- name: Download k3s binary ansible.builtin.get_url: url: https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/releases/download/{{ k3s_version }}/k3s checksum: sha256:https://github.com/k3s-io/k3s/releases/download/{{ k3s_version }}/sha256sum-amd64.txt dest: "{{ role_path }}/files/bin/k3s" mode: 0755 delegate_to: localhost run_once: true register: k3s_binary - name: Copy k3s binary to nodes ansible.builtin.copy: src: bin/k3s dest: /usr/local/bin/k3s owner: root group: root mode: 0755 - name: Ensure config directories exist ansible.builtin.file: path: "{{ item }}" state: directory mode: 0755 loop: - /etc/rancher/k3s - /etc/rancher/node - "{{ k3s_data_dir }}/agent/pod-manifests" - name: Check if k3s token file exists on the first node run_once: true ansible.builtin.stat: path: "{{ k3s_token_file }}" register: k3s_token_file_stat - name: Generate k3s token file on the first node if not exist yet run_once: true when: not k3s_token_file_stat.stat.exists ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ lookup('community.general.random_string', length=32) }}" dest: "{{ k3s_token_file }}" mode: 0600 - name: Get k3s token from the first node run_once: true ansible.builtin.slurp: src: "{{ k3s_token_file }}" register: k3s_token_base64 - name: Ensure all nodes has the same token ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ k3s_token_base64.content | b64decode }}" dest: "{{ k3s_token_file }}" mode: 0600 - name: Copy k3s config files ansible.builtin.template: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" mode: 0644 loop: - src: config.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ k3s_config_file }}" - src: k3s.service.j2 dest: "{{ k3s_service_file }}" - name: Copy kube-vip manifests when: "'masters' in group_names" ansible.builtin.template: src: "{{ item.src }}" dest: "{{ item.dest }}" mode: 0644 loop: - src: kube-vip.yaml.j2 dest: "{{ k3s_data_dir }}/agent/pod-manifests/kube-vip.yaml" - name: Enable k3s service ansible.builtin.systemd: name: k3s enabled: true state: started register: k3s_service until: k3s_service is succeeded retries: 5 - name: Get Kubernetes config file run_once: true ansible.builtin.slurp: src: "{{ k3s_kubeconfig_file }}" register: kubeconfig_base64 - name: Write Kubernetes config file with the correct cluster address ansible.builtin.copy: content: "{{ kubeconfig_base64.content | b64decode | replace('', control_plane_endpoint) }}" dest: "{{ playbook_dir }}/kubeconfig.yaml" mode: 0600 delegate_to: localhost run_once: true