name: Build (Stable) on: push: branches: - main paths: - "**/*.go" - "**/*.c" - "**/*.h" - "go.mod" - "go.sum" - ".github/workflows/build.yml" - "Makefile" jobs: build: strategy: matrix: goos: [ linux ] goarch: [ arm64, 386, riscv64, mips64, mips64le, mipsle, mips ] include: # BEGIN Linux ARM 5 6 7 - goos: linux goarch: arm goarm: 7 - goos: linux goarch: arm goarm: 6 - goos: linux goarch: arm goarm: 5 # END Linux ARM 5 6 7 # BEGIN Linux AMD64 v1 v2 v3 - goos: linux goarch: amd64 goamd64: v1 - goos: linux goarch: amd64 goamd64: v2 - goos: linux goarch: amd64 goamd64: v3 # END Linux AMD64 v1 v2 v3 fail-fast: false runs-on: ubuntu-22.04 env: GOOS: ${{ matrix.goos }} GOARCH: ${{ matrix.goarch }} GOARM: ${{ matrix.goarm }} GOAMD64: ${{ matrix.goamd64 }} CGO_ENABLED: 0 steps: - name: Checkout codebase uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: fetch-depth: 0 - name: Get the version id: get_version env: REF: ${{ github.ref }} run: | if [[ "$REF" == "refs/tags/v"* ]]; then tag=$(git describe --tags $(git rev-list --tags --max-count=1)) version=${tag} else date=$(git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=short | sed s/-//g) count=$(git rev-list --count HEAD) commit=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) version="unstable-$date.r${count}.$commit" fi echo "VERSION=$version" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "VERSION=$version" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Show workflow information id: get_filename run: | export _NAME=$(jq ".[\"$GOOS-$GOARCH$GOARM$GOAMD64\"].friendlyName" -r < install/friendly-filenames.json) echo "GOOS: $GOOS, GOARCH: $GOARCH, RELEASE_NAME: $_NAME" echo "ASSET_NAME=$_NAME" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo "ASSET_NAME=$_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Set up Go uses: actions/setup-go@v3 with: go-version: '^1.19' - name: Install Dependencies run: | sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install -y clang-15 llvm-15 - name: Get project dependencies run: | git submodule update --init --recursive GOMODCACHE="${PWD}"/go-mod go mod download -modcacherw find ./go-mod/ -maxdepth 1 ! -name "cache" ! -name "go-mod" -exec rm -rf {} \; sed -i 's/#export GOMODCACHE=$(PWD)\/go-mod/export GOMODCACHE=$(PWD)\/go-mod/' Makefile - name: Build dae run: | mkdir -p ./build/ export CGO_ENABLED=0 export GOFLAGS="-trimpath -modcacherw" export CFLAGS="-D__REMOVE_BPF_PRINTK" export OUTPUT=build/dae-$ASSET_NAME export VERSION=${{ steps.get_version.outputs.VERSION }} export CLANG=clang-15 export STRIP=llvm-strip-15 make cp ./install/dae.service ./build/ cp ./example.dae ./build/ curl -L -o ./build/geoip.dat curl -L -o ./build/geosite.dat - name: Smoking test if: matrix.goarch == 'amd64' && matrix.goamd64 == 'v1' run: ./build/dae-$ASSET_NAME --version - name: Create binary ZIP archive and Signature run: | pushd build || exit 1 zip -9vr ../dae-$ . popd || exit 1 FILE=./dae-$ DGST=$FILE.dgst md5sum $FILE >>$DGST shasum -a 1 $FILE >>$DGST shasum -a 256 $FILE >>$DGST shasum -a 512 $FILE >>$DGST - name: Upload files to Artifacts uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3 with: name: dae-${{ steps.get_filename.outputs.ASSET_NAME }}.zip path: build/*