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# Buildings
Palace = Pałac
Indicates the capital city = Wskazuje stolicę
Monument = Pomnik
Granary = Spichlerz
Stone Works = Kamieniarz
Must not be on plains = Nie może być na równinach
Stonehenge = Stonehenge
'Time crumbles things; everything grows old and is forgotten under the power of time' - Aristotle = 'Czas kruszy wszystko; wszystko się starzeje i zostaje zapomniane w obliczu potęgi czasu.' - Arystoteles
Library = Biblioteka
+1 Science Per 2 Population = +1 do nauki na 2 obywateli
Paper Maker = Wytwórca papieru
The Great Library = Wielka Biblioteka
Free Technology = Darmowa technologia
'Libraries are as the shrine where all the relics of the ancient saints, full of true virtue, and all that without delusion or imposture are preserved and reposed.' - Sir Francis Bacon = 'Biblioteki to świątynie, w których przechowuje się i pielęgnuje wszystkie relikwie starożytnych świętych, pełne prawdziwej cnoty, a przy tym pozbawione złudzeń i kłamstw.' - Sir Francis Bacon
Circus = Cyrk
Walls = Mury
Walls of Babylon = Mury Babilonu
The Pyramids = Piramidy
'O, let not the pains of death which come upon thee enter into my body. I am the god Tem, and I am the foremost part of the sky, and the power which protecteth me is that which is with all the gods forever.' - The Book of the Dead, translated by Sir Ernest Alfred Wallis Budge = 'Niech ból śmierci, którego zaznasz, wejdzie w me ciało. Jam jest bóg Tem, najznamienitsza część nieba, a chroni mnie moc, która na zawsze jest wśród wszystkich bogów.'– Księga Umarłych, przetłumaczona przez Sir Ernesta Alfreda Wallisa Budge'a
Worker construction increased 25% = Prędkość pracy robotnika zwiększona o 25%
Provides 2 free workers = Dostarcza 2-óch darmowych robotników
Barracks = Koszary
Krepost = Twierdza
Culture and Gold costs of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% in this city = Koszt uzyskania nowego pola (w kulturze lub złocie) zmniejszony o 25% w tym mieście
Colossus = Kolos Rodyjski
'Why man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a colossus, and we petty men walk under his huge legs, and peep about to find ourselves dishonorable graves.' - William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar = 'Człowiek ten stanął okrakiem nad światem jak Kolos, gdy my, ludzie malusieńcy, spod jego wielkich nóg zerkamy wokół, szukając sobie upodlonych grobów.'– William Szekspir, Juliusz Cezar
+1 gold from worked water tiles in city = +1 do złota z obsadzonych pól wodnych w tym mieście
Temple = Świątynia
Burial Tomb = Grobowiec
The Oracle = Wyrocznia
'The ancient Oracle said that I was the wisest of all the Greeks. It is because I alone, of all the Greeks, know that I know nothing' - Socrates = 'Starożytna Wyrocznia powiedziała, że jestem najmądrzejszym z Greków. Bo tylko ja ze wszystkich Greków wiem, że nic nie wiem.' - Sokrates
Free Social Policy = Darmowy ustrój społeczny
National College = Akademia Narodowa
Manhattan Project = Projekt Manhattan
Chichen Itza = Chichen Itza
'The katun is established at Chichen Itza. The settlement of the Itza shall take place there. The quetzal shall come, the green bird shall come. Ah Kantenal shall come. It is the word of God. The Itza shall come.' - The Books of Chilam Balam = 'Katun jest w Chichen Itza. Tam powstanie osada Itza. Przybędzie kwezal, przybędzie zielony ptak. Przybędzie Ah Kantenal. Oto słowo boże. Itza przybędzie.' – Księgi Chilam Balam
Golden Age length increases +50% = Czas trwania Złotego Wieku zwiększony o 50%
Enables nuclear weapon = Umożliwia broń nuklearną
Lighthouse = Latarnia morska
Can only be built in coastal cities = Może być zbudowane tylko w miastach nadbrzeżnych
+1 food from Ocean and Coast tiles = +1 do żywności z pól wybrzeża i oceanicznych
The Great Lighthouse = Latarnia z Faros
'They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; these see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep.' - The Bible, Psalms 107:23-24 = 'Ci, którzy na statkach ruszyli na morze, aby uprawiać handel na ogromnych wodach, ci widzieli dzieła Pana i jego cuda wśród głębiny.'– Biblia, Księga Psalmów 107,23-24
All military naval units receive +1 movement and +1 sight = Każda jednostka marynarki otrzymuje +1 do ruchu i pola widzenia
Courthouse = Sąd
Remove extra unhappiness from annexed cities = Usuwa niezadowolenie z okupowanych miast
Can only be built in annexed cities = Budowa możliwa tylko w okupowanych miastach
Stable = Stajnia
+15% Production when building Mounted Units in this city = +15% do produkcji jednostek kawalerii w tym mieście
Circus Maximus = Cyrk maksymalny
Hanging Gardens = Wiszące Ogrody
'I think that if ever a mortal heard the word of God it would be in a garden at the cool of the day.' - F. Frankfort Moore = 'Gdyby śmiertelnik usłyszał głos Pana Boga, znalazłby w sadzie wraz z wiatren dniowym.' - F. Frankfort Moore
Colosseum = Koloseum
Terracotta Army = Armia z terakoty
'Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.' - Sun Tzu = 'Traktuj swoich żołnierzy jak ukochane dzieci, a z chęcią zginą wraz z Tobą.' - Sun Tzu
Market = Targowisko
Bazaar = Bazar
Provides 1 extra copy of each improved luxury resource near this City = Każdy luksusowy surowiec w granicach miasta jest liczony podwójnie
+2 Gold for each source of Oil and oasis = +2 do złota z każdej oazy lub złoża ropy
Monastery = Klasztor
Notre Dame = Notre Dame
'Architecture has recorded the great ideas of the human race. Not only every religious symbol, but every human thought has its page in that vast book.' - Victor Hugo = 'Architektura to zapis wspaniałych idei ludzkości. W tej obszernej księdze swe miejsce ma nie tylko każdy symbol religijny, ale także każda myśl człowiecza.' - Victor Hugo
Hagia Sophia = Hagia Sophia
'For it soars to a height to match the sky, and as if surging up from among the other buildings it stands on high and looks down upon the remainder of the city, adorning it, because it is a part of it, but glorying in its own beauty' - Procopius, De Aedificis = 'Wyrasta aż po sam nieboskłon, jakby wystrzeliwując spośród innych budynków, stoi wysoko i spogląda w dół na resztę miasta, podziwiając je, bo jest jego częścią, a jednocześnie pławi się we własnym pięknie.' – Prokopiusz De Aedificis
+33% great person generation in all cities = +33% do produkcji Wielkich Ludzi we wszystkich miastach
Mint = Mennica
Machu Picchu = Machu Picchu
'Few romances can ever surpass that of the granite citadel on top of the beetling precipices of Machu Picchu, the crown of Inca Land.' - Hiram Bingham = 'Niewiele romansów może się równać ze związkiem granitowej cytadeli stojącej na strzelistych urwiskach Machu Picchu, korony Kraju Inków.' – Hiram Bingham
Gold from all trade routes +25% = +25% złota ze wszystkich szlaków handlowych
Aqueduct = Akwedukt
40% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 40% więcej żywności za każdego nowego obywatela
Great Wall = Wielki Mur Chiński
'The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy's not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.' - Sun Tzu = 'Sztuka wojny uczy nas nie polegać na prawdopodobieństwie tego, iż wróg nie zaatakuje, a na tym, że nasze pozycje są niedostępne.' – Sun Zi
Enemy land units must spend 1 extra movement point when inside your territory (obsolete upon Dynamite) = Każda lądowa jednostka wroga musi zużyć dodatkowy 1 punkt ruchu by wejść na twoje terytorium (przestarzały po odkryciu dynamitu)
Workshop = Warsztat
Longhouse = Długi dom
+1 Production from each worked Forest tile = +1 do produkcji za każde pracujące pole lasu
Forge = Kuźnia
Harbor = Port
+1 production from all sea resources worked by the city = +1 do produkcji za każdy wydobywany surowiec morski
Connects trade routes over water = Tworzy wodne szlaki handlowe
University = Uniwersytet
+2 Science from each worked Jungle tile = +2 nauki z pól dżungli
Wat = Wat
Oxford University = Uniwersytet Oksfordzki
Castle = Zamek
Mughal Fort = Fort Mogołów
Alhambra = Alhambra
'Justice is an unassailable fortress, built on the brow of a mountain which cannot be overthrown by the violence of torrents, nor demolished by the force of armies.' - Joseph Addison = 'Sprawiedliwość jest twierdzą nie do zdobycia, wybudowaną na grzbiecie góry, której nie straszne ani gwałtowne wichury, ani potężne armie.' - Joseph Addison
All newly-trained melee, mounted, and armored units in this city receive the Drill I promotion = Każdy nowo wyszkolona w tym mieście jednostka walcząca w zwarciu otrzymuje umiejętność Musztra I
Angkor Wat = Angkor Wat
'The temple is like no other building in the world. It has towers and decoration and all the refinements which the human genius can conceive of.' - Antonio da Magdalena = 'Ta świątynia… nie ma sobie równych w całym świecie. Ma wieże, zdobienia i całe wyrafinowanie, które mógł stworzyć geniusz człowieka.' - Antonio da Magdalena
Cost of acquiring new tiles reduced by 25% = Koszt zakupu nowych pól obniżony o 25%
Porcelain Tower = Porcelanowa Wieża
'Things always seem fairer when we look back at them, and it is out of that inaccessible tower of the past that Longing leans and beckons.' - James Russell Lowell = 'Kiedy patrzymy w przeszłość, wszystko wydaje się piękniejsze i właśnie w tej niedostępnej wieży przeszłości rodzi się Tęsknota.' - James Russell Lowell
