#!/bin/python import os import time import string user = "root" nodes = [ { 'name': 'Node 0', 'mac': '00:23:24:d1:f3:f0', 'ip': '', 'hostname': 'node0.homelab.khuedoan.com' }, { 'name': 'Node 1', 'mac': '00:23:24:d1:f4:d6', 'ip': '', 'hostname': 'node1.homelab.khuedoan.com' }, { 'name': 'Node 2', 'mac': '00:23:24:e7:04:60', 'ip': '', 'hostname': 'node2.homelab.khuedoan.com' }, { 'name': 'Node 3', 'mac': '00:23:24:d1:f5:69', 'ip': '', 'hostname': 'node3.homelab.khuedoan.com' } ] def is_alive(node): return os.system(f"ping -q -c 1 {node['ip']}") == 0 def is_ready(node): return os.system(f"ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {user}@{node['ip']} exit") == 0 def generate_network_config(node): with open('./kickstart/config/00-00-00-00-00-00.ks.template', 'r') as template_file: template = string.Template(template_file.read()) config = template.substitute({ 'NETWORK_DEVICE': 'eno1', 'IP': node['ip'], 'GATEWAY': '', 'NETMASK': '', 'HOSTNAME': node['hostname'], 'DNS1': '', 'DNS2': '' }) with open(f"./kickstart/config/{node['mac'].replace(':', '-')}.ks", 'w') as config_file: config_file.write(config) def poweroff(node): if is_alive(node): print(f"Poweroff {node['name']}") os.system(f"ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {user}@{node['ip']} poweroff") else: print(f"Node {node['name']} is already dead!") def wake(node): os.system(f"wol {node['mac']}") def forget(node): os.system(f"ssh-keygen -R {node['ip']}") os.system(f"ssh-keygen -R {node['hostname']}") # TODO provision nodes with Ansible def provision(node): os.system(f"ssh -q -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no {user}@{node['ip']} '\ yum install -y yum-utils && \ yum-config-manager --add-repo https://download.docker.com/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo && \ yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io && \ yum install -y iscsi-initiator-utils && \ systemctl enable --now docker && \ systemctl enable --now iscsid && \ systemctl disable --now firewalld \ '") if __name__ == "__main__": os.chdir(f"./infra/pxe-server") for node in nodes: generate_network_config(node) os.system(f"docker-compose up -d --build") for node in nodes: poweroff(node) forget(node) time.sleep(10) for node in nodes: wake(node) while not all(is_ready(node) for node in nodes): print("Waiting for all servers to start up...") time.sleep(10) for node in nodes: provision(node) os.system(f"docker-compose down")