Enhancing religion =
Enhanced religion = Religio cumulata
# Espionage
# As espionage is WIP, these strings are currently only shown in-game when the player opts in,
# so feel free to not translate these strings for now
Spy = Emissarius
Spy Hideout = Spelunca emissariorum
Spy present = Locus emissarii
Move = Moveo
After an unknown civilization entered the [eraName], we have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = Postquam populus incognitus [eraName](m/um) ingressus erat, [spyName](am/um) emissarium allegimus!
We have recruited [spyName] as a spy! = [spyName](m/um) emissarium allegimus!
# Requires translation!
Your spy [spyName] has leveled up! =
# Requires translation!
Your spy [spyName] has leveled up [amount] times! =
Your spy [spyName] cannot steal any more techs from [civName] as we've already researched all the technology they know! = [spyName], qui/quæ est emissarius tuus, technologias plures ex [civName](o/is) afferre non potest, quia nos jam invenimus technologias omnes quas sciunt!
# Stealing Technology defending civ
An unidentified spy stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Curiosus ignotus, ex [cityName], abstulit technologiam quæ erat [techName]!
A spy from [civName] stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = Emissarius de [civName](o/is), ex [cityName], abstulit technologiam quæ erat [techName]!
A spy from [civName] was found and killed trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Emissarius de [civName](o/is) est compertus et interfectus quando tentabat technologiam ex [cityName] auferre!
A spy from [civName] was found and killed by [spyName] trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = Emissarius de [civName](o/is) est compertus et interfectus ab [spyName](a/o) quando tentabat technologiam ex [cityName] auferre!
# Stealing Technology offending civ
Your spy [spyName] stole the Technology [techName] from [cityName]! = [spyName], qui/quæ erat emissarius tuus, ex [cityName], attulit technologiam quæ erat [techName]!
Your spy [spyName] was killed trying to steal Technology in [cityName]! = [spyName], qui/quæ fuit emissarius tuus, est interfectus/interfecta quando tentabat technologiam ex [cityName] afferre!
# Rigging elections
Your spy successfully rigged the election in [cityName]! = Emissarius tuus gubernavit petitionem in [cityName] et vicit!
Your spy lost the election in [cityStateName] to [civName]! = Emissarius tuus est victus [civName](o/is) in petitione in [cityStateName]!
The election in [cityStateName] were rigged by [civName]! = [civName] gubernavit/gubernaverunt petitionem in [cityStateName]!
Your spy lost the election in [cityName]! = Emissarius tuus est victus in petitione in [cityName]!
# City-Ctate Coups
Stage Coup = Usurpa imperium
Your spy [spyName] successfully staged a coup in [cityName]! = [spyName], qui/quæ erat emissarius tuus, mutavit imperium in [cityName]!
A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in our former ally [cityStateName]! = Emissarius de [civName](o/is) mutavit imperium in [cityStateName], quæ erat amica nostra!
A spy from [civName] successfully staged a coup in [cityStateName]! = Emissarius de [civName](o/is) mutavit imperium in [cityStateName]!
A spy from [civName] failed to stage a coup in our ally [cityStateName] and was killed! = Emissarius de [civName](o/is) tentavit usurpare imperium in [cityStateName], quæ erat amica nostra, et victus est, sic interfectus est!
Our spy [spyName] failed to stage a coup in [cityStateName] and was killed! = [spyName], qui/quæ fuit emissarius noster, tentavit potiri imperii in [cityStateName], et victus/victa est, sic interfectus/interfecta est!
Do you want to stage a coup in [civName] with a [percent]% chance of success? = Visne imperium in [civName] usurpare cum probabilitate ad victoriam quæ est [percent] per centum?
# Spy fleeing city
# Requires translation!
After the city of [cityName] was destroyed, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
# Requires translation!
After the city of [cityName] was conquered, your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
# Requires translation!
Due to the chaos ensuing in [cityName], your spy [spyName] has fled back to our hideout. =
# Promotions
Pick promotion = Eligas promotionem
units in open terrain = Centuriæ in agro aperto
units in rough terrain = Centuriæ in agro aspero
wounded units = centuriæ plagatæ
Targeting II (air) = Destinatio II (aeria)
Targeting III (air) = Destinatio III (aeria)
Bonus when performing air sweep [bonusAmount]% = [bonusAmount]% additio cum verrit aëra
Dogfighting I = Prœlium Aërium I
Dogfighting II = Prœlium Aërium II
Dogfighting III = Prœlium Aërium III
Choose name for [unitName] = Eligas nomen pro [unitName]
[unitFilter] units gain the [promotion] promotion = Centuriæ, quæ sunt [unitFilter], promoventur ad [promotion]
Requires = Requirit
Path to [promotion] is ambiguous = Via ad [promotion] est ambigua
# Multiplayer Turn Checker Service
Enable out-of-game turn notifications = Denuntiatio extra ludum de passibus habilitetur
Out-of-game, update status of all games every: = Extra ludum renovo status de ludis in omni:
# Requires translation!
Show persistent notification for turn notifier service =
# These are on Options-Advanced
# Requires translation!
Take user ID from clipboard =
# Requires translation!
Doing this will reset your current user ID to the clipboard contents - are you sure? =
# Requires translation!
ID successfully set! =
Invalid ID! = Identitas non est valida!
# Multiplayer options tab
# Requires translation!
Enable multiplayer status button in singleplayer games =
# Requires translation!
Update status of currently played game every: =
# Requires translation!
In-game, update status of all games every: =
# Requires translation!
Server address =
# Requires translation!
Check connection to server =
# Requires translation!
Awaiting response... =
# Requires translation!
Success! =
# Requires translation!
Failed! =
# Requires translation!
Sound notification for when it's your turn in your currently open game: =
# Requires translation!
Sound notification for when it's your turn in any other game: =
# Requires translation!
Notification [number] =
# Requires translation!
Chimes =
# Requires translation!
Choir =
# Requires translation!
[unit] Attack Sound =
# Mods
Mods = Mutationes
Download [modName] = Affer [modName]
Update [modName] = Renova [modName]
Could not download mod list = Non poteram afferre matriculam de mutationibus
Download mod from URL = Affer mutationem de URL
# Requires translation!
Please enter the mod repository -or- archive zip -or- branch -or- release url: =
That is not a valid ZIP file = Illud non est validum ZIP condensatum documentum
# Requires translation!
Invalid Mod archive structure =
Invalid link! = Nexus validus non est!
# Requires translation!
Paste from clipboard =
Download = Afferre
Done! = Feci!
Delete [modName] = Dele [modName](m/s/um/os)
Are you SURE you want to delete this mod? = VERO VIS·NE hanc mutationem delere?
[mod] was deleted. = [mod] est deleta.
Updated = Renovata
Current mods = Mutationes huc
Downloadable mods = Mutationes possunt afferri
# Requires translation!
Category: =
All mods = Mutationes omnes
Rulesets = Regulæ compactæ
Expansions = Expansiones
Graphics = Figura
Audio = Auditio
Maps = Tabulæ
# Requires translation!
Fun =
Mods of mods = Mutationes mutationum
Mod info and options = Indicia et optiones de mutationibus
Next page = Pagina proxima
Open Github page = Videam paginam in Github
# Requires translation!
Link copied to clipboard =
Permanent audiovisual mod = Status audivisificus sempiternus
# Requires translation!
Installed =
Downloaded! = Attuli!
[modName] Downloaded! = [modName] est allata!
Could not download [modName] = Non poteram afferre [modName]
# Requires translation!
Online query result is incomplete =
# Requires translation!
Sorting and filtering needs to wait until the online query finishes =
No description provided = Nulla descriptio præbita
[stargazers]✯ = [stargazers]✯
# Requires translation!
Author: [author] =
# Requires translation!
Size: [size] kB =
# Requires translation!
Size: [size] MB =
# Requires translation!
The mod you selected is incompatible with the defined ruleset! =
# Requires translation!
Sort and Filter =
# Requires translation!
Enter search text =
# Requires translation!
Sort Current: =
# Requires translation!
Sort Downloadable: =
Name ↑ = Nomen ↑
Name ↓ = Nomen ↓
Date ↑ = Dies ↑
Date ↓ = Dies ↓
Stars ↓ = Stellæ ↓
Status ↓ = Status ↓
Scenarios = Scænæ
Error loading scenario: = Error erat cum scænam accivi:
Choose scenario = Eligas scænam
# Uniques that are relevant to more than one type of game object
[stats] from every [param] = [stats] de omni [param]
[stats] from [param] tiles in this city = [stats] de tegulis quæ sunt [param] in hac urbe
[stats] from every [param] on [tileFilter] tiles = [stats] de omni [param] in tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter]
[stats] for each adjacent [param] = [stats] ob omnem adjacentem [param]
Must be next to [terrain] = Necesse adjaceat ad agrum quæ est [terrain]
Must be on [terrain] = Necesse sit in agro quæ sit [terrain]
+[amount]% vs [unitType] = +[amount]% contra centuriam quæ est [unitType]
+[amount] Movement for all [unitType] units = +[amount] Momentum centuriis omnibus quæ sunt [unitType]
+[amount]% Production when constructing [param] = +[amount]% Fabricatio cum construunt [param]
Can only be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Modo potest ædificari in tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter]
Cannot be built on [tileFilter] tiles = Non potest ædificari in tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter]
Does not need removal of [feature] = Non requirit summotionem [feature](e/rum/i/orum)
Gain a free [building] [cityFilter] = Acquiras gratuitum/gratuitam [building](m/s/um/os) [cityFilter]
# Uniques not found in JSON files
# Requires translation!
Only available after [] turns =
# Requires translation!
This Unit upgrades for free =
[stats] when a city adopts this religion for the first time = [stats] quando urbs singula hanc religionem primitus accipit
Never destroyed when the city is captured = Numquam destruitur cum urbs capitur
Invisible to others = Non potest videri ab aliis
# Unused Resources
Bison = Bison
# Requires translation!
Cocoa =
# Exceptions that _may_ be shown to the user
Building '[buildingName]' is buildable and therefore must either have an explicit cost or reference an existing tech. = '[buildingName]' sit ædificium, potest ædificari, sic sumptum explicatum habeat, vel technologia, quæ sit, commemoretur.
Nation [nationName] is not found! = [nationName], sit populus, i. e., natio, non est compertus/comperta!
Unit [unitName] doesn't seem to exist! = [unitName], sit centuria, strictim non est!
# In English we just paste all these conditionals at the end of each unique, but in your language that
# may not turn into valid sentences. Therefore we have the following two translations to determine
# where they should go.
# The first determines whether the conditionals should be placed before or after the base unique.
# It should be translated with only the untranslated english word 'before' or 'after', without the quotes.
# Example: In the unique "+20% Strength <for [unitFilter] units>", should the <for [unitFilter] units>
# be translated before or after the "+20% Strength"?
ConditionalsPlacement = after
# The second determines the exact ordering of all conditionals that are to be translated.
# ALL conditionals that exist will be part of this line, and they may be moved around and rearranged as you please.
# However, you should not translate the parts between the brackets, only move them around so that when
# translated in your language the sentence sounds natural.
# Example: "+20% Strength <for [unitFilter] units> <when attacking> <vs [unitFilter] units> <in [tileFilter] tiles> <during the [eraName]>"
# In what order should these conditionals between <> be translated?
# Note that this example currently doesn't make sense yet, as those conditionals do not exist, but they will in the future.
# As this is still under development, conditionals will be added al the time. As a result,
# any translations added for this string will be removed immediately in the next version when more
# conditionals are added. As we don't want to make you retranslate this same line over and over,
# it's removed for now, but it will return once all planned conditionals have been added.
########################### AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED TRANSLATABLE STRINGS ###########################
#################### Lines from Unique Types #######################
[stats] = [stats]
[stats] [cityFilter] = [stats] [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
[stats] from every specialist [cityFilter] =
[stats] per [amount] population [cityFilter] = [stats] ob [amount]-nam multitudinem [cityFilter]
[stats] per [amount] social policies adopted = [stats] ob [amount]-na dictata socialia ascita
[stats] per every [amount] [civWideStat] = [stats] ob [amount]-nos/na(s) [civWideStat]
[stats] in cities on [terrainFilter] tiles = [stats] in urbibus in tegulis quæ sunt [terrainFilter]
[stats] from all [buildingFilter] buildings = [stats] de ædificiis omnibus quæ sunt [buildingFilter]
[stats] from [tileFilter] tiles [cityFilter] = [stats] de tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter] [cityFilter]
[stats] from [tileFilter] tiles without [tileFilter2] [cityFilter] = [stats] de tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter] sine [tileFilter2](o/is) [cityFilter]
[stats] from each Trade Route = [stats] de omni via commercii
[stats] for each global city following this religion = [stats] ob urbem omnem quæ in mundo sequitur hanc religionem
[stats] from every [amount] global followers [cityFilter] = [stats] de [amount]-nis assectatoribus [cityFilter] in mundo
[relativeAmount]% [stat] = [relativeAmount]% [stat]
[relativeAmount]% [stat] [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% [stat] [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from every [tileFilter/buildingFilter] = [relativeAmount]% [stat] de omni(bus) [tileFilter/buildingFilter](o/is)
[relativeAmount]% Yield from every [tileFilter/buildingFilter] = [relativeAmount]% productum de omni(bus) [tileFilter/buildingFilter](o/is)
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from every follower, up to [relativeAmount2]% = [relativeAmount]% [stat] de omni assectatore, usque ad [relativeAmount2]%
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from City-States = [relativeAmount]% [stat] de civitatibus urbium
[relativeAmount]% [stat] from Trade Routes = [relativeAmount]% [stat] de viis commercii
# Requires translation!
Nullifies [stat] [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
Nullifies Growth [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Production when constructing [buildingFilter] wonders [cityFilter] =
[relativeAmount]% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital = [relativeAmount]% Fabricatio ad ædificium quod cumque in metropoli jam est
# Requires translation!
Provides military units every ≈[amount] turns =
Provides a unique luxury = Præbet luxuriam unicam
# Requires translation!
Military Units gifted from City-States start with [amount] XP =
# Requires translation!
Militaristic City-States grant units [amount] times as fast when you are at war with a common nation =
# Requires translation!
Gifts of Gold to City-States generate [relativeAmount]% more Influence =
Can spend Gold to annex or puppet a City-State that has been your ally for [amount] turns. = Possis, per sumptionem solidorum, civitatem urbis, quæ sit ac fuerit socia tua in [amount] passibus usque ad hunc, affigere aut pupulum facere
City-State territory always counts as friendly territory = Terra civitatis urbis semper videtur acsi terra amica sit
Allied City-States will occasionally gift Great People = Civitates sociæ urbium nonnumquam donet personas magnas
Will not be chosen for new games = Non eligetur ad ludos novos
[relativeAmount]% City-State Influence degradation = [relativeAmount]% deminutio influentiæ civitatibus urbium
Resting point for Influence with City-States is increased by [amount] = Punctum acclinandum de influentia civitatibus urbium cum [amount] adicitur
Allied City-States provide [stat] equal to [relativeAmount]% of what they produce for themselves = Civitates sociæ urbium præbent [stat](m/s/um/os) qui/quæ est [relativeAmount]% quam sibi faciunt
[relativeAmount]% resources gifted by City-States = [relativeAmount]% merces quas civitates urbium donent
[relativeAmount]% Happiness from luxury resources gifted by City-States = [relativeAmount]% Felicitas de mercibus luxuriis quas civitates urbium donent
# Requires translation!
City-State Influence recovers at twice the normal rate =
[relativeAmount]% growth [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% auctus [cityFilter]
[amount]% Food is carried over after population increases [cityFilter] = [amount]% Cibus [cityFilter] transferatur post auctum de multitudine
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Food consumption by specialists [cityFilter] =
[relativeAmount]% unhappiness from the number of cities = [relativeAmount]% ira de numero urbium
[relativeAmount]% Unhappiness from [populationFilter] [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Ira de [populationFilter] [cityFilter]
[amount] Happiness from each type of luxury resource = [amount] Felicitas ob omne genus mercis luxuriæ
Retain [relativeAmount]% of the happiness from a luxury after the last copy has been traded away = Contineas [relativeAmount]% quam felicitas de luxuria postquam exemplar postremum ob commercium amittatur
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% of excess happiness converted to [stat] =
Cannot build [baseUnitFilter] units = Non potestis ædificare centurias quæ sunt [baseUnitFilter]
Enables construction of Spaceship parts = Habilitat constructionem partium Astronavis
May buy [baseUnitFilter] units for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] at an increasing price ([amount2]) = Licet emere [amount] [stat](o/is) centurias quæ sunt [baseUnitFilter] [cityFilter] sed impendium sit cum [amount2] accumulandum
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] at an increasing price ([amount2]) = Licet emere [amount] [stat](o/is) ædificia quæ sunt [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] sed impendium sit cum [amount2] accumulandum
May buy [baseUnitFilter] units for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Licet emere [amount] [stat](o/is) centurias quæ sunt [baseUnitFilter] [cityFilter]
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Licet emere [amount] [stat](o/is) ædificia quæ sunt [buildingFilter] [cityFilter]
May buy [baseUnitFilter] units with [stat] [cityFilter] = Licet emere [stat](o/is) centurias quæ sunt [baseUnitFilter] [cityFilter]
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings with [stat] [cityFilter] = Licet emere [stat](o/is) ædificia quæ sunt [buildingFilter] [cityFilter]
May buy [baseUnitFilter] units with [stat] for [amount] times their normal Production cost = Licet emere centurias quæ sunt [baseUnitFilter] [stat](o/is) qui/quæ est/sunt [amount]-plex quam sumptus cotidianus ad fabricationem earum
May buy [buildingFilter] buildings with [stat] for [amount] times their normal Production cost = Licet emere ædificia quæ sunt [buildingFilter] [stat](o/is) qui/quæ est/sunt [amount]-plex quam sumptus cotidianus ad fabricationem eorum
[stat] cost of purchasing items in cities [relativeAmount]% = [relativeAmount]% [stat] sumend* ad emptionem rerum in urbibus
[stat] cost of purchasing [buildingFilter] buildings [relativeAmount]% = [relativeAmount]% [stat] sumend* ad emptionem ædificiorum quæ sunt [buildingFilter]
[stat] cost of purchasing [baseUnitFilter] units [relativeAmount]% = [relativeAmount]% [stat] sumend* ad emptionem centuriarum quæ sunt [baseUnitFilter]
Enables conversion of city production to [civWideStat] = Habilitat versionem a fabricatione de urbe ad [civWideStat](m/s/um/os)
Improves movement speed on roads = Meliorat celeritatem de motu in viis
Roads connect tiles across rivers = Viæ tegulas trans fluvios concatenant
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% maintenance on road & railroads =
# Requires translation!
No Maintenance costs for improvements in [tileFilter] tiles =
[relativeAmount]% construction time for [improvementFilter] improvements = [relativeAmount]% tempus ad constructionem meliorationum quæ sunt [improvementFilter]
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% maintenance cost for buildings [cityFilter] =
Remove [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = Summoveas [buildingFilter](m/s/um/os) [cityFilter]
Sell [buildingFilter] buildings [cityFilter] = Vendas [buildingFilter](m/s/um/os) [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Culture cost of natural border growth [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Cultura sumenda ad dilatationem naturalem [cityFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Gold cost of acquiring tiles [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% solidi sumendi ad acquisitionem tegulæ [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies [relativeAmount]% less than normal =
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Culture cost of adopting new Policies =
[stats] for every known Natural Wonder = [stats] ob omne cognitum miraculum naturæ
[stats] for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to [stats2] if first to discover it) = [stats] ob inventionem miraculi naturæ (additio augeatur ad [stats2] si primus inventor es)
[relativeAmount]% Great Person generation [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% generatio personæ magnæ [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Gold from Great Merchant trade missions =
Great General provides double combat bonus = Dux magnus præbet additionem duplicatam ad prœlium
# Requires translation!
Receive a free Great Person at the end of every [comment] (every 394 years), after researching [tech]. Each bonus person can only be chosen once. =
# Requires translation!
Once The Long Count activates, the year on the world screen displays as the traditional Mayan Long Count. =
[amount] Unit Supply = [amount] Supplementum centuriarum
[amount] Unit Supply per [amount2] population [cityFilter] = [amount] Supplementum centuriarum ob [amount2]-nam multitudinem [cityFilter]
[amount] Unit Supply per city = [amount] Supplementum centuriarum ob urbem omnem
# Requires translation!
[amount] units cost no maintenance =
# Requires translation!
Units in cities cost no Maintenance =
Enables embarkation for land units = Habilitat centurias terræ ad conscensionem (in naves)
Enables [mapUnitFilter] units to enter ocean tiles = Habilitat centurias quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter] ad ingressum in tegulas Oceani
Land units may cross [terrainName] tiles after the first [baseUnitFilter] is earned = Centuriæ terræ possunt ire trans tegulas, quæ sunt [terrainName], postquam [baseUnitFilter] primus est meritus
# Requires translation!
Enemy [mapUnitFilter] units must spend [amount] extra movement points when inside your territory =
New [baseUnitFilter] units start with [amount] Experience [cityFilter] = Centuriæ novæ [cityFilter] cum [amount] experientia incipiunt si eæ sunt [baseUnitFilter]
# Requires translation!
All newly-trained [baseUnitFilter] units [cityFilter] receive the [promotion] promotion =
[mapUnitFilter] Units adjacent to this city heal [amount] HP per turn when healing = Centuriæ, quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter] adjacen*s ad hanc urbem, medentur contra [amount] damnum cum medentur passu omni
[relativeAmount]% City Strength from defensive buildings = [relativeAmount]% Potentia urbis de ædificiis de defensione
[relativeAmount]% Strength for cities = [relativeAmount]% Potentiam urbibus
Costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] = Consumit [amount] [stockpiledResource](m/s/um/os)
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire +[relativeAmount]% =
# Requires translation!
Double quantity of [resource] produced =
Enables Open Borders agreements = Habilitat concordiam de apertione finium
Enables Research agreements = Habilitat concordiam de cognitione
# Requires translation!
Science gained from research agreements [relativeAmount]% =
Enables Defensive Pacts = Habilitat fœdera de defensione
# Requires translation!
When declaring friendship, both parties gain a [relativeAmount]% boost to great person generation =
# Requires translation!
Influence of all other civilizations with all city-states degrades [relativeAmount]% faster =
# Requires translation!
Gain [amount] Influence with a [baseUnitFilter] gift to a City-State =
# Requires translation!
Resting point for Influence with City-States following this religion [amount] =
# Requires translation!
Notified of new Barbarian encampments =
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities = Mereas triplices solidos et de castris barbarorum et ob direptionem urbium
When conquering an encampment, earn [amount] Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit = Quandocumque capis castra, mereas [amount] solidos et conscribas uam centuriam barbaram
When defeating a [mapUnitFilter] unit, earn [amount] Gold and recruit it = Quando vincis contra centuriam quæ est [mapUnitFilter], mereas [amount] solidos et conscribas eam
Starting in this era disables religion = Debilitat religionem ab hac ætate dehinc
May choose [amount] additional [beliefType] beliefs when [foundingOrEnhancing] a religion = Licet eligere [amount] opiniones addititias, quæ sint [beliefType], cum [foundingOrEnhancing] religionem
May choose [amount] additional belief(s) of any type when [foundingOrEnhancing] a religion = Licet eligere [amount] opiniones addititias cumque cum [foundingOrEnhancing] religionem
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Natural religion spread [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
Religion naturally spreads to cities [amount] tiles away =
May not generate great prophet equivalents naturally = Nec propheta magnus nec æquivalens suus potest naturaliter oriri
[relativeAmount]% Faith cost of generating Great Prophet equivalents = [relativeAmount]% Fides sumpta ad generatio prophetæ magni vel æquivalentis sui
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% spy effectiveness [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% enemy spy effectiveness [cityFilter] =
# Requires translation!
New spies start with [amount] level(s) =
Starting tech = Technologia initialis
Starts with [tech] = Incipit cum [tech](o/is)
Starts with [policy] adopted = [policy] est ascitum cum incipit
Triggers victory = Sit victoria
Triggers a Cultural Victory upon completion = Quando perfecta sit, quando victoria eruditionis est
May buy items in puppet cities = Licet emere res in urbibus pupulorum
May not annex cities = Non licet affigere urbes
# Requires translation!
"Borrows" city names from other civilizations in the game =
Cities are razed [amount] times as fast = Urbes [amount]-plici celeritate exscinduntur
# Requires translation!
Receive a tech boost when scientific buildings/wonders are built in capital =
Can be continually researched = Potest assidue exquiri
[relativeAmount]% Golden Age length = [relativeAmount]% longinquitas saeculi aurei
Population loss from nuclear attacks [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter] = [relativeAmount]% multitudo amittenda [cityFilter] ob oppugnationes nucleares
Damage to garrison from nuclear attacks [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter] = Damnum centuriæ castellanæ de oppugnationibus nuclearibus [relativeAmount]% [cityFilter]
Rebel units may spawn = Centuriæ rebelles possunt exsistere
Unbuildable = Non potest ædificari
Can be purchased with [stat] [cityFilter] = Potest [stat](o/is) emi [cityFilter]
Can be purchased for [amount] [stat] [cityFilter] = Potest [amount] [stat](o/is) emi [cityFilter]
# Requires translation!
Limited to [amount] per Civilization =
# Requires translation!
Hidden until [amount] social policy branches have been completed =
Only available = Parabilis modo est
Unavailable = Parabilis non est
# Requires translation!
Excess Food converted to Production when under construction =
# Requires translation!
Requires at least [amount] population =
# Requires translation!
Triggers a global alert upon build start =
# Requires translation!
Triggers a global alert upon completion =
# Requires translation!
Cost increases by [amount] per owned city =
# Requires translation!
Cost increases by [amount] when built =
[amount]% production cost = [amount]% sumptus ad fabricationem
Can only be built = Modo potest ædificari
Must have an owned [tileFilter] within [amount] tiles = Necesse habeas tegulam quæ sit [tileFilter] et absit non pluribus quam [amount] tegulis
Enables nuclear weapon = Habilitat arma atomica
Must not be on [tileFilter] = Necesse sit in tegula quæ non sit [tileFilter]
Must not be next to [tileFilter] = Necesse sit non adjacens ad tegulam quæ est [tileFilter]
Indicates the capital city = Metropolim indicat
Moves to new capital when capital changes = Movetur in metropolim novam quom metropolis mutatur
Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = Præbet 1 exemplar addititium omnis mercis luxuriæ propinquæ hujus urbis
Destroyed when the city is captured = Destruitur cum urbs capitur
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured = Duplicat solidos (dandos) hostibus si urbs sit capta
Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Emovet iram addititiam ex urbibus affixis
Connects trade routes over water = Per aquam concatenat vias commercii
Automatically built in all cities where it is buildable = Est per automataria ædificandum in urbibus omnibus quibus ædificari potest
Creates a [improvementName] improvement on a specific tile = In tegula speciali creat meliorationem quæ sit [improvementName]
Founds a new city = Condit urbem novam
Can instantly construct a [improvementFilter] improvement = Potest confestim construere melorationem quæ sit [improvementFilter]
May create improvements on water resources = Potest creare melorationes super merces aquaticas
Can build [improvementFilter/terrainFilter] improvements on tiles = Potest in tegulis ædificare melorationes quæ sint [improvementFilter/terrainFilter]
Can Spread Religion = Potest sternere religionem
Can remove other religions from cities = Potest religiones alias ex urbibus emovere
May found a religion = Potest fundare religionem
May enhance a religion = Potest cumulare religionem
Can be added to [comment] in the Capital = Potest addici ad [comment](m/s/um/os) in Metropoli
Prevents spreading of religion to the city it is next to = Prohibet sternere religionem in urbem adjacentem ad eum
Removes other religions when spreading religion = Cum religionem sternit, religiones alias ex urbibus emovet
May Paradrop up to [amount] tiles from inside friendly territory = Potest cadere de aeroplano de terra amica sed non absit pluribus quam [amount] tegulis
Can perform Air Sweep = Aëra Verrere potest
Can speed up construction of a building = Potest properare constructionem ædificii
Can speed up the construction of a wonder = Potest properare constructionem miraculi
Can hurry technology research = Potest properare inventionem technologiæ
Can generate a large amount of culture = Culturam multam generare potest
# Requires translation!
Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [amount] Influence =
Can transform to [unit] = Potest mutari in [unit](m/s/um/os)
[relativeAmount]% Strength = [relativeAmount]% Potentiam
[relativeAmount]% Strength decreasing with distance from the capital = [relativeAmount]% Potentiam, quæ decrescit cum distantia a metropoli
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% to Flank Attack bonuses =
[relativeAmount]% Strength for enemy [combatantFilter] units in adjacent [tileFilter] tiles = [relativeAmount]% Potentiam centuriis hostilibus quæ sunt [combatantFilter] in tegulis adjacentibus quæ sunt [tileFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Strength when stacked with [mapUnitFilter] = [relativeAmount]% Potentiam si est cum [mapUnitFilter](o/is) cumulata
[relativeAmount]% Strength bonus for [mapUnitFilter] units within [amount] tiles = [relativeAmount]% Potentiam addititiam centuriis quæ, sunt [mapUnitFilter], non absunt pluribus quam [amount] tegulis
[amount] additional attacks per turn = [amount] oppugnationes addititias passu omni
[amount] Movement = [amount] Momentum
[amount] Sight = [amount] Conspectum
[amount] Range = [amount] Ambitum
[relativeAmount] Air Interception Range = [relativeAmount] Ambitus interceptionis aeriæ
[amount] HP when healing = [amount] Sanitatem cum medetur
[relativeAmount]% Spread Religion Strength = [relativeAmount]% Potentia ad religionem sternendum
When spreading religion to a city, gain [amount] times the amount of followers of other religions as [stat] = Cum religionem in urbem sternis, mereas [stat](m/s/um/os) qui/quæ est [amount]-plex quam numerus assectatorum aliarum religionum
Can only attack [combatantFilter] units = Modo potest appugnare centurias quæ sunt [combatantFilter]
Can only attack [tileFilter] tiles = Modo potest appugnare ad tegulas quæ sunt [tileFilter]
Cannot attack = Non potest appugnare
Must set up to ranged attack = Statuta sit ut oppugnationem longinquum facere possit
Self-destructs when attacking = Se destruit cum appugnat
Eliminates combat penalty for attacking across a coast = Eliminat pœnam de oppugnatione trans littus
May attack when embarked = Potest appugnare etsi in nave sit
Eliminates combat penalty for attacking over a river = Eliminat pœnam de oppugnatione trans fluvios
Blast radius [amount] = Radius displosionis, [amount]
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Oppugnationes longinquæ possunt per obstaculum faci
Nuclear weapon of Strength [amount] = Arma atomica cum [amount] potentia
No defensive terrain bonus = Additio ob tegulam de defensione non est
No defensive terrain penalty = Pœna ob tegulam de defensione non est
No damage penalty for wounded units = Pœna ad damnum de centuria plagata non est
Uncapturable = Non potest capi
Withdraws before melee combat = A pugna propinqua abscedit
Unable to capture cities = Non potest urbes capere
Unable to pillage tiles = Non potest tegulas diripere
No movement cost to pillage = Momentum non est consumendum ad direptionem
Can move after attacking = Potest movere postquam appugnat
Transfer Movement to [mapUnitFilter] = Dat momentum centuriæ quæ sit [mapUnitFilter]
Can move immediately once bought = Potest moveri statim quam emitur
May heal outside of friendly territory = Potest mederi extra terram amicam
All healing effects doubled = Influentia medica omnis duplicata est
Heals [amount] damage if it kills a unit = Medetur contra [amount] damnum si centuriam interficit
Can only heal by pillaging = Modo potest mederi per direptionem
Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = Centuria medetur passu omni etsi agat
All adjacent units heal [amount] HP when healing = Centuriæ adjacentes omnes medentur contra [amount] damnum cum medentur
Defense bonus when embarked = Additio de defensione si in nave est
No Sight = Sine conspectu
Can see over obstacles = Potest per obstaculum videre
Can carry [amount] [mapUnitFilter] units = Potest gerere [amount] centurias quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter]
Can carry [amount] extra [mapUnitFilter] units = Potest gerere [amount] centurias addititias quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter]
Cannot be carried by [mapUnitFilter] units = Non potest geri centuriis quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter]
[relativeAmount]% chance to intercept air attacks = Intercipiet oppugnationem aeriam cum probabilitate quæ est [relativeAmount] per centum
Damage taken from interception reduced by [relativeAmount]% = Damnum accipiendum de interceptione est minuendum ut [relativeAmount]% ejus elimine(n)tur
[relativeAmount]% Damage when intercepting = [relativeAmount]% Damnum cum intercipit
[amount] extra interceptions may be made per turn = [amount] interceptiones addititiæ passu omni possunt faci
Cannot be intercepted = Non potest intercipi
Cannot intercept [mapUnitFilter] units = Non potest intercipere centurias quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter]
[relativeAmount]% Strength when performing Air Sweep = Cum verrit aëra, [relativeAmount]% potentiam
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% maintenance costs =
# Requires translation!
[relativeAmount]% Gold cost of upgrading =
Earn [amount]% of the damage done to [combatantFilter] units as [civWideStat] = Meres [civWideStat] qui/quæ est [amount]% quam damna data centuriis quæ sunt [combatantFilter]
Upon capturing a city, receive [amount] times its [stat] production as [civWideStat] immediately = Statim quam urbem capis, meres [civWideStat] qui/quæ est [amount]-plex quam [stat] qu*m ea facit
Earn [amount]% of killed [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] = Mereas [civWideStat] qui/quæ est [amount]% quam [costOrStrength] centuriæ interfectæ quæ fuerit [mapUnitFilter]
Earn [amount]% of [mapUnitFilter] unit's [costOrStrength] as [civWideStat] when killed within 4 tiles of a city following this religion = Mereas [civWideStat] qui/quæ est [amount]% quam [costOrStrength] centuriæ, quæ fuerit [mapUnitFilter], si interfecta est cum abest non pluribus quam 4 tegulis ab urbe quæ sequitur hanc religionem
May capture killed [mapUnitFilter] units = Potest capere centurias interfectas quæ fuerint [mapUnitFilter]
[amount] XP gained from combat = [amount] XP acquisita ob prœlium
[relativeAmount]% XP gained from combat = [relativeAmount]% XP acquisita ob prœlium
Can be earned through combat = Potest mereri per prœlium
[greatPerson] is earned [relativeAmount]% faster = [greatPerson] est [relativeAmount]% celeritate merendus
Invisible to non-adjacent units = Non potest videri centuriis non adjacentibus
Can see invisible [mapUnitFilter] units = Potest videre centurias invisibiles quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter]
# Requires translation!
May upgrade to [unit] through ruins-like effects =
# Requires translation!
Can upgrade to [unit] =
Destroys tile improvements when attacking = Destruit meliorationem cum appugnat
Cannot move = Non potest moveri
Double movement in [terrainFilter] = Duplicat momentum in tegulis quæ sunt [terrainFilter]
All tiles cost 1 movement = Tegulæ omnes sumunt 1 momentum
May travel on Water tiles without embarking = Potest ire in tegulis aquæ etsi non est in nave
Can pass through impassable tiles = Potest gradi per tegulas invias, i. e., per tegulas non pervias
Ignores terrain cost = Neglegit sumptum ad agrum
Ignores Zone of Control = Neglegit Zonam Modificatam
Rough terrain penalty = Pœna de agro aspero
Can enter ice tiles = Potest ingredi tegulas glacierum
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Non potest ingredi tegulas Oceani
May enter foreign tiles without open borders = Potest sine finibus apertis tegulas alienas ingredi
May enter foreign tiles without open borders, but loses [amount] religious strength each turn it ends there = Potest sine finibus apertis tegulas alienas ingredi, sed amittat [amount] potentiam religiosam passu quo cumque ibi est cum passus perficitur
[amount] Movement point cost to disembark = [amount] momentum sumendum ad applicationem ad terram
[amount] Movement point cost to embark = [amount] momentum sumendum ad conscensionem
All units move through Forest and Jungle Tiles in friendly territory as if they have roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel. = Centuriæ omnes movent per tegulas silvarum et silvarum tropicarum in terra amica acsi habeant vias. Hæ tegulæ possunt adhiberi ad catenationes urbium quando Rota est inventa.