Free great scientist appears = Pojawia się darmowy Wielki Naukowiec
Ironworks = Huta
Armory = Zbrojownia
Observatory = Obserwatorium
Opera House = Opera
Sistine Chapel = Kaplica Sykstyńska
'I live and love in God's peculiar light.' - Michelangelo Buonarroti = 'Żyję i kocham w bożym blasku.' – Michał Anioł Buonarroti
Culture in all cities increased by 25% = Kultura we wszystkich miastach wzrasta o 25%
Bank = Bank
Hanse = Hanza
+5% Production for every Trade Route with a City-State in the empire = +5% do produkcji za każdy szlak handlowy z państwem-miastem
Satrap's Court = Dwór Satrapy
Forbidden Palace = Zakazany Pałac
'Most of us can, as we choose, make of this world either a palace or a prison' - John Lubbock = 'Większość z nas może wybrać, czy świat będzie nam pałacem, czy więzieniem.' – John Lubbock
Unhappiness from population decreased by 10% = Niezadowolenie z populacji zmniejszone o 10%
Theatre = Teatr
Leaning Tower of Pisa = Krzywa Wieża w Pizie
'Don't clap too hard - it's a very old building.' - John Osbourne = 'Nie klaszczcie za mocno - to bardzo stary budynek.' – John Osborne
Free Great Person = Darmowy Wielki Człowiek
Choose a free great person = Wybierz darmowego Wielkiego Człowieka
Get = Otrzymaj
Himeji Castle = Zamek Himeji
'Bushido is realized in the presence of death. This means choosing death whenever there is a choice between life and death. There is no other reasoning.' - Yamamoto Tsunetomo = 'Bushido - Droga wojownika - ujawnia się w obecności śmierci. Oznacza wybranie śmierci, gdy do wyboru jest życie lub śmierć. Nie ma innego uzasadnienia.' – Yamamoto Tsunetomo
+15% combat strength for units fighting in friendly territory = +15% do siły ataku jednostek walczących na przyjaznym terytorium
Taj Mahal = Tadź Mahal
'The Taj Mahal rises above the banks of the river like a solitary tear suspended on the cheek of time.' - Rabindranath Tagore = 'Tadż Mahal wznosi się nad brzegiem rzeki niczym samotna łza wisząca na policzku czasu.' – Rabindranath Tagore
Empire enters golden age = Imperium wkroczyło w złotą erę
Windmill = Wiatrak
Must not be on hill = Nie może być na wzgórzu
Museum = Muzeum
Hermitage = Ermitaż
The Louvre = Luwr
'Every genuine work of art has as much reason for being as the earth and the sun' - Ralph Waldo Emerson = 'Każde prawdziwe dzieło sztuki pod wieloma względami przypomina ziemię i słońce.' – Ralph Waldo Emerson
Free Great Artist Appears = Pojawił się darmowy Wielki Artysta
Seaport = Port morski
+1 production and gold from all sea resources worked by the city = +1 do produkcji i złota ze wszystkich surowców morskich wydobywanych w mieście
+15% production of naval units = +15% do produkcji jednostek marynarki
Public School = Szkoła powszechna
Hospital = Szpital
25% of food is carried over after a new citizen is born = 25% więcej żywności po pojawieniu się nowego obywatela
Factory = Fabryka
Stock Exchange = Giełda
Big Ben = Big Ben
'To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.' - Leonard Bernstein = 'Żeby dokonać czegoś wielkiego, potrzeba dwóch rzeczy: planu i zbyt mało czasu.' – Leonard Bernstein
-15% to purchasing items in cities = -15% do ceny budynków i jednostek kupowanych w miastach
Cristo Redentor = Statua Chrystusa Zbawiciela
'Come to me, all who labor and are heavy burdened, and I will give you rest.' - New Testament, Matthew 11:28 = 'Przyjdźcie do Mnie wszyscy, którzy utrudzeni i obciążeni jesteście, a Ja was pokrzepię.' – Biblia, Ew. wg św. Mateusza 25,28
Culture cost of adopting new Policies reduced by 10% = Wdrożenie nowych ustrojów społecznych zmniejszone o 10% kultury
Kremlin = Kreml
'The Law is a fortress on a hill that armies cannot take or floods wash away.' –- The Prophet Muhammed = 'Prawo to forteca na wzgórzu, którego nie zdobędzie żadna armia i nie pochłonie powódź.' – Prorok Mahomet
Defensive buildings in all cities are 25% more effective = +25% skuteczności budowli obronnych w miastach
Neuschwanstein = Zamek Neuschwanstein
'...the location is one of the most beautiful to be found, holy and unapproachable, a worthy temple for the divine friend who has brought salvation and true blessing to the world.' - King Ludwig II of Bavaria = '...miejsce to jest jednym z najpiękniejszych, jakie można znaleźć. Święte i niedostępne. Prawdziwa świątynia ku czci boskiego przyjaciela, który przyprowadził wybawienie i prawdziwe błogosławieństwo dla świata.' – Król Ludwig II Bawarski
+1 happiness, +2 culture and +3 gold from every Castle = +1 do zadowolenia, +2 do kultury i +3 do złota z każdego zamku
Military Academy = Akademia wojskowa
Brandenburg Gate = Brama Brandenburska
Free Great General appears near the Capital = Pojawia się Darmowy Wielski Generał w pobliżu Stolicy.
'Pale Death beats equally at the poor man's gate and at the palaces of kings.' - Horace = 'Blada Śmierć puka zarówno do drzwi biedaka, jak i do pałaców królów.' - Horacy
Broadcast Tower = Wieża transmisyjna
Eiffel Tower = Wieża Eiffla
'We live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting' - Kahlil Gibran = 'Żyjemy tylko po to, aby odkrywać piękno. Wszystko inne jest jedynie sztuką oczekiwania.' - Kahlil Gibran
Provides 1 happiness per social policy = +1 do zadowolenia z każdego ustroju społecznego
Statue of Liberty = Statua wolności
'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!' - Emma Lazarus = 'Daj mi twoje zmęczenie i biedę, I twoich westchnień do wolności bezład, Wszystkie odrzucenia, nędze, całą życia schedę, Wyślij je, bezdomny, i rzuć je na wiatr: Podniosę mą lampę obok złotych drzwi. Jak wieniec na metę.' - Emma Lazarus
+1 Production from specialists = +1 do produkcji ze specjalistów
Medical Lab = Laboratorium medyczne
Research Lab = Ośrodek badawczy
Hydro Plant = Elektrownia wodna
Stadium = Stadion
Solar Plant = Elektrownia słoneczna
Must be next to desert = Musi być obok pustyni
Must be next to mountain = Musi być przy górze
Sydney Opera House = Opera w Sydney
'Those who lose dreaming are lost.' - Australian Aboriginal saying = 'Ci, którzy zgubią marzenia, sami są zgubieni.' - przysłowie Aborygenów
+1 population in each city = +1 do populacji w każdym mieście
+1 happiness in each city = +1 do zadowolenia w każdym mieście
Pentagon = Pentagon
'In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.' - Dwight D. Eisenhower = 'Przygotowując się do bitwy, zawsze się przekonywałem, że plany są bezużyteczne, ale planowanie jest niezbędne.'- Dwight D. Eisenhower
Gold cost of upgrading military units reduced by 33% = Koszt ulepszenia jednostki bojowej zmniejszony o 33%
Apollo Program = Program Apollo
Enables construction of Spaceship parts = Pozwala na konstrukcję części statku kosmicznego
Nuclear Plant = Elektrownia atomowa
Spaceship Factory = Fabryka statków kosmicznych
Increases production of spaceship parts by 50% = Zwiększa produkcję części statku kosmicznego o 50%
Spaceship part = Część statku kosmicznego
Hubble Space Telescope = Teleskop Hubble'a
'The wonder is, not that the field of stars is so vast, but that man has measured it.' - Anatole France = Zadziwiające jest to, że pole gwiazd nie jest tak ogromne, ale że człowiek je zmierzył. - Anatole France
2 free great scientists appear = Pojawiają się 2 darmowi Wielcy Naukowcy
Increases production of spaceship parts by 25% = Zwiększa produkcję części statku kosmicznego o 25%
SS Booster = Dopalacz SK
SS Cockpit = Kokpit SK
SS Engine = Silnik SK
SS Stasis Chamber = Komora statyczna SK
# Diplomacy,Trade,Nations
Requires [buildingName] to be built in the city = [buildingName] musi być wzniesiony w mieście
Requires [buildingName] to be built in all cities = [buildingName] musi znajdować się we wszystkich miastach
Provides a free [buildingName] in the city = Zapewnia darmowy budynek [buildingName] w mieście
Requires worked [resource] near city = Wymaga w mieście surowca [resource]
Wonder is being built elsewhere = Cud jest już budowany gdzie indziej
Requires a [buildingName] in all cities = [buildingName] musi znajdować się we wszystkich miastach
Requires a [buildingName] in this city = Wymaga budynku [buildingName] w tym mieście
Requires [resource] = Wymaga surowca [resource]
Required tech: [requiredTech] = Wymaga odkrycia technologii [requiredTech]
Diplomacy = Dyplomacja
War = Wojna
Peace = Pokój
Declare war = Wypowiedz wojnę
Declare war on [civName]? = Wypowiedz wojnę cywilizacji [civName]
[civName] has declared war on us! = Władca cywilizacji [civName] wypowiedział nam wojnę!
[leaderName] of [nation] = [leaderName], władca cywilizacji [nation]
You'll pay for this! = Zapłacisz za swą zuchwałość!
Negotiate Peace = Negocjuj pokój
Very well. = Niech tak będzie.
Farewell. = Żegnaj.
Sounds good! = Bardzo dobrze!
Not this time. = To się nie uda
Excellent! = Wyśmienicie!
How about something else... = Oto nasza oferta.
A pleasure to meet you. = Czuję się zaszczycony.
Our relationship: = Nasze relacje:
We have encountered the City-State of [name]! = Napotkaliśmy państwo-miasto o nazwie [name]!
Declare Friendship ([numberOfTurns] turns) = Zadeklaruj przyjaźń na [numberOfTurns] tur
May our nations forever remain united! = Oby ta przyjaźń już zawsze łączyła nasze cywilizacje!
Indeed! = Wspaniale!
Denounce ([numberOfTurns] turns) = Potęp cywilizację na [numberOfTurns] tur
We will remember this. = Zapamiętamy to sobie!
