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synced 2025-03-15 12:25:29 +07:00

* Songhai, Burial Tomb, Gold for capturing city * Burial Tomb unique: double gold gained when city is captured * Rebuilt Atlas and Translations * Italian translation + fix missing translations * Barbarian Camp Reward Is now modified by Speed and Difficulty
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# Tutorial tasks
Move a unit!\nClick on a unit > Click on a destination > Click the arrow popup = 移動單位!\n點擊一個單位 > 點擊目的地 > 點擊彈出的箭頭圖標確認移動
Found a city!\nSelect the Settler (flag unit) > Click on 'Found city' (bottom-left corner) = 建立城市!\n選擇移民(旗幟圖標) > 點擊"建立城市"(左下角)
Enter the city screen!\nClick the city button twice = 進入城市介面!\n點擊城市按鈕兩次
Pick a technology to research!\nClick on the tech button (greenish, top left) > \n select technology > click 'Research' (bottom right) = 研究科技!\n點擊科技按鈕(左上方淺綠色圖標) > \n選擇一個科技 > 點擊"研究"(右下角)
Pick a construction!\nEnter city screen > Click on a unit or building (left side) = 建造/組建項目!\n進入城市介面 > 在左側列表中選擇一個單位或建築
Pass a turn!\nCycle through units with 'Next unit' > Click 'Next turn' = 跳過回合!\n連續點擊"下個閒置單位"按鈕跳過所有閒置單位 > 點擊"下一回合"
Reassign worked tiles!\nEnter city screen > click the assigned (green) tile to unassign > \n click an unassigned tile to assign population = 重新調整工作地塊!\n進入城市介面 > 點擊已分配市民的地塊取消分配 > \n 點擊未被分配市民的地塊分配市民
Meet another civilization!\nExplore the map until you encounter another civilization! = 認識其他文明!\n探索地圖直到你遇見另一個文明!
Open the options table!\nClick the menu button (top left) > click 'Options' = 打開設置選項!\n點擊菜單按鈕(左上角) > 點擊"選項"
Construct an improvement!\nConstruct a Worker unit > Move to a Plains or Grassland tile > \n Click 'Create improvement' (above the unit table, bottom left)\n > Choose the farm > \n Leave the worker there until it's finished = 建造地塊設施!\n建造一個工人 > 移動工人至平原或草原地塊 > \n 點擊"建造設施"按鈕(左下角) > 選擇"農場" > \n 不向工人下達其他指令直至建造完成
Create a trade route!\nConstruct roads between your capital and another city\nOr, automate your worker and let him get to that eventually = 建立貿易路線!\n建造道路連接你的首都和其他城市\n或將工人設置為"自動工作",其將自動完成連接
Conquer a city!\nBring an enemy city down to low health > \nEnter the city with a melee unit = 佔領城市!\n攻擊敵方城市使其耐久降為1 > \n使用近戰單位佔領城市
Move an air unit!\nSelect an air unit > select another city withing range > \nMove the unit to the other city = 移動空軍單位!\n選擇一個空軍單位 > 選取移動範圍內的其他城市 > \n將單位移至該城市
See your stats breakdown!\nEnter the Overview screen (top right corner) >\nClick on 'Stats' = 查看當前文明詳細信息!\n點擊概覽按鈕(右上角) >\n點擊"統計"
Oh no! It looks like something went DISASTROUSLY wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY not supposed to happen! Please send me (yairm210@hotmail.com) an email with the game information (menu -> save game -> copy game info -> paste into email) and I'll try to fix it as fast as I can! = NO!看起来游戏好像出现了灾难性的Bug!这绝对不应该发生!请将游戏存档信息发送给我,方法如下:依次点击“菜单->保存游戏->复制当前游戏数据到剪贴板”,将剪贴板的内容通过email发送给我。我的email地址:yairm210@hotmail.com。我会尽快处理!
# Requires translation!
Oh no! It looks like something went DISASTROUSLY wrong! This is ABSOLUTELY not supposed to happen! Please send us an report and we'll try to fix it as fast as we can! =
# Buildings
## Ancient era buildings
Palace = 宮殿
Indicates the capital city = 表示首都
Monument = 紀念碑
Granary = 糧倉
Stone Works = 石工坊
Must not be on plains = 城市不能位於平原
Stonehenge = 巨石陣
'Time crumbles things; everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time' - Aristotle = “時間能粉碎一切;所有事物中將在時流中衰老並被遺忘。”——亞里士多德
Library = 圖書館
+1 Science Per 2 Population = 每2人口+1科研
Paper Maker = 造紙坊
The Great Library = 大圖書館
Free Technology = 獲得1項免費科技
'Libraries are as the shrine where all the relics of the ancient saints, full of true virtue, and all that without delusion or imposture are preserved and reposed.' - Sir Francis Bacon = “圖書館就像是供奉古代聖哲全部遺物的聖壇,充滿了真正的美德,保護著一切非謬誤無偽裝的事物在其中安眠。”——弗朗西斯·培根爵士
Circus = 馬戲團
Walls = 城牆
Walls of Babylon = 巴比倫城牆
The Pyramids = 大金字塔
'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge = “哦,別讓你所受的死亡痛苦進入我的身體。我是創世神泰姆,我處在天界的最高層,神力護佑著我和所有其他神靈直到永遠。”——“死者之書”譯文,歐內斯特·阿爾弗雷德·沃利斯·巴吉爵士(英國考古學家)
Worker construction increased 25% = 設施建造速度+25%
Provides 2 free workers = 提供2個免費工人
Barracks = 軍營
Krepost = 俄羅斯營壘
Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city = 所在城市擴展新地區所需文化和金錢花費-25%
Colossus = 太陽神巨像
'Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves.' - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar = “嘿,老兄,他像一個巨人似的跨越這狹隘的世界;我們這些渺小的凡人一個個在他粗大的兩腿上行走,四處張望著,替自己尋找不光榮的墳墓。”——威廉·莎士比亞:《尤利烏斯·凱薩》
+1 gold from worked water tiles in city = 所在城市每個工作的水域+1金錢
Temple = 神廟
Burial Tomb = 陵墓
# Requires translation!
Doubles Gold given to enemy if city is captured =
# Requires translation!
Mud Pyramid Mosque =
The Oracle = 神諭所
'The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing' - Socrates = “先知的神諭曾說我是全希臘最聰明的人。因為我是所有希臘人中唯一知道自己一無所知的人。”——蘇格拉底
Free Social Policy = 免費推行1項社會政策
Lighthouse = 燈塔
Can only be built in coastal cities = 只能建在海濱城市
+1 food from Ocean and Coast tiles = 每個海濱地區和海洋地區+1食物
The Great Lighthouse = 大燈塔
'They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.' - The Bible, Psalms 107:23-24 = “在大海上坐船,在大水裡處理事物的;他們看到耶和華的作為,並他在深水中的奇事。”——聖經·詩篇 107:23-24
All military naval units receive +1 movement and +1 sight = 所有海軍軍事單位+1移動力和+1視野
National College = 國立研究院
Chichen Itza = 奇琴伊察
'The katun is established at Chichen Itza. The settlement of the Itza shall take place there. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. It is the word of God. The Itza shall come.' - The Books of Chilam Balam = “這個卡吞建立在奇琴伊察。伊察將在那裡定居。格查爾鳥將會到來,綠色的鳥將會到來。阿·坎特納爾將會到來。這是神的預言。伊察將會到來。”——《奇蘭巴蘭之書》(馬雅人的預言書)
Golden Age length increases +50% = 黃金時代持續時間+50%
Courthouse = 法院
Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = 消除來自被併吞的城市的額外不滿
Can only be built in annexed cities = 只能在被併吞的城市建造
Stable = 馬廄
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = 所在城市訓練騎乘單位時產能累積速率+15%
Circus Maximus = 大競技場
Hanging Gardens = 空中花園
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = “我相信如果有凡人能聽到神諭,那一定是在天氣涼爽時的花園之中。”——弗蘭克·法蘭克福·摩爾(英國作家)
Colosseum = 競技場
Terracotta Army = 兵馬俑
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = “視卒如嬰兒,故可與之赴深溪;視卒如愛子,故可與之俱死。”——孫子
Market = 市場
Bazaar = 巴扎
Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = 所在城市每處已開發的奢侈資源額外增加1份
+2 Gold for each source of Oil and oasis = 每處石油資源和每處綠洲+2金錢
Monastery = 修道院
Notre Dame = 巴黎聖母院
'Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.' - Victor Hugo = “建築紀錄了人類所有的偉大理念:不僅包括每一種宗教符號,還包括人類思想史的每一頁。”——維克多·雨果
Hagia Sophia = 聖索菲亞大教堂
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = “它高聳入雲,從城市中矗立而起,俯視周遭;它是城中之物,但有超俗之美。”——《論建築》,普羅科匹厄斯(拜占庭學者)
+33% great person generation in all cities = 所有城市偉人點數累積速率+33%
Mint = 鑄幣廠
Machu Picchu = 馬丘比丘
'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham = “很少有能超越這座建立在馬丘比丘頂峰峭壁上的石頭城塞的浪漫,它是印加的皇冠。”——海勒姆·賓厄姆(美國探險家)
Gold from all trade routes +25% = 所有貿易路線的金錢收益+25%
Aqueduct = 引水渠
40% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 城市增加新的市民後保留40%食物儲備以加速成長
Great Wall = 長城
'The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.' - Sun Tzu = “故用兵之法:無恃其不來,是吾有以待也。無恃其不攻,恃吾有所不可攻也。”——孫子
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = 境內敵方陸軍單位在任何地區額外消耗1移動力
Workshop = 工坊
Longhouse = 長屋
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile = 每個工作的森林地區+1產能
Forge = 鍛造場
Harbor = 港口
+1 production from all sea resources worked by the city = 所在城市每個已開發的海洋資源+1產能
Connects trade routes over water = 通過水路建立貿易路線
University = 大學
+2 Science from each worked Jungle tile = 每個工作的叢林地塊+2科研
Wat = 經院
Oxford University = 牛津大學
Castle = 城堡
Mughal Fort = 莫臥兒城塞
Alhambra = 阿爾罕布拉宮
'Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies.' - Joseph Addison = “正義是一座牢不可破的堡壘,屹立在山巔,既不為肆虐的洪流所沖倒,也不為軍隊的武力所毀壞。”——約瑟夫·愛迪生(英國散文家)
All newly-trained melee, mounted, and armored units in this city receive the Drill I promotion = 所在城市新訓練的近戰、騎乘和裝甲單位獲得“操練I級”升級
