mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 04:09:44 +07:00
479 lines
13 KiB
479 lines
13 KiB
* SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
* Copyright (c) 2022-2024, daeuniverse Organization <dae@v2raya.org>
package cmd
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
const (
PidFilePath = "/var/run/dae.pid"
SignalProgressFilePath = "/var/run/dae.progress"
var (
CheckNetworkLinks = []string{
func init() {
runCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVarP(&cfgFile, "config", "c", "", "Config file of dae.")
runCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&logFile, "logfile", "", "Log file to write. Empty means writing to stdout and stderr.")
runCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&logFileMaxSize, "logfile-maxsize", 30, "Unit: MB. The maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets rotated.")
runCmd.PersistentFlags().IntVar(&logFileMaxBackups, "logfile-maxbackups", 3, "The maximum number of old log files to retain.")
runCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&disableTimestamp, "disable-timestamp", "", false, "Disable timestamp.")
runCmd.PersistentFlags().BoolVarP(&disablePidFile, "disable-pidfile", "", false, "Not generate /var/run/dae.pid.")
rand.Shuffle(len(CheckNetworkLinks), func(i, j int) {
CheckNetworkLinks[i], CheckNetworkLinks[j] = CheckNetworkLinks[j], CheckNetworkLinks[i]
var (
cfgFile string
logFile string
logFileMaxSize int
logFileMaxBackups int
disableTimestamp bool
disablePidFile bool
runCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "run",
Short: "To run dae in the foreground.",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
if cfgFile == "" {
logrus.Fatalln("Argument \"--config\" or \"-c\" is required but not provided.")
// Require "sudo" if necessary.
// Read config from --config cfgFile.
conf, includes, err := readConfig(cfgFile)
if err != nil {
"err": err,
}).Fatalln("Failed to read config")
var logOpts *lumberjack.Logger
if logFile != "" {
logOpts = &lumberjack.Logger{
Filename: logFile,
MaxSize: logFileMaxSize,
MaxAge: 0,
MaxBackups: logFileMaxBackups,
LocalTime: true,
Compress: true,
log := logger.NewLogger(conf.Global.LogLevel, disableTimestamp, logOpts)
log.Infof("Include config files: [%v]", strings.Join(includes, ", "))
if err := Run(log, conf, []string{filepath.Dir(cfgFile)}); err != nil {
func Run(log *logrus.Logger, conf *config.Config, externGeoDataDirs []string) (err error) {
// Remove AbortFile at beginning.
_ = os.Remove(AbortFile)
// New ControlPlane.
c, err := newControlPlane(log, nil, nil, conf, externGeoDataDirs)
if err != nil {
return err
var pprofServer *http.Server
if conf.Global.PprofPort != 0 {
pprofAddr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", conf.Global.PprofPort)
pprofServer = &http.Server{Addr: pprofAddr, Handler: nil}
go pprofServer.ListenAndServe()
// Serve tproxy TCP/UDP server util signals.
var listener *control.Listener
sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM, syscall.SIGHUP, syscall.SIGQUIT, syscall.SIGKILL, syscall.SIGILL, syscall.SIGUSR1, syscall.SIGUSR2)
go func() {
readyChan := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
if !disablePidFile {
_ = os.WriteFile(PidFilePath, []byte(strconv.Itoa(os.Getpid())), 0644)
_ = os.WriteFile(SignalProgressFilePath, []byte{consts.ReloadDone}, 0644)
control.GetDaeNetns().With(func() error {
if listener, err = c.ListenAndServe(readyChan, conf.Global.TproxyPort); err != nil {
log.Errorln("ListenAndServe:", err)
return err
sigs <- nil
reloading := false
reloadingErr := error(nil)
isSuspend := false
abortConnections := false
for sig := range sigs {
switch sig {
case nil:
if reloading {
if listener == nil {
// Failed to listen. Exit.
break loop
// Serve.
