From 491406a080307e450dde30b80d4444509ee22eb6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Khue Doan Date: Thu, 10 Feb 2022 19:11:16 +0700 Subject: [PATCH] docs: add detailed steps in provisioning flow --- docs/src/deployment/ | 82 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 82 insertions(+) diff --git a/docs/src/deployment/ b/docs/src/deployment/ index 6200c3e6..e518c1b3 100644 --- a/docs/src/deployment/ +++ b/docs/src/deployment/ @@ -1,5 +1,7 @@ # Provisioning flow +## Overview + ![Provisioning flow](../images/provisioning_flow.png) Everything is automated, after you edit the configuration files, you just need to run a single `make` command and it will: @@ -17,3 +19,83 @@ From now on, ArgoCD will do the rest: - Build the `./system` layer (storage, networking, monitoring, etc) - Build the `./platform` layer (Gitea, Vault, SSO, etc) - Build the `./apps` layer: (Syncthing, Jellyfin, etc) + +## Detailed steps + +Below is the pseudo code for the entire process, you don't have to read it right now, but it will be handy for debugging. + +``` +Human run make: + build ./metal: + install the OS: + download the installer image and extract it + create a PXE server on the controller using Docker Compose: + DHCP server + TFTP server + HTTP server + create init config for each machine + turn the machines on via WoL + the machines boot: + select network boot automatically + broadcast DHCP request + DHCP server reply: + machine IP + TFTP server (next-server) IP + get boot files from TFTP server + GRUB + GRUB config with URL to init config based on MAC address + kernel + initrd + boot to the kernel + download from HTTP server: + init config from the URL in GRUB config + remaining files required to boot + install the OS based on the init config: + configure the system + remaining files required to install + reboot to the new OS + controller see the machines are ready + build a Kubernetes cluster: + download k3s binary + generate cluster token + copy k3s config files + enable k3s service and form a cluster + create KUBECONFIG file + create MetalLB config: + use the last /27 subnet of the network + apply the config + build ./bootstrap: + install ArgoCD: + apply helm chart + wait for status + install root app: + select values file: + if Gitea unreachable (first install): + get data from GitHub + else: + get data from Gitea + apply helm chart + wait for status +ArgoCD apply the rest: + clone git repo + install components based on directories: + ./bootstrap (it manages itself): + argocd + root + ./system: + storage + loadbalancer + ingress + etc + ./platform (depends on ./system): + git: + migrate the homelab repository from GitHub + ArgoCD switch the source from GitHub to Gitea + ci + vault + etc + ./apps (depends on ./system and ./platform): + homepage + jellyfin + etc +```