Angkor Wat = 吳哥窟
'The temple is like no other building in the world. It has towers and decoration and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of.' - Antonio da Magdalena = “這座寺廟不同於世界上的其他任何建築。它擁有人類的天才們構想出的最精緻的高塔和裝飾。”——安東尼奧·達·瑪格達蓮那(葡萄牙傳教士,最早遊歷吳哥窟的西方人)
Cost of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% = 購買新地塊花費-25%
Porcelain Tower = 大報恩寺塔
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = “我們所失去的總是要在回望之時才更知道它的美好,而那曾經不可一世的高塔如今是多麼的可望能夠有所依靠。”——詹姆斯·羅素·洛威爾(美國詩人)
Free great scientist appears = 免費的大科學家出現
Ironworks = 鋼鐵廠
Armory = 軍械所
Observatory = 天文台
Opera House = 歌劇院
Sistine Chapel = 西斯廷教堂
'I live and love in God's peculiar light.' - Michelangelo Buonarroti = “我在上帝的聖光之下愛與生活。”——米開朗基羅·博納洛第
Culture in all cities increased by 25% = 所有城市的文化產出+25%
Bank = 銀行
Hanse = 漢薩會館
+5% Production for every Trade Route with a City-State in the empire = 每條通往城邦的貿易路線+5%產能
Satrap's Court = 總督府
Forbidden Palace = 紫禁城
'Most of us can, as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison' - John Lubbock = “我們中的大多數都能夠自己做出選擇,是把這個世界變成一座宮殿還是一座監獄。”——約翰·魯伯克(英國學者)
Unhappiness from population decreased by 10% = 來自人口的不滿-10%
Theatre = 劇院
Leaning Tower of Pisa = 比薩斜塔
'Don't clap too hard - it's a very old building.' - John Osbourne = “別拍那麼重——這是座非常古老的建築。”——約翰·奧斯本(英國劇作家)
Free Great Person = 免費的偉人
Choose a free great person = 選擇1個免費的偉人
Get = 獲得
Himeji Castle = 姬路城
'Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.' - Yamamoto Tsunetomo = “所謂武士道,就是看透死亡。於生死兩難之際,應果斷選擇死,而不需要任何原因。”——山本常朝(日本江戶時代武士)
+15% combat strength for units fighting in friendly territory = 單位在境內+15%戰鬥力
Taj Mahal = 泰姬陵
'The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.' - Rabindranath Tagore = “泰姬陵佇立在河岸,如同時間的臉頰上一滴孤單的淚水。”——羅賓德拉納特·泰戈爾
Empire enters golden age = 帝國進入黃金時代
Windmill = 風車
Must not be on hill = 城市不能位於山脈
Museum = 博物館
Hermitage = 冬宮
The Louvre = 羅浮宮
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = “每一件偉大的藝術品都應如日月般長存。”——拉爾夫·沃爾多·愛默生
Free Great Artist Appears = 免費的大藝術家出現
Seaport = 海運碼頭
+1 production and gold from all sea resources worked by the city = 所在城市每個已開發的海洋資源+1產能和金錢
+15% production of naval units = 訓練海上單位時產能累積速率+15%
Public School = 公立學校
Hospital = 醫院
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 城市增加新的市民後保留25%食物儲備以加速成長
Factory = 工廠
Stock Exchange = 證券交易所
Big Ben = 大笨鐘
'To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.' - Leonard Bernstein = “為了完成偉大的工作,有兩樣東西是必須的:一個計畫,以及不多的時間。”——倫納德·伯恩斯坦(美國音樂家)
-15% to purchasing items in cities = 所有城市購買項目所需的金錢花費-15%
Cristo Redentor = 救世基督像
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 = “凡勞苦擔重擔的人,可以到我這裡來,我就使你們得安息。”——聖經·馬太福音 11:28
Culture cost of adopting new Policies reduced by 10% = 推行新的社會政策所需的文化-10%
Kremlin = 克里姆林宮
'The Law is a fortress on a hill that armies cannot take or floods wash away.' –- The Prophet Muhammed = “律法當如山巔之城:無論是敵人還是洪水都無法征服。”——先知穆罕默德
Defensive buildings in all cities are 25% more effective = 所有城市防禦建築防禦力+25%
Neuschwanstein = 新天鵝堡
'...the location is one of the most beautiful to be found, holy and unapproachable, a worthy temple for the divine friend who has brought salvation and true blessing to the world.' - King Ludwig II of Bavaria = “……選只是所能找到的之中風景最美麗的,聖潔而不可褻瀆,一座配的起神聖朋友的神聖場所,他們給這個世界帶來超渡和真正的庇佑。”——巴伐利亞國王路德維希二世
+1 happiness, +2 culture and +3 gold from every Castle = 每座城堡+3金錢、+2文化和+1快樂
Military Academy = 軍事學院
Brandenburg Gate = 勃蘭登堡門
Free Great General appears near the Capital = 免費的大軍事家出現在首都附近
'Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings.' - Horace = “蒼白的死神平等地叩響窮人房舍的小門和國王宮殿的大門。”——昆圖斯·賀拉斯·弗拉庫斯
Broadcast Tower = 廣播塔
Eiffel Tower = 艾菲爾鐵塔
'We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting' - Kahlil Gibran = “我們活著只為去發現美。其他一切都是某種形式的等待。”——哈里利·紀伯倫
Provides 1 happiness per social policy = 每項已推行的社會政策+1快樂
Statue of Liberty = 自由女神像
'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' - Emma Lazarus = “給我你們的貧乏,你們的貧困,擁擠在旅途渴望自由呼吸的人們,被彼岸無情拋棄顛沛流離的驚魂。把這些無家可歸,飽嚐風雨的苦難者全部給我,我佇立在金色的大門旁高舉起燈火!”——艾瑪·拉扎路斯(美國詩人)
+1 Production from specialists = 每個專業人員+1產能
Medical Lab = 醫學實驗室
Research Lab = 研發實驗室
Hydro Plant = 水力發電廠
Stadium = 體育館
Solar Plant = 太陽能電廠
Must be next to desert = 城市必須緊鄰沙漠
Must be next to mountain = 城市必須緊鄰山脈
Sydney Opera House = 雪梨歌劇院
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = “沒有夢想的人,人生也是迷茫的。”——澳大利亞土著諺語
+1 population in each city = 每座城市+1人口
+1 happiness in each city = 每座城市+1快樂
Pentagon = 五角大廈
'In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.' - Dwight D. Eisenhower = “在準備作戰時,我常常發現訂好的計畫沒有用處,但計畫的過程仍不可或缺。”——德懷特·戴維·艾森豪威爾
Gold cost of upgrading military units reduced by 33% = 升級軍事單位所需金錢-33%
Manhattan Project = 曼哈頓計畫
Enables nuclear weapon = 允許建造核武器
Apollo Program = 阿波羅計畫
Enables construction of Spaceship parts = 允許建造太空飛船的零件
Nuclear Plant = 核電廠
Spaceship Factory = 太空飛船工廠
Increases production of spaceship parts by 50% = 建造太空飛船零件時產能累積速率+50%
Spaceship part = 太空飛船的零件
SS Booster = 飛船推進器
SS Cockpit = 飛船駕駛艙
SS Engine = 飛船發動機
SS Stasis Chamber = 飛船休眠艙
Hubble Space Telescope = 哈柏太空望遠鏡
'The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it.' - Anatole France = “奇蹟的不是那片星海如此遼闊,而是人類竟然成功的測量了它。”——阿納托爾·法郎士(法國小說家)
2 free great scientists appear = 2個免費的大科學家出現
Increases production of spaceship parts by 25% = 建造太空飛船零件時產能累積速率+25%
# Diplomacy,Trade,Nations
Requires [buildingName] to be built in the city = 需要城市建有[buildingName]
Requires [buildingName] to be built in all cities = 需要所有城市建有[buildingName]
Provides a free [buildingName] in the city = 城市獲得一座免費的建築:[buildingName]
Requires worked [resource] near city = 需要城市附近有已開發的資源:[resource]
Wonder is being built elsewhere = 其他城市正在建造該奇觀
Requires a [buildingName] in all cities = 需要所有城市建有[buildingName]
Requires a [buildingName] in this city = 需要城市建有[buildingName]
Requires [resource] = 需要資源:[resource]
Required tech: [requiredTech] = 需要科技:[requiredTech]
Diplomacy = 外交
War = 戰爭
Peace = 和平
Declare war = 宣戰
Declare war on [civName]? = 向[civName]宣戰嗎?
[civName] has declared war on us! = [civName]已經對我們宣戰!
[leaderName] of [nation] = [nation]的[leaderName]
You'll pay for this! = 你會為此付出代價的!
Negotiate Peace = 談和
Very well. = 很好。
Farewell. = 再見。
Sounds good! = 聽起來不錯。
Not this time. = 這次不行,我只和有誠意的人交易。
Excellent! = 真是榮幸之至!互相尊重、平等互利是建立友好關係的第一步。
How about something else... = 談判桌上的爾虞我詐才是我的興趣所在。
A pleasure to meet you. = 很高興見到你。
Our relationship: = 我們的關係:
We have encountered the City-State of [name]! = 我們遇到了城邦[name]!
Declare Friendship ([numberOfTurns] turns) = 宣佈相互友善([numberOfTurns]回合)
May our nations forever remain united! = 我們兩個文明將永遠肝膽相照、休戚與共地站在一起!
Indeed! = 這是無比正確的選擇!
Denounce ([numberOfTurns] turns) = 譴責([numberOfTurns]回合)
We will remember this. = 這種侮辱我們絕不會忘記。請好自為之!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has declared war on [targetCivName]! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Peace Treaty! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] and [targetCivName] have signed the Declaration of Friendship! =
# Requires translation!
[civName] has denounced [targetCivName]! =
Unforgivable = 仇深似海
Enemy = 宿命之敵
Competitor = 瑜亮之爭
Neutral = 泛泛之交
Favorable = 惺惺相惜
Friend = 秦晉之好
Ally = 歃血之盟
## Diplomatic modifiers
You declared war on us! = 不知死活的蠢貨!你竟敢向我們宣戰!
Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = 你的窮兵黷武行竟是我們無法容忍的!
You have captured our cities! = 多行不義必自斃!你竟敢佔領我們的城市!
We applaud your liberation of our conquered cities! = 你解放我們被佔領城市的行為让我们歡呼雀躍!
Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = 多年的和平時光讓我們更加珍視彼此的關係。
Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together. = 共同的戎馬歲月拉近了彼此的距離。
We have signed a public declaration of friendship = 我們之間簽署了一份公開的友誼宣言!
You have declared friendship with our enemies! = 你竟敢對我們的敵人表示友好!
You have declared friendship with our allies = 你對我們的盟友表示了友好!
Our open borders have brought us closer together. = 開放邊界協定促進了彼此的了解,讓我們的人民心心相通!
