# Useful iOS Useful Swift Things ### Content - [Coding convention](#Coding convention) 1. Coding convention https://github.com/linkedin/swift-style-guide Swift Lint -> https://github.com/realm/SwiftLint - apply for all project - put .yml file into root folder and apply following code in Build Phases 2. HIG(Human Interface Guidelines(UIKit 애플사이트) https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/views_and_controls 3. Drawable menu in swift https://github.com/instamobile/drawer-menu-swift 4. Table View: Good to know the following: Protocol: TableViewDataSource numberOfRows numberOfSections cellForRow canMoveRow moveRow commitForRow canEditRow Protocol: TableViewDelegate didSelectRow willDisplay estimatedHeightForRow heightForRow swipeActions automaticDimension 5. IOS icon download : https://icons8.com/icon/set/food/ios 6. API site - 1. www.rapidapi.com 7. UIDesign inspiration https://www.behance.net/ https://dribbble.com/ https://www.awwwards.com/ http://www.flickr.com/ https://mobbin.design/ https://pttrns.com/ https://pinterest.com/ ## Coding convention