Units ignore terrain costs when moving into any tile with Hills = Centuriæ neglegunt consumptos ad agrum qui cumque est cum collibus
Religious Unit = Centuria Religiosa
Spaceship part = Pars astronavis
Takes your religion over the one in their birth city = Accipit religionem tuam pro illa in sua urbe natali
Great Person - [comment] = Persona Magna - [comment]
Is part of Great Person group [comment] = Est de grupu personarum magnarum qui est [comment]
by consuming this unit = per consumptionem hujus centuriæ
for [amount] movement = per consumptionem [amount] momenti
for all movement = per consumptionem momenti omnis
requires [amount] movement = requirat [amount] momentum
costs [stats] stats = sumat [stats]
costs [amount] [stockpiledResource] = sumat [amount] [stockpiledResource]
once = semel
[amount] times = totiens quam [amount]
[amount] additional time(s) = totiens quam [amount] pluribus quam possit
after which this unit is consumed = postea hæc centuria sit consumpta
# Requires translation!
Grants [stats] to the first civilization to discover it =
Units ending their turn on this terrain take [amount] damage = Cum passus perficitur, centuriæ, quæ sunt in hoc agro, accipiunt [amount] damnum
Grants [promotion] ([comment]) to adjacent [mapUnitFilter] units for the rest of the game = Donet [promotion] ([comment]), usque ad finem ludi, centuriis adjacentibus quæ sint [mapUnitFilter]
[amount] Strength for cities built on this terrain = [amount] Potentiam urbibus ædificatis in hoc agro
Provides a one-time Production bonus to the closest city when cut down = Semel præbeat additionem ad fabricationem urbi proximæ cum interficitur
# Requires translation!
Tile provides yield without assigned population =
Nullifies all other stats this tile provides = Dirimit alias stat. quas hæc tegula præbet
Only [improvementFilter] improvements may be built on this tile = Meliorationes non possunt in hac tegula ædificari nisi sint [improvementFilter]
# Requires translation!
Blocks line-of-sight from tiles at same elevation =
Has an elevation of [amount] for visibility calculations = Cum sublimitate, quæ est [amount], ad calculos visibilitatis
# Requires translation!
Rare feature =
[amount]% Chance to be destroyed by nukes = Armis atomicis diruatur cum probabilitate quæ est [amount] per centum
Fresh water = Aqua dulcis
Rough terrain = Ager asper
Deposits in [tileFilter] tiles always provide [amount] resources = Depositiones in tegulas, quæ sunt [tileFilter], semper præbent [amount] merces
Can only be created by Mercantile City-States = Modo potest creari civitatibus mercantibus urbium
Stockpiled = Accumulata
# Requires translation!
City-level resource =
Cannot be traded = Ad commercium non est
# Requires translation!
Guaranteed with Strategic Balance resource option =
Can also be built on tiles adjacent to fresh water = Etiam potest ædificari in tegulis adjacentibus ad aquam dulcem
[stats] from [tileFilter] tiles = [stats] de tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter]
Ensures a minimum tile yield of [stats] = Promittit res producendas paucissimas esse [stats]
Can be built outside your borders = Potest ædificari extra fines tuos
Can be built just outside your borders = Potest extra fines tuos ædificari ubi ad eos adjacens sit
Can only be built to improve a resource = Modo potest ædificari ad meliorationem mercis
Removes removable features when built = Cum ædificatur, summovet adjunctos qui possunt summoveri
# Requires translation!
Gives a defensive bonus of [relativeAmount]% =
# Requires translation!
Costs [amount] [stat] per turn when in your territory =
# Requires translation!
Costs [amount] [stat] per turn =
Adjacent enemy units ending their turn take [amount] damage = Cum passus perficitur, centuriæ hostiles adjacentes accipiunt [amount] damnum
Great Improvement = Melioratio Magna
# Requires translation!
Provides a random bonus when entered =
Unpillagable = Non potest diripi
Irremovable = Non potest summoveri
Will not be replaced by automated units = Non substituetur centuriis automatariis
Improves [resourceFilter] resource in this tile = Melioret mercem in hac tegula si [resourceFilter] sit
Will not build [baseUnitFilter/buildingFilter] = Non ædificabit [baseUnitFilter/buildingFilter](m/um)
with [amount]% chance = cum probabilitate quæ est [amount] per centum
every [positiveAmount] turns = in uno de [positiveAmount]-nis passibus
before turn number [amount] = antequam passus [amount]
after turn number [amount] = postquam passus [amount]
for [civFilter] = populo qui est [civFilter]
when at war = si belli es
when not at war = si belli non es
during a Golden Age = intra sæculum aureum
during We Love The King Day = intra Festum de Amore Regis Nostri
while the empire is happy = cum imperium est lætum
when between [amount] and [amount2] Happiness = si felicitas est nec minor/major quam [amount] nec major/minor quam [amount2]
when above [amount] Happiness = si felicitas est major quam [amount]
when below [amount] Happiness = si felicitas est minor quam [amount]
during the [era] = intra [era](m/um)
before the [era] = ante [era](m/um)
starting from the [era] = usque ab [era]
if starting in the [era] = si incipis in [era]
on [speed] game speed = si celeritas ludi est [speed]
when [victoryType] Victory is enabled = si victoria [victoryType] est habilitata
when [victoryType] Victory is disabled = si victoria [victoryType] est debilitata
if no other Civilization has researched this = si populi alii non invenerunt hanc
after discovering [tech] = postquam invenis [tech](m/s/um/os)
before discovering [tech] = antequam invenis [tech](m/s/um/os)
while researching [tech] = si [tech](m/s/um/os) inveniens es
if no other Civilization has adopted this = si populi alii non asciverunt hanc
after adopting [policy/belief] = postquam asciscis [policy/belief](m/s/um/os)
before adopting [policy/belief] = antequam asciscis [policy/belief](m/s/um/os)
before founding a Pantheon = antequam fundas Pantheum
after founding a Pantheon = postquam fundas Pantheum
before founding a religion = antequam fundas religionem
after founding a religion = postquam fundas religionem
before enhancing a religion = antequam cumulas religionem
after enhancing a religion = postquam cumulas relgionem
after generating a Great Prophet = postquam propheta magnus est ortus
if [buildingFilter] is constructed = si [buildingFilter] est ædificatum
if [buildingFilter] is not constructed = si [buildingFilter] non est ædificatum
if [buildingFilter] is constructed in all [cityFilter] cities = si [buildingFilter] est ædificatum in urbibus omnibus [cityFilter]
if [buildingFilter] is constructed in at least [positiveAmount] of [cityFilter] cities = si [buildingFilter] est ædificatum in urbibus [cityFilter] non paucioribus quam [positiveAmount]
if [buildingFilter] is constructed by anybody = si quis ædificavit [buildingFilter](m/s/um/os)
with [resource] = cum [resource](o/is)
without [resource] = sine [resource](o/is)
when above [amount] [stat/resource] = si [stat/resource] sunt plures quam [amount]
when below [amount] [stat/resource] = si [stat/resource] sunt pauciores quam [amount]
when between [amount] and [amount2] [stat/resource] = si [stat/resource] sunt nec pauciores/plures quam [amount] nec plures/pauciores quam [amount2]
in this city = in hac urbe
in [cityFilter] cities = in urbibus [cityFilter]
in cities connected to the capital = in urbibus quæ sunt concatenatæ cum metropoli
in cities with a major religion = in urbibus cum religione popularium
in cities with an enhanced religion = in urbibus cum religione cumulata
in cities following our religion = in urbibus quæ sequuntur religionem nostram
in cities with a [buildingFilter] = in urbibus cum [buildingFilter](o/is)
in cities without a [buildingFilter] = in urbibus sine [buildingFilter](o/is)
in cities with at least [amount] [populationFilter] = in urbibus cum [populationFilter](o/is) non paucioribus quam [amount]
in cities with [amount] [populationFilter] = in urbibus cum [amount] [populationFilter](o/is)
with a garrison = cum castellano
for [mapUnitFilter] units = centuriis quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter]
when [mapUnitFilter] = si [mapUnitFilter] est/sunt
for units with [promotion] = centuriis cum [promotion](o/is)
for units without [promotion] = centuriis sine [promotion](o/is)
vs cities = contra urbes
vs [mapUnitFilter] units = contra centurias quæ sunt [mapUnitFilter]
when fighting units from a Civilization with more Cities than you = si pugna(n)t contra centurias de populo cum urbibus pluribus quam tuis
when attacking = si appugna(n)t
when defending = si defend*t
when fighting in [tileFilter] tiles = si pugna(n)t in tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter](e/i)
on foreign continents = in continentibus alienis
when adjacent to a [mapUnitFilter] unit = si est adjacens ad centuriam quæ est [mapUnitFilter]
when above [amount] HP = si sanitas sua est major quam [amount]
when below [amount] HP = si sanitas sua est paucior quam [amount]
if it hasn't used other actions yet = si non egerit aliquid
with [amount] to [amount2] neighboring [tileFilter] tiles = cum tegulis adjacentibus quæ sint [tileFilter] ab [amount] ad [amount2]
in [tileFilter] tiles = in tegulis quæ sunt [tileFilter](e/i)
in tiles without [tileFilter] = in tegulis sine [tileFilter](o/is)
within [amount] tiles of a [tileFilter] = si abest a tegula, quæ est [tileFilter], non pluribus quam [amount] tegulis
in tiles adjacent to [tileFilter] tiles = in tegulis adjacentibus ad tegulas quæ sunt [tileFilter]
in tiles not adjacent to [tileFilter] tiles = in tegulis non adjacentibus ad tegulas quæ sunt [tileFilter]
on water maps = in tabulis aquæ
in [regionType] Regions = in regione quæ est [regionType]
in all except [regionType] Regions = in omnibus regionibus nisi [regionType]
when number of [countable] is equal to [countable2] = si numerus [countable](e/rum/i/orum) est æquus quam [countable2](e/rum/i/orum)
when number of [countable] is different than [countable2] = si numerus [countable](e/rum/i/orum) non est æquus quam [countable2](e/rum/i/orum)
when number of [countable] is more than [countable2] = si numerus [countable](e/rum/i/orum) est major quam [countable2](e/rum/i/orum)
when number of [countable] is less than [countable2] = si numerus [countable](e/rum/i/orum) est minor quam [countable2](e/rum/i/orum)
when number of [countable] is between [countable2] and [countable3] = si numerus [countable](e/rum/i/orum) est nec minor/major quam [countable2](e/rum/i/orum) nec major/minor quam [countable3](e/rum/i/orum)
Free [unit] appears = [unit] gratuita/gratuitus appareat
[positiveAmount] free [unit] units appear = [positiveAmount] [unit] gratuitæ/gratuiti appareant
Free [unit] found in the ruins = [unit] gratuita/gratuitus reperitur in parietinis
Free Social Policy = Dictatum sociale gratuitum
[positiveAmount] Free Social Policies = [positiveAmount] dictata socialia gratuita
Empire enters golden age = Imperium ingrediatur sæculum aureum
Empire enters a [positiveAmount]-turn Golden Age = Imperium ingrediatur sæculum aureum de [positiveAmount] passibus
Free Great Person = Persona Magna gratuita
[amount] population [cityFilter] = [amount] multitudo [cityFilter]
[amount] population in a random city = [amount] multitudo in urbem quæ decernatur passive (i.e. de cæcitate)
Discover [tech] = Invenis [tech](m/s)
# Requires translation!
Adopt [policy] =
# Requires translation!
Remove [policy] =
# Requires translation!
Remove [policy] and refund [amount]% of its cost =
Free Technology = Technologia gratuita
[positiveAmount] Free Technologies = [positiveAmount] Technologiæ gratuitæ
[positiveAmount] free random researchable Tech(s) from the [era] = [positiveAmount] Technologia(e) gratuita(e) quæ decernantur passive (i.e. de cæcitate) de technologiis, quæ possint invenire, de [era]
Reveals the entire map = Illustret tabulam omnem
Gain a free [beliefType] belief = Acquiras opinionem gratuitam quæ sit [beliefType]
# Requires translation!
Triggers voting for the Diplomatic Victory =
Instantly consumes [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Confestim consumat [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource](m/s/um/os)
Instantly provides [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource] = Confestim præbeat [positiveAmount] [stockpiledResource](m/s/um/os)
Gain [amount] [stat] = Mereas [amount] [stat](m/s/um/os)
Gain [amount]-[amount2] [stat] = Mereas [stat](m/s/um/os) ab [amount] ad [amount2]
Gain enough Faith for a Pantheon = Mereas satis fidem ad Pantheum
Gain enough Faith for [amount]% of a Great Prophet = Mereas fidem quæ sit [amount]% quam satis fidem ad prophetam magnum
Gain control over [tileFilter] tiles in a [amount]-tile radius = Sis compos tegularum quæ, sint [tileFilter], non absint pluribus quam [amount] tegulis
Reveal up to [positiveAmount/'all'] [tileFilter] within a [positiveAmount] tile radius = Illustret usque ad [positiveAmount/'all'] tegulas quæ, sint [tileFilter], non absint pluribus quam [positiveAmount] tegulis
From a randomly chosen tile [positiveAmount] tiles away from the ruins, reveal tiles up to [positiveAmount2] tiles away with [positiveAmount3]% chance = A tegula, quæ sit passive (i.e. de cæcitate) delecta de tegulis quæ non absint pluribus quam [positiveAmount] tegulis a parietinis, illustret, cum probabilitate quæ est [positiveAmount3] per centum, tegulas quæ non absint pluribus quam [positiveAmount2] tegulis
Triggers the following global alert: [comment] = Indicet mundo: [comment]
Every major Civilization gains a spy once a civilization enters this era = Civilizatio plera omnis acquirat unum emissarium postquam aliqua civilizatio ingreditur hanc ætatem
Promotes all spies [amount] time(s) = Promoveat emissarios omnes totiens quam [amount]
Gain an extra spy = Acquiras emissarium addititium
# Requires translation!
Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion =
This Promotion is free = Hæc promotio est gratuita
Turn this tile into a [terrainName] tile = Mutet hanc tegulam in tegulam quæ sit [terrainName]
Provides the cheapest [stat] building in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = In [positiveAmount] urbibus primis tuis gratuito præbeat vilissima ædificia de [stat]
Provides a [buildingName] in your first [positiveAmount] cities for free = In [positiveAmount] urbibus primis tuis gratuito præbeat ædificium quod sit [buildingName]
# Requires translation!
Triggers a [event] event =
[unitTriggerTarget] heals [positiveAmount] HP = [unitTriggerTarget] medeatur contra [positiveAmount] damnum
[unitTriggerTarget] takes [positiveAmount] damage = [unitTriggerTarget] accipiat [positiveAmount] damnum
[unitTriggerTarget] gains [amount] XP = [unitTriggerTarget] acquirat [amount] XP
# Requires translation!
[unitTriggerTarget] upgrades for free =
# Requires translation!
[unitTriggerTarget] upgrades for free including special upgrades =
[unitTriggerTarget] gains the [promotion] promotion = [unitTriggerTarget] promoveatur ad [promotion]
[unitTriggerTarget] loses the [promotion] promotion = [unitTriggerTarget] perdat promotionem quæ est [promotion]
[unitTriggerTarget] gains [amount] movement = [unitTriggerTarget] mereat [amount] momentum
[unitTriggerTarget] loses [amount] movement = [unitTriggerTarget] perdat [amount] momentum
[unitTriggerTarget] gains the [promotion] status for [positiveAmount] turn(s) = [unitTriggerTarget] mereat statum qui sit [promotion] in [positiveAmount] passibus dehinc
[unitTriggerTarget] loses the [promotion] status = [unitTriggerTarget] perdat statum qui est [promotion]
[unitTriggerTarget] is destroyed = [unitTriggerTarget] interficiatur
upon discovering [techFilter] technology = quando invenis technologiam quæ est [techFilter]
upon entering the [era] = quando ingrederis [era](m/um)
upon entering a new era = quandocumque ingrederis ætatem novam
upon adopting [policy/belief] = quando asciscis [policy/belief](m/s/um/os)
upon declaring war with a major Civilization = quandocumque indicis bellum contra civilizationem pleram
upon declaring friendship = quandocumque indicis amicitiam
upon declaring a defensive pact = quandocumque indicis fœdus de defensione
upon entering a Golden Age = quandocumque ingrederis Saeculum Aureum
upon conquering a city = quandocumque capis urbem
upon founding a city = quandocumque condis urbem
upon building a [improvementFilter] improvement = quandocumque ædificas meliorationem quæ est [improvementFilter]
upon discovering a Natural Wonder = quandocumque invenis miraculum naturæ
upon constructing [buildingFilter] = quandocumque ædificas [buildingFilter](m/s/um/os)
upon constructing [buildingFilter] [cityFilter] = quandocumque ædificas [buildingFilter](m/s/um/os) [cityFilter]
upon gaining a [baseUnitFilter] unit = quandocumque acquiras centuriam quæ sit [baseUnitFilter]
upon turn end = quandocumque passus perficitur
upon founding a Pantheon = quando fundas Pantheum
upon founding a Religion = quando fundas religionem
upon enhancing a Religion = quando cumulas religionem
upon damaging a [mapUnitFilter] unit = quandocumque dat damnum centuriæ quæ est [mapUnitFilter]
upon defeating a [mapUnitFilter] unit = quandocumque vincit contra centuriam quæ est [mapUnitFilter]
upon expending a [mapUnitFilter] unit = quandocumque exhauris centuriam quæ est [mapUnitFilter]
upon being defeated = quando victa sit
upon being promoted = quandocumque promota sit
upon losing at least [amount] HP in a single attack = quandocumque in una oppugnatione amittit sanitatem non pauciorem quam [amount]
upon ending a turn in a [tileFilter] tile = quandocumque passus perficitur si est in tegula quæ est [tileFilter]
upon discovering a [tileFilter] tile = quandocumque invenias tegulam quæ sit [tileFilter]
for [amount] turns = in [amount] passibus dehinc
# Requires translation!
hidden from users =
for every [countable] = ob omne(m) [countable]
for every [amount] [countable] = ob [amount]-nos/na(s) [countable]
(modified by game speed) = (adaptatur celeritate ludi)
Comment [comment] = [comment]
# Requires translation!
Diplomatic relationships cannot change =
# Requires translation!
Can convert gold to science with sliders =
Allow City States to spawn with additional units = Licet civitatibus urbium cum centuriis addititiis exsistere
# Requires translation!
Can trade civilization introductions for [positiveAmount] Gold =
Disable religion = Debilitat religionem
Can only start games from the starting era = Non potestis ludum incipere nisi in ætate initiali
Allow raze capital = Licet exscindere metropolim
Allow raze holy city = Licet exscindere urbem sanctam
# Requires translation!
Mod is incompatible with [modFilter] =
# Requires translation!
Mod requires [modFilter] =
Should only be used as permanent audiovisual mod = Modo in statu audivisifico sempiterno sit
Can be used as permanent audiovisual mod = Potest ingredi statum audivisificum sempiternum
Cannot be used as permanent audiovisual mod = Non potest ingredi statum audivisificum sempiternum
# Requires translation!
Mod preselects map [comment] =
# Requires translation!
if [modFilter] is enabled =
######### countable ###########
year = annus
######### 'all' ###########
All = Omn*s
all = omn*s
######### combatantFilter ###########
City = Urbs
######### Map Unit Filters ###########
Wounded = Plagata
Barbarians = Barbari
Barbarian = Barbarus
City-State = Civitas urbis
Embarked = (in) Nave
Non-City = Nulla urbs
######### baseUnitFilter ###########
Melee = Oppugnationis Propinquæ
Ranged = Oppugnationis Longinquæ
Civilian = Paganus
Military = Militaris
non-air = non aeria
Nuclear Weapon = Arma Atomica
Great Person = Persona Magna
relevant = pertinens
######### Unit Type Filters ###########
Land = Terra
Water = Aqua
Air = Aeria
######### civWideStat ###########
######### civFilter ###########
AI player = Lusor intellegentiae artificialis
Human player = Homo lusor
######### nationFilter ###########
Major = Plerus
######### City filters ###########
in all cities = in urbibus omnibus
in your cities = in urbibus tuis
Your = Tuis
in all coastal cities = in urbibus littoralibus
Coastal = Littoralibus
in capital = in metropoli
Capital = Metropolibus
in all non-occupied cities = in urbibus omnibus non captis
Non-occupied = Non captis
in all cities with a world wonder = in urbibus omnibus cum miraculo mundi
in all cities connected to capital = in urbibus omnibus quæ sunt concatenatis cum metropoli
in all cities with a garrison = in urbibus omnibus cum castellano
Garrisoned = Immunitis
in all cities in which the majority religion is a major religion = in urbibus omnibus quibus religio plera est religio popularium
in all cities in which the majority religion is an enhanced religion = in urbibus omnibus quibus religio plera est religio cumulata
in non-enemy foreign cities = in urbibus alienis non hostilibus
in enemy cities = in urbibus hostilibus
in foreign cities = in urbibus alienis
Foreign = Alienis
in annexed cities = in urbibus affixis
Annexed = Affixis
in puppeted cities = in urbibus pupulorum
Puppeted = Pupulorum
in resisting cities = in urbibus quæ reluctantur
Resisting = Reluctatis
in cities being razed = in urbibus quæ exscinduntur
Razing = Exscindendis
in holy cities = in urbibus sanctis
Holy = Sanctis
in City-State cities = in urbibus civitatum urbium
in cities following this religion = in urbibus quæ sequuntur hanc religionem
######### buildingFilter ###########
Building = Aedificium
National = Publicum
World Wonder = Miraculum Mundi
World = Mundi
######### Population Filters ###########
Unemployed = Otios*
Followers of the Majority Religion = Assectatores Religioinis Popularium
Followers of this Religion = Assectatores hujus Religionis
######### Terrain Filters ###########
River = Fluvius
Open terrain = Ager apertus
Water resource = Merx aquatica
resource = merx
Foreign Land = Terra aliena
Friendly Land = Terra amica
Enemy Land = Terra hostilis
your = tua
Featureless = Sine adjuncto
Fresh Water = Aqua dulcis
non-fresh water = Non aqua dulcis
Natural Wonder = Miraculum Naturæ
Impassable = Invia
Luxury resource = Merx luxuria
Strategic resource = Merx de strategemate
Bonus resource = Merx de bonitate addititia
######### Tile Filters ###########
unimproved = non meliorata
improved = meliorata
All Road = Via Omnis
######### simpleTerrain ###########
Elevated = Sublimis
######### Region Types ###########
Hybrid = Hybrida
######### Terrain Quality ###########
Undesirable = Non desiderabilis
Desirable = Desiderabilis
######### Improvement Filters ###########
Improvement = Melioratio
Great = Magna
######### resourceFilter ###########
any = ulla
######### beliefType ###########
Founder = Institutor(is)
Follower = Assectator(um)
Enhancer = Factor(is) Cumulationis
Any = Ulla
######### Prophet Action Filters ###########
founding = fundat
enhancing = cumulat
######### techFilter ###########
######### policyFilter ###########
######### costOrStrength ###########
######### unitTriggerTarget ###########
This Unit = Hæc Centuria
Target Unit = Centuria Intenta
######### Unique Specials ###########
# Requires translation!
Our influence with City-States has started dropping faster! =
all healing effects doubled = influentia medica omnis duplicata est
The Spaceship = Astronavis
Units ending their turn on [Mountain] tiles take [50] damage = Cum passus perficitur, centuriæ accipiunt [50] damnum si sunt in tegulis quæ sunt [Mountain]
# Requires translation!
Maya Long Count calendar cycle =
Meet another civilization = Competas alienum
# Requires translation!
Triggerable =
# Requires translation!
UnitTriggerable =
Global = Mundi
Nation = Populus
Era = Aetas
Tech = Technologia
Policy = Dictatum
# Requires translation!
FounderBelief =
# Requires translation!
FollowerBelief =
# Requires translation!
UnitAction =
Unit = Centuria
UnitType = Forma Centuriae
Promotion = Promotio
Resource = Merx
Ruins = Parietinae
Speed = Celeritas
Tutorial = Praeceptum
CityState = Civitas Urbis
# Requires translation!
ModOptions =
# Requires translation!
Event =
# Requires translation!
EventChoice =
# Requires translation!
Conditional =
# Requires translation!
TriggerCondition =
# Requires translation!
UnitTriggerCondition =
# Requires translation!
UnitActionModifier =
# Requires translation!
MetaModifier =
#################### Lines from spy actions #######################
# Requires translation!
Establishing Network =
Observing City = Urbem Spectare
Stealing Tech = Technologiam Afferre
Rigging Elections = Petitionem Gubernare
Coup = Imperium Usurpare
Counter-intelligence = Contra Curiosum
Dead = Mortuus / Mortua
#################### Lines from diplomatic modifiers #######################
# Requires translation!
You declared war on us! =
# Requires translation!
Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. =
# Requires translation!
You have captured our cities! =
# Requires translation!
You have declared friendship with our enemies! =
# Requires translation!
Your so-called 'friendship' is worth nothing. =
# Requires translation!
You have declared a defensive pact with our enemies! =
# Requires translation!
Your so-called 'defensive pact' is worth nothing. =
# Requires translation!
You have publicly denounced us! =
# Requires translation!
You have denounced our allies =
# Requires translation!
You refused to stop settling cities near us =
# Requires translation!
You refused to stop spreading religion to us =
# Requires translation!
You betrayed your promise to not settle cities near us =
# Requires translation!
You betrayed your promise to not spread your religion to us =
# Requires translation!
Your arrogant demands are in bad taste =
# Requires translation!
Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! =
# Requires translation!
You have stolen our lands! =
# Requires translation!
You destroyed City-States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You attacked City-States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You attacked our allied City-States! =