Unforgivable = Niewybaczlne
Enemy = Wrogowie
Competitor = Konkurenci
Neutral = Neutralny
Favorable = Ulubieniec
Friend = Przyjaciel
Ally = Sojusznik
Provides [amountOfCulture] culture at [30] Influence = Dodaje [amountOfCulture] kultury przy Wpływie równym 30
Provides 3 food in capital and 1 food in other cities at 30 Influence = Dodaje 3 jednostki żywności w stolicy i 1 jednostkę w innych miastach przy poziomie Wpływów równym 30
Provides 3 happiness at 30 Influence = Dodaje z jednostki szczęścia przy poziomie Wpływów równym 30
Provides land units every 20 turns at 30 Influence = Zapewnia jednostki lądowe co 20 tur przy poziomie Wpływów równym 30
Gift [giftAmount] gold (+[influenceAmount] influence) = Dodaje [giftAmount] złota (+[influenceAmount] influence)
Relationship changes in another [turnsToRelationshipChange] turns = Relacje zmieniają się w następnych [turnsToRelationshipChange] turach
You declared war on us! = Wypowiedziałeś z nami wojnę!
Your warmongering ways are unacceptable to us. = Wasze podżeganie jest dla nas nie do przyjęcia.
You have captured our cities! = Przejąłeś nasze miasta!
# Requires translation!
We applaud your liberation of our conquered cities! =
Years of peace have strengthened our relations. = Lata pokoju wzmocniły nasze relacje.
Our mutual military struggle brings us closer together. = Nasza wspólna walka zbliża nas do siebie.
We have signed a public declaration of friendship = Podpisaliśmy deklarację o przyjaźni
You have declared friendship with our enemies! = Zadeklarowałeś przyjaźń z naszym wrogiem!
You have declared friendship with our allies = Zadeklarowałeś przyjaźń z naszymi sojusznikami
Our open borders have brought us closer together. = Nasze otwarte granice zbliżyły nas do siebie.
Your so-called 'friendship' is worth nothing. = Wasza tak zwana 'przyjaźń' jest nic warta.
You have publicly denounced us! = Potępiłeś nas publicznie!
You have denounced our allies = Potępiłeś naszych sojuszników publicznie!
You have denounced our enemies = Potępiłeś naszych wrogów
Demands = Żądania
Please don't settle new cities near us. = Proszę nie osiedlaj się w pobliżu naszych miast.
Very well, we shall look for new lands to settle. = Bardzo proszę, będziemy szukać nowych ziem do osiedlenia się.
We shall do as we please. = Zrobimy jak chcemy
You betrayed your promise to not settle cities near us = Nie dotrzymałeś umowy by nie osiedlać się blisko naszych miast
You fulfilled your promise to stop settling cities near us! = Wywiązałeś się z umowy aby nie osiedlać się blisko naszych miast
You refused to stop settling cities near us = Odmówiłeś prośby aby nie osiedlać się blisko naszych miast
We noticed your new city near our borders, despite your promise. This will have....implications. = Mimo obietnicy zauważyliśmy twoje nowe miasto w pobliżu naszych granic. Poniesiesz za to konsekwencje
Your arrogant demands are in bad taste = Twoje aroganckie żądania są w złym guście
# Requires translation!
Your use of nuclear weapons is disgusting! =
Cultured = Wykształcony
Maritime = Nadmorski
Mercantile = Handlowy
Militaristic = Militarny
Type: = Rodzaj
Influence: = Wpływ
Reach 30 for friendship. = Zdobądź 30 dla przyjaźni.
Reach highest influence above 60 for alliance. = Osiągnij wpływ powyżej 60 dla sojuszu.
Ally: = Sojusznik:
Trade = Wymiana
Offer trade = Zaproponuj wymianę
Retract offer = Wycofaj ofertę
What do you have in mind? = Co masz na myśli?
Our items = Nasze przedmioty
Our trade offer = Nasza oferta wymiany
[otherCiv]'s trade offer = Oferta wymiany od [otherCiv]
[otherCiv]'s items = Przedmioty od [otherCiv]
Pleasure doing business with you! = Miło jest robić z tobą interesy!
I think not. = Myślę że nie.
That is acceptable. = To jest akceptowalne.
Accept = Zatwierdź
Keep going = Kontynuuj
There's nothing on the table = Na stole nie ma nic
Peace Treaty = Traktat pokojowy
Agreements = Umowa
Open Borders = Otwórz granice
Gold per turn = Złoto na turę
Cities = Miasta
Technologies = Technologie
Declarations of war = Deklaracja wojny
Introduction to [nation] = Przedstawienie narodu [nation]
Declare war on [nation] = Wypowiedz wojnę z [nation]
# Requires translation!
Luxury resources =
Strategic resources = Zasoby strategiczne
replaces = zastępuje
[resourceName] not required = [resourceName] nie jest wymagane/ny
Lost ability = Utracona zdolność
National ability = Zdolność narodowa
# Nations
Babylon = Babilon
Receive free Great Scientist when you discover Writing, Earn Great Scientists 50% faster = Otrzymaj Wielkiego Naukowca po odkryciu Pisma, Zdobądź Wielkiego Naukowca 50% szybciej
Nebuchadnezzar II = Nabuchodonozor II
Greece = Grecja
Alexander = Aleksander Wielki
City-State Influence degrades at half and recovers at twice the normal rate = Wpływ Miasta-Państwa obniża się o połowę i odnawia dwukrotnie szybciej niż normalnie
China = Chiny
Wu Zetian = Wu Zetian
Great general provides double combat bonus, and spawns 50% faster = Wielki generał zapewnia podwójną premię do walki i tworzy się 50% szybciej
Egypt = Egipt
Ramesses II = Ramzes II
+20% production towards Wonder construction = +20% do produkcji budowy Cudu
England = Anglia
Elizabeth = Elżbieta
+2 movement for all naval units = +2 do Przemieszczenia się dla wszystkich jednostek morskich
France = Francja
Napoleon = Napoleon
+2 Culture per turn from cities before discovering Steam Power = +2 Kultury na turę od miast przed odkryciem Energi Parowej
Russia = Rosja
Catherine = Katarzyna
Strategic Resources provide +1 Production, and Horses, Iron and Uranium Resources provide double quantity = Surowce Strategiczne zapewniają +1 do Produkcji, a Konie, Żelazo i Uran zapewniają podwojoną ilość
Rome = Rzym
Augustus Caesar = Gajusz Juliusz Cezar
+25% Production towards any buildings that already exist in the Capital = +25% do Produkcji budowli które już istenieją w Stolicy
Arabia = Arabia
Harun al-Rashid = Harun ar-Raszid
+1 Gold from each Trade Route, Oil resources provide double quantity = +1 Złota za każdy Szlak Handlowy, zasoby Ropy zapewnia podwojoną ilość
America = Ameryka
George Washington = George Washington
All land military units have +1 sight, 50% discount when purchasing tiles = Wszystkie naziemne jednostki wojskowe otrzymują +1 do wzroku, 50% zniżki podczas zakupu pola
Japan = Japonia
Oda Nobunaga = Oda Nobunaga
Units fight as though they were at full strength even when damaged = Jednostki walczą z pełną sił, nawet kiedy są zranione
Germany = Niemcy
Otto von Bismark = Otto von Bismarck
67% chance to earn 25 Gold and recruit a Barbarian unit from a conquered encampment, -25% land units maintenance. = 67% szans na zdobycie 25 Złota i zrekrutowanie Barbażyńskiej jednostki z podbitego obozowiska, -25% do utrzymania jednostek lądowych.
India = Indie
Gandhi = Mahatma Gandhi
Unhappiness from number of Cities doubled, Unhappiness from number of Citizens halved. = Niezadowolenie mieszkańców Miast podwoiło się, Niezadowolenie mieszkańców Miast zmalało o połowę.
The Ottomans = Imperium Osmańskie
Suleiman I = Sulejman I
Pay only one third the usual cost for naval unit maintenance. Melee naval units have a 1/3 chance to capture defeated naval units. = Zapłać trzecią część zwykłego kosztu za utrzymanie jednostki morskiej. Morskie jednostki do walki w zwarciu mają 1/3 szansy na przejęcie pokonanych jednostek morskich.
Korea = Korea
Sejong = Sejong
+2 Science for all specialists and Great Person tile improvements = +2 Nauki dla wszystkich specjalistów i polepszenie pola Wielkiej Osoby
Iroquois = Irokezi
Hiawatha = Hiawatha
All units move through Forest and Jungle Tiles in friendly territory as if they have roads. These tiles can be used to establish City Connections upon researching the Wheel. = Wszystkie jednostki przemieszczają się przez teren Lasu i Dżungli na przyjaznych terenach tak, jak na drogach. Te pola mogą być użyte do zakładania Łączników Miast po odkryciu Koła.
Persia = Persja
Darius I = Dariusz I
Golden Ages last 50% longer. During a Golden Age, units receive +1 Movement and +10% Strength = Złoty Wiek utrzymuje się 50% dłużej. Podczas Złotego Wieku jednostki otrzymują +1 do Przemieszczania się i +10% Siły
Polynesia = Polinezja
Kamehameha I = Kamehameha I
Can embark and move over Coasts and Oceans immediately. +1 Sight when embarked. +10% Combat Strength bonus if within 2 tiles of a Moai. = Możesz zaokrętować i ruszyć na Wybrzeża natychmiast. +1 do Wzroku po zaokrętowaniu. +10% Siły w walce w obrębie 2 pól od Moai.
Siam = Siam
Ramkhamhaeng = Ramkhamhaeng
Food and Culture from Friendly City-States are increased by 50% = Zasoby Pożywienia i Kultura od Przyjaznych Miast-Państw są ziwiększone o 50%
Songhai = Songhaj
# Requires translation!
Askia =
Receive triple Gold from Barbarian encampments and pillaging Cities. Embarked units can defend themselves. = Odtrymaj potrojone Złoto od Barbażyńskich obozowisk i plądrowanych Miast. Zaokrętowane jednostki mogą same się bronić
# New game screen
Uniques = Unikalne jednostki
Promotions = Awanse
Barbarians = Barbażyńcy
Load copied data = Wczytaj skopiowane dane
Could not load game from clipboard! = Nie można wczytać danych ze schowka!
Start game! = Zacznij grę:
# Requires translation!
Map options =
# Requires translation!
Game options =
Map type = Rodzaj mapy
# Requires translation!
Generated =
# Requires translation!
Existing =
# Requires translation!
Map generation type =
Number of city-states = Liczba miast-państw
One City Challenge = Wyzwanie z limitem 1 miasta
No barbarians = Brak barbarzyńców
No ancient ruins = Bez antycznych ruin
Victory conditions = Warunki zwycięstwa
Scientific = Naukowe
Domination = Dominacja
Cultural = Kulturowe
Online Multiplayer = Tryb wieloosobowy
World size = Rozmiar mapy
Tiny = Bardzo mały
Small = Mały
Medium = Średni
Large = Duży
Huge = Ogromny
Difficulty = Poziom trudności
Settler = Osadnik
Chieftain = Kapitan
Warlord = Generał
Prince = Książę
King = Król
Emperor = Imperator
Immortal = Nieśmiertelny
Deity = Bóg
AI = Komputer
Remove = Usuń
Random = Losowo
Human = Gracz
Hotseat = Gorące krzesło
User ID = ID użytkownika
Click to copy = Naciśnij aby skopiować
Username = Nazwa użytkownika
Multiplayer = Wieloosobowy
Could not download game! = Nie można pobrać gry!