Your so-called 'friendship' is worth nothing. = 你所謂的“友誼”一文不值。
You have publicly denounced us! = 批判的武器不能代替武器的批判,你對我們的譴責是懦夫行為。
You have denounced our allies = 對我們盟友的譴責也是對我們的冒犯,請好自為之!
You have denounced our enemies = 敵人的敵人就是朋友,你對我們敵人的譴責是維護公正的仗義執言!
You betrayed your promise to not settle cities near us = 你違背了不在我們附近建立城市的承諾,請好自為之。
You fulfilled your promise to stop settling cities near us! = 感謝你履行了不在我們附近建立城市的承諾。
You refused to stop settling cities near us = 你拒絕停止在我們附近建立城市的決定是愚蠢的,好自為之!
Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = 你的傲慢要求不合情理。
Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! = 你使用核武器的行為是令人髮指的!
Demands = 要求
Please don't settle new cities near us. = 請不要在我們附近建立新的城市。
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = 好的,我們將會尋找其他位置建立城市。
We shall do as we please. = 我們只依照自己的意志行事。
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = 儘管你答應了,我們還是注意到你在我們邊境附近建立了新城市。如果有不好的影響...這將是你自找的!
# City states
Provides [amountOfCulture] culture at 30 Influence = 當影響力不低於30時提供[amountOfCulture]文化
Provides 3 food in capital and 1 food in other cities at 30 Influence = 當影響力不低於30時為首都提供3食物,為其他城市提供1食物
Provides 3 happiness at 30 Influence = 當影響力不低於30時提供3快樂
Provides land units every 20 turns at 30 Influence = 當影響力不低於30時每20回合提供陸軍單位
Gift [giftAmount] gold (+[influenceAmount] influence) = 贈予[giftAmount]金錢(+[influenceAmount]影響力)
Relationship changes in another [turnsToRelationshipChange] turns = 將在[turnsToRelationshipChange]回合後失去對該城邦的影響
Cultured = 文化型
Maritime = 航海型
Mercantile = 商業型
Militaristic = 軍事型
Type: = 城邦類型:
Influence: = 影響力:
Reach 30 for friendship. = 影響力到達30以建立友誼
Reach highest influence above 60 for alliance. = 影響力≥60且高於其他文明以成為友邦同盟
Ally: = 同盟:
# Trades
Trade = 貿易
Offer trade = 提供貿易
Retract offer = 撤回報價
What do you have in mind? = 你有什麼想法?
Our items = 我們的貿易項目
Our trade offer = 我們的貿易提供
[otherCiv]'s trade offer = [otherCiv]的貿易提供
[otherCiv]'s items = [otherCiv]的貿易項目
Pleasure doing business with you! = 很高興和您做生意!
I think not. = 我認為不可行。
That is acceptable. = 這是可以接受的。
Accept = 同意
Keep going = 繼續...
There's nothing on the table = 未選擇任何交易
Peace Treaty = 和平條約
Agreements = 協定
Open Borders = 開放邊境
Gold per turn = 金錢/回合
Cities = 城市
Technologies = 科技
Declarations of war = 宣戰
Introduction to [nation] = 介紹認識[nation]
Declare war on [nation] = 宣戰[nation]
Luxury resources = 奢侈資源
Strategic resources = 戰略資源
replaces = 替代
[resourceName] not required = 無須戰略資源:[resourceName]
Lost ability = 失去能力
National ability = 民族特性
# Nations
Babylon = 巴比倫
Receive free Great Scientist when you discover Writing, Earn Great Scientists 50% faster = 發明文字後立即獲得一個大科學家,大科學家點數累積速率+50%
Nebuchadnezzar II = 尼布甲尼薩二世
Greece = 希臘
Alexander = 亞歷山大
City-State Influence degrades at half and recovers at twice the normal rate = 對城邦影響力衰減速度減半,恢復速度加倍
China = 中國
Wu Zetian = 武則天
Great general provides double combat bonus, and spawns 50% faster = 大軍事家提供雙倍戰鬥力加成,大軍事家產生速率+50%
Egypt = 埃及
Ramesses II = 拉美西斯二世
+20% production towards Wonder construction = 建造奇觀時產能累積速率+20%
England = 英國
Elizabeth = 伊麗莎白
+2 movement for all naval units = 所有海軍+2移動力
France = 法國
Napoleon = 拿破崙
+2 Culture per turn from cities before discovering Steam Power = 在發明蒸汽機之前,每座城市的文化+2
Russia = 俄羅斯
Catherine = 葉卡捷琳娜二世
Strategic Resources provide +1 Production, and Horses, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity = 每處戰略資源+1產能,並且馬、鐵和鈾資源儲量加倍
Rome = 羅馬
Augustus Caesar = 奧古斯都·凱薩
+25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital = 在其他城市建造首都已建有的建築時產能累積速率+25%
Arabia = 阿拉伯
Harun al-Rashid = 哈倫·拉希德
+1 Gold from each Trade Route, Oil resources provide double quantity = 每條貿易路線+1金錢,石油儲量加倍
America = 美利堅
George Washington = 喬治·華盛頓
All land military units have +1 sight, 50% discount when purchasing tiles = 陸軍單位+1視野,購買地區花費-50%
Japan = 日本
Oda Nobunaga = 織田信長
Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged = 受傷單位造成的傷害不減
Germany = 德意志
Otto von Bismark = 奧托·馮·俾斯麥
67% chance to earn 25 Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit from a conquered encampment, -25% land units maintenance. = 擊敗蠻族營地中的蠻族單位有67%機率得到25金錢並使其加入,路上單位維護費-25%
India = 印度
Gandhi = 甘地
Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled, Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved. = 城市數量導致的不滿加倍,市民數量導致的不滿減半
The Ottomans = 奧斯曼
Suleiman I = 蘇萊曼一世
Pay only one third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance. Melee naval units have a 1/3 chance to capture defeated naval units. = 海上單位維護費為正常值的1/3,海軍近戰單位擁有1/3機率俘獲戰敗的敵方海軍單位
Korea = 朝鮮
Sejong = 李祹
+2 Science for all specialists and Great Person tile improvements = 所有專業人員和偉人設施+2科研
Iroquois = 易洛魁
Hiawatha = 海華沙
All units move through Forest and Jungle Tiles in friendly territory as if they have roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel. = 單位在己方森林和叢林地區上移動時視同在道路上移動,此類地區在研究輪子科技後可建立城市連結
Persia = 波斯
Darius I = 大流士一世
Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and +10% Strength = 黃金時代持續時間+50%,處於黃金時代時單位+1移動力、+10%戰鬥力
Polynesia = 波利尼西亞
Kamehameha I = 卡美哈梅哈一世
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately. +1 Sight when embarked. +10% Combat Strength bonus if within 2 tiles of a Moai. = 單位初始時就擁有船運能力,可進入海濱和海洋地區,單位處於船運狀態時+1視野。摩艾石像群周圍2格內單位+10%戰鬥力
Siam = 暹羅
Ramkhamhaeng = 蘭甘亨
Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50% = 友好城邦提供的食物和文化增加50%
Songhai = 桑海
Askia = 阿斯基亞
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities. Embarked units can defend themselves. = 摧毀蠻族營地及劫掠城市時獲得三倍金錢,單位船運時有自衛能力
# Requires translation!
Spain =
# Requires translation!
Isabella =
# Requires translation!
100 Gold for discovering a Natural Wonder (bonus enhanced to 500 Gold if first to discover it). Culture, Happiness and tile yields from Natural Wonders doubled. =
# New game screen
Uniques = 獨有
Promotions = 晉升
Barbarians = 蠻族
Load copied data = 讀取剪貼簿的遊戲存檔
Could not load game from clipboard! = 無法從剪貼簿讀取存檔!
Start game! = 開始遊戲!
Map options = 地圖設置
Game options = 遊戲設置
Map type = 地圖創建方式
Generated = 隨機生成
Existing = 文件載入
Map generation type = 生成地圖類型
Number of city-states = 城邦數量
One City Challenge = 單城市挑戰
No barbarians = 無蠻族
No ancient ruins = 無遠古遺跡
# Requires translation!
No Natural Wonders =
Victory conditions = 勝利條件
Scientific = 科技
Domination = 征服
Cultural = 文化
Online Multiplayer = 線上多人遊戲
World size = 世界大小
Tiny = 極小
Small = 小
Medium = 中
Large = 大
Huge = 巨大
Difficulty = 難度
Settler = 移民
Chieftain = 酋長
Warlord = 軍閥
Prince = 王子
King = 國王
Emperor = 皇帝
Immortal = 仙人
Deity = 天神
AI = 電腦
Remove = 刪除
Random = 隨機
Human = 玩家
Hotseat = 熱座模式
User ID = 玩家ID
Click to copy = 點此複製
Game Speed = 遊戲速度
Quick = 快速
Standard = 標準
Epic = 史詩
Marathon = 馬拉松
Starting Era = 初始時代
It looks like we can't make a map with the parameters you requested! = 無法依據您目前的設定產生地圖!
Maybe you put too many players into too small a map? = 或許您在過小的地圖上放置了過多的玩家?
No human players selected! = 未選擇玩家!
# Multiplayer
Username = 玩家姓名
Multiplayer = 多人遊戲
Could not download game! = 無法下載遊戲資料!
Could not upload game! = 無法上傳遊戲資料!
Join Game = 加入遊戲
Invalid game ID! = 無效的遊戲ID!
Copy User ID = 複製玩家ID
Copy Game ID = 複製遊戲ID
Set current user = 設定為目前玩家
Player ID from clipboard = 從剪貼簿取得玩家ID
To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID. = 建立多人遊戲時,請先選擇“開始新遊戲”選單的“線上多人遊戲”,並將參與遊戲的玩家ID填入對應扮演的文明的“Player ID”文字框。
You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game. = 直接點擊“設定為目前玩家”就可自動填入自己的玩家ID。其他玩家則需在打開遊戲後點擊“複製玩家ID”按鈕將ID複製到剪貼簿,然後透過網路傳送給您,你可以在“開始新遊戲”介面將接收到的ID填入他們想扮演的文明的“Player ID”文字框內讓他們加入遊戲。
Once you've created your game, enter this screen again to copy the Game ID and send it to the other players. = 當你建立了多人遊戲後,進入本介面並按下“複製遊戲ID”按鈕將遊戲ID複製到剪貼簿並透過網路分享給其他玩家。
Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the Join Game button = 其他玩家可以將接收到的遊戲ID複製到剪貼簿,並按下“加入遊戲”按鈕加入遊戲
# Save game menu
Current saves = 儲存目前遊戲進度
Show autosaves = 顯示自動存檔
Saved game name = 遊戲存檔名稱
Copy to clipboard = 複製目前遊戲資料到剪貼簿
Copy saved game to clipboard = 複製遊戲存檔到剪貼簿
Could not load game = 無法讀取遊戲
Load [saveFileName] = 讀取[saveFileName]
Delete save = 刪除存檔
Saved at = 保存時間
Load map = 讀取地圖
Are you sure you want to delete this map? = 你真的想刪除這張地圖嗎?
