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synced 2025-03-09 20:30:08 +07:00
178 lines
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178 lines
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* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023, daeuniverse Organization <dae@v2raya.org>
package control
import (
func (c *ControlPlane) Route(src, dst netip.AddrPort, domain string, l4proto consts.L4ProtoType, routingResult *bpfRoutingResult) (outboundIndex consts.OutboundIndex, mark uint32, must bool, err error) {
var ipVersion consts.IpVersionType
if dst.Addr().Is4() || dst.Addr().Is4In6() {
ipVersion = consts.IpVersion_4
} else {
ipVersion = consts.IpVersion_6
bSrc := src.Addr().As16()
bDst := dst.Addr().As16()
if outboundIndex, mark, must, err = c.routingMatcher.Match(
append([]uint8{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, routingResult.Mac[:]...),
); err != nil {
return 0, 0, false, err
return outboundIndex, mark, false, nil
func (c *controlPlaneCore) RetrieveRoutingResult(src, dst netip.AddrPort, l4proto uint8) (result *bpfRoutingResult, err error) {
srcIp6 := src.Addr().As16()
dstIp6 := dst.Addr().As16()
tuples := &bpfTuples{
Sip: struct{ U6Addr8 [16]uint8 }{U6Addr8: srcIp6},
Sport: common.Htons(src.Port()),
Dip: struct{ U6Addr8 [16]uint8 }{U6Addr8: dstIp6},
Dport: common.Htons(dst.Port()),
L4proto: l4proto,
var routingResult bpfRoutingResult
if err := c.bpf.RoutingTuplesMap.Lookup(tuples, &routingResult); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("reading map: key [%v, %v, %v]: %w", src.String(), l4proto, dst.String(), err)
return &routingResult, nil
func RetrieveOriginalDest(oob []byte) netip.AddrPort {
msgs, err := syscall.ParseSocketControlMessage(oob)
if err != nil {
return netip.AddrPort{}
for _, msg := range msgs {
if msg.Header.Level == syscall.SOL_IP && msg.Header.Type == syscall.IP_RECVORIGDSTADDR {
ip := msg.Data[4:8]
port := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(msg.Data[2:4])
return netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.AddrFrom4(*(*[4]byte)(ip)), port)
} else if msg.Header.Level == syscall.SOL_IPV6 && msg.Header.Type == unix.IPV6_RECVORIGDSTADDR {
ip := msg.Data[8:24]
port := binary.BigEndian.Uint16(msg.Data[2:4])
return netip.AddrPortFrom(netip.AddrFrom16(*(*[16]byte)(ip)), port)
return netip.AddrPort{}
func checkIpforward(ifname string, ipversion consts.IpVersionStr) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/sys/net/ipv%v/conf/%v/forwarding", ipversion, ifname)
b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes.Equal(bytes.TrimSpace(b), []byte("1")) {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("ipforward on %v is off: %v; see docs of dae for help", ifname, path)
func CheckIpforward(ifname string) error {
if err := checkIpforward(ifname, consts.IpVersionStr_4); err != nil {
return err
if err := checkIpforward(ifname, consts.IpVersionStr_6); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func setForwarding(ifname string, ipversion consts.IpVersionStr, val string) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/sys/net/ipv%v/conf/%v/forwarding", ipversion, ifname)
err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte(val), 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func SetIpv4forward(val string) error {
err := os.WriteFile("/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward", []byte(val), 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func SetForwarding(ifname string, val string) {
_ = setForwarding(ifname, consts.IpVersionStr_4, val)
_ = setForwarding(ifname, consts.IpVersionStr_6, val)
func checkSendRedirects(ifname string, ipversion consts.IpVersionStr) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/sys/net/ipv%v/conf/%v/send_redirects", ipversion, ifname)
b, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
return err
if bytes.Equal(bytes.TrimSpace(b), []byte("0")) {
return nil
return fmt.Errorf("send_directs on %v is on: %v; see docs of dae for help", ifname, path)
func CheckSendRedirects(ifname string) error {
if err := checkSendRedirects(ifname, consts.IpVersionStr_4); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func setSendRedirects(ifname string, ipversion consts.IpVersionStr, val string) error {
path := fmt.Sprintf("/proc/sys/net/ipv%v/conf/%v/send_redirects", ipversion, ifname)
err := os.WriteFile(path, []byte(val), 0644)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func SetSendRedirects(ifname string, val string) {
_ = setSendRedirects(ifname, consts.IpVersionStr_4, val)
func ProcessName2String(pname []uint8) string {
return string(bytes.TrimRight(pname[:], string([]byte{0})))
func Mac2String(mac []uint8) string {
ori := []byte(hex.EncodeToString(mac))
// Insert ":".
b := make([]byte, len(ori)/2*3-1)
for i, j := 0, 0; i < len(ori); i, j = i+2, j+3 {
copy(b[j:j+2], ori[i:i+2])
if j+2 < len(b) {
b[j+2] = ':'
return string(b)