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synced 2025-03-04 06:33:32 +07:00
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400 lines
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///////// Notifications
// Some notifications have an exclamation mark after them - is the exclamation mark different in other languages?
// If so then we need to deal with that as well
// I remember that some languages have upside-down question marks before to mark a question
"Research of [technologyName] has completed!":{ // For technology notifications EG Research of Writing has completed
Italian:"Abbiamo scoperto la tecnologia [technologyName]!"
Russian:"Исследование [technologyName] завершено!"
French:"Recherche de [technologyName] est completée!"
Romanian:"Cercetarea [technologyName] s-a încheiat!"
German:"[technologyName] wurde erforscht!"
Dutch:"[technologyName] is onderzocht!"
Spanish:"¡Investigación de [technologyName] completada!"
Portuguese:"[technologyName] foi pesquisada!"
"You have entered a golden age!":{
Italian:"Sei entrato in un'Età dell'Oro!"
Russian:"Вы вошли в золотой век!"
French:"Vous êtes entré dans un âge d'or!"
Romanian:"Ai intrat într-o epocă de aur!"
German:"Ein Goldenes Zeitalter hat begonnen!"
Dutch:"Een gouden eeuw is geariveerd!"
Spanish:"¡Has entrado en una edad de oro!"
Portuguese:"Voçê entrou em uma idade dourada!"
"revealed near":{ // As in "Coal revealed near London"
Italian:"scoperto vicino a"
Russian:"обнаружен вблизи "
French:"est dévoilé près de"
Romanian:"dezvăluit lângă"
German:"gefunden in der Nähe von"
Dutch:"Ontdekt: in de buurt van"
Spanish:"descubierto cerca de"
Portuguese:"revelado perto de"
"A [greatPerson] has been born!":{ //Smashfanful sayd: "You should add WHERE the Great Person is born, so it should be "A [greatPerson] is born in [cityName]""
Italian:"È nato un [greatPerson]!"
Russian:"[greatPerson] родился!!"
French:"Un [greatPerson] est né!"
Romanian:"S-a născut un [greatPerson]!"
Spanish:"¡Un [greatPerson] ha nacido!"
Portuguese:"Um [greatPerson] nasceu!"
German:"Ein [greatPerson] wurde geboren!"
"We have encountered [civName]!":{
Italian:"Abbiamo incontrato la civiltà [civName]!"
Russian:"Мы встретились с цивилизацией [civName]!"
Spanish:"¡Hemos encontrado [civName]!"
French:"Nous sommes entrés en contact avec [civName]!"
Romanian:"Am descoperit [civName]!"
Portuguese:"Nós encontramos [civName]!"
German:"Wir sind auf [civName] getroffen!"
"Cannot provide upkeep for [unitName] - unit has been disbanded!":{
Italian:"Mantenimento troppo alto per [unitName]: l'unità si è sciolta!"
Russian:"Невоможно предоставить содержание для [unitName] - юнит распущен!"
Spanish:"¡No se puede mantener [unitName] - unidad disuelta!"
French:"Le support ne peut être fournit pour [unitName] - l'unité a été dissoute!"
Romanian:"Nu se poate oferi susținere pentru [unitName] - unitatea a fost desființată!"
Simplified_Chinese:"无法为[unitName]提供维护费 - 单位已被解散!"
Portuguese:"Não é possivel providenciar manutenção para [unitName] - a unidade foi dissolvida!"
German:"Der Unterhalt für [unitName] konnte nicht bezahlt werden - Einheit wurde aufgelöst!"
Japanese:"[unitName]のアップキープを提供できません - ユニットは解散されました!"
///////////////// City
"[cityName] has grown!":{
Italian:"[cityName] è cresciuta!"
Russian:"[cityName] вырос!"
French:"[cityName] a grandi!"
Romanian:"[cityName] a crescut!"
German:"[cityName] ist gewachsen!"
Dutch:"[cityName] is gegroeid!"
Spanish:"¡[cityName] ha crecido!"
Portuguese:"[cityName] Cresceu!"
"[cityName] has been founded!":{
Italian:"[cityName] è stata fondata!"
Russian:"[cityName] был основан!"
French:"[cityName] a été fondée!"
Romanian:"[cityName] a fost fondat!"
German:"[cityName] wurde gegründet!"