Upload map = 上傳地圖
Could not upload map! = 無法上傳地圖!
Map uploaded successfully! = 成功上傳地圖!
# Options
Options = 選項
Display options = 顯示選項
# Requires translation!
Gameplay options =
# Requires translation!
Other options =
Turns between autosaves = 自動存檔間隔回合
Sound effects volume = 音效音量
Music volume = 音樂音量
Download music = 下載音樂
Downloading... = 下載中...
Could not download music! = 無法下載音樂!
Show = 顯示
Hide = 隱藏
Show worked tiles = 顯示工作地區
Show resources and improvements = 顯示資源與設施
Check for idle units = 回合結束前查看閒置單位
Move units with a single tap = 點擊目標地區立即移動
Show tutorials = 顯示教學
Auto-assign city production = 自動分配城市產能
Auto-build roads = 自動建造道(鐵)路
Show minimap = 顯示小地圖
Show pixel units = 顯示像素單位
Show pixel improvements = 顯示像素設施
Enable nuclear weapons = 允許使用核武器
Fontset = 字體設定
# Notifications
Research of [technologyName] has completed! = [technologyName]的研究已完成!
You have entered a golden age! = 你開啟了一個黃金時代!
[resourceName] revealed near [cityName] = [resourceName] 被發現在 [cityName]
A [greatPerson] has been born in [cityName]! = [cityName] - 一個[greatPerson]已經出現!
We have encountered [civName]! = 我們遇到了[civName]!
Cannot provide unit upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded! = 無法為[unitName]提供維護費 - 單位已被解散!
[cityName] has grown! = [cityName]人口成長!
[cityName] has been founded! = 已建立城市:[cityName]!
[cityName] is starving! = [cityName]正在鬧飢荒!
[construction] has been built in [cityName] = [construction]已經在[cityName]被建造/訓練
[wonder] has been built in a faraway land = [wonder]已在遙遠的土地上建成
Work has started on [construction] = 開始建造/訓練:[construction]
[cityName] cannot continue work on [construction] = [cityName]無法繼續建造/訓練[construction]
[cityname] has expanded its borders! = [cityname]的邊界已經擴張!
Your Golden Age has ended. = 你的黃金時代結束了
[cityName] has been razed to the ground! = [cityName]已被夷為平地!
We have conquered the city of [cityname]! = 我們已經佔領城市[cityname]
An enemy [unit] has attacked [cityname] = 敵方的[unit]攻擊了[cityname]
An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] = 敵方的[unit]攻擊了我們的[ourUnit]
Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = 敵方城市[cityName]攻擊了我們的[ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] has captured [cityname] = 敵方的[unit]占領了[cityname]
An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit] = 敵方的[unit]俘虜了我們的[ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = 敵方的[unit]殺死了我們的[ourUnit]
An enemy [RangedUnit] has destroyed the defence of [cityname] = 敵方的[RangedUnit]摧毀了[cityname]的防禦
Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = 敵方城市[cityName]殺死了我們的[ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityname] = 敵方的[unit]在攻擊[cityname]時被消滅
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] = 敵方的[unit]在攻擊我方[ourUnit]時被消滅
Our [attackerName] was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] = 我們的[attackerName]被敵方的[interceptorName]攔截並摧毀
Our [interceptorName] intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] = 我們的[interceptorName]攔截並摧毀了敵方的[attackerName]
Our [$attackerName] was attacked by an intercepting [$interceptorName] = 我們的[$attackerName]被敵方的[$interceptorName]攔截並攻擊
Our [$interceptorName] intercepted and attacked an enemy [$attackerName] = 我們的[$interceptorName]攔截並攻擊了敵方的[$attackerName]
An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = 我們的領土附近發現了敵方的[unit]
An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = 在我們的領土內發現了敵方的[unit]
[amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = 在我們的領土附近發現了[amount]個敵方單位
[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = 在我們的領土內發現了[amount]個敵方單位
The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = [civName]文明已經滅亡!
The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = [name]城邦已經滅亡!
We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = 我們摧毀蠻族營地並獲得了[goldAmount]金錢!
A barbarian [unitType] has joined us! = 蠻族的[unitType]加入了我們!
We have found survivors in the ruins - population added to [cityName] = 我們在廢墟中找到了倖存者 - [cityName]的人口增加了
We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins! = 我們在廢墟中發現了失傳已久的技術:[techName]!
A [unitName] has joined us! = [unitName]加入了我們!
An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat! = 一個古老的部落以他們的戰鬥方式訓練了我們的[unitName]!
We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins! = 我們在廢墟中找到了[amount]金錢!
[unit] finished exploring. = [unit]已完成探索
[unit] has no work to do. = [unit]處於閒置狀態
You're losing control of [name]. = 您正在失去與[name]的脆弱友誼
You and [name] are no longer friends! = 您與[name]不再是朋友了!
Your alliance with [name] is faltering. = 您與[name]的盟友關係正日薄西山
You and [name] are no longer allies! = 您與[name]不再是盟友了!
[civName] gave us a [unitName] as gift near [cityName]! = [civName]將[cityName]附近的[unitName]贈與我們!
[civName] has denounced us! = [civName]譴責了我們!
[cityName] has been connected to your capital! = [cityName]以建立與您的首都的連接!
[cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! = [cityName]與您的首都的連接已經中斷!
[civName] has accepted your trade request = [civName]接受了你的貿易請求
[civName] has denied your trade request = [civName]拒絕了你的貿易請求
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] has ended = [otherCivName]向我們供應[tradeOffer]的協議已經結束
[tradeOffer] to [otherCivName] has ended = 我們向[otherCivName]供應[tradeOffer]的協議已經結束
One of our trades with [nation] has ended = 我們與[nation]的一項贸易已經結束
One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = 我們與[nation]的一項貿易已被削减
[nation] agreed to stop settling cities near us! = [nation]同意停止在我們附近建城!
[nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = [nation]拒絕停止在我們附近建城!
We have allied with [nation]. = 我們已和[nation]締結同盟
We have lost alliance with [nation]. = 我們和[nation]不再是同盟關係
# Requires translation!
We have discovered [naturalWonder]! =
# Requires translation!
We have received [goldAmount] Gold for discovering [naturalWonder] =
# Requires translation!
Your relationship with [cityStateName] is about to degrade =
# Requires translation!
Your relationship with [cityStateName] degraded =
# Requires translation!
A new barbarian encampment has spawned! =
# Requires translation!
Received [goldAmount] Gold for capturing [cityName] =
# World Screen UI
Working... = 進行中...
Waiting for other players... = 等待其他玩家...
in = 完成需
Next turn = 下一回合
Turn = 回合
turns = 回合
turn = 回合
Next unit = 下個閒置單位
Pick a policy = 選擇一項社會政策
Movement = 移動力
Strength = 戰鬥力
Ranged strength = 遠程戰鬥力
Bombard strength = 轟擊戰鬥力
Range = 攻擊範圍
Move unit = 移動單位
Stop movement = 停止移動
Construct improvement = 建造設施
Automate = 自動工作
Stop automation = 停止自動工作
Construct road = 建造道路
Fortify = 駐守
Fortification = 駐守防禦力加成
Sleep = 休眠
Moving = 移動中
Set up = 架設
Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold) = 升級為[unitType]([goldCost]金錢)
Found city = 建立城市
Promote = 晉升
Health = 生命
Disband unit = 解散單位
Explore = 自由探索
Stop exploration = 停止探索
Pillage = 劫掠
Do you really want to disband this unit? = 您真的想解散這個單位嗎?
Disband this unit for [goldAmount] gold? = 要解散這個單位獲得[goldAmount]金錢嗎?
Create [improvement] = 建造[improvement]
Start Golden Age = 開啟黃金時代
Yes = 是
No = 否
Acquire = 變更為本城市所屬
Gold = Gold
Science = 科學
Happiness = 快樂
Production = 產能
Culture = 文化
Food = 食物
Golden Age = 黃金時代
[year] BC = 公元前[year]年
[year] AD = 公元[year]年
Civilopedia = 文明百科
Start new game = 開始新遊戲
Save game = 儲存遊戲
Load game = 讀取遊戲
Victory status = 勝利進度
Social policies = 社會政策
Community = 社群
Close = 關閉
# City screen
Exit city = 離開城市介面
Raze city = 摧毀城市
Stop razing city = 停止摧毀城市
Buy for [amount] gold = 花費[amount]金錢購買
Buy = 購買
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] gold? = 你想花費[buildingGoldCost]金錢購買[constructionName]嗎?
Maintenance cost = 建築維護費
Pick construction = 選擇建造/訓練項目
Pick improvement = 選擇設施
Provides [resource] = 獲得資源:[resource]
Replaces [improvement] = 替換現有設施:[improvement]
Pick now! = 選擇此項!
Build [building] = 建造[building]
Train [unit] = 訓練[unit]
Produce [thingToProduce] = 產能利用:[thingToProduce]
Nothing = 無
Annex city = 併吞城市
Specialist Buildings = 專業建築
Specialist Allocation = 專業人員分配
Specialists = 專業人員
Food eaten = 人口消耗
Growth bonus = 累積速率
Unassigned population = 閒置人口
[turnsToExpansion] turns to expansion = 此城市將在[turnsToExpansion]回合後擴張
Stopped expansion = 擴張已停止
[turnsToPopulation] turns to new population = 此城市將在[turnsToPopulation]回合後獲得新市民
Food converts to production = 食物轉化為產能
[turnsToStarvation] turns to lose population = 此城市將在[turnsToStarvation]回合後失去1位市民
Stopped population growth = 人口成長已停止
In resistance for another [numberOfTurns] turns = 抵抗將持續額外[numberOfTurns]回合.
Sell for [sellAmount] gold = 賣掉獲得[sellAmount]金錢
Are you sure you want to sell this [building]? = 您真的想賣掉[building]嗎?
[greatPerson] points = [greatPerson]點數
Great person points = 偉人點數
Current points = 目前點數
Points per turn = 獲得點數/回合
Convert production to gold at a rate of 4 to 1 = 轉換1/4產能為金錢
Convert production to science at a rate of 4 to 1 = 轉換1/4產能為科研
The city will not produce anything. = 城市將不會建造/訓練任何項目
# Technology UI
Pick a tech = 選擇一項科技
Pick a free tech = 選擇1項免費科技
Research [technology] = 研究[technology]
Pick [technology] as free tech = 選擇[technology]作為免費科技
Units enabled = 解鎖單位
Buildings enabled = 解鎖建築
Wonder = 奇觀
National Wonder = 國家奇觀
National Wonders = 國家奇觀
Wonders enabled = 解鎖奇觀
Tile improvements enabled = 解鎖地區設施
Reveals [resource] on the map = 在地圖上顯示[resource]
XP for new units = 新訓練單位的初始經驗值
provide = 提供
provides = 提供
City strength = 城市戰鬥力
City health = 城市耐久
Occupied! = 已佔領!