reloading = false
log.Warnln("[Reload] Serve")
readyChan := make(chan bool, 1)
go func() {
if err := c.Serve(readyChan, listener); err != nil {
log.Errorln("ListenAndServe:", err)
sigs <- nil
if reloadingErr == nil {
_ = os.WriteFile(SignalProgressFilePath, append([]byte{consts.ReloadDone}, []byte("\nOK")...), 0644)
} else {
_ = os.WriteFile(SignalProgressFilePath, append([]byte{consts.ReloadError}, []byte("\n"+reloadingErr.Error())...), 0644)
log.Warnln("[Reload] Finished")
} else {
// Listening error.
break loop
case syscall.SIGUSR2:
isSuspend = true
case syscall.SIGUSR1:
// Reload signal.
if isSuspend {
log.Warnln("[Reload] Received suspend signal; prepare to suspend")
} else {
log.Warnln("[Reload] Received reload signal; prepare to reload")
_ = os.WriteFile(SignalProgressFilePath, []byte{consts.ReloadProcessing}, 0644)
reloadingErr = nil
// Load new config.
abortConnections = os.Remove(AbortFile) == nil
log.Warnln("[Reload] Load new config")
var newConf *config.Config
if isSuspend {
isSuspend = false
newConf, err = emptyConfig()
if err != nil {
"err": err,
}).Errorln("[Reload] Failed to reload")
_ = os.WriteFile(SignalProgressFilePath, append([]byte{consts.ReloadError}, []byte("\n"+err.Error())...), 0644)
newConf.Global = deepcopy.Copy(conf.Global).(config.Global)
newConf.Global.WanInterface = nil
newConf.Global.LanInterface = nil
newConf.Global.LogLevel = "warning"
} else {
var includes []string
newConf, includes, err = readConfig(cfgFile)
if err != nil {
"err": err,
}).Errorln("[Reload] Failed to reload")
_ = os.WriteFile(SignalProgressFilePath, append([]byte{consts.ReloadError}, []byte("\n"+err.Error())...), 0644)
log.Infof("Include config files: [%v]", strings.Join(includes, ", "))
// New logger.
oldLogOutput := log.Out
log = logger.NewLogger(newConf.Global.LogLevel, disableTimestamp, nil)
log.SetOutput(oldLogOutput) // FIXME: THIS IS A HACK.
// New control plane.
obj := c.EjectBpf()
var dnsCache map[string]*control.DnsCache
if conf.Dns.IpVersionPrefer == newConf.Dns.IpVersionPrefer {
// Only keep dns cache when ip version preference not change.
dnsCache = c.CloneDnsCache()
log.Warnln("[Reload] Load new control plane")
newC, err := newControlPlane(log, obj, dnsCache, newConf, externGeoDataDirs)
if err != nil {
reloadingErr = err
"err": err,
}).Errorln("[Reload] Failed to reload; try to roll back configuration")
// Load last config back.
newC, err = newControlPlane(log, obj, dnsCache, conf, externGeoDataDirs)
if err != nil {
"err": err,
}).Fatalln("[Reload] Failed to roll back configuration")
newConf = conf
log.Errorln("[Reload] Last reload failed; rolled back configuration")
} else {
log.Warnln("[Reload] Stopped old control plane")
// Inject bpf objects into the new control plane life-cycle.
// Prepare new context.
oldC := c
c = newC
conf = newConf
reloading = true
// Ready to close.
if abortConnections {
if pprofServer != nil {
pprofServer = nil
if newConf.Global.PprofPort != 0 {
pprofAddr := fmt.Sprintf("localhost:%d", conf.Global.PprofPort)
pprofServer = &http.Server{Addr: pprofAddr, Handler: nil}
go pprofServer.ListenAndServe()
case syscall.SIGHUP:
// Ignore.
log.Infof("Received signal: %v", sig.String())
break loop
defer os.Remove(PidFilePath)
defer control.GetDaeNetns().Close()
if e := c.Close(); e != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("close control plane: %w", e)
return nil
func newControlPlane(log *logrus.Logger, bpf interface{}, dnsCache map[string]*control.DnsCache, conf *config.Config, externGeoDataDirs []string) (c *control.ControlPlane, err error) {
// Deep copy to prevent modification.