Dutch:"[cityName] is gesticht!"
Spanish:"¡[cityName] ha sido fundada!"
Portuguese:"[cityName] foi fundada!"
"[cityName] is starving!":{
Italian:"[cityName] sta patendo la fame!"
Russian:"[cityName] голодает!"
French:"[cityName] est en famine!"
Romanian:"[cityName] suferă de foame!"
German:"[cityName] verhungert!"
Dutch:"[cityName] verhongerd!"
Spanish:"¡[cityName] está muriendo de hambre!"
Portuguese:"[cityName] está morrendo de fome!"
"[construction] has been built in [cityName]":{
Italian:"[cityName] ha costruito [construction]"
Russian:"[construction] была построена в [cityName]"
French:"[construction] a été construit dans [cityName]"
Romanian:"[construction] a fost construit/ă în [cityName]" //Gender sensitive
German:"[construction] wurde in [cityName] fertiggestellt"
Dutch:"[construction] is gebouwd in [cityName]"
Spanish:"[construction] se ha construido en [cityName]"
Portuguese:"o(a) [construction] foi construirdo em [cityName]"
"Work has started on [construction]":{
Italian:"Sono iniziati i lavori per [construction]"
Russian:"Началась работа над [construction]"
French:"Le travail a commencé sur [construction]"
Romanian:"Munca a început pentru [construction]"
German:"Arbeit an [construction] hat begonnen"
Dutch:"Werk is begonen aan [construction]"
Spanish:"Se ha empezado a trabajar en [construction]"
Portuguese:"Os trabalhos começaram no(a) [construction]"
"Cannot continue work on [construction]":{
Italian:"Impossibile costruire [construction]" //You didn't translate this, said Smashfanful
Russian:"Не удается продолжить работу над [construction]"
French:"Impossible de continuer à travailler sur [construction]"
Romanian:"Nu se poate continua munca pentru [construction]"
German:"Arbeit an/am [construction] konnte nicht fortgeführt werden"
Dutch:"Er kan niet meer veder gewerkt worden aan [construction]"
Spanish:"Imposible continuar trabajo en [construction]"
Portuguese:"Não é possivel continuar os trabalhos em [construction]"
"[cityname] has expanded its borders!":{
Italian:"[cityname] ha espanso i suoi confini!"
Russian:"[cityname] расширил свои границы!"
French:"[cityname] a élargi ses frontières!"
Romanian:"[cityname] și-a extins frontierele!"
German:"[cityname] hat seine Grenzen erweitert!"
Dutch:"[cityname] heeft zijn grenzen uitgebreid!"
Spanish:"¡[cityname] ha expandido sus fronteras!"
Portuguese:"[cityname] expandiu seus territórios!"
///////////// war, fight, ennemy
"[cityName] has been razed to the ground!":{
Italian:"[cityName] è stata rasa al suolo!"
Russian:"[cityName] был разрушен до основания!"
French:"[cityName] a été rasée au sol!"
Romanian:"[cityName] a fost demolat!"
German:"[cityName] wurde dem Erdboden gleich gemacht!"
Dutch:"[cityName] Is totaal verwoest!"
Spanish:"¡[cityName] ha sido arrasada hasta los cimientos!"
Portuguese:"[cityName] foi queimada ás cinzas!"
"We have conquered the city of [cityname]!":{
Italian:"Abbiamo conquistato la città di [cityname]!"
Russian:"Мы завоевали город [cityname]!"
French:"Nous avons conquis la ville de [cityname]!"
Romanian:"Am cucerit orașul [cityname]!"
German:"Wir haben die Stadt [cityname] eingenommen!"
Dutch:"We hebben de stad [cityname] ingenomen!"
Spanish:"¡Hemos conquistado la ciudad de [cityname]!"
Portuguese:"Consquistamos a cidade de [cityName]!"