Attack = 攻擊
Bombard = 轟擊
NUKE = 核武器攻擊
Captured! = 已俘虜!
defence vs ranged = 對遠程攻擊防禦
[percentage] to unit defence = [percentage]單位防禦力
Attacker Bonus = 主動攻擊加成
Landing = 登陸作戰
Flanking = 側翼夾擊
vs [unitType] = 對戰[unitType]
Terrain = 地形修正
Hurry Research = 加速科技研究
Conduct Trade Mission = 拓展貿易
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! = 您與[civName]拓展貿易獲得[goldAmount]金錢和[influenceAmount]影響力!
Hurry Wonder = 加速奇觀建造
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! = 人民為您英明領導下取得的豐功偉業歡欣鼓舞,您的帝國進入了黃金時代!
You have entered the [newEra]! = 您已進入了[newEra]!
# Requires translation!
[civName] has entered the [eraName]! =
[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! = [policyBranch]分支解鎖!
Overview = 概覽
Total = 總計
Stats = 統計
Policies = 政策
Base happiness = 基礎快樂
Occupied City = 併吞的城市
Buildings = 建築
Wonders = 奇觀
Base values = 基礎產出
Bonuses = 相關加成
Final = 實際產出
Other = 其他
Population = 人口
City States = 城邦
Tile yields = 地區產出
Trade routes = 貿易路線
Maintenance = 建築維護費
Transportation upkeep = 道(鐵)路維護費
Unit upkeep = 單位維護費
Trades = 貿易
Units = 單位
Name = 名稱
Closest city = 最近的城市
Action = 行動
Defeated = 戰敗
Tiles = 地區
# Requires translation!
Natural Wonders =
# Requires translation!
Treasury deficit =
Science victory = 科技勝利
Cultural victory = 文化勝利
Conquest victory = 征服勝利
Complete all the spaceship parts\n to win! = 完成建造太空飛船\n勝利!
Complete 5 policy branches\n to win! = 完成4個社會政策分支\n勝利!
Destroy all enemies\n to win! = 消滅所有敵人\n勝利!
You have won a scientific victory! = 恭喜!您贏得了科技勝利!
You have won a cultural victory! = 恭喜!您贏得了文化勝利!
You have won a domination victory! = 恭喜!您贏得了征服勝利!
You have achieved victory through the awesome power of your Culture. Your civilization's greatness - the magnificence of its monuments and the power of its artists - have astounded the world! Poets will honor you as long as beauty brings gladness to a weary heart. = 您依靠文化的強大力量取得了勝利。您的文明的偉大創作——富麗堂皇的建築和鬼斧神工的藝術品震驚了世界!這些沁入心扉的美麗給疲乏的心帶來溫暖,給悲傷的人帶來歡樂,詩人為您讚嘆,樂者為您歌頌!
The world has been convulsed by war. Many great and powerful civilizations have fallen, but you have survived - and emerged victorious! The world will long remember your glorious triumph! = 世界因戰爭而動盪不安。許多偉大而強盛的文明衰落了,但您倖存了下來——並取得了勝利!世界將永遠記住您的光輝與榮耀!
You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! = 您通過掌握先進的科技取得了勝利!您已經征服了大自然的神秘,帶領人民踏上了通往美麗新世界的航程!只要星星在夜空中燃燒,您的勝利就會被永遠銘記!
You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! = 您被打敗了。雖然您的文明曾經被許多敵人所征服,但是您的人民永不放棄,因為他們知道總有一天您會回來的!屆時,您的文明將會成為天空中最耀眼的恆星!
One more turn...! = 再來一回合...!
Built Apollo Program = 開啟阿波羅計畫
Destroy [civName] = 毀滅[civName]文明
Our status = 我們的進度
Global status = 全球進度
Spaceship parts remaining = 尚未完成的飛船零件
Branches completed = 已完成的社會政策分支
Undefeated civs = 未被征服的文明
# Capturing a city
What would you like to do with the city? = 您想如何處理這座城市?
Annex = 併吞
Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. = “併吞城市”意味著該城市將成為您的帝國的一部分。
Their citizens generate 2x the unhappiness, unless you build a courthouse. = 該城市人口產生的不滿將是一般城市的2倍,建造“法院”可以使其降低到正常值。
Puppet = 傀儡城市
Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost, but their citizens generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness. = “傀儡城市”不會額外增加您研發科技和推行社會政策時的花費,但其人口產生的不滿是一般城市的1.5倍。
You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. = 您無法控制傀儡城市的產能。
Puppeted cities also generate 25% less Gold and Science. = 傀儡城市的金錢和科研產出-25%。
A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. = 可以在任何時候併吞傀儡城市。
Liberate = 解放
Liberating a city returns it to its original owner, giving you a massive relationship boost with them! = “解放城市”會將該城市歸還給初始擁有者,這樣做會極大增進兩者的關係!
Raze = 摧毀
Razing the city annexes it, and starts razing the city to the ground. = “摧毀城市”意味著併吞該城市,同時開始將該城市夷為平地。
The population will gradually dwindle until the city is destroyed. = 城市人口將會持續減少直到該城市被完全摧毀。
Destroy = 摧毀
Destroying the city instantly razes the city to the ground. = 摧毀一座城市會將城市夷為平地。
Remove your troops in our border immediately! = 請停止這種無理而且野蠻的行為!馬上讓你的單位滾出我的領土!
Sorry. = 請您原諒我的魯莽。
Never! = 憤怒是無能的表現。
Basics = 基礎
Resources = 資源
Terrains = 地形
Tile Improvements = 地區設施
Unique to [civName], replaces [unitName] = [civName]文明獨有,取代[unitName]
Tutorials = 教學
Cost = 花費
May contain [listOfResources] = 可能擁有以下資源:[listOfResources]
Upgrades to [upgradedUnit] = 可升級為[upgradedUnit]
Obsolete with [obsoleteTech] = 研發下列科技後過時:[obsoleteTech]
Occurs on [listOfTerrains] = 可能出現在以下地形:[listOfTerrains]
# Requires translation!
Placed on [terrainType] =
Can be found on = 可能發現該資源的地形地貌:
Improved by [improvement] = 開發該資源所需設施:[improvement]
Bonus stats for improvement: = 開發該資源後設施所獲獎勵效果:
Can be built on = 可以建造於:
Defence bonus = 防禦力加成
Movement cost = 移動力消耗
Rough Terrain = 複雜地形
for = ,當建造在擁有下列資源的地區上時:
Missing translations: = 未翻譯的字串:
