# Useful Swift Things
**Feel free to fork this repository and pull requests!**
## Content
- [Coding Convention](#Coding-convention)
- [Swift Lint](#Swift-lint)
- [Design Pattern](#Design-Pattern)
- [Delegation](#Delegation)
- [Singleton](#Singleton)
- [Observer](#Observer)
- [Code Structuring](#code-structuringarchitecture)
- [MVC](#MVC)
- [UIDesign](#UIDesign)
- [Helper](#Helper)
- [Email, Message, Call](#email-message-call)
- [Network Layer](#Network-Layer)
- [Image Picker](#Image-Picker)
- [File Manager](#File-Manager)
- [Video Downloader](#Video-Downloader)
- [Image Downloader](#Image-Downloader)
- [Location Manager](#Location-Manager)
- [API](#API)
- [UserDefaults](#UserDefaults)
- [How to find documentDirectory](#How-to-find-documentDirectory)
- [Core Data](#Core-Data)
- [Set Up Core Data](#Set-Up-Core-Data)
- [Usage](#Usage)
- [Store Data](#Store-Data)
- [Load Data](#Load-Data)
- [Update Data](#Update-Data)
- [Delete Data](#Delete-Data)
- [Third Party Library](#Third-Party-Library)
- [GCD](#GCD)
- [DispatchQueue](#DispatchQueue)
- [DispatchGroup](#DispatchGroup)
- [DispatchWorkItem](#DispatchWorkItem)
- [Thread Sanitizer](#Thread-Sanitizer)
- [Testing](#Testing)
- [Code Coverage](#Code-Coverage)
- [Unit Test](#Unit-Test)
- [UI Test](#UI-Test)
- [In App Purchase(IAP)](#In-App-PurchaseIAP)
- [FRP](#FRP)
- [Error Search](#Error-Search)
- [Useful Stuff](#Useful-Stuff)
- [Show Preview in UIKit(Build UI with Code Base)](#show-preview-in-uikitbuild-ui-with-code-base-----)
- [Write README.md](#write-readmemd)
- [Roadmap for iOS Developer](#Roadmap-for-iOS-Developer)
## Coding convention
set of guidelines for a specific programming language that recommend programming style
### Swift Style Guide
- [Swift Style Guide](https://github.com/linkedin/swift-style-guide)
### Swift Lint
The way of force you to adapt coding convention
>otherwise project build will **FAILED**
- [Swift Lint](https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint) apply for all project:+1:
if which swiftlint >/dev/null; then
echo "error: SwiftLint not installed, download from https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint"
exit 1
put .yml file into root folder and apply following code in Build Phases
**You can modify(delete) SwiftLint Option with opening .yml file**
> Shift + Command + . will show the hidden file
## Design Pattern
Design pattern is
Check [this](https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/swift) website for design pattern in Swift
### Delegation
weak var delegate: SomeProtocol?
### Singleton
class SingletonPattern {
static let manager = SingletonPattern()
private init() {}
### Observer
The observer pattern lets one object observe changes on another object. Apple added language-level support for this pattern in Swift 5.1 with the addition of Publisher in the Combine framework.
## Code Structuring(Architecture)
### MVC
MVC pattern stands for Model - View - Controller
- Model - Model take care of storing data.
- View - View renders the data for users
- Controller - Controller modifies the View, accepts user input and interacts directly with the Model. And take care of view logic and business logic.
### MVVM
MVVM patterns stand for Model - View - ViewModel
##### MVC vs MVVM
- Model β Which holds the application data
- View β It displays the data that is stored in model. These are visual elements through which a user interacts. These are subclasses of UIView
- View Model β Transform model information/data and it interacts with controller or view to display those informations.
- Controller class β It will be there but the responsibility of view business logic has been removed and give to view model
> You can check App example of using MVVM [here](https://github.com/jphong1111/Unsplash_Clone)
- View - Displays what it is told to by the Presenter and relays user input back to the Presenter.