Could not upload game! = Nie można przesłać gry!
Join Game = Dołącz do gry
Invalid game ID! = Nieprawidłowy ID gry!
Copy User ID = Skopiuj ID użytkownika
Copy Game ID = Skopiuj ID gry
Set current user = Ustaw aktualnego użytkownika
Player ID from clipboard = Wklej ID użytkownika ze schowka
To create a multiplayer game, check the 'multiplayer' toggle in the New Game screen, and for each human player insert that player's user ID. = Aby utworzyć grę wieloosobową, zaznacz 'wieloosobowa' w oknie Nowej Gry, i dla każdego gracza wprowadź jego ID użytkownika
You can assign your own user ID there easily, and other players can copy their user IDs here and send them to you for you to include them in the game. = Możesz łatwo przypisać własny ID użytkownika, a inni gracze mogą skopiować tutaj swoje ID użytkownika i wysłać je do Ciebie, abyś mógł ich włączyć do gry
Once you've created your game, enter this screen again to copy the Game ID and send it to the other players. = Po utworzeniu gry ponownie wejdź na ten ekran, aby skopiować ID gry i wysłać go innym graczom
Players can enter your game by copying the game ID to the clipboard, and clicking on the Join Game button = Gracze mogą wejść do gry, kopiując ID gry do schowka i klikając przycisk 'Dołącz do gry'
Game Speed = Prędkość gry
Quick = Szybka
Standard = Standardowa
Epic = Szybka
Marathon = Błyskawiczna
Starting Era = Początkowa era
It looks like we can't make a map with the parameters you requested! = Wygląda na to że nie jesteśmy w stanie stworzyć mapy z podanymi przez Ciebie parametrami!
Maybe you put too many players into too small a map? = Może dodałeś za dużo graczy na zbyt małej mapie?
No human players selected! = Nie wybrano żadnego ludzkiego gracza!
Current saves = Obecne zapisy
Show autosaves = Pokaż autozapisy
Saved game name = Nazwa zapisanej gry
Copy to clipboard = Skopiuj do schowka
Copy saved game to clipboard = Skopiuj zapisaną grę do schowka
Could not load game = Nie udało się wczytać gry
Load [saveFileName] = Wczytaj [saveFileName]
Delete save = Usuń zapis
Saved at = Zapisz jako
# Requires translation!
Load map =
Are you sure you want to delete this map? = Czy na pewno chcesz usunąc tą mapę?
Upload map = Prześlij mapę
Could not upload map! = Nie udało się przesłać mapy
Map uploaded successfully! = Mapa została przesłana pomyślnie
# Options
Options = Ustawienia
Display options = Ustawienia wyświetlacza
Turns between autosaves = Przełącza pomiędzy autozapisami
Sound effects volume = Poziom głośności efektów
Music volume = Poziom głośności muzyki
Download music = Pobierz muzykę
Downloading... = Pobieranie...
Could not download music! = Nie udało się pobrać muzyki!
Show = Pokaż
Hide = Ukryj
Show worked tiles = Pokaż pracujące pola
Show resources and improvements = Pokaż zasoby i ulepszenia
Check for idle units = Sprawdź jednostki czekające na rozkazy
Move units with a single tap = Przemieść jednostki jednym dotykiem
Show tutorials = Pokaż przewodnik
Auto-assign city production = Automatycznie przypisz produkcję miastu
Auto-build roads = Automatycznie buduj drogi
Show minimap = Pokaż minimapę
Show pixel units = Pokaż jednostki jako pixele
Show pixel improvements = Pokaż ulepszenia jako pixele
# Requires translation!
Enable nuclear weapons =
Fontset = Zestaw czcionek
# Notifications
Research of [technologyName] has completed! = Badania nad technologią [technologyName] zostały ukończone!
You have entered a golden age! = Twoje imperium weszło w Złoty Wiek!
[resourceName] revealed near [cityName] = [resourceName] odkryte nieopodal [cityName]
A [greatPerson] has been born in [cityName]! = [cityName] - [greatPerson] urodził/a się!
We have encountered [civName]! = Natknąłeś się na cywilizację [civName]!
Cannot provide unit upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded! = Nie można dłużej utrzymać jednostki [unitName] - jednostka został rozwiązana!
[cityName] has grown! = [cityName] powiększyło się!
[cityName] has been founded! = [cityName] zostało utworzone!
[cityName] is starving! = [cityName] głoduje!
[construction] has been built in [cityName] = Prace nad [construction] w mieście [cityName] zostały zakończone
[wonder] has been built in a faraway land = [wonder] został zbudowany na dalekich ziemiach
Work has started on [construction] = Rozpoczęto prace nad budową [construction]
[cityName] cannot continue work on [construction] = Miasto [cityName] nie może dalej pracować nad [construction]
[cityname] has expanded its borders! = Granice miasta [cityname] poszerzyły się!
# Requires translation!
Your Golden Age has ended. =
[cityName] has been razed to the ground! = Miasto [cityName] zostało zrównane z ziemią!
We have conquered the city of [cityname]! = Napotkaliśmy miasto [cityname]!
An enemy [unit] has attacked [cityname] = Wrogie jednostki [unit] ruszyły na [cityname]
An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Wrogie jednostki [unit] zaatakowały nasze oddziały [ourUnit]
Enemy city [cityName] has attacked our [ourUnit] = Wrogie miasto [cityName] zaatakowało nasze jednostki [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] has captured [cityname] = Wrogie jednostki [unit] przejeły miasto [cityname]
An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit] = Wrogie jednostki [unit] przejeły nasze jednostki [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Wrogie jednostki [unit] pokonały nasze jednostki [ourUnit]
An enemy [RangedUnit] has destroyed the defence of [cityname] = Wrogie jednostki dystansowe [RangedUnit] zniszczyły obronę miasta [cityname]
Enemy city [cityName] has destroyed our [ourUnit] = Wrogie miasto [cityName] pokonało nasze jednostki [ourUnit]
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityname] = Miasto [cityname] odparło atak wrogich jednostek [unit]
An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit] = Nasze jednostki [ourUnit] odparły atak wrogich jednostek [unit]
Our [attackerName] was destroyed by an intercepting [interceptorName] = Nasz [attackerName] został przechwycony przez [interceptorName]
Our [interceptorName] intercepted and destroyed an enemy [attackerName] = Nasza jednostka przechwytująca [interceptor] przechwyciła i zniszczyła przeciwnika [attackerName]
Our [$attackerName] was attacked by an intercepting [$interceptorName] = Nasz [$attackerName] został zaatakowany przez [$interceptorName]
Our [$interceptorName] intercepted and attacked an enemy [$attackerName] = Nasza jednostka przechwytująca [$interceptorName] przechwyciła i zaatakowała [$attackerName]
An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory = Wroga jednostka [unit] została zauważona blisko naszego terytorium
An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory = Wroga jednostka [unit] została zauważona na naszym terytorium
[amount] enemy units were spotted near our territory = [amount] wrogich jednostek zostało zauważonych blisko naszego terytorium
[amount] enemy units were spotted in our territory = [amount] wrogich jednostek zostało zauważonych na naszym terytorium
The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed! = Cywilizacja [civName] została zniszczona!
The City-State of [name] has been destroyed! = Miasto-Państwo [name] zostało zniszczone!
We have captured a barbarian encampment and recovered [goldAmount] gold! = Przejeliśmy obóz barbażyńców i znaleźliśmy [goldAmount] złota!
A barbarian [unitType] has joined us! = Barbażyńska jednostka [unitType] przyłączyła się do nas!
We have found survivors in the ruins - population added to [cityName] = Znaleźliśmy w ruinach ocalałych - dodano obywateli do [cityName]
We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins! = Odkryliśmy w ruinach zaginioną technologię [techName]!
A [unitName] has joined us! = [unitName] włączyła się w nasze szeregi!
An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat! = Starożytne plemie nauczyło nasze [unitName] ich sztuk walki!
We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins! = Znaleźliśmy w ruinach [amount] złota!
[unit] finished exploring. = Jednostka [unit] zakończyła eksplorację.
[unit] has no work to do. = Jednostka [unit] jest bez zajęcia.
You're losing control of [name]. = Tracisz kontrolę nad [name].
You and [name] are no longer friends! = Ty i [name] przestaliście być przyjaciółmi!
Your alliance with [name] is faltering. = Twój sojusz z [name] osłabł.
You and [name] are no longer allies! = Ty i [name] przestaliście być sojusznikami!
[civName] gave us a [unitName] as gift near [cityName]! = Cywilizacja [civName] przekazała nam jednostki [unitName] jako dar niedaleko [cityName]!
[civName] has denounced us! = Cywilizacja [civName] wyrzekła się nas!
[cityName] has been connected to your capital! = Miasto [cityName] zostało przyłączone do Twojej stolicy!
[cityName] has been disconnected from your capital! = Miasto [cityName] zostało odłączone od Twojej stolicy!
[civName] has accepted your trade request = Cywilizacja [civName] przyjeła Twoją propozycję handlu
[civName] has denied your trade request = Cywilizacja [civName] odrzuciła Twoją propozycję handlu
[tradeOffer] from [otherCivName] has ended = Termin [tradeOffer] od [otherCivName] upłynął
[tradeOffer] to [otherCivName] has ended = Termin [tradeOffer] dla [otherCivName] upłynął
One of our trades with [nation] has ended = Jedna z naszych wymian handlowych z [nation] została zakończona
One of our trades with [nation] has been cut short = Jedna z naszych wymian handlowych z [nation] została przerwana
[nation] agreed to stop settling cities near us! = Nacja [nation] zaprzestała zakładać nowe miasta w pobliżu nas!
[nation] refused to stop settling cities near us! = Nacja [nation] nadal będzie zakładać nowe miasta w pobliżu nas!
