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310 lines
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// Package trie is modified from https://github.com/openacid/succinct/blob/loc100/sskv.go.
// Slower than about 30% but more than 40% memory saving.
package trie
import (
var ValidCidrChars = NewValidChars([]byte{'0', '1'})
type ValidChars struct {
table [256]byte
n uint16
zeroChar byte
func NewValidChars(validChars []byte) (v *ValidChars) {
v = new(ValidChars)
for _, c := range validChars {
if v.n == 0 {
v.zeroChar = c
v.table[c] = byte(v.n)
return v
func (v *ValidChars) Size() int {
return int(v.n)
func (v *ValidChars) IsValidChar(c byte) bool {
return v.table[c] > 0 || c == v.zeroChar
// Trie is a succinct, sorted and static string set impl with compacted trie as
// storage. The space cost is about half lower than the original data.
// # Implementation
// It stores sorted strings in a compacted trie(AKA prefix tree).
// A trie node has at most 256 outgoing labels.
// A label is just a single byte.
// E.g., [ab, abc, abcd, axy, buv] is represented with a trie like the following:
// (Numbers are node id)
// ^ -a-> 1 -b-> 3 $
// | | `c-> 6 $
// | | `d-> 9 $
// | `x-> 4 -y-> 7 $
// `b-> 2 -u-> 5 -v-> 8 $
// Internally it uses a packed []byte and a bitmap with `len([]byte)` bits to
// describe the outgoing labels of a node,:
// ^: ab 00
// 1: bx 00
// 2: u 0
// 3: c 0
// 4: y 0
// 5: v 0
// 6: d 0
// 7: ø
// 8: ø
// 9: ø
// In storage it packs labels together and bitmaps joined with separator `1`:
// labels(ignore space): "ab bx u c y v d"
// label bitmap: 0010010101010101111
// Finally leaf nodes are indicated by another bitmap `leaves`, in which a `1`
// at i-th bit indicates the i-th node is a leaf:
// leaves: 0001001111
type Trie struct {
leaves, labelBitmap []uint64
ranks, selects []int32
labels *bitlist.CompactBitList
ranksBL, selectsBL *bitlist.CompactBitList
chars *ValidChars
func Prefix2bin128(prefix netip.Prefix) (bin128 string) {
n := prefix.Bits()
if n == -1 {
panic("! BadPrefix: " + prefix.String())
if prefix.Addr().Is4() {
n += 96
ip := prefix.Addr().As16()
buf := buffer.NewBuffer(128)
defer buf.Put()
for i := 0; i < len(ip); i++ {
for j := 7; j >= 0; j-- {
if (ip[i]>>j)&1 == 1 {
_ = buf.WriteByte('1')
} else {
_ = buf.WriteByte('0')
if n == 0 {
break loop
return buf.String()
func NewTrieFromPrefixes(cidrs []netip.Prefix) (*Trie, error) {
var keys []string
// Convert netip.Prefix -> '0' '1' string
for _, prefix := range cidrs {
keys = append(keys, Prefix2bin128(prefix))
t, err := NewTrie(keys, ValidCidrChars)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return t, nil
// NewTrie creates a new *Trie struct, from a slice of sorted strings.
func NewTrie(keys []string, chars *ValidChars) (*Trie, error) {
// Check chars.
keys = common.Deduplicate(keys)
for _, key := range keys {
for _, c := range []byte(key) {
if !chars.IsValidChar(c) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("char out of range: %c", c)
ss := &Trie{
chars: chars,
labels: bitlist.NewCompactBitList(bits.Len(uint(chars.Size()))),
lIdx := 0
type qElt struct{ s, e, col int }
queue := []qElt{{0, len(keys), 0}}
for i := 0; i < len(queue); i++ {
elt := queue[i]
if elt.col == len(keys[elt.s]) {
// a leaf node
setBit(&ss.leaves, i, 1)
for j := elt.s; j < elt.e; {
frm := j
for ; j < elt.e && keys[j][elt.col] == keys[frm][elt.col]; j++ {
queue = append(queue, qElt{frm, j, elt.col + 1})
setBit(&ss.labelBitmap, lIdx, 0)
setBit(&ss.labelBitmap, lIdx, 1)
// Tighten.