"An enemy [unit] has attacked [cityname]":{
Italian:"L'unità nemica [unit] ha attaccato [cityname]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] атаковал [cityname]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a attaqué [cityname]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic a atacat [cityname]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat [cityname] angegriffen" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandelijke [unit] heeft [cityname] aangevallen"
Spanish:"Un [unit] enemigo ha atacado [cityname]"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimaga(o) atacou [cityname]"
"An enemy [unit] has attacked our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha attaccato [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] атаковал нашего [ourUnit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a attaqué [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic ne-a atacat un [ourUnit]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat unsere(n) [ourUnit] angegriffen" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft onze [ourUnit] aangevallen"
Spanish:"Un [unit] enemigo ha atacado nuestro [ourUnit]"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) atacout nossa [ourUnit]"
"An enemy [unit] has captured [cityname]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha conquistato [cityname]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] захватил [cityname]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a capturé [cityname]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic a capturat [cityname]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat [cityname] eingenommen" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft [cityname] ingenomen"
Spanish:"Un [unit] enemigo ha capturado [cityname]"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) capturou [cityname]"
"An enemy [unit] has captured our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha catturato [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] захватил нашего [ourUnit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a capturé [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic ne-a capturat un [ourUnit]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat unsere(n) [ourUnit] gefangen genommen" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft [ourUnit] gevangen genomen"
Spanish:"Un [unit] enemigo ha capturado nuestro [ourUnit]"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) capturou nosso(a) [ourUnit]"
"An enemy [unit] has destroyed our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] ha distrutto [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] уничтожил нашего [ourUnit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a détruit [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic ne-a distrus un [ourUnit]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] hat unsere(n) [ourUnit] zerstört" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] heeft onze [ourUnit] gedood"
Spanish:"Un [unit] enemigo ha destruido nuestro [ourUnit]"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) destruiu nosso(a) [ourUnit]"
"An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking [cityname]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] è stata distrutta mentre attaccava [cityname]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был уничтожен при атаке [cityname]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a été détruit(e) en attaquant [cityname]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic a fost distrus în timp ce ataca [cityname]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde beim Angriff auf [cityname] zerstört" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] werd gedood tijdens zijn aanval op [cityname]"
Spanish:"Un [unit] enemigo ha sido destruido mientras atacaba [cityname]"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) foi destruido enquanto atacava [cityname]"
"An enemy [unit] was destroyed while attacking our [ourUnit]":{
Italian:"Un'unità nemica [unit] è stata distrutta mentre attaccava la nostra unità [ourUnit]"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был уничтожен, атакуя нашего [ourUnit]"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a été détruit(e) en attaquant [ourUnit]" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic a fost distrus în timp ce ne ataca un [ourUnit]"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde beim Angriff auf unsere(n) [ourUnit] zerstört" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] werd gedood tijdens zijn aanval op onze [unit]"
Spanish:"Un [unit] enemigo ha sido destruido mientras atacaba nuestro [ourUnit]"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) foi destruido(a) enquanto atacando nosso(a) [ourUit]"
"An enemy [unit] was spotted near our territory":{
Italian:"Abbiamo avvistato un'unità nemica [unit] vicino al nostro territorio"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был замечен у нашей территории"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a été repéré(e) près de notre territoire" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic a fost reperat în apropierea teritoriului nostru"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde nahe unserer Grenzen entdeckt" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] is gezien buiten onze grenzen"
Spanish:"Se ha avistado un [unit] enemigo cerca de nuestro territorio"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] foi visto perto de nosso território"
"An enemy [unit] was spotted in our territory":{
Italian:"Abbiamo avvistato un'unità nemica [unit] nel nostro territorio"
Russian:"Вражеский [unit] был замечен на нашей территории"
French:"Un(e) [unit] ennemi(e) a été repéré(e) sur notre territoire" // Gender sensitive
Romanian:"Un [unit] inamic a fost reperat pe teritoriul nostru"
German:"Ein(e) feindliche(r) [unit] wurde in unseren Grenzen entdeckt" // Gender sensitive
Dutch:"Een vijandige [unit] is binnen onze grenzen gezien"
Spanish:"Se ha avistado un [unit] enemigo en nuestro territorio"
Portuguese:"Um(a) [unit] inimigo(a) foi vista dentro de nosso território"
"The civilization of [civName] has been destroyed!":{
Italian:"La civiltà [civName] è stata distrutta!"
Russian:"Цивилизация [civName] была уничтожена!"
French:"La civilisation [civName] a été détruite!"
Romanian:"Civilizația [civName] a fost distrusă!"
German:"Die Zivilisation [civName] wurde besiegt!"
