woodpecker: agent: replicaCount: 2 env: WOODPECKER_BACKEND_K8S_STORAGE_RWX: false # Agents will spawn pods to run workflow steps using the # Kubernetes backend instead of running them directly on # the agent pod, so we can run many workflows per agent. WOODPECKER_MAX_WORKFLOWS: 10 server: env: WOODPECKER_HOST: https://ci.khuedoan.com WOODPECKER_WEBHOOK_HOST: http://woodpecker-server.woodpecker WOODPECKER_GITEA: true WOODPECKER_GITEA_URL: https://git.khuedoan.com WOODPECKER_OPEN: true WOODPECKER_ADMIN: gitea_admin ingress: enabled: true annotations: cert-manager.io/cluster-issuer: letsencrypt-prod ingressClassName: nginx hosts: - host: &host ci.khuedoan.com paths: - path: / tls: - secretName: woodpecker-tls-certificate hosts: - *host