# Requires translation!
You demanded tribute from City-States that were under our protection! =
# Requires translation!
You sided with a City-State over us =
# Requires translation!
You spied on us! =
# Requires translation!
You took the alliance we had with a City-State =
# Requires translation!
Years of peace have strengthened our relations. =
# Requires translation!
Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together. =
# Requires translation!
We applaud your liberation of conquered cities! =
# Requires translation!
We have signed a public declaration of friendship =
# Requires translation!
You have declared friendship with our allies =
# Requires translation!
We have signed a promise to protect each other. =
# Requires translation!
You have declared a defensive pact with our allies =
# Requires translation!
You have denounced our enemies =
# Requires translation!
Our open borders have brought us closer together. =
# Requires translation!
You fulfilled your promise to stop settling cities near us! =
# Requires translation!
You fulfilled your promise to stop spreading religion to us! =
# Requires translation!
You gave us units! =
# Requires translation!
We appreciate your gifts =
# Requires translation!
You returned captured units to us =
# Requires translation!
We believe in the same religion =
#################### Lines from key bindings #######################
# Requires translation!
Main Menu =
# Requires translation!
World Screen =
# Requires translation!
AutoPlay menu =
# Requires translation!
NextTurn menu =
# Requires translation!
Map Panning =
# Requires translation!
Unit Actions =
# Requires translation!
City Screen =
# Requires translation!
City Screen Construction Menu =
# Requires translation!
Popups =
Quit = Exeo
# Requires translation!
Deselect then Quit =
# Requires translation!
Menu =
# Requires translation!
Next Turn =
# Requires translation!
Next Turn Alternate =
# Requires translation!
Open AutoPlay menu =
# Requires translation!
Empire Overview =
# Requires translation!
Music Player =
# Requires translation!
Developer Console =
# Requires translation!
Empire Overview Trades =
# Requires translation!
Empire Overview Units =
# Requires translation!
Empire Overview Politics =
Social Policies = Dictata Socialia
Technology Tree = Arbor Technologiarum
# Requires translation!
Empire Overview Notifications =
# Requires translation!
Empire Overview Stats =
# Requires translation!
Empire Overview Resources =
# Requires translation!
Quick Save =
# Requires translation!
Quick Load =
# Requires translation!
View Capital City =
# Requires translation!
Save Game =
# Requires translation!
Load Game =
# Requires translation!
Toggle Resource Display =
# Requires translation!
Toggle Yield Display =
Quit Game = Ludo exeo
New Game = Ludus novus
Espionage = Speculatio
Undo = Non fecerim
# Requires translation!
Toggle UI =
# Requires translation!
Toggle Worked Tiles Display =
# Requires translation!
Toggle Movement Display =
# Requires translation!
Zoom In =
# Requires translation!
Zoom Out =
# Requires translation!
Pan Up =
# Requires translation!
Pan Left =
# Requires translation!
Pan Down =
# Requires translation!
Pan Right =
# Requires translation!
Pan Up Alternate =
# Requires translation!
Pan Left Alternate =
# Requires translation!
Pan Down Alternate =
# Requires translation!
Pan Right Alternate =
# Requires translation!
Connect road =
Transform = Muta
Repair = Repara
# Requires translation!
Move Automated Units =
# Requires translation!
Add to or remove from queue =
# Requires translation!
Raise queue priority =
# Requires translation!
Lower queue priority =
Buy Construction = Constructionem emo
Buy Tile = Tegulam emo
Buildable Units = Centuriæ quæ ædificari possunt
Buildable Buildings = Aedificia quæ ædificari possunt
Buildable Wonders = Miracula quæ ædificari possunt
Buildable National Wonders = Miracula publica quæ ædificari possunt
Other Constructions = Constructiones aliæ
Disabled Constructions = Constructiones debilitatæ
Next City = Urbs posterior
Previous City = Urbs prior
# Requires translation!
Show Stats =
# Requires translation!
Toggle Stat Details =
# Requires translation!
Great People Detail =
# Requires translation!
Specialist Detail =
# Requires translation!
Religion Detail =
# Requires translation!
Buildings Detail =
# Requires translation!
Default Focus =
# Requires translation!
Open the Search Dialog =
# Requires translation!
Confirm Dialog =
# Requires translation!
Cancel Dialog =
# Requires translation!
Upgrade All =
# Requires translation!
[stat] Focus =
#################### Lines from Buildings from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Palace = Regia
Monument = Monumentum
# Requires translation!
Granary =
Temple of Artemis = Templum Dianae
# Requires translation!
'It is not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men's hearts, as for that subtle something, that quality of air, that emanation from old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.' - Robert Louis Stevenson =
The Great Lighthouse = Pharus Magnus
'They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.' - The Bible, Psalms 107:23-24 = 'Qui descendunt mare in navibus, facientes operationem in aquis multis: ipsi viderunt opera Domini, et mirabilia ejus in profundo.' - Psa 106:23-24
# Requires translation!
Stone Works =
# Requires translation!
Stonehenge =
# Requires translation!
'Time crumbles things; everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time' - Aristotle =
Library = Librarium
Paper Maker = Factor Chartæ
The Great Library = Librarium Magnum
# Requires translation!
'Libraries are as the shrine where all the relics of the ancient saints, full of true virtue, and all that without delusion or imposture are preserved and reposed.' - Sir Francis Bacon =
Circus = Circus
Water Mill = Molendinum Aquaticum
Floating Gardens = Horti Nantes
Walls = Muri
Walls of Babylon = Muri Babyloniae
The Pyramids = Pyramides
# Requires translation!
'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge =
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus = Mausoleum
# Requires translation!
'The whole earth is the tomb of heroic men and their story is not given only on stone over their clay but abides everywhere without visible symbol woven into the stuff of other men's lives.' - Pericles =
Barracks = Castra Militaria
# Requires translation!
Krepost =
Statue of Zeus = Simulacrum Iovis
# Requires translation!
'He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows, and the immortally anointed hair of the great god swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken' - The Iliad =
Lighthouse = Pharus
# Requires translation!
Stable =
Courthouse = Iudicium
Hanging Gardens = Horti Pensiles
# Requires translation!
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore =
Colosseum = Colosseum
Circus Maximus = Circus Maximus
Great Wall = Murus Magnus
# Requires translation!
'The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.' - Sun Tzu =
Temple = Templum
Burial Tomb = Sepulcrum
# Requires translation!
Mud Pyramid Mosque =
National College = Collegium Publicum
The Oracle = Oraculum
# Requires translation!
'The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing' - Socrates =
National Epic = Epicus Publicus
Market = Forum
# Requires translation!
Bazaar =
Mint = Moneta
Aqueduct = Aquaeductus
Heroic Epic = Epicus Heroicus
Colossus = Colossus
# Requires translation!
'Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves.' - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar =
Garden = Hortus
Monastery = Monasterium
Hagia Sophia = Sancta Sapientia
# Requires translation!
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis =
# Requires translation!
Angkor Wat =
# Requires translation!
'The temple is like no other building in the world. It has towers and decoration and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of.' - Antonio da Magdalena =
# Requires translation!
Chichen Itza =
# Requires translation!
'The katun is established at Chichen Itza. The settlement of the Itza shall take place there. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. It is the word of God. The Itza shall come.' - The Books of Chilam Balam =
National Treasury = Gazophylacium Publicum
# Requires translation!
Machu Picchu =
# Requires translation!
'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham =
Workshop = Officina
Longhouse = Domus Longa
Forge = Caminus
Harbor = Portus
University = Universitas
# Requires translation!
Wat =
Oxford University = Universitas Oxoniensis
# Requires translation!
Notre Dame =
# Requires translation!
'Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.' - Victor Hugo =
Castle = Castrum
# Requires translation!
Mughal Fort =
# Requires translation!
Himeji Castle =
# Requires translation!
'Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.' - Yamamoto Tsunetomo =
Ironworks = Fabrica Ferrea
Armory = Armamentarium
Observatory = Observatorium
Opera House = Theatrum Melodramaticum
# Requires translation!
Sistine Chapel =
# Requires translation!
'I live and love in God's peculiar light.' - Michelangelo Buonarroti =
Bank = Argentaria
# Requires translation!
Satrap's Court =
Forbidden Palace = Regia Vetita
# Requires translation!
'Most of us can, as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison' - John Lubbock =
Theatre = Theatrum
Seaport = Portus Marinus
Hermitage = Asceterium
# Requires translation!
Taj Mahal =
# Requires translation!
'The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.' - Rabindranath Tagore =
Porcelain Tower = Turris Porcellana
# Requires translation!
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell =
Windmill = Ventimolina
# Requires translation!
Kremlin =
# Requires translation!
'The Kremlin is constantly changing the rules of the game to suit its purposes. We are not playing chess, we're playing roulette.' - Garry Kasparov =
Museum = Museum
# Requires translation!
The Louvre =
# Requires translation!
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson =
Public School = Schola Publica
Factory = Fabrica
# Requires translation!
Big Ben =
# Requires translation!
'To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.' - Leonard Bernstein =
Military Academy = Academia Militaris
# Requires translation!
Brandenburg Gate =
# Requires translation!
'Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings.' - Horace =
Arsenal = Fabrica Telorum
Hospital = Valetudinarium
# Requires translation!
Stock Exchange =
# Requires translation!
Broadcast Tower =
Eiffel Tower = Turris Eiffeliana
# Requires translation!
'We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting' - Kahlil Gibran =
Statue of Liberty = Statua Libertatis
# Requires translation!
'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' - Emma Lazarus =
Military Base = Basis Militaris
# Requires translation!
Cristo Redentor =
# Requires translation!
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 =
Research Lab = Laboratorium Cognitionis
Medical Lab = Laboratorium Medicum
Stadium = Stadium
Sydney Opera House = Theatrum Melodramaticum Sydney
# Requires translation!
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying =
# Requires translation!
Manhattan Project =
Pentagon = Pentagonum
# Requires translation!
'In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.' - Dwight D. Eisenhower =
Solar Plant = Electrificina Solaris
Nuclear Plant = Ergasterium Atomicum
# Requires translation!
Apollo Program =
Spaceship Factory = Fabrica Astronavium
United Nations = Nationes Unitae
# Requires translation!
'More than ever before in human history, we share a common destiny. We can master it only if we face it together. And that is why we have the United Nations.' - Kofi Annan =
# Requires translation!
Utopia Project =
#################### Lines from CityStateTypes from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
#################### Lines from Difficulties from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Settler = Colonus
Chieftain = Dux
Warlord = Dominus Bellicus
Prince = Princeps
King = Rex
# Requires translation!
Era Starting Unit =
Emperor = Imperator
Scout = Explorator
Immortal = Immortalis
Worker = Opifex
Deity = Deitas
#################### Lines from Eras from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Warrior = Bellator
Ancient era = Antiqua ætas
Spearman = Vir cum Hasta
Classical era = Aetas classica
Medieval era = Aetas mediaevalis
Pikeman = Contiger
Renaissance era = Aetas renascentia
Musketman = Vir cum Mosqueto
Industrial era = Aetas industrialis
Rifleman = Sclopetarius
Modern era = Aetas moderna
Infantry = Pedes
Atomic era = Aetas conflagrationis
Information era = Aetas delaturæ
Future era = Aetas futura
#################### Lines from Nations from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Spectator = Spectator
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabuchodonosor II
The demon wants the blood of soldiers! = Daemon vult cruores de militibus!
# Requires translation!
Oh well, I presume you know what you're doing. =
# Requires translation!
It is over. Perhaps now I shall have peace, at last. =
Are you real or a phantom? = Verusne es? Aut phantasmane es?
# Requires translation!
It appears that you do have a reason for existing – to make this deal with me. =
Greetings. = Ave.
What do YOU want?! = Quod vis TU?
Ingenuity = Sollertia
May the gods bless you, great Nebuchadnezzar, ruler of ancient Babylon! Built 5000 years ago, Babylon emerged as an empire in 1800 BC, thanks to godlike Hammurabi, The Giver of Law. Falling under the Kassites assaults then the Assyrian domination, Babylon was reborn from its ashes, gaining back its independance, and became the beacon for Arts and Learning in the ancient world. O Nebuchadnezzar, after your death, Babylon quickly fell, conquered by the mighty Persians, and then by the Greeks, until the great city disappeared forever in 141 BC. = Dei beent te, Nabuchodonosor magne, rex antiquae Babyloniae! Aedificata quom quinque millibus annis aberat, Babylonia exstitit et facta erat imperium in MDCCC a.C.n., gratias Hammurabi divino, danti juris. Ruerat sub oppugnante de Kassitibus et postea dominatione Assyriá, Babylonia erat renovata ex cinere suo, reparavit independentiam suam, et facta erat pharus ad artem et cognitionem in mundo antiquo. O Nabuchodonosor, postquam mortuus eras, Babylonia cito ruit, capta a Persicis et, postea, Græcis erat, donec urbs magna aeternaliter abiit in CXLI a.C.n.
# Requires translation!
Great Nebuchadnezzar, Babylon's glory still lives through you and your people. Will you create a spark to enlighten the world again? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
Babylon = Babylonia
# Requires translation!
Akkad =
# Requires translation!
Dur-Kurigalzu =
# Requires translation!
Nippur =
# Requires translation!
Borsippa =
# Requires translation!
Sippar =
# Requires translation!
Opis =
# Requires translation!
Mari =
# Requires translation!
Shushan =
# Requires translation!
Eshnunna =
# Requires translation!
Ellasar =
# Requires translation!
Erech =
# Requires translation!
Kutha =
# Requires translation!
Sirpurla =
# Requires translation!
Neribtum =
# Requires translation!
Ashur =
# Requires translation!
Ninveh =
# Requires translation!
Nimrud =
# Requires translation!
Arbela =
# Requires translation!
Nuzi =
# Requires translation!
Arrapkha =
# Requires translation!
Tutub =
# Requires translation!
Shaduppum =
# Requires translation!
Rapiqum =
# Requires translation!
Mashkan Shapir =
# Requires translation!
Tuttul =
# Requires translation!
Ramad =
# Requires translation!
Ana =
# Requires translation!
Haradum =
# Requires translation!
Agrab =
# Requires translation!
Uqair =
# Requires translation!
Gubba =
# Requires translation!
Hafriyat =
# Requires translation!
Nagar =
# Requires translation!
Shubat Enlil =
# Requires translation!
Urhai =
# Requires translation!
Urkesh =
# Requires translation!
Awan =
# Requires translation!
Riblah =
# Requires translation!
Tayma =
Alexander = Alexander
# Requires translation!
You are in my way, you must be destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
As a matter of fact I too grow weary of peace. =
# Requires translation!
You have somehow become my undoing! What kind of beast are you? =
# Requires translation!
Hello stranger! I am Alexandros, son of kings and grandson of the gods! =
# Requires translation!
My friend, does this seem reasonable to you? =
Greetings! = Ave!
What? = Quod?
Hellenic League = Foedus Hellenis
# Requires translation!
Great King Alexander, leader of the mighty Greek nation, you are truly blessed by the gods. In 480 BC, quarrelsome city-states such as Athens, Sparta, Thebes, found a way to join their forces, allowing Greece to defeat the mighty Persia in the 5th century BC, both on land and sea. Following their example, you lead a Greek coalition and finally struck down the Persian Empire in 331 BC. You conquered almost all the known world, and from Europe to Africa to India, you built an empire unmatched by any before it. =
# Requires translation!
Megalexandros, son of Zeus, will you ride Bucephalas again, to gift the world with the brightness of the Greek culture? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Athens =
# Requires translation!
Sparta =
# Requires translation!
Corinth =
# Requires translation!
Argos =
# Requires translation!
Knossos =
# Requires translation!
Mycenae =
# Requires translation!
Pharsalos =
# Requires translation!
Ephesus =
# Requires translation!
Halicarnassus =
# Requires translation!
Rhodes =
# Requires translation!
Eretria =
# Requires translation!
Pergamon =
# Requires translation!
Miletos =
# Requires translation!
Megara =
# Requires translation!
Phocaea =
# Requires translation!
Sicyon =
# Requires translation!
Tiryns =
# Requires translation!
Samos =
# Requires translation!
Mytilene =
# Requires translation!
Chios =
# Requires translation!
Paros =
# Requires translation!
Elis =
# Requires translation!
Syracuse =
# Requires translation!
Herakleia =
# Requires translation!
Gortyn =
# Requires translation!
Chalkis =
# Requires translation!
Pylos =
# Requires translation!
Pella =
# Requires translation!
Naxos =
# Requires translation!
Larissa =
# Requires translation!
Apollonia =
# Requires translation!
Messene =
# Requires translation!
Orchomenos =
# Requires translation!
Ambracia =
# Requires translation!
Kos =
# Requires translation!
Knidos =
# Requires translation!
Amphipolis =
# Requires translation!
Patras =
# Requires translation!
Lamia =
# Requires translation!
Nafplion =
# Requires translation!
Apolyton =
Greece = Græcia
# Requires translation!
Wu Zetian =
# Requires translation!
You won't ever be able to bother me again. Go meet Yama. =
# Requires translation!
Fool! I will disembowel you all! =
# Requires translation!
You have proven to be a cunning and competent adversary. I congratulate you on your victory. =
# Requires translation!
Greetings, I am Empress Wu Zetian. China desires peace and development. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. =
# Requires translation!
My friend, do you think you can accept this request? =
# Requires translation!
How are you today? =
# Requires translation!
Oh. It's you? =
Art of War = Ars Bellica
# Requires translation!
Heaven itself bends before your beauty, Empress Wu Zetian, ruler of eternal China! You lead one of the oldest and greatest civilization of humanity. In your time, China stood at the forefront of science and technology, bringing the world such contributions as gunpowder, the printing press, and the world of Confucius, and this, long before the rest of the world was mature enough to make the same discoveries! =
# Requires translation!
Great Queen, can you make China prevail again, using your divine intelligence and beauty? China stands for greatness, and all its enemies will be dazzled soon enough! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Beijing =
# Requires translation!
Shanghai =
# Requires translation!
Guangzhou =
# Requires translation!
Nanjing =
# Requires translation!
Xian =
# Requires translation!
Chengdu =
# Requires translation!
Hangzhou =
# Requires translation!
Tianjin =
# Requires translation!
Macau =
# Requires translation!
Shandong =
# Requires translation!
Kaifeng =
# Requires translation!
Ningbo =
# Requires translation!
Baoding =
# Requires translation!
Yangzhou =
# Requires translation!
Harbin =
# Requires translation!
Chongqing =
# Requires translation!
Luoyang =
# Requires translation!
Kunming =
# Requires translation!
Taipei =
# Requires translation!
Shenyang =
# Requires translation!
Taiyuan =
# Requires translation!
Tainan =
# Requires translation!
Dalian =
# Requires translation!
Lijiang =
# Requires translation!
Wuxi =
# Requires translation!
Suzhou =
# Requires translation!
Maoming =
# Requires translation!
Shaoguan =
# Requires translation!
Yangjiang =
# Requires translation!
Heyuan =
# Requires translation!
Huangshi =
# Requires translation!
Yichang =
# Requires translation!
Yingtian =
# Requires translation!
Xinyu =
# Requires translation!
Xinzheng =
# Requires translation!
Handan =
# Requires translation!
Dunhuang =
# Requires translation!
Gaoyu =
# Requires translation!
Nantong =
# Requires translation!
Weifang =
# Requires translation!
Xikang =
China = Sinæ
Ramesses II = Ramses II
# Requires translation!
You are but a pest on this Earth, prepare to be eliminated! =
# Requires translation!
You are a fool who evokes pity. You have brought my hostility upon yourself and your repulsive civilization! =
# Requires translation!
Strike me down and my soul will torment yours forever, you have won nothing. =
# Requires translation!
Greetings, I am Ramesses the god. I am the living embodiment of Egypt, mother and father of all civilizations. =
# Requires translation!
Generous Egypt makes you this offer. =
# Requires translation!
Good day. =
# Requires translation!
Oh, it's you. =
Monument Builders = Aedificatores Monumentorum
# Requires translation!
O great Ramesses, Pharaoh of Egypt, bright as the Sun and mighty as the Nile! Lord of all living things, you lead the greatest of all civilizations, which has gifted the world with writing, advanced mathematics, sculpture, and architecture. Egyptian monuments and culture will continue to amaze the world for thousands of years. =
# Requires translation!
Mighty and eternal Ramesses, Egypt lasted for millenia, whereas other civilisations disappeared into dust after a few centuries. Amun-Ra blesses you again to lead Egypt and its people on the path of light. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Thebes =
# Requires translation!
Memphis =
# Requires translation!
Heliopolis =
# Requires translation!
Elephantine =
# Requires translation!
Alexandria =
# Requires translation!
Pi-Ramesses =
# Requires translation!
Giza =
# Requires translation!
Byblos =
# Requires translation!
Akhetaten =
# Requires translation!
Hieraconpolis =
# Requires translation!
Abydos =
# Requires translation!
Asyut =
# Requires translation!
Avaris =
# Requires translation!
Lisht =
# Requires translation!
Buto =
# Requires translation!
Edfu =
# Requires translation!
Pithom =
# Requires translation!
Busiris =
# Requires translation!
Kahun =
# Requires translation!
Athribis =
# Requires translation!
Mendes =
# Requires translation!
Elashmunein =
# Requires translation!
Tanis =
# Requires translation!
Bubastis =
# Requires translation!
Oryx =
# Requires translation!
Sebennytus =
# Requires translation!
Akhmin =
# Requires translation!
Karnak =
# Requires translation!
Luxor =
# Requires translation!
El Kab =
# Requires translation!
Armant =
# Requires translation!
Balat =
# Requires translation!
Ellahun =
# Requires translation!
Hawara =
# Requires translation!
Dashur =
# Requires translation!
Damanhur =
# Requires translation!
Abusir =
# Requires translation!
Herakleopolis =
# Requires translation!
Akoris =
# Requires translation!
Benihasan =
# Requires translation!
Badari =
# Requires translation!
Hermopolis =
# Requires translation!
Amrah =
# Requires translation!
Koptos =
# Requires translation!
Ombos =
# Requires translation!
Naqada =
# Requires translation!
Semna =
# Requires translation!
Soleb =
Egypt = Ægyptus
Elizabeth = Elizabetha
# Requires translation!
By the grace of God, your days are numbered. =
# Requires translation!
We shall never surrender. =
# Requires translation!
You have triumphed over us. The day is yours. =
# Requires translation!
We are pleased to meet you. =
# Requires translation!
Would you be interested in a trade agreement with England? =
# Requires translation!
Hello, again. =
# Requires translation!
Oh, it's you! =
Sun Never Sets = Sol Inocciduus
# Requires translation!
Long live to Your Highness, Queen Elizabeth Gloriana, leader and protector of the glorious England! Through history, enduring many invasions, England strengthened its will, playing smartly with diplomacy, cunning, and military power, to eventually rose as one of the most dominant Empires the world has ever known. Their matchless navy, brilliant scientists and artists, and powerful merchants, have shaped the known world for centuries. =
# Requires translation!
Queen Elizabeth, will England cast once more its brightness upon all lands and seas of the world? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
London = Londinium
York = Eboracum
# Requires translation!
Nottingham =
# Requires translation!
Hastings =
Canterbury = Cantuaria
Coventry = Coventria
# Requires translation!
Warwick =
Newcastle = Novum Castrum
# Requires translation!
Oxford =
# Requires translation!
Liverpool =
# Requires translation!
Dover =
# Requires translation!
Brighton =
# Requires translation!
Norwich =
# Requires translation!
Leeds =
# Requires translation!
Reading =
# Requires translation!
Birmingham =
# Requires translation!
Richmond =
# Requires translation!
Exeter =
# Requires translation!
Cambridge =
# Requires translation!
Gloucester =
# Requires translation!
Manchester =
# Requires translation!
Bristol =
# Requires translation!
Leicester =
# Requires translation!
Carlisle =
# Requires translation!
Ipswich =
# Requires translation!
Portsmouth =
# Requires translation!
Berwick =
# Requires translation!
Bath =
# Requires translation!
Mumbles =
# Requires translation!
Southampton =
# Requires translation!
Sheffield =
# Requires translation!
Salisbury =
# Requires translation!
Colchester =
# Requires translation!
Plymouth =
# Requires translation!
Lancaster =
# Requires translation!
Blackpool =
# Requires translation!
Winchester =
# Requires translation!
Hull =
England = Anglia
Napoleon = Neapolio I
# Requires translation!
You're disturbing us, prepare for war. =
# Requires translation!
You've fallen into my trap. I'll bury you. =
# Requires translation!
I congratulate you for your victory. =
# Requires translation!
Welcome. I'm Napoleon, of France; the smartest military man in world history. =
# Requires translation!
France offers you this exceptional proposition. =
Hello. = Salve.
It's you. = Tu es.
# Requires translation!
Ancien Régime =
# Requires translation!
Vive Napoleon I, First Consul and Emperor of France! After the glorious Revolution which suppressed the centuries-old monarchy, the French nation stood at the heart of Europe as a Republic, and intended to export its ideals to the entire European continent, either by diplomacy or war. The French Capital Paris was more than ever the world center of Culture, Arts, and Letters. With its Great Army, reputed as one of the greatest in the History, France fought gloriously all surrounding enemies, but eventually fell against the coalition of other European powers. =
# Requires translation!
Napoleon Bonaparte, ruler of the French people, will you rebuild the Empire to take revenge on your foes, and make again of its Capital the City of Lights? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
Paris = Lutetia
Orleans = Cenabum
Lyon = Lugdunum
Troyes = Tricassium
# Requires translation!
Tours =
Marseille = Massilia
Chartres = Autricum
Avignon = Avennio
Rouen = Rotomagus
Grenoble = Cularo
Dijon = Divino
Amiens = Samarobriva
Cherbourg = Coriallum
Poitiers = Limonum
Toulouse = Tolosa
# Requires translation!
Bayonne =
Strasbourg = Argentoratum
# Requires translation!
Brest =
Bordeaux = Burdigala
# Requires translation!
Rennes =
Nice = Nicaea
# Requires translation!
Saint Etienne =
# Requires translation!
Nantes =
# Requires translation!
Reims =
# Requires translation!
Le Mans =
# Requires translation!
Montpellier =
# Requires translation!
Limoges =
# Requires translation!
Nancy =
# Requires translation!
Lille =
# Requires translation!
Caen =
# Requires translation!
Toulon =
# Requires translation!
Le Havre =
# Requires translation!
Lourdes =
# Requires translation!
Cannes =
# Requires translation!
Aix-En-Provence =
# Requires translation!
La Rochelle =
# Requires translation!
Bourges =
# Requires translation!
Calais =
France = Francia
Catherine = Catharina
# Requires translation!
You've behaved yourself very badly, you know it. Now it's payback time. =
# Requires translation!
You've mistaken my passion for a weakness, you'll regret about this. =
# Requires translation!
We were defeated, so this makes me your prisoner. I suppose there are worse fates. =
# Requires translation!
I greet you, stranger! If you are as intelligent and tactful as you are attractive, we'll get along just fine. =
# Requires translation!
How would you like it if I propose this kind of exchange? =
Hello! = Salve!
# Requires translation!
What do you need?! =
Siberian Riches = Copia Siberiae
# Requires translation!
Hail to Imperial Majesty Catherine, Empress of all Russians. Living in the largest country in the world, from the Pacific Ocean in the east to the Baltic Sea in the west, your people endured wars, droughts, and many disasters, imbuing the Russian society with heroism and tenacity, and producing artists and scientists among the best in the world. Russia is a powerful empire which rightfully claims its place in the world concert of superpowers. =
# Requires translation!
Empress Catherine, your people are eager for Russian glory, to revive the sacred light of the Motherland. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Moscow =
# Requires translation!
St. Petersburg =
# Requires translation!
Novgorod =
# Requires translation!
Rostov =
# Requires translation!
Yaroslavl =
# Requires translation!
Yekaterinburg =
# Requires translation!
Yakutsk =
# Requires translation!
Vladivostok =
# Requires translation!
Smolensk =
# Requires translation!
Orenburg =
# Requires translation!
Krasnoyarsk =
# Requires translation!
Khabarovsk =
# Requires translation!
Bryansk =
# Requires translation!
Tver =
# Requires translation!
Novosibirsk =
# Requires translation!
Magadan =
# Requires translation!
Murmansk =
# Requires translation!
Irkutsk =
# Requires translation!
Chita =
# Requires translation!
Samara =
# Requires translation!
Arkhangelsk =
# Requires translation!
Chelyabinsk =
# Requires translation!
Tobolsk =
# Requires translation!
Vologda =
# Requires translation!
Omsk =
# Requires translation!
Astrakhan =
# Requires translation!
Kursk =
# Requires translation!
Saratov =
# Requires translation!
Tula =
# Requires translation!
Vladimir =
# Requires translation!
Perm =
# Requires translation!
Voronezh =
# Requires translation!
Pskov =
# Requires translation!
Starayarussa =
# Requires translation!
Kostoma =
# Requires translation!
Nizhniy Novgorod =
# Requires translation!
Suzdal =
# Requires translation!
Magnitogorsk =
Russia = Russia
Augustus Caesar = Augustus Caesar
# Requires translation!
My treasury contains little and my soldiers are getting impatient... (sigh) ...therefore you must die. =
# Requires translation!
So brave, yet so stupid! If only you had a brain similar to your courage. =
# Requires translation!
The gods have deprived Rome of their favour. We have been defeated. =
# Requires translation!
I greet you. I am Augustus, Imperator and Pontifex Maximus of Rome. If you are a friend of Rome, you are welcome. =
# Requires translation!
I offer this, for your consideration. =
Hail. = Have.
What do you want? = Quod vis?
The Glory of Rome = Roma invicta
Ave Caesar Augustus, Emperor of Rome and Dominus of the Roman Empire! Your empire was the most powerful and feared of all in Western civilization. The Roman people crafted so brilliantly its culture, law, art, and warfare, that no one could contest the supremacy of Rome. Force and Honor led to glorious conquests, a domination of all the lands from Spain in the west to Syria in the east, even reaching the remote barbarian lands of England and Germany. Roman art and architecture have been praised for millenia and have been envied by all lesser civilizations who have followed. = Ave Caesar Auguste, Imperator Romae ac Domine Imperii Romani! Imperium tuum erat potentissimum ac maxime veritum de omnibus in civilizatione occidentali. Populus romanus suam eruditionem, jus, artem, bellaturumque fulgenter aedificaverit, ut nulla possit cum primatu Romano certare. Potentia et honor derexerunt ad victorias gloriosas, ad dominationem terrarum ab Hispania in occidente ad Syriam in oriente, et accessit terras barbaras remotas Angliae et Germaniae. Romana ars architecturaque sunt laudatae in millenniis et sunt imitatae civilizationibus minoribus quae sunt secutae.
# Requires translation!
O glorious Imperator, your people celebrate you and ask for the glory of Rome! In these times of darkness, the Pax Romana will be a beacon of light for all! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
Rome = Roma
# Requires translation!
Antium =
# Requires translation!
Cumae =
# Requires translation!
Neapolis =
# Requires translation!
Ravenna =
# Requires translation!
Arretium =
# Requires translation!
Mediolanum =
# Requires translation!
Arpinum =
# Requires translation!
Circei =
# Requires translation!
Setia =
# Requires translation!
Satricum =
# Requires translation!
Ardea =
# Requires translation!
Ostia =
# Requires translation!
Velitrae =
# Requires translation!
Viroconium =
# Requires translation!
Tarentum =
# Requires translation!
Brundisium =
# Requires translation!
Caesaraugusta =
# Requires translation!
Caesarea =
# Requires translation!
Palmyra =
# Requires translation!
Signia =
# Requires translation!
Aquileia =
# Requires translation!
Clusium =
# Requires translation!
Sutrium =
# Requires translation!
Cremona =
# Requires translation!
Placentia =
# Requires translation!
Hispalis =
# Requires translation!
Artaxata =
# Requires translation!
Aurelianorum =
# Requires translation!
Nicopolis =
# Requires translation!
Agrippina =
# Requires translation!
Verona =
# Requires translation!
Corfinium =
# Requires translation!
Treverii =
# Requires translation!
Sirmium =
# Requires translation!
Augustadorum =
# Requires translation!
Curia =
# Requires translation!
Interrama =
# Requires translation!
Adria =
Harun al-Rashid = Aaron Rascidus
The world will be more beautiful without you. Prepare for war. = Mundus sine te sit pulchrior. Ad bellum adorna.