We have allied with [nation]. = Jesteśmy sojusznikami z [nation].
We have lost alliance with [nation]. = Nie jesteśmy już w sojuszu z [nation].
# World Screen UI
# Requires translation!
Working... =
# Requires translation!
Waiting for other players... =
# Requires translation!
in =
# Requires translation!
Next turn =
# Requires translation!
Turn =
# Requires translation!
turns =
# Requires translation!
turn =
# Requires translation!
Next unit =
# Requires translation!
Pick a policy =
# Requires translation!
Movement =
# Requires translation!
Strength =
# Requires translation!
Ranged strength =
# Requires translation!
Bombard strength =
# Requires translation!
Range =
# Requires translation!
Move unit =
# Requires translation!
Stop movement =
# Requires translation!
Construct improvement =
# Requires translation!
Automate =
# Requires translation!
Stop automation =
Construct road = Zbuduj drogę
# Requires translation!
Fortify =
# Requires translation!
Fortification =
# Requires translation!
Sleep =
# Requires translation!
Moving =
# Requires translation!
Set up =
# Requires translation!
Upgrade to [unitType] ([goldCost] gold) =
# Requires translation!
Found city =
# Requires translation!
Promote =
# Requires translation!
Health =
# Requires translation!
Disband unit =
# Requires translation!
Explore =
# Requires translation!
Stop exploration =
# Requires translation!
Pillage =
# Requires translation!
Do you really want to disband this unit? =
# Requires translation!
Disband this unit for [goldAmount] gold? =
# Requires translation!
Create [improvement] =
# Requires translation!
Start Golden Age =
# Requires translation!
Yes =
# Requires translation!
No =
# Requires translation!
Acquire =
# Requires translation!
Gold =
# Requires translation!
Science =
# Requires translation!
Happiness =
# Requires translation!
Production =
# Requires translation!
Culture =
# Requires translation!
Food =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Golden Age =
# Requires translation!
[year] BC =
# Requires translation!
[year] AD =
# Requires translation!
Civilopedia =
# Requires translation!
Start new game =
# Requires translation!
Save game =
# Requires translation!
Load game =
# Requires translation!
Victory status =
# Requires translation!
Social policies =
# Requires translation!
Community =
# Requires translation!
Close =
# City screen
# Requires translation!
Exit city =
# Requires translation!
Raze city =
# Requires translation!
Stop razing city =
# Requires translation!
Buy for [amount] gold =
# Requires translation!
Buy =
# Requires translation!
Would you like to purchase [constructionName] for [buildingGoldCost] gold? =
# Requires translation!
Maintenance cost =
# Requires translation!
Pick construction =
# Requires translation!
Pick improvement =
# Requires translation!
Provides [resource] =
# Requires translation!
Replaces [improvement] =
# Requires translation!
Pick now! =
# Requires translation!
Build [building] =
# Requires translation!
Train [unit] =
# Requires translation!
Produce [thingToProduce] =
# Requires translation!
Nothing =
# Requires translation!
Annex city =
# Requires translation!
Specialist Buildings =
# Requires translation!
Specialist Allocation =
# Requires translation!
Specialists =
# Requires translation!
Food eaten =
# Requires translation!
Growth bonus =
# Requires translation!
Unassigned population =
# Requires translation!
[turnsToExpansion] turns to expansion =
# Requires translation!
Stopped expansion =
# Requires translation!
[turnsToPopulation] turns to new population =
# Requires translation!
Food converts to production =
# Requires translation!
[turnsToStarvation] turns to lose population =
# Requires translation!
Stopped population growth =
# Requires translation!
In resistance for another [numberOfTurns] turns =
# Requires translation!
Sell for [sellAmount] gold =
# Requires translation!
Are you sure you want to sell this [building]? =
# Requires translation!
[greatPerson] points =
# Requires translation!
Great person points =
# Requires translation!
Current points =
# Requires translation!
Points per turn =
# Requires translation!
Convert production to gold at a rate of 4 to 1 =
# Requires translation!
Convert production to science at a rate of 4 to 1 =
# Requires translation!
The city will not produce anything. =
# Technology UI
# Requires translation!
Pick a tech =
# Requires translation!
Pick a free tech =
# Requires translation!
Research [technology] =
# Requires translation!
Pick [technology] as free tech =
# Requires translation!
Units enabled =
# Requires translation!
Buildings enabled =
# Requires translation!
Wonder =
# Requires translation!
National Wonder =
# Requires translation!
National Wonders =
# Requires translation!
Wonders enabled =
# Requires translation!
Tile improvements enabled =
# Requires translation!
Reveals [resource] on the map =
# Requires translation!
XP for new units =
# Requires translation!
provide =
# Requires translation!
provides =
# Requires translation!
City strength =
# Requires translation!
City health =
# Requires translation!
Occupied! =
# Requires translation!
Attack =
# Requires translation!
Bombard =
# Requires translation!
# Requires translation!
Captured! =
# Requires translation!
defence vs ranged =
# Requires translation!
[percentage] to unit defence =
# Requires translation!
Attacker Bonus =
# Requires translation!
Landing =
# Requires translation!
Flanking =
# Requires translation!
vs [unitType] =
# Requires translation!
Terrain =
# Requires translation!
Hurry Research =
# Requires translation!
Conduct Trade Mission =
# Requires translation!
Your trade mission to [civName] has earned you [goldAmount] gold and [influenceAmount] influence! =
# Requires translation!
Hurry Wonder =
# Requires translation!
Your citizens have been happy with your rule for so long that the empire enters a Golden Age! =
# Requires translation!
You have entered the [newEra]! =
# Requires translation!
[policyBranch] policy branch unlocked! =
# Requires translation!
Overview =
# Requires translation!
Total =
# Requires translation!
Stats =
# Requires translation!
Policies =
# Requires translation!
Base happiness =
# Requires translation!
Occupied City =
# Requires translation!
Buildings =
# Requires translation!
Wonders =
# Requires translation!
Base values =
# Requires translation!
Bonuses =
# Requires translation!
Final =
# Requires translation!
Other =
# Requires translation!
Population =
# Requires translation!
City States =
# Requires translation!
Tile yields =
# Requires translation!
Trade routes =
# Requires translation!
Maintenance =
# Requires translation!
Transportation upkeep =
# Requires translation!
Unit upkeep =
# Requires translation!
Trades =
# Requires translation!
Units =
# Requires translation!
Name =
# Requires translation!
Closest city =
# Requires translation!
Action =
# Requires translation!
Defeated =
# Requires translation!
Tiles =
# Requires translation!
Science victory =
# Requires translation!
Cultural victory =
# Requires translation!
Conquest victory =
# Requires translation!
Complete all the spaceship parts\n to win! =
# Requires translation!
Complete 4 policy branches\n to win! =
# Requires translation!
Destroy all enemies\n to win! =
# Requires translation!
You have won a scientific victory! =
# Requires translation!
You have won a cultural victory! =
# Requires translation!
You have won a domination victory! =
# Requires translation!
You have achieved victory through the awesome power of your Culture. Your civilization's greatness - the magnificence of its monuments and the power of its artists - have astounded the world! Poets will honor you as long as beauty brings gladness to a weary heart. =
# Requires translation!
The world has been convulsed by war. Many great and powerful civilizations have fallen, but you have survived - and emerged victorious! The world will long remember your glorious triumph! =
# Requires translation!
You have achieved victory through mastery of Science! You have conquered the mysteries of nature and led your people on a voyage to a brave new world! Your triumph will be remembered as long as the stars burn in the night sky! =
# Requires translation!
You have been defeated. Your civilization has been overwhelmed by its many foes. But your people do not despair, for they know that one day you shall return - and lead them forward to victory! =
# Requires translation!
One more turn...! =
# Requires translation!
Built Apollo Program =
# Requires translation!
Destroy [civName] =
# Requires translation!
Our status =
# Requires translation!
Global status =
# Requires translation!
Spaceship parts remaining =
# Requires translation!
Branches completed =
# Requires translation!
Undefeated civs =
# Requires translation!
What would you like to do with the city? =
# Requires translation!
Annex =
# Requires translation!
Annexed cities become part of your regular empire. =
# Requires translation!
Their citizens generate 2x the unhappiness, unless you build a courthouse. =
# Requires translation!
Puppet =
# Requires translation!
Puppeted cities do not increase your tech or policy cost, but their citizens generate 1.5x the regular unhappiness. =
# Requires translation!
You have no control over the the production of puppeted cities. =
# Requires translation!
Puppeted cities also generate 25% less Gold and Science. =
# Requires translation!
A puppeted city can be annexed at any time. =
# Requires translation!
Liberate =
# Requires translation!
Liberating a city returns it to its original owner, giving you a massive relationship boost with them! =
