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synced 2025-03-09 04:09:44 +07:00
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# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
# Copyright (c) since 2022, v2rayA Organization <team@v2raya.org>
# The development version of clang is distributed as the 'clang' binary,
# while stable/released versions have a version number attached.
# Pin the default clang to a stable version.
CLANG ?= clang
STRIP ?= llvm-strip
OUTPUT ?= dae
CFLAGS := -O2 -Wall -Werror $(CFLAGS)
TARGET ?= bpfel,bpfeb
# Get version from .git.
date=$(shell git log -1 --format="%cd" --date=short | sed s/-//g)
count=$(shell git rev-list --count HEAD)
commit=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD)
ifeq ($(wildcard .git/.),)
VERSION ?= unstable-0.nogit
VERSION ?= unstable-$(date).r$(count).$(commit)
.PHONY: clean-ebpf ebpf dae
dae: ebpf
go build -o $(OUTPUT) -trimpath -ldflags "-s -w -X github.com/v2rayA/dae/cmd.Version=$(VERSION)" .
rm -f component/control/bpf_bpf*.go && \
rm -f component/control/bpf_bpf*.o
# $BPF_CLANG is used in go:generate invocations.
ebpf: export BPF_CLANG := $(CLANG)
ebpf: export BPF_STRIP := $(STRIP)
ebpf: export BPF_CFLAGS := $(CFLAGS)
ebpf: export BPF_TARGET := $(TARGET)
ebpf: clean-ebpf
unset GOOS && \
unset GOARCH && \
unset GOARM && \
go generate ./component/control/...