# Requires translation!
Fool! You will soon regret dearly! I swear it! =
# Requires translation!
You have won, congratulations. My palace is now in your possession, and I beg that you care well for the peacock. =
# Requires translation!
Welcome foreigner, I am Harun Al-Rashid, Caliph of the Arabs. Come and tell me about your empire. =
# Requires translation!
Come forth, let's do business. =
# Requires translation!
Peace be upon you. =
Trade Caravans = Caravannae Commerciales
# Requires translation!
Blessings of the Great God be upon you, O great caliph Harun al-Rashid, leader of the mighty Arabian people! The Muslim Empire, the Caliphate, born from chaos after the death of the prophet Muhammad in 632 AD, intended to apply the rule of God to all Earth. And by the will of God, the caliphate reached its full power, ruling Spain, North Africa, the Middle East, Anatolia, the Balkans and Persia, to even surpass the Great Roman Empire. The arts and sciences were a holy gift of Arabia during the Middle Ages, as the infidel lands of Europe delved deep into ignorance and chaos. Lasting for six hundred years, the Caliphate finally fell before the Mongols, the plague of the civilized world. =
# Requires translation!
Great Caliph Harun al Rashid, all Arabian people long for greatness! Arabia must be once again the land of arts and knowledge, which under the radiant law of God, will fear no enemy! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Mecca =
# Requires translation!
Medina =
# Requires translation!
Damascus =
# Requires translation!
Baghdad =
# Requires translation!
Najran =
# Requires translation!
Kufah =
# Requires translation!
Basra =
# Requires translation!
Khurasan =
# Requires translation!
Anjar =
# Requires translation!
Fustat =
# Requires translation!
Aden =
# Requires translation!
Yamama =
# Requires translation!
Muscat =
# Requires translation!
Mansura =
# Requires translation!
Bukhara =
# Requires translation!
Fez =
# Requires translation!
Shiraz =
# Requires translation!
Merw =
# Requires translation!
Balkh =
# Requires translation!
Mosul =
# Requires translation!
Aydab =
# Requires translation!
Bayt =
# Requires translation!
Suhar =
# Requires translation!
Taif =
# Requires translation!
Hama =
# Requires translation!
Tabuk =
# Requires translation!
Sana'a =
# Requires translation!
Shihr =
# Requires translation!
Tripoli =
# Requires translation!
Tunis =
# Requires translation!
Kairouan =
# Requires translation!
Algiers =
# Requires translation!
Oran =
Arabia = Arabia
George Washington = Georgius Washingtonius
# Requires translation!
Your wanton aggression leaves us no choice. Prepare for war! =
# Requires translation!
You have mistaken our love of peace for weakness. You shall regret this! =
# Requires translation!
The day...is yours. I hope you will be merciful in your triumph. =
# Requires translation!
The people of the United States of America welcome you. =
# Requires translation!
Is the following trade of interest to you? =
# Requires translation!
Well? =
Manifest Destiny = Fatum Manifestum
# Requires translation!
President Washington, we salute you and the proud American civilization! Freed from the British dominion in the 18th century, then cleansed and reborn after a terrible civil war, the United States nation was ready to play its great role in the 20th century. At the height of its power, triumphant after two terrible world wars, United States of America, a land of immigration, opportunities, optimism and determination, has risen above all other weakening nations, unable to equal such power. =
# Requires translation!
President Washington, will you show to the world the legitimacy of the American way of life, and spread the flame of liberty to all mankind? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
Washington = Vasingtonia
New York = Novum Eboracum
Boston = Bostonia
Philadelphia = Philadelphia
# Requires translation!
Atlanta =
# Requires translation!
Chicago =
# Requires translation!
Seattle =
San Francisco = Franciscopolis
Los Angeles = Angelopolis
# Requires translation!
Houston =
Portland = Portlandia
# Requires translation!
St. Louis =
# Requires translation!
Miami =
# Requires translation!
Buffalo =
# Requires translation!
Detroit =
New Orleans = Nova Aurelia
# Requires translation!
Baltimore =
# Requires translation!
Denver =
# Requires translation!
Cincinnati =
# Requires translation!
Dallas =
# Requires translation!
Cleveland =
# Requires translation!
Kansas City =
# Requires translation!
San Diego =
# Requires translation!
Las Vegas =
# Requires translation!
Phoenix =
# Requires translation!
Albuquerque =
# Requires translation!
Minneapolis =
# Requires translation!
Pittsburgh =
# Requires translation!
Oakland =
# Requires translation!
Tampa Bay =
# Requires translation!
Orlando =
# Requires translation!
Tacoma =
# Requires translation!
Santa Fe =
# Requires translation!
Olympia =
# Requires translation!
Hunt Valley =
# Requires translation!
Springfield =
# Requires translation!
Palo Alto =
# Requires translation!
Centralia =
# Requires translation!
Spokane =
# Requires translation!
Jacksonville =
# Requires translation!
Savannah =
# Requires translation!
Charleston =
# Requires translation!
San Antonio =
# Requires translation!
Anchorage =
# Requires translation!
Sacramento =
# Requires translation!
Reno =
# Requires translation!
Salt Lake City =
# Requires translation!
Boise =
# Requires translation!
Milwaukee =
# Requires translation!
Santa Cruz =
# Requires translation!
Little Rock =
America = America
# Requires translation!
Oda Nobunaga =
# Requires translation!
I hereby inform you of our intention to wipe out your civilization from this world. =
# Requires translation!
Pitiful fool! Now we shall destroy you! =
# Requires translation!
You were much wiser than I thought. =
# Requires translation!
We hope for a fair and just relationship with you, who are renowned for military bravery. =
# Requires translation!
I would be grateful if you agreed on the following proposal. =
# Requires translation!
Oh, it's you... =
# Requires translation!
Bushido =
# Requires translation!
Lord Oda Nobunaga, ruler of Japan, the land of the Rising Sun is at your command! Through history, Japanese people lived and died with honor, proud of their rich culture of arts and letters. Years of bloody civil wars, invasions of foreign powers, wealth but also great poverty, have never altered the strong will of the Rising Sun island, as the Bushido spirit has imbued the fields of battle and the Japanese society for millenia. At the end of the 19th century, under foreign influence, your people took the path of modernity, and in a few decades, made of Japan a land of technological innovation and powerful industry, with which only few nations can compete. =
# Requires translation!
O great daimyo, will you take on your hands the Japan destiny, for the Rising Sun to light the world? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Kyoto =
# Requires translation!
Osaka =
# Requires translation!
Tokyo =
# Requires translation!
Satsuma =
# Requires translation!
Kagoshima =
# Requires translation!
Nara =
# Requires translation!
Nagoya =
# Requires translation!
Izumo =
# Requires translation!
Nagasaki =
# Requires translation!
Yokohama =
# Requires translation!
Shimonoseki =
# Requires translation!
Matsuyama =
# Requires translation!
Sapporo =
# Requires translation!
Hakodate =
# Requires translation!
Ise =
# Requires translation!
Toyama =
# Requires translation!
Fukushima =
# Requires translation!
Suo =
# Requires translation!
Bizen =
# Requires translation!
Echizen =
# Requires translation!
Izumi =
# Requires translation!
Omi =
# Requires translation!
Echigo =
# Requires translation!
Kozuke =
# Requires translation!
Sado =
# Requires translation!
Kobe =
# Requires translation!
Nagano =
# Requires translation!
Hiroshima =
# Requires translation!
Takayama =
# Requires translation!
Akita =
# Requires translation!
Fukuoka =
# Requires translation!
Aomori =
# Requires translation!
Kamakura =
# Requires translation!
Kochi =
# Requires translation!
Naha =
# Requires translation!
Sendai =
# Requires translation!
Gifu =
# Requires translation!
Yamaguchi =
# Requires translation!
Ota =
# Requires translation!
Tottori =
Japan = Iaponia
# Requires translation!
Gandhi =
# Requires translation!
I have just received a report that large numbers of my troops have crossed your borders. =
# Requires translation!
My attempts to avoid violence have failed. An eye for an eye only makes the world blind. =
# Requires translation!
You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind. =
# Requires translation!
Hello, I am Mohandas Gandhi. My people call me Bapu, but please, call me friend. =
# Requires translation!
My friend, are you interested in this arrangement? =
I wish you peace. = Pacem tibi.
Population Growth = Auctus Multitudinis
# Requires translation!
Wise Mahatma Gandhi, great leader of India, we honor you! India is one of the oldest countries in the world with 10,000 years of history, built on spirit and religion, as three of the world's great religions - Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism - appeared on this sacred land. Every aspect of India society reveres art, music and color, showing great wealth but also grinding poverty. For centuries, India was torn between local kingdoms fighting each other but also repelling invaders. In the 12th century AD, Muslim Turks tried to conquer India, then the Mongols took their place. In the early 17th century, India, still fragmented, was colonized by the English and their diplomacy and technological superiority. After two centuries of British dominion, Indian nationalism woke up, and you, Great Mahatma, have led a peaceful and victorious rebellion never seen anywhere in history! =
# Requires translation!
Gandhi, your people ask again to be led on the path of freedom. Under protection of Ganesha and Surya, can India accomplish its great potential? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Delhi =
# Requires translation!
Mumbai =
# Requires translation!
Vijayanagara =
# Requires translation!
Pataliputra =
# Requires translation!
Varanasi =
# Requires translation!
Agra =
# Requires translation!
Calcutta =
# Requires translation!
Lahore =
# Requires translation!
Bangalore =
# Requires translation!
Hyderabad =
# Requires translation!
Madurai =
# Requires translation!
Ahmedabad =
# Requires translation!
Kolhapur =
# Requires translation!
Prayaga =
# Requires translation!
Ayodhya =
# Requires translation!
Indraprastha =
# Requires translation!
Mathura =
# Requires translation!
Ujjain =
# Requires translation!
Gulbarga =
# Requires translation!
Jaunpur =
# Requires translation!
Rajagriha =
# Requires translation!
Sravasti =
# Requires translation!
Tiruchirapalli =
# Requires translation!
Thanjavur =
# Requires translation!
Bodhgaya =
# Requires translation!
Kushinagar =
# Requires translation!
Amaravati =
# Requires translation!
Gaur =
# Requires translation!
Gwalior =
# Requires translation!
Jaipur =
# Requires translation!
Karachi =
India = India
Otto von Bismarck = Otho de Bismarck
# Requires translation!
I cannot wait until ye grow even mightier. Therefore, prepare for war! =
# Requires translation!
Corrupted villain! We will bring you into the ground! =
# Requires translation!
Germany has been destroyed. I weep for the future generations. =
# Requires translation!
Guten Tag. In the name of the great German people, I bid you welcome. =
# Requires translation!
It would be in your best interest, to carefully consider this proposal. =
# Requires translation!
What now? =
# Requires translation!
So, out with it! =
Furor Teutonicus = Furor Teutonicus
# Requires translation!
All hail to Otto von Bismarck, first chancellor of Germany and its empire! During the ancient era, Germany was a land fragmented in several tribes but already showed great promise as the Roman Empire itself struggled to bend the Germans to its will. Germany, as one nation, was slowly built on the ruins of the Holy Roman Empire, and waited 1871 to be finally unified after the glorious victory on France and Napoleon III. The German people are creative, intelligent, industrious and proven to be talented warriors through history. Despite great catastrophes and failures in the first half of the 20th century, Germany can always rely on its people will and strength to be among the greatest and powerful nations in the world. =
# Requires translation!
Great Prince Bismarck, glory and power are at the heart of the German nation. Your people are bright, and lend you their iron will to lead Germany once again. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
Berlin = Berolinum
# Requires translation!
Hamburg =
# Requires translation!
Munich =
# Requires translation!
Cologne =
# Requires translation!
Frankfurt =
# Requires translation!
Essen =
# Requires translation!
Dortmund =
# Requires translation!
Stuttgart =
# Requires translation!
Düsseldorf =
# Requires translation!
Bremen =
# Requires translation!
Hannover =
# Requires translation!
Duisburg =
# Requires translation!
Leipzig =
# Requires translation!
Dresden =
# Requires translation!
Bonn =
# Requires translation!
Bochum =
# Requires translation!
Bielefeld =
# Requires translation!
Karlsruhe =
# Requires translation!
Gelsenkirchen =
# Requires translation!
Wiesbaden =
# Requires translation!
Münster =
# Requires translation!
Rostock =
# Requires translation!
Chemnitz =
# Requires translation!
Braunschweig =
# Requires translation!
Halle =
# Requires translation!
Mönchengladbach =
# Requires translation!
Kiel =
# Requires translation!
Wuppertal =
# Requires translation!
Freiburg =
# Requires translation!
Hagen =
# Requires translation!
Erfurt =
# Requires translation!
Kaiserslautern =
# Requires translation!
Kassel =
# Requires translation!
Oberhausen =
# Requires translation!
Hamm =
# Requires translation!
Saarbrücken =
# Requires translation!
Krefeld =
# Requires translation!
Pirmasens =
# Requires translation!
Potsdam =
# Requires translation!
Solingen =
# Requires translation!
Osnabrück =
# Requires translation!
Ludwigshafen =
# Requires translation!
Leverkusen =
# Requires translation!
Oldenburg =
# Requires translation!
Neuss =
# Requires translation!
Mülheim =
# Requires translation!
Darmstadt =
# Requires translation!
Herne =
# Requires translation!
Würzburg =
# Requires translation!
Recklinghausen =
# Requires translation!
Göttingen =
# Requires translation!
Wolfsburg =
# Requires translation!
Koblenz =
# Requires translation!
Hildesheim =
# Requires translation!
Erlangen =
Germany = Germania
Suleiman I = Suleimanus I
# Requires translation!
Your continued insolence and failure to recognize our preeminence leads us to war. =
# Requires translation!
Good. The world shall witness the incontestable might of my armies and the glory of the Empire. =
# Requires translation!
Ruin! Ruin! Istanbul becomes Iram of the Pillars, remembered only by the melancholy poets. =
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From the magnificence of Topkapi, the Ottoman nation greets you, stranger! I'm Suleiman, Kayser-I Rum, and I bestow upon you my welcome! =
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Let us do business! Would you be interested? =
Barbary Corsairs = Cursarii Septentrionales Africani
# Requires translation!
O Great Sultan Suleiman, may the God bless you! You are revered for your power, wealth and generosity, and you truly deserves to be called the 'Magnificent'! The Ottoman Empire was born in Bithynia, starting as a small country in Eastern Anatolia in 12th century, then expanded to west into Anatolia. Over the next century, your people vanquished the empire of Byzantium, annexing Turkey and the Balkans, and smartly assimilating all wonders and knowledge of the Byzantine civilization. In the mid 15th century, the Ottomans added Constantinople to their empire, establishing a strategic link between Europe and the Middle East. The Empire would continue to expand for centuries reaching North Africa, Middle East and Eastern Europe at its height, but brutally disappeared in the chaos of the first world war, in early 20th century. =
# Requires translation!
Mighty Caliph, your people ask you to build again the Empire, to the level of power and glory it once achieved, and beyond! Will you revive the Ottoman golden age? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Istanbul =
# Requires translation!
Edirne =
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Ankara =
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Bursa =
# Requires translation!
Konya =
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Samsun =
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Gaziantep =
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Diyarbakır =
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Izmir =
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Kayseri =
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Malatya =
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Mersin =
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Antalya =
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Zonguldak =
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Denizli =
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Ordu =
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Muğla =
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Eskişehir =
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Inebolu =
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Sinop =
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Adana =
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Artvin =
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Bodrum =
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Eregli =
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Silifke =
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Sivas =
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Amasya =
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Marmaris =
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Trabzon =
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Erzurum =
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Urfa =
# Requires translation!
Izmit =
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Afyonkarahisar =
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Bitlis =
# Requires translation!
Yalova =
The Ottomans = Ottomanici
# Requires translation!
Sejong =
# Requires translation!
Jip-hyun-jun (Hall of Worthies) will no longer tolerate your irksome behavior. We will liberate the citizens under your oppression even with force, and enlighten them! =
# Requires translation!
Foolish, miserable wretch! You will be crushed by this country's magnificent scientific power! =
# Requires translation!
Now the question is who will protect my people. A dark age has come. =
# Requires translation!
Welcome to the palace of Choson, stranger. I am the learned King Sejong, who looks after his great people. =
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We have many things to discuss and have much to benefit from each other. =
# Requires translation!
Oh, it's you =
Scholars of the Jade Hall = Discipuli Aulae Lapidis Pulchri
# Requires translation!
Greetings to you, King Sejong the Great, heir of the Choson Dynasty! Prosperity and benevolence towards the common man are the principles of your reign, and made of you the most beloved Korean king. You always aimed to provide a fair and equal society for all your people, and also to favor knowledge and technological discoveries. Your wisdom and intelligence imbued all the Korean society, and the scholars of the Jade Hall developed Korea's first written language, Hangul, sharing further literature and science to the people after centuries of darkness. =
# Requires translation!
Wise Sejong, will you gift your people with the radiance of harmony and knowledge to dispel the darkness once again? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Seoul =
# Requires translation!
Busan =
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Jeonju =
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Daegu =
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Pyongyang =
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Kaesong =
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Suwon =
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Gwangju =
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Gangneung =
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Hamhung =
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Wonju =
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Ulsan =
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Changwon =
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Andong =
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Gongju =
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Haeju =
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Cheongju =
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Mokpo =
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Dongducheon =
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Geoje =
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Suncheon =
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Jinju =
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Sangju =
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Rason =
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Gyeongju =
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Chungju =
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Sacheon =
# Requires translation!
Gimje =
# Requires translation!
Anju =
Korea = Corea
# Requires translation!
Hiawatha =
# Requires translation!
You are a plague upon Mother Earth! Prepare for battle! =
# Requires translation!
You evil creature! My braves will slaughter you! =
# Requires translation!
You have defeated us... but our spirits will never be vanquished! We shall return! =
# Requires translation!
Greetings, stranger. I am Hiawatha, speaker for the Iroquois. We seek peace with all, but we do not shrink from war. =
# Requires translation!
Does this trade work for you, my friend? =
The Great Warpath = Via Magna Bellica
# Requires translation!
Greetings, noble Hiawatha, leader of the mighty Iroquois nations! Your people lived near the great and holy lake Ontario since the ancient ages, on a land that will be later known as New York city. Long ago, the five peoples of Seneca, Onondaga, Mohawks, Cayugas and Oneida became one nation, the Haudenosaunee, the Iroquois. Although not having a written language, the wise Iroquois created the Great Law of Peace, which can be considered the first established constitution. For decades, your people fought powerful enemies, such as the Huron, and then the French and English colonists. With less warriors and inferior weaponry, the Iroquois still survived and walk on the path of peace and harmony, until their way of living faded away under the crush of the newborn United States nation. =
# Requires translation!
Great Sachem Hiawatha, do you hear the complaints of your people? Can you light the path leading to the ancient Iroquois union? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Onondaga =
# Requires translation!
Osininka =
Grand River = Flumen Magnum
# Requires translation!
Akwesasme =
# Requires translation!
Buffalo Creek =
# Requires translation!
Brantford =
# Requires translation!
Montreal =
# Requires translation!
Genesse River =
# Requires translation!
Canandaigua Lake =
# Requires translation!
Lake Simcoe =
# Requires translation!
Salamanca =
# Requires translation!
Gowanda =
# Requires translation!
Cuba =
# Requires translation!
Akron =
# Requires translation!
Kanesatake =
# Requires translation!
Ganienkeh =
# Requires translation!
Cayuga Castle =
# Requires translation!
Chondote =
# Requires translation!
Canajoharie =
# Requires translation!
Nedrow =
# Requires translation!
Oneida Lake =
# Requires translation!
Kanonwalohale =
# Requires translation!
Green Bay =
# Requires translation!
Southwold =
# Requires translation!
Mohawk Valley =
# Requires translation!
Schoharie =
# Requires translation!
Bay of Quinte =
# Requires translation!
Kanawale =
# Requires translation!
Kanatsiokareke =
# Requires translation!
Tyendinaga =
# Requires translation!
Hahta =
# Requires translation!
Iroquois =
Darius I = Darius I
# Requires translation!
Your continue existence is an embarrassment to all leaders everywhere! You must be destroyed! =
# Requires translation!
Curse you! You are beneath me, son of a donkey driver! I will crush you! =
# Requires translation!
You mongrel! Cursed be you! The world will long lament your heinous crime! =
# Requires translation!
Peace be on you! I am Darius, the great and outstanding king of kings of great Persia... but I suppose you knew that. =
# Requires translation!
In my endless magnanimity, I am making you this offer. You agree, of course? =
# Requires translation!
Good day to you! =
# Requires translation!
Ahh... you... =
Achaemenid Legacy = Hereditas Achaemenidarum
# Requires translation!
Great King Darius of Persia, the heaven casts its light upon you! Persian people are strong and wise, as their leader. In old ages, the great Persian king Cyrus fought back the mighty Median empire and finally destroyed the Medes in 550 BC. Cunning diplomacy and military achievements helped then to conquer the wealthy Lydia and the powerful Babylon, Cyrus' son conquering the eternal Egypt some years later. At the height of its power, the Persian Empire reached the shores of Macedonia, at the very door of the upstart Greek city-states. Persia would have prospered for centuries if Alexander of Macedon hadn't brutally destroyed the great empire in one violent strike. =
# Requires translation!
King Darius, the people of Persia await, longing for its past glory and power! Persia of the Immortals must reborn, to punish its foes and rebuild the gleaming Persepolis! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Persepolis =
# Requires translation!
Parsagadae =
# Requires translation!
Susa =
# Requires translation!
Ecbatana =
# Requires translation!
Tarsus =
# Requires translation!
Gordium =
# Requires translation!
Bactra =
# Requires translation!
Sardis =
# Requires translation!
Ergili =
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Dariushkabir =
# Requires translation!
Ghulaman =
# Requires translation!
Zohak =
# Requires translation!
Istakhr =
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Jinjan =
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Borazjan =
# Requires translation!
Herat =
# Requires translation!
Dakyanus =
# Requires translation!
Bampur =
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Turengtepe =
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Rey =
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Thuspa =
# Requires translation!
Hasanlu =
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Gabae =
# Requires translation!
Merv =
# Requires translation!
Behistun =
# Requires translation!
Kandahar =
# Requires translation!
Altintepe =
# Requires translation!
Bunyan =
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Charsadda =
# Requires translation!
Uratyube =
# Requires translation!
Dura Europos =
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Aleppo =
# Requires translation!
Qatna =
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Kabul =
# Requires translation!
Capisa =
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Kyreskhata =
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Marakanda =
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Peshawar =
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Van =
# Requires translation!
Pteira =
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Arshada =
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Artakaona =
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Aspabota =
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Autiyara =
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Bagastana =
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Baxtri =
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Darmasa =
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Daphnai =
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Drapsaka =
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Eion =
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Gandutava =
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Gaugamela =
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Harmozeia =
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Ekatompylos =
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Izata =
# Requires translation!
Kampada =
# Requires translation!
Kapisa =
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Karmana =
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Kounaxa =
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Kuganaka =
# Requires translation!
Nautaka =
# Requires translation!
Paishiyauvada =
# Requires translation!
Patigrbana =
# Requires translation!
Phrada =
Persia = Persia
# Requires translation!
Kamehameha I =
# Requires translation!
The ancient fire flashing across the sky is what proclaimed that this day would come, though I had foolishly hoped for a different outcome. =
# Requires translation!
It is obvious now that I misjudged you and your true intentions. =
# Requires translation!
The hard-shelled crab yields, and the lion lies down to sleep. Kanaloa comes for me now. =
# Requires translation!
Aloha! Greetings and blessings upon you, friend. I am Kamehameha, Great King of this strand of islands. =
# Requires translation!
Come, let our people feast together! =
# Requires translation!
Welcome, friend! =
Wayfinding = Inventio Viae
# Requires translation!
Aloha to Kamehameha the Great, who the heavens allowed to unite your people! O great King, under your reign, the Big Island of Hawai'i became one in 1791 AD, and many other islands joined your vision of union in 1810. As the first King of Hawai'i, law and taxation systems were stabilized, and you promoted the Kanawai Mamalahoe, an edict to protect civilian people in times of war. Unification and sovereignty of all the islands continued thanks to your fair laws and deeds, even after you joined your ancestors in paradise in 1819. =
# Requires translation!
Wise and benevolent King, will you unite your people once again by wearing the bright mantle of the Lion of the Pacific? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Honolulu =
# Requires translation!
Samoa =
# Requires translation!
Tonga =
# Requires translation!
Nuku Hiva =
# Requires translation!
Raiatea =
# Requires translation!
Aotearoa =
# Requires translation!
Tahiti =
# Requires translation!
Hilo =
# Requires translation!
Te Wai Pounamu =
# Requires translation!
Rapa Nui =
# Requires translation!
Tuamotu =
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Rarotonga =
# Requires translation!
Tuvalu =
# Requires translation!
Tubuai =
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Mangareva =
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Oahu =
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Kiritimati =
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Ontong Java =
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Niue =
# Requires translation!
Rekohu =
# Requires translation!
Rakahanga =
# Requires translation!
Bora Bora =
# Requires translation!
Kailua =
# Requires translation!
Uvea =
# Requires translation!
Futuna =
# Requires translation!
Rotuma =
# Requires translation!
Tokelau =
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Lahaina =
# Requires translation!
Bellona =
# Requires translation!
Mungava =
# Requires translation!
Tikopia =
# Requires translation!
Emae =
# Requires translation!
Kapingamarangi =
# Requires translation!
Takuu =
# Requires translation!
Nukuoro =
# Requires translation!
Sikaiana =
# Requires translation!
Anuta =
# Requires translation!
Nuguria =
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Pileni =
# Requires translation!
Nukumanu =
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Polynesia =
# Requires translation!
Ramkhamhaeng =
# Requires translation!
You lowly, arrogant fool! I will make you regret of your insolence! =
# Requires translation!
You scoundrel! I shall prepare to fend you off! =
# Requires translation!
Although I lost, my honor shall endure. I wish you good luck. =
# Requires translation!
I, Pho Kun Ramkhamhaeng, King of Siam, consider it a great honor that you have walked to visit my country of Siam. =
# Requires translation!
Greetings. I believe this is a fair proposal for both parties. What do you think? =
# Requires translation!
Welcome. =
Father Governs Children = Pater Praesidet Fetus
# Requires translation!
O Great King Ramkhamhaeng, the Siamese people obey you with respect and fear! The beautiful and mysterious land of Siam is an ancient country in the heart of Southeast Asia, which was besieged by many foes, plagued by bloody war and great poverty, but eventually the smart and loyal Siamese people have endured and triumphed. Siam was a part of the Khmer Empire until the 13th century AD, before its brave people took arms and led a revolution to form the small Sukhothai kingdom. After many battles and diplomacy prowess, this tiny kingdom became a mighty empire, which would dominate South East Asia for more than a century. =
# Requires translation!
Wise and powerful King Ramkhamhaeng, your people want to revive these days of glory! Can you make a new dawn break on Siam? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Sukhothai =
# Requires translation!
Si Satchanalai =
# Requires translation!
Muang Saluang =
# Requires translation!
Lampang =
# Requires translation!
Phitsanulok =
# Requires translation!
Kamphaeng Pet =
# Requires translation!
Nakhom Chum =
# Requires translation!
Vientiane =
# Requires translation!
Nakhon Si Thammarat =
# Requires translation!
Martaban =
# Requires translation!
Nakhon Sawan =
# Requires translation!
Chainat =
# Requires translation!
Luang Prabang =
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Uttaradit =
# Requires translation!
Chiang Thong =
# Requires translation!
Phrae =
# Requires translation!
Nan =
# Requires translation!
Tak =
# Requires translation!
Suphanburi =
# Requires translation!
Hongsawadee =
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Thawaii =
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Ayutthaya =
# Requires translation!
Taphan Hin =
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Uthai Thani =
# Requires translation!
Lap Buri =
# Requires translation!
Ratchasima =
# Requires translation!
Ban Phai =
# Requires translation!
Loci =
# Requires translation!
Khon Kaen =
# Requires translation!
Surin =
Siam = Siam
Isabella = Isabella
God will probably forgive you... but I shall not. Prepare for war. = Deus probabiliter ignoscet tibi... Sed ego non ignoscam. Ad bellum adorna.
# Requires translation!
Repugnant spawn of the devil! You will pay! =
# Requires translation!
If my defeat is, without any doubt, the will of God, then I will accept it. =
# Requires translation!
God blesses those who deserve it. I am Isabel of Spain. =
# Requires translation!
I hope this deal will receive your blessing. =
Seven Cities of Gold = Septem Urbes Aureae
# Requires translation!
Holy Isabella, envoy of God, Great Queen of Castille and León, your people celebrate you! Spain is a beautiful and ancient country, a link between Europe and Africa, one shore on the Mediterranean and the other on the mighty Atlantic Ocean. The Spanish culture had taken the best of the Christian and Muslim worlds, and was ready to dominate the world for centuries. Powerful Spanish military fleets and brave explorers found and conquered much of the New World. Exploiting a whole new continent and its riches, Spain reached a state of power few could compete with for hundreds of years. =
# Requires translation!
O splendid and virtuous Isabella! By the will of the heavens, will Spain reborn to achieve its holy destiny and become a new El Dorado? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Madrid =
# Requires translation!
Barcelona =
# Requires translation!
Seville =
# Requires translation!
Cordoba =
# Requires translation!
Toledo =
# Requires translation!
Santiago =
# Requires translation!
Murcia =
# Requires translation!
Valencia =
# Requires translation!
Zaragoza =
# Requires translation!
Pamplona =
# Requires translation!
Vitoria =
# Requires translation!
Santander =
# Requires translation!
Oviedo =
# Requires translation!
Jaen =
# Requires translation!
Logroño =
# Requires translation!
Valladolid =
# Requires translation!
Palma =
# Requires translation!
Teruel =
# Requires translation!
Almeria =
# Requires translation!
Leon =
# Requires translation!
Zamora =
# Requires translation!
Mida =
# Requires translation!
Lugo =
# Requires translation!
Alicante =
# Requires translation!
Càdiz =
# Requires translation!
Eiche =
# Requires translation!
Alcorcon =
# Requires translation!
Burgos =
# Requires translation!
Vigo =
# Requires translation!
Badajoz =
# Requires translation!
La Coruña =
# Requires translation!
Guadalquivir =
# Requires translation!
Bilbao =
# Requires translation!
San Sebastian =
# Requires translation!
Granada =
# Requires translation!
Mérida =
# Requires translation!
Huelva =
# Requires translation!
Ibiza =
# Requires translation!
Las Palmas =
# Requires translation!
Tenerife =
Spain = Hispania
# Requires translation!
Askia =
# Requires translation!
You are an abomination to heaven and earth, the chief of ignorant savages! You must be destroyed! =
# Requires translation!
Fool! You have doomed your people to fire and destruction! =
# Requires translation!
We have been consumed by the fires of hatred and rage. Enjoy your victory in this world - you shall pay a heavy price in the next! =
# Requires translation!
I am Askia of the Songhai. We are a fair people - but those who cross us will find only destruction. You would do well to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made in the past. =
# Requires translation!
Can I interest you in this deal? =
River Warlord = Dominus Bellicus Fluvialis
# Requires translation!
Askia, leader of the Songhai people and greatest of all, may God watch your path towards glory! Songhai was under the rule of the mighty West African state of Mali until the middle of the 14th century. Great King Sunni Ali Ber fought for independance, and showed to all Songhai's power, by conquering territories and repelling many foes who sought to destroy the rising kingdom. Ultimately, conquest of the wealthy cities of Timbuktu and Jenne made Songhai an empire with enough economic power to survive for a century, until the empire bowed down before foes with advanced technology - muskets against spearmen. =
# Requires translation!
King Askia, your people know there's still hope, that the hour of revenge is coming. Give them wealth and power, give them mighty weapons of iron and fire, to destroy any foe, for Songhai to revive! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Gao =
# Requires translation!
Tombouctu =
# Requires translation!
Jenne =
# Requires translation!
Taghaza =
# Requires translation!
Tondibi =
# Requires translation!
Kumbi Saleh =
# Requires translation!
Kukia =
# Requires translation!
Walata =
# Requires translation!
Tegdaoust =
# Requires translation!
Argungu =
# Requires translation!
Gwandu =
# Requires translation!
Kebbi =
# Requires translation!
Boussa =
# Requires translation!
Motpi =
# Requires translation!
Bamako =
# Requires translation!
Wa =
# Requires translation!
Kayes =
# Requires translation!
Awdaghost =
# Requires translation!
Ouadane =
# Requires translation!
Dakar =
# Requires translation!
Tadmekket =
# Requires translation!
Tekedda =
# Requires translation!
Kano =
# Requires translation!
Agadez =
# Requires translation!
Niamey =
# Requires translation!
Torodi =
# Requires translation!
Ouatagouna =
# Requires translation!
Dori =
# Requires translation!
Bamba =
# Requires translation!
Segou =
# Requires translation!
Songhai =
# Requires translation!
Genghis Khan =
# Requires translation!
You stand in the way of my armies. Let us solve this like warriors! =
# Requires translation!
No more words. Today, Mongolia charges toward your defeat. =
# Requires translation!
You have hobbled the Mongolian clans. My respect for you nearly matches the loathing. I am waiting for my execution. =
# Requires translation!
I am Temuujin, conqueror of cities and countries. Before me lie future Mongolian lands. Behind me is the only cavalry that matters. =
# Requires translation!
I am not always this generous, but we hope you take this rare opportunity we give you. =
# Requires translation!
So what now? =
Mongol Terror = Terror Mongolicus
# Requires translation!
O great Temuujin, immortal leader of the mighty Mongol Empire! Your name alone was enough to make cities crumble, and the sound of the mighty Mongol cavalry to make your enemies flee! O Great Khan! Once Northern Asia united into a mighty people, producing one of the greatest armies the world has ever known, your skillful mounted archers conquered in only a few years, most of China, Eastern Asia, and even reached the gates of Europe at the West. With cunning diplomacy and brilliant warfare, you swept your enemies one after another, creating the greatest empire ever seen, reducing Roman or Greek conquests to minor achievements. =
# Requires translation!
Divine Temuujin, battles and conquests run through the veins of the Mongols. Are you ready to shatter the will of your enemies? Will your cavalry ride in the steppes once again and strike as lightning and thunder? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Karakorum =