# Requires translation!
Raze =
# Requires translation!
Razing the city annexes it, and starts razing the city to the ground. =
# Requires translation!
The population will gradually dwindle until the city is destroyed. =
# Requires translation!
Destroy =
# Requires translation!
Destroying the city instantly razes the city to the ground. =
# Requires translation!
Remove your troops in our border immediately! =
# Requires translation!
Sorry. =
# Requires translation!
Never! =
# Requires translation!
Basics =
# Requires translation!
Resources =
# Requires translation!
Terrains =
# Requires translation!
Tile Improvements =
# Requires translation!
Unique to [civName], replaces [unitName] =
# Requires translation!
Tutorials =
# Requires translation!
Cost =
# Requires translation!
May contain [listOfResources] =
# Requires translation!
Upgrades to [upgradedUnit] =
# Requires translation!
Obsolete with [obsoleteTech] =
# Requires translation!
Occurs on [listOfTerrains] =
# Requires translation!
Can be found on =
# Requires translation!
Improved by [improvement] =
# Requires translation!
Bonus stats for improvement: =
# Requires translation!
Can be built on =
# Requires translation!
Defence bonus =
# Requires translation!
Movement cost =
# Requires translation!
Rough Terrain =
# Requires translation!
for =
# Requires translation!
Missing translations: =
# Requires translation!
Version =
# Requires translation!
Resolution =
# Requires translation!
Tileset =
# Requires translation!
Map editor =
# Requires translation!
Language =
# Requires translation!
Terrains & Resources =
# Requires translation!
Improvements =
# Requires translation!
Clear current map =
# Requires translation!
Save map =
# Requires translation!
Download map =
# Requires translation!
Exit map editor =
# Requires translation!
[nation] starting location =
# Requires translation!
Clear terrain features =
# Requires translation!
Clear improvements =
# Requires translation!
Clear resource =
# Requires translation!
Requires =
# Policies
# Requires translation!
Adopt policy =
# Requires translation!
Adopt free policy =
# Requires translation!
Unlocked at =
# Requires translation!
Tradition =
# Requires translation!
+3 culture in capital and increased rate of border expansion =
# Requires translation!
Aristocracy =
# Requires translation!
+15% production when constructing wonders, +1 happiness for every 10 citizens in a city =
# Requires translation!
Legalism =
# Requires translation!
Immediately creates a cheapest available cultural building in each of your first 4 cities for free =
# Requires translation!
Oligarchy =
# Requires translation!
Units in cities cost no Maintenance, garrisoned city +50% attacking strength =
# Requires translation!
Landed Elite =
# Requires translation!
+10% food growth and +2 food in capital =
# Requires translation!
Monarchy =
# Requires translation!
+1 gold and -1 unhappiness for every 2 citizens in capital =
# Requires translation!
Tradition Complete =
# Requires translation!
+15% growth and +2 food in all cities =
# Requires translation!
Liberty =
# Requires translation!
+1 culture in every city =
# Requires translation!
Collective Rule =
# Requires translation!
Training of settlers increased +50% in capital, receive a new settler near the capital =
# Requires translation!
Citizenship =
# Requires translation!
Tile improvement speed +25%, receive a free worker near the capital =
# Requires translation!
Republic =
# Requires translation!
+1 construction in every city, +5% construction when constructing buildings =
# Requires translation!
Representation =
# Requires translation!
Each city founded increases culture cost of policies 33% less than normal. Starts a golden age. =
# Requires translation!
Meritocracy =
# Requires translation!
+1 happiness for every city connected to capital, -5% unhappiness from citizens =
# Requires translation!
Liberty Complete =
# Requires translation!
Free Great Person of choice near capital =
# Requires translation!
Honor =
# Requires translation!
+25% bonus vs Barbarians; gain Culture when you kill a barbarian unit =
# Requires translation!
Warrior Code =
# Requires translation!
+20% production when training melee units =
# Requires translation!
Discipline =
# Requires translation!
+15% combat strength for melee units which have another military unit in an adjacent tile =
# Requires translation!
Military Tradition =
# Requires translation!
Military units gain 50% more Experience from combat =
# Requires translation!
Military Caste =
# Requires translation!
Each city with a garrison increases happiness by 1 and culture by 2 =
# Requires translation!
Professional Army =
# Requires translation!
Honor Complete =
# Requires translation!
Gain gold for each unit killed =
# Requires translation!
Piety =
# Requires translation!
Building time of culture buildings reduced by 15% =
# Requires translation!
Organized Religion =
# Requires translation!
+1 happiness for each monument, temple and monastery =
# Requires translation!
Mandate Of Heaven =
# Requires translation!
50% of excess happiness added to culture towards policies =
# Requires translation!
Theocracy =
# Requires translation!
Temples give +10% gold =
# Requires translation!
Reformation =
# Requires translation!
+33% culture in all cities with a world wonder, immediately enter a golden age =
# Requires translation!
Free Religion =
# Requires translation!
+1 culture for each monument, temple and monastery. Gain a free policy. =
# Requires translation!
Piety Complete =
# Requires translation!
Reduce culture cost of future policies by 10% =
# Requires translation!
Commerce =
# Requires translation!
+25% gold in capital =
# Requires translation!
Trade Unions =
# Requires translation!
Maintenance on roads & railroads reduced by 33%, +2 gold from all trade routes =
# Requires translation!
Mercantilism =
# Requires translation!
-25% to purchasing items in cities =
# Requires translation!
Entrepreneurship =
# Requires translation!
Great Merchants are earned 25% faster, +1 Science from every Mint, Market, Bank and Stock Exchange. =
# Requires translation!
Patronage =
# Requires translation!
Cost of purchasing culture buildings reduced by 50% =
# Requires translation!
Protectionism =
# Requires translation!
+1 happiness from each luxury resource =
# Requires translation!
Commerce Complete =
# Requires translation!
+1 gold from every trading post, double gold from Great Merchant trade missions =
# Requires translation!
Rationalism =
# Requires translation!
Production to science conversion in cities increased by 33% =
# Requires translation!
Secularism =
# Requires translation!
+2 science from every specialist =
# Requires translation!
Humanism =
# Requires translation!
+1 happiness from every university, observatory and public school =
# Requires translation!
Free Thought =
# Requires translation!
+1 science from every trading post, +17% science from universities =
# Requires translation!
Sovereignty =
# Requires translation!
+15% science while empire is happy =
# Requires translation!
Scientific Revolution =
# Requires translation!
Gain 2 free technologies =
# Requires translation!
Rationalism Complete =
# Requires translation!
+1 gold from all science buildings =
# Requires translation!
Freedom =
# Requires translation!
+25% great people rate =
# Requires translation!
Constitution =
# Requires translation!
+2 culture from each wonder =
# Requires translation!
Universal Suffrage =
# Requires translation!
+1 production per 5 population =
# Requires translation!
Civil Society =
# Requires translation!
-50% food consumption by specialists =
# Requires translation!
Free Speech =
# Requires translation!
+1 culture for every 2 citizens =
# Requires translation!
Democracy =
# Requires translation!
Specialists produce half normal unhappiness =
# Requires translation!
Freedom Complete =
# Requires translation!
Tile yield from great improvement +100%, golden ages increase by 50% =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy =
# Requires translation!
-33% unit upkeep costs =
# Requires translation!
Populism =
# Requires translation!
Wounded military units deal +25% damage =
# Requires translation!
Militarism =
# Requires translation!
Gold cost of purchasing units -33% =
# Requires translation!
Fascism =
# Requires translation!
Quantity of strategic resources produced by the empire increased by 100% =
# Requires translation!
Police State =
# Requires translation!
Captured cities retain their previous borders =
# Requires translation!
Total War =
# Requires translation!
+15% production when building military units and new military units start with 15 Experience =
# Requires translation!
Autocracy Complete =
# Requires translation!
+1 happiness from each Walls, Castle and Arsenal =
# Technologies
# Requires translation!
Agriculture =
# Requires translation!
'Where tillage begins, other arts follow. The farmers therefore are the founders of human civilization.' - Daniel Webster =
# Requires translation!
Pottery =
# Requires translation!
'Shall the clay say to him that fashioneth it, what makest thou?' - Bible Isaiah 45:9 =
# Requires translation!
Animal Husbandry =
# Requires translation!
'Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.' - Bible Deuteronomy 25:4 =
# Requires translation!
Archery =
# Requires translation!
'The haft of the arrow has been feathered with one of the eagle's own plumes, we often give our enemies the means of our own destruction' - Aesop =
# Requires translation!
Mining =
# Requires translation!
'The meek shall inherit the Earth, but not its mineral rights.' - J. Paul Getty =
# Requires translation!
Sailing =
# Requires translation!
'He who commands the sea has command of everything.' - Themistocles =
# Requires translation!
Calendar =
# Requires translation!
'So teach us to number our days, so that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom.' - Bible Psalms 90:12 =
# Requires translation!
Writing =
# Requires translation!
'He who destroys a good book kills reason itself.' - John Milton =
# Requires translation!
Trapping =
# Requires translation!
'Even brute beasts and wandering birds do not fall into the same traps or nets twice.' - Saint Jerome =
# Requires translation!
The Wheel =
# Requires translation!
'Wisdom and virtue are like the two wheels of a cart.' - Japanese proverb =
# Requires translation!
Masonry =
# Requires translation!
'How happy are those whose walls already rise!' - Virgil =
# Requires translation!
Bronze Working =
# Requires translation!
'Here Hector entered, with a spear eleven cubits long in his hand; the bronze point gleamed in front of him, and was fastened to the shaft of the spear by a ring of gold.' - Homer =
# Requires translation!
Optics =
# Requires translation!
'He made an instrument to know if the moon shine at full or no.' - Samuel Butler =
# Requires translation!
Horseback Riding =
# Requires translation!
'A Horse! A Horse! My kingdom for a horse!' - Shakespeare (Richard III) =
# Requires translation!
Mathematics =
# Requires translation!
'Mathematics is the gate and key to the sciences.' - Roger Bacon =
# Requires translation!
Construction =
# Requires translation!
'Three things are to be looked to in a building: that it stands on the right spot; that it be securely founded; that it be successfully executed.' - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe =
# Requires translation!
Philosophy =
# Requires translation!
'There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance.' - Socrates =
# Requires translation!
Currency =
# Requires translation!
'Better is bread with a happy heart than wealth with vexation.' - Amenemope =
# Requires translation!
Engineering =
# Requires translation!
'Instrumental or mechanical science is the noblest and, above all others, the most useful.' - Leonardo da Vinci =
# Requires translation!
Iron Working =
# Requires translation!
'Do not wait to strike til the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.' - William Butler Yeats =
# Requires translation!
Theology =
# Requires translation!
'Three things are necessary for the salvation of man: to know what he ought to believe; to know what he ought to desire; and to know what he ought to do' - St. Thomas Aquinas =
# Requires translation!
Civil Service =
# Requires translation!
'The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is it inefficiency' - Eugene McCarthy =
# Requires translation!
Enables Open Borders agreements =
# Requires translation!
Guilds =
# Requires translation!
'The merchants and the traders have come; their profits are pre-ordained...' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib =
# Requires translation!
Physics =
# Requires translation!
'Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.' - Galileo Galilei =
# Requires translation!
Metal Casting =
# Requires translation!
'When pieces of bronze or gold or iron break, the metal-smith welds them together again in the fire, and the bond is established.' - Sri Guru Granth Sahib =
# Requires translation!
Steel =
# Requires translation!
'John Henry said to his Captain, / 'A man ain't nothin' but a man, / And before I'll let your steam drill beat me down, / I'll die with the hammer in my hand.'' - Anonymous: The Ballad of John Henry, the Steel-Drivin' Man =
# Requires translation!
Compass =
# Requires translation!
'I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving.' - Oliver Wendell Holmes =
# Requires translation!
Education =
# Requires translation!
'Education is the best provision for old age.' - Aristotle =
# Requires translation!
Chivalry =
# Requires translation!
'Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil, is rightwise king born of all England.' - Malory =