Dutch:"De [civName] beschaving is vernietigt!" //civname has to be an adjective
Spanish:"¡La civilización de [civName] ha sido destruida!"
Portuguese:"A civilização de [civName] foi destruida!"
///////////////// ruins
"We have found survivors in the ruins - population added to [cityName]":{
Italian:"Abbiamo trovato dei superstiti nelle rovine, che si sono aggiunti alla città di [cityName]!"
Spanish:"Hemos encontrado sobrevivientes en las ruinas. Poblacion añadida a [cityName]"
Romanian:"Am descoperit supraviețuitori printre ruine - populația a fost adăugată la [cityName]"
German:"Wir haben überlebende in den Ruinen gefunden - Einwohner zu [cityName] hinzugefügt"
French:"Des survivants ont été trouvés dans les ruines - ils ont rejoins [cityName]"
Japanese:"遺跡で生存者が見つかりました - 人口は[cityName]に追加されました"
Russian:"Мы нашли выживших в руинах - население добавлено в [cityName]"
Dutch:"We hebben overlevenden gevonden in de ruïnes - populatie toegevoegd aan [cityName]"
Simplified_Chinese:"我们在废墟中找到了幸存者 - 人口被添加到[cityName]"
Portuguese:"Encontramos sobreviventes nas ruínas - população adicionada a [cityName]"
"We have discovered the lost technology of [techName] in the ruins!":{
Italian:"Abbiamo scoperto tra le rovine la tecnologia perduta [techName]]!"
Romanian:"Am descoperit tehnologia pierdută [techName] printre ruine!"
German:"Wir haben die vergessene Technologie [techName] in den Ruinen wiederentdeckt!"
French:"Nous avons découvert la technologie perdu [techName] dans les ruines!"
Russian:"Мы обнаружили потерянную технологию [techName] в руинах!"
Dutch:"We hebben de verloren technologie van [techName] in de ruïnes ontdekt!"
Spanish:"¡Hemos descubierto la tecnología perdida de [techName] en las ruinas!"
Portuguese:"Nós descobrimos a tecnologia perdida de [techName] nas ruínas!"
"A [unitName] has joined us!":{
Italian:"L'unità [unitName] si è unita a noi!"
Romanian:"Un [unitName] ni s-a alăturat!"
German:"Ein(e) [unitName] ist uns beigetreten!" //Gender sensitive
French:"Un(e) [unitName] nous a rejoint!" //Gender sensitive
Russian:"[unitName] присоединился к нам!"
Dutch:"Een [unitName] heeft zich bij ons aangesloten!"
Spanish:"¡Un [unitName] se ha unido a nosotros!" //Gender sensitive
Portuguese:"Um [unitName] se juntou a nós!" //Gender sensitive
"An ancient tribe trains our [unitName] in their ways of combat!":{
Italian:"Un'antica tribù ha addestrato la nostra unità [unitName] nelle loro arti della guerra!"
Romanian:"Un trib străvechi ne invață un [unitName] metodele lor de luptă!"
German:"Ein antiker Stamm bringt unserer(em) [unitName] dessen Kampftechniken bei!" //Gender sensitive
French:"Une tribue ancienne a entrainée notre [unitName] au combat" //Gender sensitive
Russian:"Древнее племя обучает наших [unitName] своим способам ведения боя!"
Dutch:"Een oude stam traint onze [unitName] in hun manier van vechten!"
Spanish:"¡Una antigua tribu entrena a nuestros [unitName] en sus formas de combate!"
Portuguese:"Uma antiga tribo treina nosso [unitName] em suas formas de combate!"
"We have found a stash of [amount] gold in the ruins!":{
Italian:"Abbiamo trovato un tesoro di [amount] pezzi d'oro nelle rovine!"
Romanian:"Am descoperit un depozit de [amount] aur printre ruine!"
German:"Wir haben [amount] Gold in einem Versteck in den Ruinen gefunden!"
French:"Nous avons trouvés un tas de [amount] ors dans les ruines!"
Russian:"Мы нашли сундук с [amount] золота в руинах!"
Dutch:"We hebben een voorraad [amount] Goud gevonden in de ruïnes!"
Spanish:"¡Hemos encontrado un alijo de [amount] de oro en las ruinas!"
Portuguese:"Encontramos um estoque de [quantidade] de ouro nas ruínas!"
} |