# Requires translation!
Beshbalik =
# Requires translation!
Turfan =
# Requires translation!
Hsia =
# Requires translation!
Old Sarai =
# Requires translation!
New Sarai =
# Requires translation!
Tabriz =
# Requires translation!
Tiflis =
# Requires translation!
Otrar =
# Requires translation!
Sanchu =
# Requires translation!
Kazan =
# Requires translation!
Almarikh =
# Requires translation!
Ulaanbaatar =
# Requires translation!
Hovd =
# Requires translation!
Darhan =
# Requires translation!
Dalandzadgad =
# Requires translation!
Mandalgovi =
# Requires translation!
Choybalsan =
# Requires translation!
Erdenet =
# Requires translation!
Tsetserieg =
# Requires translation!
Baruun-Urt =
# Requires translation!
Ereen =
# Requires translation!
Batshireet =
# Requires translation!
Choyr =
# Requires translation!
Ulaangom =
# Requires translation!
Tosontsengel =
# Requires translation!
Altay =
# Requires translation!
Uliastay =
# Requires translation!
Bayanhongor =
# Requires translation!
Har-Ayrag =
# Requires translation!
Nalayh =
# Requires translation!
Tes =
# Requires translation!
Mongolia =
# Requires translation!
Montezuma I =
# Requires translation!
Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! Xi-miqa-can! (Die, die, die!) =
# Requires translation!
Excellent! Let the blood flow in raging torrents! =
# Requires translation!
Monster! Who are you to destroy my greatness? =
# Requires translation!
What do I see before me? Another beating heart for my sacrificial fire. =
# Requires translation!
Accept this agreement or suffer the consequences. =
# Requires translation!
Welcome, friend. =
Sacrificial Captives = Captus Sacrificus
# Requires translation!
O divine Montezuma, your people welcome you! May your magnificence inspire all living things! The mighty Aztecs were nomads until the 12th century, when they choose to settle in the mesa central, which would later be called Mexico. Wars were frequent with other tribes to control the rich land surrounding the sacred lakes of Texcoco, Xaltocan and Zampango. In some 200 years, double-sided alliances and martial prowess made of the Aztecs the dominant power in the Central American basin, forming a mighty empire stretching from sea to sea. Alas, the empire fell under the assault of foreign devils - the Spaniards and many curses they brought with them! Wars between tribes and weaponry of doom used by the invaders made the great Aztec civilization crumble in only a few decades. =
# Requires translation!
O mighty King Montezuma, do you hear the call of your people seeking for revenge? Will you lead them to victory under the light of the Five Suns? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Tenochtitlan =
# Requires translation!
Teotihuacan =
# Requires translation!
Tlatelolco =
# Requires translation!
Texcoco =
# Requires translation!
Tlaxcala =
# Requires translation!
Calixtlahuaca =
# Requires translation!
Xochicalco =
# Requires translation!
Tlacopan =
# Requires translation!
Atzcapotzalco =
# Requires translation!
Tzintzuntzan =
# Requires translation!
Malinalco =
# Requires translation!
Tamuin =
# Requires translation!
Teayo =
# Requires translation!
Cempoala =
# Requires translation!
Chalco =
# Requires translation!
Tlalmanalco =
# Requires translation!
Ixtapaluca =
# Requires translation!
Huexotla =
# Requires translation!
Tepexpan =
# Requires translation!
Tepetlaoxtoc =
# Requires translation!
Chiconautla =
# Requires translation!
Zitlaltepec =
# Requires translation!
Coyotepec =
# Requires translation!
Tequixquiac =
# Requires translation!
Jilotzingo =
# Requires translation!
Tlapanaloya =
# Requires translation!
Tultitan =
# Requires translation!
Ecatepec =
# Requires translation!
Coatepec =
# Requires translation!
Chalchiuites =
# Requires translation!
Chiauhita =
# Requires translation!
Chapultepec =
# Requires translation!
Itzapalapa =
# Requires translation!
Ayotzinco =
# Requires translation!
Iztapam =
Aztecs = Azteci
# Requires translation!
Pachacuti =
# Requires translation!
Resistance is futile! You cannot hope to stand against the mighty Incan empire. If you will not surrender immediately, then prepare for war! =
# Requires translation!
Declare war on me?!? You can't, because I declare war on you first! =
# Requires translation!
How did you darken the sun? I ruled with diligence and mercy—see that you do so as well. =
# Requires translation!
How are you? You stand before Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui. =
# Requires translation!
The Incan people offer this fair trade. =
# Requires translation!
How are you doing? =
# Requires translation!
What do you want now? =
Great Andean Road = Via Magna Andium
# Requires translation!
King Pachacuti Sapa Inca, maker of the world and ruler of Tawantinsuyu and the Inca people, your loyal subjects greet you! In the beginning, the small state of Cusco already showed the Incans were promised for greatness. They won many wars against powerful enemies, relentlessly crushing any army that dared oppose them, and forged a mighty empire stretching from Ecuador to Chile, the greatest ever seen in pre-Columbian America. Not just undaunted soldiers, Inca people were accomplished builders and artists, their magnificient and unequalled culture still fascinating the world today. =
# Requires translation!
O Emperor Pachacuti, honor your name of 'Earth Shaker'! Will you once again summon the power of the earth to unite all Incan people under the protection of Sapa Inca, the Son of the Sun? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Cuzco =
# Requires translation!
Tiwanaku =
# Requires translation!
Machu =
# Requires translation!
Ollantaytambo =
# Requires translation!
Corihuayrachina =
# Requires translation!
Huamanga =
# Requires translation!
Rumicucho =
# Requires translation!
Vilcabamba =
# Requires translation!
Vitcos =
# Requires translation!
Andahuaylas =
# Requires translation!
Ica =
# Requires translation!
Arequipa =
# Requires translation!
Nasca =
# Requires translation!
Atico =
# Requires translation!
Juli =
# Requires translation!
Chuito =
# Requires translation!
Chuquiapo =
# Requires translation!
Huanuco Pampa =
# Requires translation!
Tamboccocha =
# Requires translation!
Huaras =
# Requires translation!
Riobamba =
# Requires translation!
Caxamalca =
# Requires translation!
Sausa =
# Requires translation!
Tambo Colorado =
# Requires translation!
Huaca =
# Requires translation!
Tumbes =
# Requires translation!
Chan Chan =
# Requires translation!
Sipan =
# Requires translation!
Pachacamac =
# Requires translation!
Llactapata =
# Requires translation!
Pisac =
# Requires translation!
Kuelap =
# Requires translation!
Pajaten =
# Requires translation!
Chucuito =
# Requires translation!
Choquequirao =
Inca = Inca
# Requires translation!
Harald Bluetooth =
# Requires translation!
If I am to be honest, I tire of those pointless charades. Why don't we settle our disputes on the field of battle, like true men? Perhaps the skalds will sing of your valor... or mine! =
# Requires translation!
Ahahah! You seem to show some skills of a true Viking! Too bad that I'll probably kill you! =
# Requires translation!
Loki must have stood by you, for a common man alone could not have defeated me... Oh well! I will join the einherjar in Valhalla and feast, while you toil away here. =
# Requires translation!
Harald Bluetooth bids you welcome to his lands, a Viking unlike any the seas and lands have ever known! Hah, are you afraid? =
# Requires translation!
This is a fine deal! Even a drunk beggar would agree! =
# Requires translation!
Hail to you. =
# Requires translation!
Viking Fury =
# Requires translation!
Skal, Harald Bluetooth Gormsson, son of King Gorm of the Old and Thyra Dannebod! After crushing the armies of Norway, you achieved great construction projects all across the land of mighty Denmark. Numerous Ring Fortresses were built under your reign to protect the people from foreign invasions, but also from local quarrels. In 983 AD, you successfully repelled several waves of German settlers trying to colonize your land, and then always kept your kingdom free from any foreign pressure. =
# Requires translation!
As a true Viking, who knows not fear, time has come to unleash mighty armies of Northsmen to bring despair upon your enemies! By the will of the Gods, it will be either a glorious triumph or a sumptuous feast in the Valhalla! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Copenhagen =
# Requires translation!
Aarhus =
# Requires translation!
Kaupang =
# Requires translation!
Ribe =
# Requires translation!
Viborg =
# Requires translation!
Tunsberg =
# Requires translation!
Roskilde =
# Requires translation!
Hedeby =
# Requires translation!
Oslo =
# Requires translation!
Jelling =
# Requires translation!
Truso =
# Requires translation!
Bergen =
# Requires translation!
Faeroerne =
# Requires translation!
Reykjavik =
# Requires translation!
Trondheim =
# Requires translation!
Godthab =
# Requires translation!
Helluland =
# Requires translation!
Lillehammer =
# Requires translation!
Markland =
# Requires translation!
Elsinore =
# Requires translation!
Sarpsborg =
# Requires translation!
Odense =
# Requires translation!
Aalborg =
# Requires translation!
Stavanger =
# Requires translation!
Vorbasse =
# Requires translation!
Schleswig =
# Requires translation!
Kristiansand =
# Requires translation!
Halogaland =
# Requires translation!
Randers =
# Requires translation!
Fredrikstad =
# Requires translation!
Kolding =
# Requires translation!
Horsens =
# Requires translation!
Tromsoe =
# Requires translation!
Vejle =
# Requires translation!
Koge =
# Requires translation!
Sandnes =
# Requires translation!
Holstebro =
# Requires translation!
Slagelse =
# Requires translation!
Drammen =
# Requires translation!
Hillerod =
# Requires translation!
Sonderborg =
# Requires translation!
Skien =
# Requires translation!
Svendborg =
# Requires translation!
Holbaek =
# Requires translation!
Hjorring =
# Requires translation!
Fladstrand =
# Requires translation!
Haderslev =
# Requires translation!
Ringsted =
# Requires translation!
Skrive =
Denmark = Dania
# Requires translation!
You leave us no choice. War it must be. =
# Requires translation!
Very well, this shall not be forgotten. =
# Requires translation!
I guess you weren't here for the sprouts after all... =
# Requires translation!
Brussels =
# Requires translation!
And so the flower of Florence falls to barbaric hands... =
# Requires translation!
Florence =
# Requires translation!
So this is how it feels to die... =
# Requires translation!
Hanoi =
# Requires translation!
Unacceptable! =
# Requires translation!
Today, the Malay people obey you, but do not think this is over... =
# Requires translation!
Kuala Lumpur =
# Requires translation!
Perhaps now we will find peace in death... =
# Requires translation!
Lhasa =
# Requires translation!
You fiend! History shall remember this! =
# Requires translation!
Milan =
# Requires translation!
We were too weak to protect ourselves... =
# Requires translation!
Quebec City =
# Requires translation!
I have failed. May you, at least, know compassion towards our people. =
# Requires translation!
Cape Town =
# Requires translation!
The day of judgement has come to us. But rest assured, the same will go for you! =
# Requires translation!
Helsinki =
# Requires translation!
Ah, Gods! Why have you forsaken us? =
# Requires translation!
Manila =
# Requires translation!
Congratulations, conqueror. This tribe serves you now. =
# Requires translation!
Mogadishu =
# Requires translation!
I have to do this, for the sake of progress if nothing else. You must be opposed! =
# Requires translation!
You can see how fruitless this will be for you... right? =
# Requires translation!
May God grant me these last wishes - peace and prosperity for Brazil. =
# Requires translation!
Rio de Janeiro =
# Requires translation!
After thorough deliberation, Australia finds itself at a crossroads. Prepare yourself, for war is upon us. =
# Requires translation!
We will mobilize every means of resistance to stop this transgression against our nation! =
# Requires translation!
The principles for which we have fought will survive longer than any nation you could ever build. =
# Requires translation!
Sydney =
# Requires translation!
I will enjoy hearing your last breath as you witness the destruction of your realm! =
# Requires translation!
Why do we fight? Because Inanna demands it. Now, witness the power of the Sumerians! =
# Requires translation!
What treachery has struck us? No, what evil? =
# Requires translation!
Ur =
# Requires translation!
In responding to the unstinting malignancy that has heretofore defined your relationship with Canada, we can have no recourse but war! =
# Requires translation!
As we can reach no peaceful resolution with you, Canada must turn, with reluctance, to war. =
# Requires translation!
I regret not defending my country to the last, although it was not of use. =
# Requires translation!
Vancouver =
# Requires translation!
You have revealed your purposes a bit too early, my friend... =
# Requires translation!
A wrong calculation, on my part. =
# Requires translation!
Venice =
# Requires translation!
They will write songs of this.... pray that they shall be in your favor. =
# Requires translation!
Antwerp =
# Requires translation!
How barbaric. Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword. =
# Requires translation!
Genoa =
# Requires translation!
We... defeated? No... we had so much work to do! =
# Requires translation!
Kathmandu =
# Requires translation!
Perhaps, in another world, we could have been friends... =
# Requires translation!
Singapore =
# Requires translation!
We never fully trusted you from the start. =
# Requires translation!
Tyre =
# Requires translation!
May the Heavens forgive you for inflicting this humiliation to our people. =
# Requires translation!
Zanzibar =
# Requires translation!
How could we fall to the likes of you?! =
# Requires translation!
Almaty =
# Requires translation!
Let's have a nice little War, shall we? =
# Requires translation!
If you need your nose bloodied, we'll happily serve. =
# Requires translation!
The serbian guerilla will never stop haunting you! =
# Requires translation!
Belgrade =
# Requires translation!
War lingers in our hearts. Why carry on with a false peace? =
# Requires translation!
You gormless radger! You'll dine on your own teeth before you set foot in Ireland! =
# Requires translation!
A lonely wind blows through the highlands today. A dirge for Ireland. Can you hear it? =
# Requires translation!
Dublin =
# Requires translation!
You shall stain this land no longer with your vileness! To arms, my countrymen - we ride to war! =
# Requires translation!
Traitorous man! The Celtic peoples will not stand for such wanton abuse and slander - I shall have your head! =
# Requires translation!
Vile ruler, know that you 'won' this war in name only! =
# Requires translation!
Edinburgh =
# Requires translation!
Do you really think you can walk over us so easily? I will not let it happen. Not to Kongo - not to my people! =
# Requires translation!
We are no strangers to war. You have strayed from the right path, and now we will correct it. =
# Requires translation!
You are nothing but a glorified barbarian. Cruel, and ruthless. =
# Requires translation!
M'Banza-Kongo =
# Requires translation!
What a fine battle! Sidon is willing to serve you! =
# Requires translation!
Sidon =
# Requires translation!
We don't like your face. To arms! =
# Requires translation!
You will see you have just bitten off more than you can chew. =
# Requires translation!
This ship may sink, but our spirits will linger. =
# Requires translation!
Valletta =
#################### Lines from Policies from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Aristocracy = Aristocratia
Legalism = Legalismus
Oligarchy = Oligarchia
Landed Elite = Electissimi cum Agris
Monarchy = Monarchia
Tradition Complete = Completus Mos Maiorum
Tradition = Mos Maiorum
Collective Rule = Comitia
Citizenship = Civitas
Republic = Res Publica
Representation = Repraesentare
Meritocracy = Meritocratia
Liberty Complete = Libertas Completa
Liberty = Libertas
Warrior Code = Ius Bellatorum
Discipline = Obsequium
Military Tradition = Consuetudo Militaris
Military Caste = Ordo Militaris
Professional Army = Exercitus Professionalis
Honor Complete = Gloria Completa
Honor = Gloria
Organized Religion = Religio Descripta
Mandate Of Heaven = Mandatum de Cælo
Theocracy = Theocratia
Reformation = Reformatio
Free Religion = Religio Libera
Piety Complete = Pietas Completa
Piety = Pietas
Philantropy = Philantropia
Aesthetics = Aesthetica
Scholasticism = Scholastica
Cultural Diplomacy = Res Diplomatica de Eruditione
Educated Elite = Electissimi Eruditi
Patronage Complete = Paternitas Completa
Patronage = Paternitas
Naval Tradition = Consuetudo Maritima
Trade Unions = Consociationes Commerciales
Merchant Navy = Classis Mercans
# Requires translation!
Mercantilism =
# Requires translation!
Protectionism =
Commerce Complete = Commercium Completum
Commerce = Commercium
Secularism = Saecularizatio
Humanism = Humanismus
Free Thought = Cogitatio Libera
# Requires translation!
Sovereignty =
Scientific Revolution = Revolutio Scientifica
Rationalism Complete = Rationalismus Completus
Rationalism = Rationalismus
Constitution = Constitutio
Universal Suffrage = Suffragium Universale
Civil Society = Societas Civilis
Free Speech = Loquela Libera
Democracy = Democratia
Freedom Complete = Pilleus Completus
Freedom = Pilleus
Populism = Populares
Militarism = Militarismus
Fascism = Fascismus
Police State = Status Vigilis
Total War = Bellum Totale
Autocracy Complete = Tyrannis Completa
Autocracy = Tyrannis
United Front = Frons Coalita
Planned Economy = Oeconomia Disposita
Nationalism = Nationalismus
Socialism = Socialismus
Communism = Communismus
Order Complete = Iussus Completus
Order = Iussus
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
# Requires translation!
Route =
# Requires translation!
Build a road to connect your capital to our city. =
# Requires translation!
Clear Barbarian Camp =
# Requires translation!
We feel threatened by a Barbarian Camp near our city. Please take care of it. =
# Requires translation!
Connect Resource =
# Requires translation!
In order to make our civilizations stronger, connect [tileResource] to your trade network. =
# Requires translation!
Construct Wonder =
# Requires translation!
We recommend you to start building [wonder] to show the whole world your civilization strength. =
# Requires translation!
Acquire Great Person =
# Requires translation!
Great People can change the course of a Civilization! You will be rewarded for acquiring a new [greatPerson]. =
# Requires translation!
Conquer City State =
# Requires translation!
It's time to erase the City-State of [cityState] from the map. You will be greatly rewarded for conquering them! =
# Requires translation!
Find Player =
# Requires translation!
You have yet to discover where [civName] set up their cities. You will be rewarded for finding their territories. =
# Requires translation!
Find Natural Wonder =
# Requires translation!
Send your best explorers on a quest to discover Natural Wonders. Nobody knows the location of [naturalWonder] yet. =
# Requires translation!
Give Gold =
# Requires translation!
We are suffering great poverty after being robbed by [civName], and unless we receive a sum of Gold, it's only a matter of time before we collapse. =
# Requires translation!
Pledge to Protect =
# Requires translation!
We need your protection to stop the aggressions of [civName]. By signing a Pledge of Protection, you'll confirm the bond that ties us. =
# Requires translation!
Contest Culture =
# Requires translation!
The civilization with the largest Culture growth will gain a reward. =
# Requires translation!
Contest Faith =
# Requires translation!
The civilization with the largest Faith growth will gain a reward. =
# Requires translation!
Contest Technologies =
# Requires translation!
The civilization with the largest number of new Technologies researched will gain a reward. =
# Requires translation!
Invest =
# Requires translation!
Our people are rejoicing thanks to a tourism boom. For a certain amount of time, any Gold donation will yield [50]% extra Influence. =
# Requires translation!
Bully City State =
# Requires translation!
We are tired of the pretensions of [cityState]. If someone were to put them in their place by Demanding Tribute from them, they would be rewarded. =
# Requires translation!
Denounce Civilization =
# Requires translation!
We have been forced to pay tribute to [civName]! We need you to tell the world of their ill deeds. =
# Requires translation!
We have heard the tenets of [religionName] and are most curious. Will you send missionaries to teach us about your religion? =
#################### Lines from Ruins from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
# Requires translation!
We have discovered cultural artifacts in the ruins! (+20 culture) =
# Requires translation!
discover cultural artifacts =
# Requires translation!
squatters willing to work for you =
# Requires translation!
squatters wishing to settle under your rule =
# Requires translation!
An ancient tribe trained us in their ways of combat! =
# Requires translation!
your exploring unit receives training =
# Requires translation!
We have found survivors in the ruins! Population added to [cityName]. =
# Requires translation!
survivors (adds population to a city) =
# Requires translation!
a stash of gold =
# Requires translation!
discover a lost technology =
# Requires translation!
Our unit finds advanced weaponry hidden in the ruins! =
# Requires translation!
advanced weaponry for your explorer =
# Requires translation!
You find evidence of Barbarian activity. Nearby Barbarian camps are revealed! =
# Requires translation!
reveal nearby Barbarian camps =
# Requires translation!
find a crudely-drawn map =
#################### Lines from Specialists from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Scientist = Physicus
Merchant = Mercator
Artist = Artifex
Engineer = Machinator
#################### Lines from Speeds from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
#################### Lines from Techs from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
# Requires translation!
'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster =
Agriculture = Agricultura
'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 = 'Numquid dicet lutum figulo suo: Quid facis, et opus tuum absque manibus est?' - Isa 45:9
Pottery = Figulina
'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 = 'Non ligabis os bovis terentis in area fruges tuas.' - Deu 25:4
Animal Husbandry = Agricultio Bestiæ
# Requires translation!
'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop =
Archery = Sagittatio
# Requires translation!
'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty =
Mining = Fodinae
'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles = 'Qui mari potitur, eum rerum potlri.' - Themistocles
Sailing = Velificatio
'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = 'Dexteram tuam sic notam fac, et eruditos corde in sapientia' - Psa 89:12
Calendar = Calendarium
# Requires translation!
'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton =
Writing = Scriptura
'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome = 'Bruta quoque animalia et vagae aves, in easdem pedicas retiaque non incidunt.' - Hieronymus
Trapping = Devinctio
# Requires translation!
'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb =
The Wheel = Rota
'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil = 'O fortunati, quorum iam moenia surgunt!' - Publius Vergilius Maro
Masonry = Structuræ
# Requires translation!
'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer =
Bronze Working = Opere Aeris
# Requires translation!
'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler =
Optics = Lenses
# Requires translation!
'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates =
Philosophy = Philosophia
# Requires translation!
'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) =
Horseback Riding = Equitatio
# Requires translation!
'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon =
Mathematics = Mathematica
# Requires translation!
'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe =
Construction = Constructio
# Requires translation!
'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats =
Iron Working = Opere Ferri
'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas = 'Tria sunt homini necessaria ad salutem: scilicit scientia credendorum, scientia desiderandorum, et scientia operandorum.' - Thomas Aquinas
Theology = Theologia
# Requires translation!
'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy =
Civil Service = Officium Civilis
# Requires translation!
'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope =
Currency = Nummularia
# Requires translation!
'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci =
Engineering = Opere Mechanici
# Requires translation!
'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib =
Metal Casting = Conflatorium
# Requires translation!
'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes =
Compass = Acus Nautica
# Requires translation!
'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle =
Education = Disciplina
'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.' - Malory = 'Quicumque hunc gladium ex hoc lapide atque incude tractet, est rex justus ortus Angliae omnis.' - Malory
Chivalry = Equites
# Requires translation!
'The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.' - Thomas Jefferson =
Machinery = Machinae
# Requires translation!
'Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.' - Galileo Galilei =
Physics = Physica
'John Henry said to his Captain, / 'A man ain't nothin' but a man, / And before I'll let your steam drill beat me down, / I'll die with the hammer in my hand.'' - Anonymous: The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Drivin' Man = 'Johannes Henricus dexit Capitaneo suo: / Vir est nullus nisi homo, / et antequam permittam me vincere perforaculo vaporiario tuo, / cum malleo in manu pereo.' - Sine nomine: Carmen de Johanne Henrico, Viro Agente Adamantis
Steel = Chalybs
# Requires translation!
'Joyfully to the breeze royal Odysseus spread his sail, and with his rudder skillfully he steered.' - Homer =
Astronomy = Astronomia
# Requires translation!
'Their rising all at once was as the sound of thunder heard remote' - Milton =
Acoustics = Acustica
# Requires translation!
'Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion' - Jean Jacques Rousseau =
Banking = Argentariae
# Requires translation!
'It is a newspaper's duty to print the news and raise hell.' - The Chicago Times =
Printing Press = Prelum Typographicum
# Requires translation!
'The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops.' - Alfred Nobel =
Gunpowder = Pulvis Pyrius
# Requires translation!
'The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.' - Edward Gibbon =
Navigation = Navigatio
# Requires translation!
'Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.' - Albert Einstein =
Economics = Oeconomia
# Requires translation!
'Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.' - Calvin Coolidge =
Chemistry = Chemia
# Requires translation!
'There never was a good knife made of bad steel.' - Benjamin Franklin =
Metallurgy = Metallurgia
# Requires translation!
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana =
Archaeology = Archaeologia
# Requires translation!
'Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.' - John Dewey =
Scientific Theory = Theoria Scientifica
# Requires translation!
'Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.' - George S. Patton =
Military Science = Scientia Militaris
# Requires translation!
'The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.' - Franklin Delano Roosevelt =
Fertilizer = Laetamen
# Requires translation!
'It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.' - Robert E. Lee =
Rifling = Sclopetum
# Requires translation!
'If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.' - Lyall Watson =
Biology = Biologia
# Requires translation!
'The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.' - Townsend Harris =
Steam Power = Machinae Vaporariae
'As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.' - Christopher Dawson = 'Quando homines decernunt aditus omnes esse licitos contra malitatem, quando bonitas sua facta sit indiscreta quam malitas quam destruent.' - Christopher Dawson
Dynamite = Dynamites
# Requires translation!
'Is it a fact - or have I dreamt it - that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?' - Nathaniel Hawthorne =
Electricity = Electricitas
# Requires translation!
'Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.' - Henry Ford =
Replaceable Parts = Partes Mutabiles
# Requires translation!
'The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.' - Thomas Jefferson =
Railroads = Viæ Ferreæ
# Requires translation!
'And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.' - William Wordsworth =
Refrigeration = Refrigeratio
# Requires translation!
'I once sent a dozen of my friends a telegram saying 'flee at once-all is discovered!' They all left town immediately.' - Mark Twain =
Telegraph = Telegraphia
# Requires translation!
'The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants.' - Woody Allen =
Radio = Radiophonia
'Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.' - Igor Sikorsky = 'Aeronautica nec industria nec scientia erat. Miraculum erat.' - Igor Sikorsky
Flight = Aëronautica
'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein = 'Quicumque tuto agit cum puellam pulchram basiat, simpliciter non est dans basio curam, quam mereat.' - Albert Einstein
Combustion = Combustio
# Requires translation!
'In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men.' - Cicero =
Pharmaceuticals = Res Pharmaceuticæ
# Requires translation!
'Ben, I want to say one word to you, just one word: plastics.' - Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, The Graduate =
Plastics = Res Plasticæ
# Requires translation!
'There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time.' - Trip Hawkins =
Electronics = Electronica
# Requires translation!
'The speed of communications is wondrous to behold, it is also true that speed does multiply the distribution of information that we know to be untrue.' – Edward R. Murrow =
# Requires translation!
Mass Media =
'Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.' - Jonathan Swift = 'Visio est ars ad aspectum rerum invisibilium' - Jonathan Swift
Radar = Radioelectricum Instrumentum Detectorium
# Requires translation!
'The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.' - Albert Einstein =
Atomic Theory = Theoria Atomica
# Requires translation!
'Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species, man, acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.' - Rachel Carson =
Ecology = Oecologia
'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell = 'Computatra sunt similia deis Veteris Testamenti: regulae multae et nulla clementia.' - Joseph Campbell
Computers = Computatra
'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 = 'Regula bona sequenda factore experimenti radii igniferi hæc est: semper asciscas eum displodendum esse' - Astronautics Magazine, MCMXXXVII
Rocketry = Radius Ignifer
'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = 'Nox præcessit, dies autem appropinquavit. Abjiciamus ergo opera tenebrarum, et induamur arma lucis.' - Rom 13:12
Lasers = Laser
'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' - J. Robert Oppenheimer = 'Ego sum factus Mors, perditor mundorum.' - J. Robert Oppenheimer
Nuclear Fission = Fissio Nuclearis
# Requires translation!
'The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village.' - Marshall McLuhan =
Globalization = Globalizatio
'1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except when such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.' - Isaac Asimov = 'I. Roboto non licet hominem vulnerare sive, per socordiam, permittere homini ad noxiam. II. Robotum debet parere imperiis datis ei homine cumque nisi ista imperia cum Iure Primo confligat. III. Robotum debet se custodire quamdiu hæc custodia cum Iure Primo et Secundo non confligat.' - Isaac Asimov
Robotics = Robotum
'Now, somehow, in some new way, the sky seemed almost alien.' - Lyndon B. Johnson = 'Iam, quomodocumque, qua nova, caelum visum fere alienum est.' - Lyndon B. Johnson
Satellites = Satellites Artificiosi
# Requires translation!
'Be extremely subtle, even to the point of formlessness, be extremely mysterious, even to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.' - Sun Tzu =
Stealth = Occultum
'Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power, we have guided missiles and misguided men.' – Martin Luther King Jr. = 'Potentia nostra de scientia abundavit potentia spiritali nostra. Missilia derecta et homines circumductos habemus.' - Martinus Lutherus King minor
Advanced Ballistics = Ars Ballistaria Provecta
# Requires translation!
'Every particle of matter is attracted by or gravitates to every other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the squares of their distances.' - Isaac Newton =
Particle Physics = Physica de Particulis
# Requires translation!
'The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has readily made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.' - Albert Einstein =
Nuclear Fusion = Fusio Nuclearis
# Requires translation!
'The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives.' - Richard Schwartz =
Nanotechnology = Nanotechnologia
# Requires translation!
'I think we agree, the past is over.' - George W. Bush =
Future Tech = Technologia Futura
Who knows what the future holds? = Quis scit quod futura detinet?
