2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
package main
import (
func GetHandlerMap() map[string]func(*iris.Context) {
return map[string]func(*iris.Context){
"/register": WebRegisterGet,
func PostHandlerMap() map[string]func(*iris.Context) {
return map[string]func(*iris.Context){
"/register": WebRegisterPost,
"/update": WebUpdatePost,
2016-11-13 19:50:44 +07:00
func (a AuthMiddleware) Serve(ctx *iris.Context) {
username_str := ctx.RequestHeader("X-Api-User")
password := ctx.RequestHeader("X-Api-Key")
username, err := GetValidUsername(username_str)
if err == nil && ValidKey(password) {
au, err := DB.GetByUsername(username)
if err == nil && CorrectPassword(password, au.Password) {
log.Debugf("Accepted authentication from [%s]", username_str)
// To protect against timed side channel (never gonna give you up)
CorrectPassword(password, "$2a$10$8JEFVNYYhLoBysjAxe2yBuXrkDojBQBkVpXEQgyQyjn43SvJ4vL36")
ctx.JSON(iris.StatusUnauthorized, iris.Map{"error": "unauthorized"})
2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
func WebRegisterPost(ctx *iris.Context) {
// Create new user
nu, err := DB.Register()
var reg_json iris.Map
var reg_status int
if err != nil {
errstr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
reg_json = iris.Map{"username": "", "password": "", "domain": "", "error": errstr}
reg_status = iris.StatusInternalServerError
} else {
reg_json = iris.Map{"username": nu.Username, "password": nu.Password, "fulldomain": nu.Subdomain + "." + DnsConf.General.Domain, "subdomain": nu.Subdomain}
reg_status = iris.StatusCreated
2016-11-13 19:50:44 +07:00
log.Debugf("Successful registration, created user [%s]", nu.Username)
2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
ctx.JSON(reg_status, reg_json)
func WebRegisterGet(ctx *iris.Context) {
// This is placeholder for now
func WebUpdatePost(ctx *iris.Context) {
2016-11-13 19:50:44 +07:00
// User auth done in middleware
var a ACMETxt = ACMETxt{}
user_string := ctx.RequestHeader("X-API-User")
username, err := GetValidUsername(user_string)
2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
if err != nil {
2016-11-13 19:50:44 +07:00
log.Warningf("Error while getting username [%s]. This should never happen because of auth middlware.", user_string)
WebUpdatePostError(ctx, err, iris.StatusUnauthorized)
2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
2016-11-13 19:50:44 +07:00
if err := ctx.ReadJSON(&a); err != nil {
// Handle bad post data
log.Warningf("Could not unmarshal: [%v]", err)
WebUpdatePostError(ctx, err, iris.StatusBadRequest)
2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
2016-11-13 19:50:44 +07:00
a.Username = username
// Do update
if ValidSubdomain(a.Subdomain) && ValidTXT(a.Value) {
err := DB.Update(a)
if err != nil {
log.Warningf("Error trying to update [%v]", err)
WebUpdatePostError(ctx, errors.New("internal error"), iris.StatusInternalServerError)
2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
2016-11-13 19:50:44 +07:00
ctx.JSON(iris.StatusOK, iris.Map{"txt": a.Value})
} else {
log.Warningf("Bad data, subdomain: [%s], txt: [%s]", a.Subdomain, a.Value)
WebUpdatePostError(ctx, errors.New("bad data"), iris.StatusBadRequest)
2016-11-11 21:48:00 +07:00
func WebUpdatePostError(ctx *iris.Context, err error, status int) {
err_str := fmt.Sprintf("%v", err)
upd_json := iris.Map{"error": err_str}
ctx.JSON(status, upd_json)