Version = 版本
Resolution = 解析度
Tileset = 地塊設定
Map editor = 地圖編輯器
Language = 語言設定
Terrains & Resources = 地形地貌與資源
Improvements = 設施
Clear current map = 清除目前地圖
Save map = 儲存地圖
Download map = 下載地圖
Exit map editor = 退出地圖編輯器
[nation] starting location = [nation]起始位置
Clear terrain features = 清除地貌
Clear improvements = 清除設施
Clear resource = 清除資源
Requires = 需要
# Requires translation!
Menu =
# Requires translation!
Brush Size =
# Civilopedia Tutorials names
# Requires translation!
After Conquering =
# Requires translation!
City Range =
# Requires translation!
Contact Me =
# Requires translation!
Culture and Policies =
# Requires translation!
Embarking =
# Requires translation!
Enemy City =
# Requires translation!
Idle Units =
# Requires translation!
Injured Units =
# Requires translation!
Introduction =
# Requires translation!
Luxury Resource =
# Requires translation!
New Game =
# Requires translation!
Roads and Railroads =
# Requires translation!
Siege Units =
# Requires translation!
Strategic Resource =
# Requires translation!
Unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Victory Types =
# Requires translation!
Workers =
# Other civilopedia things
# Requires translation!
Nations =
Promotions = 晉升
# Requires translation!
Available for [unitTypes] =
# Policies
Adopt policy = 推行政策
Adopt free policy = 推行免費的政策
Unlocked at = 解鎖時代:
Tradition = 傳統政策
+3 culture in capital and increased rate of border expansion = 首都+3文化,邊界擴張速度加快
Aristocracy = 貴族政治
+15% production when constructing wonders, +1 happiness for every 10 citizens in a city = 建造奇觀時產能累積速率+15%,城市中每10市民+1快樂
Legalism = 律法統治
Immediately creates a cheapest available cultural building in each of your first 4 cities for free = 前4座城市免費獲得一座文化建築
Oligarchy = 寡頭政治
Units in cities cost no Maintenance, garrisoned city +50% attacking strength = 鎮守城市的單位無需維護費,有單位鎮守的城市+50%遠程戰鬥力
Landed Elite = 士紳階層
+10% food growth and +2 food in capital = 首都食物累積速率+10%,+2食物
Monarchy = 君主政體
+1 gold and -1 unhappiness for every 2 citizens in capital = 首都每2個市民+1金錢,-1不滿
Tradition Complete = 完整的傳統政策
+15% growth and +2 food in all cities = 每座城市食物累積速率+15%,+2食物
Liberty = 自主政策
+1 culture in every city = 每座城市+1文化
Collective Rule = 集體統治
Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the capital = 首都訓練移民速度+50%,首都附近獲得1個移民
Citizenship = 公民制度
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital = 地區設施建造速度+25%,首都附近獲得1個工人
Republic = 共和政體
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings = 每座城市+1產能,城市建造建築時產能累積速率+5%
Representation = 代議制度
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. = 每新建城市導致推行政策的文化成本的增幅減少相對於正常值的33%,立即開啟一次黃金時代
Meritocracy = 精英政治
+1 happiness for every city connected to capital, -5% unhappiness from citizens = 每座與首都相連的城市+1快樂, 來自市民的不滿-5%
Liberty Complete = 完整的自主政策
Free Great Person of choice near capital = 首都附近出現1個免費的偉人,類型可以選擇
Honor = 榮譽政策
+25% bonus vs Barbarians; gain Culture when you kill a barbarian unit = 所有軍事單位對蠻族的戰鬥力+25%,殺死蠻族單位時可獲得文化獎勵
Warrior Code = 尚武精神
+20% production when training melee units = 訓練近戰單位時產能累積速率+20%
Discipline = 軍事紀律
+15% combat strength for melee units which have another military unit in an adjacent tile = 近戰單位可從每個相鄰的己方單位獲得15%戰鬥力加成
Military Tradition = 軍事傳統
Military units gain 50% more Experience from combat = 軍事單位透過戰鬥獲得的經驗額外+50%
Military Caste = 軍人階層
Each city with a garrison increases happiness by 1 and culture by 2 = 每座有駐軍的城市+1快樂和+2文化
Professional Army = 職業軍隊
Honor Complete = 完整的榮譽政策
Gain gold for each unit killed = 殺死敵方單位時獲得金錢
Piety = 虔信政策
Building time of culture buildings reduced by 15% = 文化建築的建造時間-15%
Organized Religion = 教會組織
+1 happiness for each monument, temple and monastery = 每座紀念碑、神廟、修道院+1快樂
Mandate Of Heaven = 天命觀念
50% of excess happiness added to culture towards policies = 快樂的50%額外轉化為文化
Theocracy = 神權政治
Temples give +10% gold = 神廟的金錢產出+10%
Reformation = 宗教改革
+33% culture in all cities with a world wonder, immediately enter a golden age = 所有擁有奇觀的城市文化產出+33%,立即進入黃金時代
Free Religion = 信仰自由
+1 culture for each monument, temple and monastery. Gain a free policy. = 每座紀念碑、神廟和修道院+1文化,免費推行1項社會政策
Piety Complete = 完整的虔信政策
Reduce culture cost of future policies by 10% = 未來推行社會政策的文化花費-10%
Commerce = 商業政策
+25% gold in capital = 首都金錢產出+25%
Trade Unions = 聯合公會
Maintenance on roads & railroads reduced by 33%, +2 gold from all trade routes = 道路和鐵路的維修費-33%,所有貿易路線的金錢產出+2
Mercantilism = 重商主義
-25% to purchasing items in cities = 所有城市購買項目所需的金錢花費-25%
Entrepreneurship = 創業精神
Great Merchants are earned 25% faster, +1 Science from every Mint, Market, Bank and Stock Exchange. = 大商業家的誕生速度+25%,每座鑄幣廠、市場、銀行和證券交易所+1科研
Patronage = 贊助政策
Cost of purchasing culture buildings reduced by 50% = 購買文化建築時的金錢花費-50%
Protectionism = 貿易保護
+1 happiness from each luxury resource = 每種奢侈資源額外+1快樂
Commerce Complete = 完整的商業政策
+1 gold from every trading post, double gold from Great Merchant trade missions = 每處貿易站+1金錢,大商業家拓展貿易獲得的金錢加倍
Rationalism = 理性政策
Production to science conversion in cities increased by 33% = 產能向科研轉化收益+33%
Secularism = 世俗主義
+2 science from every specialist = 每個專業人員+2科研
Humanism = 人文主義
+1 happiness from every university, observatory and public school = 每所大學、天文台和公立學校+1快樂
Free Thought = 思想自由
+1 science from every trading post, +17% science from universities = 每處貿易站+1科研,大學+17%科研產出
Sovereignty = 主權在民
+15% science while empire is happy = 帝國處於快樂時科研產出+15%
Scientific Revolution = 科技革命
Gain 2 free technologies = 獲得2項免費科技
Rationalism Complete = 完整的理性政策
+1 gold from all science buildings = 所有科研建築+1金錢
Freedom = 自由政策
+25% great people rate = 偉人點數累積速率+25%
Constitution = 憲政主義
+2 culture from each wonder = 每座奇觀+2文化
Universal Suffrage = 普選制度
+1 production per 5 population = 每5人口+1產能
Civil Society = 公民社會
-50% food consumption by specialists = 專業人員消耗的食物減半
Free Speech = 言論自由
+1 culture for every 2 citizens = 每2個市民+1文化
Democracy = 民主主義
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness = 城市人口中專業人員產生的不滿減半
Freedom Complete = 完整的自由政策
Tile yield from great improvement +100%, golden ages increase by 50% = 建有設施的地區產出+100%,黃金時代持續時間+50%
Autocracy = 獨裁政策
-33% unit upkeep costs = 單位維護費-33%
Populism = 民粹主義
Wounded military units deal +25% damage = 受傷單位給予敵方造成的傷害+25%
Militarism = 軍國主義
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% = 購買單位時的金錢花費-33%
Fascism = 法西斯
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% = 帝國生產的戰略資源+100%
Police State = 警察國家
Captured cities retain their previous borders = 已佔領城市保有先前的邊界
Total War = 全面戰爭
+15% production when building military units and new military units start with 15 Experience = 訓練軍事單位時產能累積速率+15%,新的軍事單位初始經驗值為15
Autocracy Complete = 完整的獨裁政策
+1 happiness from each Walls, Castle and Arsenal = 每座城牆、城堡和兵工廠+1快樂
# Technologies
Agriculture = 農業
'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster = “只要人們開始耕作,其他藝術將隨之而生。因此農夫是人類文明的奠基者。”——丹尼爾·偉伯斯特(美國政治家)
Pottery = 製陶
'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 = “泥土豈可對陶工說:你在做什麼呢?”——聖經·以賽亞書 45:9
Animal Husbandry = 家畜馴養
'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 = “牛在踹谷的時候,不可籠住它的嘴。”——聖經·申命記 25:4
Archery = 弓箭
'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop = “那老鷹所中箭矢的箭尾是由一根他自己的羽毛製成的。我們總是給敵人提供毀滅我們自己的工具。”——伊索
Mining = 採礦
'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty = “謙卑的人會繼承地球,而不是它的採礦權。”——吉恩·保羅·蓋第(美國實業家)
Sailing = 帆船
'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles = “誰主宰了海洋,誰就主宰了一切。”——地米斯托克利(古希臘政治家兼軍事家)
Calendar = 曆法
'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 = “求你指教我們怎樣數算自己的日子,好叫我們得著智慧的心。”——聖經·詩篇 90:12
Writing = 文字
'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton = “毀禁一本好書就是殺死理性本身。”——彌爾頓
Trapping = 補獵
'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome = “即便是兇殘的野獸和恍惚的小鳥也不會落入相同的陷阱兩次。”——聖哲羅姆(古羅馬學者)
The Wheel = 輪子
'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb = “智慧和美德就像是一輛手推車的兩個輪子。”——日本俗語
Masonry = 石工術
'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil = “你們是多麼的幸運,因為你們的城牆已經築起!”——維吉爾
Bronze Working = 青銅器
'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer = “赫克托耳手持十一肘的長矛走上戰場;黃金圓環固定的青銅茅尖在他身前閃耀。”——荷馬
Optics = 光學
'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler = “他製造了一種儀器來仔細觀察月亮的光芒。”——賽繆爾·巴特勒(英國學者)
Horseback Riding = 騎術
'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) = “用我的王國換一匹馬!”——威廉·莎士比亞:《理查三世》
Mathematics = 數學
'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon = “數學是通向科學世界的大門鑰匙。”——羅傑·培根(中世紀英國科學家)
Construction = 建築構造學
'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe = “在一棟建築裡要看三樣東西:它是否被正確選址;它是否被牢固奠基;它是否被成功建造。”——約翰·沃爾夫剛·馮·歌德
Philosophy = 哲學
'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates = “世上只有一種善,那就是知識,也只有一種惡,那就是無知。”——蘇格拉底
Currency = 貨幣制度
'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope = “快樂的溫飽勝過煩惱的富裕。”——阿蒙尼莫普(古埃及學者)