- Interactor - Contains the business logic as specified by a use case.
- Presenter - contains view logic for preparing content for display (as received from the Interactor) and for reacting to user inputs (by requesting new data from the Interactor).
- Entity - contains basic model objects used by the Interactor.
- Routing - contains navigation logic for describing which screens are shown in which order.
> For more info, go [here](https://www.raywenderlich.com/8440907-getting-started-with-the-viper-architecture-pattern)
## UIDesign
### HIG(Human Interface Guidelines)
- [Apple UI Kit](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit)
- [iOS Design Guide](https://ivomynttinen.com/blog/ios-design-guidelines)
### iOS icon
- [SF Symbols](https://developer.apple.com/sf-symbols/) Download SF Symbols2 for more icons!
- [icon8](https://icons8.com/) You can download icons imge for your **APP**
- [appicon](https://appicon.co/) generate the app icon size
### UIdesign inspiration
- [dribble](https://dribbble.com/)
- [pinterest](https://pinterest.com/)
- [behance](https://www.behance.net/)
- [pttrns](https://pttrns.com/)
- [awwwards](https://www.awwwards.com/)
- [flickr](http://www.flickr.com/)
- [mobbin](https://mobbin.design/)
### Design Tools
- [DetailsPro](https://detailspro.app) You can design with SwiftUI free
## Helper
All files are resuable files and protocol oriented. **Just Copy and Paste inside your project and use it!!** π
## Email, Message, Call
You can check the file in the follow link
- [Email, Message, Call](https://github.com/jphong1111/Useful_Swift/blob/main/Helper/ConversationManager.swift)
### Usage
import MessageUI first
import MessageUI
Then use it
> Don't forget to extend the mail, message delegate to your ViewController!
lazy var conversation = ConversationManager(presentingController: self, mailDelegate: self, messageDelegate: self, viewController: self)
@IBAction private func sendEmail(_ sender: UIButton) {
conversation.sendEmail(feedback: MailFeedback(recipients: ["abcd@google.com"], subject: "FeedBack", body: "Write feedback here"))
@IBAction private func sendMessage(_ sender: UIButton) {
conversation.sendMessage(feedback: MessageFeedBack(recipients: ["1111111111"], body: "Type here"))
@IBAction private func startCall(_ sender: UIButton) {
conversation.makeCall(number: "1111111111")
Good To GO πππ
> See Example [here](https://github.com/jphong1111/ImageMessageHandler_DemoApp)
## Network Layer
- [Network Layer](https://github.com/jphong1111/Useful_Swift/tree/main/Helper/Network%20Layer)
### Usage
First, set the base URL in **EndPointType file**
> Don't forget to put your API key in it!
var baseURL: URL {
guard let url = URL(string: "https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/") else {
fatalError("baseURL could not be configured.")
return url
then make a instance of router.swift file in your code
private let router = Router()
for **YourAPI part**, simply create a new **enum** with cases about specific api URL
> It will make your router more dynamic!
> Don't forget extension to EndPointType!
enum YourAPI {
case first(country: String)
case second(time: Int)
case third(name: String)
extension YourAPI: EndPointType {
var path: String {
switch self {
case .first(let country):
return "\(country).json"
case .second(let time):
return "\(time).json"
case .third(let name):
return "\(name).json"
then, use it like this
router.request(.first(country: London)) { [weak self] (results: Result) in
guard let self = self else { return }
switch results {
case .success(let data):
// insert your modifications!
case .failure(let error):
// insert your modifications!
> **CountryWeather should be a model with Decodable**
If you want to see how can I use Network Layer in Project, check [this](https://github.com/jphong1111/Unsplash_Clone/tree/main/Unsplah_Clone/ReusableComponent/NetworkLayer)
This reusable network layer files for referenced from [here](https://medium.com/flawless-app-stories/writing-network-layer-in-swift-protocol-oriented-approach-4fa40ef1f908)
> Also [Alamofire](https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire) will be a great option for Network Layer!