#################### Lines from Terrains from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Ocean = Oceanus
Coast = Littus
Grassland = Cæspes
Plains = Campi
Tundra = Tundra
Desert = Desertum
Lakes = Lacus
# Requires translation!
Lakes provide fresh water to adjacent tiles, allowing farming where it would otherwise not be possible (similar to Rivers and Oases). =
Oasis = Oasis
Farm = Ager
Mountain = Montes
Snow = Nix
Hill = Collis
Forest = Silva
# Requires translation!
A Camp can be built here without cutting it down =
Jungle = Silva tropica
Marsh = Palus
# Requires translation!
Only Polders can be built here =
Fallout = Cineres toxices
# Requires translation!
Oases provide fresh water to adjacent tiles, allowing farming where it would otherwise not be possible (similar to Rivers and Lakes). =
Flood plains = Campi alluviales
Ice = Glacies
Atoll = Cautes
# Requires translation!
Rivers exist on tile edges, not as terrain feature per se. =
# Requires translation!
Tiles on both sides gain its benefits. These benefits do not stack. =
# Requires translation!
The tile has access to fresh water, allowing farming where it would otherwise not be possible (similar to Oases and Lakes). =
# Requires translation!
Movement across rivers takes all remaining movement points of a unit unless there is a bridge. =
# Requires translation!
When attacking across a river, the attacker gets a -20% strength malus. =
Road = Via
Amphibious = Amphibius
# Requires translation!
Great Barrier Reef =
# Requires translation!
Old Faithful =
# Requires translation!
El Dorado =
Fountain of Youth = Fons Iuventæ
# Requires translation!
Grand Mesa =
# Requires translation!
Mount Fuji =
# Requires translation!
Krakatoa =
# Requires translation!
Rock of Gibraltar =
# Requires translation!
Cerro de Potosi =
# Requires translation!
Barringer Crater =
#################### Lines from TileImprovements from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
# Requires translation!
Lumber mill =
# Requires translation!
Mine =
Trading post = Taberna
Camp = Castra
Oil well = Fons petroleifer
Offshore Platform = Planum extra Littora
# Requires translation!
Pasture =
# Requires translation!
Plantation =
# Requires translation!
Quarry =
Fishing Boats = Rates Piscatoriæ
Fort = Castellum
# Requires translation!
Reduces movement cost to ½ if the other tile also has a Road or Railroad =
# Requires translation!
Reduces movement cost to ⅓ with Machinery =
# Requires translation!
Requires Engineering to bridge rivers =
Railroad = Viæ ferreæ
# Requires translation!
Reduces movement cost to ⅒ if the other tile also has a Railroad =
# Requires translation!
Provides a +25% [Production] bonus to cities connected to the capital by Railroads =
Remove Forest = Silvam summovere
# Requires translation!
Provides a one-time Production bonus depending on distance to the closest city once finished =
Remove Jungle = Silvam tropicam summovere
# Requires translation!
Remove Fallout =
# Requires translation!
Remove Marsh =
Remove Road = Destructio viæ
Remove Railroad = Destructio viæ ferreæ
# Requires translation!
Cancel improvement order =
# Requires translation!
Repairs a pillaged Improvement or Route =
Academy = Academia
Landmark = Index humi
Manufactory = Domus fabricatoria
Customs house = Telonium
Holy site = Situs sanctus
Citadel = Arx
# Requires translation!
Moai =
# Requires translation!
Terrace farm =
Ancient ruins = Parietinæ antiquæ
City ruins = Parietinæ urbis
# Requires translation!
A bleak reminder of the destruction wreaked by War =
City center = Centrum urbis
# Requires translation!
Marks the center of a city =
# Requires translation!
Appearance changes with the technological era of the owning civilization =
Barbarian encampment = Castra barbarorum
Home to uncivilized barbarians, will spawn a hostile unit from time to time = Patriæ barbarorum sunt. Centurias hostilis nonnumquam generant
#################### Lines from TileResources from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Cattle = Pecora
Sheep = Oves
Deer = Cervæ
Bananas = Arieræ
Wheat = Tritica
Stone = Lapides
Fish = Pesces
Horses = Equi
Iron = Ferrum
Coal = Carbo
Oil = Petroleum
Aluminum = Aluminium
Uranium = Uranium
Furs = Renones
Cotton = Cynæ
Dyes = Fuci
Gems = Gemmæ
Gold Ore = Aurum
Silver = Argentum
Incense = Incensus
Ivory = Ebur
Silk = Sericum
Spices = Condimenta
Wine = Vinum
Sugar = Canna
Marble = Marmor
Whales = Balænæ
Pearls = Margaritæ
Jewelry = Ornamenta
Porcelain = Porcellana
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Sword = Gladius
Mounted = Equester
Siege = Machina Bellica
Ranged Gunpowder = Pulvis Pyrius Longinquus
Armored = Cataphracta
Melee Water = Marina Oppugnationis Propinquæ
Ranged Water = Marina Oppugnationis Longinquæ
Submarine = Navis Subaquanea
Heal Instantly = Statim Medeatur
Accuracy I = Accuratio I
Accuracy II = Accuratio II
Accuracy III = Accuratio III
Barrage I = Imber Telorum I
Barrage II = Imber Telorum II
Barrage III = Imber Telorum III
Volley = Grando Telorum
Extended Range = Ambitus Extentus
Indirect Fire = Iaculum Ambagiosum
# Requires translation!
Shock I =
# Requires translation!
Shock II =
# Requires translation!
Shock III =
Drill I = Decursio I
Drill II = Decursio II
Drill III = Decursio III
Charge = Impetus
Besiege = Obsessio
Formation I = Formatio I
Formation II = Formatio II
Blitz = Incursus
Woodsman = Lignator
Medic = Medicus
Medic II = Medicus II
Scouting I = Speculatorius I
Scouting II = Speculatorius II
Scouting III = Speculatorius III
Survivalism I = Vitalis I
Survivalism II = Vitalis II
Survivalism III = Vitalis III
Boarding Party I = Pars Transcensura I
Boarding Party II = Pars Transcensura II
Boarding Party III = Pars Transcensura III
Coastal Raider I = Aggressor Litoris I
Coastal Raider II = Aggressor Litoris II
Coastal Raider III = Aggressor Litoris III
Landing Party = Pars Applicatura
Targeting I = Destinatio I
Targeting II = Destinatio II
Targeting III = Destinatio III
Wolfpack I = Grupus Lupinus I
Wolfpack II = Grupus Lupinus II
Wolfpack III = Grupus Lupinus III
Aircraft Carrier = Aeroplanigera
Armor Plating I = Lorica Laminata I
Armor Plating II = Lorica Laminata II
Armor Plating III = Lorica Laminata III
Flight Deck I = Stega Volatica I
Flight Deck II = Stega Volatica II
Flight Deck III = Stega Volatica III
Supply = Supplementum
Bomber = Bomboplanum
Siege I = Obsidium I
Siege II = Obsidium II
Siege III = Obsidium III
Evasion = Evasio
Fighter = Pugnator
Interception I = Interceptio I
Interception II = Interceptio II
Interception III = Interceptio III
Air Targeting I = Destinatio Aëria I
Air Targeting II = Destinatio Aëria II
# Requires translation!
Sortie =
Operational Range = Ambitus Operationis
Helicopter = Helicopterum
Air Repair = Refectio in Aëre
Mobility I = Mobilitas I
Mobility II = Mobilitas II
Anti-Armor I = Contra Cataphractam I
Anti-Armor II = Contra Cataphractam II
Cover I = Tectio I
Cover II = Tectio II
March = Cursus
Mobility = Mobilitas
Sentry = Custos
Logistics = Apparatio
Ambush I = Insidiæ I
Ambush II = Insidiæ II
Bombardment I = Pyrobolus I
Bombardment II = Pyrobolus II
Bombardment III = Pyrobolus III
# Requires translation!
Morale =
Great Generals I = Duces Magni I
Great Generals II = Duces Magni II
Quick Study = Cognitio Celeris
# Requires translation!
Haka War Dance =
Rejuvenation = Iuventa Renovata
Slinger Withdraw = Funditor Abscedit
Ignore terrain cost = Sumptum ad agrum neglegere
# Requires translation!
Pictish Courage =
Home Sweet Home = Patria Dulcis
[unit] ability = Facultas [unit]
#################### Lines from UnitTypes from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
Civilian Water = Paganus Marinus
Aircraft = Vehiculum Aerium
Atomic Bomber = Bomboplanum Atomicum
Missile = Missile
Armor = Cataphracta
WaterCivilian = Paganus·Marinus
WaterMelee = Marina·Oppugnationis·Propinquæ
WaterRanged = Marina·Oppugnationis·Longinquæ
WaterSubmarine = Navis·Submarina
WaterAircraftCarrier = Navis·Aeroplanigera
AtomicBomber = Bomboplanum·Atomicum
#################### Lines from Units from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
# Requires translation!
This is your basic, club-swinging fighter. =
Maori Warrior = Maori Bellator
Jaguar = Iaguara
Brute = Belua
Archer = Sagittarius
Bowman = Arcitenens
Slinger = Funditor
Skirmisher = Ferentarius
Work Boats = Rates Operantes
Trireme = Triremis
Galley = Myoparo
Chariot Archer = Sagittarius Currilis
War Chariot = Currus Bellicus
War Elephant = Elephantus Bellicus
Hoplite = Hoplites
Persian Immortal = Immortalis Persicus
Marauder = Depopulator
Horseman = Caballarius
Companion Cavalry = Equitatus Contubernalis
Catapult = Fundibulum
Ballista = Ballista
Swordsman = Ensifer
Legion = Legio
Mohawk Warrior = Mohawk Bellator
# Requires translation!
Landsknecht =
Knight = Eques
Camel Archer = Sagittarius Camelarius
Conquistador = Conquistatoris
Naresuan's Elephant = Elephantus Naresuani
Mandekalu Cavalry = Mandekalu Equitatus
# Requires translation!
Keshik =
Crossbowman = Vir cum Arcuballista
# Requires translation!
Chu-Ko-Nu =
Longbowman = Vir cum Arcu Longo
Trebuchet = Trebuchettum
# Requires translation!
Hwach'a =
Longswordsman = Vir cum Gladio Longo
# Requires translation!
Samurai =
# Requires translation!
Berserker =
# Requires translation!
Caravel =
Turtle Ship = Navis Testudinea
Musketeer = Miles cum Mosqueto
Janissary = Gianizarus
Minuteman = Vir Celer
# Requires translation!
Tercio =
Frigate = Fregata
Ship of the Line = Navis Aciei
Lancer = Miles cum Lancea
# Requires translation!
Sipahi =
Cannon = Bombarda
Norwegian Ski Infantry = Pedes Nartator Norvegicus
Cavalry = Equitatus
# Requires translation!
Cossack =
Ironclad = Navis Loricata
Artillery = Artilleria
Foreign Legion = Legio Externa
Carrier = Gerula
Battleship = Navis Pugnans
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Pistolium contra Vehiculum Aerium
Destroyer = Navis Venatoria
Zero = Nil
# Requires translation!
B17 =
Paratrooper = Miles Cadurus de Aëre
Tank = Currus Loricatus
# Requires translation!
Panzer =
Anti-Tank Gun = Pistolium contra Currum Loricatum
Atomic Bomb = Pyrobolum Atomicum
Rocket Artillery = Artilleria Falaricarum
Mobile SAM = Missile Mobile Campo ad Aëra
Guided Missile = Missile Derectum
Nuclear Missile = Missile Nucleare
Helicopter Gunship = Helicopterum Armatum
Nuclear Submarine = Navis Subaquanea Nuclearis
Mechanized Infantry = Pedes Machinarius
Missile Cruiser = Navis Circumvectans Missilium
Modern Armor = Cataphracta Moderna
Jet Fighter = Pugnator Pyraulocineticus
Giant Death Robot = Machina Letifera Permagna
Stealth Bomber = Bomboplanum Occultum
Great Artist = Artifex Magnus
Great Scientist = Physicus Magnus
Great Merchant = Mercator Magnus
Great Engineer = Machinator Magnus
Great General = Dux Magnus
Khan = Chanus
# Requires translation!
SS Booster =
# Requires translation!
SS Cockpit =
# Requires translation!
SS Engine =
# Requires translation!
SS Stasis Chamber =
#################### Lines from VictoryTypes from Civ V - Vanilla ####################
# Requires translation!
Complete all the spaceship parts\nto win! =
# Requires translation!
spaceship parts =
# Requires translation!
You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! =
# Requires translation!
Complete 5 policy branches and\nbuild the Utopia Project to win! =
# Requires translation!
You have achieved victory through the awesome power of your Culture. Your civilization's greatness - the magnificence of its monuments and the power of its artists - have astounded the world! Poets will honor you as long as beauty brings gladness to a weary heart. =
# Requires translation!
Capture all enemy Capitals\nto win! =
# Requires translation!
The world has been convulsed by war. Many great and powerful civilizations have fallen, but you have survived - and emerged victorious! The world will long remember your glorious triumph! =
# Requires translation!
Build the UN and be voted\nworld leader to win! =
# Requires translation!
Anyone should build [buildingFilter] =
# Requires translation!
Win diplomatic vote =
# Requires translation!
You have triumphed over your foes through the art of diplomacy! Your cunning and wisdom have earned you great friends - and divided and sown confusion among your enemies! Forever will you be remembered as the leader who brought peace to this weary world! =
# Requires translation!
Do things to win! =
# Requires translation!
Have highest score after max turns =
#################### Lines from Beliefs from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
Ancestor Worship =
# Requires translation!
Dance of the Aurora =
# Requires translation!
Desert Folklore =
# Requires translation!
Faith Healers =
# Requires translation!
Fertility Rites =
# Requires translation!
God of Craftsman =
# Requires translation!
God of the Open Sky =
# Requires translation!
God of the Sea =
# Requires translation!
God of War =
# Requires translation!
Goddess of Festivals =
# Requires translation!
Goddess of Love =
# Requires translation!
Goddess of Protection =
# Requires translation!
Goddess of the Hunt =
# Requires translation!
Messenger of the Gods =
# Requires translation!
Monument to the Gods =
One with Nature = Unitas cum Natura
# Requires translation!
Oral Tradition =
# Requires translation!
Religious Idols =
# Requires translation!
Religious Settlements =
# Requires translation!
Sacred Path =
# Requires translation!
Sacred Waters =
# Requires translation!
Stone Circles =
# Requires translation!
Asceticism =
Cathedrals = Ecclesiæ Cathedrales
# Requires translation!
Choral Music =
# Requires translation!
Divine inspiration =
# Requires translation!
Feed the World =
# Requires translation!
Guruship =
Holy Warriors = Bellatores Sancti
# Requires translation!
Liturgical Drama =
Monasteries = Monasteria
# Requires translation!
Mosques =
# Requires translation!
Pagodas =
Peace Gardens = Horti Pacales
Religious Art = Ars Religiosa
Religious Center = Centrum Religiosum
# Requires translation!
Religious Community =
# Requires translation!
Swords into Ploughshares =
# Requires translation!
Ceremonial Burial =
# Requires translation!
Church Property =
# Requires translation!
Initiation Rites =
# Requires translation!
Interfaith Dialogue =
# Requires translation!
Papal Primacy =
Peace Loving = Amor Pacis
# Requires translation!
Pilgrimage =
# Requires translation!
Tithe =
World Church = Ecclesia Mundi
Defender of the Faith = Defensor Fidei
Holy Order = Imperium Sanctum
# Requires translation!
Itinerant Preachers =
Just War = Bellum Iustum
Messiah = Messias
# Requires translation!
Missionary Zeal =
# Requires translation!
Religious Texts =
Religious Unity = Unitas Religiosa
# Requires translation!
Reliquary =
#################### Lines from Buildings from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
Stele =
Shrine = Aedis
Pyramid = Pyramis
# Requires translation!
Terracotta Army =
# Requires translation!
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu =
Amphitheater = Amphitheatrum
Petra = Petra
# Requires translation!
'...who drinks the water I shall give him, says the Lord, will have a spring inside him welling up for eternal life. Let them bring me to your holy mountain in the place where you dwell. Across the desert and through the mountain to the Canyon of the Crescent Moon...' - Indiana Jones =
# Requires translation!
Great Mosque of Djenne =
# Requires translation!
'With the magnificence of eternity before us, let time, with all its fluctuations, dwindle into its own littleness.' - Thomas Chalmers =
Grand Temple = Templum Magnum
# Requires translation!
Alhambra =
# Requires translation!
'Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies.' - Joseph Addison =
# Requires translation!
Ceilidh Hall =
Constabulary = Vigiles
Leaning Tower of Pisa = Turris Inclinata Pisis
# Requires translation!
'Don't clap too hard - it's a very old building.' - John Osbourne =
Coffee House = Domus Cafearia
Police Station = Statio Denuntiatorum
# Requires translation!
National Intelligence Agency =
# Requires translation!
Neuschwanstein =
# Requires translation!
'...the location is one of the most beautiful to be found, holy and unapproachable, a worthy temple for the divine friend who has brought salvation and true blessing to the world.' - King Ludwig II of Bavaria =
Recycling Center = Centrum de Regyratione
Great Firewall = Murus Magnus Incendiarius
CN Tower = Turris CN
# Requires translation!
'Nothing travels faster than light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special rules.' - Douglas Adams =
Bomb Shelter = Suffugium a Pyrobolis
# Requires translation!
Hubble Space Telescope =
# Requires translation!
'The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it.' - Anatole France =
Cathedral = Ecclesia Cathedralis
# Requires translation!
Mosque =
# Requires translation!
Pagoda =
#################### Lines from CityStateTypes from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Difficulties from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Eras from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
Marine = Marinus
#################### Lines from Events from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
when number of [countable] is greater than [countable2] = si numerus [countable](e/rum/i/orum) est major quam [countable2](e/rum/i/orum)
Move a unit! = Move centuriam!
# Requires translation!
Click on a unit → Click on a destination → Click the arrow popup. =
Found a city! = Urbem condas!
# Requires translation!
Select the Settler → Click on 'Found city'. =
Enter the city screen! = Ingrediaris ostentum de urbe!
# Requires translation!
Click the city button twice. =
Pick a technology to research! = Elige technologiam inveniendam!
# Requires translation!
Click on the tech button → Select technology → Click 'Research' (bottom right). =
Pick a construction! = Elige constructionem!
# Requires translation!
Enter city screen → Click on a unit or building → Click 'add to queue'. =
Pass a turn! = Passum perficias!
# Requires translation!
Cycle through units with 'Next unit' → Click 'Next turn'. =
Reassign worked tiles! = Muta tegulas operandas!
# Requires translation!
Enter city screen → Click the assigned tile to unassign → Click an unassigned tile to assign population. =
Got it = Scio
# Requires translation!
Meet another civilization! =
# Requires translation!
Explore the map until you encounter another civilization! =
# Requires translation!
Open the options dialog! =
# Requires translation!
Click the menu button (top left) → Click 'Options'. =
Construct an improvement! = Construe meliorationem!
# Requires translation!
Construct a Worker unit → Move it to a Plains or Grassland tile → Click 'Construct improvement' → Choose the farm → Leave the worker there until it's finished. =
Create a trade route! = Viam commercii facias!
# Requires translation!
Construct roads between your capital and another city. Or, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually. =
Conquer a city! = Urbem capias!
# Requires translation!
Bring an enemy city down to low health → Enter the city with a melee unit. =
Move an air unit! = Move centuriam aeriam!
# Requires translation!
Select an air unit → Select another city within range → Move the unit to the other city. =
# Requires translation!
See your stats breakdown! =
# Requires translation!
Enter the Overview screen (top right corner) → Click on 'Stats'. =
#################### Lines from Nations from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
Rim-Sin II =
# Requires translation!
Smerdis =
# Requires translation!
Ilum-ma-ili =
# Requires translation!
Peshgaldaramesh =
# Requires translation!
Ur-zigurumaš =
# Requires translation!
Semiramis =
# Requires translation!
Em =
# Requires translation!
Ishtar =
# Requires translation!
Bilit Taauth =
# Requires translation!
Aruru =
Islam = Islamus
# Requires translation!
Jason =
# Requires translation!
Helena =
# Requires translation!
Alexa =
# Requires translation!
Cletus =
# Requires translation!
Kassandra =
# Requires translation!
Andres =
# Requires translation!
Desdemona =
# Requires translation!
Anthea =
# Requires translation!
Aeneas =
# Requires translation!
Leander =
Christianity = Christianismus
# Requires translation!
Li =
# Requires translation!
Chen =
# Requires translation!
Zhang =
# Requires translation!
Liu =
# Requires translation!
Yang =
# Requires translation!
Huang =
# Requires translation!
Zhao =
# Requires translation!
Wu =
# Requires translation!
Zhou =
# Requires translation!
Sun =
Taoism = Taoismus
# Requires translation!
Refaat =
# Requires translation!
Heba =
# Requires translation!
Salah =
# Requires translation!
Ahmed =
# Requires translation!
Zakaria =
# Requires translation!
Bastet =
# Requires translation!
Ma'at =
# Requires translation!
Nebhet =
# Requires translation!
Tefenet =
# Requires translation!
Neuth =
James = Iacobus
# Requires translation!
Scarlett =
# Requires translation!
Mycroft =
Charlotte = Carola
# Requires translation!
Gwendolyn =
# Requires translation!
Mr. Eks =
# Requires translation!
Dr. Grey =
Andrew = Andreas
# Requires translation!
Scott =
Anne = Anna
# Requires translation!
Jean-Paul =
Martine = Martina
Lucien = Lucianus
François = Franciscus
Augustine = Augustina
# Requires translation!
Monsieur X =
# Requires translation!
Dr. Dupont =
# Requires translation!
Vipère =
# Requires translation!
Yvette =
# Requires translation!
Renard =
Alexei = Alexius
# Requires translation!
Lena =
Dmitry = Demetrius
# Requires translation!
Anastasia =
# Requires translation!
Tatiana =
# Requires translation!
Boris =
# Requires translation!
Doktor Seriy =
# Requires translation!
Mikhail =
# Requires translation!
Natacha =
# Requires translation!
Zmeya =
# Requires translation!
Flavius =
# Requires translation!
Regula =
# Requires translation!
Servius =
# Requires translation!
Lucia =
# Requires translation!
Cornelius =
# Requires translation!
Licina =
# Requires translation!
Canus =
# Requires translation!
Serpens =
# Requires translation!
Agrippa =
# Requires translation!
Brutus =
# Requires translation!
Solhofaat =
# Requires translation!
Khenzeer =
# Requires translation!
Zarafah =
# Requires translation!
Temsaah =
# Requires translation!
Abyadh =
# Requires translation!
Mostafa =
# Requires translation!
Yusuf =
# Requires translation!
Waddah =
# Requires translation!
Sameera =
# Requires translation!
Gamal =
# Requires translation!
Cousin =
Felix = Felix
Dennis = Dionysius
Edward = Edwardus
# Requires translation!
Prof. Rex =
# Requires translation!
Eliza =
Mary = Maria
# Requires translation!
Virginia =
Barbara = Barbara
# Requires translation!
Akaishi =
# Requires translation!
Oki =
# Requires translation!
Hattori =
# Requires translation!
Morozumi =
# Requires translation!
Momochi =
# Requires translation!
Kawashima =
# Requires translation!
Orin =
# Requires translation!
Sakanishi =
# Requires translation!
Kaede =
# Requires translation!
Mochizuki =
Shinto = Sintoismus
# Requires translation!
Ashok =
# Requires translation!
Shanx =
# Requires translation!
Hormis =
# Requires translation!
Sanjeev =
# Requires translation!
Ananda =
# Requires translation!
Rani =
# Requires translation!
Parvati =
# Requires translation!
Mukta =
# Requires translation!
Karishma =
# Requires translation!
Jyotsna =
Hinduism = Hinduismus
Johann = Johannes
Marlene = Marlena
Wilhelm = Gulielmus
Eva = Eva
# Requires translation!
Heinz =
# Requires translation!
Horst =
Carl = Carolus
# Requires translation!
Viper =
# Requires translation!
Albrecht =
Anton = Antonius
# Requires translation!
Ibrahim =
# Requires translation!
Bayezid =
# Requires translation!
Sokollu =
# Requires translation!
Mahmut =
# Requires translation!
Uveys =
# Requires translation!
Roxelana =
# Requires translation!
Safiye =
# Requires translation!
Hafsa =
# Requires translation!
Kosem =
# Requires translation!
Nurbanu =
# Requires translation!
Kim =
# Requires translation!
Park =
# Requires translation!
Han =
# Requires translation!
Na =
# Requires translation!
Kong =
# Requires translation!
Yu =
# Requires translation!
Ahn =
# Requires translation!
Da =
# Requires translation!
Eun =
Confucianism = Confucianismus
# Requires translation!
Onatah =
# Requires translation!
Oneida =
# Requires translation!
Oshadagea =
# Requires translation!
Otetiani =
# Requires translation!
Genesee =
# Requires translation!
Dadgayadoh =
# Requires translation!
Otwtiani =
# Requires translation!
Kateri =
# Requires translation!
Onondakai =
# Requires translation!
Honanyawus =
# Requires translation!
Azi =
# Requires translation!
Dabir =
# Requires translation!
Firuz =
# Requires translation!
Gaspar =
# Requires translation!
Shahzad =
# Requires translation!
Aga =
# Requires translation!
Marjane =
# Requires translation!
Peri =
# Requires translation!
Sartaj =
# Requires translation!
Yasmin =
Zoroastrianism = Zoroastrismus
# Requires translation!
Tiki =
# Requires translation!
Hotu Matua =
# Requires translation!
Rongo-ma-tane =
# Requires translation!
Kupe =
# Requires translation!
Haloti =
# Requires translation!
Degei =
# Requires translation!
Babamik =
# Requires translation!
Kulu Lau =
# Requires translation!
Nangananga =
# Requires translation!
Turua =
# Requires translation!
Aran =
# Requires translation!
Chanarong =
# Requires translation!
Kiet =
# Requires translation!
Niran =
# Requires translation!
Virote =
# Requires translation!
Kulap =
# Requires translation!
Mayuree =
# Requires translation!
Phueng =
# Requires translation!
Ratana =
# Requires translation!
Tola =
Buddhism = Buddhismus
# Requires translation!
Rodrigo =
# Requires translation!
Esmeralda =
# Requires translation!
Mathilda =
# Requires translation!
Ramona =
Señor X = Senior X
# Requires translation!
Topolino =
# Requires translation!
Serpiente =
# Requires translation!
Garcia =
# Requires translation!
El Lobo =
# Requires translation!
Ahmadou =
# Requires translation!
Ayub =
# Requires translation!
Badru =
# Requires translation!
Bokhari =
# Requires translation!
Guedado =
# Requires translation!
Adhiambo =
# Requires translation!
Chinaka =
# Requires translation!
Laila =
# Requires translation!
Mariama =
# Requires translation!
Oni =
# Requires translation!
Asashōryū =
# Requires translation!
Tömöriin =
# Requires translation!
Zevegiin =
# Requires translation!
Jigjidiin =
# Requires translation!
Enkhbat =
# Requires translation!
Mönkhbayar =
# Requires translation!
Gündegmaa =
# Requires translation!
Ssima =
# Requires translation!
Batachikhan =
# Requires translation!
Chulunny =
# Requires translation!
Tengriism =
# Requires translation!
Metztli =
# Requires translation!
Xitllali =
# Requires translation!
Chimalli =
# Requires translation!
Quauhtli =
# Requires translation!
Teyacapan =
# Requires translation!
Yaotl =
# Requires translation!
Coatl =
# Requires translation!
Huitzilin =
# Requires translation!
Itzli =
# Requires translation!
Tepin =
# Requires translation!
Amaru =
# Requires translation!
Apichu =
# Requires translation!
Pariapichiu =
# Requires translation!
Puma =
# Requires translation!
Quenti =
# Requires translation!
Suyuntu =
# Requires translation!
Uturuncu =
# Requires translation!
Purutu =
# Requires translation!
Ozcollo =
Jørgen = Georgius
Mette = Margarita
# Requires translation!
Henrik =
Niels = Nicolaus
# Requires translation!
Helle =
# Requires translation!
Frederik =
# Requires translation!
Ida =
# Requires translation!
Thea =
# Requires translation!
Freja =
Morten = Martinus
Attila the Hun = Attila
# Requires translation!
I grow tired of this throne. I think I should like to have yours instead. =
# Requires translation!
Now what is this?! You ask me to add your riches to my great avails. The invitation is accepted. =
My people will mourn me not with tears, but with human blood. = Populus meus maerebit me sine lacrimis, sed cum cruore hominum.
# Requires translation!
You are in the presence of Attila, scourge of Rome. Do not let hubris be your downfall as well. =
# Requires translation!
This is better than you deserve, but let it not be said that I am an unfair man. =
# Requires translation!
Good day to you. =
Scourge of God = Flagellum Dei
# Requires translation!
Great Attila, mighty warrior and leader of the Hunnic empire, your men bow down before you. During the 5th century, you and your brother Bleda have conquered many lands, forged a mighty empire and commanded the most powerful and frightening force of antiquity. You inspired fear to the Roman Emperors themselves, who called you 'Flagellum Dei', the 'Scourge of God', as you took kingdom after kingdom in the Balkans, invaded Eastern Roman Empire, into Gaul and Northern Italy, and planned to conquer Rome itself. Your empire didn't survive long after your death, but your name and your legend have, for millenia to come. =
# Requires translation!
Fearsome General, your mighty hordes are at your command, waiting to crush your foes once again and to conquer all the riches the world has to offer! Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Balamber =
# Requires translation!
Uldin =
# Requires translation!
Donatus =
# Requires translation!
Charato =
# Requires translation!
Octar =
# Requires translation!
Bleda =
# Requires translation!
Ellac =
# Requires translation!
Dengizik =
# Requires translation!
Hildico =
# Requires translation!
Gudrun =
# Requires translation!
Attila's Court =
The Huns = Hunni
William of Orange = Gulielmus Auriacus
# Requires translation!
As much as I despise war, I consider it a, hahaha, contribution to the common cause to erase your existence. =
# Requires translation!
You call yourself an exalted ruler, but I see nothing more than a smartly dressed barbarian! =
# Requires translation!
My God, be merciful to my soul. My God, feel pity for this... my poor people! =
# Requires translation!
I am William of Orange, stadtholder of The Netherlands. Did you need anything? I still have a lot to do. =
# Requires translation!
I believe I have something that may be of some importance to you. =
# Requires translation!
Once again, greetings. =
Dutch East India Company = Societas Batava Indiae Orientalis
# Requires translation!
Greetings to the wise and brave Prince William of Orange, who freed the Netherlands and gave strength to the Dutch people. In 1568, you led a rebellion against Spanish dominion, to gain freedom for your people, and therefore starting the Eighty Years' War. Your actions were all aimed to create one of Europe's first modern republics, the Seven United Provinces. The rebellion was the meaning of your very life and death, as it was also the cause of your assassination in 1584. But your death has given even more pride and courage to your people, to fight for liberty against any oppressors. Carved in history as the 'Father of the Fatherland', your name is a symbol of Dutch independence for eternity. =
# Requires translation!
Brave Prince, your people ask for your wisdom to gain its freedom once more, and to illuminate the world with progressive and modern ideas. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Joost =
# Requires translation!
Hendrika =
# Requires translation!
Marten =
# Requires translation!
Anke =
# Requires translation!
Guus =
# Requires translation!
Mr. X =
# Requires translation!
Dr. Grijs =
# Requires translation!
Willem =
# Requires translation!
Thijs =
# Requires translation!
Neef =
# Requires translation!
Amsterdam =
# Requires translation!
Rotterdam =
# Requires translation!
Utrecht =
# Requires translation!
Groningen =
# Requires translation!
Breda =
# Requires translation!
Nijmegen =
# Requires translation!
Den Haag =
# Requires translation!
Haarlem =
# Requires translation!
Arnhem =
# Requires translation!
Zutphen =
# Requires translation!
Maastricht =
# Requires translation!
Tilburg =
# Requires translation!
Eindhoven =
# Requires translation!
Dordrecht =
# Requires translation!
Leiden =
# Requires translation!
's Hertogenbosch =
# Requires translation!
Almere =
# Requires translation!
Alkmaar =
# Requires translation!
Brielle =
# Requires translation!
Vlissingen =
# Requires translation!
Apeldoorn =
# Requires translation!
Enschede =
# Requires translation!
Amersfoort =
# Requires translation!
Zwolle =
# Requires translation!
Venlo =
# Requires translation!
Uden =
# Requires translation!
Grave =
# Requires translation!
Delft =
# Requires translation!
Gouda =
# Requires translation!
Nieuwstadt =
# Requires translation!
Weesp =
# Requires translation!
Coevorden =
# Requires translation!
Kerkrade =
The Netherlands = Batavia
# Requires translation!
Gustavus Adolphus =
# Requires translation!
The Hakkapeliittas will ride again and your men will fall just at the sight of my cavalry! God with us! =
# Requires translation!
Ha ha ha, captain Gars will be very glad to head out to war again. =
# Requires translation!
I am Sweden's king. You can take my lands, my people, my kingdom, but you will never reach the House of Vasa. =
# Requires translation!
Stranger, welcome to the Snow King's kingdom! I am Gustavus Adolphus, member of the esteemed House of Vasa =
# Requires translation!
My friend, it is my belief that this settlement can benefit both our peoples. =
# Requires translation!
Oh, welcome! =
# Requires translation!
Oh, it is you. =
Nobel Prize = Praemium Nobelianum
# Requires translation!
All hail Great King Gustavus Adolphus, founder of the Swedish Empire, and one of the most famous military tacticians. In the early 17th century, Sweden emerged as a great power in Europe under your reign, thanks to your wisdom, both in diplomacy and warfare. As king, you decided to reform Swedish laws to bring economic stability and prosperity to your people. Your allies, and also your enemies, called you the 'Lion of the North', witnessing your modern vision of warfare, and the prowess of your armies on the battlefield. As you triumphed in the Thirty Years' War, your name will be forever remembered as one of history's greatest generals. =
# Requires translation!
O noble King, will you lend your leadership and brilliant ideas to Sweden once again, to conceive strategies never seen before? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Leif =
# Requires translation!
Ingegard =
# Requires translation!
Sören =
# Requires translation!
Ragnhild =
# Requires translation!
Lars =
# Requires translation!
Lina =
# Requires translation!
Herr Grå =
# Requires translation!
Magnus =
# Requires translation!
Vilma =
# Requires translation!
Kusin =
# Requires translation!
Stockholm =
# Requires translation!
Uppsala =
# Requires translation!
Gothenburg =
# Requires translation!
Malmö =
# Requires translation!
Linköping =
# Requires translation!
Kalmar =
# Requires translation!
Skara =
# Requires translation!
Västerås =
# Requires translation!
Jönköping =
# Requires translation!
Visby =
# Requires translation!
Falun =
# Requires translation!
Norrköping =
# Requires translation!
Gävle =
# Requires translation!
Halmstad =
# Requires translation!
Karlskrona =
# Requires translation!
Hudiksvall =
# Requires translation!
Örebro =
# Requires translation!
Umeå =
# Requires translation!
Karlstad =
# Requires translation!
Helsingborg =
# Requires translation!
Härnösand =
# Requires translation!
Vadstena =
# Requires translation!
Lund =
# Requires translation!
Västervik =
# Requires translation!
Enköping =
# Requires translation!
Skövde =
# Requires translation!
Eskilstuna =
# Requires translation!
Luleå =
# Requires translation!
Lidköping =
# Requires translation!
Södertälje =
# Requires translation!
Mariestad =
# Requires translation!
Östersund =
# Requires translation!
Borås =
# Requires translation!
Sundsvall =
# Requires translation!
Vimmerby =
# Requires translation!
Köping =
# Requires translation!
Mora =
# Requires translation!
Arboga =
# Requires translation!
Växjö =
# Requires translation!
Gränna =
# Requires translation!
Kiruna =
# Requires translation!
Borgholm =
# Requires translation!
Strängnäs =
# Requires translation!
Sveg =
Sweden = Suecia
Maria Theresa = Maria Theresia
# Requires translation!
Shame that it has come this far. But ye wished it so. Next time, be so good, choose your words more wisely. =
# Requires translation!
What a fool ye are! Ye will end swiftly and miserably. =
# Requires translation!
The world is pitiful! There's no beauty in it, no wisdom. I am almost glad to go. =
# Requires translation!
The archduchess of Austria welcomes your Eminence to... Oh let's get this over with! I have a luncheon at four o'clock. =
# Requires translation!
I see you admire my new damask. Nobody should say that I am an unjust woman. Let's reach an agreement! =
# Requires translation!
Oh, it's ye! =
Diplomatic Marriage = Conubium Diplomaticum
Noble and pious Queen Maria Theresa, Holy Roman Empress and sovereign of Austria, the people revere your grace. After the death of your father King Charles VI, you inherited the throne of Austria during difficult economic and military times. But you used your wisdom and unflinching determination to fend off your foes and resolve any obstacles to stability and prosperity. With your husband Francis Stephen at your side as co-ruler, you assured your place as Empress of the Holy Roman Empire. During your reign, you reformed Austria in several domains, as you gifted it with a powerful army, a stable economic model, and an improved educational system. = Maria Theresia, Regina pia ac nobilis, Imperatrix Sacri Romani Imperii atque dominatio Austriae, populus reveretur tuam gratiam. Postquam Rex, Carolus VI, pater tuus, erat mortuus, hereditavisti archiducatum Austriae in saeculo difficili de oeconomia et militia. Sed tuá prudentia, destinatione interritaque usa es ad expugnationem hostium tuorum et solvisti obstacula cumque ad stabilitem prosperitemque. Cum Francisco Stephano, tuo marito ac pari rege, tu confirmavisti statum tuum ut Imperatrix Sacri Romani Imperii eras. In dominatione tua, reformavisti Austriam de conspectibus nonnullis, ut donavisti ei legionem potentem, typum stabilem de oeconomia et systema melioratum de eruditione.