Engineering = 工程學
'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci = “研究工具或機械的學問是最崇高的,也是所有學問當中最有用的。”——列奧納多·達·芬奇
Iron Working = 鐵器
'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats = “不要等鐵變熱才對其鍛打;而要通過鍛打而使其變熱。”——威廉·巴特勒·葉芝
Theology = 神學
'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas = “有三點是自我救贖所必須的:知道自己應該信什麼;知道自己應該要什麼;知道自己應該做什麼。”——聖湯碼士·阿奎那
Civil Service = 文官制度
'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is it inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy = “唯一能從官僚主義裡拯救我們的是它自己的低效。”——尤金·麥卡錫(美國政治家)
Enables Open Borders agreements = 允許簽訂開放邊境協定
Guilds = 行會
'The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained...' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = “商人和貿易者利潤的大小,早在他們開始經營的時候就已經決定了……”——錫克教聖典《格蘭斯·沙希伯》
Physics = 物理學
'Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.' - Galileo Galilei = “測量一切可測之物,並把不可測的變為可測。”——伽利略
Metal Casting = 金屬鑄造
'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib = “當整塊的青銅、黃金或黑鐵碎裂時,工匠們會用火重新鎔鑄,讓它們再次結為一體。”——錫克教聖典《格蘭斯·沙希伯》
Steel = 煉鋼
'John Henry said to his Captain, / 'A man ain't nothin' but a man, / And before I'll let your steam drill beat me down, / I'll die with the hammer in my hand.'' - Anonymous: The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Drivin' Man = 他向隊長立誓:“硬漢雖說只是人,若要氣鑽勝過我,除非我死把槌扔。”——佚名:鋼鐵漢子約翰·亨利之歌(美國民謠)
Compass = 羅盤
'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes = “我認為現代世界裡最重要的不是我們所處的位置,而是我們前進的方向。”——老奧利弗·溫德爾·霍姆斯(美國詩人)
Education = 教育學
'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle = “教育是老年生活最好的保障。”——亞里士多德
Chivalry = 騎士制度
'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.' - Malory = “誰能將這把劍從石台中拔出,他就是全英格蘭真正的國王。”——湯碼士·馬洛里(中世紀英國詩人)
Machinery = 機械
'The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.' - Thomas Jefferson = “印刷機是啟蒙人心的最好工具,能將人提昇唯有理性有道德的社會人。”——湯碼士·杰佛遜
Astronomy = 天文學
'Joyfully to the breeze royal Odysseus spread his sail, and with his rudder skillfully he steered.' - Homer = “愉快地乘著輕風,高貴的奧德修斯揚起他的船帆,熟練地掌握著他的舵柄。”——荷馬
Acoustics = 聲學
'Their rising all at once was as the sound of thunder heard remote' - Milton = “他們立刻一同起立,發出的聲響猶如一陣遠雷。”——彌爾頓
Banking = 銀行業
'Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion' - Jean Jacques Rousseau = “幸福:一個好的銀行帳戶,一個好廚師和一個好胃口。”——金·雅克·盧梭
Printing Press = 印刷機
'It is a newspaper's duty to print the news and raise hell.' - The Chicago Times = “報紙的任務就是印出新聞和製造麻煩。”——芝加哥時報
Gunpowder = 火藥
'The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops.' - Alfred Nobel = “當在戰場上交鋒的兩隻軍隊能夠在一秒鐘之內同時毀滅對方的那一天到來時,也許他們會選擇放棄戰爭並解除武裝。”——阿爾弗雷德·諾貝爾
Navigation = 航海術
'The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.' - Edward Gibbon = “風浪永遠站在最出色的領航員那邊。”——愛德華·吉本(英國歷史學家)
Architecture = 建築設計學
'Architecture begins where engineering ends.' - Walter Gropius = “建築設計學起於工程學中止之處。”——沃爾特·格羅佩斯(著名德國設計師)
Economics = 經濟學
'Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.' - Albert Einstein = “複息利率是宇宙中最強大的力量。”——阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦
Metallurgy = 冶金學
'There never was a good knife made of bad steel.' - Benjamin Franklin = “從沒有一把由壞鋼鑄成的好刀。”——班傑明·富蘭克林
Chemistry = 化學
'Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.' - Calvin Coolidge = “無論從哪方面看,化學家的工作都提高了我們文明的程度,增加了國家的生產力。”——卡爾文·柯立芝(美國第30任總統)
Scientific Theory = 科學理論
'Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.' - John Dewey = “科學的每一項重要進展都得力於大膽的想像力。”——約翰·杜威(美國教育家)
Archaeology = 考古學
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana = “不能銘記歷史的人注定要重蹈覆轍。”——喬治·桑塔亞那(西班牙哲學家)
Industrialization = 工業化
'Industrialization based on machinery, already referred to as a characteristic of our age, is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology.' - Emily Greene Balch = “由機械的發展而產生的工業化大生產,雖被看作這個時代的標誌,但它其實不過是科技進步帶來的諸多革命之一。”——艾米莉·格倫尼·巴爾奇(美國女經濟學家)
Rifling = 膛線
'It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.' - Robert E. Lee = “幸好戰爭是如此恐怖,否則我們將會打到樂此不疲。”——羅伯特·愛德華·李
Military Science = 軍事科學
'Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.' - George S. Patton = “戰爭是武器間的較量,但勝利必定要由人來奪取。是引領者及其追隨者們的精神力量使他們贏得了勝利。”——喬治·史密斯·巴頓
Fertilizer = 肥料
'The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.' - Franklin Delano Roosevelt = “一個毀掉自己所有土壤的國家也將毀滅自身。”——富蘭克林·德拉諾·羅斯福
Biology = 生物學
'If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.' - Lyall Watson = “如果大腦簡單到能讓我們理解,我們的思維就會簡單到不能理解大腦。”——萊爾·沃森(南非生物學家)
Electricity = 電學
'Is it a fact - or have I dreamt it - that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?' - Nathaniel Hawthorne = “這是事實還是我的空想:電流能把物質世界變成一個巨大的神經網路,讓震顫在瞬息之間傳送數千英里?”——納撒尼爾·霍桑(美國作家)
Steam Power = 蒸汽機
'The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.' - Townsend Harris = “西方國家希望蒸汽機所推動的相互交流能讓全世界親如一家。”——唐森·哈利斯(美國政治家)
Dynamite = 炸藥
'As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.' - Christopher Dawson = “當人們決定可以使用一切方式來和邪惡鬥爭時,他們的善良將變得和他們想要消滅的邪惡一樣可怕。”——克里斯托弗·道森(英國學者)
Refrigeration = 制冷
'And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.' - William Wordsworth = “我站在無數無家可歸的人們身邊,無數空空如也的桌子面前,渴求著食物。”——威廉·華茲華斯
Replaceable Parts = 可更換部件
'Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.' - Henry Ford = “如果你把大任務分解成小任務,任何事都不會特別難。”——亨利·福特
Radio = 無線電
'The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants.' - Woody Allen = “整個國家被無線電連結在一起,我們都熟識同樣的英雄、同樣的喜劇演員和同樣的歌手。他們都是時代的巨人。”——伍迪·艾倫
Combustion = 內燃機
'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein = “任何能夠在安全行駛的同時親吻一個年輕姑娘的男人一定沒有給那個吻應有的注意力。”——阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦
Plastics = 塑膠
'Ben, I want to say one word to you, just one word: plastics.' - Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, The Graduate = “班,我只想對你說一個詞,就一個詞:塑膠。”——巴克·亨利/卡爾德·威靈漢姆,《畢業生》
Electronics = 電子學
'There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time.' - Trip Hawkins = “消費類電子產品:它的功能越來越強,且價格越來越低。”——崔普·霍金斯(美國藝電(EA)公司創始人)
Ballistics = 彈道學
'Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest.' - Jean Paul = “人就像子彈,最圓滑的才走得最遠。”——金·保羅
Mass Media = 大眾傳媒
Flight = 航空
'Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.' - Igor Sikorsky = “航空既不是一種工業也不是一門科學。它是一個奇蹟。”——伊戈爾·西科爾斯基(美籍俄裔飛機設計師)
'The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.' - Thomas Jefferson = “引入蒸氣這樣一個強大的助手來驅動車輪進行運輸,將極大地改變人類的處境。”——湯碼士·杰佛遜
Pharmaceuticals = 製藥學
'In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men.' - Cicero = “沒有什麼比給予他人健康更使人接近諸神。”——希塞羅
Radar = 雷達
'Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.' - Jonathan Swift = “洞察力是看到不可見事物的藝術。”——喬納森·斯威夫特(英國作家)
Atomic Theory = 原子理論
'The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.' - Albert Einstein = “被釋放的原子能已經改變了一切,除了我們的思維模式,因此我們正在滑向空前的災難。”——阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦
Computers = 電腦
'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell = “電腦就像舊約中的上帝:諸多戒命且沒有憐憫。”——約瑟夫·坎貝爾(美國學者)
Mobile Tactics = 機動戰術
'All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.' - Sun Tzu = “人皆知吾所以勝其形,而莫知吾所以制勝之形”——孫子
Combined Arms = 協同作戰
'The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest.' - Ludwig von Mises = “邪惡的根源並不是什麼不斷創新的致命武器,而是人對征服的欲望。”——路德維希·馮·米塞斯
Nuclear Fission = 核分裂
'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' - J. Robert Oppenheimer = “我成了死神,世界的毀滅者。”——尤利烏斯·羅伯特·奧本海默
Ecology = 生態學
'Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species, man, acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.' - Rachel Carson = “直到進入本世紀的時候,作為一個物種的人類才獲得了足以改變他所在世界的本質的強大能力。”——雷切爾·卡森(美國生態學家)
Rocketry = 火箭
'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 = “火箭研究人員要遵守的一條規矩:永遠要假設它會爆炸。”——航天學雜誌,1937
Robotics = 機器人學
'1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except when such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.' - Isaac Asimov = “1、機器人不得傷害人,也不能見人受到傷害時袖手旁觀。2、機器人應服從人的一切命令,但不得違反第一定律。3、機器人應保護自身安全,但不得違反第一、第二定律。”——艾薩克·阿西莫夫
Lasers = 雷射
'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 = “黑夜已深,白晝將近:我們當脫去暗昧的行為,帶上光明的武器。”——聖經·羅馬書 13:12
Nanotechnology = 奈米技術
'The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives.' - Richard Schwartz = “奈米技術給我們的生活所帶來的衝擊預計將超過電子革命。”——理查·舒瓦茲(美國學者)
Satellites = 人造衛星
'Now, somehow, in some new way, the sky seemed almost alien.' - Lyndon B. Johnson = “現在,不知道為什麼,由於某些新的因素,天空好像被外星人佔領了。”——林登·貝恩斯·約翰遜
Particle Physics = 粒子物理
'Every particle of matter is attracted by or gravitates to every other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the squares of their distances.' - Isaac Newton = “任何物質粒子都會與其他物質粒子互相吸引,產生的引力和距離的平方成反比。”——艾薩克·牛頓
Future Tech = 未來科技
'I think we agree, the past is over.' - George W. Bush = “我想我們都同意:過去已經結束了。”——喬治·沃克·布什
# Technology uniques
Who knows what the future holds? = 誰知道未來會怎樣?