## Image Picker
- [Image Picker](https://github.com/jphong1111/Useful_Swift/blob/main/Helper/ImagePickerHandler/ImagePicker.swift)
### Usage
Copy and Paste in your project and then declare Image Picker object inside your project
lazy var imagePicker = ImagePicker(presentationController: self, delegate: self)
Then, extend ImagePickerDelegate to your viewController
extension ViewController: ImagePickerDelegate {
func didSelect(image: UIImage?) {
self.yourImageView.image = image
self.dismiss(animated: true, completion: nil)
Good To GO πππ
> See Example [here](https://github.com/jphong1111/ImageMessageHandler_DemoApp)
## File Manager
- [File Manager](https://github.com/jphong1111/Useful_Swift/blob/main/Helper/FileManageHelper.swift)
### Usage
Copy and Paste in your project
let readData = FileManageHelper.manager.readFile(filename: fileNameTextField.text ?? "", type: extensionTextField.text ?? "")
resultTextField.text = readData
> File Manager are wrote with singleton pattern, therefore no need to declare in side your code!
Good To GO πππ
## Video Downloader
- [Video Downloader](https://github.com/jphong1111/Useful_Swift/blob/main/Helper/VideoManager.swift)
## Usage
Make an object of VideoManager inside your code
let videoManager = VideoManager()
use downloadVideoLinkAndCreateAsset function to start download with entering URL
Good To GO πππ
## Image Downloader
There is no file for Image Downloader.
To download images into device, only thing is this
if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: urls),
let image = UIImage(data: data) {
UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum(image, nil, nil, nil)
Just **change urls into your image URL**
> UIImageWriteToSavedPhotosAlbum will take care it to download to device.
> For more info go [here](https://www.hackingwithswift.com/example-code/media/uiimagewritetosavedphotosalbum-how-to-write-to-the-ios-photo-album)
Good To GO πππ
## Location Manager
- ~~[Location Manager](https://github.com/jphong1111/Useful_Swift/tree/main/Helper/LocationHandler/LocationManager.swift)~~
Currently Working
## API
API(Application Programming Interface) is an interface that defines interactions between multiple software applications or mixed hardware-software intermediaries. It defines the kinds of calls or requests that can be made, how to make them, the data formats that should be used, the conventions to follow, etc.
JSON is a language-independent data format
> Which is relative with **KEY - VALUE** pair
"main": [
"title": "example1",
"body": "body1"
"title": "example2",
"body: "body2"
### JSON parser extension for Chrome
This extension makes JSON more structable
[JSON parser pro](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/json-viewer-pro/eifflpmocdbdmepbjaopkkhbfmdgijcc) **FREE** :+1:
### JSON Decoding
To use JSON Decoding in swift, you have to define the model to be Codable or Decodable
public typealias Codable = Decodable & Encodable
> Decodable can only decode the json data. Can't encoded json file!!
struct User: Codable {
var first_name: String
var last_name: String
var country: String
To use JSONDecoding, declare JSONDecoder and use decode() function
do {
let data = try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: unwrappedData)
} catch {
T.self -> Model(Struct) of the data that you want to decode
> data will decoded to form of T
unwrappedData -> Input actual data from file or server
> This should be a Data Type!!
### JSONSerialization
JSONSerialization is a old way of decode the JSON file
### Various API Site
- [rapidAPI](https://www.rapidapi.com)
## UserDefaults
The UserDefaults class provides a programmatic interface for interacting with the defaults system. Check [Apple Document](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/userdefaults) for more info
> UserDefaults has to have **key-value** pair
### When do we use UserDafaults
- User information, like name, email address, age, occupation
- App settings, like user interface language, app color theme or βdetailed vs. simple UIβ
- Flags, more on this later
- If store data is small
### How to find documentDirectory
Put this line of code inside of your project
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
print(NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).last ?? "")
return true
simply move into that path and you can find the documentDirectory of your Application
> if Library is not shown up, just do **Shift + Command + .** to show hidden files in your folder
### Usage
As you can see in the below, intArray will stored inside the device through UserDefaults(), so that if device is shut down, changed value wil be stored in device.