# Requires translation!
O Great Queen, proud and dignified, by the will of God and the Divine right, can you reach the height of prosperity and splendor the kingdom of Austria deserves? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Ferdinand =
# Requires translation!
Johanna =
# Requires translation!
Franz-Josef =
# Requires translation!
Astrid =
# Requires translation!
Anna =
# Requires translation!
Hubert =
# Requires translation!
Alois =
# Requires translation!
Natter =
# Requires translation!
Georg =
# Requires translation!
Arnold =
Vienna = Vienna
# Requires translation!
Salzburg =
# Requires translation!
Graz =
# Requires translation!
Linz =
# Requires translation!
Klagenfurt =
# Requires translation!
Bregenz =
# Requires translation!
Innsbruck =
# Requires translation!
Kitzbühel =
# Requires translation!
St. Pölten =
# Requires translation!
Eisenstadt =
# Requires translation!
Villach =
# Requires translation!
Zwettl =
# Requires translation!
Traun =
# Requires translation!
Wels =
# Requires translation!
Dornbirn =
# Requires translation!
Feldkirch =
# Requires translation!
Amstetten =
# Requires translation!
Bad Ischl =
# Requires translation!
Wolfsberg =
# Requires translation!
Kufstein =
# Requires translation!
Leoben =
# Requires translation!
Klosterneuburg =
# Requires translation!
Leonding =
# Requires translation!
Kapfenberg =
# Requires translation!
Hallein =
# Requires translation!
Bischofshofen =
# Requires translation!
Waidhofen =
# Requires translation!
Saalbach =
# Requires translation!
Lienz =
# Requires translation!
Steyr =
Austria = Austria
Dido = Dido
# Requires translation!
Tell me, do you all know how numerous my armies, elephants and the gdadons are? No? Today, you shall find out! =
# Requires translation!
Fate is against you. You earned the animosity of Carthage in your exploration. Your days are numbered. =
# Requires translation!
The fates became to hate me. This is it? You wouldn't destroy us so without their help. =
# Requires translation!
The Phoenicians welcome you to this most pleasant kingdom. I am Dido, the queen of Carthage and all that belongs to it. =
# Requires translation!
I just had the marvelous idea, and I think you'll appreciate it too. =
# Requires translation!
What is it now? =
Phoenician Heritage = Hereditas Phoenicia
# Requires translation!
Greetings to you, revered Queen Dido, ruler of the legendary kingdom of Carthage. The great poet Virgil related your great history, how your husband Acerbas was murdered by your own brother, King Pygmalion of Tyre, to steal the treasures of your family that were rightfully yours. But you endured his pressure until you and your compatriots decided to flee and sail for new lands. The gods led you to the shores of North Africa, and with cunning diplomacy, you expanded the territory of your new home, and laid the basis for the future kingdom of Carthage. =
# Requires translation!
Clever and proud Dido, the storm is coming and your people look for a shelter under your wise and powerful protection. Can you create a new and radiant Carthage able to cleave the darkness? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Hamilcar =
# Requires translation!
Mago =
# Requires translation!
Baalhaan =
# Requires translation!
Sophoniba =
# Requires translation!
Yzebel =
# Requires translation!
Similce =
# Requires translation!
Kandaulo =
# Requires translation!
Zinnridi =
# Requires translation!
Gisgo =
# Requires translation!
Fierelus =
Carthage = Carthago
# Requires translation!
Utique =
# Requires translation!
Hippo Regius =
# Requires translation!
Gades =
# Requires translation!
Saguntum =
Carthago Nova = Carthago Nova
# Requires translation!
Panormus =
# Requires translation!
Lilybaeum =
# Requires translation!
Hadrumetum =
# Requires translation!
Zama Regia =
# Requires translation!
Karalis =
# Requires translation!
Malaca =
# Requires translation!
Leptis Magna =
# Requires translation!
Hippo Diarrhytus =
# Requires translation!
Motya =
# Requires translation!
Sulci =
# Requires translation!
Leptis Parva =
# Requires translation!
Tharros =
# Requires translation!
Soluntum =
# Requires translation!
Lixus =
# Requires translation!
Oea =
# Requires translation!
Theveste =
# Requires translation!
Ibossim =
# Requires translation!
Thapsus =
# Requires translation!
Aleria =
# Requires translation!
Tingis =
# Requires translation!
Abyla =
# Requires translation!
Sabratha =
# Requires translation!
Rusadir =
# Requires translation!
Baecula =
# Requires translation!
Saldae =
Theodora = Theodora
# Requires translation!
It is always a shame to destroy a thing of beauty. Happily, you are not one. =
# Requires translation!
Now darling, tantrums are most unbecoming. I shall have to teach you a lesson. =
# Requires translation!
Like a child playing with toys you are. My people will never love you, nor suffer this indignation gracefully. =
# Requires translation!
My, isn't this a pleasant surprise - what may I call you, oh mysterious stranger? I am Theodora, beloved of Byzantium. =
# Requires translation!
I have heard that you adept at certain kinds of ... interactions. Show me. =
# Requires translation!
Hello again. =
Patriarchate of Constantinople = Patriarchatus Constantinopolitanus
Magnificent Empress Theodora, beloved of Byzantium and of Rome, your people salute you! With your beauty and intelligence, you rose up from actress and courtesan to the rank of the most powerful woman in the Roman Empire, as wife of Justinian I. In the late 520's AD, you helped your husband engage in spiritual and legal reforms, promugalting numerous laws to improve women's status and treatment in the empire. You also made of Constantinople the jewel of the Eastern Roman Empire with the restoration and construction of many aqueducts, bridges, and churches, its beauty culminating with the creation of the Hagia Sophia, one of the most splendid pieces of architecture in the world. = Theodora, Imperatrix magna, amaris Byzantio et Roma. Populus tuus salutat te! Cum tua facie intellegentiaque, ab actrice ac meretrice ad feminam potentissimam in Imperio Romano surrexisti, ut marita Iustiniani I eras. In fine DXXX annorum Domini, maritum tuum ad reformationes spiritales et justa adjuvisti, jura ad meliorationem status et curationis feminarum in imperio promulgavisti. Etiam fecisti Constantinopolim lapidem Imperii Romani Orientalis cum refectio constructioneque aquaeductuum, pontium, ecclesiarumque. Pulchritudo sua surrexit ad altissimam cum creatione Sanctae Sapientiae, quae est unum de aedificiis pulcherrimis in mundo.
# Requires translation!
Beautiful Empress,the Byzantine Empire's magnificence is intact in all memories, and ready to reborn as the new jewel of humankind. Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Basil =
# Requires translation!
Nikophoros =
# Requires translation!
Demetrios =
# Requires translation!
Philippos =
# Requires translation!
Theophylaktos =
# Requires translation!
Simonis =
# Requires translation!
Zoe =
# Requires translation!
Ioanno =
# Requires translation!
Xene =
# Requires translation!
Euphrosyne =
Constantinople = Constantinopolis
Adrianople = Adrianopolis
Nicaea = Nicaea
Antioch = Antiochia
# Requires translation!
Varna =
# Requires translation!
Ohrid =
# Requires translation!
Nicomedia =
# Requires translation!
Trebizond =
Cherson = Cherronesus
# Requires translation!
Sardica =
# Requires translation!
Ani =
# Requires translation!
Dyrrachium =
# Requires translation!
Edessa =
Chalcedon = Chalcedon
# Requires translation!
Naissus =
# Requires translation!
Bari =
# Requires translation!
Iconium =
# Requires translation!
Prilep =
# Requires translation!
Samosata =
# Requires translation!
Kars =
Theodosiopolis = Theodosiopolis
# Requires translation!
Tyana =
Gaza = Gaza
# Requires translation!
Kerkyra =
# Requires translation!
Phoenice =
# Requires translation!
Selymbria =
# Requires translation!
Sillyon =
# Requires translation!
Chrysopolis =
# Requires translation!
Vodena =
# Requires translation!
Traianoupoli =
# Requires translation!
Constantia =
Patra = Patrae
# Requires translation!
Korinthos =
Byzantium = Byzantium
Boudicca = Boudicca
# Requires translation!
You shall stain this land no longer with your vileness! To arms, my countrymen. We ride to war! =
# Requires translation!
Traitorous man! The Celtic peoples will not stand for such wanton abuse and slander - I shall have your balls! =
# Requires translation!
Vile ruler, know you have won this war in name alone. Your cities lie buried and your troops defeated. I have my own victory. =
# Requires translation!
I am Boudicca, Queen of the Celts. Let no-one underestimate me! =
# Requires translation!
Let us join our forces together and reap the rewards. =
# Requires translation!
God has given good to you. =
Druidic Lore = Fama Druidarum
# Requires translation!
May glory and honor always be upon you, Warrior Queen! In a time dominated by men, you successfully claimed the throne and the power, but also valiantly defied the mighty Roman Empire. Punished and humiliated by the hand of the Roman bloody invaders, you united your people and led a terrible revolt, to seek revenge. Many legions fell under your fierce attacks and you burned the city of London with your anger. While the Romans still kept ownership of your land after your final defeat, your actions nonetheless showed Rome that this land could never be fully conquered, making Nero himself consider to withdraw all troops and leaving Britain forever. =
# Requires translation!
O raging lioness, will you lead the Celts again under the glory of your name, to spread the fires of liberty, and achieve a final victory? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Crìsdean =
# Requires translation!
Siobhán =
# Requires translation!
Seamus =
# Requires translation!
Ffion =
# Requires translation!
Pádraig =
# Requires translation!
Deirdre =
# Requires translation!
Mr. Quinn =
# Requires translation!
Éadaoin =
# Requires translation!
Alwyn =
# Requires translation!
Col Ceathar =
# Requires translation!
Cardiff =
# Requires translation!
Truro =
# Requires translation!
Douglas =
# Requires translation!
Glasgow =
# Requires translation!
Cork =
# Requires translation!
Aberystwyth =
# Requires translation!
Penzance =
# Requires translation!
Ramsey =
# Requires translation!
Inverness =
# Requires translation!
Limerick =
# Requires translation!
Swansea =
# Requires translation!
St. Ives =
# Requires translation!
Peel =
# Requires translation!
Aberdeen =
# Requires translation!
Belfast =
# Requires translation!
Caernarfon =
# Requires translation!
Newquay =
# Requires translation!
Saint-Nazaire =
# Requires translation!
Castletown =
# Requires translation!
Stirling =
# Requires translation!
Galway =
# Requires translation!
Conwy =
# Requires translation!
St. Austell =
# Requires translation!
Saint-Malo =
# Requires translation!
Onchan =
# Requires translation!
Dundee =
# Requires translation!
Londonderry =
# Requires translation!
Llanfairpwllgwyngyll =
# Requires translation!
Falmouth =
# Requires translation!
Lorient =
Celts = Celtæ
# Requires translation!
Haile Selassie =
# Requires translation!
I have tried all other avenues, but yet you persist in this madness. I hope, for your sake, your end is swift. =
# Requires translation!
It is silence that allows evil to triumph. We will not stand mute and allow you to continue on this mad quest unchecked. =
# Requires translation!
God and history will remember your actions this day. I hope you are ready for your impending judgment. =
# Requires translation!
A thousand welcomes to our fair nation. I am Selassie, the Ras Tafari Makonnen and Emperor of Ethiopia, your humble servant. =
# Requires translation!
I request that you consider this offer between our two peoples. I believe it will do us both good. =
Spirit of Adwa = Spiritus de Adwa
# Requires translation!
May God bless you, wise and righteous Emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie. As one of Ethiopia's greatest rulers and a spiritual leader of the Rastafarian movement, your good influence on diplomacy and political cooperation are praised throughout the world. You created Ethiopia's first written constitution, and favorized democracy for years to come, your great wisdom making Ethiopia enter as a charter member in the United Nations. Always aiming to reform and modernize your nation, you changed Ethiopian destiny for the best. =
# Requires translation!
Revered King, your knowledge and intelligence are required once again to protect your people from many threats in the world. Will you secure peace and stability, with benevolence and authority, in the radiance of the Kebra Nagast? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Mulu Ken =
# Requires translation!
Wendimu =
# Requires translation!
Li'ol =
# Requires translation!
Demeke =
# Requires translation!
Mulu Alem =
# Requires translation!
Abebech =
# Requires translation!
Zema =
# Requires translation!
Mihret =
# Requires translation!
Kebedech =
# Requires translation!
Alemnesh =
# Requires translation!
Addis Ababa =
# Requires translation!
Harar =
# Requires translation!
Adwa =
# Requires translation!
Lalibela =
# Requires translation!
Gondar =
# Requires translation!
Axum =
# Requires translation!
Dire Dawa =
# Requires translation!
Bahir Dar =
# Requires translation!
Adama =
# Requires translation!
Mek'ele =
# Requires translation!
Awasa =
# Requires translation!
Jimma =
# Requires translation!
Jijiga =
# Requires translation!
Dessie =
# Requires translation!
Debre Berhan =
# Requires translation!
Shashamane =
# Requires translation!
Debre Zeyit =
# Requires translation!
Sodo =
# Requires translation!
Hosaena =
# Requires translation!
Nekemte =
# Requires translation!
Asella =
# Requires translation!
Dila =
# Requires translation!
Adigrat =
# Requires translation!
Debre Markos =
# Requires translation!
Kombolcha =
# Requires translation!
Debre Tabor =
# Requires translation!
Sebeta =
# Requires translation!
Shire =
# Requires translation!
Ambo =
# Requires translation!
Negele Arsi =
# Requires translation!
Gambela =
# Requires translation!
Ziway =
# Requires translation!
Weldiya =
Ethiopia = Æthiopia
# Requires translation!
Pacal =
# Requires translation!
A sacrifice unlike all others must be made! =
# Requires translation!
Muahahahahahaha! =
# Requires translation!
Today comes a great searing pain. With you comes the path to the black storm. =
# Requires translation!
Greetings, wayward one. I am known as Pacal. =
# Requires translation!
Friend, I believe I may have found a way to save us all! Look, look and accept my offering! =
# Requires translation!
A fine day, it helps you. =
The Long Count = Numeratio Longinqua
# Requires translation!
Kneel before King Pacal the Great, son of the gods and protector of the Palenque domain! After your kingdom has been harassed for years by neighboring rivals, you struck back at the enemies of your people, defeating each of them and sacrificing their leaders as a retribution to the insults made to your ancestors. Your wisdom and hard will not only restored the glory of Palenque, but turned it into a magnificient city, as your people built the greatest monuments and architecture the world has ever known. =
# Requires translation!
Absolute King, your people need you to save the great Mayan culture and knowledge. Will you be able to read the movement of the stars, and find in the heavens the power to repel any foes? Will your new empire shine through the ages of history? =
# Requires translation!
Camazotz =
# Requires translation!
Coyopa =
# Requires translation!
Gukumatz =
# Requires translation!
Hunahpu =
# Requires translation!
Huracan =
# Requires translation!
Ixchel =
# Requires translation!
Ixtab =
# Requires translation!
Kukulkán =
# Requires translation!
Xbalanque =
# Requires translation!
Zipacna =
# Requires translation!
Palenque =
# Requires translation!
Tikal =
# Requires translation!
Uxmal =
# Requires translation!
Tulum =
# Requires translation!
Copan =
# Requires translation!
Coba =
# Requires translation!
El Mirador =
# Requires translation!
Calakmul =
# Requires translation!
Edzna =
# Requires translation!
Lamanai =
# Requires translation!
Izapa =
# Requires translation!
Uaxactun =
# Requires translation!
Comalcalco =
# Requires translation!
Piedras Negras =
# Requires translation!
Cancuen =
# Requires translation!
Yaxha =
# Requires translation!
Quirigua =
# Requires translation!
Q'umarkaj =
# Requires translation!
Nakbe =
# Requires translation!
Cerros =
# Requires translation!
Xunantunich =
# Requires translation!
Takalik Abaj =
# Requires translation!
Cival =
# Requires translation!
San Bartolo =
# Requires translation!
Altar de Sacrificios =
# Requires translation!
Seibal =
# Requires translation!
Caracol =
# Requires translation!
Naranjo =
# Requires translation!
Dos Pilas =
# Requires translation!
Mayapan =
# Requires translation!
Ixinche =
# Requires translation!
Zaculeu =
# Requires translation!
Kabah =
The Maya = Mayæ
# Requires translation!
I didn't want to do this. We declare war. =
# Requires translation!
I will fear no evil. For god is with me! =
# Requires translation!
Why have you forsaken us my lord? =
# Requires translation!
Bratislava =
# Requires translation!
We have wanted this for a LONG time. War it shall be. =
# Requires translation!
Very well, we will kick you back to the ancient era! =
# Requires translation!
This isn't how it is supposed to be! =
# Requires translation!
Cahokia =
# Requires translation!
By god's grace we will not allow these atrocities to occur any longer. We declare war! =
# Requires translation!
May god have mercy on your evil soul. =
# Requires translation!
I for one welcome our new conquer overlord! =
# Requires translation!
Jerusalem =
#################### Lines from Policies from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Quests from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Religions from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
Judaism = Religio Iudaica
Sikhism = Sichismus
#################### Lines from Ruins from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
We have found holy symbols in the ruins, giving us a deeper understanding of religion! (+[faithAmount] Faith) =
# Requires translation!
discover holy symbols =
# Requires translation!
We have found an ancient prophecy in the ruins, greatly increasing our spiritual connection! (+[faithAmount] Faith) =
# Requires translation!
an ancient prophecy =
#################### Lines from Specialists from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Speeds from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Techs from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
'What is drama but life with the dull bits cut out.' - Alfred Hitchcock =
Drama and Poetry = Drama et Poetica
# Requires translation!
'The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained...' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib =
Guilds = Guilds
# Requires translation!
'Architecture begins where engineering ends.' - Walter Gropius =
Architecture = Architectura
# Requires translation!
'Industrialization based on machinery, already referred to as a characteristic of our age, is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology.' - Emily Greene Balch =
Industrialization = Industrializatio
# Requires translation!
'Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest.' - Jean Paul =
Ballistics = Ars Ballistaria
# Requires translation!
'The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest.' - Ludwig von Mises =
Combined Arms = Arma Collecta
# Requires translation!
'The more we elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate.' - J.B. Priestly =
Telecommunications = Res Telecommunicatoriae
# Requires translation!
'All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.' - Sun Tzu =
Mobile Tactics = Ars de Mobilitate
#################### Lines from Terrains from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
Mount Kailash =
# Requires translation!
Mount Sinai =
# Requires translation!
Sri Pada =
# Requires translation!
Uluru =
#################### Lines from TileImprovements from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
# Requires translation!
Polder =
#################### Lines from TileResources from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
Citrus = Citrea
Copper = Aeramen
Crab = Gammari
Salt = Sal
Truffles = Tubera
#################### Lines from UnitPromotions from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
Devout = Devotus
# Requires translation!
Hussar =
# Requires translation!
Hakkapeliitta =
Privateer = Cursarius
#################### Lines from UnitTypes from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Units from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
Atlatlist = Iaculator
Quinquereme = Quinqueremis
# Requires translation!
Dromon =
Horse Archer = Caballarius Sagittarius
Battering Ram = Aries
Pictish Warrior = Bellator Pictus
African Forest Elephant = Elephantus Silvestris Africanus
Cataphract = Clibanarius
Composite Bowman = Vir cum Arcu Composito
# Requires translation!
Galleass =
Sea Beggar = Rogator Marinus
Gatling Gun = Polybolum Gatlingianum
Carolean = Carolus
# Requires translation!
Mehal Sefari =
Great War Infantry = Pedes de Bello Magno
Triplane = Triplanum
Great War Bomber = Bomboplanum de Bello Magno
Machine Gun = Polybolum
Landship = Navis Terræ
Great Prophet = Propheta Magnus
Missionary = Missionarius
Inquisitor = Inquisitor
#################### Lines from VictoryTypes from Civ V - Gods & Kings ####################
#################### Lines from Tutorials ####################
# Requires translation!
Introduction =
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv!\nBecause this is a complex game, there are basic tasks to help familiarize you with the game.\nThese are completely optional, and you're welcome to explore the game on your own! =
# Requires translation!
Welcome to Unciv! =
# Requires translation!
Because this is a complex game, there are some tutorials to help familiarize you with it. These can be disbaled in the Options -> Display menu, but please hang on if you're new here! =
# Requires translation!
Your first mission is to found your capital city. This is actually an important task because your capital city will probably be your most prosperous. Many game bonuses apply only to your capital city, and it will be the center of your empire. =
# Requires translation!
How do you know a city location is appropriate? Luckily, the game has already chosen a good location for you. You can settle in this place, or maybe move a turn to found on a Hill (for Production and defence) or next to a Mountain (to gain access to the Observatory building later on). =
# Requires translation!
You'll likely want more cities later on. For these cities, you must go and find a good place. Looking for and founding on or near Luxury resources is a good rule of thumb. =
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources are tiles that have things like Gems, Cotton, or Silk (indicated by a yellow background of the resource icon). These resources make your civilization happy. You should also keep an eye out for resources needed to build units, such as Iron. Cities cannot be built within 3 tiles of existing cities, which is another thing to keep in mind! =
# Requires translation!
Cities will house Citizens, which can work tiles up to 3 tiles away from the city. This means you don’t have to settle cities right on or next to good tiles. Let’s say, for example, that you want access to some Iron – but the resource is in a desert area. You don’t have to settle your city in the desert. You can settle a few tiles away in more prosperous lands. Your city will grow and eventually gain access to the resource. You only need to settle right on top of resources if you need them immediately. =
# Requires translation!
The first thing coming out of your city depends on the strategy you want to follow, but the 'classic' build order is to build first two Scouts, then a Shrine, and three Settlers, and adopt Tradition, to explore the map quickly (Scouts ignore terrain cost), and to get an early Pantheon (if you're playing with religion enabled). =
# Requires translation!
But feel free to experiment with your own build orders! =
# Requires translation!
In your first couple of turns, you will have very little options, but as your civilization grows, so do the number of things requiring your attention. =
Culture and Policies = Cultura et Dictata
# Requires translation!
Each turn, the culture you gain from all your cities is added to your Civilization's culture.\nWhen you have enough culture, you may pick a Social Policy, each one giving you a certain bonus. =
# Requires translation!
The policies are organized into branches, with each branch providing a bonus ability when all policies in the branch have been adopted. =
# Requires translation!
With each policy adopted, and with each city built,\n the cost of adopting another policy rises - so choose wisely! =
City Expansion = Expansio Urbis
# Requires translation!
Once a city has gathered enough Culture, it will expand into a neighboring tile.\nYou have no control over the tile it will expand into, but tiles with resources and higher yields are prioritized. =
# Requires translation!
Each additional tile will require more culture, but generally your first cities will eventually expand to a wide tile range. =
# Requires translation!
Although your city will keep expanding forever, your citizens can only work 3 tiles away from city center.\nThis should be taken into account when placing new cities. =
# Requires translation!
Food is the resource fundamental to your Cities', and as a result Nation's, population and health. =
# Requires translation!
Every Citizen in each City consumes Food per turn. Any left over is considered Growth and is stored in the City Center. Once enough accumulates, the City Grows and a new Citizen is added. =
# Requires translation!
Initially your main source of Food is the City Center itself and working a surrounding tile with a Citizen. You can increase how much is generated by gaining more Citizens to work more tiles, improving the tiles so that they yield more Food, and eventually Buildings and Policies. =
# Requires translation!
Since a city's number of Citizens, or Population, determines how many tiles a City can work, Food is often the most important Resource. =
# Requires translation!
Production is the resource that lets a City Center build new things. =
# Requires translation!
This can be new Buildings that are added to the City Center, or new Units that can go out across the World Map to advance your Nation's goals. =
# Requires translation!
Everything you can build has a Production Cost. Every turn each City generates a certain amount of Production and puts it towards whatever is at the top of the Build Queue. Once the total cost is collected, the Building or Unit is built! =
# Requires translation!
Any excess Production after something is built is overflowed to the next thing the City builds. Up to it's total Production Cost. =
# Requires translation!
Since this determines how quickly you can build more stuff, your Nation's Production Capacity is crucial to it's advancement and survival. =
# Requires translation!
⍾Science is the resource that unlocks new and exciting Technologies for your Nation. =
# Requires translation!
Once you've Founded your Capital, you'll be prompted to Pick a Technology to Research. =
# Requires translation!
Every Technology costs an amount of ⍾Science. Every turn the ⍾Science your Nation produces is paid towards Researching your chosen Technology. =
# Requires translation!
Once a Technology has it's cost fully paid, you unlock the benefits for your Nation! This could be new Units, Buildings, or other advantages. Any surplus will overflow into the next Technology you pick to Research. =
# Requires translation!
Researching a Technology in the next Era will advance you into that Era and trigger a notification to other Nations about how amazing you are! =
# Requires translation!
Since new Technologies tend to give access to better Units, Buildings, and even unlock powerful new Policies, staying ahead of the competition is one of the best ways to secure your Victory! =
# Requires translation!
Ah Gold. The Universal Medium of Exchange. Everyone loves Gold! They say it can't buy Happiness, but nuclear submarines are almost as good. =
# Requires translation!
You can earn more Gold from Tiles, Resources, Improvements, and eventually Buildings, Specialists, and Trade Routes. Ancient Ruins, meeting new City-States, and Pillaging are also great sources of Gold. During a Golden Age every Tile that already yields Gold will yield an additional Gold! =
# Requires translation!
Gold is how you pay for Building Maintenance, Transportation Upkeep, and Unit Upkeep. If you run out of Gold, first you'll receive penalties to your ⍾Science production, then eventually your Units will start Disbanding as you can't pay their upkeep. =
# Requires translation!
Gold can be used to Buy Buildings and Units, helping bring up a new City or quickly build an Army. It can also buy Tiles to add to your City. It's also used to Upgrade your units from their older, obsolete forms to new, stronger versions. And investing it into a Research Agreement is a great way to convert it into ⍾Science. =
# Requires translation!
Gold is also very valuable in Diplomacy. You can directly Gift Gold to City-States to gain their favor. Use it to balance a Trade Deal with other Nations. Or demand every last drop after a successful war and your enemy sues for peace. =
# Requires translation!
Ironically, some may consider Gold to be one of the less important Resources. But it's flexible nature and importance to keep your Nation running makes it a precious thing to pay attention to. After all, everyone loves Gold. =
# Requires translation!
Not to be confused with the Resource of the same name, Gold Ore =
# Requires translation!
See also: Trade Route =
# Requires translation!
See also: Golden Age =
# Requires translation!
See also: Research Agreements =
# Requires translation!
As cities grow in size and influence, you have to deal with a happiness mechanic that is no longer tied to each individual city.\nInstead, your entire empire shares the same level of satisfaction.\nAs your cities grow in population you’ll find that it is more and more difficult to keep your empire happy. =
# Requires translation!
In addition, you can’t even build any city improvements that increase happiness until you’ve done the appropriate research.\nIf your empire’s happiness ever goes below zero the growth rate of your cities will be hurt.\nIf your empire becomes severely unhappy (as indicated by the smiley-face icon at the top of the interface)\n your armies will have a big penalty slapped on to their overall combat effectiveness. =
# Requires translation!
This means that it is very difficult to expand quickly in Unciv.\nIt isn’t impossible, but as a new player you probably shouldn't do it.\nSo what should you do? Chill out, scout, and improve the land that you do have by building Workers.\nOnly build new cities once you have found a spot that you believe is appropriate. =
Unhappiness = Ira
# Requires translation!
It seems that your citizens are unhappy!\nWhile unhappy, your civilization will suffer many detrimental effects, increasing in severity as unhappiness gets higher. =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness has two main causes: Population and cities.\n Each city causes 3 unhappiness, and each population, 1 =
# Requires translation!
There are 2 main ways to combat unhappiness:\n by building happiness buildings for your population\n or by having improved luxury resources within your borders. =
# Requires translation!
You have entered a Golden Age!\nGolden age points are accumulated each turn by the total happiness \n of your civilization\nWhen in a golden age, culture and production generation increases +20%,\n and every tile already providing at least one gold will provide an extra gold. =
Roads and Railroads = Viae et Viae Ferreae
# Requires translation!
Roads reduce the Movement Points required to move between two tiles connected by Roads. =
# Requires translation!
Railroads improve this reduction even more! =
# Requires translation!
This greatly improves the speed you can get Units around the map. =
# Requires translation!
Until you research the technology that removes it, Roads do not cross Rivers =
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by Roads and/or Railroads will generate Gold via the Trade Route. =
# Requires translation!
However, since each Road and Railroad have a Maintenance Cost, it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow and only place where needed. =
Trade Route = Via commercii
# Requires translation!
Connecting your cities to the capital by Roads and/or Railroads will generate Gold via the Trade Route. You earn more Gold the more Population the City and your Capital has. =
# Requires translation!
Note that each road costs 1 Gold Maintenance per turn, and each Railroad costs 2 Gold, so it may be more economical to wait until the cities grow! =
# Requires translation!
Railroads connecting a city to the Capital also provide a 25% Production Boost to the City, but not the Capital. =
# Requires translation!
Trade Routes are also connected over Water via certain buildings like the Harbor. As long as there is a chain that can reach the Capital, there's a Trade Route. Look for this symbol in Yellow below the City Name to mean you have an active Trade Route to your Capital. =
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Trade Routes can get broken either by Blockades or by Removing/Pillaging the connecting Road/Railroad chain. =
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See also City Blockade =
Victory Types = Formae Victoriae
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Once you’ve settled your first two or three cities you’re probably 100 to 150 turns into the game.\nNow is a good time to start thinking about how, exactly, you want to win – if you haven’t already. =
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There are four ways to win in Unciv. They are:\n - Cultural Victory: Complete 5 Social Policy Trees and build the Utopia Project\n - Domination Victory: Survive as the last civilization\n - Science Victory: Be the first to construct a spaceship to Alpha Centauri\n - Diplomatic Victory: Build the United Nations and win the vote =
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So to sum it up, these are the basics of Unciv – Found a prosperous first city, expand slowly to manage happiness, and set yourself up for the victory condition you wish to pursue.\nObviously, there is much more to it than that, but it is important not to jump into the deep end before you know how to swim. =
Enemy City = Urbs hostilis
Cities can be conquered by reducing their health to 1, and entering the city with a melee unit.\nSince cities heal each turn, it is best to attack with ranged units and use your melee units to defend them until the city has been defeated! = Urbes possunt capi per minuendum salutem earum ad 1 et imperandum centuriam oppugnationis propinquae ingredi in urbem.\nQuia urbes medentur passu omni, optime est quod centuriae oppugnationis longinquae oppugnent cum centuriae oppugnationis propinquae defendant eas donec urbs sit victa!
Luxury Resource = Merx Luxuria
Luxury resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nEach unique Luxury resource you have adds 5 happiness to your civilization, but extra resources of the same type don't add anything, so use them for trading with other civilizations! = Merces luxuriae cum meliorationibus specialibus suis intra fines tuos sunt concatenatae in reticulo tuo.\nMerx omnis unica tua dat 5 felicitatem civilizationi tua, sed merces addititiae generis aequi dat nullam, sic utatur eis ad commercium cum aliis civilizationibus!
