# Overview ## Components ``` +--------------+ | ./apps | |--------------| | ./platform | |--------------| +------------+ | ./system |- - - -| ./external | |--------------| +------------+ | ./bootstrap | |--------------| | ./metal | |--------------| | HARDWARE | +--------------+ ``` Main components: - `./metal`: bare metal management, install Linux and Kubernetes - `./bootstrap`: GitOps bootstrap with ArgoCD - `./system`: critical system components for the cluster (load balancer, storage, ingress, operation tools...) - `./platform`: essential components for service hosting platform (git, build runners, dashboards...) - `./apps`: user facing applications - `./external` (optional): externally managed services Support components: - `./tools`: tools container, includes all the tools you'll need - `./docs`: all documentation go here, this will generate a searchable web UI - `./scripts`: scripts to automate common tasks ## Provisioning flow Everything is automated, after you edit the configuration files, you just need to run a single `make` command and it will: - (1) Build the `./metal` layer: - Create an ephemeral, stateless PXE server - Install Linux on all servers in parallel - Build a Kubernetes cluster (based on k3s) - (2) Build the `./bootstrap` layer: - Install ArgoCD - Configure the root app to manage other layers (and also manage itself) From now on, ArgoCD will do the rest: - (3) Build the `./system` layer (storage, networking, monitoring, etc) - (4) Build the `./platform` layer (Gitea, Grafana, SSO, etc) - (5) Build the `./apps` layer: (Syncthing, Jellyfin, etc) ```mermaid flowchart TD subgraph metal[./metal] pxe[PXE Server] -.-> linux[Fedora Server] --> k3s end subgraph bootstrap[./bootstrap] argocd[ArgoCD] --> rootapp[Root app] end subgraph system[./system] metallb[MetalLB] nginx[NGINX] longhorn[Longhorn] cert-manager external-dns[External DNS] cloudflared end subgraph external[./external] letsencrypt[Let's Encrypt] cloudflare[Cloudflare] end letsencrypt -.-> cert-manager cloudflare -.-> cert-manager cloudflare -.-> external-dns cloudflare -.-> cloudflared subgraph platform Gitea Tekton Grafana end subgraph apps jellyfin[Jellyfin] matrix[Matrix] paperless[Paperless] seafile[Seafile] end make[Run make] -- 1 --> metal -- 2 --> bootstrap -. 3 .-> system -. 4 .-> platform -. 5 .-> apps ``` Below is the pseudo code for the entire process, you don't have to read it right now, but it will be handy for debugging. ??? detailed "Detailed provisioning flow" ``` Human run make: build ./metal: install the OS: download the installer image and extract it create a PXE server on the controller using Docker Compose: DHCP server TFTP server HTTP server create init config for each machine turn the machines on via WoL the machines boot: select network boot automatically broadcast DHCP request DHCP server reply: machine IP TFTP server (next-server) IP get boot files from TFTP server GRUB GRUB config with URL to init config based on MAC address kernel initrd boot to the kernel download from HTTP server: init config from the URL in GRUB config remaining files required to boot install the OS based on the init config: configure the system remaining files required to install reboot to the new OS controller see the machines are ready build a Kubernetes cluster: download k3s binary generate cluster token copy k3s config files enable k3s service and form a cluster create KUBECONFIG file create MetalLB config: use the last /27 subnet of the network apply the config build ./bootstrap: install ArgoCD: apply helm chart wait for status install root app: select values file: if Gitea unreachable (first install): get data from GitHub else: get data from Gitea apply helm chart wait for status ArgoCD apply the rest: clone git repo install components based on directories: ./bootstrap (it manages itself): argocd root ./system: storage loadbalancer ingress etc ./platform (depends on ./system): git: migrate the homelab repository from GitHub ArgoCD switch the source from GitHub to Gitea ci dashboards etc ./apps (depends on ./system and ./platform): homepage jellyfin etc ```