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var intArray = [1,2,3,4,5]
let defaults = UserDefaults()
override func viewDidLoad() {
intArray = defaults.array(forKey: "IntArray") as! [Int]
@IBOutlet weak var textField: UILabel!
@IBAction private func isClicked(_ sender: UIButton) {
defaults.set(intArray, forKey: "IntArray")
textField.text = "\(intArray)"
You can your plist file like this!
Declare Userdefault like this!
let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
> **standard** allows to access from anywhere inside device
**With using set function, you can set userdefaults**
**Also these function will allow to get a data from plist**
**You are GOOD TO GO** πππ
## Core Data
Use Core Data to save your applicationβs permanent data for offline use, to cache temporary data, and to add undo functionality to your app on a single device.
**Core Data in Swift is using SQLite as DEFAULT**
> Image From London App Brewery
### Set Up Core Data
Simply Click Core Data check box when you create a new project
If you want to attach Core Data in exsiting project
Create **Data Model** file first
Then import CoreData inside your **AppDelegate.swift** file
import CoreData
And Copy and Paste this lines of code inside your **AppDelegate.swift** file
// MARK: - Core Data stack
lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
The persistent container for the application. This implementation
creates and returns a container, having loaded the store for the
application to it. This property is optional since there are legitimate
error conditions that could cause the creation of the store to fail.
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "Your DataModel file name")
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, error) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
Typical reasons for an error here include:
* The parent directory does not exist, cannot be created, or disallows writing.
* The persistent store is not accessible, due to permissions or data protection when the device is locked.
* The device is out of space.
* The store could not be migrated to the current model version.
Check the error message to determine what the actual problem was.
fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")
return container
// MARK: - Core Data Saving support
func saveContext () {
let context = persistentContainer.viewContext
if context.hasChanges {
do {
try context.save()
} catch {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.
// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be useful during development.
let nserror = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nserror), \(nserror.userInfo)")
Don't forget to change it
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "Your DataModel file name")
And goto **SceneDelegate.swift** file, copy below lines of code and replace yours
func sceneDidEnterBackground(_ scene: UIScene) {
// Called as the scene transitions from the foreground to the background.
// Use this method to save data, release shared resources, and store enough scene-specific state information
// to restore the scene back to its current state.
// Save changes in the application's managed object context when the application transitions to the background.
(UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate)?.saveContext()
If your target is **below iOS13**, put this line of code in side your **applicationWillTerminate** of **AppDelegate.swift** file
## Usage
Once you create your DataModel file, you can simply create a **Entity(Class)** and **Attributes(Properties)**
And then, change the type of attributes in inspector like this
Once you create your own Entities & Attributes, go to Inspector and change Module to **CurrentProductModule**
> If you didn't set it, thats fine, but if you are working in big project, then you need to set it. Otherwise this can occurs some error.