Strategic Resource = Merx de Strategemate
Strategic resources within your domain and with their specific improvement are connected to your trade network.\nStrategic resources allow you to train units and construct buildings that require those specific resources, for example the Horseman requires Horses. = Merces de strategemate cum meliorationibus specialibus suis intra fines tuos sunt concatenatae in reticulo tuo.\nMerces de strategemate habilitant te educare centurias, quae requirant has merces speciales, et aedificare aedificia, quae requirant eas, e. g., caballarius requirat equos.
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Unlike Luxury Resources, each Strategic Resource on the map provides more than one of that resource.\nThe top bar keeps count of how many unused strategic resources you own.\nA full drilldown of resources is available in the Resources tab in the Overview screen. =
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The city can no longer put up any resistance!\nHowever, to conquer it, you must enter the city with a melee unit =
After Conquering = Post Captum
When conquering a city, you can choose to liberate, annex, puppet, or raze the city. = Quando urbem capias, possis eligere sic urbem liberes aut affigas aut exscindas aut urbem pupuli facias.
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\nLiberating the city will return it to its original owner, giving you a massive diplomatic boost with them!\n\nAnnexing the city will give you full control over it, but also increase the citizens' unhappiness to 2x!\nThis can be mitigated by building a courthouse in the city, returning the citizen's unhappiness to normal.\n\nPuppeting the city will mean that you have no control on the city's production.\nThe city will not increase your tech or policy cost.\nA puppeted city can be annexed at any time, but annexed cities cannot be returned to a puppeted state!\n\nRazing the city will lower its population by 1 each turn until the city is destroyed!\nYou cannot raze a city that is either the starting capital of a civilization or the holy city of a religion. =
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You have encountered a barbarian unit!\nBarbarians attack everyone indiscriminately, so don't let your \n civilian units go near them, and be careful of your scout! =
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You have encountered another civilization!\nOther civilizations start out peaceful, and you can trade with them,\n but they may choose to declare war on you later on =
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Once you have completed the Apollo Program, you can start constructing spaceship parts in your cities\n (with the relevant technologies) to win a Scientific Victory! =
Injured Units = Centuriae Plagatae
Injured units deal less damage, but recover after turns that they have been inactive.\nUnits heal 10 health per turn in enemy territory or neutral land,\n 20 inside your territory and 25 in your cities. = Centuriae plagatae dant minus damnum, sed medentur post passús quibus non agant.\nCenturiae medentur contra 10 damnum passu quo cumque sit in terra hostili vel neutrali,\n 20 in terra tua et 25 in urbibus tuis.
Workers = Opifices
Workers are vital to your cities' growth, since only they can construct improvements on tiles.\nImprovements raise the yield of your tiles, allowing your city to produce more and grow faster while working the same amount of tiles! = Opfices sunt graves pro auctu urbis tuae, quia nonnisi ei possunt meliorationem in tegulis construere.\nMeliorationes augent productum de tegulis tuis, habilitant urbem tuam plures producere et celeriter augeri cum operentur tegulas quarum numerus aequus sit!
Siege Units = Centuriae Machinarum Bellicarum
Siege units are extremely powerful against cities, but need to be Set Up before they can attack.\nOnce your siege unit is set up, it can attack from the current tile,\n but once moved to another tile, it will need to be set up again. = Centuriae machinarum bellicarum adprime sunt potentes contra urbes, sed necesse statuantur antequam possint oppugnare.\nStatim quam centuria tua machinae bellicae statuta sit, ab hac tegula appugnare possit, sed quam in tegulam aliam mota sit, denuo statuatur necesse.
Embarking = Conscensio
Once a certain tech is researched, your land units can embark, allowing them to traverse water tiles.\nEntering or leaving water takes the entire turn. = Postquam technologia certa sit inventa, centuriae tuae possint conscendere, sic habilitent eas trans tegulas aquae ire.\nAquam ingrediendum aut aqua egrediendum sumat passum omnem.
Units are defenseless while embarked (cannot use modifiers), and have a fixed Defending Strength based on your tech Era, so be careful!\nRanged Units can't attack, Melee Units have a Strength penalty, and all have limited vision. = Centuriae sine defensione sint cum in navibus sint (non possit mutari), et habeant potentiam certam de defensione de aetate tua technologiarum, sic evigiles.\nCenturiae oppugnationis longinquae non possint appugnare. Centuriae oppugnationis propinquae cum poena de potentia sint. Etiam habeant visionem finitam.
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Idle Units =
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If you don't want to move a unit this turn, you can skip it by clicking 'Next unit' again.\nIf you won't be moving it for a while, you can have the unit enter Fortify or Sleep mode - \n units in Fortify or Sleep are not considered idle units.\nIf you have not decided yet what an unit should do for the current turn, choose the 'Wait' command. A 'waiting' unit will be selected again at the end of the 'Next Unit' cycle, once all other units have received their orders.\nIf you want to disable the 'Next unit' feature entirely, you can toggle it in Menu -> Check for idle units. =
Contact Me = Loqui ad Me
Hi there! If you've played this far, you've probably seen that the game is currently incomplete.\n Unciv is meant to be open-source and free, forever.\n That means no ads or any other nonsense. = Salve! Ut lusisti ad hoc, probabiliter videris hunc ludum incompletum esse.\n Unciv intenditur cum fonte praebito liberum esse, semper esse.\n Hoc indicat res praeconias et aliquod sine sententia non exsistere.
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What motivates me to keep working on it, \n besides the fact I think it's amazingly cool that I can,\n is the support from the players - you guys are the best! =
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Every rating and review that I get puts a smile on my face =)\n So contact me! Send me an email, review, Github issue\n or mail pigeon, and let's figure out how to make the game \n even more awesome!\n(Contact info is in the Play Store) =
Pillaging = Direptio
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Military units can pillage improvements, which heals them 25 health and ruins the improvement.\nThe tile can still be worked, but advantages from the improvement - stat bonuses and resources - will be lost.\nWorkers can repair these improvements, which takes less time than building the improvement from scratch.\nPillaging certain improvements will result in your units looting gold from the improvement. =
Experience = Experientia
Units that enter combat gain experience, which can then be used on promotions for that unit.\nUnits gain more experience when in Melee combat than Ranged, and more when attacking than when defending. = Centuriae quae ingredintur proelium acquirunt experientiam, quae deinde potest sumi ad promotionem illius centuriae.\nCenturiae acquirunt plus experientiae ob proelium propinquum quam longinquum et plus ob oppugnationem quam defensionem.
Units can only gain up to 30 XP from Barbarian units - meaning up to 2 promotions. After that, Barbarian units will provide no experience. = Centuriae non possunt plus experientiae quam 30 ob barbaros acquirere, id est, non plures quam 2 promotiones. Postea, barbari praebeant nullam experientiam.
Combat = Proelium
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Unit and cities are worn down by combat, which is affected by a number of different values.\nEach unit has a certain 'base' combat value, which can be improved by certain conditions, promotions and locations. =
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Units use the 'Strength' value as the base combat value when melee attacking and when defending.\nWhen using a ranged attack, they will the use the 'Ranged Strength' value instead. =
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Ranged attacks can be done from a distance, dependent on the 'Range' value of the unit.\nWhile melee attacks allow the defender to damage the attacker in retaliation, ranged attacks do not. =
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Research Agreements =
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In research agreements, you and another civilization decide to jointly research technology.\nAt the end of the agreement, you will both receive a 'lump sum' of ⍾Science, which will go towards one of your unresearched technologies. =
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The amount of ⍾Science you receive at the end is dependent on the ⍾Science generated by your cities and the other civilization's cities during the agreement - the more, the better! =
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Note that before you can invest in a research agreement, you must have a Declaraction of Friendship, both Nations need the required Technology, and both Nations need enough Gold on hand for the agreement. =
Defensive Pacts = Foedera de Defensione
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Defensive pacts allow you and another civ to protect one another from aggressors.\nOnce the defensive pact is signed, you will be drawn into their future defensive wars, just as they will be drawn into your future defensive wars. Declaring war on any Civ will remove all of your defensive pacts. You will have to re-sign them to use their effect. =
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Be cautious when signing defensive pacts because they can bring you into wars that you might not want to be in. =
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The AI is very careful and will not accept defensive pacts with less than 80 influence. =
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Not all nations are contending with you for victory.\nCity-States are nations that can't win, can't be traded with, and instead confer certain bonuses to friendly civilizations. =
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Instead, diplomatic relations with City-States are determined by Influence - a meter of 'how much the City-State likes you'.\nInfluence can be increased by attacking their enemies, liberating their city, and giving them sums of gold. =
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Certain bonuses are given when you are at above 30 influence.\nWhen you have above 60 Influence, and you have the highest influence with them of all civilizations, you are considered their 'Ally', and gain further bonuses and access to the Luxury and Strategic resources in their lands. =
Great People = Personæ Magnæ
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Certain buildings, and specialists in cities, generate Great Person points per turn.\nThere are several types of Great People, and their points accumulate separately.\nThe number of points per turn and accumulated points can be viewed in the Overview screen. =
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Alternatively, the Great Person points breakdown per city can be viewed in each city screen (see UI Tips article). =
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Once enough points have been accumulated, a Great Person of that type will be created!\nEach Great Person can construct a certain Great Improvement which gives large yields over time, or immediately consumed to provide a certain bonus now. =
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Great Improvements also provide any strategic resources that are under them, so you don't need to worry if resources are revealed underneath your improvements! =
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Removing Terrain Features =
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Certain tiles have terrain features - like Flood plains or Forests - on top of them. Some of these layers, like Jungle, Marsh and Forest, can be removed by workers.\nRemoving the terrain feature does not remove any resources in the tile, and is usually required in order to add improvements exploiting those resources. =
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Natural Wonders, such as the Mt. Fuji, the Rock of Gibraltar and the Great Barrier Reef, are unique, impassable terrain features, masterpieces of mother Nature, which possess exceptional qualities that make them very different from the average terrain.\nThey benefit by giving you large sums of Culture, ⍾Science, Gold or Production if worked by your Cities, which is why you might need to bring them under your empire as soon as possible. =
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Keyboard =
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If you have a keyboard, some shortcut keys become available. Unit command or improvement picker keys, for example, are shown directly in their corresponding buttons. =
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On the world screen the hotkeys are as follows: =
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Space or 'N' - Next unit or turn\n'E' - Empire overview (last viewed page)\n'+', '-' - Zoom in / out\nHome - center on capital or open its city screen if already centered =
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F1 - Open Civilopedia\nF2 - Empire overview Trades\nF3 - Empire overview Units\nF4 - Empire overview Diplomacy\nF5 - Social policies\nF6 - Technologies\nF7 - Empire overview Cities\nF8 - Victory Progress\nF9 - Empire overview Stats\nF10 - Empire overview Resources\nF11 - Quicksave\nF12 - Quickload =
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Ctrl-R - Toggle tile resource display\nCtrl-Y - Toggle tile yield display\nCtrl-O - Game options\nCtrl-S - Save game\nCtrl-L - Load game\nCtrl-U - Toggle UI (World Screen only) =
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All of these can be reassigned. =
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This is where you spend most of your time playing Unciv. See the world, control your units, access other screens from here. =
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①: The menu button - civilopedia, save, load, options... =
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②: The player/nation whose turn it is - click for diplomacy overview. =
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③: The Technology Button - shows the tech tree which allows viewing or researching technologies. =
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④: The Social Policies Button - shows enacted and selectable policies, and with enough culture points you can enact new ones. =
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⑤: The Diplomacy Button - shows the diplomacy manager where you can talk to other civilizations. =
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⑥: Unit Action Buttons - while a unit is selected its possible actions appear here. =
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⑦: The unit/city info pane - shows information about a selected unit or city. =
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⑧: The name (and unit icon) of the selected unit or city, with current health if wounded. Clicking a unit name or icon will open its civilopedia entry. =
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⑨: The arrow buttons allow jumping to the next/previous unit. =
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⑩: For a selected unit, its promotions appear here, and clicking leads to the promotions screen for that unit. =
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⑪: Remaining/per turn movement points, strength and experience / XP needed for promotion. For cities, you get its combat strength. =
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⑫: This button closes the selected unit/city info pane. =
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⑬: This pane appears when you order a unit to attack an enemy. On top are attacker and defender with their respective base strengths. =
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⑭: Below that are strength bonuses or penalties and health bars projecting before / after the attack. =
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⑮: The Attack Button - let blood flow! =
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⑯: The minimap shows an overview over the world, with known cities, terrain and fog of war. Clicking will position the main map. =
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⑰: To the side of the minimap are display feature toggling buttons - tile yield, worked indicator, show/hide resources. These mirror setting on the options screen and are hidden if you deactivate the minimap. =
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⑱: Tile information for the selected hex - current or potential yield, terrain, effects, present units, city located there and such. Where appropriate, clicking a line opens the corresponding civilopedia entry. =
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⑲: Notifications - what happened during the last 'next turn' phase. Some are clickable to show a relevant place on the map, some even show several when you click repeatedly. =
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⑳: The Next Turn Button - unless there are things to do, in which case the label changes to 'next unit', 'pick policy' and so on. =
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㉑: The Multiplayer Button - Here you can easily check your active multiplayer games. =
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ⓐ: The overview button leads to the empire overview screen with various tabs (the last one viewed is remembered) holding vital information about the state of your civilization in the world. =
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ⓑ: The ♪Culture icon shows accumulated ♪Culture and ♪Culture needed for the next policy - in this case, the exclamation mark tells us a next policy can be enacted. Clicking is another way to the policies manager. =
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ⓒ: Your known strategic resources are displayed here with the available (usage already deducted) number - click to go to the resources overview screen. =
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ⓓ: Happiness/unhappiness balance and either golden age with turns left or accumulated happiness with amount needed for a golden age is shown next to the smiley. Clicking also leads to the resources overview screen as luxury resources are a way to improve happiness. =
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ⓔ: The ⍾Science icon shows the number of ⍾Science points produced per turn. Clicking leads to the technology tree. =
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ⓕ: Number of turns played with translation into calendar years. Click to see the victory overview. =
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ⓖ: The number of gold coins in your treasury and income. Clicks lead to the Stats overview screen. =
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ⓗ: The quantity of ☮Faith your citizens have generated, or 'off' if religion is disabled. Clicking it makes you go to the religion overview screen. =
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ⓧ: In the center of all this - the world map! Here, the "X" marks a spot outside the map. Yes, unless the wrap option was used, Unciv worlds are flat. Don't worry, your ships won't fall off the edge. =
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ⓨ: By the way, here's how an empire border looks like - it's in the national colours of the nation owning the territory. =
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ⓩ: And this is the red targeting circle that led to the attack pane back under ⑬. =
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What you don't see: The phone/tablet's back button will pop the question whether you wish to leave Unciv and go back to Real Life. On desktop versions, you can use the ESC key. =
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When at later stages of the game, you might have a lot of units but only a little to do. To help you we have implemented an AutoPlay feature that lets you use the AI to play part or all of your turn. =
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To enable AutoPlay, go to options and open the AutoPlay tab and press "Show AutoPlay button". =
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Clicking on the AutoPlay button opens a popup menue for choosing to AutoPlay parts or all of your turn. =
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Clicking Start AutoPlay in the pop-up menue or long pressing the AutoPlay button begins the multi-turn AutoPlay. This will play your next turns as if you were an AI. =
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To cancel multi-turn AutoPlay you can press the AutoPlay button, next turn button or open the options menue. =
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Multi-turn AutoPlay is not advised on harder difficulty levels as your AI will not play better against an AI with modifiers. =
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Multi-turn AutoPlay for multiplayer is not yet supported. =
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After building a shrine, your civilization will start generating ☮Faith. =
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When enough ☮Faith has been generated, you will be able to found a pantheon. =
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A pantheon will provide a small bonus for your civilization that will apply to all cities that have it as a majority religion. =
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Each civilization can only choose a single pantheon belief, and each pantheon can only be chosen once. =
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Generating more ☮Faith will allow you to found a religion. =
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Keep generating ☮Faith, and eventually a great prophet will be born in one of your cities. =
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This great prophet can be used for multiple things: Constructing a holy site, founding a religion and spreading your religion. =
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When founding your religion, you may choose another two beliefs. The founder belief will only apply to you, while the follower belief will apply to all cities following your religion. =
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Additionally, the city where you used your great prophet will become the holy city of that religion. =
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Once you have founded a religion, great prophets will keep being born every so often, though the amount of Faith☮ you have to save up will be higher. =
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One of these great prophets can then be used to enhance your religion. =
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This will allow you to choose another follower belief, as well as an enhancer belief, that only applies to you. =
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Do take care founding a religion soon, only about half the players in the game are able to found a religion! =
Beliefs = Opiniones
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There are four types of beliefs: Pantheon, Founder, Follower and Enhancer beliefs. =
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Pantheon and Follower beliefs apply to each city following your religion, while Founder and Enhancer beliefs only apply to the founder of a religion. =
Religion inside cities = Religio intra urbes
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When founding a city, it won't follow a religion immediately. =
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The religion a city follows depends on the total pressure each religion has within the city. =
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Followers are allocated in the same proportions as these pressures, and these followers can be viewed in the city screen. =
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You are allowed to check religious followers and pressures in cities you do not own by selecting them. =
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In both places, a tap/click on the icon of a religion will show detailed information with its effects. =
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Based on this, you can get a feel for which religions have a lot of pressure built up in the city, and which have almost none. =
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The city follows a religion if a majority of its population follows that religion, and will only then receive the effects of Follower and Pantheon beliefs of that religion. =
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Spreading Religion =
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Spreading religion happens naturally, but can be sped up using missionaries or great prophets. =
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Missionaries can be bought in cities following a major religion, and will take the religion of that city. =
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So do take care where you are buying them! If another civilization has converted one of your cities to their religion, missionaries bought there will follow their religion. =
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Great prophets always have your religion when they appear, even if they are bought in cities following other religions, but captured great prophets do retain their original religion. =
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Both great prophets and missionaries are able to spread religion to cities when they are inside its borders, even cities of other civilizations. =
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These two units can even enter tiles of civilizations with whom you don't have an open borders agreement! =
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But do take care, missionaries will lose 250 religious strength each turn they end while in foreign lands. =
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This diminishes their effectiveness when spreading religion, and if their religious strength ever reaches 0, they have lost their faith and disappear. =
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When you do spread your religion, the religious strength of the unit is added as pressure for that religion. =
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Cities also passively add pressure of their majority religion to nearby cities. =
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Each city provides +6 pressure per turn to all cities within 10 tiles, though the exact amount of pressure depends on the game speed. =
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This pressure can also be seen in the city screen, and gives you an idea of how religions in your cities will evolve if you don't do anything. =
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Holy cities also provide +30 pressure of the religion founded there to themselves, making it very difficult to effectively convert a holy city. =
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Lastly, before founding a religion, new cities you settle will start with 200 pressure for your pantheon. =
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This way, all your cities will starting following your pantheon as long as you haven't founded a religion yet. =
Inquisitors = Inquisitores
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Inquisitors are the last religious unit, and their strength is removing other religions. =
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They can remove all other religions from one of your own cities, removing any pressures built up. =
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Great prophets also have this ability, and remove all other religions in the city when spreading their religion. =
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Often this results in the city immediately converting to their religion =
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Additionally, when an inquisitor is stationed in or directly next to a city center, units of other religions cannot spread their faith there, though natural spread is uneffected. =
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The Mayan unique ability, 'The Long Count', comes with a side effect: =
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Once active, the game's year display will use mayan notation. =
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The Maya measured time in days from what we would call 11th of August, 3114 BCE. A day is called K'in, 20 days are a Winal, 18 Winals are a Tun, 20 Tuns are a K'atun, 20 K'atuns are a B'ak'tun, 20 B'ak'tuns a Piktun, and so on. =
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Unciv only displays ය B'ak'tuns, ඹ K'atuns and ම Tuns (from left to right) since that is enough to approximate gregorian calendar years. The Maya numerals are pretty obvious to understand. Have fun deciphering them! =
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Your cities will periodically demand different luxury goods to satisfy their desire for new things in life. =
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If you manage to acquire the demanded luxury by trade, expansion, or conquest, the city will celebrate We Love The King Day for 20 turns. =
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During the We Love The King Day, the city will grow 25% faster. =
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This means exploration and trade is important to grow your cities! =
Air Combat and Interception = Proelium Aerium et Interceptio Aeria
Air Combat is very similar to normal Combat, with a few wrinkles. Damage is still dealt using the same equations based on the relative Strength of the Attacking and Defending Unit. = Proelium aërium est maxime simile proelio cotidiano cum nonnullis differentiis. Damnum etiam detur per aequationem aequam cujus fundamentum sit potentia comparativa centuriae appugnantis et defendentis.
However, before the Attacker and Defender fight, there is an added combat phase called Interception. If there is any unit with Interception Range that covers the target attacked tile, then it will attempt to Intercept the Attacking Air Unit. If multiple units can Intercept, the one with higher Intercept chance does it. = Autem, antequam oppugnator et defensor pugnent, spatium, dicitur interceptio, intra proelium addatur. Si quae centuria est cum ambitu interceptionis, intra quem est tegula intenta appugnanda, tentet intercipere centuriam aëriam appugnantem. Si centuriae plurales possunt intercipere, ibi quae cum probabilitate majore faciat, faciet.
Generally Land/Naval Units have an Intercept Range of 2 Tiles, and Air Units have an Intercept Range of their Attack Range. = Centuriae marinae/terrae generaliter habent ambitum interceptionis qui est 2 tegulae, et aëriae habent ambitum interceptionis aequum quam ambitum oppugnationis suum.
Ground and Naval Units don't require movement points to Intercept, just Attacks. Air Units cannot have moved nor attacked in the preceding turn. = Centuriae marinae et terrae non requirant calculos de motu ad interceptionem, sed ad oppugnationem. Centuriae aëriae nec appugnare nec moveri potuerint in passu priore.
The Intercepting Unit rolls to see if it hits. Whether it hits or not costs an Attack, and most units (without Promotions) can only Attack Once per Nation's Turn. It does NOT cost Movement Points, but Air Units that have used their Movement cannot Intercept between turns. = Centuria intercipiens volvat, ut contactusne cernatur. Sive contingat sive non contingat, una oppugnatio consumatur, et plurimae centuriae (sine promotione) modo possunt semel appugnare passu omni populi. Ea NON sumat calculos de motu, sed centuriae aëriae, quarum momentum in passu priore sit sumptum, non possint inter passibus intercipere.
If the Intercepting Unit Hits, it deals damage according to the Combat Strength calculation to the Attacking Air Unit, potentially with any Strength Bonuses that apply to Interception. It does not receive damage from the Attacking Air Unit. = Si centuria intercipiens contingit, dat centuriae aëriae appugnanti damnum ob calculum potentiae de proelio cum additione cumque ad potentiam ad interceptionem. Ea non accipiet damnum de centuria aëria appugnante.
After Interception resolves, the Attacking Air Unit and the Defending Unit in the targeted tile do Combat as normal, with damage dealt to both sides. = Postquam interceptio sit certa, centuria aëria appugnans et centuria defendens in tegula intenta faciant proelium acsi cotidianum sit, ut damnum duabus detur.
To help deal with Interceptions, see Air Sweeps. = Ut ad interceptionem adjuveris, Aëra Verrere videas.
Air Sweeps = Aëra Verrere
Fighter units are able to perform Air Sweeps over a tile helping clear out potential enemy Air, Sea, or Land Interceptions that can reach that tile. = Centuriae quae sunt Pugnatores possunt aëra super tegulam verrere, adjuvent emovere interceptiones quae fortasse possint illam tegulam contingere sive a terra aut aqua, sive de aëre.
While this Action will take an Attack, the benefit is drawing out Interceptions to help protect your other Air Units. Especially your Bombers. = Ut haec actio sumat unam oppugnationem, emolumentum sit quod factio interceptionis adjuvet defendere tuas alias centurias, in primis, bomboplana.
Your unit will always draw an Interception, if one can reach the target tile, even if the Intercepting unit has a chance to miss. = Centuria tua semper faciet interceptionem si potest contingere tegulam, etsi cum probabilitate ad defectum.
If the Interceptor is not an Air Unit (eg Land or Sea), the Air Sweeping unit and Interceptor take no damage! = Si Interceptor non est centuria aëria (e.g. sive marina sive terrae), Interceptor et centuria, quae verrit aëra, accipiunt nullum damnum!
If the Interceptor is an Air Unit, the two units will damage each other in a straight fight with no Interception bonuses. And only the Attacking Air Sweep Unit gets any Air Sweep strength bonuses. = Si Interceptor est centuria aëria, duae centuriae sine additione de interceptione dabunt damnum utri in pugna directa. Et nonnisi centuria, quae verrit aëra, accipiat ullam additionem ad potentiam de aëra verrendo.
City Tile Blockade = Obsidio Tegularum Urbis
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One of your tiles is blocked by an enemy: when an enemy unit stands on a tile you own, the tile will not produce yields and cannot be worked by a city this turn. City will reallocate population from a blocked tile automatically. =
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Enemy military land units block tiles they are standing on. Enemy military naval units additionally block adjacent water tiles. To protect your tiles from blockade, place a friendly military unit on it or fight off invaders. =
City Blockade = Obsidio Urbis
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One of your cities is under a naval blockade! When all adjacent water tiles of a coastal city are blocked - city loses harbor connection to all other cities, including capital. Make sure to de-blockade cities by deploying friendly military naval units to fight off invaders. =
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Spies! =
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The first time a civ reaches the Renaissance era each nation gets one spy. Every time a civ reaches an era afterwards they get one more spy. =
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Spies can be sent out to foreign cities to steal technology, rigging elections or stage coups. Place them in your own cities to do counter-intelligence work. =
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Only one spy per civ is allowed in each city. Spies that are not in any city are on vacation in your spy hideout. =
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Spies set up in cities of major civilizations will try to steal technology at a rate which is based off of the science production in the city. Succeeding to steal technology will level up your spy. Failing to succeed will level up the defending spy if it is present. =
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Spies set in city-states will try to rig the elections in order to gain influence and reduce the influence of other civilizations. Only one spy partaking in rigging the election can win. =
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A spy that is rigging an election in a city-state may also stage a coup. The likelihood of success for the coup depends on your relative influence to the current ally of the city-state, your spy level, and the level of the spy that the current ally has in the city-state if present. Succeeding a coup will make you their new ally and reduce the influence of all other civs. Failing a coup will kill your spy and level up the defending spy if present. =
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Spies that are set up in your own cities will be conducting counter-intelligence. They reduce the success chance of other spies trying to steal your technology. =
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Spies at a higher rank have a higher chance of success. The max rank a spy can reach is rank 3. After a spy is killed it will revive after a certain amount of turns back at rank 1. =
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Building buildings like the constabulary and police station will reduce the technology steal rate of spies in that city. =
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Espionage is available using the Gods and Kings ruleset. To enable it in a new game click advanced settings, then click on the Enable Espionage option. =
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Keyboard Bindings =
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Limitations =
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This is a work in progress. =
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For technical reasons, only direct keys or Ctrl-Letter combinations can be used. =
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Using the Keys page =
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Each binding has a button with an image looking like this: =
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While hovering the mouse over the key button, you can press a desired key directly to assign it. =
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Double-click the image to reset the binding to default. =
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Bindings mapped to their default keys are displayed in gray, those reassigned by you in white. =
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Conflicting assignments are marked red. Conflicts can exist across categories, like World Screen / Unit Actions. Note that at the moment, the game does not prevent saving conflicting assignments, though the result may be unexpected. =
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For discussion about missing entries, see the linked github issue. =
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Welcome to the Civilopedia! =
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Here you can find information - general help, rules, and what makes up the game world. =
How to find information = Ut investiges indicium
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Select categories with the buttons on top of the screen. Also up there is the button to leave Civilopedia and go back to where you were before. =
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Each category has a list of entries on the left of the screen, sorted alphabetically (with few exceptions). Clicking an entry will update the center pane were you are currently reading this. =
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Lines can link to other Civilopedia entries, they are marked with a chain link symbol like this one. You can click anywhere on the line to follow the link. =
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The current category is special - all articles on general concepts are here. It is called 'Tutorials' because you can revisit these here, too. =
What information can I find = Quod indicium investigare possim
The data shown is not dependent on your current game's situation, e.g. bonuses for the nation you are playing or difficulty modifiers will not affect the numbers. = Indicia data non dependent de statu ludi tui currentis, e. g., sive additio de populo, qui ludis, sive coefficiens de asperitate non faciet influentiam numeris.
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However, it will reflect the mods you are playing! The combination of base ruleset and extension mods you select define the rules of a game, what objects exist and how they interact, and the Civilopedia mirrors these rules. =
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If you opened the Civilopedia from the main menu, the "Ruleset" will be that of the last game you started. =
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Letters can select categories, and when there are multiple categories matching the same letter, you can press that repeatedly to cycle between these. =
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The arrow keys allow navigation as well - left/right for categories, up/down for entries. =
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Differences from Civilization V =
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Production Focus\nIn Civilization V, the Food yield in a city is calculated first, then population grows by consuming stored food (growth), then production is calculated, and so on one by one the other stats are calculated. Thus, citizens can produce yields in the same turn as they are born. The city focus is set to Production to assign the newborn citizen to a hill so they'll contribute Production, and then manually reassigned to a growth tile on the next turn. Alternatively, you can set city focus to Gold (e.g. with Cerro de Potosi), Faith (e.g. with Mount Sinai) or whatever gains the most yields. In Unciv, citizens only start producing yields on the next turn, so you can ignore this whole concept =
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Science Queueing\nIn Civilization V, Science yield is calculated after production, so if you finish an item and have Science (or Gold) queued as a perpetual construction, the Production overflow from item will be converted into Science (or Gold), but the Production is not consumed, as this will only happen again on the next turn. By immediately swapping out your perpetual construction for an item on the next turn, you'll get this Science (or Gold) for free. This doesn't apply to Unciv, so don't bother. =
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Double Aqueducts\nIn Civilization V, the game sells existing copies of the building for you before providing a free copy of the building. So, if you build an aqueduct in a city, and then in the turn of adopting Tradition Complete you sell a cheap building (e.g a shrine) beforehand, the game is unable to sell more than 1 building per turn, and thus you'll keep your aqueduct, together with the new free aqueduct. Not applicable to Unciv. =
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Legalism Oxford\nIn Civilization V, national wonders such as Oxford University are considered culture buildings, so you can get them for free with Legalism. Not applicable to Unciv. =
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Roads and Forts\nIn Civilization V, you can't use roads and forts in enemy territory. In Unciv, you can use them, so instead of mindlessly constructing them everywhere when at war, you need to decide if and when they'll benefit you more than your opponents =
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Citizen Conversion\nIn Civilization V, a citizen is born religious if the parent city is already converted. This is not the case in Unciv, which can lead to temporary deconversion of a city when it grows. =
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Unassigned Citizens\nIn Civilization V, unassigned citizens are considered specialists, and subject to the same type of bonuses (e.g. Korea's ability). It can be worthwhile to leave citizens unassigned, instead of being assigned to a tile. Not applicable to Unciv. =
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Settler Construction\nIn Civilization V, cities can't starve when constructing settlers, so you can assign all citizens to production tiles and none to food tiles. In Unciv, citizens keep consuming two food per turn. =
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Water Melee Attack\nAs result of a Discord poll, Water Melee units can attack military land units on the shore, unlike in Civilization V. =
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Tile improvements\nIn Civilzation V, workers start working on an improvement-under-construction at the beginning of movement. Unciv changes this, to allow players to assign workers to tiles, and then reconsider and change improvement or move them elsewhere. =
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Forest and Jungle Visibility\nIn Unciv, forests and jungles are visible 1 tile outside visibility range. In Civilization V, this is the behaviour of hills and mountains, but not of forests and jungles, yet jungle and forest can block hills, and hill + forest can block mountain, indicating they're on the same elevation. This is considered to be a bug in the otherwise well-structured visibility logic in Civilization V. =
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Founding Cities\nThe Settler is a unit that can found a new city. You can build a Settler unit in a city with at least 2 population, and then move them to a good location to found a new city. This will usually be your main way of acquiring more cities. =
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Food conversion to Production\nDuring the construction of a Settler, the city will not grow. Instead, the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and from there on every 4th, excess Food (Growth) is converted into Production, with the rest of the excess Food being lost. =