+10% science and production in all cities = 所有城市+10%的科研和產能輸出
Improves movement speed on roads = 提高道路上的移動速度
Enables conversion of city production to science = 可將城市產能轉化為科研
Enables conversion of city production to gold = 可將城市產能轉化為金錢
Enables embarkation for land units = 陸軍單位擁有船運能力
Enables embarked units to enter ocean tiles = 擁有船運能力的單位能夠進入海洋
Increases embarked movement +1 = 陸軍單位處於船運狀態時的移動力+1
# Tech eras
Ancient era = 遠古時代
Classical era = 古典時代
Medieval era = 中古時代
Renaissance era = 啟蒙時代
Industrial era = 工業時代
Modern era = 電氣時代
Information era = 資訊時代
Future era = 未來時代
# Terrains
Grassland = 草原
Plains = 平原
Tundra = 凍土
Desert = 沙漠
Lakes = 湖泊
Hill = 丘陵
Mountain = 山脈
Forest = 森林
Jungle = 叢林
Marsh = 沼澤
Fallout = 核輻射
Oasis = 綠洲
Snow = 雪原
Coast = 海濱
Ocean = 海洋
Flood plains = 沖積平原
Impassible = 不能通行
# Natural Wonders
Barringer Crater = 巴林傑隕石坑
Grand Mesa = 大平頂山
Great Barrier Reef = 大堡礁
Krakatoa = 喀拉喀托火山
Mount Fuji = 富士山
Old Faithful = 老忠實間歇泉
Rock of Gibraltar = 直布羅陀巨岩
Cerro de Potosi = 富饒山
El Dorado = 黃金國
Fountain of Youth = 青春之泉
# Natural Wonders Uniques
# Requires translation!
Grants 500 Gold to the first civilization to discover it =
# Requires translation!
Grants Rejuvenation (all healing effects doubled) to adjacent military land units for the rest of the game =
# Resources
Cattle = 牛群
Sheep = 綿羊
Deer = 野鹿
Bananas = 香蕉
Wheat = 小麥
Stone = 花崗石
Fish = 魚群
Bison = 野牛
Horses = 馬
Iron = 鐵
Coal = 煤
Oil = 石油
Aluminum = 鋁
Uranium = 鈾
Furs = 毛皮
Cotton = 棉花
Dyes = 染料
Gems = 寶石
Silver = 白銀
Incense = 薰香
Ivory = 象牙
Silk = 絲綢
Spices = 香料
Wine = 紅酒
Sugar = 蔗糖
Marble = 大理石
Pearls = 珍珠
Whales = 鯨魚
Copper = 赤銅
Cocoa = 可可
Crab = 螃蟹
Citrus = 柑橘
Truffles = 松露
Farm = 農場
Lumber mill = 鋸木廠
Mine = 礦井
Trading post = 貿易站
Camp = 獵場
Oil well = 油井
Pasture = 牧場
Plantation = 種植園
Quarry = 採石場
Fishing Boats = 漁船
Road = 道路
Remove Road = 拆毀道路
Railroad = 鐵路
Remove Railroad = 拆除鐵路
Remove Forest = 砍伐森林
Remove Jungle = 砍伐叢林
Remove Marsh = 移除沼澤
Remove Fallout = 消除核輻射
Ancient ruins = 遠古遺跡
City ruins = 城市遺址
Academy = 學院
Landmark = 風景地標
Manufactory = 製造中心
Customs house = 海關
Moai = 摩艾石像群
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai = 每個相鄰的摩艾石像群額外+1文化
Can only be built on Coastal tiles = 只能在沿海地塊建造
Barbarian encampment = 蠻族營地
# Unit types
Civilian = 平民單位
land units = 陸軍單位
water units = 海軍單位
air units = 空軍單位
WaterCivilian = 海上平民單位
Melee = 近戰單位
WaterMelee = 海軍近戰單位
Ranged = 遠程單位
WaterRanged = 海軍遠程單位
WaterSubmarine = 海軍潛艇單位
Siege = 攻堅能力
Mounted = 騎乘單位
Scout = 偵察兵
Armor = 裝甲單位
City = 城市
# Units
Founds a new city = 建立一座城市,生產此單位時城市的食物停止累積
Worker = 工人
Can build improvements on tiles = 可以在地塊上建造設施
Ignores terrain cost = 所有的地形都只消耗1單位移動力
Brute = 蠻族勇士
Warrior = 勇士
Maori Warrior = 毛利勇士
Archer = 弓箭手
Bowman = 巴比倫弓箭手
Work Boats = 工船
Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = 掌握天文學之前無法進入海洋
May create improvements on water resources = 可在水域資源上建造設施(工船將被消耗)
Trireme = 三列槳戰船
Cannot enter ocean tiles = 無法進入海洋
Chariot Archer = 戰車射手
No defensive terrain bonus = 無地形防禦力加成
Rough terrain penalty = 複雜地形懲罰
War Chariot = 埃及戰車
Spearman = 槍兵
Hoplite = 希臘重步兵
Persian Immortal = 波斯長生軍
+10 HP when healing = 回復時額外回復10HP
Composite Bowman = 複合弓兵
Catapult = 投石車
Must set up to ranged attack = 必須架設才能遠程攻擊
Ballista = 羅馬弩炮
Swordsman = 劍士
Mohawk Warrior = 莫霍克戰士
+33% combat bonus in Forest/Jungle = 位於森林/叢林時戰鬥力+33%
Legion = 古羅馬軍團
Can construct roads = 可以建造道路
Horseman = 騎手
Can move after attacking = 攻擊後可移動
Companion Cavalry = 馬其頓禁衛騎兵
War Elephant = 印度戰象
Galleass = 槳帆戰艦
Crossbowman = 弩手
Longbowman = 長弓手
Chu-Ko-Nu = 諸葛弩兵
Logistics = 後勤補給
1 additional attack per turn = 每回合有一次額外攻擊機會
Trebuchet = 投石器
Hwach'a = 架火戰車
Limited Visibility = 視野受限
Longswordsman = 長劍士
Pikeman = 長槍兵
Landsknecht = 自由傭兵
Knight = 騎士
Camel Archer = 駱駝騎射手
# Requires translation!
Conquistador =
# Requires translation!
Mandekalu Cavalry =
# Requires translation!
Defense bonus when embarked =
Naresuan's Elephant = 納黎萱戰象
Samurai = 日本武士
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = 戰鬥能更快的產生大軍事家
Caravel = 輕帆船
Turtle Ship = 龜船
+1 Visibility Range = +1視野
# Requires translation!
+2 Visibility Range =
Cannon = 加農砲
Musketman = 火槍手
Musketeer = 法國火槍手
Janissary = 蘇丹親兵
# Requires translation!
Tercio =
Heals [amountHealed] damage if it kills a unit = 消滅敵方單位後回復[amountHealed]生命值
Minuteman = 快速民兵
Frigate = 護衛艦
Ship of the Line = 主力艦
Lancer = 槍騎兵
Sipahi = 西帕希騎兵
No movement cost to pillage = 劫掠不消耗移動力
Gatling Gun = 加特林機槍
Rifleman = 來福槍兵
Cavalry = 近代騎兵
Cossack = 歌薩克騎兵
Artillery = 火炮
Indirect Fire = 間瞄射擊
Ironclad = 鐵甲鑑
Double movement in coast = 海濱移動時雙倍移動力
Landship = 履帶戰車
Great War Infantry = 一戰步兵
Foreign Legion = 外籍軍團
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = 境外作戰時戰鬥力+20%
Foreign Land = 境外
Destroyer = 驅逐艦
Can attack submarines = 能夠發現和攻擊潛艇單位
Machine Gun = 機關槍
Anti-Aircraft Gun = 高射炮
Infantry = 現代步兵
Battleship = 戰列鑑
Submarine = 潛艇
Bonus as Attacker [amount]% = 主動發起攻擊時+[amount]%戰鬥力
Invisible to others = 對其他單位隱形
Can only attack water = 只能攻擊海上目標
Carrier = 航空母艦
Triplane = 三翼機
[percent]% chance to intercept air attacks = [percent]%機率攔截來襲的敵軍飛機
Requires Manhattan Project = 需要完成曼哈頓計畫
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 全方向6格視野範圍內可見
Great War Bomber = 一戰轟炸機
Rocket Artillery = 火箭炮
Anti-Tank Gun = 反坦克炮
Marine = 海軍陸戰隊
Mobile SAM = 防空導彈車
Paratrooper = 傘兵
Tank = 坦克
Panzer = “虎II”坦克
Bomber = 轟炸機
Mechanized Infantry = 機械化步兵
Modern Armor = 現代坦克
B17 = B-17“空中堡壘”
Fighter = 戰鬥機
Zero = 零式戰鬥機
Helicopter Gunship = 武裝直昇機
Atomic Bomb = 原子彈
Nuclear Missile = 核導彈
Great Artist = 大藝術家
Unbuildable = 不可建立單位
Can start an 8-turn golden age = 可以開啟8回合黃金時代
Can build improvement: Landmark = 可以建造設施:風景地標
Great Scientist = 大科學家
Can hurry technology research = 可以加速科技研究
Can build improvement: Academy = 可以建造設施:學院
Great Merchant = 大商業家
Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [influenceAmount] Influence = 可以拓展與城邦的貿易,獲得大筆金錢和[influenceAmount]影響力
Can build improvement: Customs house = 可以建造設施:海關
Great Engineer = 大工程師
Can speed up construction of a wonder = 可以加快一座奇觀的建造速度
Can build improvement: Manufactory = 可以建造設施:製造中心
Great General = 大軍事家
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = 周圍兩格地塊內的我方所有陸軍單位+15%戰鬥力
# Promotions
Pick promotion = 選擇升級項目
OR = 或
Bonus vs [unitType] = 對戰[unitType]時戰鬥力+
Penalty vs [unitType] = 對戰[unitType]時戰鬥力-
Accuracy I = 精準I級
Accuracy II = 精準II級
Accuracy III = 精準III級
units in open terrain = 位於開闊地形的單位
units in rough terrain = 位於複雜地形的單位
Barrage I = 彈幕I級
Barrage II = 彈幕II級
Barrage III = 彈幕III級
Shock I = 衝擊I級
Shock II = 衝擊II級
Shock III = 衝擊III級
Drill I = 操練I級
Drill II = 操練II級
Drill III = 操練III級
Scouting I = 偵察I級
Scouting II = 偵察II級
Scouting III = 偵察III級
+1 Movement = +1移動力
Cover I = 隱蔽I級
Cover II = 隱蔽II級
+25% Defence against ranged attacks = 遭受遠程攻擊時+25%防禦力
March = 長途行軍
Charge = 猛烈衝鋒
wounded units = 受傷單位
Mobility = 機動能力
Volley = 齊射能力
Sentry = 警戒能力
Extended Range = 射程拓展
+1 Range = +1射程
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = 越過障礙進行遠程攻擊
Formation I = 列陣I級
Formation II = 列陣II級
Blitz = 閃電戰術
Bombardment I = 轟炸I級
Bombardment II = 轟炸II級
Bombardment III = 轟炸III級
Boarding Party I = 接舷I級
Boarding Party II = 接舷II級
Boarding Party III = 接舷III級
Coastal Raider I = 海掠I級
Coastal Raider II = 海掠II級
Coastal Raider III = 海掠III級
Targeting I = 定位I級
Targeting II = 定位II級
Targeting III = 定位III級
Wolfpack I = 狼群I級
Wolfpack II = 狼群II級
Wolfpack III = 狼群III級
Woodsman = 林地幽靈
Double movement rate through Forest and Jungle = 通過森林或叢林時移動速度加倍
Heal Instantly = 浴火重生
Heal this Unit by 50 HP; Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = 立即回復50生命值,同時放棄本次升級機會
Medic = 治療I級
Medic II = 治療II級
This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP per turn = 本單位及其相鄰單位每回合額外回復5生命值
This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP. This unit heals 5 additional HP outside of friendly territory. = 本單位及其相鄰單位每回合額外回復5生命值,該單位在自身領土以外每回合額外回復5生命值
Targeting I (air) = 空中定位I級
Targeting II (air) = 空中定位II級
Targeting III (air) = 空中定位III級
Air Repair = 空中維修
Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = 每回合回復生命值(包括執行指令後)
Operational Range = 航程拓展
+2 Range = +2航程
Sortie = 連續出擊
1 extra Interception may be made per turn = 1額外攔截次數/回合
Bonus when performing air sweep [bonusAmount]% = 空中遊獵時+[bonusAmount]%戰鬥力
Dogfighting I = 纏鬥I級
Dogfighting II = 纏鬥II級
Dogfighting III = 纏鬥III級
Bonus when intercepting [bonusAmount]% = 攔截敵方飛機時+[bonusAmount]%戰鬥力
Interception I = 攔截I級
Interception II = 攔截II級
Interception III = 攔截III級
Siege I = 攻堅I級
Siege II = 攻堅II級
Siege III = 攻堅III級
Evasion = 規避能力
Reduces damage taken from interception by 50% = 遭受攔截時的損傷-50%
Bonus when intercepting [amount]% = 執行攔截任務時+[amount]%戰鬥力
Ambush I = 伏擊I級
Ambush II = 伏擊II級
Haka War Dance = 哈卡戰舞
-10% combat strength for adjacent enemy units = 相鄰的敵方單位-10%戰鬥力
Rejuvenation = 返老还童
# Requires translation!
All healing effects doubled =