#### Codegen
As you can see in above, there are three options
- Manual/None - Swift didn't generate CoreDataClass, CoreDataProperties files so that you have to create yourself **(full control)**
- Class Definition - Swift will generate CoreDataClass, CoreDataProperties files. **(No control)**
- Category/Extension - Swift will generate only Extension file **(Some Control)**
CoreDataClass, CoreDataProperties are located in below
> /Users/dennis/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/CoreDataUserDefaultPractice-hisefjfyuvglrjekndpftwazftug/Build/Intermediates.noindex/CoreDataUserDefaultPractice.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/CoreDataUserDefaultPractice.build/DerivedSources/CoreDataGenerated/CoreDataUserDefaultPractice
And CoreDataClass, CoreDataProperties are looking like this,
> If your code can run it but didn't get your Entities, **Rebuild it or Restart your Xcode**
## Store Data
Declare context as a global variable
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
> Get viewContext that we defined in AppDelegate.swift file
Simply you can use this code to save your data to CoreData
func saveItem() {
do {
try context.save()
} catch {
print("Error Saving Context: \(error.localizedDescription)")
> Use it wherever you want
Data can be find if you print the path
print(FileManager.default.urls(for: .documentDirectory, in: .userDomainMask))
> You can check Entities, Properties inside that file
## Load Data
Refer this code and apply it to your code wherever you want to reload it
func loadItem() {
let request: NSFetchRequest- = Item.fetchRequest()
do {
itemArray = try context.fetch(request)
} catch {
print("Load Item Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
> Item will be your Entity, itemArray will be your Entity object
> Don't forget to import **CoreData**
## Update Data
Simply use setValue function so that you can update your value in DB
itemArray[0].setValue(<#T##value: Any?##Any?#>, forKey: <#T##String#>)
> if you are using TableView or CollectionView, change 0 to indexPath.row
## Delete Data
Simply use delete function in context
> change number for dynamic!
**You are GOOD TO GO** πππ
## Third Party Library
[This github](https://github.com/vsouza/awesome-ios) contains all the popular libraries in Swift:+1:
Recommand Useful Library
- SDWebImage - Download and set image Library
- Hero - Various kind of animation with using Segue
- Alamofire - Network Layer tool
- RxSwift - Reactive Programming in Swift
## GCD
GCD(Grand Central Dispatch) is a low-level API for managing concurrent operations. It can help you improve your appβs responsiveness by deferring computationally expensive tasks to the background.
### DispatchQueue
An object that manages the execution of tasks serially or concurrently on your app's main thread or on a background thread.
#### main
We can say main is a serial queue
#### global()
We can say global is a concurrent queue
### DispatchGroup
### DispatchWorkItem
### Thread Sanitizer
Thread Sanitizer is a tool to identifies the potential thread-related corruption issues. And it is a good way to find the [Readers and Writers problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Readers%E2%80%93writers_problem) in your application.
#### How to Use Address Sanitizer
Go to this Option and Click **EDIT SCHEME...** π
And then go to **RUN** and check **THREAD SANITIZER** π
## Testing
Before start your Testing, add coverage will be a good option to show the result of test
### Code Coverage
First, check code coverage
Then, go to **EDIT SHEME**, check like this
### Unit Test
### UI Test
## In App Purchase(IAP)
IAP stands for **In App Purchase**
APNS stands for **Apple Push Notification service**
## FRP
Functional Reactive Programming a.k.a [RxSwift](https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift)
## Error Search
Find your common error here
[Error Search](https://github.com/jphong1111/Useful_Swift/blob/error-search/README.md)
## Useful Stuff
### Show Preview in UIKit(Build UI with Code Base) π π π π π
Copy this code and Paste into your controller
#if canImport(SwiftUI) && DEBUG
import SwiftUI
struct SwiftLeeViewRepresentable: UIViewRepresentable {
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UIView {
return UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: Bundle.main).instantiateInitialViewController()!.view
func updateUIView(_ view: UIView, context: Context) {
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
struct SwiftLeeViewController_Preview: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Enable canvas option like this
**You are GOOD TO GO** πππ
## Write README.md
[This](https://medium.com/@saumya.ranjan/how-to-write-a-readme-md-file-markdown-file-20cb7cbcd6f) will help you to write a README.md file more dynamically π
## Roadmap for iOS Developer
check this out [here](https://github.com/BohdanOrlov/iOS-Developer-Roadmap)
## Author
This README.md file is written by **Jungpyo Hong (Dennis)**
email: ghdwjdvy96@gmail.com