conf = deepcopy.Copy(conf).(*config.Config)
/// Get tag -> nodeList mapping.
tagToNodeList := map[string][]string{}
if len(conf.Node) > 0 {
for _, node := range conf.Node {
tagToNodeList[""] = append(tagToNodeList[""], string(node))
// Resolve subscriptions to nodes.
resolvingfailed := false
if !conf.Global.DisableWaitingNetwork && len(conf.Subscription) > 0 {
epo := 5 * time.Second
client := http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (c net.Conn, err error) {
cd := netproxy.ContextDialerConverter{Dialer: direct.SymmetricDirect}
conn, err := cd.DialContext(ctx, common.MagicNetwork("tcp", conf.Global.SoMarkFromDae), addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &netproxy.FakeNetConn{
Conn: conn,
LAddr: nil,
RAddr: nil,
}, nil
Timeout: epo,
log.Infoln("Waiting for network...")
for i := 0; ; i++ {
resp, err := client.Get(CheckNetworkLinks[i%len(CheckNetworkLinks)])
if err != nil {
log.Debugln("CheckNetwork:", err)
var neterr net.Error
if errors.As(err, &neterr) && neterr.Timeout() {
// Do not sleep.
if resp.StatusCode >= 200 && resp.StatusCode < 500 {
log.Infof("Bad status: %v (%v)", resp.Status, resp.StatusCode)
log.Infoln("Network online.")
if len(conf.Subscription) > 0 {
log.Infoln("Fetching subscriptions...")
client := http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{
DialContext: func(ctx context.Context, network, addr string) (c net.Conn, err error) {
cd := netproxy.ContextDialerConverter{Dialer: direct.SymmetricDirect}
conn, err := cd.DialContext(ctx, common.MagicNetwork("tcp", conf.Global.SoMarkFromDae), addr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &netproxy.FakeNetConn{
Conn: conn,
LAddr: nil,
RAddr: nil,
}, nil
Timeout: 30 * time.Second,
for _, sub := range conf.Subscription {
tag, nodes, err := subscription.ResolveSubscription(log, &client, filepath.Dir(cfgFile), string(sub))
if err != nil {
log.Warnf(`failed to resolve subscription "%v": %v`, sub, err)
resolvingfailed = true
if len(nodes) > 0 {
tagToNodeList[tag] = append(tagToNodeList[tag], nodes...)
if len(tagToNodeList) == 0 {
if resolvingfailed {
log.Warnln("No node found because all subscription resolving failed.")
} else {
log.Warnln("No node found.")
if len(conf.Global.LanInterface) == 0 && len(conf.Global.WanInterface) == 0 {
log.Warnln("No interface to bind.")
if err = preprocessWanInterfaceAuto(conf); err != nil {
return nil, err
c, err = control.NewControlPlane(
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Call GC to release memory.
return c, nil
func preprocessWanInterfaceAuto(params *config.Config) error {
// preprocess "auto".
ifs := make([]string, 0, len(params.Global.WanInterface)+2)
for _, ifname := range params.Global.WanInterface {
if ifname == "auto" {
defaultIfs, err := common.GetDefaultIfnames()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to convert 'auto': %w", err)
ifs = append(ifs, defaultIfs...)
} else {
ifs = append(ifs, ifname)
params.Global.WanInterface = common.Deduplicate(ifs)
return nil
func readConfig(cfgFile string) (conf *config.Config, includes []string, err error) {
merger := config.NewMerger(cfgFile)
sections, includes, err := merger.Merge()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if conf, err = config.New(sections); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return conf, includes, nil
func emptyConfig() (conf *config.Config, err error) {
sections, err := config_parser.Parse(`global{} routing{}`)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if conf, err = config.New(sections); err != nil {
return nil, err
return conf, nil
func init() {