# Requires translation!
Machinery =
# Requires translation!
'The press is the best instrument for enlightening the mind of man, and improving him as a rational, moral and social being.' - Thomas Jefferson =
# Requires translation!
Astronomy =
# Requires translation!
'Joyfully to the breeze royal Odysseus spread his sail, and with his rudder skillfully he steered.' - Homer =
# Requires translation!
Acoustics =
# Requires translation!
'Their rising all at once was as the sound of thunder heard remote' - Milton =
# Requires translation!
Banking =
# Requires translation!
'Happiness: a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion' - Jean Jacques Rousseau =
# Requires translation!
Printing Press =
# Requires translation!
'It is a newspaper's duty to print the news and raise hell.' - The Chicago Times =
# Requires translation!
Gunpowder =
# Requires translation!
'The day when two army corps can annihilate each other in one second, all civilized nations, it is to be hoped, will recoil from war and discharge their troops.' - Alfred Nobel =
# Requires translation!
Navigation =
# Requires translation!
'The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.' - Edward Gibbon =
# Requires translation!
Architecture =
# Requires translation!
'Architecture begins where engineering ends.' - Walter Gropius =
# Requires translation!
Economics =
# Requires translation!
'Compound interest is the most powerful force in the universe.' - Albert Einstein =
# Requires translation!
Metallurgy =
# Requires translation!
'There never was a good knife made of bad steel.' - Benjamin Franklin =
# Requires translation!
Chemistry =
# Requires translation!
'Wherever we look, the work of the chemist has raised the level of our civilization and has increased the productive capacity of the nation.' - Calvin Coolidge =
# Requires translation!
Scientific Theory =
# Requires translation!
'Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination.' - John Dewey =
# Requires translation!
Archaeology =
# Requires translation!
'Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.' - George Santayana =
# Requires translation!
Industrialization =
# Requires translation!
'Industrialization based on machinery, already referred to as a characteristic of our age, is but one aspect of the revolution that is being wrought by technology.' - Emily Greene Balch =
# Requires translation!
Rifling =
# Requires translation!
'It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.' - Robert E. Lee =
# Requires translation!
Military Science =
# Requires translation!
'Wars may be fought with weapons, but they are won by men. It is the spirit of the men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory.' - George S. Patton =
# Requires translation!
Fertilizer =
# Requires translation!
'The nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.' - Franklin Delano Roosevelt =
# Requires translation!
Biology =
# Requires translation!
'If the brain were so simple we could understand it, we would be so simple we couldn't.' - Lyall Watson =
# Requires translation!
Electricity =
# Requires translation!
'Is it a fact - or have I dreamt it - that, by means of electricity, the world of matter has become a great nerve, vibrating thousands of miles in a breathless point of time?' - Nathaniel Hawthorne =
# Requires translation!
Steam Power =
# Requires translation!
'The nations of the West hope that by means of steam communication all the world will become as one family.' - Townsend Harris =
# Requires translation!
Dynamite =
# Requires translation!
'As soon as men decide that all means are permitted to fight an evil, then their good becomes indistinguishable from the evil that they set out to destroy.' - Christopher Dawson =
# Requires translation!
Refrigeration =
# Requires translation!
'And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food.' - William Wordsworth =
# Requires translation!
Replaceable Parts =
# Requires translation!
'Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.' - Henry Ford =
# Requires translation!
Radio =
# Requires translation!
'The whole country was tied together by radio. We all experienced the same heroes and comedians and singers. They were giants.' - Woody Allen =
# Requires translation!
Combustion =
# Requires translation!
'Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.' - Albert Einstein =
# Requires translation!
Plastics =
# Requires translation!
'Ben, I want to say one word to you, just one word: plastics.' - Buck Henry and Calder Willingham, The Graduate =
# Requires translation!
Electronics =
# Requires translation!
'There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time.' - Trip Hawkins =
# Requires translation!
Ballistics =
# Requires translation!
'Men, like bullets, go farthest when they are smoothest.' - Jean Paul =
# Requires translation!
Mass Media =
# Requires translation!
Flight =
# Requires translation!
'Aeronautics was neither an industry nor a science. It was a miracle.' - Igor Sikorsky =
# Requires translation!
'The introduction of so powerful an agent as steam to a carriage on wheels will make a great change in the situation of man.' - Thomas Jefferson =
# Requires translation!
Pharmaceuticals =
# Requires translation!
'In nothing do men more nearly approach the gods than in giving health to men.' - Cicero =
# Requires translation!
Radar =
# Requires translation!
'Vision is the art of seeing things invisible.' - Jonathan Swift =
# Requires translation!
Atomic Theory =
# Requires translation!
'The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking, and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophes.' - Albert Einstein =
# Requires translation!
Computers =
# Requires translation!
'Computers are like Old Testament gods: lots of rules and no mercy.' - Joseph Campbell =
# Requires translation!
Mobile Tactics =
# Requires translation!
'All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer, but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.' - Sun Tzu =
# Requires translation!
Combined Arms =
# Requires translation!
'The root of the evil is not the construction of new, more dreadful weapons. It is the spirit of conquest.' - Ludwig von Mises =
# Requires translation!
Nuclear Fission =
# Requires translation!
'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' - J. Robert Oppenheimer =
# Requires translation!
Ecology =
# Requires translation!
'Only within the moment of time represented by the present century has one species, man, acquired significant power to alter the nature of his world.' - Rachel Carson =
# Requires translation!
Rocketry =
# Requires translation!
'A good rule for rocket experimenters to follow is this: always assume that it will explode.' - Astronautics Magazine, 1937 =
# Requires translation!
Robotics =
# Requires translation!
'1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except when such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.' - Isaac Asimov =
# Requires translation!
Lasers =
# Requires translation!
'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light.' - The Holy Bible: Romans, 13:12 =
# Requires translation!
Nanotechnology =
# Requires translation!
'The impact of nanotechnology is expected to exceed the impact that the electronics revolution has had on our lives.' - Richard Schwartz =
# Requires translation!
Satellites =
# Requires translation!
'Now, somehow, in some new way, the sky seemed almost alien.' - Lyndon B. Johnson =
# Requires translation!
Particle Physics =
# Requires translation!
'Every particle of matter is attracted by or gravitates to every other particle of matter with a force inversely proportional to the squares of their distances.' - Isaac Newton =