leaves := make([]uint64, len(ss.leaves))
copy(leaves, ss.leaves)
ss.leaves = leaves
labelBitmap := make([]uint64, len(ss.labelBitmap))
copy(labelBitmap, ss.labelBitmap)
ss.labelBitmap = labelBitmap
ss.ranksBL = bitlist.NewCompactBitList(bits.Len64(uint64(ss.ranks[len(ss.ranks)-1])))
ss.selectsBL = bitlist.NewCompactBitList(bits.Len64(uint64(ss.selects[len(ss.selects)-1])))
for _, v := range ss.ranks {
for _, v := range ss.selects {
ss.ranks = nil
ss.selects = nil
return ss, nil
// HasPrefix query for a word and return whether a prefix of the word is in the Trie.
func (ss *Trie) HasPrefix(word string) bool {
nodeId, bmIdx := 0, 0
for i := 0; i < len(word); i++ {
if getBit(ss.leaves, nodeId) != 0 {
return true
c := word[i]
if !ss.chars.IsValidChar(c) {
return false
for ; ; bmIdx++ {
if getBit(ss.labelBitmap, bmIdx) != 0 {
// no more labels in this node
return false
if byte(ss.labels.Get(bmIdx-nodeId)) == ss.chars.table[c] {
// go to next level
nodeId = countZeros(ss.labelBitmap, ss.ranksBL, bmIdx+1)
bmIdx = selectIthOne(ss.labelBitmap, ss.ranksBL, ss.selectsBL, nodeId-1) + 1
return getBit(ss.leaves, nodeId) != 0
func setBit(bm *[]uint64, i int, v int) {
for i>>6 >= len(*bm) {
*bm = append(*bm, 0)
(*bm)[i>>6] |= uint64(v) << uint(i&63)
func getBit(bm []uint64, i int) uint64 {
return bm[i>>6] & (1 << uint(i&63))
// init builds pre-calculated cache to speed up rank() and select()
func (ss *Trie) init() {
ss.ranks = []int32{0}
for i := 0; i < len(ss.labelBitmap); i++ {
n := bits.OnesCount64(ss.labelBitmap[i])
ss.ranks = append(ss.ranks, ss.ranks[len(ss.ranks)-1]+int32(n))
ss.selects = []int32{}
n := 0
for i := 0; i < len(ss.labelBitmap)<<6; i++ {
z := int(ss.labelBitmap[i>>6]>>uint(i&63)) & 1
if z == 1 && n&63 == 0 {
ss.selects = append(ss.selects, int32(i))
n += z
// countZeros counts the number of "0" in a bitmap before the i-th bit(excluding
// the i-th bit) on behalf of rank index.
// E.g.:
// countZeros("010010", 4) == 3
// // 012345
func countZeros(bm []uint64, ranks *bitlist.CompactBitList, i int) int {
return i - int(ranks.Get(i>>6)) - bits.OnesCount64(bm[i>>6]&(1<<uint(i&63)-1))
// selectIthOne returns the index of the i-th "1" in a bitmap, on behalf of rank
// and select indexes.
// E.g.:
// selectIthOne("010010", 1) == 4
// // 012345
func selectIthOne(bm []uint64, ranks, selects *bitlist.CompactBitList, i int) int {
base := int(selects.Get(i>>6)) & ^63
findIthOne := i - int(ranks.Get(base>>6))
for i := base >> 6; i < len(bm); i++ {
bitIdx := 0
for w := bm[i]; w > 0; {
findIthOne -= int(w & 1)
if findIthOne < 0 {
return i<<6 + bitIdx
t0 := bits.TrailingZeros64(w &^ 1)
w >>= uint(t0)
bitIdx += t0
panic("no more ones")