- name: Bootstrapping the cluster hosts: localhost tasks: - name: Create ArgoCD namespace kubernetes.core.k8s: api_version: v1 kind: Namespace name: argocd state: present - name: Check if this is the first installation kubernetes.core.k8s_info: kind: Pod label_selectors: - app.kubernetes.io/instance=gitea field_selectors: - status.phase=Running register: first_install - name: Render ArgoCD manifests from Helm chart kubernetes.core.helm_template: chart_ref: ./argocd include_crds: true release_name: argocd release_namespace: argocd dependency_update: true values_files: - "argocd/{{ (first_install.resources | length == 0) | ternary('values-seed.yaml', 'values.yaml') }}" register: argocd_manifests - name: Apply ArgoCD manifests kubernetes.core.k8s: resource_definition: "{{ argocd_manifests.stdout }}" apply: true server_side_apply: field_manager: argocd-controller