# Requires translation!
Future Tech =
# Requires translation!
'I think we agree, the past is over.' - George W. Bush =
# Technology uniques
# Requires translation!
Who knows what the future holds? =
# Requires translation!
+10% science and production in all cities =
# Requires translation!
Improves movement speed on roads =
# Requires translation!
Enables conversion of city production to science =
# Requires translation!
Enables conversion of city production to gold =
# Requires translation!
Enables embarkation for land units =
# Requires translation!
Enables embarked units to enter ocean tiles =
# Requires translation!
Increases embarked movement +1 =
# Tech eras
# Requires translation!
Ancient era =
# Requires translation!
Classical era =
# Requires translation!
Medieval era =
# Requires translation!
Renaissance era =
# Requires translation!
Industrial era =
# Requires translation!
Modern era =
# Requires translation!
Information era =
# Requires translation!
Future era =
# Terrains
# Requires translation!
Grassland =
# Requires translation!
Plains =
# Requires translation!
Tundra =
# Requires translation!
Desert =
# Requires translation!
Lakes =
# Requires translation!
Hill =
# Requires translation!
Mountain =
# Requires translation!
Forest =
# Requires translation!
Jungle =
# Requires translation!
Marsh =
# Requires translation!
Fallout =
# Requires translation!
Oasis =
# Requires translation!
Snow =
# Requires translation!
Coast =
# Requires translation!
Ocean =
# Requires translation!
Flood plains =
# Requires translation!
Impassible =
# Resources
# Requires translation!
Cattle =
# Requires translation!
Sheep =
# Requires translation!
Deer =
# Requires translation!
Bananas =
# Requires translation!
Wheat =
# Requires translation!
Stone =
# Requires translation!
Fish =
# Requires translation!
Bison =
# Requires translation!
Horses =
# Requires translation!
Iron =
# Requires translation!
Coal =
# Requires translation!
Oil =
# Requires translation!
Aluminum =
# Requires translation!
Uranium =
# Requires translation!
Furs =
# Requires translation!
Cotton =
# Requires translation!
Dyes =
# Requires translation!
Gems =
# Requires translation!
Silver =
# Requires translation!
Incense =
# Requires translation!
Ivory =
# Requires translation!
Silk =
# Requires translation!
Spices =
# Requires translation!
Wine =
# Requires translation!
Sugar =
# Requires translation!
Marble =
# Requires translation!
Pearls =
# Requires translation!
Whales =
# Requires translation!
Copper =
# Requires translation!
Cocoa =
# Requires translation!
Crab =
# Requires translation!
Citrus =
# Requires translation!
Truffles =
# Requires translation!
Farm =
# Requires translation!
Lumber mill =
# Requires translation!
Mine =
# Requires translation!
Trading post =
# Requires translation!
Camp =
# Requires translation!
Oil well =
# Requires translation!
Pasture =
# Requires translation!
Plantation =
# Requires translation!
Quarry =
# Requires translation!
Fishing Boats =
# Requires translation!
Road =
# Requires translation!
Remove Road =
# Requires translation!
Railroad =
# Requires translation!
Remove Railroad =
# Requires translation!
Remove Forest =
# Requires translation!
Remove Jungle =
# Requires translation!
Remove Marsh =
# Requires translation!
Remove Fallout =
# Requires translation!
Ancient ruins =
# Requires translation!
City ruins =
# Requires translation!
Academy =
# Requires translation!
Landmark =
# Requires translation!
Manufactory =
# Requires translation!
Customs house =
# Requires translation!
Moai =
# Requires translation!
+1 additional Culture for each adjacent Moai =
# Requires translation!
Can only be built on Coastal tiles =
# Requires translation!
Barbarian encampment =
# Unit types
Civilian = Cywil
land units = jednostki naziemne
water units = jednostki wodne
air units = jednostki powietrzne
WaterCivilian = Cywilna Jednostka Morska
Melee = Walka wręcz
WaterMelee = Wodna walka w zwarciu
Ranged = Walka dystansowa
WaterRanged = Wodna walka dystansowa
WaterSubmarine = Łódź podwodna
Siege = Oblężenie
Mounted = Jeździec
Scout = Zwiadowca
Armor = Pancerz
City = Miasto
# Units
Founds a new city = Zakłada nowe miasto
Worker = Robotnik
Can build improvements on tiles = Może budować ulepszenia na polach
Ignores terrain cost = Ignoruje trudności terenu
Brute = Brutal
Warrior = Wojownik
Maori Warrior = Wojownik Maori
Archer = Łucznik
Bowman = Łucznik
Work Boats = Łodzie robotnicze
Cannot enter ocean tiles until Astronomy = Nie może wejść na pole oceanu do momentu odblokowania Astronomi
May create improvements on water resources = Może budować ulepszenia na wodnych zasobach
Trireme = Tryrema
Cannot enter ocean tiles = Nie może wejsć na pola oceanu
Chariot Archer = Łuczik na rydwanie
No defensive terrain bonus = Brak bonusów do obrony wynikających z terenu
Rough terrain penalty = Utrudnienia wynikające z terenu
War Chariot = Rydwan wojenny
Spearman = Włócznik
Hoplite = Hoplita
Persian Immortal = Perski Nieśmiertelny
+10 HP when healing = +10 punktów zdrowia podczas leczenia
Composite Bowman = Łucznik kompozytowy
Catapult = Katapulta
Must set up to ranged attack = Musi być przygotowany/a na atak dystansowy
Ballista = Balista
Swordsman = Fechtmistrz
Mohawk Warrior = Wojownik Mohawk
+33% combat bonus in Forest/Jungle = +33% bonusu do walki w Lesie/Dżungli
Legion = Legion
Can construct roads = Może budować drogi
Horseman = Jeździeć
Can move after attacking = Może się poruszać po ataku
Companion Cavalry = Kawaleria Towarzysząca
War Elephant = Słoń bojowy
Galleass = Galeas
Crossbowman = Kusznik
Longbowman = Łucznik z długim łukiem
Chu-Ko-Nu = Chu-Ko-Nu
Logistics = Logistyka
1 additional attack per turn = 1 dodatkowy atak na turę
Trebuchet = Trebuszet
Hwach'a = Hwach'a
Limited Visibility = Ograniczona widoczność
Longswordsman = Fechtmistrz z długim mieczem
Pikeman = Wojownik z piką
Landsknecht = Landsknecht
Knight = Rycerz
Camel Archer = Łucznik na wielbłądzie
Naresuan's Elephant = Słoń Naresuan
Samurai = Samuraj
Combat very likely to create Great Generals = Walka może wyłonić Wielkich Generałów
Caravel = Karawela
Turtle Ship = Geobukseon
+1 Visibility Range = +1 do pola widzenia
Cannon = Armata
Musketman = Strzelec z muszkietem
Musketeer = Muszkieter
Janissary = Janczar
Heals [amountHealed] damage if it kills a unit = Leczy [amountHealed] obrażeń po zabiciu jednostki
Minuteman = Minuteman
Frigate = Fregata
Ship of the Line = Okręt liniowy
Lancer = Lansjer
Sipahi = Spahisi
No movement cost to pillage = Plądrowanie nie zabiera ruchu
Gatling Gun = Kartaczownica Gatlinga
Rifleman = Strzelec
Cavalry = Kawaleria
Cossack = Kozak
Artillery = Artyleria
Indirect Fire = Ogień pośredni
Ironclad = Pancernik
Double movement in coast = Podwojony ruch na wybrzeżu
Landship = Statek lądowy
Great War Infantry = Piechota Wielkiej Wojny
Foreign Legion = Legia Cudzoziemska
+20% bonus outside friendly territory = +20% do walki poza przyjaznym terytorium
Foreign Land = Obcy kraj
Destroyer = Niszczyciel
Can attack submarines = Może atakować łodzie podwodne
Machine Gun = Karabin Maszynowy
Anti-Aircraft Gun = Działo przeciwlotnicze
Infantry = Piechota
Battleship = Okręt wojenny
Submarine = Łódź podwodna
Bonus as Attacker [amount]% = Bonus jako atakujący [amount]%
Invisible to others = Niewidoczny dla innych
Can only attack water = Może atakować tylko na wodzie
Carrier = Lotniskowiec
Triplane = Samolot trójpłaszczycnowy
[percent]% chance to intercept air attacks = [percent]% szans na przechwycenie ataku w powietrzu
Requires Manhattan Project = Wymaga projektu Manhattan
6 tiles in every direction always visible = 6 pól w każdą stronę jest zawsze widoczne
Great War Bomber = Bombowiec Wielkiej Wojny
Rocket Artillery = Artyleria rakietowa
Anti-Tank Gun = Działo przeciwpancerne
Marine = Marynarka
Mobile SAM = Mobilny SAM
Paratrooper = Spadochroniarz
Tank = Czołg
Panzer = Panzer
Bomber = Bombowiec
Mechanized Infantry = Piechota zmechanizowana
Modern Armor = Nowoczesny pancerz
B17 = B-17
Fighter = Myśliwiec
Zero = Zero
Helicopter Gunship = Helikopter bojowy
Atomic Bomb = Bomba atomowa
Nuclear Missile = Pocisk nuklearny
Great Artist = Wielki Artysta
Unbuildable = Niemożliwy do zbudowania
Can start an 8-turn golden age = Może rozpocząć 8-mio turowy Złoty Wiek
Can build improvement: Landmark = Może zbudować ulepszenie: Punkt orientacyjny
Great Scientist = Wielki Naukowiec
# Requires translation!
Can hurry technology research =
Can build improvement: Academy = Może zbudować ulepszenie: Akademia
Great Merchant = Wielki Kupiec
Can undertake a trade mission with City-State, giving a large sum of gold and [influenceAmount] Influence = Może podjąć misję handlową z Miastem-Państwem, dającą dużą sumę złota i [influenceAmount] wpływu
Can build improvement: Customs house = Może zbudować ulepszenie: Urząd celny
Great Engineer = Wielki Inżynier
Can speed up construction of a wonder = Może przyspieszyć budowę cudu
Can build improvement: Manufactory = Może zbudować ulepszenie: Manufaktura
Great General = Wielki Generał
Bonus for units in 2 tile radius 15% = +15% do walki dla jednostek w zasięgu 2 pól
# Promotions
Pick promotion = Awansuj jednostkę
Bonus vs [unitType] = Bonus przeciwko [unitType]
Penalty vs [unitType] = Słaboś przeciwko [unitType]
Accuracy I = Celność I
Accuracy II = Celność II
Accuracy III = Celność III
units in open terrain = jednostek na otwartej przestrzeni
units in rough terrain = jednostek na trudnym terenie
Barrage I = Zapora I
Barrage II = Zapora II
Barrage III = Zapora III
Shock I = Szok I
Shock II = Szok II
Shock III = Szok III
Drill I = Musztra I
Drill II = Musztra II
Drill III = Musztra III
Scouting I = Zwiad I
Scouting II = Zwiad II
Scouting III = Zwiad III
+1 Movement = +1 Poruszanie się
Cover I = Obrona I
Cover II = Obrona II
+25% Defence against ranged attacks = +25% do Obrony przeciwko jednostkom do walki w dystansie
March = Marsz
Charge = Szarża
wounded units = zranione jednostki
Mobility = Mobilność
Volley = Salwa
Sentry = Strażnik
Extended Range = Daleki zasięg
+1 Range = +1 do Zasięgu
Ranged attacks may be performed over obstacles = Atak dystansowy może zostać przeprowadzony nad przeszkodą
Formation I = Formacja I
Formation II = Formacja II
Blitz = Szturm
Bombardment I = Bombardowanie I
Bombardment II = Bombardowanie II
Bombardment III = Bombardowanie III
Boarding Party I = Abordaż I
Boarding Party II = Abordaż II
Boarding Party III = Abordaż III
Coastal Raider I = Przybrzeżny najeźdźca I
Coastal Raider II = Przybrzeżny najeźdźca II
Coastal Raider III = Przybrzeżny najeźdźca III
Targeting I = Wybieranie celu I
Targeting II = Wybieranie celu II
Targeting III = Wybieranie celu III
Wolfpack I = Wataha I
Wolfpack II = Wataha II
Wolfpack III = Wataha III
Woodsman = Leśniczy
Double movement rate through Forest and Jungle = Podwojona prędkość przemieszczania się przez Las i Dżunglę
Heal Instantly = Natychmiastowe leczenie
Heal this Unit by 50 HP; Doing so will consume this opportunity to choose a Promotion = Ulecz jednostkę o 50 punktów zdrowia; Ta akcja spowoduje utracenie możliwości do wybrania awansu
Medic = Sanitariusz I
Medic II = Sanitariusz II
This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP per turn = Ta i wszystkie jednostki znajdujące się na polach przyległych leczą się o 5 punktów zdrowia na turę
This unit and all others in adjacent tiles heal 5 additional HP. This unit heals 5 additional HP outside of friendly territory. = Ta i wszystkie jednostki znajdujące się na polach przyległych leczą się o 5 punktów zdrowia na turę. Ta jednostka leczy się dodatkowo o 5 punktów poza przyjaznym terytorium
Targeting I (air) = Wybieranie celu I (lotnictwo)
Targeting II (air) = Wybieranie celu II (lotnictwo)
Targeting III (air) = Wybieranie celu III (lotnictwo)
Air Repair = Naprawa powietrzna
Unit will heal every turn, even if it performs an action = Jednostka leczy się co ture, nawet po wykonaniu akcji
Operational Range = Zasięg operacyjny
+2 Range = +2 do Zasięgu
Sortie = Operacja
1 extra Interception may be made per turn = 1 dodatkowe Przechwycenie może być wykonane na turę
# Requires translation!
Bonus when performing air sweep [bonusAmount]% =
Dogfighting I = Walka w powietrzu I
Dogfighting II = Walka w powietrzu II
Dogfighting III = Walka w powietrzu III
# Requires translation!
Bonus when intercepting [bonusAmount]% =
Interception I = Przechwytywanie I
Interception II = Przechwytywanie II
Interception III = Przechwytywanie III
Siege I = Oblężenie I
Siege II = Oblężenie II
Siege III = Oblężenie III
Evasion = Unik
Reduces damage taken from interception by 50% = Redukuje obrażenia otrzymane podczas przechwytywania o 50%
Bonus when intercepting [amount]% = Bonus podczas przechwytywania o [amount]%
Ambush I = Zasadzka I (lotnictwo)
Ambush II = Zasadzka II (lotnictwo)
Haka War Dance = Haka - taniec wojenny
-10% combat strength for adjacent enemy units = -10% walecznej siły dla jednostek przeciwnika leżących na przyległych polach